Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1930, Image 1

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Harken To Radio
Student organized programs will
be featured over the Oregon Daily
Emerald of the Air. Entertain
ment begins tonight at 8:15 over
radio R ation KORE and will be
continued Thursday and Sunday.
The Weather
Occasional rains with wind com
ing from southwest.
Maximum ....
Minimum .
Rally Chiefs
Plan To Make
City Grid-Mad
Demonstrations of Oregon
Spirit Will Rouse
All Portland
‘Every Rooter Wear a Lid,’
Is Plea of Chairman
Brian Mimnaugli
Rousing rallies that will impress
Portland with Oregon’s spirit and
make the city a football-minded
one for years to come were planned
by members of the rally director
ate in a meeting with Brian Mim
naugh, general chairman, at the
Phi Delt house last night.
“Every Oregon student a loyal
rooter,” is the objective of the ral
ly committee workers who plan
to make Portland's population
► gridiron mad and keep it that
way. Unrestrained noise and en
thusiasm at the rallies will do
much to focus the attention of the
city on the Oregon-Washington
game, Mimnaugh pointed out at'
the meeting.
Want Rooter’s Lids
“Rooter’s lids will play an im
portant part at the game,” Mim
naugh said, "and I want every stu
dent to get a lid now. Houses
should cooperate with the rally
committee in stressing this point.
Rooter’s lids make an effective
grandstand display and there is
no reason why we should let the
traditional wearing of lids at
games vanish.”
The first student rally in Port
land has been set for Friday night
at 8 o’clock in front of the Fox
Broadway theatre. Yells, short,
pep talks, band numbers and plen
ty of noise from the assembled
mob will hold forth on the Broad
way and Salmon street corner for
about 15 minutes, according to the
committee’s plans, and the root
ers will then serpentine down to
Washington street and disband.
First Rally Short
“We are going to make this first
rally a short, snappy one and we
expect everyone to turn out for
that reason,” Mimnaugh said.
Radio rallies over several Port
land stations will follow the stu
dent pep outburst downtown. Band
numbers and talks have been ar
ranged over KGW, KEX, and
KOIN so far and other stations
will be secured if possible.
An hour before game time Sat
urday, rooters will gather at the
Imperial hotel and then serpentine
to Multnomah stadium behind
trucks loaded with all sorts of
noise-making devices.
The co-eds’ singing section at
the game will prove effective, it
is thought by Marjorie Clark, di
Roster of the rally committee is
as follows: Aaron M. Frank, of
Portland, honorary chairman; Bri
an Mimnaugh, general chairman;
Harry Van Dine, assistant; Alber
ta Rives, secretary; Slug Palmer,
radio rallies; Mac Miller, features;
Jim Gilbaugh, serpentine; Bill
Knox, noise; Bob O'Melveny, traf
fic; Bun Stadelman, Order of the
O section; Dick Givens, lighting
and music; Dorothy Jean Murphy,
house speakers. With Marjorie
Clark on the co-ed rally director
ate are: Maxine Glover, Carolyn
Haberlach, Velma Powell, Carol
Werschkul, and Marguerite Tar
Given Tomatoes
JJEAN ALLEN and Professor
Turnbull, of the school of
journalism, are not going to
lack in their daily vitamins if
Daljit Singh Sadharia, graduate
of the University school of
journalism, can help it.
Sadharia, an Indian who fin
ished school here last fall and
is now living in Corinne, Utah,
sent each of the professors a
large box of ripe tomatoes,
which they received yesterday.
A year ago, he sent them each
a box of dried prunes and some
grapes from California.
Sadharia intends to do grad
uate work in either the East
ern states or England, it was
learned today. He has contrib
uted numerous articles to dif
ferent papers and magazines on
Oriental religion and philoso
Frosli Politicians
All Set for Polls
To Open Friday
Voting To Start at 10 and
Last Until 2 o’Clock
In the Afternoon
Since the withdrawal of one of
the parties on Monday the political
situation in the freshman class has
followed the course customary
with most political races—a set
tling down to steady campaigning.
With but one day left for political
argument and pep meetings, there
still remain three parties, all vieing
for the votes of the frosh.
The polls will open tomorrow
morning at 10 o’clock in the main
hall of Villard, where the voting
will be done on printed ballots and
dropped into supervised boxes. The
vote will be closed at 2 o’clock, and
the final results will immediately
be checked up by committees ap
pointed by the Associated students.
No changes have been announc
ed on the three tickets, and they
remain as follows:
John Kendall, Portland, presi
dent; Irene Waltz, Portland, vice
president; Joan Cox, Portland,
secretary; and Jim Ferguson, Pen
dleton, treasurer.
Dick DePittard, McMinnville,
president; Billie Eastman, Silver
ton, vice-president; Louise Bar
clay, Portland; and Bob De Graff,
Portland, treasurer.
Ray Clapp, Portland, president;
Kenneth McKenzie, Tillamook,
vice-president. The other two po
sitions have no candidates in the
third party. «
W.A.A. Bulletin Issued
First Time Since 1925
W. A. A. has issued their pep
bulletin for the first time in sev
eral years. The little booklet is
composed of 20 white pages of pep
talks, written by the student man
agers of the various sports com
prised in W. A. A. activities. It
is bound in gray, with the W. A.
A. slogan upon the front, “Play
for Play’s Sake.”
The pamphlet is obtainable at
the Y. W. C. A. bungalow or at
Gerlinger hail. All girls are urged
to secure one, not only to foster
their interest and increase their
knowledge of W. A. A., but to ben
efit their own campus life and ac
Metschan Praises Women
For Work Done in Politics
“It is an inspiring thing to have
^ someone interested in politics and
the promotion of a successful cam
paign without an eye to public of
fices and appointments,” said Phil
Metschan, Republican candidate
for governor, who wa? in Eugene
for the day on his way to speak in
several towns in the valley. “And
this is what women are doing to
day,” 0 he continued. “More and
more women are becoming inter
ested in their right of franchise,
and are learning not only to vote
intelligently themselves, but to in
fluence others with their opinions.
The franchise of women has
brought political discussion to the
home, and children benefit from
the opinions of the family circle.
“In the future I think that wo
' men will be a great influence in
their work for child labor laws,
workmen’s compensation laws, and
things relating to public welfare,”
Mr. Metschan declared. “It will be
interesting to see the outcome of
Mts. Ruth Hanna McCormick’s
campaign as a Republican nominee
for United States senate.
“The fact that women influence
men has been proved in their splen
did work for prohibition,” he said.
“Prohibition is becoming stronger
every day. People of all classes are
not drinking as they used to. When
the novelty of giving parties with
| liquor from father’s cellar for the
j pleasure and unusual entertain
ment of guests passes, the new
j generations will grow into a habit
J of prohibition.”
Mr. Metschan observed that,
(Continued on Page Three)
Students Will
Speak at Noon
On Dads’ Day
Committee for Advertising
Named by Chairman
Bob Miller
600 Set as Goal for This
Year; Attention To Be
Given Co-ed’s Fathers
“Invite your Dad now" will be
the message of campus speakers
today noon when they will call on
Bob Miller
CVCI^ living
: ganization to im
press upon them
the importance
of inviting their
Dads early for
the biggest Dads’
Day ever to be
held at the Uni
versity on Octo
ber 25.
“Special atten
tion is going to
be given to get
co-ed fathers
down this year,”
' said Bob Miller,
chairman of the
"In past years it has been mostly
fraternity dads that have regis
tered. Over 350 dads attended
last year, and this year we are
setting our goal for 600.”
The committee named by Bob
Miller last night which will assist
him in handling the entire campus
advertising for the event are: Dor
othy Jean Murphy, assistant
chairman; Helen Chaney, secre
tary; Winton Hunt, banners and
campus decorations; Dick Goeble,
downtown decorations; Lois Nel
son, speakers; Fred Hellberg, fra
ternity and sorority organizations;
and Wallace Baker, who will
formulate a special organization in
the dormitories to insure a large
representation of their fathers.
Speakers Named
The speakers and the houses
they will address, as announced by
Miller, are:
Jack Stipe—Alpha Phi, Gamma
Phi Beta, and Alpha Delta Pi.
Slug Palmer — Kappa Alpha
(Continued on Page Four)
Uniformity Found
In Oregon Births
Article by Oregon Duo Is
Result of Research
“Considerable unifor m i t y is
found in the average nuAiber of
children per family among the pro
fessional, business, farmer, skilled
labor, and unskilled labor classes
in Oregon,” Dr. R. R. Huestis of
the University biology department,
said yesterday.
Dr. Huestis and Mrs. Aline Max
well, graduate student of biology,
have been gathering information
on this subject for the past two
years. They wrote an article in
the Journal of Heredity called
“Student Test-Score Rank and
Family Size,” which told of their
experiments and data gathered
on this topic. The freshman men
tal test and information gathered
from professors on the University
of Oregon campus were used in
Dr. Huestis’ research.
“The usual tendency of the la
boring class to produce larger
families has diminished,” Dr. Hues
tis stated. "We found that fami
lies of business and professional
men averaged slightly lower, and
the families of farmers and for
esters somewhat above the aver
age for the families in the whole
“Brighter children are found to
come mostly from small families
and the less intelligent from large
ones. However, this difference is
not so pronounced here in Oregon
as it has been in former years.”
Work Seekers Swamp
Employment Secretary
Empoyment this year on the
campus is particularly bad, accord
ing to Mrs. Donnelly, employment
secretary. There are numerous
men here who need work, but there
are far more applicants than there
are jobs. Anyone who hears of a
job, from throwing in and stack
ing wood to chloroforming a pet
cat, is asked to get in touch with
I Mrs. Donnelly as soon as possible.
KORE Will Broadcast First
Emerald Program Tonite!
Art Potwin Again To Direct
Tuesday and Sunday
“Station KORE, The Oregon
Daily Emerald of the Air’’ will
again come over the ether at 8:15
o’clock tonight when the local
campus newspaper begins its sec
ond year of popular radio pro- j
grams featuring University of Ore
gon talent. Art Potwin, director
of last year’s broadcasts, is in
charge of arrangements for the
program and announced Wednes
day evening that the Emerald
broadcast will be a regular KORE
feature on Sunday from 6 to 7
o'clock and on Thursday nights
from 8:15 to 9 o’clock.
Potwin and his assistant, Chet
Knolton, have prepared a schedule
for the year’s entertainment that
will bring many of the old nota
bles as well as new talent before
the microphone. Tonight’s pro
gram will include such favorites
as Maxine Glover, Sally Halloway,
Marvin Jane Hawkins, “Sing” Har
per, Adele Wedemeyer, and Louise
Marvin. Carolyn Haberlach, who
did splendid work at the studio
last year, will be back on the staff
for the initial program. Intermin
gled with musical numbers will be
interesting campus newsbits, red
hot from the editorial offices of
the Emerald, and peppy inter
views with those in the University
Numerous feature skits are be
ing prepared for the broadcasts,
including a clever continuity
scheme for the Sunday programs
that will make trips, via the
“mike”, to the living organizations
and spots of interest in the Web
foot territory.
Said Potwin in regard to the
Emerald radio service: "All cam
pus performers and would-be per
formers are invited to take part
in these programs. Although the
pay is poor, the experience is ex
cellent, and some of this talent
may find a big-time job through
their noble efforts on KORE. Who
knows ?”
These hours of entertainment
were inaugurated by the Emerald
last spring as a means of discov
ering varsity talent and they
proved extremely popular both on
the campus and in the city of Eu
Public Speaking
Club Nominates
Seven for Office
Blais Appoints Committee
On Intramural Debate
Nomination of officers was held
by the Congress club, campus pub
lic speaking organization, at the
first meeting of the year, held last
night. Ethan Newman and John
King, both sophomores, were nom
inated for president; Robert
O’Leary, junior;' Robert Gamer
and Lewis High, sophomores, foi
secretary; Don Saunders, sopho
more; Kenneth McKenzie, fresh
man, for sergeant-at-arms. Leroy
Goff, sophomore, was unanimously
elected treasurer, and the vice
presidential position will be filled
by the defeated candidate in the
election of president.
The club went on record as fa
voring the barring of varsity de
bate and oratory squad members
from participation in the Jewett
extempore contest.
Two committees were appointed
by Merlin Blais, president. A con
stitutional committee will be pre
sided over by Emery E. Hyde, with
Roger Pfaff and Lewis High as as
sociate members; and a commit
tee to investigate the possibility
of intramural debate will be com
prised of Wallace Campbell, chair
man; Robert Gamer, and Emery
Professor Likes
Research in East
E. D. McAlister on Staff
At Smithsonian
Professor E. D. McAlister who
recently accepted a position of re
search work in the division of ra
diation at the Smithsonian Insti
tute at Washington, D. C., reports
that he is very pleased with his
His principal work is the devis
ing and perfecting of instruments
for the detection and measurement
of all kinds of radiant energy. He
has a fine laboratory admirably
equipped for research. He also has
considerable time in which to do
his own research.
Professor McAlister was assist
ant professor of physics and math
ematics at the University of Ore
gon before he accepted his pres
ent position. He has been replaced
by Professor Will V. Norris.
Bailey Appoints
Oregana Aides
For Sales Drive
Representatives Will Meet
At Kappa House
On Monday
Appointment of house represent
atives for the Oregana sales drive,
which is to be put over on Tues
Bill Pittman
and Thursday of
: next week, was
i made last night
i by Roger Bailey,
| yearbook m a n
f ager.
Bailey also
c o m p 1 e ted his
staff appoint
m e n t s, naming
Bill Pittman as
co-ma n a g e r of
the c i r c u lation
campaign, wan Alice carter, ana
placing Donna Gill at the head of
the Portland advertising drive,
which is planned for the week-end
of the Washington game.
The entire sales organization
will hold its first meeting at the
Kappa Sigma house Monday eve
These selected for the work are
the following:
Alpha Phi . Adele Wedc.meyer
Gamma Phi Beta .... Gretchen Wintermeier
Alpha Delta Pi .Marjorie Swafford
Zeta Tau Alpha .... Elinore Jane Ballantine
Independents . Betty Rebec
Phi Mu . Zelda Monroe
Alpha Xi Delta . Helen Chaney
Kappa Delta . Myrtle Seaverson
Chi Omega . ... Betty Jones
Kappa Alpha Theta . Betty Rebec
Kappa Kappa Gamma . Helen Cornell
Chi Delta . Catherine Duer
Alpha Chi Omega .. Hope Shelley
Pi Beta Phi . Mildred Collins
Delta Gamma . Maxine McIntyre
Alpha Gamma Delta . Helen Capple
Alpha Omicron Pi . Reba Brodgon
Delta Zeta . Thelma Nelson
Sigma Kappa . Marion Knudson
Delta Delta Delta . Ardis Ulrich
Hendricks Hall . Amy Hughes
Susan Campbell Hall .. Marion Moorehouse
Theta Omega . Margaret Ormandy
Theta Chi . Hal Paddock
Beta Theta Pi .. Howard Ragan
Phi Kappa Psi . Fred Fulton
Sigma Pi Tau . .Carl Sardina
Sigma Chi .LeRoy Shaneman
Alpha Upsilon
Chi Psi .Jim Desenderf
Sigma Phi Epsilon . Joe Freck
Sigma Nu .Tony Peterson
Kappa Sigma .Jess Douglas
Delta Tau Delta .Bill Bruce
Alpha Tau Omega Harold Fraundorf
Alpha Beta Chi .Lester McDonald
Phi Sigma Kappa . Hobart Wilson
Phi Delta Theta . Larry Bay
Bachelordon . Allen Griggs
Phi Gamma Delta .Johnny Anderson
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Thornton Shaw
Town men .Ed Wells
Town women . Hope Shelly
Parson Speaks
Dr. Philip A. Parsons, dean of
the school of applied social science,
addressed the Lions club yesterday
noon on the subject of the Eugene
Community Chest.
I wish to subscribe to the OREGON DAILY EMERALD for
the current school year, ending June, 1931.
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Health Service
Notes Decline
In Campus Ills
F,i"ht Students Confined
In Infirmary at the
Present Time
Statisties Show Deerease
Of 96 in Number
Of Cases
If figures don't lie, sickness is
on a decrease at the University of
Oregon. Records at the infirmary
show that 381 patients were con
fined to that building during the
last school year- 1929-30. Figures
for the preceding year show that
the infirmary handled 477 cases
during the year 1928-29. Thus
there has been a decrease of 96
cases, serious enough to cause con
finement at the infirmary, during
the past year. This fact is quite
a tribute to the men and women
who are handling Oregon's health
So far this term, 30 cases have
been taken care of at the infirm
ary. There has been no serious
illness, however, as most of the
patients are suffering from colds.
At the present time there are
eight students confined to the in
firmary. These students are Mary
Linn Saeltzer, Marguerite Phelps,
Zelda Finley, Marion Merrill, Rob
ert Patterson, Henry Levoff, Percy
Bergerson, and Charles Stryker.
Health service at the infirmary
and at the dispensary is free to
all registered students at the Uni
versity of Oregon. If the illness
is serious, a student will be taken
care of at the infirmary. Other
wise he will be treated at the dis
pensary. The number of cases
that can be handled at one time
in the infirmary, however, is lim
ited to 13.
Soph Managers
To Have Signup
This Afternoon
All Candidates for Jobs
Requested To Meet
At Igloo
According to Hack Miller, senior
manager of sports, all sophomores
requesting positions as managers
on any of the managerial staffs
are requested to be at a meeting
to be held this afternoon at 4 in
the classroom on the second floor
of McArthur court.
Any sophomore who Is inter
ested may attend and sign up, as
no previous experience is required.
The managerial staff work offers
an opportunity for a! man who is
interested in athletics and yet is
not an athlete, to work in contact
with the teams and to gain valu
able experience.
Miller has also announced a
plan for awarding junior man
agers who are selected out of the
sophomore group at the close of
the season of the sport they are
working with.
Senior managers of all sports
are requested to attend this meet
ing as well as candidates for the
sophomore positions, according to
Scholarship Exam
To Come Monday
Rebec Urges Many To Try
For Rhodes Award
“I would advise all students eli
gible for the Rhodes scholarship
to take the examination next Mon
day night whether they feel pre
pared for it or not. The exper
ience is excellent preparation for
the time when they will actually
expect to win the scholarship, and
gives them an idea of the nature
of the examinations,” said Dean
George Rebec.
Students from the University of
Oregon who have won the Rhodes
scholarship in the past include: Lu
ton Ackerson, '16; Kerby Miller,
'20, now a professor at the Uni
versity of Missouri and secretary
of Rhodes scholarship for the state
of Missouri; Arthur Rosenborough,
'24; Clinton Howard, '25; Alphonse
Korn, '27; and Theodore Ruch, '27.
U. of W. Tickets
At Co-op Today
Students Must Sign Otrn
Student tickets^ for the Oregon
Washington football game, to be
played a week from Saturday at
Portland, will be placed on sale
this morning at the Co-op, Ronald
Robnett, assistant, graduate man
ager announced.
Each student must call in person
for his ticket, present his student
body ticket, and one dollar, and
sign the ticket he receives. This
system, although it seems more
complicated than that previously
ii: use, will vindicate itself by act
ing as an additional safeguard for
the student section of the stands,
Mr. Robnett said.
A small number of grand stand
seats are still obtainable for those
desiring tickets for relatives or
Music Building Is
Greatly Improved;
Lounge Renovated
Ensemble Practice Room
Is Among Facilities
A remodeled and refurnished
lounge and a new and acoustically
perfect practice room for instru
mental ensembles are improve
ments which have been made in
the school of music building dur
ing the summer.
The work on the lounge, which
opens off the music auditorium,
was made possible through a gift
of several hundred dollars to the
school, the source of which Dean
John J. Landsbury said he did not
care to reveal at present.
The outdoor porch, which opened
off the west end of the lounge,
has been enclosed as a sun-room
and writing-room, and connected
to the main lounge through an at
tractive arcade executed in the
Spanish style.
The ensemble practice room has
been put in at a cost of $2000. A
partition was torn out between |
two smaller rooms on the south!
wing of the second floor to give
sufficient space. Three thick lay
ers of felt were placed over the
sound-proofing on walls and ceil
ing which is standard in all the
building partitions before they
were repapered attractively.
The sounu-ieilecting surfaces of
the windows have been success
fully eliminated in this room by
installing heavy silk drapes lined
with similar felt. Two upright
pianos complete the new equip
The addition of this room to the
facilities of the building has led
to plans for a greater number of
instrumental ensembles from stu
dents and faculty of the schbol
than ever before, according to
Dean Landsbury. Already the de
mands for practice time in the
room are so numerous thrg; it has
become necessary to work out a
schedule for every day in the
Visit to Eastern Cities
Planned by Dr. Parsons
Dr. Philip A. Parson, dean of
the school of applied social science,
will leave for the East the last of
this week. His trip will take him
to Chicago, Washington, Philadel
phia, Dover, Delaware, and New
York City.
Dr. Parsons plans to return to
Eugene the last of this month.
62 Band Men
To Leave For
Seattle Today
Web foot Musicians All Set
To Invaile Lair of
Husky Paek
Challenge Parade Will Be
Staged on Washington
Campus Friday
Sixty-two members of the Uni
versity band of 80 pieces will leave
j^ugene mis ai
ternoon for a two
day trip to Seat
tle and Portland,
the object o f
which will be to
increase interest
in the Oregon
v Washington foot
•i ball game in
Portland October
John Stehn,
UUUU unctiui, 13 jJiuuu VJJL uta ou
musicians, who comprise the larg
est band that Oregon has ever had,
and says he is sorry that arrange
ments could not be made to take
the entire group.
Accompanied by Band-manager
Don McCormick; graduate mana
ger, Hugh Rosson; and assistant
graduate manager, Ronald Rob
nett; the band will arrive in Port
land tonight with six hours to
spare before they entrain for Seat
tle on the midnight special which
has been chartered to take a dele
gation of Portland business men
who are boosting the Oregon team
to the Seattle metropolis.
Arriving in Seattle early Fri
day morning the band will begin
a busy day by appearing before
the Seattle Breakfast club. At
noon they will play for the cham
ber of commerce luncheon. A
“challenge’* parade through the
streets and across the University
of Washington campus will be the
highlight of the day.
Will Broadcast
Returning to Portland on an af
ternoon train, the Oregon music
ians will give a radio audience a
musical sample of the famous Ore
gon spirit in connection with the
weekly “Hoot Owl” meeting,
broadcast over station KGW be
tween 10:30 o’clock and midnight.
They will spend Friday night at
a Portland hotel and will be back
in Eugene Saturday.
The personnel list of the band,
Trumpet*—Bruce Walker, Fred Webb,
Leo Rickard, Delmar Mitchelson, Arthur
Holman, George Proctor, Norman Johnson,
Mervin Hod-la, Claude Condor, Donald
Foltz, Ilo Wilson, Charles Wood in, Henry
Mumaw, Robert Norton, Delos Parks, Wal
lace Palmer, Francis Shimaneh, Howard
Clarinet*—Douglas Orme. Sidney Hoff
man, Merle Beckett, Neil Sheeley, Juy
Wilson, Grant Orme. Jay Lehom, Mahr
Reymers, Dan Dlven, Eldon Woodin, J. H.
Hammond, J. M. Lynn.
Trombone*—Hubert Totton, Jack Frisch.
James Hartley, James McDaniell, Wesley
Allen, Allen Carley, Kay Hardman, Wil
liam McClean, J. T. Runyan, Carl Webb.
Basses—Dave Totton, Byron Patterson,
Jesse Bradley, Donald Flynn, Sherwood
Piccolo and flute—Victor Bryant, Bobby
Walden. Dolph Siegrist.
Saxophone*—Joe Haslinger, Ernest Alne,
Norman Cool, Harvey Trout, William
Leiser, Charles Burrow, Russell Cooke,
Herb Simmons, John Field, Dean Went
worth, Scott Milne.
French horns—M. Blackwell, Ralph Coie,
Delbert Moore, Adrian Burris.
Alto*—Rice Me Haley, H. B. Woods,
Richard May hew, Clifton Tuerson.
Oboe—Vernon Wiscarson.
Bassoon John Finley.
Snare drum*—Maurice Stauffer, Arthur
Muller. John Pennington, Martin Geary,
Charles Aetzel, Jack Reynolds.
Bass drum and cymbals—L. H. High,
Roy Ford.
Baritones Siegfried Von Bertheladorf,
Clelaod Wallsinger.
Opportunity for College Men
In Civic Bands9 Says Stehn
“The aim of every good military
bandsman in the country is a place
on the United States Marine band,’’
John Stehn, University band di
rector, stated yesterday. College
students musically inclined may
find as equally high a goal in the
marine organization which plays
here Tuesday as in the Portland
symphony and other orchestras.
“Two-thirds of the players in
the University band will settle in
cities which have an interest in
and which support civic bands and
orchestras,” Stehn said. Even
when students do not expect to
devote their entire time to their
playing, they find that their abil
ity stands them in good stead in
smaller cities. "In the East and
Middle West most of the communi
ties of any size have such organi
zations, and the movement is rap
idly spreading to the Pacific
“Leaders in such work find that
their ability and the contacts they
make count much toward econom
ic success,'* he declared. “Such
contacts give bandsmen a “drag”
which they find well worth while.”
Stehn believe sthat musicians al
ways profit by hearing good play
ing, and he rates the United States
Marine band at the top of the list.
He has requested that members
I of the University band attend
either the matinee or evening con
cert given Tuesday. The band will
be presented at McArthur court.