Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1930, Image 1

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The Weather
Fair hut with occasional cloudi
ness. Moderate temperature.
Maximum . 71
Minimum . 41
The Calendar
The Campus Calendar is pro
vided by the Emerald for the con
venience of any organization con
nected with the University or stu
dent activities. Call local 355 and
give item to the reporter.
Oregana Staff
Are Completed
Thornton Gale Is Named
By Steinke as Associate
Editor of Book
Six More Section Editors
Announced; Business
Staff Given
With the naming of Thornton
Gale, junior in journalism, as as
sociate editor, Henrietta Steinke,
editor of the
19 3 1 Oregana,
ast night com
pleted all staff
Gale was a
section editor of
the Oregana last
year, and has
had considerable
experience on the
Emerald, espec
ially in feature
Henrietta work. At the
Steinke :lose of the
spring term he won the prize for
the best feature story published in
the Emerald during the year.
Additional Editors Chosen
Six additional section editors
and three new assistants also
were appointed yesterday. Roger
Bailey, manager, announced for
the first time the list of those who
will work under him in the busi
ness department.
Work on the book has been un
der way all summer, and fairly
definite plan has been arrived at
by the editorial staff. Several
minor assistantships have been
leld open for any freshmen who
nay wish to apply for staff posi
The house representatives for
he Oregana sales campaign will
e named in the near future.
. Section Editors Chosen
* The newly appointed section
itors are as follows: Mildred
i obbins, college year; Ralph Da
v d, alUmni; Fred Kerr, R. O. T.
C ; Rex Tussing, honoraries; Jack
Bellinger, law; Helen Raitanen,
New assistants are Roy McMul
lin, publication assistant; Fran
ces Taylor, honoraries; and Lu
eile Carson, forensics.
Business staff appointments are
irginia Sterling, assistant busi
ness manager; Adele Wedemeyer,
| office manager; Gretchen Winter
meier, assistant office manager;
Gordon Day, advertising manager;
Marion Moorehouse and Victor E.
Kaufman, assistant advertising
nanagers; Georgia Miller and Ed
, Wells, organization managers;
I Alice Carter and Harry Van Dine,
1 irculation managers; Hobart Wil
on, assistant circulation mana
ger; and Rufus Kimball, publicity
A list of appointments which
were announced in June follows:
Upper staff: Dorothy May
Thomas, assistant editor; Glen
Gardiner, photograph editor; Les
ter McDonald, student adviser;
George S. Turnbull, faculty advi- j
Section editors: ,Lenore Ely,
(Continued on Pdj)r Three) '
Houses Warned To
Schedule Dances
Year’s Social Calendar Is
Nearing Completion
All houses or living groups plan
ning dances for fall term must
schedule them immediately at the
office of the dean of women, it
was announced Wednesday.
Petitions giving names of chap
erons, place, and date, must be
turned in to the dean’s office one
week before the dance is to be
The social calendar for the year
is now being made up at the dean
of women's office, and will be re
leased as soon as it is complete.
Ferenz Steiner
To Open 1930-31
Concert Series
Cellist Member of Faculty
Anti Newly Formed
String Quartet
First Campus Appearance
Scheduled for Sunday
In a concert that will open the
1930-31 series sponsored by the
University of Oregon school of mu
sic, Ferenz Steiner, internation
ally known ’cellist, will make his
first appearance on the campus
next Sunday afternoon at the au
ditorium at 4 o’clock.
Mr. Steiner, a native of Hun
gary, who has done concert work
in Europe and in the United
States, will be a member of the
music faculty here this fall. He
joined the Portland symphony or
chestra this summer as principal
’cellist and will play in the orches
tra’s newly formed stringed quar
According to Dr. John J. Lands
bury, dean of music, Mr. Steiner’s
addition to the faculty is extreme
ly important, and will give the
school added strength. Mr. Steiner
is known as a conductor, artist
and composer. He studied in Eu
rope with the late David Popper,
acclaimed the greatest ’cellist of
all time. Mr. Steiner will teach
here Friday of each week.
Dean Rebec Tells
Important Change
Rhodes Provisions Give
New Option
An important change in the
Rhodes Scholarships provisions has
been announced from the office
of Dean George Rebec.
This affects the students’ stay
at Oxford. Students are now al
lowed the option of spending their
third year at Oxford or any other
university in the world (outside
their native country) which may
be best for the prosecution of their
studies. They will further be al
lowed the option of taking their
third year immediately at the end
of their first two or after a period
of some year’s work in the United
States, as they prefer.
Applications are due October 18,
but the University will select its
candidates before October 11.
Doc Spears Not Gloomy Over
Final Outcome of Drake Tilt
Although the papers of the Pa
l cific coast have heralded Doc
f Spears as the logical man to bear
the moaning title, once held by
Gloomy Gus Henderson, one-time
coach at Southern California, in
> an interview prior to the depait
ure of the Webfoot mentor and
team for Chicago last Sunday, in
dications were that the genial doc
tor is not half as bad as all tha1'.
Spears stated that the strength
of the Drake team is an unknown
) quantity due to their not having
played any games this year and
he did not know just how strong
the Webfoots would be in relation
‘o the eastern school.
As to the strength of the Ore
on team Spears was more defin
f e. They are big. according to the
f*ew coach, and if they can use
I neir stee and strength in the man
i^-‘r he is trying to teach them,
they will get along all right.
When asked how he felt about
the inauguration of night football
Spears was silent, giving his opin
ion neither for nor against the
night game.
The spirit manifested by the
students at the Willamette game
is hoped to be a forerunner of
even greater manifestations, ac
cording to the coach, who stressed
the importance of this phase of
football, saying its importance
cannot be overestimated.
This year’s meeting with the
Drake Bulldogs is not the first
for the new Oregon coach as late
in the fall of 1927 the big Minne
sota team coached by the same
Spears crashed through the Des
Moines team for a 27 to 6 win.
However, this game was played
the year that the Minnesota team
made Grange and the Illini look
(Continued on Page Fire)
Frosh Assembly
Scheduled for
Fleven Today
New Tradition A<l«lecl as
First ‘Welcome Meet’
Gathers at Igloo
Dean Straub Unable To
Greet Frosh Class for
First Time in Years
To the strains of a concert
march played by the University
band freshmen, students will file
onto the main floor of McArthur
court this morning at 11 o’clock
and sit in a section to attend the
first assembly of the year, and
the one which is planned particu
larly for them.
In another reserved section will
sit members of the faculty, with
still another section marked off
for sophomores and upperclass
The freshman welcoming as
sembly has been added to Oregon’s
traditions. Several years ago the
administration of the University
was petitioned by the students to
have an assembly at the first of
the year to welcome the new stu
dents. All 11 o’clock classes are
The invocation will be given by
Rev. Max Adams, student pastor.
There will be another concert
number by the band, which is to
be on the speakers’ platform. Fol
lowing this George Cherry, presi
dent of the A. S. U. O., will be in
troduced, and will give an address
of welcome to the new students
Frank Jenkins, editor of the Eu
gene Register and former presi
dent of the chamber of commerce,
will represent that body in the ab
sence of Roy Booth, present chief,
and will speak on behalf of the
chamber and the citizens of Eu
Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, presi
dent of the University, will give
the principal address of the assem
The first convocation of the year
will close with the traditional
march, “Mighty Oregon.’’ which
will be played by the band as the
students file out of the court.
Members of the faculty who are
on the program will be in academ
ic costume on the speakers’ plat
form. Oregon Knights will usher
and appear in uniform.
Dean James H. Gilbert, dean of
the college of literature, science,
and the arts, will preside at the
assembly in the place of Dean
Emeritus John Straub, who tradi
tionally has had this duty, but who
is prevented from appearing this
year because of illness.
The freshman week committee,
consisting of Karl. W. On thank,
dean of personnel, Hugh Biggs,
dean of men, Mrs. Hazel Pruts
man Schwering, dean of women,
and Earl M. Pallett, registrar and
executive secretary, have made
all arrangements for the assembly.
Hodge Completes
Geologic Study
Map of Central Oregon Is
To Be Published
As director of the University geo
logical survey during the summer
months, Dr. Edwin T. Hodge, of
the geology department, complet
ed his study of the Central Oregon
region, and the topographic map
published last spring will be sup
plemented with extensive geologi
cal and mineralogical data. The
map, which has occupied Dr.
Hodge for a number of years, will
reveal the region’s natural re
sources in map form for the first
The University professor’s party
reached the summit of Lookout
mountain, east of the Three Sis
ters, in an automobile, continuing
his list of alpine conquests, which
includes the climbing of Maiden
Peak, and of the slope leading to
the Timber Line cabin on Mt.
The members of the survey par
ty were Dr. Hodge, Farrell Barnes.
Richard Bogue, Harold Fish. How
ard Handley, Charles Marlatte,
and Meredith Sheets.
Trio Back From Long Trek
This team, composed of Bob Miller, assistant chairman of the
Greater Oregon committee, Joe Freck, chairman, and George Cherry,
president of the student body, has travelled all over the state this
summer, conferring with Dads’ Day representatives, Oregon Mothers'
groups, and prospective students. The large enrollment of freshmen,
and the interest being evidenced in Dads’ and Mothers’ day this year
is tribute to their work.
Oregon Pep Band
To Journey North
For Challenge Dav
Portland Hurls Defy at
Husky Stronghold; Asks
6000 Spectators
Men To Parade Streets and
March on Campus
In the interests of the Oregon
Washington football game to be j
played in Portland October 18, 62 j
members of the University pep
band will journey to Seattle Oc
tober 9, under the auspices of the
Portland chamber of commerce, to
take part in “Challenge Day” in
the Washington metropolis.
Portland has challenged Seattle
to send 6000 spectators to the grid
conflict and the Oregon band will
do its bit to interest Washington
supporters in the game. The band
will play for the Seattle Breakfast
club and the Seattle chamber of
commerce, and later will parade
through the city streets and across
the Huskies’ campus.
A. W. S. To Offer
All-Campus Event
Afternoon ‘Hello’ Dance
Latest Feature
An all-campus event new to the
University will be introduced Oc- j
tober 11 when the Associated Wo- 1
men Students will given an after- 1
noon “Hello” dance at the Igloo.
Announcement of the newly
created entertainment was made
yesterday afternoon by Margaret
Cummings, Klamath Falls, A. W.
S. chairman, who has named!
Adele Wedemeyer, Portland, chair- |
man. Irma Logan, Portland, will i
be assistant chairman. Members
of the committee will be Helen
Chaney, Spokane, features; Lois !
Nelson, La Grande, publicity; El
len Sersanous, Portland, floor; and
Maryellen Bradford, Kla math'
Falls, patrons.
The dance will begin at 3 o’clock '
and end at 5:30, according to Miss ,
Wedemeyer who has called a com
mittee meeting for this afternoon
at the College Side at 4 o’clock
when further plans will be made.
Junior Class Will
Elect New Secretary
The junior class will hold a
meeting Tuesday evening, Octo
ber 7, at 7:30 in Villard hall for
the purpose of nominating candi
dates for class secretary, accord
ing to Art Potwin, president.
Alice Wingate, who was chosen
j secretary at last year's election,
i has not returned to school, neces
sitating a re-election.
Variety Planned
By Mrs. Seybolt
For Year’s PJays
Lack of Melodrama in Past
Causes Director To
List That Type
Fall Enrollment Exceeds
Former Records
The drama division, as in the
past, opens this fall term with an
increase in enrollment. A num
ber of the former leading players
have returned to the Guild Hall
Players group, and some promis
ing new actors are evident in the
class in technique of acting.
Mrs. Seybolt, director of the
drama division, is planning a var
ied and interesting program of
plays for the year. The season
will open with a Grand Guignol
production, a bill of horror plays.
“We have had very little melo
drama during the last two years,”
said Mrs. Seybolt, "and it seems
time to remember that that is one
of the legitimate forms of enter
“The Man Without a Head” is
the title of a play which has the
possibility of many thrills.
The recent plays under consider
ation for this year’s series are:
“Holiday,” “Journey’s End,’’
“Berkeley Square,” and “Death
Takes a Holiday.” All are out
standing plays of last season in
New York. One or more of these
will probably be played during the
year, depending upon their release
for amateur production. Other
plays will be chosen a little later
from the works of Ibsen, or Shaw.
Later on the Studio Players mat
inees will be resumed, but no def
inite date has yet been set. Try
outs for parts in this series of pro
ductions will be open to the entire
campus. Anyone wishing to try
out for parts is cordially invited
to do so.
Debate Outlook Good,
Says Forensic Coach
With all but one of last year’s
varsity debaters and orators back
I on the campus this year, the out
! look in the forensics is very good
' this year,' according to Walter E.
Hempstead, Jr., assistant debate
| coach.
j Among those who are ready to
I answer the call for debaters are:
] Errol Sloan, Robert Miller, Arthur
j Potwin, Walter Evans, Roger
| Pfaff, and Hobart Wilson.
Eugene Laird, who was the only
\ delator lost last year, is now
working as an assistant in the of
fice of the speech division of the
English department.
Hobart Wilson is general foren
sics manager this year, and will
soon announce the other members
of the managerial staff.
Football Tilt
With Violets
Set for 1931
Game with N. Y. Team Is
Scheduled for October
In Eastrn City
Manhattan Team Desires
Revenue for Loss to
Oregon will play the 'lew York
university tootball team next Oc
tober in New York, according to
a wire received from Sam Wilder
man, publicity director of the As
sociated Students, who is now in
Chicago handling the publicity of
the Drake-Oregon game.
Arrangements for the game
which will be played in the eastern
city October 31, 1931, were con
cluded yesterday by Hugh Rossen,
graduate manager of the Univer
sity, and A. B. Nixon, as a repre
sentative of the New York uni
Meet in Chicago
Rossen had gone east to handle
the business of the football team
in Chicago and a meeting was ar
ranged with Nixon in the hopes
that some arrangement could be
made whereby the game could be
The game will bring together
two representative elevens and is
expected to be a strong drawing
card, one of the strongest of next
season’s schedule.
N. Y. U. was one of the leading
teams of the East last year and
the year before was considered to
be the strongest team in the East
until “Josh Oregon,” as the New
York papers characterized the
Oregon State Beaver team, came
unheralded and trod the Violet to
the earth in the most crushing
defeat they had suffered in many
N. Y. U. Have Grudge
They haven’t forgotten this de
feat and its resulting notoriety in
the Manhattan college and it is
assured that careful guarding of
the Violets will ensue lest the Ore
gon team repeat the “trodding.”
Coach Meehan of the Violet
team has had a consistent team
for many years and has contrib
uted many stars to All-American
elevens. The latest of these stars
was A1 Lassman, big tackle, who
was rated as one of the strongest
linemen of many years until an
injury removed him fror^ competi
Will Arrive Friday
With this important intersec
tional game already on its 1931
schedule the Oregon team, under
the direction of Doc Spears, has
an added incentive for a good 1930
season. The reputation of the
Webfoots in New York is based
on the fact that in 1929 they tied
with California, Stanford, and
Southern California for the Pacific
Coast title.
The wire from Wilderman con
tinues, saying that the Oregon
team will arrive in Chicago the
day of the game, after stops made
in Pocatello, Idaho, Monday; Den
ver on Tuesday, and today at
Oregon Players
Gain Contracts
Robie and Wirtli Receive
Baseball Berths
Two other athletes received rec
ognition yesterday when it became
assured that Ken “Rabbitt’ Robie
and Charles “Chuck” Wirth had
been tendered contracts with
teams of the Pacific Coast base
ball league.
Robie who was captain of the
Webfoot nine last spring has
signed with the Oakland team and
will in all probability be used in
the winter league in California.
Wirth has been given a contract
with the San Francisco Seals,
which team will in all probability
“farm” him out under contract
to a smaller circuit where he can
gain additional experience. Wirth
was assured of second base on the
Webfoot nine last year but was
declared ineligible before the sea
son opened. Both he and Robie
were mainstays of the Eugene
town team last season.
Poor Dean Makes
Funny Faux Pas
Dean Carpenter of the law
school has a story to tell on
He was talking with a strang
er who had inquired for Pro
fessor Morse.
“Oh,” he said, thoughtfully,
“Professor Morse has been in
the state penitentiary for near
ly a week—”
“What did you say?” inter
rupted the stranger, with a
startled expression.
The dean was forced to ex
plain that Mr. Morse was spend
ing a week from September 15
to 2-J in the state penitentiary
as a member of the Oregon
Crime Survey of Oregon Penal
Oregon Women
To Take Part
In Football Rally
Feminine Enthusiasm Will
Characterize New
Plan Change
B. Mimnaugh Is To Head
Rally Committee
“Pep! Noise! Enthusiasm! And
any other adjectives you may
think of will characterize the Ore
gon loot Dan ral
lies this year,”
. says Brian Mim
n a u g h, new
chairman of the
rally committee.
The committee
has been almost
completely reor
gan i z e d, and
| when it is com
; plete will be one
! of the strongest
1 in recent years.
Under the new
Brian regime the co
Min,naugh eds haye a yery
definite place in all rallies, and the
committee is planning special and
varied features for the women of
“Just now,” said Mimnaugh,
“we are bending all our energy
toward the Washington game in
Portland. We are going to show
that town such a rally as it has
never before seen.
“On the evening before the
game we are planning to radio
rally with “Slug” Palmer in
charge; later that evening, at one
of the big theaters, a big rally will
take place with acts and music by
the talent of the University, band
numbers, and yells.
“On the day of the game there
will be a short rally in front of
one of the hotels followed by a
serpentine to the field. We want
the co-eds to follow the serpentine
in cars and make all the ‘whoo
pee’ possible. We are making
plans for plenty of noise al3o. We
want fire trucks, police wagons,
sirens, bells, in fact, anything that
will make noise. We want to
make Portland a football town.
Just now it is on the border line,
and this year we want to swing it
over. Enthusiasm, pep, and drive
will do it.”
Sigma Kappa
Heads Grade
List of Houses
Sorority Averages More
Than 58 Points During
Spring Term
Sigma Alpha Mu Leads
Men With 48 Points
To Set Year’s Mark
Sigma Kappa, winner of the
scholarship cup offered by Curt
Brown Barker, vice-president of
the University, for spring fall and
winter terms of 1929, again heads
the spring term grade list for 1930
with a 58 point average. Gamma
Piii Beta and Kappa Alpha Theta
capture second and third place
and Sigma Alpha Mu tops the
men’s living organizations.
The complete list of ratings re
leased from the registrar's office
today, is as follows:
Place House Rating
1 Sigma Kappa .58.380
2 Gamma Phi Beta .53.741
3 Kappa Alpha Theta .53 135
4 Delta Zeta .52.209
5 Kappa Kappa Gamma ...51.537
6 Alpha Xi Delta .51.484
7 Pi Beta Phi .50.089
8 Alpha Omicron Pi .50.578
9 Zeta Tau Alpha .50.513
10 Susan Campbell Hall.50.355
11 Alpha Delta Pi .49.476
All Sorority .49.263
All Women .48.880
12 Alpha Phi .48.871
13 Sigma Alpha Mu .48.833
14 Phi Mu .48.379
Non-Sorority .48.283
15 Alpha Chi Omega .48.273
16 Delta Gamma ......48.261
17 Friendly Hall .48.085
18 Alpha Gamma Delta ... 47.952
19 Hendricks Hall ..47.571
20 Chi Delta .46.420
21 Omega Hall .46.300
22 Phi Sigma Kappa .46.228
22 Sigma Hall .46.205
24 Alpha Beta Chi .45.952
25 Alpha Hall . .45.548
26 Delta Delta Delta .45.489
All University .45.378
27 Kappa Delta .44.531
28 Phi Kappa Psi .44.303
29 Chi Omega .44.270
30 Gamma Hall .43.718
Non-Fraternity .43.493
31 Sigma Phi Epsilon .43.464
32 Alpha Upsilon .42.913
33 Zeta Hall .42.750
34 International House .42.636
All Men .42.264
35 Sigma Nu .42.080
36 Chi Psi .42.047
37 Phi Gamma Delta .41.880
38 Alpha Tau Omega .41.842
39 Theta Omega .41.800
40 Sherry Ross Hall .41.678
41 Theta Chi . 41.666
All Fraternity .41.193
42 Beta Theta Pi .40.977
43 Sigma Pi Tau .40.757
44 Phi Delta Theta .40.571
45 Sigma Alpha Epsilon .40.234
46 Delta Tau Delta .39.205
47 Bachelordon .37.500
48 Sigma Chi .37.202
49 Kappa Sigma .37.022
Barker Returns From Europe;
Observed Student Life There
Students may live for less than
$1 a day in the student centers
near Paris, declared Burt Brown
Barker, vice-president of the Uni
versity, who with Mrs. Barker and
.heir daughter, Barbara, returned
to Eugene this week from a sum
mer spent abroad.
Mr. Barker spent a great deal
of his time in Europe observing
the student life in important edu
cational centers, among which
<X*ere Paris and Heidelburg. Both
3ermany and France are begin
ning to realize the value of hav
ing universities that will draw stu
dents from all over the world, he
said. The University of Paris re
cently has been granted a large
section of land just outside the old
fortification of the city. Here it
a encouraging different nations
fo erect student houses and to
date nearly a dozen countries, such
as the United States, Canada, Ar
gentine, Armenia, and Belgium
have erected buildings.
Mr. Earker was also in Ger
many just before the election, and
people there, especially in the
southern part of the country, are
taking a keen interest in national
politics. The election was a step
toward saving the country from
Bolshevism rather than plunging
it into such a state, as many peo
ple believe, Mr. Barker said.
People of Germany are working
hard to recover from the war and
making an especially strong bid to
attract tourists and travellers
from other countries, Mr. Barker
continued, and Germany is actual
ly gaining many of them who here
tofore spent much of their time in
France and other countries.
Mr. Barker also spent some time
j in research in early church his
j tory while in Germany, and made
; several important discov e r i e s
1 which he plans to make public
: later.