Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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    This co-cducational school as a
marriage institution has proved
its worth in the past summer and
early fall for H. R. H. King Cupid
has worked overtime. ,
A new couple who are making
their home here are Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Ager, who were married
in September at Union, Oregon.
Mrs. Ager was formerly Miss Mar
ian Phy, secretary to President
Kail. She was connected with
Delta Gamma and Mr. Ager with
Phi Sigma Kappa. Mr. Ager is
comptroller of the University.
Of special interest is the mar
riage of Josephine Ralston to Har
old Johnston which will take place
at the United Presbyterian church
in Albany today.
Miss Ralston, who is affiliated
with Alpha Phi, was graduated
from the University two years
ago. While on the campus she
was exceptionally prominent in
activities, being a member of Mor
tar Board.
Mr. Johnston was a Phi Delt
at Washington. The bride and
bridegroom will make their home
in Medford.
* * *
Another couple to try the dou
ble duties of school and matri
mony are William Hay Dashney,
Sigma Nil, and Miss Mary Ruth
McDitch of Coquille. Their wed
ding was an event, of June.
* * *
Two law students who are inves
tigating the bonds of matrimony
are John Galey, Sigma Alpha Ep
silon, and Miss Patricia Gallagher,
who graduated last year.
The wedding took place in July.
Since then the young couple have
made their home in Eugene, where
Mr. Galey is attending classes.
* * *
A wedding of moment among
faculty as well as student circles
was that of “Doc” Robnett, assist- |
ant graduate manager, and Miss |
Roberta Wilcox, Alpha Omicron '
Pi. Mr. Robnett is affiliated with
Phi Sigma Kappa.
The wedding took place in Sa
lem during July.
* i *
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Beal (Mrs.
Beal was formerly Leo Thomen) |
are now living in Saint Helens. !
Mr. Beal was a Delt and Mrs. Beal
a Chi Omega here. He was grad- I
fated last June, and she a year
ago. The wedding was held early
ir September.
* * *
A. June wedding was that of Fred- ]
ericka Warren, Delta Delta Delta,
to George Edward Bissell, Delta
Tau Delta. They were married in
Portland shortly after graduation, j
Another Phi Psi to take.up the
career of matrimony was Freddr
ick C. West, who married Miss
Katherine Mutzig of Portland
where they are now Jiving.
Mr. West was a three year let
terman in baseball and was chair
man of the finance committee
Both he and his bride were grad
uated in 1928. Mrs. West is affil
iated with Alpha Chi Omega.
* * *
Another wedding, and one of
Portland’s biggest social affairs,
was that of Miss Mary Malarkey
to Howard Wall, which was solem
nized shortly after school was out.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Wall were on
the campus last year; slTe, a mem
ber of Kappa Alpha Theta, and
he of Phi Kappa Psi.
They are making their home in
>!* * *
Lucille George, Gamma Phi of
1929, was married to Don Break
ey, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, in July.
The wedding was held in Portland,
where the young couple live.
* * *
Another woman active in cam
pus activities who was married
this summer was Miss Margaret
Clark, who last June became the
bride of Howard Holman. Mr. and
Mrs. Holman spent their honey
moon in San Francisco and are
r.ow living in Portland. Mrs. Hol
man was a member of Pi Beta Phi
and of Mortar Board.
* * *
Late this summer Miss Marjery
Jeffries, formerly on the campus
and a member of Kappa Alpha
Theta, was married to Fred Shan
naman. Mr. and Mrs. Shannaman
will make their home in Tacoma,
where Mr. Shannaman is engaged
ir business.
* * *
Another Kappa who was mar
ried is Miss Dorolhy McCreath,
who became the bride of Thomas
McGinnis, Chi Psi, in early Aug
ust. Mrs. McGinnis was graduated
in 1929 and Mr. McGinnis three
years ago. They are making theii
home in Indianapolis.
# * #
A wedding of the middle of Sep
tember was that of Louise Clark
to Franz Wagner. Mr. Wagner
was the president of Phi Delta
Theta last year and Mrs. Wagner
o:’ Kappa Kappa Gamma two years
Mr. and Mrs. Wagner are at
home to their friends at 1195 High
street here in Eugene.
* * *
Hazel Heine, who was graduat
ed a year ago last June and who
has since been connected with the
comptroller’s office, was married
shortly after graduation last June
to Fred Finsley, a senior. Mr. and
Mrs. Finsley haye spent the sum
mer traveling in California. Mrs.
Finsley was affiliated with Delta
Delta Delta and Mr. Finsley with
Alpha Tau Omega.
* * *
In June, Hazel Miller, Alpha
Gamma Delta and a graduate of
last spring, was married to En
gine Howe, Sigma Phi Epsilon,
ir the First Presbyterian church
* * *
On the 13th of September Miss
Doris Mae Lichty, Delta Delta
Delta, became the bride of Ken
neth Proctor, Theta Chi. Mr.
Proctor is a fifth year law stu
dent. Both he and Mrs. Proctor
are living here.
* * *
Vernon Kuykendall, a Phi Sig
ma Kappa, brought his bride of
September 7, Miss Dorothy Ste
vens, to the University with him
where she has enrolled as a fresh
Mustek m
Exclusive Dealers For
Atwater Kent Radio
Willamette and 11th
The only Beta who entered the
ranks of matrimony was Ridge
way Johnston, who married Miss
Doris Dalrymple, a Chi Omega, in
September. The ceremony was
| held in Portland, where the new
couple will make their home.
* * „ * o «
Another wedding which took
their friends by surprise v/as that
1 cf Miss Dorothy Dunham to Lew
I ir- Ankeny, which was solemnized
in San Francisco the last of Sep
Mrs. Ankeny was a member of
j Kappa Alpha Theta and Mr. An
keny of Chi Psi. Both were in
school last year. They will make
their home in San Francisco,
' where Mr. Ankeny is connected
with the Bank of Italy.
* # #
Returning from the Kappa con
vention ut Mackinac Island, Mich
igan, Miss Edra-Anne Seufert was
married to Bill Delschneider the
first part of September in Cleve
land, Ohio.
Mrs. Delschneider, who is affil
iated with Kappa Kappa Gamma,
was graduated last June. Mr. Del
schneider, Phi Gamma Delta, was
graduated two years ago. He and
ills bride will live-in Canton, Ohio.
* * *
An engagement coming most
unexpectedly is that announced by
Miss Jean Leonard, Gamma Phi
Beta and a junior, to James Brat
lie, Sigma Chi. Both Miss Leon
ard and Mr. Bratlie are attending
school here.
• * *
Peggy Harbaugh was married
last Friday night at the home of
her parents in Portland to Benja
men Buffey of Portland. Mrs. Buf
fey was a member of Gamma Phi
Beta. She and Mr. Buffey are
taking up their residence in Port
* * *
Coming as a great surprise was
the wedding of Esther Bliss, Delta
Delta Delta and a sophomore in
the University, to Craig Bowie,
Theta Chi, last Sunday in Port
land. Mr. Bowie is enrolled in
school, and both he and Mrs. Bowie
are making their home here.
* # *
Of outstanding interest is the
marriage of Erathusa Champlin,
Chi Omega, who was graduated
last June, to Pat Lucas, Kappa
Sigma. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas are
making their home here where
Mr. Lucas is studying pre-medics.
* * *
Arthur Anderson, vice-president
of the Associated Students two
j ears ago, a member of Friars and
Phi Delta Theta, on September 10
married Dorothy Whitehead, a Chi
Omega from Oregon State col
The wedding was solemnized in
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
will live in Pendleton, where Mr.
Anderson is in business.
• * *
Of extreme interest to his many
friends is the wedding of Howard
Page, a member of Chi Psi and a
junior on the campus last year,
and Miss Helen Addlesberger,
Polyphonic Choir
Attracts Singers
Large Group Attendtt First
0 Meeting of Term
A polyphonic choir more than
three times as large as that of
last year was indicated by the size
of the group attending the first
rehearsal held Friday in the mu
sic auditorium. Every member
who sang with the organization
last year, and has returned to
school this term, reported at the
first call.
Arthur Boardman, director, has
enrolled 85 new voices, but yester
day announced need of a dozen
basses and baritones to establish
an effective balance of the various
divisions. No previous musical
training is required for member
Work will be started at once on
the two major projects of the fall
’term, the Bach oratorio, "Du
Ilirte Israel,” and the "Messiah”
of Handel.
which will be held some time dur
ing the next month. Both the
prospective bride and bride-groom
are from Marshfield.
* * *
Virginia Hunt, who was in the
class of 1930 and a member of Al
pha Delta Pi, became the bride of
Duncan McDonald of Cottage
Grove, on the first of October.
They are spending their honey
moon in the East, and then will
return to Cottage Grove to make
their home there.
* * *
Miss Ruth Fields, Pi Beta Phi,
became the bride of Frank Mim
naugh, Phi Delta Theta, early in
September. Both the bride and
bride-groom were graduated two
years ago. They $re now living at
Pondosa, Oregon,
* * *
A wedding which will be solem
nized on October 18 in Portland is
that of Miss Dixie Brown and Fred
Hander. Mr. Hander graduated
last June, and Miss Brown was a
♦ * *
A very beautiful wedding was
that of Miss Gwendolyn Turner,
Kappa Alpha Theta, to John Kier,
Phi Delta Theta, which was sol
emnized at the home of the bride’s
parents in Hollywood last June,
Mr. and Mrs. Kier are living at
Palo Alto, where Mr. Kier is en
rolled at Sanford.
Dean Sheldon Has
Citizenship Plan
Idea of Civic Duty and
Patriotism Combined
Real citizenship is based on in
telligent patriotism, Dr. Henry D.
Sheldon, dean of the school of ed
ucation at the University of Ore
gon, believes, and he has worked
out‘a plan of civics study for high
schools which incorporates this
idea. The plan is being presented
by Dr. Sheldon at various insti
tutions over the state, and is be-!
ing endorsed by educators and
civic leaders.
The plan, which is four-fold, ■
substitutes a dramatic and vital
method of teaching civics for the
old formal way. In the first place,,
the students will be taught to
have an interest in current events,'
so that their curiosities will be,
stimulated as to how the wheels
of government turn. By drama- J
tising government, the students,
while they may not learn quite as
many facts, will be much more
interested in it than if they study
it out of a book, Dr. Sheldon says.
This plan has been put in force
in the University high school, and
has -been found highly successful.
Laurelwood Course
Offers Student Rate
Of interest to the golf addicts
are the arrangements made be
tween the physical education de
partment and the Laurelwood golf
links in the interests of the stu
For $10 per month a student
may play two nine-hole courses
twice a week. This includes one
free golf lesson. Dr. Bovard, dean
of the school of physical educa- i
tion urges all students interested
in golf to consider this offer.
Forget Classes ..
Play, a few rounds of miniature golf. Shoot a few
rounds on this trieky eighteen-hole course before
the rain starts. Takes the mind off those tough
classes. j
A season ticket free if you go the
round in a par 40. Free tickets to
lieilig theatre if you make any of five
holes in one.
“Skeet” Manerud, Prop. 51 East 11th
- - - . — -_
1 h e /' i r s t Lesson for the Fall T e
tn of School
CPocIict .jifiu CjBuJc anct/Tn
: *UapeT.
£c|uati..Complete 33cjli .Vet
• tudy.
Duofold Jr, Pen
$5. Pencil to
match $3.75.
Other Pens $5
to Sill; Pencils
k l—Parker Pocket Diiofold
B being Convertible—
1 2— saves the Price of a
Sh»sk Pen —-Voir or later
Jl—1wliieli pays for flie Desk Base!
Every Parker Duofold is convertible—
a combination pocket and desk Pen both,
at no extra charge. Choose Parker Duo
fold and you virtually get two Pens for
the price of one.
Yet you have only one to fill. And you
have your accustomed point wherever
you are.
When you’re on the go, it wears its
trim, streamlined cap, with Parker's pat
ented clip that holds the Pen low and
unexposed in your pocket.
On your desk, it rests in Parker's ball
and socket Base. And with this comes the
tapered end for the Pen (once $1 extra),
now included free.
Attaching the taper converts the Duo
fold into a Desk Set. Removing it restores
the Pen to a pocket model.
Guaranteed for Life
Paying more won’t get you a thing—
but will deprive you of this double value.
For only the Parker offers this. And a
Pen that holds 17 A% more ink than aver
age, size for size, Guaranteed for Life!
Go try them at any nearby pen counter,
side by side, with any other pen, regard
less of price. You’ll be surprised.
Wis Offices and subsidiaries: New York, Chicago,
Atlanta, Buffalo, San Francisco. Dallas, Toronto,
Canada; Loudon, England; Berlin, Germany.
er Duo,fold
To Attend Meeting—
Miss Florence Alden, head of
the women’s physical education
department, left for Portland yes
terday afternoon. She will spend
the week-end’there attending the
Oregon Physical Education associ
ation's monthly meeting, held at
the Portland Y. M. C. A.
Dr. Smith in Peru—
Mrs, Warren D. Smith recently
received a letter from her hus
band, who is head of the geology
department, written in Lima,
Peru. Dr. Smith is taking a trip
down the western coast of South
America, across the Andes to Ar
gentina, then up to Bolivia, and
perhaps returning to Peru before
sailing home. He will be gone all
term, gathering information on
the geology and geography of the
Faculty Has Dinner—
The faculty members of the Ro
mance language department and
their wives met last evening at
the Faculty club. A dinner was
served at 6:30.
To Give Tea—
The Faculty Women’s club will
give a tea next Wednesday at
Alumni hall in the Gerlinger build
ing, to which all graduate assist
ants, teaching fellows, and their
Grille ^
Sunday, October 5
Minimum Charge
Seventy-five Cents
Music By
Leo’s Varsitarians
Start at
wives are invited. Children are
also welcome and will be cared
for by a girl majoring in physical
education, while their parents are
attending the tea. The hours are
from 3 to 6.
Miss Hager in Marshfield—
Miss Celia Hager, of the Uni
versity psychology department,
returned yesterday from Marsh
field, Oregon, where she will con
duct a regular Extension evening
class in psychology. An effort is
being made to establish a similar
class in Roseburg.
Millsap City Editor—
Wearing a red shirt and a ten
gallon hat was all in the day's
work this summer for Ralph Mill
sap, who graduated with honors
in journalism last June, and is
now city editor of the Pendleton
East Oregonian. Millsap, along
with all Pendletonians, donned the
frontier attire in August to boost
the annual Roundup.
Research Assistant Named—
L. E. Angel has been appointed
research assistant in foreign trade
and is working with Professor
Hawkins, according to an an- ^
nouncement made by Dean Favilld,
of the school of business adminis
tration, yesterday. Mr. Angel is
a graduate of Oregon in the class
of '25, and was formerly connected
with the bUreau of foreign and
domestic commerce at Washing
ton, D. C.
* * . i
Mrs. Seybolt to Speak—
Mrs. Ottilie Seybolt, head of the
Drama department of the Univer
sity of Oregon, will speak today
at the meeting of the Lane County
Grange Lecturers at 1:30, at the
chamber of commerce. Her sub
ject will be “Selection and Stag
ing of Plays Suitable for Grange
Seven in Infirmary—
The first week of school finds
the infirmary filling up, with If
seven patients /now listed with
colds and fatigue. They are: J.
Robert Weller, Joe Simpson, Rob
ert James, Ray L. Bell, Glenn
Burns, Rhoda Gollehur, and Ger
aldine Goodsell.
Calkins Attends Banquet—
Jeannette Calkins, editor o< “Old
Oregon,” alumni publication, went
to Portland Friday to attend the
banquet given in honor of Judge
Robert Sharp Bean.
free McDonald tickets
for ye old hole in one on holes:
one 1, seven 7, sixteen 16, and
A FREE GAME on 6, 9, 15, 18—
Golf Course
"Eugene’s Own Store’*
McMorran & Washburne
PHONE 2700
A 1930 Red Cross Famous
“Limit Last” Shoe in Black
“Suzanne” is a popular shoe because it can be worn either with a spectator
sports outfit or with an afternoon dress. In design—“Suzanne”—is an ox
ford—light weight. The basic leather is a pebbly Morocco that has a dull
linen-like surface. The Continental Cuban heel, the interesting trimming on
the top of tln> shoe, and the strap trimming over the instep that give to the
shoes a sandal-like effect, are all in patent leather. And following the line of
the sandal-like straps are lines of perforations in the actual leather that con
verge on the instep, giving the foot a slender and dainty appearance. These
perforations extend around the top of the shoes.
Listen in on KORE Majestic Hour—3 to 4 p. m.
Mc.Morran and Washburne Studio—Each Day