Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1930, Image 1

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The Calendar
The Campus Calendar is pro
vided by the Emerald for the con
venience1 of %any organization con
nected with the University or stu
-nt activities. Call local,355 and
Hem to the reporter.- 1
The Weather
Fair but with occasional cloudi
ness. Moderate temperature.
Maximum . 71
Minimum .. 41
Miller Names
Manager for
Seven Sports
27 Seniors and Juniors
Selected for Work
During Season
Staff Well Rounded Out
With Experienced
Men Helpers
Twenty-seven senior and junior
managers to handle all varsity
sports during the present athletic
season were chosen yesterday by
Robert E. (Hack) Miller, senior
manager of managers. The com
plete 1930-31 managerial staff is
as follows:
Football—Tom Williams, Junc
tion City, senior manager; Trebor
Shawcross, Jack Dant, both of
Portland; Fred Norton, Bandon;
Bud Travis, Eugene; and Fred
Christie, Newberg, junior mana
Basketball — Norman Eastman,
Silverton, senior manager; Walter
Baker, Jr., Portland; Roger Den
nis, Oakland, Calif.; and Elmer
Knight, Myrtle Point, junior man
Baseball—Paul Grant, Portland,
senior manager; William Brum
baugh, Toledo; Richard Wilson,
Salem; and Ralph Stenchoel, Eu
gene; junior managers.
Track—Fred Reid, Burns, senior
manager; Hubert Bonebrake, Wil
liam Graeper, both of Portland;
and John Penland, Pendleton, jun
ior managers.
Swimming — Kenneth Moore,
Portland, senior manager; John
Long, Roseburg; Roy Brown, Long
Beach, Calif.; and Earle Cranston,
Portland; junior managers.
Tennis—Don Guild, Portland,
senior manager; Wells Smith,
Portland; and Paul Austin, Pasa
dena, junior managers.
Golf-—Harold Fraundorf, Port
land, senior manager; and Robert
Lamson, Gold Beach, junior mana
A meeting of all senior mana
gers has been called By Miller for
4 o’clock this afternoon at the Phi
Kappa Psi house.
Brilliant Cellist
To Give Concert
Steiner Will Open Seasoil
Music Program Sunday
If football lingo circulated in
polite music circles, Ferenz Stein
er, cellist, could be called a “triple
threat man.” He is an artist of in
ternational recognition, with a
long list of successful concerts in
Europe and America. He is a com
poser of favorable renown.
Mr. Steiner, who has joined the
faculty of the University of Ore
gon school of music this year, will
be heard in concert here Sunday
afternoon at 4 o’clock at the music
auditorium, opening the year’s
programs sponsored by the school
of music.
Pigger’s Guide on
Way to Aid Men
Students With Address
Changes are W arned
The “Pigger's Guide” is on its
way. Soon it will be here with
names, addresses, and 'phone num
numbers to help poor men find
better dates.
But what if the wrong address
or ’phone number should follow
your name? What a calamity it
would be. No dates to look for
ward to—no phone calls.
And yet, according to Doc Rob
nett, associate graduate manager,
many students may find them
selves in just such a predicament.
Students, who since registering,
have changed their address or
have not recorded a permanent
one have been warned to report
to the graduate manager's office.
Students Guests
On Church Night
Friday Evening
Members, Non - Members
Invited To Join
In Parties
Walter Meyers of YMCA
In Charge of Plans
Church Night, which is one of
the biggest events for incoming
students, will be held tonight un
der the supervision of the Y. M.
C. A. Walter Meyers of the Y. M.
is in charge of arrangements.
Other students besides new ones
are cordially invited.
This affair is not formal, but is
strictly social in nature.
The Baptist church is sponsor
ing a hit and run college regis
tration day in its church parlors
on High and Broadway.
The Catholic church vHll have
a reception and dance at St.
Mary’s hall, 11th and Lincoln, at
8:30 p. m. All other churches are
holding their entertainments from
8 until 10 p. m.
To Have Colonial Party
A Christian Colonial party, non
costume, will be held at the church
parlors on 11th and Oak.
The Episcopal church will hold
an informal reception at the par
ish house on 7th and Olive.
The Lutheran students are in
vited to a Lutheran reception at
the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow, which
is on the campus.
Games and refreshments will be
in order for the reception given
by the Wesley club church night
party which will be held at the
Methodist church social parlors on
12th and Willamette.
Open house will be held by the
Presbyterians. Music and refresh
ments will be the order of the
evening and everyone is especially
invited to come to meet the new
minister. The gathering will meet
at the Westminster house at 14th
and Kincaid.
The Unitarian reception will be
held in the church parlors at 11th
and Ferry.
Even a Queen Must Ansiver
The Doorbell at University
Even queens can’t hedge on the
doorbell job when they’re frosh at
the University of Oregon.
And Queen Caroline, ruler of
Rosaria—who has given up the
royal robes to wear a raincoat and
pack a notebook down here on the
She hopped “pronto” when the
doorbell buzzed yesterday after
noon at the Gamma Phi Beta
house where she was being inter
viewed. And she listened for five
minutes to a pep talk, given by
Larry Bay, last year’s frosh prexy,
who was calling to see to it that
all Gamma Phi’s sent the Emerald
home to the folks.
Outside royal circles the queen’s
name is Caroline Hahn and she is
the daughter of A. T. Hahn, of
Multnomah. She ruled as Queen
Caroline during the Portland Rose
show last June after she had been
selected from outstanding Port
land high school girls in the
spring. Her regal responsibilities
lasted during the summer and she
got the crown out and dusted it
off several times after the rose
show to officiate at important
civic ceremonies. • So she’s really
giving up a high position in order
to become an Oregon frosh.
Right now the queen is much
more concerned about the number
of courses she is taking than with
her royal rank. She can’t figure
out whether she's majoring in
journalism, English or business ad
ministration because, in. order to
get the advertising course she
wanted, she had to go to aH three
divisions of the University.
There’s something mighty lovely
to watch about this “royal frosh.”
It’s not exactly in her beauty,
though she has plenty of that.
There’s a quiet charm to her that
grows on you as she talks and
you’d notice it if you’d never seen
or heard of her before.
“I like it here awfully well. I
want to finish in advertising and
then go into- that kind of work,”
she explained yesterday.
She is continuing her education
here after graduating last spring
from Lincoln high school, where
she was prominent in school activ
Frosh Given
Big Welcome
At Assembly
Dr. Hall, George Cherry,
Frank Jenkins Extend
Offieial Welcome
| Dean Straub Unable To
Hold Customary Role
As Presiding Officer
Members of the class of 1934
were officially welcomed to the
University of Oregon yesterday
morning at a special student body
assembly at McArthur court. Dr.
Arnold Bennett Hall, president of
the University, Frank Jenkins,
editor of the Eugene Register, and
George W. Cherry, president of
the associated students, were the
principal speakers.
Dean James H. Gilbert, of the
college of literature, science and
the arts, presided at the assembly
in the first absence of Dr. John
Straub, dean emeritus of men.
Dr. Hall greeted the entering
freshmen with a challenge to be
gin their university careers with
ambition, a definite objective, a
desire to develop personality, and
to be creators rather than crea
tures of the forces of destiny.
President Hall also stressed the
importance of the Oregon tradi
tions of democracy, simplicity,
chivalry, and a spirit of general
concern for the well-being of the
school. '
Mr. Jenkins extended a welcome
to the yearling students from the
city of Eugene stressing the fact
that Eugene “is the outstanding
city of the state of Oregon because
of the University." Students who
make Eugene their home follow
ing graduation provide the need
ed leadership which makes the
city prosper, Jenkins said.
A welcome from the old stu
dents to the new members of the
student body was extended by
Cherry. Numbers by the Univer
sity band were also on the pro
Many Changes in
Sales Scheduled
Orders Taken and Paid for
Here, Flowers Received
In Portland
Co-eds Will Wear Flowers
To Husky Game
The first of the chrysanthemum
sales being planned this year by
the Associated Women Students
will be held for the Oregon-Wash
ington game at Portland, Octo
ber 18.
A new plan for handling the
sales for Portland games will be
used this year, according to Ann
Baum and Alexis Lyle, who are
in charge. All orders for chrys
anthemums will be taken and paid
for in Eugene, by representatives
in various living organizations.
Tommy Luke in Portland is sup
plying the flowers, and students
will go to his shop when they
reach Portland, present their re
ceipts, and receive their flowers.
There will be no money transac
tions in Portland.
Chrysanthemums will be sold at
50 and 75 cents apiece, and $1 and
$1.50. The 50-cent ones will be
small, 75-cent ones larger; those
for $1 will have green “O’s” in
the center, while the $1.50 variety
will have small rally dolls in the
The A. W. S. is realizing 20 per
cent profit on all sales made this
year. The chrysanthemum sales
have been traditionally a project
of the organization.
Monday people will be sent to
all living organizations to tell the
students about the sale. Repre
sentatives will be appointed in all
organizations to take orders. Mon
day at 4 p. m. all representatives
will meet in the women’s lounge
of Gerlinger hall to receive in
structions and hear plans for the
Kathryn Perigo and Betty Jones
are assisting Miss Baum and Miss
Lyle in the arrangements.
All Ready To Occupy
This week will see the completion of all the finishing touches on
the new Murray Warner Art Museum. Mrs. Murray has been in the
East studying arrangements of museums there, and is returning to
the campus soon, in order to arrange for moving into the new building.
Murray Warner Museum
To be Completed This Week
Oregon Craftsmen Design
Interior Decorations
For Building
Construction of the Murray
Warner art museum will come to
an end this week, just a little
more than one year after noisy
blasting began one of the out
standing building jobs ever at
tempted on the coast. The new
structure has had the attention of
art authorities throughout the na
Installation of doors to the main
entrance and of six panels in the
court are all that remain to be
done, according to E. F. Lawrence,
dean of architecture and allied
arts, who discussed the work com
pleted during the summer months
Mrs. Murray Warner will re
turn shortly from the East where
she has made a study of museums
and will commence the work of
planning arrangements for the
new building.
Keenly gratifying to Dean Law
rence and other University offic
ials is the amount of work in the
new buildings that has come from
the hands of Oregonians engaged
in various arts and crafts.
Panels Symbolic
The panels have been made by
R. W. Bock, of the art department
and the Pans on the court foun
tain were made by Oliver Barrett,
of the department. The panels
symbolize tolerance, kindliness,
steadfastness, honor, aesthetics,
and learning, and are in cast stone.
The panel over the entrance to the
court represents light triumphing
over darkness and is in Indiana
Oregonian firms and craftsmen
who have had important parts in
New German Professor
Has Impressive Record
Dr. Meno Spann, assistant pro
fessor of German at the Univer
sity of Oregon, was for the past
two years instructor of German
at Cornell university.
He has studied at three German
universities, Berlin, Goettingen,
and Marburg, and received his
Ph.D. at Marburg, under Profes
sor Elster, the most famous Heine
Dr. Spann has had quite a bit
of his work published, and he came
to the German department here
very highly recommended.
creating the new building follow:
Ross B. Hammond, Portland, gen
eral contractor; Bailey Electric
Company, Eugene, electricians;
Urban Heating Company, Port
land, heating; Portland Heating
and Plumbing, plumbing; Wolf
gang, Portland, cork floors. The
grilles to the court were construct
ed by the Eugene foundry. I. K.
Tuerck, master craftsman in
Portland,- will do the wrought iron
work for the front doors. The
brick came from the Willamina
Pacific Brick Company.
Mosaic in Dome
Setting of the glass mosaics in
the dome and installation of the
cork floor in the galleries are
among the building jobs complet
ed during the summer.
The elaborate lighting system
has been completed. The front
door, to be of steel and bronze will
hot be in until the middle of Octo
ber and the wrought iron panels,
now being made by Mr. Tuerck
will not be finished for several
months. Capitals for the columns
of the building were made by Mr.
Bock and his students, Dean Law
rence explained.
Grading and pantation of the
grounds around the building will
begin either late this fall or early
in the spring, he said.
Oregon Students
Get Scholarships
Seven Make Success of
Summer Advertising
Summer scholarships were
awarded to seven Oregon students
this year by W. F. G. Thacher,
professor of advertising. These
scholarships consist of summer
jobs with large companies in Port
land, and are given each year to
the students who are judged to
be the most capable in the adver
tising field.
All of those appointed accepted
their jobs, and were successful in
the work given them, according
to Professor Thacher.
Anton Peterson worked for the
Oregonian; Ed Sullivan, the Ore
gon Journal; Harry Van Dine, Fos
ter and Kleiser; Francis Mullins,
Edward Bechtold and Associates;
Mary Elaine Henderson, Bedell’s;
Harold Fraundorf, Meier and
Frank; and Ruth Newman, Olds,
Wortman and King.
I wish to subscribe to the OREGON DAILY EMERALD for
the current school year, ending June, 1931.
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President Hall
Will Head Trip
Over Oregon
i Journey Made in Answer
To Request of Dads
And Mothers
Itinerary Shows Southern
And Eastern Oregon
Cities on List
In answer to a request of Moth
ers' and Dads’ clubs in all parts of
the state, Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall,
president of tne University, will
head a group of University offic
ials and leaders of the two organi
zations on a tour to start Sunday,
October 5.
The first stop of the party will
be at Pendleton where President
Hall, Mrs. Walter M. Cook, presi
dent of the mothers' association,
and others will speak at a lunch
eon. They will remain in this city
until 3:30 p. m., when they will go
to Baker. Her? a dinner has been
planned where mothers, dads, and
alumni will gather to hear the Uni
versity officials.
A meeting will be held in La
Grande Monday noon and the
party will go on to Heppner for
dinner and evening. Tuesday they
will spend in Prineville and vicin
ity, where several high schools will
also be visited. Wednesday noon
Dr. Hall will go on to Klamath
Falls for a meeting at dinner time.
Ashland and Medford will be visit
ed on Thursday: Grants Pass and
Roseburg on Friday, and on Satur
day the party will return to Eu
Pi Lambda Theta
Names Meetings
For School Year
Guest Speakers To Feature
Events Throughout
The Year
First Attempt Along This
Line To Be Made
Meetings at which guest speak
ers are to appear have been sched
uled for this school year by Pi
Lambda Theta, women’s national
education honorary. This is the
first time a program of this sort
has been attempted by the organi
zation, according to Miss Kathryn
Fry, president.
Next Tuesday, October 7, mem
bers of the group will meet for the
first time this term. The gather
ing is to be in the form of a lunch
eon at the Anchorage.
The complete schedule is as fol
lows :
October 7—Luncheon at the An
October 22—Joint meeting with
Phi Delta Kappa.
November 1- -Annual Founders’
Day bSnquet.
November 18 Luncheon and
election of new members.
December 2—Tea at the home of
Mrs. H. D. Sheldon and initiation
of new members. Dr. Clara Simer
tenko will speak on "Our Inheri
tance From the Greeks.”
January 20—Luncheon and busi
ness meeting.
February 3— Miss Julia Spoon
ers from the Holladay Demonstra
tion School in Portland is to talk
on "Elementary Education in Ele
mentary Schools.”
February 17* Tea at the home
of Mrs. H. D. Sheldon. Henry D.
Sheldon, dean of the school of Ed
ucation, will have "The Teacher
as Artist” for his topic.
March 3—Dr. Luther S. Cress
man will speak about "Social Con
ditions in Towns of Oregon.
April 7—Luncheon and election
of new members.
April 21.--Initiation tea at the
I home of Mrs. H. D. Sheldon. Mrs.
Susanne Homes Carter, superin
tendent of schools for Jackson
county, has “My Dwelling and
Yours” as her speech topic.
May 5—Mrs. Dorothy McCul
loch Lee will tell of “Women in
May 19—Luncheon and election
of officers. Rev. Clay Palmer will
give an address on “The Meaning
of Religion in Education.”
June 2 Installation of officers
at the home of Mrs. F. L. Stetson,
with Miss Lillian Tingle as the
Drake GameTakes
Air at 6 Tonight
Through the cooperation of
Taul D. Green's store for men,
the Associated Students will
broadcast a play by play re
port of the Drake-Oregon foot
ball game over station KORE.
Tom Stoddar d, assistant
graduate manager, will broad
cast the reports as they are
received from the side of the
field over the wires of the
Western Union.
The game is scheduled to
start at 6:15, Pacific Standard
time, and will be the only
broadcast of the big intersec
tional contest.
Women at Gym
(rive Party for
Freshman Class j
Hrads of Departments Tell
Of Organization ami
Many Aetivities
Florence Alden Addresses
New Students
Freshmen and new students in
the school of physical education
were the guests of the senior class
at a party given last night in Ger
linger hall by senior, junior and
sophomore P. E. majors.
Miss Alden, as head of the
school of physical education, wel
comed the new physical ed majors.
Lucille Murphy talked on Hermian,
local physical education honorary
for women, and Jesse Puckett,
president of the W. A. A., told of
the organization and its activities.
Edna Kerns, Dorothy McClain,
and Ella Redkey, as heads respec
tively of the senior, junior and
sophomore P. E. majors, were re
sponsible for the party with tire
aid of Dorothy Goodfellow, chair
man of refreshments, Miss Forch
emor, chairman of folk-dancing,
Lucille Hill, chairman of stunts
and games, and Dorothy Ball,
chairman of the treasure hunt.
Bean To Be Honored;
Judge Harris To Speak
A dinner in honor of Robert
Sharp Bean, United States judge
for the Oregon district, and only
remaining member of the Univer
sity’s first graduating group, the
class of 1878, will be held at 6:30
o'clock, at the Benson hotel, Port
land, on October 3.
As the time almost exactly coin
cides with the football game to be
played in Chicago that evening
between Drake university and the
University of Oregon teams, play
by-play details of the game will
be read during the first part of
the dinner.
Judge Lawrence T. Harris, Eu
gene, class of 1893, will be princi
umni in Oregon are invited to the
pal speaker at the dinner. All al
affair, but are advised to make
reservations in advance, according
to Jeannette Calkins, editor of Old
Oregon Grid
Team Primed
For Bulldogs
Lemon ami Green Eleven
Works Oul En Route
To Chicago
Game To See Drake Squall
In Action First Time
This Season
Ducks and Drakes will fight for
the supremacy of the pond today
when the Oregon Webfoot football
team meets the
Drake eleven of
Des Moines.
At this time,
but a few hours
before the open
ing whistle, the
strength of the
eastern eleven is
unknown, and
what the Spears
machine will ac
Doc Spears comPllsh remalna
to be seen.
The Oregon team will enter the
Chicago game at the usual disad
vantage claimed by the traveling
team in any intersectional contest,
that is, they have the misfortune
to start the game in a weakened
condition due to enforced rest
caused by the necessity of a long
train trip. However, Doc Spears
has minimized this phase, having
arranged for three workouts en
route to the game.
Drake, too, will be at a disad
vantage in that this is their first
game and first night tilt as well.
Oregon has, on the other hand,
two scalps hanging from its belt
and has the added advantage of
having played Willamette under
flood lights.
Outcome Doubtful
How these factors favoring and
hampering the two teams will off
set and amplify one another will
be seen only when the final score
is chalked up on the board tonight.
Led by Johnny Kitzmiller, the
Oregon team should be at its
strongest. Only two men, Ed
Moeller and Jack Rushlow, were
suffering from injuries of any kind
at the stjart of the trip, and ac
cording to word received from Chi
cago these minor hurts have been
nearly removed by Hill Hayward,
who accompanied the squad east
as trainer.
With this announcement the
full strength of the Oregon team
will be available for use in the
game and it is expected that many
men will be used during the course
of the evening.
Starting Lineup Vague
No word has been received from
the Oregon coach at Chicago as
to who will be used in the start
ing lineup, but according to an
unofficial wire from Sam Wilder
man, the lineup will contain no
radical changes from the list
which represented the Lemon and
Green against Willamette in their
last appearance before going east.
This lineup, including as it does,
Kitzmiller at quarter, Moeller at
(Continued on Page Three)
"They Buy Floorlamps Where
There’s No Juice, In Alaska99
“When we got up there all the
Indians were wearing coon-skin
coats for underwear,” said Thorn
ton Gale, assistant editor of the
Oregana, in telling of his trip to
Alaska with Lester McDonald and
Ralph David and the two and a
half months they spent in Juneau.
“The Indians,” he explained,
“come in after the fishing season
with a couple of thousand dollars
and buy davenports. They put
them on their little tiny fishing
boats. There isn't any room on
the inside and so they tie them on
the outer deck. No foolin’,” Gale
nodded his head emphatiealy.
“And then they buy a lot of
these tall floor lamps. There isn't
any means of lighting them, but
they stick them around the cabin.
"They sell lots of sox up there,
this Real Silk hosiery, you know,
but nobody wears them, and so
i they use them for skin for the na
tive boloney.
“And in the drug stores they
sell gallon bottles of vanilla for
j $2.50. Lots of Indians buy it.”
I At this point Gale set back in
; his chair, twiddled his thumbs, and
j laughed. “It’s a great racket up
, there!” he exclaimed.
“They have a real social season.
[ It’s quite successful. Quite exclu
sive. Begins with the end of the
j fishing season and ends with the
breaking up of the ice in the bath
j tubs.”
| Gale went on to tell of some of
; his experiences with the four
i hundred.
“We had tea with Congressman.
Wickersham. He’s very charming.
! Has a marvelous library; lots of
old Russian manuscripts.
“Then we met the governor. He
chews tobacco and shoots about a
60 in golf. Really very clever.
“We also met Father Hubbard, the
famous Catholic priest. He’s an
explorer, you know'. Just been up
in the Valley of Ten Thousand
Smokes, but he says there are on
ly 349 left.
“He also exploited Katmai, the
largest crater in the world. He
says that it would hold 57 Mt. Ve
! suviuses." This was all a running
j conversation on Gale’s part, but
I (Continued on Page Three)