Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1930, Image 1

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    The Weather
Fair but with occasional cloudi
ness. Moderate temperature.
Maximum . 71
Minimum .». 41
The Calendar
The Campus Calendar is pro
vided by the Emerald for the con
venience of any organization con
nected with the University or stu
dent activities. Call local 355 and
give item to the reporter.
Schedule for
1931 Pictures
Is Announced
Photographs for Oregana
Planned; Editor Names
Houses and Dates Listed
For Appointments
With Studio
The taking of individual pictures
for the 1931 Oregana will begin
next Tuesday, October 7, and last
until Saturday, December 13, ac- !
cording to the schedule released
last night by Henrietta Steinke, j
editor. One day is allotted to each |
living organization.
This year, on account of the full- j
ness of the schedule, it is essen- j
tial that each house or group go ■
through as a complete unit on its
appointed day. Those who are late !
in showing up at the studio will
fail to get their pictures into the
Oregana, Miss Steinke announced.
In this ruling seniors as well as
all others are included.
The photography is again being
handled by the Kennell-Ellis stu
dio. Students who are engaged in
activities are reminded to order
one print for each group in which
they expect their pictures to ap- 1
pear. Banks for the scheduling of 1
appointments will be distributed
this week-end.
The complete list of houses,
dates, and representatives in
charge of the work appears else
where in this morning’s Emerald.
Living groups not included may
secure places by getting in touch
with the editor. Arrangements for
independents will be made later.
Latin Pageant To
Show in Portland
Students Urged To Attend
Play October 18
“Dido and Aeneas,” a Latin pag
eant celebrating the 2,000th anni
versary of Virgil’s birth, will be
given in Portland at Grant high
school on Friday and Saturday,
October 17 and 18.
Miss Nina L. Greathouse of Jef
ferson high school, director of the
play, urges all University of Ore- I
gon students interested in Latin
to attend this pageant while they
ere in Portland to see the Oregon
Washington game October 18.
This pageant has been produced
in the East with success, but the
production in Portland will be its
premier western showing.
Admission to the play will be 25
cents and 35 cents. There will be
no reserved seats.
Dance Group Slates
• First Meet of Year
The Master Dance group will
hold their first meeting of the
year on Wednesday evening, Oc
tober 8, from 8 to 8:30. The pur
pose of the meeting will be to
elect a new president to succeed
Lucille Worth, retiring prexy.
Dates for tryouts for club candi
dates will be arranged, and plans
for thq future discussed. It is
urgent that all members turn out.
Hall Loses Title
On Office Door
Most of the time Dr. Arnold
Bennett Hall, president of the
University of Oregon, cannot
help being called “Doctor” Hall,
or "President” Hall, and occa
sionally some enthusiastic
toastmaster adds a few more
designations, but in his own of
fice here on the campus the
University head has managed
to arrange things so he can for
a time be just plain “Mr.” Hall.
In the new suite of adminis
trative offices, completed this
summer in Johnson hall, the
door of the president’s office
is labeled simply “Mr. Hall,”
with no further designations.
Metschan To Be
Main Speaker at
Breakfast Here
Sigma Delta Chi Plans
Series of Campaign
At a breakfast scheduled for
Wednesday morning, 8 o’clock
sharp at the Anchorage, Phil
Metschan, republican candidate
for the governorship of the state
of Oregon, will be the main speak
er on the program. The meeting
which is sponsored by Sigma Del
ta Chi, national professional jour
nalists honorary, is the first of a
series at which each of the guber
natorial candidates will be the
guest of honor.
The breakfast is open to the
public, according to T. Neil Tay
lor, president of the journalism
Invitations have been issued to
all members of the faculty, and ac
ceptances received from many.
Those who intend to attend the
breakfast are requested to get in
touch with Miss Davis, secretary
to Dean Eric W. Allen of the school
of journalism, so that places may
be set for the correct number.
“This meeting is not intended as
a show of strength for Candidate
Phil Metschan, nor will any of the
proposed meetings be such. The
idea is to give students and facul
ty on the University campus the
opportunity of gaining acquain
tance with the gubernatorial can
didates so that they may form
their opinions with a better under
standing, and vote with a wider
knowledge of the individual mer
its of each candidate,” Taylor
Following the breakfast pro
gram, Mr. Metschan is scheduled
to address Dean Eric W. Allen’s
class in editing. The three candi
dates have been invited by Dean
Allen to visit the campus and pre
sent their cases to the students in
Gym Classes Offered
Faculty and City People
Classes for faculty and towns
people will be held in the women’s
gymnasium, starting next week.
The following classes will be of
fered only as long as there is an
attendance of at least 12 at each
class: Thursday, October 9, at
7:30, swimming, faculty women
free, townswomen 10 lessons for
$3; Monday, October 13, at 7:30,
interpretive dancing; at 8, swim
ming, men and women.
Rain Making Medicine Men
Bring Cloud Juice By Verse
Soup Ladle woman is coming—
Outside the door she is waiting
The fa,t of the Yellow cow,
The egg of the black hen,
The dough in the mixing bowl,
Mud on the door.
Oh, God, give us rain.
• * *
Which may or may not bring
rain, but which is considered a
sure-fire rain maker among the
natives of Southern Anatolia, Tur
key. In a signed story to the New
York Times, Lucille Saunders, for
mer Oregon journalism student,
and news editor of the Emerald,
describes the curious rain-making
customs in Anatolia, which even
centuries of Moslem domination
have not been able to stamp out.
Several other prescriptions fob
rain-making are prevalent else
where in Anatolia. A man whc
called the above proceeding
“child’s play,” instructed, “Write
a prayer on a slip of paper, put
it in the skull of a horse, and put
the skull in water. The rain is
sure to come.”
Another recipe is to take three
pieces of stone from a grave anc
drop them into fresh spring watei
in the early morning. Still an
other is to take 40 little balls ol
sour dough and gpve each the
name of a bald-headed man. Ther
each ball should be stuck on s
piece of wood at the same time
one calls the name of the bald
headed man.
Since Miss Saunders’ graduatioi
she has traveled extensively oi
the continent and the far-awaj
places of the earth, describing the
curious customs of strange people
for some of the leading New Yorl
Hal Paddock
Appoints Dad’s
Day Committee
‘Invite Your Dad Soon’ Is
Urge of Chairman of
Annual Event
Notables of Campus Will
Handle Arrangements
For Entertainment
At the initial meeting of the
Oregon Dad's Day committee held
yesterday afternoon in Johnson
hall, plans were formulated for the
biggest Dad’s Day celebration on
October 25, ever to be held on the
Oregon campus.
"Invite your dad early,” urges
Hal Paddock, general chairman of
the event. “We are going to make
a special effort to have everyone’s
dad visit the campus during this
Plans discussed by Paddock’s
main committee in its meeting
yesterday called for many new
features, stunts, and entertain
ments, in addition to the big foot
ball game with Idaho and the an
nual Dad’s Day banquet.
The main committee, consisting
of some of the most prominent
students of the campus, include
Hal Johnson, former chairman of
Junior Week-end and candidate
last year for president of the stu
dent body; Bob Miller, varsity de
bater and member of the Greater
Oregon committee; Jack Stipe,
former sophomore president; Wil
ma Enke, candidate for senior
woman in last spring term elec
tions; Gladys Clausen, Junior
Week-end directorate and class
barber of senior class; Marguerite
Tarbell, former vice-president of
the freshman class; Chet Knowl
ton, prominent in class affairs, and
Thornton Gale, associate editor of
Minor committee appointments
to handle the vast amount of work
in connection with a successful
Dad’s Day will be made in the
near future.
The amount of enthusiasm dis
played at a meeting of the Oregon
dads this summer promises that
a large majority of them will be
in attendance at the convention.
The officers of the Oregon Dads
for 1929-1930 are:
Paul T. Shaw, Portland, presi
R. J. Raley, Pendleton, vice
W. H. Jewett, Eugene, secre
Karl W. Onthank, Eugene, ex
ecutive secretary.
New officers for 1930-1931 will
be elected during the convention.
Faculty officers and members
(Continued on Page Three)
Frank O. Lowden
Praises Oregon
Ex-Governor Commends
Business Research
The work in industrial and busi
ness research being carried on by
the school of business administra
tion of the University of Oregon
is of immense value to the state
at large, it is declared by Frank
O. Lowden, former governor of
Illinois, and one of the most out
standing authorities on American
industry, it is announced here by
David E. Faville, dean of the
school, who has just received a
letter from Mr. Lowden.
Mr. Lowden has received two of
the Oregon bulletins, “An Indus
trial Audit of Oregon’’ and “Port
land’s Share in Export Traffic.”
Of these he says: “I have gone
over these two bulletins with
keenest interest. The University
has made, I think, a distinct con
tribution to the welfare of the
state. The citizen, whatever his
calling, often is so occupied with
his own affairs to be unable to
envisage even his own industry or
occupation as a whole, much less
the sum of the activities which go
. to make up a great state. The
i work you are doing, therefore,
ought to be of immense value to
the citizenship of Oregon. I am
i glad to see the University striking
i out along this new path.”
Governor Lowden visited the
campus a year ago and delivered
the commencement address. At
this time he also received the hon
orary degree of doctor of laws.
Gusto of Foreign Musicians
To Mark Recital by Steiner
.Wm Cello Instructor in
Department of Music
To Appear Sunday
Once you see Fereriz Steiner
you don’t doubt that he comes from
foreign lands. He has gusto, much
polish and gallantry, and warmth.
Ferenz Steiner is the new cello
instructor at the school of music
and right now he's particularly in
the public light because he will
make his first concert appearance
here at the music auditorium, Sun
day afternoon, at 4 o’clock, open
ing the University's music season.
There is something pleasant
about this musician—something
very refreshing, because he is
quite out of the pattern of our
American business man.
Mr. Steiner was at the music
building Friday afternoon rehears
ing with Aurora Potter Under
wood, who will be his accompanist
tomorrow. Too busy with his
classes and rehearsal to stop for
long, Mr. Steiner nevertheless
chatted a minute or so and ex
pressed his satisfaction with Ore
gon, his new home state, some dis
tance from Budapest, Hungary,
where he was born and received
his musical education. Bu£ the
entertainment he provided was
better than an interview—it was
a “dress rehearsal” of the Sunday
concert. All the wormth of his
personality goes richly into his
playing and he does something
that brings the cello to life. His
program is brilliant and includes
one of his own compositions. His
program follows:
Sonate .
Arcangelo Correlli (1653-1713)
Preludio. Allemande. Sarabande.
Romance, Op. 9 No. 1 .
In Concert
Ferenz Steiner, violoncellist, new
faculty member of the school of
music, who will open the Univer
sity music season Sunday after
noon with a concert at the music
auditorium at 4 o’clock.
. Ferenz Steiner
Allegro Appasionato...Saint Saens
Tarantella . Popper
Sonate . Grieg
Allegro con brio
Hungarian Rhapsodie .
. Liszt-Popper
There will be no reserved seats,
and tickets will be on sale at the
Install New Plan
For Fall Donut
Sports Program
Three Leagues Will Play
In Intramural Lists
This Season
A startling innovation will be
made in intramural sports this
fall due to the adoption of separ
ate schedules for independent and
fraternity groups entered in the
swimming and basketball tourna
ments. Such was the announce
ment released yesterday afternoon
by Paul R. Washke, physical edu
cation director, who is endeavor
ing to establish new lines of com
petition on the campus.
Under the new system the inde
pendent groups, which includes
the various halls, will compete
with each other, and the frater
nities will do likewise. A third
league will be composed of repre
sentative teams from the four
classes;—seniors, juniors, sopho
mores, and freshmen. The basket
ball tourneys are slated for an ap
proximate date of a month from
now and the swimming meets will
start sooner.
While there are undoubted ad
vantages to th$ new system, it is
to be deplored that really good
teams from the fraternity and in
dependent ranks will not engage
in some of the hot struggles that
featured last year’s basketball and
baseball tourneys, when an inde
pendent quintet and the Gamma
and Friendly hall nines played on
an even basis with the winners un
til the final games.
New Mathematics Book
Will Be Used in Course
Beginning this fall a new text,
“Unified Mathematics,” written
by W. E. Milne and D. R. Davis,
of the mathematics department,
will be used in the unified mathe
matics courses for freshmen.
The work during the first term
will be done with mimeographed
copies which have just been re
ceived. Milne and Davis have been
working on this text for the past
year. After testing these mimeo
graph copies, they intend to pub
lish the course later in book form
Milne and Davis have taught
unified mathematics for a number
ol years and believe the course
v/ill be decidedly improved from
that jji the past.
Northwest Trade
Called Good Field
By New Professor
Harry S. Hawkins Believes
Portland in Position
For Advance
The most fertile field in the
world today for those interested in
foreign trade is Oregon and the
Pacific Northwest, it is declared
by Harry S. Hawkins, for the past
three years a member of the for
eign treaty division of the depart
ment of state, and now professor
of foreign trade in the school of
business administration.
During the past three years the
new Oregon man has had an ex
tremely interesting career. It has
been his duty to confer with ex
perts of other countries on trade
relations, submit his findings to
the secretary of state, who in turn
submits them in the form of
treaties to the senate for ratifica
I tion. Much valuable information
on trade relations has been
brought to Oregon by Mr. Haw
kins, and this will be at the dis
posal of students and others.
Before joining the state depart
i ment, Mr. Hawkins served for two
years on the faculty here. Pre
vious to that he was on the fac
i ulty of the University of Virginia.
| He graduated from Olivet college
I in Michigan in 1917 and received
his master of business administra
tion degree from Harvard in 1921.
Mr. Hawkins has already started
a study of port and shipping fa
cilities of Oregon. Portland has
made remarkable progress in the
past few years in shipping, he de
clares, but this is but a small
growth compared to the future
which the port has.
Mr. Hawkins is taking the place
left vacant by William F. Fowler,
who is now a member of the fac
ulty of the school of business of
Harvard university.
‘Oregon Band Is Best
This Year,’ Says Stehn
“The University of Oregon band
this year is the largest and made
up of the best material we have
ever had here.”
This statement comes from none
other than John Stehn, director of
the band. Eighty-one men are en
rolled this year, while only 60
turned out last year. The band
goes to Seattle October 9 to boost
the Oregon-Washington game.
Not Required
At Open House
'’Ruiiioii Derby’ Should Be
Finished by Midnight
With New System
Independent Men To Have
Separate Plaees on
Formal introduction to the long
line of waiting girls will not be
required of men tonight when
Open House gets under way at 7
o'clock, it has been announced by
heads of houses through the dean
ot women’s office. The change
has been made in order that the
lonk trek over the campus will be
completed by midnight.
A revised scedule is printed be
low. This gives each hall in the
men's dormitory and the independ
ent men separate places on the
list. ,
Schedule Revised
1. Theta Omega (dance at
Friendly hall).
2. Alpha Phi.
3. Gamma Phi Beta.
4. Alpha Delta Pi.
5. Zeta Tau Alpha.
6. Independents (Y. W. C. A.)
7. Phi Mu.
8. Alpha Xi Delta.
9. Kappa Delta.
10. Chi Omega.
11. Kappa Alpha Theta.
12. Kappa Kappa Gamma.
13. Chi Delta.
14. Alpha Chi Omega.
15. Pi Beta Phi.
16. Delta Gamma.
17. Alpha Gamma Delta.
18. Alpha Omicron Pi.
19. Delta Zeta.
20. Sigma Kappa.
21. Delta Delta Delta.
22. Hendricks hall (first hair at
23. Susan Campbell hall.
24. Hendricks hall (second half
at new men’s dorm, main lobby).
Men’s Houses
1. Theta Chi.
2. Beta Theta Pi.
3. Phi Kappa Psi.
4. Alpha hall.
5. Omega hall.
6. Sigma Pi Tau.
7. Sigma Chi.
8. Alpha Upsilon.
9. Chi Psi.
10. Sigma Phi Epsilon.
11. Sigma Nu.
12. Kappa Sigma.
13. Delta Tau Delta.
14. Alpha Tau Omega.
15. Alpha Beta Chi.
16. Phi Sigma Kappa.
17. Phi Delta Theta.
18. Gamma hall.
19. Sigma hall.
20. Bachelordon.
21. Friendly hall.
22. Independents.
23. Zeta hall.
24. Sherry Ross hall.
25. Sigma Alpha Mu.
26. Phi Gamma Delta.
27. Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
No. 1 of the men’s houses will
go to No. 1 of the women’s hous
es, and so on down the list. No. 25
oi the men’s houses will delay be
ginning the round of houses for
10 minutes, No. 26 for twenty
minutes, etc.
The Y. W. C. A. members have
asked that independent girls
bring 20 cents each to provide for
orchestra and other expenses in
conjunction with the Y. W. C. A.
Organizations will provide for ex
penses from their treasuries.
Three Doctors Join
Medical Department
Three new physicians have been
added to the University of Oregon
medical staff.
Dr. Mildred Mumby, graduate
of the University of Oregon medi
cal school in 1925 and later asso
ciated with Dr. Kingery in Port
land, replaces Dr. Wilmoth Os
burn, who is in New York study
ing psychiatry. Dr. Mumby also
teaches classes in personal hy
Dr. Mark Phy, graduate of Rush
Medical college, and until recently
associated with his father, Dr. W
T. Phy, at Hot Lake, Oregon, has
succeeded Dr. R. C. Romig, whe
Dr. Clarence Spears, Oregon’s
football mentor, will be a part
time staff member after football
season is over.
Ducks Drive Drakes
From Pond, Taking
Tilt By 14 to 7 Tally
Score by Quarters
Oregon . 0 0 7 7—14
Drake . 0 7 0 0—7
Yardage From Scrimmage
Oregon .... 42 21 103 83—249
Drake . 28 48 3 8— 87
First Downs
Oregon . 4 0 4 4—12
Drake . 1 5 0 0— 6
Passes Completed (Yards)
Oregon . 1 0 3 3 -55
Drake .. 1 2 0 0—57
Yardage Lost on Penalties
Oregon . 30
Drake . 45
Most European
Students Work
Way Thru College
‘I Prefer Scotch Schools
To English and French,’
Says Townsend
Most of the students in the Eur
opean universities earn their own
living, according to Professor H.
G. Townsend of the school of phil
osophy, who traveled in Europe
last summer.
“There is not the appearance of
luxury in the English and Scottish
schools that one finds here in
America,” he said. "Most of the
European students live in poorly
provided quarters. Some of their
rooms are equipped with furnace
heat, but the majority of them are
not. At Oxford and Cambridge
the students live in their own re
spective colleges along with their
tutors and eat in a common dining
hall. One finds at these two uni
versities, special sections for dif
ferent human needs. For instance,
there is a special college for sales
men and a special one for the la
bor group. Class distinctions are
more pronounced at these two col
leges than at the others I visited.
“I think that I prefer the Scotch
schools to those of England and
France. They seem more demo
cratic and more like those in
America. I visited the Universities
of Glasgow, Edinburgh, and St.
Andrews while in the North.”
Professor Townsend said that
most of the English and Scottish
institutions were supported by en
dowments and public funds.
Talks, Get-Together
Feature Y. W. Meeting
An informal get-together, feat
uring impromptu talks by Miss
Dorothy Thomas and Miss Mildred
McGee, immediately followed the
second meeting of the Y. W. C. A.
cabinet held in the Bungalow Wed
nesday evening.
Committee members, the advis
ory board, and others interested in
the work participated in a discus
sion of European student life and
other topics of current interest, af
ter which refreshments were
[owa Gridders
Score First,
But Lose Lead
Webfoot Rally in Second
Half Upsets Bulldogs
Hopes for Victory
Kitzmiller and Watts Share
Honors by Making One
Touchdown Each
With the Drake Bulldogs of the
Mid-west holding a seven-point
lead at the end of the first half,
the Oregon football team came
back to win in the final periods
of the game played last night on
Soldiers field, Chicago, by a score .
of 14 to 7.'
Don Watts and Johnny Kitzmil
ler each carried over a touchdown.
Kitz converted two goals for the
additional points. The winning
touchdown was made by the fa
mous Flying Dutchman in the last
five minutes of play. Watts made
the first touchdown for Oregon in
the third quarter, running 31
yards, and helped by magnificent
Drake’s touchdown was exe
cuted by Van Koken, fullback, by
line plunges in the second quarter,
after a series of passes had ad
vanced the Bulldogs from their
own 33-yard mark to the Oregon
Watts Injured
Watts was hurt wnen three
Drake tacklers hit him behind •
their goal line after his run for a
touchdown. He was removed from
the game, but no further reports
were received concerning his con
dition at a late hour last night.
A touchdown by Kitzmiller when
the score stood 7-7 in the final
minutes of the battle was disre
garded because an Oregon man
was holding, but a 15-yard pen
alty only added to the Duck ag
gressiveness. A few plays later
Kitzmiller repeated, and convert
ed, and the score stood Oregon
14, Drake 7. The game ended two
and a half minutes later.
Captain Kitzmiller won the toss
and chose the south goal. A light
southeast wind was blowing, and
the air was pleasantly cool.
Oregon Stopped
The Webfoots smashed to the
Drake six-yard line before the
game was five minutes old, but
the Bulldogs showed unexpected
strength, and held, gaining the
ball on downs. King, Drake quar
terback, punted then to temporary
safety. But the ball remained in
Drake territory for the rest of the
Early in the next period Moel
ler was tackled so hard that he
lost the ball, after a 12-yard smash
to the Drake 15-yard line, and
Drake recovered. Again the ball
was kicked out of danger by King.
Soon after this the Bulldogs un
(Continued on Page Three)
Trip Across Great Salt Lake
Desert Thrilling to Autoist
Driving through the Great Salt
Lake desert by moonlight was the
adventure experienced last sum
mer by Grant Anderson, junior in
business administration. The fam
ous Utah waste land is literally a
sea of salt about 60 miles long and
40 miles wide, and is known as
one of the greatest wonders of
the world.
“The salt had the appearance
of snow under the light of a full
moon," said Anderson, describing
the trip. “On all sides of us as
far as we could see there was noth
ing but salt in pure white crystals.
We found it difficult to keep to
the road, but our lives depended
on our doing so. Just off the high
way the salt is treacherous as
quicksand, swallowing anything
that comes upon it. The reason is
that water lies just a few feet be
low the surface.
“On an average of every quar
tcr-mile we came across an auto
mobile, just the top of it showing.
Some foolish motorist had driven
off the road, and the car had sunk
beneath him.
‘‘The explanation for the Great
Salt Lake desert,” continued An
derson, ‘‘is that the sea once cov
( ered the area. Some convulsion of
land shut off the water inlet, and
the sea evaporated, leaving noth
ing but pure salt. At intervals
along the road we came across
crevasses a hundred or so feet
deep. Sometimes water could be
seen flowing at the bottom of
‘‘The road wound right through
the middle of the desert, but no
sign of habitation or vegetation
was seen during the whole trip.
However, most of the United
States is supplied with salt from
that place, and there is said to be
enough of it to furnish the world
for a million years.”