Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1930, Image 2

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. University of Oregon, Eugene
Vinton Hall, Editor , Anion Peterson, Manager
Robert Allen, Managing Editor
Neil Taylor, News Editor Carol Hurlburt, Society
Jack Burke. Sports Lester McDonald. Literary
Barney Miller, Features Warner Guiss, Chief Night Editor
Star Reporters: Lois Nelson, Merlin Blais, Ralph David.
Reporters: Betty Anne Macduff, Lenore Ely, Jessie Steele. Isabelle Crowell, Thelma
Nelson. Helen Cherry, Jack Bellinger, Betty Davis, Helen Rankin, Beth Salway,
George Thompson, Helen Raitain, Merlin Blais, Elaine Wheeler, Roy Sheedy,
Thornton Shaw, Znra Beenmn, Rufus Kimball, Elinor Henry, Virginia Wentz, Ted
Montgomery, Elinor Jane Ballnntyne, Jim Brook.
General Assignment Reporters: Mary Bohoskey, Eleanor Coburn, Joan Cox, Fred
l'ricko, Eleanor Rheeley, Barbara Jenning, Madeline Gilbert, Katherine Manerud,
Katherine King. George Reol. Frances Taylor.
Day Editors: Dorothy Thomas, Thornton Gale.
Night Editors: Eugene Mullins, Doug White.
Assistants: Lois Weedy, George Sanford, Byron Brinton, Carl Metzen, Betty Carpen
ter, Elinor Wood.
Jack Gregg, Advertising Manager
Larry Jackson, Foreign Advertising
Ken Siegrist, Circulation Manager
Addison Brockman, Assistant Manager
John Painton, Office Manager
Betty Carpenter, Women’s Specialties
Harriet Hoffman, Sez Sue
Carol Werschkul, Executive Secretary
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the
college year. Member of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at
Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Advertising
rates upon application. Phone, Manager: Office, 1895; residence, 127.
Let the Women Help
PICTURE—if you can—a thousand co-eds wearing lemon-yellow
and green chrysanthemums swaying back and forth to the
tempo of a real Oregon yell given by the men's rooting section at
the Washington game in Portland and you will have the idea being
worked out by the Rally committee under the leadership of Brian
Mimnaugh. Oregon women have long been known for their school
spirit and this year they will be given an opportunity to demon
strate what they can do.
The plan is to have the co-eds sit in a special section at the
gumc -as they have done in the past and that they should have
an organization all of their own. A committee of representative
women has been appointed to handle the co-ed section and will en
deavor to work out some sort, of a women’s stunt to be given be
tween halves.
It is an idea new t,o Oregon and it will be necessary to have
the co-operation of every loyal Oregon woman. When you are asked
to do your bit, show your real spirit and let's have the women do
something original at the game.
Now When I Was Frosh . . .
117HEN is a frosh not a frosh? A sort of evolution, we might
’ " say, from days of barbarism ten years ago to the present
has led their standing on the campus to the position as in the
picture we offer. Imagine after the Wednesday 10 o’clock.
1920 Big burly senior, 10-gallon headgear, baggy cords, neat
little mustache, addressing meek spectacled yearling: “Cut that
stuff, freshie. What’re you doing with them books? Think you
can get any place in that class ? Why that prof’ll eat you alive.
Come from the sticks, don’t you? Anyone could tell it by looking
at your necktie. Cut that gab in classes, kiddo. We know you’re
not smart. Partin’ your hair on the side, eh? High school stuff.
Run home and train it straight like a real man. What? Yeah,
for all that back-talk bend over!”
* *
1925 Senior (you can still tell it. He's wearing cords, mus
tache, and has his big hat at home) to yet innocent-looking frosh:
“Hello, kid. How’d you stand the parade? I'll tell the cock-eyed
world you look mighty peaked. That green paint around your gills
makes you look keen. Aren't you scared of that bleary-eyed prof?
He's apt to step on little guys like you. All effliography instruc
tors are like that big mouth, double chin and flat feet. See you’ve
been pledged to a frat. Well, they’ll take it out of you in a hurry.
Our tong’s got a paddle six feet long. We’ve cracked three already
this term. Watch your step, kid. Keep that lid on.”
* * «
1930—Senior (well dressed, usually suit or cords, seldom a
mustache) to entering student, well dressed, usually no cords, un
intentionally a mustache: "Hello. By golly, a person needs a cig
arette after that class. Have one ? Some prof, that man, eh ?
Bunch of good women this year, too. Funny how full Condon is,
haven't been able to get the book I’m after yet. It’s a darn good
one, not dry like most. How many hours you carrying? About
right. Can’t carry too many and become acclimated at the same
time. Look for a big year this year, don’t you? Fine spirit every
one’s in. Well, be seeing you.”
Like the Sailors
IKE the sailors of old story, with a girl in every port, University
X-J freshmen after Saturday night will be expected to have a girl
in every hoflse. And this wide first-year acquaintanceship will be
far more possible of achievement with the changes in the Open
House schedule listed on the first page today.
I' Open House was instituted primarily that students might easily
make wholesome contacts m the University with others than of
their own sex. Necessarily freshmen were the first to be consid
ered. This year for the first time they are so considered, for this
year the men's dormitories, residence of new-comers, will have sep
arate places on the Open House schedule.
Tht long line inquired for formal introduction in previous years
will be dispensed with in ordei that the hours of toe-trampling will
not be lengthened. This in Itself may be an Improvement. Real
names may lead to true friendships.
Speaking of buying floor lamps in Alaska where there is no
Juice reminds us that we must order those new awnings for the
fine arts museum.
Here's a tip for the jealous suitor. Turn in a phoney telephone
number for your gal. The pigger's guide sometimes fails.
A mat tied woman, Golda Wickham, has captured honors three
times for the highest number of points in the University. Let this
be a lesson to everyone.
College Bred, some cynic once said, means a four-year loaf.
Alter all. . . . The Daily Californian.
What a tough bleak for the Prince of Wales! It appears that
he will now have to be king of Great Britain. His sister-in-law
twite of the Duke of York) gave birth to a daughter, and the care
free prince had promised his family that if the child were not a
boy he would definitely succeed to the throne. (California Daily '
Enrollment has dropped oft 300 since last year. Somebody
must have found out about the parking situation on the campus._
The Daily Nebraskan.
There cannot be too many tangible evidences of our respect for
the builders of other years. - The Daily Californian.
* «
* •
Theta Omega will hold open
house at Friendly hall tonight.
Harvard Club—Luncheon at the
Anchoragg Monday noon.
Industrial Research Group com
mittee Y. W. meets Monday night
at Bungal >w. All students wel
The Pro.e and Poetry Group of
Philomelete will meet Sunday at
2 o’clock in the Women’s lounge
ir Gerlinger hall. All freshman
girls who are interested in this
group are cordially invited.
Representatives in houses who
are to take orders for chrysan
themums meet in the women’s
lounge of Gerlinger hall Monday
at 4 p. m.
The Little Art Gallery showing
a display of photographic art will
be open on week days until 4:30
on Saturday from 8 to 4, and or
Sunday from 2 to 5.
V. VV. C. A. Executive commit
tee meeting on Monday at A
o’clock in the Bungalow.
All girls who have signed foi
volunteer office help at the Y. W
C. A. please meet at the Bunga
low, Monday at 4:30.
Open swims will be held in th<
women’s pool every Monday, Wed
nesday, and Friday, 5nnounce<
Miss Ernestine Troemel, head o:
swimming. This open swimming i:
restricted to girls. They are re
quired to bring their own bathinj
caps, but suits are furnished ii
the gymnasium.
All men interested in signing
for the handball, golf, tennis, an<
horseshoe tournaments are re
quested to do so by 3 o’clock, Wed
- . ,
Between Classes
Yesterday we saw: THREE AL
PHA XI DELTS looking melan
choly; PROF. MYERS actually
hurrying; CLIFF GARNETT car
rying on a little tete-a-tete; WALT
DURGAN crooning a love ballad;
attentive in French class; LES
JOHNSON looking quite master
ful; JOHNNY PENLAND follow
ing a co-ed up the campus; GWEN
PANTON rushing up Alder; EL
EANOR LEWIS dropping a pen
1 cashing a check.
nesday, October 8. Sign for golf
and horseshoes at the gym and
for handball and tennis at their
respective courts.
University bandsmen must wear
I uniforms Monday afternoon as pic
■ tures will be taken at this meet
• ing.
Open House, it is claimed by
si ruction, it is our duty to inform
the freshmen on that subject
which is nearest to their hearts
at the present time, nothing other
than OPEN HOUSE. •
Open house, it is claimed by
those versed in campus folklore,
was started back in the dim hoary
past, about 12 C. P. (before Chi
Psi) when a crying need was felt
for four new courses in the Uni
versity; those in handshaking, one
to develop the endurance of the
fast weakening physiques of the
college students, and one in the
art of polite conversation, not to
mention one in campus geography.
The University being too poor to
provide these courses, the stu-t
dents took it into their own hands
and combining them all, instigat
ed OPEN HOUSE. In the years
which have followed the original
significance has been lost and it
has now become simply a substi
tute for the now defunct “frosli
When you enter the Theta, Kap
pa, Delta Gam, or Alpha Phi house,
it is always to assume an attitude.
Be sophisticated and nonchalant.
Use the good old Harvard accent. [
Remember what a boring evening j
it is, mention how well your na- \
tional rates in the East (not an
intentional dig at the Phi Psis).
Be sure your shirt is tucked in
and that your fingernails are man
icured. When you shake hands,
any name will do. By the time
they get through passing it down
the line, you won’t be able to rec
ognize it yourself. 1890 waltzes
will be all the stuff. If you have
gum in your mouth, park it behind
your ear when entering the door.
At the Chi O, Alpha Chi, Tri
Delt, or Gamma Phi houses you
mus.t be Joe College at any cost.
Feign inebriation, shout, imitate
a frog on a hot rock while danc
ing, and sing to the music. When
being introduced, never be formal.
Kid, pal, and skirt or any similar
form of salutation are not o/ily
permissible but in good taste.
Don't bother to park your gum
but offer it to your hostess.
A few hints for some of the rest
ol the tongs:
Admire the Gerlinger cup at the
Alpha Chi shanty; the scholarship
cup at the Sigma Kappas; the new
A. D. Pi house; remark on the
wholesome looking pledges at the
Pi Phi house and praise athletic
women; remember that Johnny
Kitzmiller pigs Alpha Gam, and
ask to see the singing cup at the
Alpha O tong.
To prepare you for what may
follow here is a probable conver
sation in which you will engage:
“Oh Mr. Smith—you dance
so well.”
“My name’s Jones—but I
guess you're right.”
“Oh yes, Jones—”
“Yeah, Jones.”
“Don’t you think these open
house nights are just killing?”
“Ha-ha. You say the raciest
things, Mr. White.”
“Jones. Sure I do when I’m
with such a cute cut-up as you
Miss Brown.”
“Not Brown—Gray.”
“Oh yes.”
“There’s the whistle—well,
good-bye, Mr. Smith.”
“Jones. Good-bye—thanks tor
the hop—”
(Outside) “Darn it! What
was that dame’s name?”
Law School Has
New Certificate
Document Dated Oct. 1,
To Be Framed
The University of Oregon now
l as an Approved Law School. For
that matter, the law school has
been officially approved by the
American Bar Association since
August 28, 1923, when it was rec
( mmended by the Council on Legal
Education and Admission to the
Bar, but it was not until October
1 of this year that the Oregon
law school received its certificate
of approval. The certificate is
dated August 19, 1930, and is
posted in the glass case on the
bulletin board of the law school.
It will be framed as soon as pos
The certificate is sent upon the
receipt of satisfactory answers to
a set of questionnaires, usually
sent out at five-year intervals.
The certificate may be withdrawn
if the standards which gained it
are not maintained.
It limit's Scholarship
(ioiiiinillcc Is Named
The foreign scholarship commit
tee for the Rhodes Scholarship has
been announced as follows: Dr.
George Rebec, chairman: Andrew
Fish, S. Stephenson Smith, and Er
nest Gellhorn.
G. B. Noble of Reed college is
secretary of the Rhodes Scholar
ship for the state of Oregon, re
placing Walter Barnes of this Uni
versity, who is on leave of ab
There will be three examina
tions. The first, before th eUni
versity of Oregon foreign scholar
ship committee, will entitle the
winners to go to Portland to be
examined by the state committee.
Two winners will go from there to
the district committee, for the fi
nal examination
Oregon is in the same district
a: Washington Idaho Montana
Wyoming, and North Dakota.
Alph Upsilon announces the
pledging of Elmo Olmcheid and
William Lynds of Portland.
Alpha Omicron Pi announces
:he pledging of Jean Aiken, of
Every Student
Needs One
U'MYKltslTY professors are only human- naturally
a neatly typed paper ill bring; a better grade
than one scrawled in long hand.
A portable is light and eompaet and as rugged as a
standard maehiue. ()ur maehines are not the usual run
of "rent maehines that have been rebuilt—but brand
new maehines fresh from the factory.
The new Co-op rent service of portable typewriters
lias proven very popular. Better drop in and let 11s
explain how easy it is to rent one.
Per Month
Petzold Second
In Music Contest j
Ralph M. Cole of Men’s
Group Fails To Place
The last handful of votes count- |
ed in the statewide Atwater Kent j
audition which was held over ra
dio station KGW last Saturday
night turned the almost certain
victory of Agnes Petzold, Univer
sity of Oregon contestant, into an
ineffective second place, and
robbed her of the chance of com
peting with other singers in the
district competition to be held
from San Francisco November 17.
Winners in the state contest were
Alfred Leu and Earbara Jane
Thorne, both of Portland.
Miss Petzold won the first choice
of two of the four judges, but
failed to poll enough popular votes
to offset the great flood of met
ropolitan ballots, which carried
her opponent to an 11-point vic
tory, 923 to 912. The vote of the
judges, whose names were not an
nounced, counted for 40 per cent,
and the popular vote composed
the remainder of the score.
Ralph M. Coie, Eugene contest
ant in the men's division, and a
music major in the University,
failed to place in either of the first
two awards, and his exact stand
ing will not be made known for
several days.
The singers were known only by
number in the contest, their iden
tity being withheld in the interest
of fair judgment by the radio au
dience of the state. As No. 23,
Miss Petzold sang “Les Filles de
Cadiz” (Delibes), and Mr. Coie, as
No. 2, sang the Mendelssohn Reci
tative and Aria, “Lord God of
Miss Petzold, a graduate stu
dent in the school of music, is
training for an operatic career,
and plans to study next year in
Oregon Pharmacy
Across from College Side
Como in and visit
our new home—it’s
all for your conven
Sid Claypoole
Walt Van Atta
Lad Misses Train
In Saying Adieu
George Currie played good
football last night on Soldier's
Field in Chicago and so now it
can be told how he nearly
missed all chance to play.
George is a Portland boy,
having played for Franklin
High in that city for some
time, so it was only natural
that there should be someone
down to bid him good luck and
a lot of other hooey when the
team stopped off in Portland
on their way east.
However, there was evidently
more hooey than luck, for when
le train pulled out it left with
it George. We have Jack
Rushlow's telegraphed word
that the wires began to get hot
<?,nd an extra long wait was en
dured at the little signpost
called Troutdale. However,
Currie hailed a taxi and ar
rived in time to catch the rat
tler there.
We won’t even guess as to
what was said by the powers
aboard, but we are sure it
wasn’t hooey.
Instructor nags j
Seven-Point Bcuk
Professors of Mathematics
Enjoy Vacations
Since classes have started, pro
fessors, as well as students, arc
happily recalling their summer va
Shortly before the University
opened, Dr. W. E. Milne, professoi
of mathematics, and his son Bay
ard went deer hunting in the
mountains in southeastern Oregon
near Lakeview. They returnee
with a seven-point deer weighing
200 pounds. Previously, Professoi
Milne spent six weeks this sum
mer giving courses in calculus al
the University of Minnesota.
] Two other mathematics profes
! sors also report enjoyable vaca
| tions. Dr. D. R. Davis and hii
: wife spent the summer in and neai
their old home in Warsaw, Indi
! ana. They purchased a new ca:
at South Bend and drove back t(
After the summer session ii
| Eugene, Dr. Edgar E. DeCou spen
! the month of August at Yachats
where he and his family enjoye<
bathing and fishing.
Foil Colors
Decorate Millroct
This Week-em
Race Waj
Oregon Students
We are glad to see you back in Eugene
and we intend to continue our policy
of catering to students’ trade.
Seth Laraway
—21 Years of Student Trade—
Why Be a Drip ?
On 1 lie Oregon campus you are considered a
“drip” it' you can’t dance and dance well.'
A tew lessons at this studio under our capable
instructors ami you will dance the newest and
smartest collegiate hox-trots and waltzes.
We are starting a NEW BEGINNERS
GLASS Tuesday—8:3Q 1’. M.
Ten 2-hour Lessons
$7.50—Ladies $5
Private Lessons by Appointment
Tap dancing classes tor advanced and be
ginning pupils. For information call studio.
Merrick Dance Studios
Francis G. Mullins, Director
861 Willamette St.
Phone 3081
Drip—collegiate term for “total loss.”