Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 21, 1930, Image 1

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    We congratulate the students on
their general good behavior and
conduct while in Portland. We ap
preciated the hospitality of the
Portlanders and hope that again
Oregon may stage a demonstra
tion of spirit and football prowess
iD that city.
Business Staff
For Emerald
Is Announced
ltrockman Named Assistant
To Peterson; Gregg
Adv. Manager
Larry Jackgon Will Head
Foreign Advertising
The complete business staff of
the Emerald for the year 1930-31
has just been announced by Anton
Tony Peterson
Peterson, busi
ness manager.
chooses as his as
sistant Addi son
Brockman, who
for the last three
years has been
connected with
the sales organi
zation of the
Emerald and was
an executive on
the paper last
Jack Gregg, junior in journalism
and last year’s advertising assist
ant, was announced as the adver
tising manager for the coming
year. Larry Jackson, senior in
business administration and for
mer circulation manager, is this
year’s foreign advertising man
' ager. Both Gregg and Jackson
have been members of the staff
for the past three years.
Ken Siegrist was advanced from
assistant circulation manager, the
post he held last year, to circula
tion manager. Siegrist is a senior
in the school of economics.
John Painton was announced ad
office manager. He is a senior in
business administration and has
had two years’ experience on the
sales staff. Betty Carpenter will
handle women’s specialties this
year. She was manager of the
^ copy department formerly and is
a junior in journalism.
“Sez Sue,” the specialty adver
tising department, will be under
the direction of Harriett Hoff
man, who worked in that depart
ment last year. She will be as
sisted by Katherine Laughridge.
Carol Werschkul, who last year
won a prize for being the most
conscientious office girl on the
staff, has been appointed executive
secretary. She is a junior in jour
Ned Mars, sophomore in jour
nalism, was selected as copy man
ager. Mars was last year a mem
ber of the copy staff. He has
completely reorganized the staff
for this year.
Mae Mulchay has been selected
for assistant foreign advertising
manager; Edith Peterson for fi
nancial administrator; Larry Bay,
assistant circulation manager; Bob
Goodrich, circulation manager, and
t Marie Nelson, checking depart
Office assistants are: Marjorie
Bass, Joan Cox, Jean McCroskey,
Edith Peterson, Virginia Frost,
Rosalie Commons, Virginia Smith,
Ruth Durland, Mary Lou Patrick,
and Carolyn Trimble.
Gwendolyn Wheeler, Marjorie
Painton, Guy Stoddard, George
Turner, and Katherine Frentzel
(Continued on Page Two)
Rally Dance
’-luge Washout
IIC .any houses received
tne bis news over the
phone yesterday, “Come up to
the Igloo this afternoon, and
dance with the crowd of vic
tory-mad rooters”?
Such was the word, but not
the deed. Several hundred rally
wearied students trod their
tiresome way up University,
expecting a pleasant afternoon
of dancing, away from studies
and other duties.
Fine so far, but the joker was
that no orehestra appeared. The
mysterious phone calls could
not be traced. Mimnaugh eould
not be found. The thing was a
Many doubted the seriousness
of the student rally attempted
earlier in the morning. This
doubting turned into certainty
when the rally danee for which
Dean Biggs had granted per
mission became a flop.
Socialism Topic
Of Albert Streiff
In Talk to Class
Party Does Not Advocate
Immediate Changes
In Government
“Why should the .working man
pay 10 cents a loaf for bread that
costs 3 cents to make ? Why
should we pay $12 for a pair , of
shoes costing $3 to manufacture ?
Why should one pay $25 for a suit
of clothes which the textile man
ufacturer produces for $8, or why
should the business man pay 8 per
cent for money which the state
of Oregon can afford to loan to
rich bankers at 2 per cent, or in
some cases even, for nothing?
Why should all these things be?
Are they just?” asked Albert
Streiff, gubernatorial candidate of
the Socialist party, in addressing
Dean Eric W. Allen’s editing class
yesterday morning.
“Socialism,” said the speaker,
"is the public or social ownership
by all the people, as opposed to
private ownership, of the tools of
production and distribution.”
Streiff stated that it was not
the aim of the Socialist party to
overthrow suddenly the present so
cial system, but rather to incor
porate a few of the party’s planks
until gradually a complete state
of socialism exists.
Among ideas of the party Streiff
outlined plans for a state bank
which would handle state funds
and make on short term notes
loans direct to business men, un
employment insurance as a direct
tax on industry, a graduate income
tax with exemptions up to $5,000
a year, an inheritance tax, state
owned insurance, old age insur
ance, and an increase in compensa
tion awards.
“The prosperity of any commun
ity depends upon the purchasing
power of the people within that
community,” said Streiff while
pointing out the fact that eastern
insurance companies each year
take from the state of Oregon
some $40,000,000 of which only
$20,000,000 is returned. In other
words, he said, the big eastern
“wise monkeys" take out two dol
lars for every dollar they put in.
Old Rock Near McClure Hall
Has Historical Background
Only a rock, minute as moun
tains go, yet its story might rival
the tales that go with towering
peaks. The stone rests under a
low green tree on the left of the
sloping path that leads to Elev
enth street from Deady. Associat
ed with the stone is a mountain
tragedy and a campus building,
McClure hall.
It is said to have been brought
here from the spot on Mt. Rainier
where Prof. S. E. McClure, science
instructor in the University of Ore
gon, fell to his death in the sum
mer of 1898. McClure hall, where
part of the science department of
the University is located, was
named after Professor McClure.
On the rock the figures 1898 are
Prof. McClure was climbing the
, mountain with a party of Mazam
T as, a national hiking club. The
first day the group hiked to where
they were going to stay for the
night, and then continue the trip
to the peak the next morning.
Several of the climbers, including
Prof. McClure, went farther up the
trail to establish another camp.
For some reason, the story goes,
Prof. McClure with a companion
started to return after dark to the
: first camp. The way was treach
erous in the day time and even
more so at night. Failing to no
tice one of the sharp turns, the
professor slipped from the trail,
falling down a high bluff to a
creek bed, where it is supposed he
died almost immediately. The com
panion found his way back to the
larger party. If the professor had
fallen into a crevasse, it would
have been almost impossible to
iescue him; but as it was a creek
bed, as soon as it was light the
next morning, they walked up the
creek and rescued the body.
Song Contest
To Start Soon
Sororities To Have Sextets;
Fraternities Will Enter
Two Cups To Be Awarded
To Winning Living
Sorority “trios" and fraternity
"quartets" are to be lifted from
the status of half-hearted ama
teurism and diverting novelties
they have usually occupied on this
campus and placed on a sincerely
musical basis through the medium
of a new intramural song compe
tition which is to be introduced
this year under the auspices of the
University Polyphonic choir.
Two silver loving cups are the
prizes which members of the choir,
working under their leader, Ar
thur Boardman, are to offer for
the best house vocal ensembles in
competition next May. Any rec
ognized living group on the cam
pus is eligible to compete. One
of the cups will be given to the
women’s group adjudged to have
the best sextet vocal ensemble;
the other to the men’s group hav
ing the best quartet.
Will Promote Singing
“We are promoting this compe
tition to encourage the develop
ment of intelligent part singing
among Oregon students,” Mr.
Boardman said in explaining the
details of the contest. “The con
test is being announced six months
in advance in order that organiza
tions planning to compete may
have plenty of time to pick and
train their best vocal ensembles.”
At present there are a number
of house ensembles on the campus,
a few of them having appeared in
radio programs over the “Emer
ald of the Air” programs. More
are expected to be formed for the
competition, for in Boardman’s
opinion every living group of 40
to 50 members has ample talent
to compose a respectable singing
Deadline Announced
February first is the deadline
set for registration in the contest.
By that date every group entering
must have the names of its repre
sentatives registered with the gov
ernors of the contest, who this
year are Dean John J. Landsbury,
Arthur Boardman, and Mrs. Anne
Landsbury Beck, all of the school
of music.
Each trophy will be in compe
tition until some one organization
has won it three times, when it
shall retain it permanently.
Singers Must Register
The women's organizations will
be required to register the names
of six singers and three alternates,
and the men’s entrants must list
four singers and four alternates.
No one may compete in the finals
who was not registered either as a
singer or an alternate originally.
A judge for the contest will be
selected by the board of governors.
He or she will not be connected
with the University.
The numbers to be sung in the
contest will be selected by the gov
ernors, made public at the begin
ning of the winter term, and des
ignated to be sung either with or
without accompaniment.
Dr. Cressman Teaches
For Extension Division
Dr. L. S. Cressman, professor of
sociology, is teaching in Silverton
each Wednesday evening on “An
thropology." This class, which is
part of the extension division ser
vice, is attended by about 25, and
lasts two hours.
Wnter term, Dr. Cressman will
have a class in Silverton on "Immi
gration and Assimilation,” and
spring term he will teach “Social
Moroni Olsen Players
Make Last Appearance
The Moroni Olsen players will
appear in “The Ship” at the Heilig
theatre Tuesday, October 28. They
are a.t present on their farewell
tour, preceding their disbandment,
and this will be the last chance for
Eugene to see these players.
The tickets, which may be pro
cured at McMorran and Wash
burne’s, are being sold by the Eu
gene Business and Professional
Women's club.
These Students Have Taking Ways
The University of Oregon has organized what is believed to be the first class in “camera report
ing,” with 23 students enrolled. They are, upper picture, left to right: Art Markowitz, Portland; Helen
Rankin, Newberg; Eleanor Henry, Eugene; George Erickson, Clatskanie; Dorothy Thomas, Portland; Roy
Craft, Eugene; Edgar Montgomery, Eugene; Margherita Hay, Portland; Francis Mullins, Eugene; Eu
gene Mullins, Eugene; Jay Sehorn, Willows., Cal.; Eleanor June Ballentyne, Silverton. Lower picture:
Beatrice Bennett, Silverton; Nicholas Costosa, Eugene; Mrs. Willetta Miller Hartley, Eugene; Willis
Duniway, Portland; Thornton Gale, Bandon; Glen Godfrey, Eugene; George Thompson, Oakland, Calif.;
and Bob Allen, Eugene.
Debate Tryouts
Will Be Held This
Evening at 7:30
English Team Will Oppose
Students Selected
From Group
Tryouts which will determine
the two men from the original
men’s debate team who will rep
resent the University of Oregon
in the debate against the National
Students Union of England on No
vember 12, will be held tonight
at 7:30 in 105 Commerce building.
Arthur Potwin, Errol Sloan,
Robert Miller, and Roger Pfaff,
members of the original men’s de
bate squad, are entered in the try
outs and will debate on the ques
tion, “Resolved: That the world
has more to fear than to hope
from the further development of
the machine.’’ Two of these men
will debate against a team of the
National Students Union of Eng
land on the negative of the same
Hobart Wilson, general man
ager of forensics, has announced
that the judges for the tryout will
be Dean James H. Gilbert, Wayne
L. Morse, and S. Stephenson
Smith. Constructive speeches to
be given in the tryout are to be
ten minutes in length. Refutation
speeches are to be five minutes in
length, and the judges of the de
bate are to have the opportunity
to question the debators on their
constructive speeches or on any
phase of the question.
Arthur Potwin won the state
extemporaneous speech contest,
the State Peace Oratorical con
test, and the Jewett prize for ex
temporaneous speech in his soph
omore year. Mr. Potwin has also
debated on the freshman debate
team and last year was a member
of the varsity debate team. His
outstanding debate was the defeat
of the debate team of the Uni
versity of Hawaii.
Errol Sloan is the president of
Delta Sigma Rho and has been a
member of the varsity debate
team for three years. Mr. Sloan
has won the Pacific Coast extem
poraneous speech contest for two
The junior manager of men’s
debate is Robert Miller, who has
held this position for the past two
years. Mr. Miller is a member of
the varsity debate team and de
bated last year against Pacific
The State Old Line contest and
the Jewett prize for after-dinner
speech were won by Mr. Pfaff.
Mr. Pfaff was a member of the
men’s varsity debate team last
year but because of illness was
unable to debate.
Boys Fall From
Rooter’s Section
LONG pass brought down
the house, or at any rate
brought down the top row of
the Oregon rooters’ section, at
the game Saturday. The ex
citement brought the stands to
their feet and upon sitting down
four boys fell through to the
cement below.
Dick Gordon fractured his
arm in three places and was
carried from the stadium to the
Good Samaritan hospital. The
other three escaped with bruis
Dick, who is a member of
| Delta Tau Delta and a graduate
| of the class of 1927, sprained his
[ ankle, exactly a year previous
at the Idaho game.
Get Few Electives
' Dr. Nilson Explains Higher
Education in Sweden
The organization of higher edu
cation in Sweden is quite different
from in the United States, accord
ing to Dr. Sven Nilson, new in
structor in philosophy, who came
to America from Sweden in 1921.
“The colleges there come be
: tween the high schools and uni
versities. The universities are the
graduate schools. The students
in the Swedish colleges have few
elective courses, the college educa
tion being a more general educa
tion than here,’’ Dr. Nilson said.
Asked concerning the practica
; bility of the courses taught in
] Sweden, he said that depend
ed on the interests of the student.
| There are courses for the practical
I minded, as well as courses to meet
the cultural need, he said.
“The four principal universities,"
Dr. Nilson said, “are fhe universi
ties at Upsula, Lund, Stockholm,
and Gothenburg. The universities
are divided into four faculties:
medicine, theology, law, and phil
osophy. The philosophy faculty in
cludes all of the liberal arts. The
colleges are divided into the classi
cal and scientific branches, while
the classical branch is divided for
those students who take Greek,
| and those who do not.
Dr. Nilson graduated from the
University of Minnesota in 1925,
received from Cornell his master’s
degree in 1927 and his Ph.D. in
1929. Last year he taught philoso
j phy at the University of Minne
j Swedish Students
Psychology Prof
Proves Biology
Is Taught Wrong
Experiments Show Pupils
Learn Faster If Not
Forced to Art
Tire time - honored belief in
teaching plant biology, that stu
dents would learn much faster if
they made drawings of laboratory
specimens, appears to be conclu-.
sively upset, in a research experi
ment in teaching made last year
by Miss Laurene Taylor, instruc
tor in plant biology at the Univer
sity of Oregon. Miss Taylor's
findings were published in detail
in “School and Society," a maga
zine circulated nationally from
New York, and the article has at
tracted considerable attention from
Miss Taylor conducted a con
trolled experiment in a class of
200 freshmen students in plant bi
ology. The class was divided, and
one section carried on work along
the time-honored lines of making
drawings themselves from the
specimens studied. The other sec
tion was given carefully stenciled
mimeographed drawings, and were
merely instructed to attach the
proper labels.
Where students were paired ac
cording to mental ability the test
showed an increase in achieve
ment of 5.7 per cent with a prob
able error of .6 in favor of those
who did not make the drawings.
Students paired under three indi
vidual assistants who helped Miss
Taylor in the experiment showed
increases of 8.8, 11.9 and 14.1, all
in favor of the students who did
not make drawings.
Miss Taylor does not attempt to
generalize and say that the experi
ment shows it would, be advisable
to use prepared drawings in ad
vanced laboratory classes, but
points out that the ready-made
drawing system might be incorpo
rated with value into the teaching
employed in survey courses in ele
mentary plant biology.
Iowa Dean Honored at
Faculty Club Luncheon
Dr. Carl Seashore, who was a
visitor on the campus Sunday and
Monday, was honored with a no
host luncheon at the Faculty club
A group of 40 were present to
meet Dr. Seashore, who is dean of
the graduate school at the Univer
sity of Iowa and head of the psy
chology department.
After the luncheon an informal
discussion on the psychology of
music was held. Dr. Seashore is
i widely-known for his work in this
Piggers’ Guide Is
Disguised In Red
last the Piggers (inkle Is'
out. Placed on sale at the
Co-op last night, the student di
rectory made its appearance a
full month earlier than it has in
At first glance one might
mistake the new directory for
tlie fatal “Kcd Book,” hut this
bright red cover contains some
4,500 names of faculty mem
bers, students, and graduate
students, ulong witli home und
local addresses and phone num
bers of each person whose name
ap|iears in the book. It also con
tains addresses and phone num
bers of Eugene business houses
most used by Oregon students.
The student directory sells for
25 cents at the Co-op, and the
graduate manager’s office.
Oregon Dads Will
Flock to Campus
For Annual Affair
500 Fathers Give Promise
Of Attending Yearly
Over 500 Dads, so far, have
promised to attend the big Dad's
day celebration on October 25.
These figures come as the result
of a check-up last night by Fred
Hellberg and Wallace Baker, in
charge of publicity in living or
This does not include six houses
and two halls, from whom reports
have not yet been received. It is
expected by Bob Miller, chairman
of campus advertising for the
event, that the original goal of
600 Dads will be far exceeded by
the time the final registration fig
ures are checked.
"There are several houses, how
ever,” said Miller, “who to date have
made a very poor showing. There
are still four days left to write
home to your Dad and invite him
down. Statistics so far show that
all organizations are running ap
proximately even in the number of
Dads expected and the addition of
one more Dad may win the cup or
coffee service.”
Besides the football game with
the shifty Idaho team, boxing,
wrestling exhibitions and other
features are being planned. Organ
izations are being urged to arrange
some special entertainment in hon
or of the Dads during their visit
Downtown Eugene will be gaily
decorated in honor of the occasion
as a result of plans completed last
night. Twelve business houses will
teature their windows with a
Dad's day motif. They are McMor
ran and Washburne, DeNeffes,
Wade Brothers, Paul D. Green,
Raup’s Flower Shop, Skies' Jewel
ry Store, Laraway Jewelry Store,
Bristow's Jewelry Store, Hender
shott’s Gun Store, Graham’s Shoe
Store, and Coe Stationery Com
Bahia, Brazil, built in two sec
tions, at the foot and at the top
of a tall cliff, has installed two
American elevators for the 10,000
people who daily climb up and
down the cliff.
Oregon’s Prize
Sigma Nu Siren
Goes To Seattle
Screeching Siren Screams
Too Much So Huskies
Squelch It
Yale, Cornell Gra<ls Get It
First Then Bow Down
To Washington
XJniversity of Washington, Oct.
20, 1930.— (Special to the Emer
ald.)- Because the coveted Oregon
Sigma Nu siren has done too much
screeching at Oregon-Washington
games of late, Washington stu
dents made up their minds it
would screech no more.
Today it is resting serenly
alongside the Oregon drum-trophy
which has been in the possession
of Washington students so long
that even Oregonians have forgot
ten about it—in a safe deposit box
in a Seattle bank.
Girton Viereck, A. S. U. W.
president, placed the siren in its
Washington hiding place today
following its capture in Portland
Friday night.
“The Sigma Nu siren may be
just a house trophy, but to us it’s
an Oregon prize,” Viereck said.
The siren was captured last
year at the Oregon game played
here, but was returned when the
A. S. U. W. decided that a home
game was no place to capture a
Cornell and Yale graduates
made the first capture of the siren
Friday night. They took it from
the room in a Portland hotel
where the Oregon guards had it
When Washington students
learned of the capture a raiding
party was organized and the prize
possession of the Sigma Nus was
taken, this time to be hidden in a
Portland home. Late Saturday it
was brought to Seattle by car.
University Girl
In Auto Wreck
Accidents Over Week-eml
Put Few in Infirmary
While returning from the foot
ball game at Portland, Alvhild
Erickson, Rainier, Wash., fresh
man in music, suffered a badly
crushed hand, when the machine
in which she was riding collided
with another automobile near Lone
Pine, Sunday evening. The other
| passengers were uninjured.
This was the only week-end cas
ualty officially reported to the in
i firmary as the result of automo
| bile accidents. However, Virgil
| La Claire, Alpha hall, junior in
! pre-medics, was brought to the in
firmary yesterday with a broken
leg which he sustained when he
slipped and fell in the dining room
of the new dormitory.
Others confined to the infirm
ary are:
Paul Beall, Margaret Ormandy,
Rose Smith, Carl Stutsman, Car
ter Boggs, Harold Johnson, Robert
j Fury, Wallace Hug, and Charles
! Marshall.
Letter From Barnes Tells
A bout Canadian University
Although busy with his book on
the Russian revolution, Walter C.
Barnes, history professor at the
University of Oregon who is at
present on sabbatical leave, finds
time to write an interesting letter
to his many friends on the campus.
Professor Barnes is now at Fiem
ington, N. J., with his wife and
daughter, and plans to visit Caro
lina during the winter months and
then to sail for Europe in the
Flemington, N. J., Oct. 6, 1930.
To the Editor of the Emerald.
Dear Sir:
French Canada is a real exper
ience and might make a long story.
Oregon students, however, would
be especially interested in Laval
university, Quebec. It has sharp
contrast with Oregon.
Laval is a university of some
600 men; it has also a preparatory
department and an Ecole Normale.
The university students are uni
formly dressed in caps trimmed
with green and three-quarter coats
of black serge with green sashes.
(In Quebec even little school chil
dren follow the French custom and
wear dark uniforms.) Through the
kindness of a student, I reached
what seemed to be the liberal arts
building just as the caretaker was
about to take three or four French
Canadians through the building. I
joined the party and expected to
find a college quite absorbed in
religion and literature; I was sur
prised to be conducted for some
half block between cases and cases
of physical apparatus and to find
a chemical equipment almost as
elaborate, plus the smells. The
building also contained a large mu
seum full of artistically placed
specimens of deer, lions, sharks,
bears, moose, reindeer, prehistoric
bones, and hundreds of varieties of
plans, all together making a pain
(Continued on Tage Four)