Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 14, 1930, Image 1

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Get out the old pei - a change
and write home to d^ Tell him
to be on the spot for >’s day
because there is going to plen
ty popping on that week-eL
Students Sell
1931 Oregana
Annual Circulation Drive
Is Begun Here Tuesday
Book Cost To Be Divided
Between Winter and
Spring Fees
Beginning this morning at 8
o’clock, a sales force of 43 stu
dents, scattered throughout the
;; houses and halls
| >f the campus,
Iwill go into ac
tion on the an
nual O r e g a n a
2irculation cam
paign. The drive
will last three
| days. Alice Car
|ter and Bill Pitt
iman, circulation
imanagers, assist
led by Hobart
Wilson, are in
charge of the
A3 in previous years, orders for
the book will be taken now and
the cost will be added to winter
and spring term fees. Two prizes
are being offered to the first
groups to sign up 100 per cent—
one for the men, and one for the
women. The nature of the prizes
will be announced tomorrow, ac
cording to those directing the
Henrietta Steinke, Oregana edi
tor, promises a greatly enlarged
book this year, and many new fea
tures. The 1931 number will con
tain 75 more pages than that of
last year, and will be about equal
in size to the Stanford Quad. Jun
ior Week-end is the date set for
its release.
New sections to be added to the
plans of previous years include a
social section designed to cover
campus dances and other func
tions, a special section for the
alumni, and a revival of the old
time humor pages. The art work
will center around an Alaskan
Roger Bailey, business manager,
has general supervision over the
three-day sales campaign. Those
who will take the orders are as
Adele Wedemeyer, Alpha Phi;
Gretchen Wintermeier, Gamma
Phi Beta; Marjorie Swafford,
Alpha Delta Pi; Eleanor Jane Bal
lantyne, Zeta Tau Alpha; Betty
Rebec, Independents; Zelda Mon
roe, Phi Mu; Helen Chaney, Alpha
Xi Delta; Myrtle Seaverson, Kappa
Delta; Betty Jones, Chi Omega;
Betty Rebec, Kappa Alpha Theta.
Helen Cornell, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Catherine Duer, Chi Del
ta; Hope Shelley, Alpha Chi
Omega; Mildred Collins, Pi Beta
Phi; Maxine McIntyre, Delta Gam
ma; Helen Copple, Alpha Gamma
Delta: Reba Brogdon, Alpha Omi
cron Pi.
Thelma Nelson, Delta Zeta;
Marjorie Needham, Sigma Kappa;
Ardis Ulrich, Delta Delta Delta;
Amy Hughes, Hendricks hall;
Jacquelyn Warner, Susan Camp
bell hall; Margaret Ormandy,
Theta Omega.
Hal Paddock, Theta Chi; Art
Potwin, Beta Theta Pi; Fred Fel
ter, Phi Kappa Psi; Carl Sanding,
Sigma Pi Tau; Fred Anderson,
Sigma Chi; Jim Dezendorf, Chi
(Continued on Page Four)
Student Prexies
Make Peace Pact
George Cherry, president of
the associated students, and
Vinton Hall, editor of the Ore
gon Daily Emerald, spent last
Sunday afternoon in Corvallis
conferring with George Knut
sen, student president of Ore
gon State College, and Larry
Warren, editor of the Oregon
State Barometer.
Plans for the future develop
ment and activities of the two
neighboring schools were dis
cussed and a spirit of coopera
tion was inaugurated between
the officials of the institutions,
declared the Oregon student
body officers.
Frosli Assembly
Scheduled for 9
At Music Building
Dr. Hall Will Deliver First
Of Two Addresses oil
A convocation assembly for
freshmen only is scheduled for 9
o’clock this morning in the Music
building. Classes will be dismissed,
so that all freshmen may attend.
Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, presi
dent of the University, is to ap
pear before the assembly speaking
on “Scholarship, Habits, and Char
acter.” This is the first of two
lectures which he plans to give,
dealing with the qualities of char
acter necessary for college suc
cess. The second of the series is
planned for October 28.
“These two assemblies are defi
nitely a part of freshmen curricu
lum,” Hugh L. Biggs, dean of men,
said, “and it will be extremely
worthwhile for all freshmen to at
In addition to the speech by Dr.
Hall, John Stark Evans is to play
several selections on the organ.
All students are asked to be in
the auditorium sharply at 9.
L. Ray, Democrat,
Addresses Class
Candidate for Senate Gives
Political Views
Leon L. Ray, democratic candi
date for joint senator from Linn
and Lane counties, addressed the
editing class of the school of jour
nalism, Monday morning.
Pointing out that the industrial
development of Oregon would come
mainly through the unlimited de
velopment of power resources, Mr.
Ray advocated prompt develop
ment. He illustrated his speech
with charts prepared by himself.
After highly praising the plat
form of Edward W. Bailey, demo
I cratic nominee for governor, Mr.
I Bailey concluded with a tribute to
j the influence of the University of
I Oregon upon the careers of both
j Mr. Bailey and himself. He prais
ed especially the late Dr. Frederick
H. Young, former head of the
school of sociology; Dr. James D.
Barnett, head of the department of
political science; and Dr. James H.
Gilbert, dean of the college of lit
erature, science, and the arts.
Mr. Ray’s address was one of a
series being given the editing class
by particiipants in the present po
litical campaign.
Band Boosters Back From
Northern "Pep” Journey
"A great trip!”
That’s what the 62 members of
the Oregon band who went to Seat
tle and Portland last week to
boost the stock of the Oregon
Washington game unite in saying,
and their words are echoed by ev
erybody else that went along, Con
ductor John Stehn, Band Manager
Don McCormick, Public-relations
Director Godfrey, Sam Wilderman,
Hugh Rosson, ‘‘Doc” Robnett, and
a hundred or more Portland busi
ness men, headed by Aaron Frank.
It wasn't any bed of roses for
the boys who tooted the horns, ac
cording to George Godfrey, but
they certainly helped out the cause
of their alma mater, even if some
of them did get bloody lips from
playing so much.
Arriving in Seattle early Friday
morning, they started the day out
by playing for the Seattle Break
fast club, and were very well re
ceived. During the morning they
paraded the streets, serenaded all
the newspaper offices and played
in several large department stores.
The high spot of the day was at
the chamber of commerce lunch
“That bunch of Seattle business
men gave our band nothing short
cf an ovation,” said Godfrey. "They
stood up on their feet and cheered.
In the early afternoon, the
bandsmen paraded through the
Washington campus. In their hon
or the Washington yell-leaders
called off a rally they were to
(Continued on Page Three)
Heads Named
Hal Fratindorf, Chairman,
Appoints Assistants
For Big Day
Week-end Will Be Crowded
With Many Colorful
Events Planned
As the first step in the prepa
rations for Homecoming week-end,
November 7 and 8, Hal Fraundorf,
Hal Fraundorf
The directorate
general chair
, man, last night
|,appointed his
f 1930 Homecom
: ing directorate.
*is made up of 10
students, each of
whom will work
under Fraundorf
in conducting one
| phase of the
g. many events of
the week -end.
They are:
Directorate Named
Irma Logan, Portland, secretary.
Jack Stipe, Portland, assistant
Dorothy Jean Murphy, Portland,
campus luncheon.
Bill Knox, Eugene, features.
Jim Dezendorf, Portland, financ
Alice Carter, Junction City, wel
coming and accommodations.
Brian Mimnaugh, Portland, ral
Chet Knowlton, Tillamook, danc
Wally Baker, Stanfield, decora
Rufus Kimball, Palo Alto, Cali
fornia, publicity.
“I have chosen these men and
women on my directorate because
I personally know of their ability
and willingness to work toward
making the 1930 Homecoming a
decided success,” Fraundorf said
last night. ‘‘Most of them have
had valuable past experience in the
job for which they have been se
lected, and will be able to go right
ahead with the work.”
Prominent Students
All of the directorate members
have distinguished themselves in
student activities since their en
trance into the University. Some
of them have received other im
portant committee appointments;
others have been active in a var
iety of fields.
Irma Logan was secretary of the
1930 Greater Oregon committee;
Brian Mimnaugh is chairman of
the rally committee of the Univer
sity, and was president of the class
of ‘32 in his freshman year; Jack
Stipe last year was president of
the sophomore class. Alice Carter
is circulation manager of the Ore
gana; and Jim Dezendorf is sen
ior man on the executive council.
Bill Knox has been handling fea
tures for the rally cmmittee. The
general chairmanship of last year’s
sophomore informal is one of the
jobs held by Chet Knowlton. Dor
othy Jean Murphy and Wally Ba
ker have been generally prominent
in campus activities; Rufus Kim
ball is on both the Oregana and
Emerald staffs, and was publicity
chairman for the high school con
ference last year.
weeK-ena i rowaea
In order to bring the old grads
back to the campus this fall in the
largest possible numbers, Fraun
dorf has already outlined a week
end fully as crowded with the tra
ditional events of Homecoming as
any in the past.
“My plan,” he said, “is to make
this Homecoming the most inter
esting and entertaining one in his
tory. There will be all of the cus
tomary features of the past, and it
is my hope and wish to add several
new features.”
The central point of interest, of
course, will be the football clash
between Oregon and U. C. L. A.
Saturday afternoon on Hayward
field. A huge rally parade Friday
rnght, along with the annual burn
ing of the “O” on the butte, will
help to work up enthusiasm for
the battle. A night game, at which
the Webfot Frosh will take on the
University of Washington Babes,
will follow, to wind up the events
of the evening.
Saturday will be featured by the
; annual campus luncheon in the Ig
loo, and in the evening the Home
(Continued on Page Three)
Leads Country’s Oldest Band
This is Capt. Taylor Branson, who as leader of the United States
Marine band, will appear at McArthur court in two concerts today.
Captain Branson has been a member of the band since he was 17 years
old, and has, been leader of the organization since 1927. He is also the
composer of a number of stirring military marches which he has dedi
cated to the marine corns.
Type Lecturer
Of World Fame
Visits Writers
Noted Typographer Sees
Work of Oregon
Frederic W. Goudy, world fa
mous typographer and type de
signer, dropped in unexpectedly at
the school of journalism yesterday
morning to inspect the work in
typography, and sat in at the
school faculty meeting. Mr. Goudy
has been lecturing to Craftsman
clubs and ad clubs at Spokane,
Vancouver, B. C., Seattle, and
Portland and is on his way to San
Mr. Goudy did not find his true
vocation until after he was 40,
and cut no type until he was 60.
He is now known as one of the
world's greatest experts in type
design, has been awarded numer
ous medals for his craftsmanship,
was a delegate to the Exposition
of Industrial and Modern Arts at
Paris in 1925, and is the editor of
Arts Typographica, one of the pre
eminent trade journals. He is art
director or “chief aestheticist” for
the Langston Monotype corpora
tion, consultant for other great
concerns and lecturer in New York
university; but most of his work
he does for himself at his “Village
Press’’ which he has set up in an
old eighteenth century mill at
Mr. Goudy is a printer of fine
books rather than a printer of nu
merous works. He has just com
pleted a “Rip Van Winkle” for
the Limited Editions club, “Jemina
Condit, Her Book,” for the Car
teret club, and a new set of type
faces for the Woman’s Home Com
Wesley Club Members
Ascend Spencer’s Butte
A group of students of the Wes
ley club hiked to the top of Spen
cer’s butte Saturday afternoon.
At the top the group participated
in Alpine sports, cooked mountain
food over open fires, and at sun
set took part in devotions. They
descended after dusk.
Marine Concert
Premier Musical
Event of Season
Performances Today Set
For 3 and 8 p. m.
At McArthur
Fifty United States Marine
bandsmen and their leader are in
Eugene today to appear in after
noon and evening concerts at Mc
Arthur court, in the first impor
tant musical event of the season.
Appearing in the Pacific North
west for the first time in nearly
20 years, the band has completed
successful engagements in Seattle,
Portland, and other large North
west cities, and is now on the way
south to end its annual tour.
Under the leadership of Capt.
Taylor Branson, who has led the
organization since Santelman and
the famous Sousa, the Marine
band will give a matinee concert
beginning at 3, and an evening
concert at 8 o’clock.
Tickets have been on sale at the
different living organizations but
may also be obtained at McArthur
court. Admission price for Uni
versity students is 50 cents.
Four New Actors Added
By ‘Holiday’ Try-outs
As a result of the final tryouts
for “Holiday,” campus play, the
following names are added to the
cast: Emery Hyde as Edward Se
ton, the millionaire; Donald Con
fiey as Nick Potter, the carefree
young friend of the family; Waldon
Boyle as Henry, the Seton’s butler,
one of their chief evidences of
wealth; Jay Downs as Charles,
their second man, another bit of
Delia, the Seton family’s maid,
will be played by Inez Simons, who
understudies the part of Linda
Seton, or by Daisy Swanton, who
is understudying Julia Seton.
None of the above actors have
been seen before in any of the ma
jor campus plays. “Holiday” will
go into rehearsal at once. A pro
duction date will be announced
shortly. Plans for the setting are
already under construction in the
theatre work shop.
I wish to subscribe to the OREGON DAILY EMERALD for
the current school year, ending June, 1931.
Name .
Street .b..
City . State .
(Please check one of the following:)
( ) Enclosed find check (money order) lor $1—One Term.
( ) Enclosed find check (money order) for $2.50—One Year.
(Mail to Circulation Manager, Oregon ^>aily Emerald, Eugene,
Huge Crowd
Expected For
Friday’s Rally
Lowest Round Trip Rates
In History Promised
For Speeial Train
oO.OOO To Attend Portland
Noise-fest; Aaron Frank,
Chairman, Predicts
With the lowest round trip rates
to Portland in history promised
for the Hally special train, to be
run Friday afternoon, members of
the Rally committee have com
pleted final details for the greatest
rally in the history of Portland.
The huge affair, which is expected
to draw 50,000 people, according
to the estimate of Aaron Frank,
honorary chairman, will be held on
the Sixth street side of the Port
land hotel at 8 o’clock Friday
The Rally train will leave the
campus about 3:30 Friday after
noon and a special low round trip
fare of $2.75 has been offered to
the Oregon students who will
make the trip. The rooters will
march from the Union station in
Portland direct to the hotel for
the rally and it is planned to have
Portland and University leaders
speak at the gathering.
Mimnaugh Urges Attendance
“We want every student possible
to go to Portland on the train and
regardless of how they get to
Portland every Oregon student
should be at the rally Friday
night,” Brian Mimnaugh, chair
man of the rally committee, de
clared last night. “Portland has
gone football crazy and it is up
to us to show the people of the
Rose City that we appreciate their
efforts to make the game a suc
Every sort of • contrivance to
make noise has been unearthed by
Bill Knox, chairman of the noise
committee, for the Friday night
rally and the serpentine Saturday.
The big Oregon band will also be
on hand to meet ties students as
they arrive on the special and will
escort them to the scene of the
Oregon students will get their
first taste of the rally spirit at
the Wednesday morning assembly
when they will listen to speeches
by student leaders and loosen up
their vocal organs.
Features Provided for Rally
Several features have been ar
ranged for the Friday night rally,
and loud-speakers will be installed
to enable the crowd to hear every
thing. Mr. Frank, who has been
in charge of the several civic ral
lies in Portland during the past
month, is working with Mimnaugh
and Harry Van Dine, assistant
Radio rallies, over the leading
Portland stations, will be given
under the direction of Slug Pal
mer later Friday night. A rally
over KORE will be held here
Thursday night to help pep up the
Oregon student body.
“There are only a few remaining
tickets to the game,” Hugh Ros
sen, graduate manager of the as
sociated students, announced yes
terday in Portland, “and the town
is very football-minded. Everyone
up here is looking forward to the
Friday night rally and it is up to
the Oregon students to put it
800 Tickets to Gume Gone
None To Be Sold at Field
Over 800 student tickets to the
Washington-Oregon game have
been sold to date and students are
urged to get them immediately at
the Co-op store in order to avoid
last minute congestion.
Each student must call in per
son and sign his ticket to the
game. This is being done to safe
guard the student section.
Absolutely no tickets will be sold
in Portland. So get your ticket
now at the Co-op.
President of Sigma Chi
Returns From Convention
Dan Maginnis, president of the
Oregon Sigma Chi chapter, re
turned Sunday after attending the
17th Province convention of the
fiaternity at Moscow, Idaho. The
grand officers of the fraternity
were there, as were representa
tives from chapters in Oregon
Washington, Montana, and Idaho.
Phelan’s Boys
Want Dry Feet
are used to a dry field and
have no intention of getting
their feet wet in the coming
game with Oregon on October
18, at Multnomah civic stadium.
On Thursday a great canvas
will arrive in Portland from the
Husky camp and in event of
low-hanging clouds it will be
spread over the field, insuring
dry footing in case of rain.
The canvas has been used
successfully on the Washington
gridiron, keeping the new turf
field fairly dry under heavy
Women’s Stunts
All in Readiness
For Husky Game
Balloons in Oregon Colors
To Brighten Stands
As Girls Sing
Oregon women will be given
their big ctiiance to actively par
ticipate in an Oregon rally at the
Marge Clark
uregon - wasn
ington game in
Portland next
Saturday, and
final plans for
the affair have
been completed
by Marge Clark,
| chairman of the
I women's rally
P committee.
Megepho n e s
will be fur
nished the
women for their singing stunt be
tween halves and balloons in Ore
gon colors will help make the af
fair colorful.
Practice for the songs has been
started in the women's living or
ganizations and the committee
members today will start making
a check of the houses to deter
mine what progress has been
The plan as announced by the
committee includes the singing of
two Oregon songs by the co-eds
between halves. The field system
of loud-speakers will be arranged
so as to increase the volumn of
the singing.
The balloons will be released as
a feature of the stunt and other
details are to be announced at the
various houses by members of the
Every woman who possibly can
is urged to attend the rallies in
Portland, especially the big one
Friday night. The co-eds will fol
low the serpentine Saturday noon
from downtown Portland to the
“This is our big chance to show
the men what we can do,” Miss
Clark declared last night. “Every
loyal Oregon woman should attend
all the rallies in Portland and do
her bit to put them across.”
Infirmary Is Unpopular;
Confines Only 6 Students
Three men and three women are
confined at the infirmary at the
present time. This, according to
the nurse in charge, is rather un
Those students now confined at
the infirmary are: Ruth Holt, Mar
jory Mountz, Ardis Gonell, Harold
Johnson, Robert Chatterton, and
Paul Posz.
Watts Breaks
Shoulder In
Practice Game
Injury Will Keep Halfbaek
Slar Out of Game for
Rest of Season
Lomlalil and Slieeliy Hurt
In Fierce Practice
Last Night
Catastrophe reared its evil head
over the Oregon horizon of foot
ball hopes last night when Ddn
Watts, brilliant halfback, was re
moved from the practice field with
a broken shoulder. The injury
was incurred during a heavy
scrimmage with the freshman
team, and authenticity of the re
port was proven by an X-ray pho
tograph taken at the Pacific Chris
tian hospital, revealing a broken
right collar bone.
This means that Watts is out
for the season, and that fact will
break up one of the most brilliant
and consistent scoring combina
tions in the country. Watts and
Johnny Kitzmiller were the key
men to the Webfoot offensive, and
the loss of the former has dropped
a thick mantle of gloom on the
Webfoot prospects for defeating
Washington in Portland next Sat
Tackled Fiercely
The casualty occurred when
Watts flashed ahead of his inter
ference and snatched a forward
pass. Three freshmen, Fred Ken
nedy, fullback, Mike Mikula, end,
and Ray Kelly, halfback, tackled
him fiercely and crushed him to
the ground with his shoulder
twisted beneath him.
Johnny Londahl, sent in to
carry on, was knocked senseless
on the first play, and did not en
tirely come to till the cold water
of the showers revived him. Dan
Sheehey, the next replacement,
had hard luck also. He sprained
his ankle after a few minutes of
play and left the scrimmage. He
fractured that same ankle last
year when playing with the fresh
man team; and it is hurt so badly
now that there is no chance of
recovery by next Saturday.
Garnett Out
Loadahl will undoubtedly be re
covered by then, however, but Cliff
Garnett, sophomore, another man
who might have helped plug the
hole left by Watts, is suffering
from a broken cheek bone, so will
not be able to face the Huskies
in Portland. George Currie may
not be able to play because he has
a badly wrenched back.
The other possibilities for back
field material now center around
Wally Shearer, Sam Rottenburg,
William Parke, and Wallace Laur
ance. Rottenburg is the most
likely candidate for the vacancy.
He accompanied the team to Chi
cago, and has played good football
all season.
Frosh Tough Stuff
The frosh team showed remark
able defensive power against the
varsity during the scrimmage. The
rugged yearlings held their sea
soned opponents for downs con
sistently, and finally got so rough,
tough, and raucous that they were
removed, and the second varsity
team opened up on the wounded
first stringers with a bunch of
Washington plays. They puzzled
the scarred Webfoot veterans for
awhile, and then the tragic scrim
mage was stopped by Doc Spears.
Dr. Mez, Oregon 3-In-l Pro f.
Dicusses European Outlook
When does one make three ? One
makes three when you are talking
about John R. Mez, member of the
Oregon faculty, who is on a leave
of absence this fall to take a trip
around the world. One-third of Dr.
Mez is an economist, the second
third is a political scientist, and
the last third is a musician. An
economist, if in Europe, would vis
it the Bank of International Pay
ments at Basle. Dr. Mez did that.
A political scientist would study
the League of Nations. Dr. Mez
did that. A musician would attend
musical programs in Vienna. Dr.
Mez did that. In other words, Ore
gon has three professors traveling
b round the world. Three profes
sors each with the title, "John R.
I Mez, Associate Professor of Eco
nomics and Political Science and
Instructor of Cello.
A glimpse into the many inter
ests of this many titled professor
can be got from a letter received
by the Emerald from him, post
marked at Port Said, Egypt.
The letter follows:
“Here are a few of my impres
sions and the highlights of my
European rambles.
"The German elections on Sep
tember 14 resulted in a large vic
tory of the Nationalist party call
ed “National-Sozialisten.” They
have increased their representation
from 12 delegates in the old Reich
stag to 107. This has caused con
siderable alarm in Europe in that
the increase of a nationalistic sen
(Continued on Page Four)