The Weather Happy Holiday The height of disappointment is to be strictly held to a diet over Thanksgiving vacation. May the healthy ones be thankful—happy holiday, students. VOLUME XXXII J_1_ ■”r? UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1930 NUMBER 39 CREECH, MIMNAUGH, ALLEN DEPOSED •A.-_ * _ . . International Week Program Is Completed Third Annual Observance Of Foreign Affairs To Start Tuesday Forum Hours, Assembly, Banquet and Pageant Are Scheduled With some event scheduled for each day in the week beginning next Tuesday, December 2, the di rectorate of International week late yesterday completed plans for the third annual observance of for eign affairs here on the campus. International week will begin with a forum hour in each campus living organization from 6:30 to 7:30 Tuesday evening, with faculty members and townspeople a s speakers. Wednesday morning Dr. G. B. Noble of Reed college, Port land, will be the featured speaker at a general assembly at McAr thur court. Motion pictures of the League of Nations will be shown in the evening at Villard hall. Round Table To Be Held Thursday afternoon, Mary Klemm, assistant northwest secre tary for the National Council for Prevention of War, will conduct a round table discussion at the West minster house on international af fairs. In the evening International house will hold open house with foreign consuls from Portland as guests. The banquet on Friday night will have Burt Brown Barker, vice president of the University, as toastmaster. Foreign students on the campus will be guests of their friends among the student body. The pageant on Saturday in the Gerlinger building will bring the v/eek’s events to a close. Two per formances, one in the afternoon and another in the evening will be presented. Students are asked to sign up with their house representatives for tickets to the banquet, and for eign students will be assigned for each one unless the purchaser has 8 friend whom he particularly wishes to take, according to Cor win Calavan, in charge of all ticket sales. On Tuesday evening the groups of independent men and the inde pendent women will have dinner together at the Y. W. C. A. and hold their discussion hour with Dr. J. R. Wetherbee as speaker. Speakers Chosen Following is a list of forum-hour speakers for the other campus groups: Alpha Chi Omega, N. L. Bossing; Alpha Gamma Delta, Mrs. H. Wheeler; Alpha Delta Pi, Mrs. G. B. Warner; Chi Delta, Mrs. H. E. Knott; Alpha Phi, Mrs. Madden; Alpha Omicron Pi, R. C. Clark; Chi Omega, L. O. Wright; Alpha Xi Delta, S. H. Jameson; Delta Gamma, Dr. George Rebec; Tri (Continued on Page Three) Town Girls May Hold Dance Here WTHETHER to give a danee or ” not during Thanksgiving vacation will be decided at a meeting of the Town Girls’ club this afternoon at 4 o'clock in room 110 Johnson East year members of the or ganization entertained students staying on the campus over the holidays with a dance at the Craftsman’s club. A similar one will be held this year, if the members vote in favor of a dance. All town women are requested to be present by the president, Louise Smartt, since this is the first business meeting of the term. Men Sent Most Warnings From Too Low Grades 295 Males Receive Slips As Compared Willi 93 Women Three times as many men as women were sent grade warnings at mid-term, a report released from the personnel office shows. A total of 295 men received re quests to interview their advisers concerning their work, while only 93 women had grades low enough to necessitate an interview. Grade reports with interview blanks, according to University regulations, are sent to those stu dents who are on scholastic pro bation and have one V or one F, and to those not on scholastic pro bation who have received two or more grades of V or F, or both together. When informed of their grade standing, students are supposed to answer the questions in writing asked on the interview form, de signed to aid their advisers in ana lyzing their difficulties, and then to seek the advisers’ help. After the conference the inter view blanks are returned to the office of the dean of men by men students and to the dean of women by the women. If the blanks are not sent back within a week, the dean of men or women calls in the students and explains to them the importance of consulting their ad visers. List of Advertisers Sent To All House Managers The list of Emerald advertisers, designed to increase response to advertising in the student publica tion, will be sent out to all houses on the campus next Monday, Jack Gregg, advertising manager, an nounced last night. “It is hoped that house managers will consult this list when making purchases, inasmuch as the Emer ald is a publication of the Asso ciated Students and its advertisers should be patronized By them,” Gregg said. Business Ad School Makes Study of Lumber Industry That cyclical fluctuations in | short term interest rates have a direct bearing on the Douglas fir lumber industry is brought out in a research report on “Forecasting l Fluctuations in Demand for Doug las Fir Lumber” now in process of preparation in the school of busi ness administration in its bureau of business research, according to O. K. Burrell, who is now putting on the finishing touches. The original draft is nearly com pleted and will soon be in the hands of officials in the industry for their inspection before it is sent to the printer for official publica tion. According to the report, lower interest rates in the past have called for movement in the Doug las fir industry within a period of five or six months, however, pres ent indications point to a consider able lengthening of this period, r during the depression of 1930, but the powerful stimulus of low inter est rates will undoubtedly assert itself to speed up building con struction. The report also brings out the fact that the Douglas fir industry in the past has been an early mov er so far as the major turning points in the business cycle are concerned and that the general in dustrial activities in the past have been preceded by movements in Douglas fir. It also shows that there is a considerable degree of relationship between fluctuations in the residential construction and agricultural prices and the Doug las fir industry, but that fluctua tions in the Douglas fir industry precede the fluctuations in resi dential construction and agricul tural prices. The report also indicates that | there is no correlation between fluctuations in demand for Douglas fir and volume of new corporate financing, stock prices or bond prices. Promotion of Good Will Their Duty for Week There are six busy days ahead directly after Thanksgiving for this directorate when the third annual International week is scheduled, December 1 to 7. A forum hour in each house, a banquet honoring foreign students, a pageant on Saturday, and a stu dent assembly with Dr. G. B. Noble, of Reed college, as principal speaker, are highlights of the week. The members responsible for the program and plans are, left to right: Charles Gillespie, forum hour; Minnie Helzer, German club; Cal Bryan, general chairman; Michael Haimovitch, International club; Merlin Blais, treasurer; Elizabeth Scruggs, secretary; Kenneth Fitzgerald, publicity assistant; Louise Webber, banquet assistant; James Landye, banquet chairman; Alexis Lyle, A. W. S.; Edna Spenker, Cosmopolitan club; Lavina Hicks, forum hour assistant; Alice Redetzke, Westminster Guild; Isabelle Crowell, tickets; George Root, publicity chairman; Joan Cox, publicity assistant, and Walter Meyers, adviser. Mildred McGee (not in the picture) Is program chairman and has made all arrange ments for speakers during the week. $1500 Fellowship Offered to Those Studying German Students To Sail To Europe August 1 To Pursue Work in Field A fellowship of $1,500, open to both men and women is offered by the directors of the Germanistic Society of America, for an Ameri can Student who contemplates studying some phase of German civilization at a German univer sity, according to material receiv ed from the Institute of Interna tional Education. In order to be eligible for this fellowship the candidate must be a citizen of the United States, 'a graduate of a college of recognized standing, he must have pursued advanced studies in one or move of the following aspects of German civilization: German architecture, art, history and government, liter ature and language or German philosophy. The award will be made about March 1 and an applicant who ac cepts the award of the fellowship will be expected to sail for Europe on or about August 1. Payments of the fellowship will be made in three installments. A fellow, unless already so pro ficient in the language as to be exempted from the requirement by the secretary, will be required to devote the first summer to the stu dy and practice of oral German, and shall give the secretary a cer tificate of proficiency. He will be required to pursue work in the field of study desig nated on his award, but will not be held responsible to the direc tors for taking any specific cours es or achieving any specific re sults. The secretary of the Germanis tic Society is Frederick W. J. Heu ser at Columbia university, New York City, N. Y. Dr. Caswell Has Doubts if ‘Last Laugh’ Will Stay Up “I have my very serious doubts whether the “Last Laugh” will ever fly,” said Dr. A. E. Caswell, professor of physics, when asked for his opinion of the air worthi ness of the strange craft being tried out at the local airport. “If the inventor had really car ried out an entirely new idea, as i did Count Zeppelin when he de signed dirigibles, or as the Span ish inventor of the autogiro did. instead of merely remodeling an airplane body which has been con stantly perfected by corps of men who have spent their lives in the study of aeronautics, there would ; be more chance of his success. “The inventor has, obviously, ■ comparatively little knowledge of aeronautics, and his creation vio lates several laws of flight. Then the very name of the thing sounds I dubious—‘Last Laugh.’ ” Business Brisker, Boys Buy Black Sooty-Shaded Shirts Some ten years ago a broad shouldered, heavy-chested gentle man, clad somewhat ostentatious ly in a black shirt marched down from the hills (or was it up from the plains ? ) into Rome. This gen tleman, a blacksmith of some re pute in his home town, carried as a weapon, a club, as a badge, the black shirt; and when Rome awoke next morning the papers were car rying headlines something like this, “Local Boy Makes Good in Rome.” i But all of this is beside the point. What we are getting at is this. Af ter ten years of comparative peace and quiet, here some 15,000 miles to the westward the black shirt shirt has again made its appear ance. First, it was noticed on the back of a rather isignificant-look ing sophomore and not more than nominal comment was excited. But hark ye! If conditions keep up we can visualize the campus philoso phers philosophizing, the student affairs committee holding regular meetings and the Emerald editor wasting reams of paper in an ef fort to produce an editorial to deal adequately with the situation. Is the campus going fascist ? Is the “Gentleman of the Shirt” ex erting his influence over land and sea to the campus of the Univer sity of Oregon? Any day now we expect to see some enterprising in dividual marching down 13th street chest out, chin in, the right arm extended above the head with the palm to the fore—and then—the black shirt will reign supreme. Why even the merchants of town are failing us in the crisis. They advertise it, even in the Emerald. “Buy your term shirt now, and save on your laundry bill.” Faculty Members Attend Institute Seventeen Counties Visited By Institute Participants Oregon faculty members partici pated in County Teachers’ Insti tute meetings in 17 counties of the 1 state during the months of Septem ber, October, and November. The counties visited were: Ba ke?, Clackamas, Curry, Douglas, Grant, Harney, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Lane, Lincoln, Marion, Polk, Union, Washington, and Yamhill. Professor W. G. Beattie, assist ant director of the extension divis ion appeared on the program in eight different counties. H. D. Sheldon, dean of the school of edu cation addresses institutes in Lane, Lincoln, Marion, and Washington counties. F. L. Stetson, professor of education, Harold L. Tuttle, as sociate professor of education, Nowland E. Zane, associate profes sor of design, and B. W. DeBusk, professor of education, were other institute speakers. Sweetser Will Give Talk Before Audubon Society “What’s in a name and how do you get it?” is the subject upon which Dr. A. Ft. Sweetser, head of the department of plant biology, v/ill lecture before the Audubon society in Portland Friday evening. Dr. Sweetser will discuss the work of naturalists in the Pacific Northwest and something of tue work that these men have accom - plished in the scientific field. Library Open The law library will be open dur ing Thanksgiving vacation as ' usual, except Thursday, Novem ' ber 27, when it will be open from 2 p m. to 10 p. m. only. Scout Leadership Course Planned Training Offered Oregon Men Students on Friday A scout leadership training course will be offered Oregon men students interested in boys’ work in a series of eight lectures spon sored by the Eugene Boy Scout of fices, according to H. B. Sallee, scout executive here, who is work ing under the supervision of Vic tor P. Morris, chairman of the leadership training committee. The course will open Friday at 7:45 p. m. in the chamber of com merce building on West Broadway, and all lectures will be held at the same hour and place on succeeding Fridays n December and January. The course will end January 16 with an outdoor meeting at Camp Lucky Boy. Rev. Weber of Eugene will lec ture P'riday on "The Volunteer.’’ Physical and mental nature of the 12-year-old boy, the significance of oath and law, discussion of tender foot tests, and importance of in vestiture service will be other top ics covered at the first meeting. L. S. Cresman, professor of so ciology, will talk on "The Gang - Why—Danger and Advantages," on December 12. Other topics will be listed later. Men attending the leadership training course may obtain a cer tificate at the end of two months’ period if they so desire, according to the scout leaders. Faville To Confer Dean Faville of the school of business administration, will leave for Portland today where he will (confer with R. H. Kipp, manager 1 of the Columbia Valley Develop ment association, concerning the traffic research being carried on by the bureau of research of thj j school of business administration. Debaters Chosen In Annual Tryouts For Varsity Team Eighteen Men Selected by Competitive Exam For Squad Eighteen men, the majority of [ whom are sophomores, were cho sen last night to make up the var sity debate squad, as a result of the tryouts held in Villard hall. Newcomers to the squad are Neil Sheeley, Charles Jones, Hobart Wilson, Charles Yoshii, Charles Dolloff, Leslie Whitehouse, John King, Charles Roberts, Rolla Ree dy, Marl Liles, Robert Gamer, and Cecil Espy. Six members of the squad who were on last year’s team and will continue this year are Arthur Pot win, Walter Evans, Roger Pfaff, Errol Sloan, Robert T. Miller, and Wallace Campbell. The contestants talked for six minutes on either side of the ques tion, “Resolved, that the United States should gradually lower its tariff so as to adopt a policy of free trade in 2 years.” Aboia in equal number of speak ers chose each side. Those on the affirmative maintained that free trade would promote more of a feeling of good will among the na tions of the world, while the nega tive maintained that our infant in dustries would be destroyed and our prosperity ruined if we adopted a policy of free trade. Dr. Ralph C. Hoeber, head of the speech division, and Eugene Laird, assistant in the department of speech, acted as judges. A large debate squad will be used this year as a greater list of home debates are scheduled. The squad will begin work immediately on the questions of free trade, pro hibition, and chain stores. Towards the latter part of Feb ruary, two delegates will be sent north to debate with the Univer sity of Washington, Washington State, University of Idaho, Univer sity of Montana, and Whitman. — Vacation Finds Decrease Of Students in Infirmary With the approach of the Thanksgiving holidays the infirm ary has a slight decrease in the i number of its patients. There were six patients registered there yes terday, and a few of these are ex 1 pected to leave tomorrow. Most of the confinements are caused by i colds. The students now confined to i the care of the University health service are: Margaret Cummings, Carol Johnson, Virgil LaClaire, Lloyd Brough, Donald McClintock, and Albert Tuch. Alums Visit Dorothy Thompson, '29, and Viv ian Pesola, '28, were guests of Zeta Tau Alpha over the week-end. Rally Leaders Lose Right To Participate In Student Activities Action Which Is Taken by Executive Council Removes Yell King, Rally Committee Chairman Anil Emerald Managing Editor Exorcising authority as the supreme executive body of the associated students of the University of Oregon, the executive council last night suspended three students, John Creech, Hrian Mimnaugh, and Robert Allen, from participation in all activi ties for one term after their implication in the incitation of a rally disrupting Friday morning classes preceding the Orogon Oregon State football game. Action was brought about by the executive council upon recommendation to the student advisory committee that such misdemeanors as may come directly under the supervision of I Willis Duniway Managing Editor Of Daily Emerald Staff Member Succeeds Allen, Removed by Executive Council Willis Duniway, editorial writer on the Emerald staff, was appoint ed by Vinton Hall, editor, last night to succeed Robert Allen as manag ing editor of the Emerald. Allen was forced to vacate his position by action of the executive council. Duniway is a junior in the school of journalism. He has risen rapidly ly in the ranks of the Emerald since his freshman year when he started as a reporter. Throughout all last year he held a position as day editor, and was promoted to the editorial staff at the end of the spring term. The new managing editor, who goes by the name of “Bill” around the Journalism shack, is from Portland. He is a member of Sig ma Delta Chi, professional journal ism fraternity, and is campus cor lespondent for the Portland News. Mary Klcmm Is Member War Prevention Society Hiss Mary Klemm, U. of O., '30, at present associate secretary of the northwest office of the Nation al Council for Prevention of War, was in Eugene yesterday, speak ing before the Eugene and Uni versity high schools. Miss Klemm has just recently re turned from Washington, D. C., where she attended a national conference of the organization with which she is affiliated. She has been traveling in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, address ing schools, business and profes sional clubs, and civic bodies. Her headquarters are in Portland. Miss Klemm is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Rho, na tional public speaking honorary, and Theta Sigma Phi, woman’s journalistic honorary. .the association of students be han dled by the supreme body of the organization. The affair was pri marily placed in th6 hands of the student advisory committee, a group composed entirely of faculty members, which has previously dealt with student violations. By such suspension from activi ties John Creech will no longer hold his position as yell king. Brian Mimnaugh is removed from chairmanship of the rally commit tee, and Bob Allen will lose privi leges of acting as managing editor of the Oregon Daily Emerald, ac cording to the edict of the execu tive council. Creech and Mim naugh were held to be chief insti gators of the Friday morning rally which disturbed the regular routine of the University educa tional program. Allen, as manag ing editor, unofficially tendered his support to the rally by print ing material in that morning’s issue- which was said to have had an encouraging effect upon the rallying students. “A gentleman’s agreemen t,” stated George Cherry, president of the student body, regarding the action taken by the executive council, “incorporated in the A. S. U. O. constitution and exercised only the night before, has been violated by those acting in the name of the association. The stu dent relations committee and ex ecutive council have acted for the best interests of student govern ment in placing the men on one term activity probation. “An organization,’’ he continued, "cannot live long or accomplish its purpose if it sets up standards and conforms to them only at will. Student government is not univer sal. If we are to enjoy its bene fits and yet, in so doing, prove ourselves worthy of the trust which every Oregon student prizes, it is imperative, obviously, that the group standards set up in the constitution be the standards of every individual and respected as such.’’ Incorporated in the decision handed down by the council is a clause that the student removed (Continued on Page Three) Caswell Gives Six Reasons Why Saturday Classes Fail Approximately six reasons for the evident failure of Saturday classes have been ascribed by Dr. A. E. Caswell, professor of physics, who conducted the survey last week which indicated that they are not achieving their object. Natural resistance on the part ot the students is given as one of the chief reasons. The fact that Saturday classes are an innovation and consequently meet with some disapproval is also assigned as a cause. Quite a few students work in local stores and, inasmuch as Saturday is rush day for the tradesmen, numerous students are thus drawn away from the classes held on this day, according to Dr. Caswell. Some of the professors like to leave over the week-end and class es on Saturday cause them incon venience. Similarly it is nearly im possible for some of the professors who have classes in the Portland extension school to get back on time for their classes here, Dr. Caswell said. Saturday is also the most logical day for geology field trips and the like and classes on that day interfere, he added. “It should be possible for a stu dent either to get an even distri bution of classes throughout the week including Saturday, or to get a schedule which does not compel him to take classes on that day,” he said. "As it is, the classes are divided into two groups, one meeting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days, and one meeting on Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturdays. An avoidance of Saturday classes causes a dropping off in the at tendance for the other two days, thus not only making Saturday classes fail in their purpose but also resulting in a piling up on the other days, causing inconvenience.