Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 17, 1930, Image 1

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    Be At Rally
It is your duty to boost Oregon
—show the Portlanders that you
heartily appreciate their spirit by
making tonight's rally the great
est any city has ever witnessed.
- . t- _______
2,000 DuckA
Migrate North
To See Game
Rose City Will Be Invaded
By Football Madness;
It’s Contagious
Student Special Will Leave
At 3:30 p. m. Today;
All Aboard!
Ey automobiles and special
trains, more than 2,000 Oregon
rooters will invade an already
Van Dine
football- mad
| Portland today,
I and with two
p rousing ral 1 i e s
| will turn the city
1 upside down with
I grid enthusiasm.
| The first Web
I foot rally will be
held at 8 o’clock
| tonight on the
| Sixth street side
I of the Portland
| hotel and up
wards of 40,000
Portlanders will
be present to witness the display
of Oregon spirit, according to
members of the student rally di
rectorate and Aaron M. Frank,
honorary chairman.
Special To Leave at 3:80
A student special train leaving
the campus at 3:30 p. m., will ar
rive at the Union station Portland
at 7:30 o'clock and will be met by
the University band and yell staff.
Rooters will go up Sixth street to
Ankeny where a serpentine will be
formed behind trucks loaded with
many types of noise-makers and
as many fire engines as the city
can spare.
The serpentine will meet the
rest of the Oregon rooters in front
of the Portland hotel for the first
outburst of football enthusiasm.
Johnny Creech, yell king, and Kel
sey Slocum and Eddie Wells, his
assistants, will lead the demonstra
tion. Brian Mimnaugh, rally chair
man, and members of his com
mittee will be on deck to see that
everything clicks.
Rally Will Be Brief
“The rally will be short and
snappy in order to allow students
to follow their own plans while in
the city," Harry Van Dine, assist
ant rally chairman, said last night.
“That’s why we expect each and
every student there.”
Saturday at 12:45 o’clock, about
an hour before game time, the
main serpentine and rally will
form in front of the Portland ho
tel and march direct to the Mult
nomah stadium. No one will be ad
mitted to the special Oregon root
ers’ section at the field until the
serpentiners have gone through
the gates. “This is a doubly good
reason for every rooter to enter
the serpentine Saturday,” Van
Dine said.
Co-eds To Have Parking Space
Parking space directly across
from the stadium in the John K.
Leander company garage has been
arranged for cars driven by Ore
gon co-eds who have followed the
serpentine from downtown. The
space will accommodate nearly 30
cars, according to Bob O’Melveny,
chairman of traffic. Heretofore it
has been necessary for the girls to
hunt for a parking place, but in
(Continued on Page Two)
Head Dad
Paul T. Shaw, Oregon Dad from
Portland, and president of the na
tion-wide association of Oregon
Dads. Mr. Shaw last year suc
ceeded Bruce Dennis of Klamath
Falls as chief Oregon Dad.
Men’s Dormitory
Will Be Scene of
Journalism Fray
Special Permission Giyen;
Party Features New
Carnival Dance
The ball room of the New Men’s
dormitory has been definitely se
lected for the scene of the Jour
nalism Jamboree, according to
Ralph David and Jack Burke, gen
eral managers. Late permission
has been granted by the dean of
women and the big blowout will
hold sway from 10 until 1.
Late permission was granted a
special dispensation by the dean
of women and the student affairs
committee, owing to the fact that
a night football game would in
terfere with an event which has
been traditional on the campus for
many years.
The dance will vary a little from
what it has been in the past in
that it will be a Carnival dance.
It was believed that it would be
impossible to get into costume and
make up in the time there would
be left after the game. The carni
val dance will enable students to
go directly from the game.
Concessions and the cloak room
will be handled by Theta Sigma
Phi, national journalistic honorary
for women.
George W. Russell, Irish
Bard, May Visit Campus
Arrangements for the appear
ance on this campus of George
William Russell (AE), noted Irish
poet, are being negotiated by Uni
versity officials.
Mr. Russell, who boasts the
shortest pseudonym in Irish liter
ature, recently arrived in the
United States on a lecture tour.
While on the West coast it is
hoped that he will be obtained to
speak at the University of Ore
Famous Art Salon to Exhibit
Work of Mrs. Edwin Hodge
The Salon D’Autumn, one of the
two most famous art salons in the
world will exhibit “The March of
the Primitive Woman,” a three
foot bronze figure by Mrs. Edwin
T. Hodge, according to a cable
gram received by her last Satur
day. The exhibitions are held year
ly in the Grande Palaise, one in
the fall and one in the spring and
it is the ambition of every artist
to have a piece of work accepted
for exhibition in one of the two.
Mrs. Hodge has just returned
from a ten months’ study in a Par
is studio and a tour of Egypt, Ita
ly, Greece, Palestine, and Syria
where she has been tracing out the
various types of sculpture devel
oped by the different civilizations.
“My stay in Paris was very in
teresting,” she said, speaking of
her work there. “I had my own
studio and spent my time working
on the various types of sculpture.
I studied principally the French
sculptures and the modern school
of art. Paris is one of the most
unusual cities in the world. It is
the art center of everything and
it is difficult to conceive the num
ber of artists who live and work
“Because they wish to have the
light just right for their work
some of the more well-to-do art
ists purchase old buildings and
adapt them to the needs of a stu
dio. Then, having themselves tak
en the main studio, they sub-let
the rest of the building to other
artists. This practice has created
a district known as the Montsuree.
It is similar to the Greenwich vil
lage of New York as its tenants
are principally those studying art.
“The Tuilleries exhibition, held
in the spring, is perhaps the larg
est in the world. It housed last
(Continued on Page Three)
All Blame For
Conduct Taken
By Fraternity
New Policy of Committee
Is First Exercised on
National Here
President Makes Statement
Concerning Attitude
Of House
At a meeting of the student ad
visory committee yesterday after
noon it was voted to place on so
cial and disciplinary probation a
prominent national fraternity.
This drastic action was the result
of the reconsideration of a recent
liquor case involving a freshman
class officer and three other stu
dents, one of whom was suspended
from the University.
The rehearing was occasioned by
positive and definite proof of the
group responsibility of the frater
nity for the conduct of its fresh
man member. While it was not
shown that the liquor party was
officially sanctioned by the house,
it was admitted to have been in
stigated with the knowledge of
several upperclass members of the
fraternity, and to have been par
ticipated in by one such member.
Social Functions Lost
By the term “social probation”
is meant a loss of all fraternity
social functions which normally
require the approval of the Uni
versity administration. By "disci
plinary probation” is meant a trial
period during which the conduct
of the offender, in this case a fra
ternity, must be in every way ex
emplary. Any violation of Uni
versity regulations, responsibility
for which can be fixed on the or
ganization as such, will result in
a recommendation to its national
authorities that its local charter
be revoked.
In imposing this penalty the
student advisory committee adopt
ed a new policy of holding respon
sible a social organization for the
misconduct of its members, and
expects this case to serve as a
precedent for future cases of like
Office Retained
Inasmuch as the additional
proof offered at yesterday’s hear
ing shifted the burden in part
from the individual to the frater
nity, the former’s original penalty
was modified, and the prohibition
from holding class office originally
imposed upon him was removed by
the committee. While he remains
on disciplinary probation, he is
permitted to enjoy the privilege of
retaining his present office.
The president of the local chap
ter of Sigma Chi issued the fol
lowing statement to the Emerald
last night, in the hopes that any
misunderstanding about the pro
bation might be cleared up on the
“Rather than to leave rumor and
misunderstanding prevalent on the
campus in regards to the action
of the student advisory committee
in placing ‘a national fraternity
on probation’ I want to make the
statement that the Sigma Chi fra
ternity as a whole feels that in
accepting the responsibility for
the actions of one of its freshman
members and several upperclass
men, we could best co-operate
with the new policy of the com
mittee in placing us on social and
disciplinary probation. All we
can say is that we are very sorry
that such has occurred and the
whole house is working with the
intention of working off the rul
ing as soon as possible.”
Jenkins To Speak
Before Theta Sigs
‘Ladies of the Press’ To Be
Subject of Talk
Frank Jenkins, editor of the
Eugene Register, will discuss "La
dies of the Press” at the recep
tion given by Theta Sigma Phi,
women’s journalism honorary, for
all women in the school of jour
nalism. It will be held next Thurs
day evening at 8 o’clock in Alumni
hall, Gerlinger building. Lavina
Hicks has been appointed chair
man of the affair by Dorothy
Kirk, president.
The reception is an annual event
in the school of journalism, and
ad women journalists are urged
i to come.
Spirit of Oregon Rally Makes
Emerald Air Program Peppy
Creech Asks Sacrifice of
Tonsils for Yelling
At Game
Full to the brim with the spirit
of a genuine University of Oregon
rally was the third "Oregon Em
erald of the Air" program broad
cast over station KOEE last night.
"Those people who go to Port
land with tonsils I want to come
back without them," said Johnny
Creech, yell leader, in his brief
talk concerning the spirit which
he hopes will prevail at Saturday's
football classic. "I don't want a
bunch of canaries down there, but
a real bunch of yelling men to
back the team,” he continued.
Harry Van Dine, assistant chair
man of the rally committee, dis
cussed the plans for the rally in
the Oregon metropolis and urged
all rooters to come out en masse,
donned with rooters’ caps and loud
and husky voice capacity.
Interspersed with these pep
talks was a musical program of
unusual merit. "Hittin’ the Bottle"
from Earl Carroll's “Vanities" was
sung with rhythm by the girls'
trio, which includes Maxine Glover,
Sally Halloway, and Marvin Jane
Hawkins. Maxine Glover told
members of the radio audience to
"Go Home and Tell Your Mother”
in a manner that should get re
sults. Several good tunes were
again strummed out by "Sing”
Harper. Vinton Hall, editor of the
Emerald, repeated his lesson on
"pigging" with "You've Gotta
Know How to Love ’Em."
Eldon Woodin, Wally Palmer,!
Bud Nicklaus, John Pennington,
Sherwood Burr, and Jess Bradley
brought their instruments up to
the studio and helped things along
with popular dance music.
I'mmy Gilb&ugh gave an enter
taining dialogue on the Oregon
Washington football meet. The
skit was in the form of a play
by-play description of the game
and was a typical bit of radio
These programs are arranged by
Art Potwin, director, and Chet
Knowlton, assistant director, and
are presented twice a week over
station KORE as a means of sup
porting University activities and
discovering campus talent.
Annual Football
Dance Will Be Big
Saturday Climax
Several Novel Features Are
Planned for Evening;
Baker To Be Guest
The annual Oregon-Washington
football dance, to be given at the
Masonic temple ballroom in Port
land Saturday night, is expected
to break all records for attendance
at an event of this kind, according
to an announcement made by Jack
Travis, chairman of the Oregon
committee. Travis also announced
that-the members of the football
teams of Oregon and Washington
will be guests of honor at the
Several novel features have been
scheduled for the evening, with
Nolan Taylor, former member of
the KSL Vagabonds of Salt Lake
City, heading the bill. Talent from
both schools has also been lined
up to appear at the dance and the
music will be furnished by George
Weber and his nine-piece orches
Mayor George L. Baker, of
Portland, will be the guest of hon
or at the affair and it is planned
to have student and civic leaders
from Seattle as guests. The Ma
sonic ballroom has been selected
as it is the most suitable for an af
fair of this kind. The committee
expects 900 couples to attend.
Oregon students are urged to
enter the building from the Park
street entrance in order that they
will not become confused in find
ing the ballroom which is located
on the second floor.
Student leaders and the rally
committees from both schools have
endorsed the dance as a fit place
for students from the rival schools
to become better acquainted. The
dance has been enlarged every
year. The affairs were started in
Dr. Conklin Invited To
Teach at U. of Chicago
In recognition of his outstand
ing work in the field of psychol
ogy, Dr. Edmund S. Conklin, head
of the department of psychology
here, has received an invitation to
teach during the winter term at
the graduate school of divinity of
the University of Chicago, herald
ed as one of the leading theologi
cal schools in the country. Dr.
Conklin has not yet decided
whether he will accept the invita
tion or not.
Yearling Women
Gain Knowledge
At Gel-Wise Party
Program Given Showing
Activities Offered
On Campus
Several hundred freshman wom
en “got wise” to a lot of cam
pus activities yesterday afternoon
when the Associated Women Stu
dents broke loose with their an
nual “Get-Wise Party.”
The program included skits rep
resenting different activities in
which girls may take part. Ther
esa Gauntlett, representing Thes
pian, freshman service honorary,
started with a song about chrys
anthemums, which she was sup
posed to be selling. The words
were written by Edna Bird.
A group of girls under the di
rection of Ruth Johnson inter
preted the monotony of industrial
ism as the Y. W. C. A. contribu
tion. Beth Ann Johnson and
Georgia Lou Miller sang "Tea for
Two,” as being typical of Kwamas,
one of whose main duties is serv
ing at campus feas,
Miriam Stafford showed what
can be done in the orchestra by
playing “Gypsy Love Song” on the
’cello, accompanied by Margaret
Cummings. Following this Sally
Addleman sang a solo, represent
ing the glee club.
A tap dance by Elva Baker in
costume gave a glimpse of Phi
Theta Upsilon, upperclass service
honorary. With a radio feature,
members of different Philomelete
hobby groups typified their inter
A style show by the A. W. S
showed what to wear on all occa
sions. Three poses by the master
dance group signified Youth, As
piration, and Knowledge. Then
came a tumbling act by the W
A. A. The grand finale was a
scene representing Mortar Board
The background of the stage
was a newspaper office, in which
tips came about happenings con
cerning the different activities
represented. The skits followed.
Small newspapers as programs
carried out the motif.
Carol Werschkul yvas general
chairman, and Carol Hurlburt had
charge of the skits.
Blasting and riveting, the two
loudest sounds in cities today, are
10,000,000 times more intense than
the smallest sounds that can be
detected by the human ear.
I wish to subscribe to the OREGON DAILY EMERALD for
the current school year, ending June, 1931.
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( ) Enclosed find check (money order) for $1—One Term.
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(Mail to Circulation Manager, Oregon r»aily Emerald, Eugene,
Rules Issued
On Two Dad’s
Day Awards
Wry Little Change From
Last Year’s System;
600 Expected
Baker, Hellberg Announce
Advertising Assistants
In Houses and Halls
Rules governing the awards for
the two houses having the great
est percentage of Dads on Dad's
Gladys Clausen
Day were re
leased last night
by Hugh L.
Biggs, dean of
men, and Gladys
Clausen, chair
man of the ban
quet committee.
There is very lit
tle material dif
ference from the
ules of last year.
They are:
1. The base
member ship of
an organization, from which will
be computed the percentage of
Dads returning, shall be the offi
cial house membership list sub
mitted at the beginning of fall
term to the deans’ offices by the
presidents of the various living or
2. Only members actually living
in the organization's residence are
(a) Fraternity men andwom
;n living in halls of residence
ire to be considered members
>f such halls for purposes of
(b) Fraternity men and worn
:n living with parents or rela
ives in Eugene and not actually
iving in their respective fra
;ernity houses are not included
n the house membership for
mrposes of this competition.
Dads Must Register
3. Only such Dads as are offi
cially registered at 1 p. m. Satur
day, October 25, will be credited
to organizations for purposes of
this competition.
4. Dads having both a son and
a daughter, or sons and daughters,
in competing living organizations
will be credited to each such or
5. Legal guardians will be con
sidered Dads for purposes of the
6. The prizes will be annually
awarded and will rotate from year
to year until won three times by
the same living organization,
whereupon they become the per
manent property of such organiza
7. Prizes will be awarded Sat
urday, October 25, at the annual
Dad’s Day banquet.
8. Paul W. Ager, comptroller,
will audit the computations of the
registration committee and will
determine the prize winning
Students are urged to co-oper
ate by having their dads register
as the first official act upon their
arrival in Eugene. Registration
booths will be in the first-floor
lobby of the Administration build
ing, and will open Friday at 9
a. m.
Reservations Come
Reservations from Dads all over
Oregon and California have been
pouring into the dean of men’s of
fice, and more than 600 Dads are
expected to be present on Octo
ber 25.
Trains will be met and the Ore
gon Dads arriving will be directed
to the campus where they will
(Continued on I’ni/e Three)
‘History of Oregon’ Text
Is Revised by Dr. Clark
The committee for textbooks in
Oregon will act in November of
this year on the revised "History
of Oregon" by Clark, Down and
Blue, and the Oregon supplement
of "The Pursuit of Happiness” by
Edward Hanley.
Dr. R. C. Clark, head of the his
tory department, has revised the
"History of Oregon” for the use
of the sixth grade in the public
schools. It was in use five years
ago in Oregon schools.
Dr. Clark also wrote the Oregon
supplement of "The Pursuit of
Happiness,” a textbook in civics
which has not yet come off the
' press.
Tickets For Rally
Train Being, Sold
At Special Booth
Tickets for the rally special for
the Washington - Oregon game
were placed on sale in a booth
between the Oregon and Com
merce buildings on the campus
yesterday and indications are that
the special will be a great suc
cess. The train will leave Villard
at 3:30 this afternoon and will be
equipped to check the baggage of
the students free, and luncheon
service will also be available.
The special round trip fare of
$2.75, the lowest to Portland in
history, has met with widespread
approval and students will be able
to buy their tickets on the campus
right up until train lime this aft
Those buying tickets are re
quested to have their checks made
out before going to the booth in
order to save confusion caused by
long lines of waiting students.
Baggage will be checked here
by a force of clerks and will be
distributed at the Portland hotel
after the huge rally planned for
Tennis Tourney
Favorite Is Ousted
In Quarter Finals
Eriniiston Defeats Weller
Is Upset; Ollier
Stars Win
Jim Edmiston of Medford served
notice that he will make a bid
for the tennis tourney champion
ship by smashing out a win over
Bob Weller, Portland star, after
losing the first set. The score by
sets was 4-6, 6-3, 6-2. Edmiston
gained the quarter finals by vir
tue of this victory, and will prob
ably meet Dick Golthwaite or
Jack Rhine in his next match.
A1 McLaren, varsity player, and
Jay Downs also gained the quar
ter round, McLaren ekeing out a
4-6, 6-3, 6-3 triumph over Ray
Adams, sophomore star, while
Downs won his match through a
default. The other quarter final
ists in the singles have not yet
been decided. Paired with Golth
waite, Edmiston was again victor
when their doubles team conquered
Overmeyer and Adams, 6-3, 6-2.
The handball events have made
little progress, only one doubles
match being played. The Sigma
Alpha Mu duo, Director and Lev
off, blasted all Kappa Sig hopes
by downing Rhine and Cress, 21
12, 22-20, in hard-fought sets.
Billy Keenan won the first golf
ma'tch, eliminating Bill Crawe 5
up and 4 to play.
Professor From Iowa
To Visit Campus Sumlay
Dr. Carl Seashore, dean of the
graduate school at the University
of Iowa, will be a visitor on the
campus Sunday and Monday. In
honor of the guest a no-host
luncheon is to be given at the Fac
ulty club on Monday.
Anyone interested in graduate
work, psychology, and psychology
of music is invited to meet Dr.
Seashore at this time. Reserva
tions may be made by calling Dean
Landsbury at the school of music,
or Mrs. Turnipseed at the men’s
Team Leaves
For Portland
At 1:30 Today
Thirty-two Picked Men To
Have Final Practice
This Morning
Airtight Pass Defense Is
Being Developed To
Hold Huskies
At 10 o’clock this morning, 32
varsity gridmen will meet on Hay
ward field for a final light work
out before 1:30, when they climb
aboard the train that will carry
them to Portland to meet the
Washington Huskies tomorrow
After a three-hour practice ses
sion last night, Coach Clarence W.
Spears sent his picked men gal
loping to the showers and admon
ished them to come to morning
practice ready to go, and with
their traveling bags packed. In
spite of their long workout none
of the men were weary when they
loped through the early evening
darkness to the McArthur court
locker rooms.
Trainer Bill Hayward says that
the team is in perfect physical
condition. They are trained to the
last notch of efficiency, and the
famous Oregon fighting spirit is
blazing in the heart of every
Pass Defense Stressed
There’s a man up at Seattle
named Bill Marsh, a halfback, who
is reputed to be able to heave a
football within a three-foot circle,
any distance up to 30 and even 40
yards. And, accordingly, the Ore
gon team has been perfecting an
airtight long-distance pass de
fense during the past week. So
Marsh won’t make many connec
tions with any of Phelan’s speedy
pass receivers, because the Web
foots are expecting an air raid.
Donohue May Start at Fullback
John Donohue has been showing
up brilliantly in the fullback posi
tion during the past three days.
It is considered probable that
Spears may start him against the
Huskies, and hold big Ed Moeller
in reserve. John Londahl has the
edge as candidate for halfback.
Don Watts, who left that position
vacant when he broke his right
collar bone in practice Monday,
left the hospital yesterday after
Oregon Line Strong as Ever
If the Northerners turn loose a
wave of power plays, they will
find seven savage, dauntless Duck
linesmen ready to hold them. Men
like Christensen, Colbert, Forsta,
Hall, and Lillie, whose individual
weights range around 200 pounds
and more, are able to withstand
a lot of line offense.
Power Mixed with Deception
Every time an Oregon play
starts, it is impossible to tell
whether it is going to be a plunge
through the line, a criss-cross zip
around either end, a dazzling lat
eral pass, or a variety of other
things. When the team shifts, and
it does on nearly every play, each
motion is with perfectly calcu
lated and well-timed precision; it
is impossible to tell what the for
mation will evolve into before it
is well under way.
(Continued on rage Four)
Social Congeniality Praised
By New Sociology Professor
The social congeniality at the
University of Oregon is unequalled
in the opinion of Dr. Samuel H.
Jameson, associate professor of so
ciology, who has taken the place
in the faculty left vacant by Dr.
James M. Reinhardt.
"The people here seem to be ever
ready to do their utmost for their
fellow men. This institution is not
mechanical. People here are deep
ly interested in each other.”
Dr. Jameson makes this state
ment not as a sheer complimentary
remark, but after careful compari
son with other schools where he
has been.
Dr. Jameson comes here directly
from the University of California
at. Los Angeles summer session.
He taught last year at the Univer
sity of Minnesota. Before that he
taught on the first Floating Uni
versity, which went around the
world in 1926 and 1927. He in- J
structed in history and sociology
at Lafayette college, Pennsylvan
ia, from 1921 to 1924, when he or
ganized and became head of the
department of sociology there. He
served in this capacity until 1920.
Dr. Jameson received his Ph. D.
in sociology from the University of
Southern California, his M. A. in
economics from Columbia, his S.
T. B. (Bachelor of theological sci
ence) from Yale, and-his A. B.
from Amherst.
Born at Marash, Armenia, he
came to America in 1914, and has
since become a citizen of the Unit
ed States.
His wife, Armen Jameson, at
tended Connecticut Women’s col
lege, and graduated from Packard
commercial school, New York. She
studied music last year at the Uni
versity of Minnesota, and is now
studying piano in the school of
music here.