©regun 0ail« University of Oregon, Eugene Arthur L. Schoeni . Editor William H. Hammond . Business Manager Vinton H. Hall . Managing Editor EDITORIAL WRITERS Ron Hubbe, Ruth Newman, Rex Tussing. Wilfred Drown Nancy Taylor . Secretary Mary Klemm . Harry Van Dine Dorothy Thomas Victor Kaufman . Ralph David . Carl Monroe . Evelyn Sbaner ... UPPER NEWS STAFF .... Assistant Managing Editor . Sports Editor .. vSociety Editor .. P. I. P. Editor .. Chief Night Editor .. Makeup Editor . Theater Editor GENERAL NEWS STAFF: Dave WV.on. Lenore Ely. Jessie Steele. Betty Anne Macduff. Henrietta Steir.ke, Rufus Kim ball, Sterling Green, Merlin Blais, Bobby Reid, Helen Chaney, Roy Craft. Carol Werschkul. Jack Bellinger, Thorn ton Shaw, Carol Hurlburt. Roy Sheedy. Eleanor Jane Bal lantyne, Anne Bricknel!. Thelma Nejson, Lois Nelson, Betty Harcombe, Thornton Gale. GENERAL ASSIGNMENT REPORTERS: Helen Raitanen, Esther Hayden. Phvllis Caldenvood, Elaine Wheeler. Helen Chapin, Dorothy Morrison, Barbara Conly, Virginia Wentz, Adele Hitchman. SPORTS STAFF: Jack Burke, assistant editor; Phil Cogswell, j Ed Goodnough, Fred Elliott, and Beth Sal way. Day Editor .T. Neil Taylor N'O'ht Editor.Beatrice Bennett Assistant Night Editors Elizabeth Mali, Allan Spaulding BUSINESS STAFF Jr. Geortre Wober, Tony Peterson . Jack Gregg . Addison Brockman . Jean Patrick . Larry Jackson . Ken Siegrist .-. Ina Tremblay . Betty Carpenter . Edwin Pubols . Ellen Mills . Katherine Lnughrige . Ned Mars, Virginia Richmond, Ruth Covington . Ina Tremblay . . Associate Manager . Advertising Manager . Assistant Advertising Manager . Foreign Advertising Manager , . Manager. Copy Department . Circulation Manager .... Assistant Circulation Manager i ... Assistant Advertising Manager . Assistant Copy Manager . Statistical Department 1 . Executive Secretary ..*.. Professional Division Janet Alexander .Copy Departi ! . Financial Administrator . Chopping Column j ADVERTISING SOLICITORS: Larry Bay, Harold Short, Auton J Bush. Ina Tremblay. . | Production Assistant . Vincent Mutton < Office Assistants . Ruth Covington, Nancy Taylor ; Office Girls: Beth Thomas, Marjorie Dana, Ruth Covington, Nancy Taylor, Frances Drake, Nora Jean Stewart, Elaine Wheeler, Curol Werschkul. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Asso ciated Students of the University of Oregon. Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at ; Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone, Man- | ager: Office, 1895; residence, 127. Unfinished Business THIS is the last Emerald of the college year. The last editorial, the last news story, the last head line has been written for Volume 01 and the bool; closed. When a year is over and nothing left but mem-1 ories of deeds accomplished, it is usually the style to look back and see what has been accomplished. | Some newspapers set forth the things they have | brought about by editorial campaigns and exercise j of the power of the press in a sort of semi-bragging j resume of the year. The Emerald refrains from fondly looking back at itself, but gazes ahead and outlines things which it has advocated this year for the best interests of the student body, hoping that nex year the Emerald editor may see fit to follow out the leads. This year many reforms and changes have been brought about, but several important ones still remain in their present more or less un desirable form. 1. We would like to see a definitely outlined policy of integration between athletics and studies. Let there be an understanding between coaches and professors that athletes will receive passing marks j when they earn them. 2. We would like to see the present way of j computing the honor roll changed from grades to points. Instead of listing all students who get all j IX’s or better, make the honor roll for those with a high number of points earned. 3. We would like to see the frosh tug-of-war and paddling gauntlet such as was held this Junior Week-end abolished to conform to the action taken last fall doing away with the frosh parade and class mix. 4. We would like to see action taken on the pro posal to create and finance a fraternity and sor ority co-operative buying association which would save hundreds of dollars for Greeks in purchasing food and house supplies in large quantities. 5. A definite study should be made of the pro posal made this year to deed all fraternity and sorority properties to the University and leasing the property back to the houses, the purpose of this being to avoid paying county and local property taxes which amount to an average of $3.71 a month for every Greek letter man or woman on the cam pus. Such a plan has merit. Those are but a few items which might be filed in the “unfinished business" pigeon hole by this year's A. S. U. O. and University officers. Whether or not they will be taken out next fall and looked at remains with the new editor of the Emerald and student body president. TITH this editorial, we close up our year in ™ * office as editor of the Emerald. When one is quitting an office to which one becomes attached it is difficult not to become a bit sentimental. In our case let us say that the past year has been alternately full of stormy times and clear sailing, but always it has been fun to work with a staff such as we have been blessed with this year. En thusiasm has been present in their work for the whole year. The usual fall term lustiness and spring term laziness failed to appear with their usual magnitude and the paper went through the year on an even keel. What the editor for 1930-31 does with the Emerald lies entirely in his hands. We have utmost confidence that he will maintain the calibre of work on the same high level which he inspired this year as managing editor. We feel sure he will continue to hold the Emerald in the high regard of the campus and maintain the important place it has in the successful carrying out of student body and University affairs. So with these lines we vacate our typewriter an^sdesk and hand over our office to Vinton Hall and figuratively stalk out of the door bent and battered like Father Time. It is with a lump in our throat that we write our final “30,'' which means “the end" in newspaper parlance. Lest We Forget 'VrOU may be king for a year* after that you die! An Emerald year is closing, an Emerald king is dying, but not in the hearts of some four-score staff members. No. It has been a season of joy to work with him, and one catches himself in sort of a quiver at the thought of launching upon a voyage without him. It must be done, for the retiring king will drop into a black sea of temporary obscurity so dreaded by all finishing students. But not for long. Soon he will rise, rise to the heights we know nothing of. He, Arthur Schoeni, has established an envious era of good will for the campus publication, some thing which we hope we may retain. In hi3 foot steps we will follow and carry out worthy sugges tions left, unfinished dining a single administration. No, Rome cannot be conquered in a day, nor can one Emerald year complete all of its merited projects. Ilis benignity, his personal interest all leading to an harmonious staff, has made it possible that wc choose an organisation which may, too, work suc cessfully. This is a good-bye, and a hard good-bye at that, given in behalf of every member of his staff. V. II. Slashing Book Prices ELCOME news to a generation which con * ” sumes book after book and makes great out lays for fiction and non-fiction books is the an nouncement that three Henry Fords of the book business have started putting out books to be sold for a dollar—read and thrown away. Probably the greatest saving from this im mediate move will be in the lighter reading, fiction books to be read for amusement a.nd little else. But behind this, in years to come, can be seen a similar slash in the prices of academic books and a resultant saving in hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly to students and faculty of America's col leges. True, such a price cut will make royalties which accrue to authors smaller because the publishers are aiming at larger sales. But this will only hit them for a while. Mass production and mass sales mean increased profits just as result fpom any large-scale business enterprise. The world, how ever, is not worried so much about the pocketbooks of a few authors as it is with it3 own purse. Any move which seems to help it. save money will be a welcome one, even though the motivating force behind the whole reduction in book prices is to sell more at low prices rather than a few at higher prices. In the end the money comes out of the same place, but it takes an economist to see it. Mr. Average Citizen will welcome the slash and think he is getting something for nothing when actually he is spending more for books in a year than hr was formerly. She Took a Drink CHIN was a nice girl. Her sisters respected lie: ^ highly. She was reared from an excellent family and had been taught the proper habits of social life, yet she was inexperienced, yes frightfully inex perienced, in what was exactly right and wrong along life’s pathway. It was at a collegiate blow-out, one celebrating a successful collegiate occasion. Others there were among the liberal list of the colossal inexperienced class. Of course they were looking for a good time; folks usually do when they want to celebrate. She thought it was great, out next to nature at the Inr. near a beautiful lake. Perhaps they would play g hand or two of bridge presently. She had heard of those collegiate parties, but of course the storie: and movies were not true. Strolling along the lake shore w'ith the reflection of the sinking sun dancing on its smooth surface was nice; in fact, it was almost like a dream. Sht had forgotten her scholastic worries and was happy Soon it was time to go to the Inn where refresh ments would be served. The men had gone on ahead and she was left with the other girls of the party It was a nice lunch, but nothing much to it. She noticed liow interested and how busily engager the men were with the punch. Of course she had some idea of what was up. It was obvious. The dark blue potion was passed around. She must take some or she might spoil the party. Not bad, in fact it tasted pretty good, and besides there was prob ably nothing much in it. Things livened up, the levity of which she had seen so little. Another "sip she took. The world seemed bright, yes very bright, and maybe it was kind of fun. Another glass was handed to her, she drank its contents. The bright world dimmed. . . . “Better drive her around town a little before you take her home,” she heard one of the men sa; sometime, it must have been quite a while, later. * * * Yes, perhaps it’s a little exaggerated, and trite too. This time the story has been told, not for the ’heer reason of paltry entertainment, but to depkt -he injudieiousness of such behavior. We were speaking of experience. Well, one must have a def inite comprehension of what is right or wrong be fore experience is qualified to teach. V. H. The Pioneer Mother ' 2 'HE pioneer mother statue which is being pro duced by A. Phimister Proctor and will be placed in the niche of the women’s quadrangle will be a fitting memorial for the women of the West who helped build up this land from a rugged, wild area to its present-day status. >. The Burt Brown Barker memorial statue will be, in a way, a companion work of the Pioneer which now stands on the campus as a tribute to the men who plodded across the plains on the Oregon trait to settle the West. More sad and less rugged than the pioneer man, the mother will lend a touch of beauty to the niche between Susan Campbell and Hendricks halls. Vice-president Barker’s work in securing this beautiful bit of memorial statuary for Oregon deserves the whole-hearted commendation of the University. Both Oxford and Cambridge have air squadron and are planning annual contests. Over here we call them debaters. Indiana students voted against compulsory mili tary training. And right on the eve of getting brand new uniforms too! ill Corner for N©tables | iti,-----——— -----£• This is tile eleventh of a scries cf interviews with prom inent students on the University of Oregon campus. Proudest, is he, of his election to senior class barber. Yet a man like Wilfred Brown, with all the honors he has received, often jokes and maybe that is the way he meant this. Wilfred is a Phi Beta, not the cold, serious kind hr, one often pictures a Phi Bcte, but the jovial kind ready to see the point of any pun. As the author of “Stude’s Progress,” a serial appearing last year f. 1 Emero corner tor rsiotaoies in tiie Emerald, Wilfred depicted? satirically, life on the Oregon campus. It was during his out standing campaign for senior bar ber that he wrote a famous chap ter on college politics. Fundamentally, he is a news paperman and a real one through and through. Entering whole-heart edly upon the -journalistic field, Wilfred is now m the employ of the Eugene Register, at the same time attending the University. He is not a bit sorry that he studied journalism. In fact, he says that if it could be done all over again he would do the same thing. "You can’t tell,” he smiled, "I may end up as a farmer.” For IS years before coining to the Uni versity, Wilfred lived in Camas Valley, Oregon, a farming district. On tap of his Phi Beta Kappa record, he was president of Sigma Delta Chi. national professional journalistic society, a member of Tabard Inn, writers’ honorary, and Emerald order of the O. For two years lie was associate editor of the Emerald. During his junior year he acted as publicity director \s iU('Rlii) BROWN of Homecoming and Junior Week end. His honors continued further by being awarded the oigrna Delta Chi scholarship key. 5 TkSEVEN SEEiCS ■iL *— »' f whs garnished with mothballs, I was naoked in a box, S!at now I’ve had struggles, And wallops and socks. [ helped build the bonfire, Got thrown in the race, Worked on the wood-pile, And cleaned up the place. In the fall I played football, Was gory with blood, In winter 1 sledded, And rolled in the mud. I’ve gone to some classes, And stuck to the chairs, Then I’ve gone out on picnics, Made auto repairs. I was brought here to carry A rusty old gun, But canoeing and pigging’s A great deal more fun. I’ll go back to the army in ribbons and tatters, But I’ve had a great time, So what else matters ? * * sjs Some egg wanted to know if face-lifting was a minor opera don, and the other egg told him shat it was in the case of gold diggers. Bill Hayward says he doesn’t want anybody running around the Hills up at I’ullman. “Starving college students keep down overhead by going with out hats,” says Pro lessor Table cloth. * * * TODAY’S DUMB ENTRY .... The astronomy major who thinks a Umar observation is an insanity test. * * ADVICE TO THE LOVE-WORN Dear Aunt Fannie: I am madly in love. The term is about over, and I stil lhave two term papers to write. Axel. Dearest Axel: Make your girl writer her own paper, sweetness. FAMOUS LAST WORDS This lets us out. (The door, of course.). Carpenter Plans $ Hass at U. S. C. Law School Dean To Leave By Airplane, June 16 Doan Charles E. Carpenter of the law school will teach a class in torts at the University of South ern California law school this sum mer. Dean Carpenter will not leave until June 16, since he feels that it is advisable to remain on the campus until all the returns from the year’s work are in. Due to this delay, he will fly from Port land to Los Angeles by airplane, and will arrive there the evening of June 17. The California summer session will be eleven weeks. Dean Car penter will return to Oregon in September. Pumps for Graduation Graduation is the biggest event in the co-ed's uni versity life. The night of the grand ceremony has been planned for a year in advance — caps, gowns, and all, have been ordered especially for this night— we. too. have ordered this distinct- stylish, foot-fit ting pump — exactly for this occasion, too! DISTINCT AND STYLISH FOOTWEAR FOR THE CO-ED LaMode [C AM PM/ ! :'Bidletini Nature Study group—meets today at 4 o’clock in front of the ad building to go to Peters’ lodge. Wear old clothes and gloves, and bring lunch. -o Craftsman club—annual business meeting at 7:30 tonight. All mem bers urged to attend. -o Phi Beta—meeting at 4 o'clock in Susan Campbell hall. Important that everyone be there. Greater Oregon committee—final meeting will be held in 110 John son hall today at 4:30. Every chairman and every committee worker should be there. -o Students are required—to remove their personal equipment from the gymnasium baskets before June 14. -o Alpha. Delta Sigma—picnic Friday at Melhorn park. Couples meet in front of the College Side at 12 o'clock. -o Failing-Bookman contestants—re port to speech division office be fore preliminaries (June 10) for final instructions. -o Gamma Alpha Chi—will meet in 101 Journalism at 5 o'clock today for election of officers. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENTS Alpha Phi announces the pledg ing of Anne Leadbetter of Port land, Oregon. -o Phi Mu announces the initiation to honorary alumna membership of Miss Sue L. Badollet, Mrs. Al bert R. Tiffany, Mrs. Nelson F. Macduff, and Mrs. Alton F. Baker. -o Phi Beta,, national professional music and drama fraternity, an nounces the pledging of Marian Camp, Helen Mielke, Louise Mar vin, and Eleanor Lewis. When four members of the Lin coln Memorial university were dis charged without reason by the re gents, the majority of the student body went on a strike and spent their class time loafing in the dor mitories. Librarian Will Go Abroad on June 11 — Mri*. Mabel McClain M ill Visit Friends in East Mrs. Mabel E. McClain, circu lation librarian, will sail from Montreal, June 11, for Europe where she will spend the summer months. Mrs. McClain will leave Eugene on Saturday. On her way to the coast she will visit friends in Boston and New York. Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Townsend will accompany Mrs. McClain. Scotland, England, France, Italy, and Germany will be the countries visited by the party. A month will be spent in Italy and Ger many. In Germany Mrs. McClain plans to attend several of the big CLASSIFIED ADS PIANO JAZZ—Popular songs Im mediately; beginners or ad vanced; twelve-lesson course. ‘ Waterman System. Leonard J. Edgerton, manager. Call Stu dio 1672-W over Laraway’s Mu i sic Store, 972 Willamette St. t.f MEDIUM sized black note book, left in Condon hall Monday night. Return to Emerald of fice. festivals such as the Mozart festi val in Salzburg, which will be go ing on while she is there. Several years ago Mrs. McClain went on a similar trip and she is looking forward to revisiting many of the places which she visited at that time. She will return to the campus about the middle of Sep ternber. U °f o Men and Women It has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve you— We thank you sincerely— l Kennel-Ellis Studio “Eugene’s Own Store” McMorran & Washburne PHONE 2700 It won’t be long now / A few more days and most of you will leave for borne . . . the campus suddenly changes from a place of great activity to one of silent memories. The trees . . . the shrubs . . . the buildings . . . even the old Pioneer . . . seem lonely. Even Eugene's streets lose much by your leaving . . . but we here in the store are going to miss you more than most others. . . . That time about 3:30 each day when the store begins to hum with your cheerful talk and a renewed activity becomes apparent because of the hundreds of you who come to visit or buy . . . becomes a really lonesome time. Right away we begin to wish for the time in the Fall when again you throng the aisles. . . . This store was built largely with you people in mind. . . . You have shown us that you like the store . . . we are very glad . . . and perhaps that is why we feel your leaving a bit more keenly than others. Some of you we will not get to welcome again. . . . To you we wish God speed. . . To all of you the latch string is always out on the door of the McMorran and Washburne store. Have a splendid vacation—and hurry back. In the meantime we wi^l be working to make the store more attractive than ever.