The Calendar The Campus Calendar is pro vided by the Emerald for the con venience of any organization con nected with the University or stu dent activities. Call local 355 and give item to the reporter. VOLUME XXXII The Weather Maximum . 58 Minimum .38 Precipitation .15 NUMBER 11 Famous Poet’s Birthday Will Be Celebrated Frederic S. Dunn To Give Illustrated Lecture Tonight at Eight Birth of Christ Preceded By That of Roman Poet Vergil To celebrate a birthday of 2,000 years ago is a rare occasion in deed, but tonight at 8 o'clock, stu dents, faculty, and townspeople will gather at Villard hall to honor the memory of one whose name remains among those of the great men of all times. It will be the anniversary of the Homan bard Vergil. Not only the campus but the whole world is this week paying tribute to the famous poet who is credited with having foretold by 70 years the birth of Christ. Celebra tions and exercises are being held in universities all over the globe. A collection started in 1895 by Professor Frederic S. Dunn, chair man of the Latin department, of pictures and prints connected with Vergil’s Aeneid, will be used in an illustrated lecture tonight by Pro fessor Dunn. This group of illus trations has been added to and supplemented ever since its incep tion and is now considered an out standing collection in the coun try. People who have heard talks made by Professor Dunn this week, have been high in their praise as to the interest and value of the lecture. “Rare indeed,” says Professor Dunn, “is the man whose birthday is counted back through twenty centuries. Our celebration of Ver gil even ante-dates our Christian festivities, so naturally the world is ringing eulogies for the great Roman poet.” As president of Phi Beta Kappa here on the campus, James H. Gil bert, dean of the college of litera ture, science, and the arts, will pre side. The program is being spon sored by American Classical league of which Professor Dunn is serving as a member of a commitee for the promotion of Vergilian celebra tions. Chest Drive Successful; Campus Division in Lead At the second meeting of the chairmen of the five divisions of the Community Chest drive, the campus division was allowed to re tain the flag they won Monday for the division having pledged the greatest percentage of its quota. Forty-three per cent of the quo ta of §4,000 has been pledged to date. This record has been due primarily to the splendid coopera tion of the staff, according to R. C. Hall, chairman. U. of O. Faculty Members To Speak in Grants Pass Several members of the Univer sity of Oregon faculty are sched uled to speak before the Joseph ine county teachers' institute in Grants Pass this week. Dr. B. W. DeBusk will address the session on the subject of “Problem Children.” “Problems of Administration” will be the topic of Dr. C. L. Huffaker, also of the education department. W. G. Beatie, of the extension division, will speak on "Visual Aids in Teaching.” 'Wear a Rooter’s Lid/ is Rally Cry SPECIAL appeal for every Oregon man to wear a root er’s lid at the Washington game in Portland Saturday and at the rallies Friday night and Satur day before the game at the Portland hotel was issued last night by Brian Mimnaugh, chairman of the rally commit tee. “Rooters’ lids make a colorful showing in the stands at a game,” Mimnaugh said. “There is no reason why every Oregon man should not buy one today and wear it all the time.” The University Co-op and other stores featuring the root er’s lids reported heavy sales of the lemon-yellow and green hats yesterday and were pre pared to handle a bigger rush today. Peppy Webfeet Raise Igloo Roof At Lid Donning Fr.osli Show Old Oregon Spirit at Large Assembly With a display of more pep, punch, and enthusiasm than any assembly at the University during the last four years, 2000 loyal Webfeet yesterday roared ap plause, rumbled through yells with vim and vigor, clapped loudly and ended by singing the pledge song so lustily that the great Igloo shook, while interspersed at strate gic pauses, the University of Ore gon’s new super band crashed forth the blood-stirring march piece re cently created by John Stark Evans, assistant dean of the school of music. The occasion for such a refresh ing display of the old Oregon pep, was the official donning of the green by the class of 1934. George Cherry, student body president opened the meeting with the statement, “This assembly is not a business meeting." His words seemed to charge the very air entering the lungs of the large crowd of students for from then on the meeting became a pep gath ering. “Everyone feels, and with ade quate proof, that the University is entering upon a new era,” Cherry continued. “Famous Oregon spirit is the basis of this feeling, but Oregon spirit itself must have a basis.” The president then pointed out the many things for which the University of Oregon is renowned throughout the nation. The year book, the school of architecture and allied arts, the medical school, the schools of music and journal ism, rank according to Cherry among the best in the country. “When we realize these, and doz ens of other facts like them, clear down to the fact that Oregon’s handbook of traditions was judged to be the best in the United States, then we know what has been in part the basis for our Oregon spir it,” Cherry thundered. That a new era has dawned for the University of Oregon is evi dent by many things, according to Cherry. The new constitution, the re-organization of student financ es, and the country's best football coach were all cited as examples of the bigger and better times opening up for Oregon. Oregon traditions were next enumerated by the president for the benefit of the freshmen, and followed by the official crowning (Continued on Page Three) Rael Finds New Mystery In Research for Folklore As amazing as some of Ripley’s “Believe It or Nots,” is the tale told by Juan B. Rael, instructor in the Romance Language depart ment here, of his visit to the northern portion of New Mexico and southern Colorado, where Spaniards iive and talk, and have the same customs they did in the sixteenth and seventeenth cen turies in their homeland. Profes sor Rael spent three months there last summer, touring 8,000 miles by automobile, collecting old folk tales. Though these Spanish people have been cut off for three or four hundred years from their native land, they still speak the pure Spanish of that time, still have the same customs, and still tell the same folk tales around the fires during the long winter evenings. Few of them speak any English, nor do they have any books, either English or Spanish. Modern in vention has meant almost nothing to them, and Indian and American civilizations have not touched them. A collection of their folk tales will be of immense value in studying the Spanish of 400 years ago, from a linguistic, phonetic and a historical point of view, Mr. Rael believes. (Continued on Page Four) The Boom for The Band Is On With new uniforms, the largest turnout ever, worlds of praise, and all hinds of enthusiasm, the Ore gon band is this year swinging into one of foremost rank in the country. With plans for a 30-man drum an dhugle corps well advanced, students are looking forward to all kinds of pep, enthusiasm, and music for many events during the year. Godfrey "Shoots” TT IS said that pictures don't lie, but George Godfrey’s camera reporting class knows better. After arming the students with flashes, motion picture cameras, and camera cases, Tuesday, Godfrey proceeded to “shoot” them. He said that this would be good publicity mate rial as courses in camera re porting are not offered at every university. The only fly in the ointment was that most of the students didn’t know a movie camera from a hole in the ground. They had never used such a camera, and what was more, they wouldn’t know how to use one (yet). Then, too, It was a little puzzling to under stand just how a picture could be taken with a camera case. Maybe he knew. Anyway they “let George do it.” Jensen Appoints Committees for Soph Informal Reporting Committees To Meet at Villard Assembly Hall Tonight at 8 Ted Jensen, general chairman of the Sophomore Informal, yesterday afternoon made appointment of committees to handle the class dance which will be held at Mc Arthur court on November 1. Ken neth McKean will fill the position of business manager, Louise Ans ley will serve as secretary, and Esther Hayden will handle the pub licity. “In selecting committee subor dinates," he stated, “I worked in conjunction with the chairmen and Jim Travis, sophomore prexy, picking the helpers from a repre sentative group of sophomores on a basis of merit. We are handi capped by a late start this year, but we have selected the workers oi our class and expect them to help make this dance an unrivaled success.” John L. Stark, Portland decora tor, has charge of the decorations, which are shaping up into some thing entirely new and unusual for a campus dance. The music will also be imported from Portland, although the orchestra has not as yet been chosen. Jensen has called for a meeting of all the committees this evening at 7:15 in 110 Johnson building. As this is the first general consul tation, it is highly important that everyone listed on the following committees be in attendance promptly at the appointed time. Construction committee: chair man, Carson Mathews, Bus Lar kin, Wallace Ohler, Les Dunlap, Red Roberts, John King, Bob Hall, Freeman Young, Forrest Paxton, Bob Bell, Fred Anderson, and How > ard Kemper. Decorations: chairman, Julia Creech, Helen Copple, Georgia Mil ler, Frances Drake, Ellen Sersan cus, Marjorie Swafford, Elizabeth Gilstrap, Dorothy Hall, Frances (Continued on Page Three) Drum and Bugle Corps To Be Established at University ISetc Group To Snell the Membership of Band To 100 Members Plans to swell the size of the University band to more than 100 instruments by the addition of a 30-man drum and bugle corps have been completed, and John Stehn, band conductor, will meet this morning at 11 o'clock in the band room of the R. O. T. C. barracks with any men interested in joining the new organization. No experience is necessary, ac cording to Stehn, although those who have had drum or bugle ex perience will be doubly welcome. Band members will not be allowed to join it. No equipment is necessary, for uniforms, drums and bugles will be provided. Underclass military credit will be given to members of the corps, and they will not be required to attend regular “war” classes. It is planned to have the corps ready for its first public appear ance with the band on Dad’s Day, October 25. It will also function at the Homecoming game against U. C. L. A. November 8, and at Infirmary Cases Slowly Increase Colds Outnumber Other Cases at Present Mid-week finds the infirmary gradually filling up. The epidemic of colds which has so strongly in vaded the campus during the last few weeks is slightly increasing, say infirmary officials. This is quite evident in the fact that the number of colds far outnumber other cases under the care of the health service at the present time. There are now 10 students con fined to the infirmary. These stu dents are: Ruth Holt; Paul Beall, Virginia Smart, Russell Tinkham, i Harold Johnson, Robert Fury, Paul S Fosz, Jack Rushlow, Ted Roadman, I end Carl Stutsman. Ted Roadman was brought to the infirmary on Monday night to be treated for injuries he received in a motorcycle accident at the corner of Fourteenth and Onyx I streets. He received a bad gash in the leg, but is reported as recover ing rapidly. Jack Rushlow is also recovering from a leg injury. h Corvallis against Oregon State on November 15. Those aspirants who are unable to meet with Stehn this morning may go to the barracks at 3 o’clock next Monday afternoon. “Drum and bugle corps now form valuable additions to the bands of the more progressive eastern universities," says James Haley, who is taking an active in terest in the formation of the corps here, "and Oregon is again leading the way for other schools of this part of the country." All Records Fall As Oregana Sales Pass 1600 Mark Campaign Closes Today; Nineteen Houses Go 100 Per Cent Sales in the first two days of the Oregana circulation drive have already far exceeded the total number of copies sold in any pre vious year, it was revealed last night at a meeting of all house representatives. Approxima t e 1 y 1600 students have been signed up so far. Five more groups had reached the 100 per cent mark up to the time of the meeting, making a total of 19. Those which went over yesterday are Sigma Kappa, Gamma Phi Beta, Bachelordon, Kappa Sigma, and Omega hall. Today is the last day of the campaign. Alice Carter and Bill Pittman, circulation managers, are putting over the entire sales pro gram this year in three days, and the last of the orders will be handed in tonight. The largest number of Oreganas ever sold in the past is 1450 copies, according to Roger Bailey, busi ness manager. This year a quota of 2000 has been set. Representa tives will be working today to ward reaching this goal before the close of the drive this evening. Dr. Mueller Will Address Students of Eugene High Dr. John H. Mueller, associate professor of sociology, represent ing Phi Beta Kappa, will speak before the Eugene high school at 1 o'clock today, when the Eugene high school chapter of the Nation al Honor Society will be initiated and the 2000th anniversary of the birth of the Roman poet Virgil will be celebrated. I wish to subscribe to the OREGON DAILY EMERALD for the current school year, ending June, 1931. Name . Street . City .. State (Please check one of the following:) ( ) Enclosed find check (money order) for $1—One Term. 0 ( ) Enclosed find check (money order) for $2.50—One Year. (Mail to Circulation Manager, Oregon r'aily Emerald, Eugene, Oregon.) Miller Boosts Preparations For Dad’s Day Appointments Are Made; Publicity Campaign Gets Under Way Goebel and Hunt Named To Head Decoration Committee Preparations and publicity for Dad's Day received a new impetus last night with the announcement by Bob Miller, chairman of adver tising, of the appointment of indi viduals in every living organiza tion on the campus, who will make a personal check of the number who have written their Dads inviting them down for t,he event. Speakers will be sent around again Monday and on the follow ing Thursday with the message, “Invite Your Dad Now." Advance reports indicate that the number of Dads present this year will far exceed that of previous years. The committee, according to Hal Pad dock, chairman of Dad's Day, ex pects over 600 Dads to be here on October 25. Plans are rapidly being for warded for window decorations down town. It is hoped that all of the taxicab companies will dec orate their automobiles for the oc casion. Arrangements are being made to stretch a large banner of welcome across the north end of Willamette street. The committee in charge of decorations under Dick Goebel has other features in mind that are not being an nounced at the present time. The campus will also have a number of banners and signs of welcome to the Dads. Winton Hunt, in charge of campus decorations, promises that the campus will be completely dressed up for the oc casion. The two prizes offered for the most number of Dads are the huge silver cup standing a foot and a half in height, and the hammered silver coffee set, made up of per colator, cream pitcher, and sugar tray. Both of these prizes are awarded annually to the two or ganizations having the most Dads down. A house winning either prize three times gets permanent possession of it. Rules for the contest will be announced in to morrow’s Emerald. Chet Knowlton, of the Dad's Day directorate, has named John Rendland as chairman of the com mittee in charge of the program following the banquet, and Corwin Calvin as chairman of the check ing committee. Sale of ’Mums Goes Over Big Extra Special Flowers Are Due Saturday Although final figures on the chysanthemum sale being spon sored by the Associated Women Students were not available late Wednesday evening, those in charge of the sale announced that the student response was unusu ally enthusiastic. In the meantime plans were be ing completed for giving out the ’mums at Tommy Luke's at 6th and Alder streets in Portland Sat urday morning. A letter from Luke to the committee received Wednesday stated that he was re serving a iot of extra special flowers for the University stu dents. Students are to bring their or der receipts to Tommy Luke’s Sat urday between 9 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., where University girls will be on duty in a reserved section of Luke’s shop to take receipts and give out flowers. It was learned at the first of the week that it would be impos sible to nave flowers delivered to i Portland addresses, since the cost of delivery would be too high. Girls who will be on duty at Tommy Luke’s Saturday include: 9-10:30, Katherine Manerud, Mary Lou Patrick, Jane Menzies, Made leine Gilbert; 10:30-12, Frances Drake, Alice Wedemeyer, Kathryn McVeagh, Jean Downing; 12-1:30, Dorothy Clifford, Carolyn Hahn, Ellen Sersanous, Frances Keene. Studes Get Break From City Council UNIVERSITY students need no longer worry in fear of being arrested for playing ten nis on Sundays at the Univer sity eourts. Tuesday night the Eugene city eouneil said so in an ordinance excepting tennis eourts and golf courses from amusement places prohibited in an old city blue law. Students have had to worry about the law only a part of the time as the courts are open only during the afternoons. Checking Service Is Added Feature On Special Train Big Crowd Is Expected To Welcome Students On Arrival Students taking the special stu dent train, which leaves for Port land at 3:30 Friday afternoon, from Villard hall, will enjoy as an added feature a baggage checking service, which will take over all student baggage before the train leaves, and will distribute it at the Portland hotel after the short rally which will start at 8, Harry Van Dine, who is in charge of the train, announced yesterday. The checking service will be in the hands of students, and will be t ffered free, under the supervision of the rally committee. Good food at low prices will be offered by a lunch service, which will be operated by Jean Eberhart and Cliff Horner. The train will make no stops en toute, and will arrive at the Port land station at 7:30, where the stu dents will be met by the Oregon band, and the ensuing parade will terminate at .the Portland hotel. Fifty thousand people, Aaron Frank, honorary chairman of the rally committee, said, will make up the welcoming crowd. Further details are being worked out by Brian Mimnaugh, rally committee chairman, The round trip fare, $2.75, is the lowest ever offered between Eu gene and Portland, and students may return on any train up to 10:30 Sunday night, when the last train leaves, although the regular return train will leave Portland at 6:05 p. m. Tickets will go on sale this morn ing at a booth set up between the Oregon and Commerce buildings, Newman Chosen Congress Head Public Speaking Group Elects Officers Ethan Newman, sophomore, was elected president of the Congress club, campus public speaking group, at a meeting held last night. John King, sophomore, was elected to fill the position of vice president; Robert O’Leary, junior, secretary; Roy Goff, sophomore, treasurer; Don Saunders, sopho more, sergeant-at-arms; Merlin Blais, former president, will act as club parliamentarian. "Should Oregon take over and operate its own water power re sources?” was the question dis cussed by the group. John King opened the discussion by stating briefly the cases for private own ership and municipal ownership. A program committee was ap pointed to be comprised of John King, chairman; Jack Bellinger and Kenneth Campbell, sopho mores. Air Program Will Feature Idea of Rally Campus ‘Chatter’ Omitted From Third Broadcast Of Emerald Series Talk on Washington Game Planned for Tonight’s Radio Hour A program absolutely free from "petty personalities, slanderous gossip, and swinish snufflings" is promised for tonight's third "Ore gon Daily Emerald of the Air” broadcast over station KORE by Manager Art Potwin and his as sistant, Chet Knowlton. The entire program will be in the nature of a rally get-together in preparation for the Oregon Washington game in Portland next Saturday. Harry Van Dine, assistant chairman of the rally committee, will speak briefly con cerning the gridiron meet in the Oregon metropolis. Johnny Creech, varsity yell king, will also be be fore the microphone with a few words in regard to the rooting sec tion of the game. Other pep talks will be given by campus officials. Jim Gilbaugh will offer a comedy sketch dealing with the Webfoot-Huskies tilt. Two Trios Billed “Sing” Harper, Tory Shell, and "Slug” Palmer will be featured in a trio number. The girls’ trio, pre sented on the opening program last Thursday night, will make a return engagement to the studio to do more vocalizing with Max ine Glover, Sally Halloway, and Marvin Jane Hawkins harmonizing effectively. Miss Glover will offer several blues numbers. A seven-piece band, composed of Eldon Woodin, “Sing” Harper, Wally Palmer, Bud Nicklaus, John Pennington, Sherwood Burr, and Jess Bradley, will present some novel arrangements during the broadcast. A trumpet solo by Wal ly Palmer is also slated for the evening’s entertainment. “Parlor Dirt” To Continue Considerable discussion has re sulted from the initial "Parlor Propagandists” program of last Sunday night. Rumors that future “dirt-slinging” skits might be abandoned or somewhat censored were denied by Manager Potwin Wednesday night. Said Potwin: “The Sunday evening parlor propaganda seems to draw a good deal of comment on the campus. It is hoped that this will tempt the students to tune in on tea hour programs. If any feelings were hurt last Sunday, we are very sor ry and in the future will use only those characters in our propagan da who can appreciate this “all-in fun" radio dialogue. Parlor propa ganda is certainly going to contin ue and we shall try to include ev erybody within its scope.” These Emerald - KORE radio hours are being presented on Thursday nights from 8:15 to 9 o’clock and on Sundays from 6 to 7 o’clock. Girls Going to Portland Must Obtain Permission Permission to attend the Oregon Washington game in Portland this week-end must be obtained by all girls who do not live in that city, according to Hazel Prutsman Schwering, dean of women. Wo men students must also be accom panied by approved chaperones, if they plan to stay in hotels. Oregon International House Gets Big Return on Its Money That the University of Oregon International house is obtaining greater results per dollar spent than the International house on the Columbia university campus in New York was revealed by Har old S. Tuttle, professor in educa tion, who stayed with the group while engaged in summer session work there last summer. "The large sum invested in the house impressed me especially,” Professor Tuttle said. "Their en dowment totals $12,000,000, and 500 students of 27 different nationali ties are living together. A better understanding among the many races, which is the aim of such an organization, is obtain ed by mingling of the various na tionals at the discussion groups, Sunday suppers, Tuesday after noon teas, and the qafeteria. Most of the contacts are temporary, *on account of the large number of students, in contrast to the per sonal friendships developed on this campus, Professor Tuttle explain ed. Even outside of the house he no ticed that racial prejudice was not strong, due in part to the fact that New York itself is cosmopolitan and shows very little prejudice. Many ideas obtained from the (Continued on Faye Four)