Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 29, 1930, Image 1

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    H jg
l nfinished Business
| |
See Page !t
Lesl We Forget
Oregon: Wind, west.
Maximum temperature . 65 |
Minimum temperature . 49 |
Stage of river .0.2 |
| Precipitation ..06 1
With This Issue the 1929-30 Emerald Becomes Just Another Chapter In the History of the U. of O.
For Greater
, Oregon Given
Greater Oregon Members
If- Named for All Towns
In The State
All Student Body Asked
To Act as Part of
Announcing complete committee
appointments for nearly every
Oregon city, and calling a general
Joe Freck
meeting to oe
I'held in 110 John
| son at 4 :30 this
S a f t e rnoon, Joe
i Freck, chairman
! of the Greater
i Oregon commit
tee, is perfecting
his organization
in p r e p a ration
for a summer of
intensive work.
In an interview
yesterday, Freck
bore down on the
importance ol every member of
the student body considering him
self an unofficial part of the
Greater Oregon committee and
helping it in its task of bringing
the largest freshman class of the
University’s history to Eugene
next fall.
To Meet Today
The program for the meeting of
the official committee this after
noon will include talks by George
Cherry and Tom Stoddard, present
and past student body presidents,
and by Registrar Earl Pallett.
The list of workers appointed
by Freck so far follows. All those
named will be expected to attend
this afternoon's meeting. In each
case the first named is the chair
man of the district committee.
The Portland high schools:
Lincoln: Willis Duniway, Dick
Keasey, Bill Grigsby, Louise Web
b e r, Isabelle Crowell, Warren
Roosevelt: Dorothy Llewellyn,
Merle Harrison, Myrl Lindley.
St. Helen's Hail: Janice Hedges,
Betty Barnes.
Washington: Kenneth Edick,
Carol Werschkul, Marjorie Doug
las, Gene Grady, Betty Jones,
Kathryn Plummer, George Kotch
ik, Ted Jensen, James Travis, El
len Sersanous, John Yerkovitch.
Jefferson: Jack Stipe, Ralph
Walstrom, Ruth Frazier, Sterling
Green, Marian McIntyre, Dorothy
Morrison, Minnie Helzer, Dorothy
Stringer, Bernice Wilbur, Harry
Hansen, John Marrs, Don McCor
mich, Kenneth Jette, Jack Cate.
Franklin : Edmund Charles, Arno
Rademacher, Elaine Henderson,
I Arthur Rolander.
Grant: Jack Edlefsen, Wesley
Edwards, Harvey Welch, Walter
Heitkemper, Ned Kinney, Walter
Evans, Bob O’Melveny, Jack Dison,
Alice Wingate, Janet Young, Ar
dis Ulrich, Marguerite Tarbell,
Nancy Taylor, Marian Hubbard.
Benson: A1 Browne.
Other cities:
Bandon: Howard Page.
Burns: Fred Reed, Irene Clem
ens, Stephanie Lampshire, Gordon
Canby: Clyde Dodge.
Clatskanie: Dorothy Campbell.
Coquille: Jean Young.
Dallas: Dorothy Page, Arthur
Woods, Phillip Staats.
Enterprise: Orval Millard.
Heppner: Pat Mahoney, Mar
jorie Clark, John Ccnd.
Ilermiston: Frances Sale, Flor
ence Woughter.
Independence: Alta Kingsbury
( Olive Calef, Marian Fluke.
Lakeview: Bob Clark, Elizabeth
Halmer, Sam Mushen.
Myrtle Point: Louis Baynes.
Prineville: Paul Huston.
Sandy: Kenneth Proctor.
Toledo: William Brumbaugh
Esther Hayden.
Union: Gracia Haggerty, Sic
Wallowa: Virginia Hunter, Con
stance McKenzie, Thorsten Shell.
Cottage Grove: Harold Bede
Thelma Kem, Harold Cooley.
Bjiker: Merrill Stoddard, Jin
Landreth, Gil Ryder, Geneva Lan
Bend: Mary Ellen Foley, Bar
4 (Continued on Puge Seven)
Solemnly Give
$4 Tome to Libe
pOUR philosophy students sol
emny presented a book,
"The Will To Be Free," to the
main library yesterday. Last
term these same students had
refused to purchase a book for
two weeks of class work. In
stead they chipped in and put
a copy on reserve. In the fly
leaf of the is written.
"To the U ity of Oregon
library this b lovingly giv
en. To philo. students of
free will an g termination,
who are guide* ©jus book by
instructors, we © that it is
almost unintelli, % s the doc
trine it proposes rtroy. For
the world in g © we cry
that this book i 4. It is
our solemn wish ® io class
be embarrassed b> me demand
to buy such a book during the
last two weeks of a term.”
Lawrence Mitchelmore,
Robert Allen,
Day Foster,
Ralph David.
Men’s Dorm Unit
To Be Given Cup
For Achievement
Co-op Initiates Award for
Ili^li Scholarship and
Success in Activity
Barker Banquet Speaker
Monday Evening
A new loving cup, offered this
year for the first time, will be
awarded Monday by the Univer
sity Co-op to the one of the seven
men's dormitory units which dur
ing the past three terms has
proven itself outstanding in schol
arship, activities, and effective
ness of internal organization.
The presentation will be made
at the annual dormitory banquet
Monday evening, at which all
seven units will meet as a group
for the only time this year. Burt
Brown Barker, vice-president of
the University, speaking on “The
Ideals and Aims of the Dormitory
Organizations,” will give the main
address of the evening.
John Straub, emeritus dean of
men, will be a guest speaker. Mrs.
Maud H. MacDonald, director of
.residence halls, also is slated to
The merits of the seven units,
Alpha, Gamma, Zeta, Omega, Sig
ma, Sherry Ross, and Friendly,
will be judged by a committee
consisting of the seven hall spon
sors, Mrs. MacDonald, and Hugh
L. Biggs, assistant dean of men.
Oratory Contest
For Seniors Will
Be Held June 13
Contestants Must Submit
Manuscript Copies
By June 10
The Failing-Beekman oratorical
contest for seniors will be held on
June 13 at 8:15 instead of June
14 as was originally scheduled.
The contest win take place in the
music building, states Walter E.
Hempstead, instructor in English.
The preliminaries for the con
test will be held Tuesday, June
10, at 4 p. m. in Friendly hall.
Those students who intend to par
ticipate must report to the speech
division office some time before
these preliminaries and turn in
type-written copies of their 1500
word manuscripts.
The contest v/ill be broadcast
over KORE at 8:15 on June 13
and students who are interestec
in the Failing-Beekman speeches
are urged to tune in on their ra
dios to KORE that evening.
Law Students Named
To Work in Library
Four law students have beei
chosen to work as part time as
sistants in the law library for th<
coming year by M. H. Douglass
University librarian. They an
i Francis Coad, Walter Durgan, Syl
- vanus Smith, and Charles Shim
anek. These students were chosei
- after consultation with the mem
|bers of the law school faculty.
Bailey Given
1931 Oregana
Job Left Vacant by Allen
When He Resigns for
Emerald Post
Staff Positions Are Listed
By Henrietta Steinke,
Editor of Book
Roger Bailey, freshman in busi
ness administration, was appoint
ed manager of the 1931 Oregana
H. Steinke
the publications
i| committee held
H yesterday after
noon. Bailey
takes over the
job from Bob Al
lien, who resign
led to accept a
| position as man
aging editor of
the Emerald.
Bailey served
as assistant ad
vertising mana
ger under John Nelson, manager,
this year. He will take over his
new duties immediately.
Henrietta Steinke, editor of the
1931 book, announced yesterday
a majority of appointments on her
staff. “All of the positions have
not yet been filled,” said Miss
Steinke, “there remain several
which will be completed in the fall.
These include associate editor, art
editor, art assistants, and other
section positions.”
All who have applied for places
on the staff and not received ap
pointments are still under consid
eration for those places not yet
filled, said Miss Steinke. A sys
tem of advancement from assist
antship to editor of a section is
being used.
Appointments made yesterday
were: upper staff: assistant edi
tor, Dorothy Thomas; photograph
ic editor, Glen Gardiner; student
adviser, Lester McDonald; facul
ty adviser, George S. Turnbull.
Section editors: seniors, Lenore
Ely; college year, Ruth Newman;
sororities, Beatrice Bennett; fra
ternities, Wells Smith; athletics,
Jack Burke; juniors, Barney Mil
ler; honoraries, Sterling Green;
publications, Beth Salway.
Women, Thelma Nelson; admin
istration, Eleanor Jane Ballan
tyne; literary, Bobby Reid; drama,
Louise Ansley; art, Carol Hurl
burt; forensics, Neil Taylor; R. O.
T. C., Harold Short; underclass,
Shirley Sylvester; music, Dorothy
Kirk; law, Rex Tussing; dances,
Betty Ann Macduff; index, Doro
thy Morrison.
Section assistants: senior, Vir
ginia Wentz; college year, Elaine
Wheeler; sororities, Fern Baker;
publication, Jack Bellinger; wo
men, Barbara Conly; publications,
Lucile Carson; drama, Zora Bea
Golfing Led Them to Victory in Emerald Tourney
These men are the winners of the Emerald spring handicap golf tourney which terminated last
week. On the left is Ellis Short, winner of the first flight, with the Paul D. Green cup; in the center
is Charles Gruenig, winner of the tournament, with the Co-op store trophy; and on the right is Harold
Olinger, who was runner-up in the championship flight. Wally Giles, not shown in the picture, was
winner of the second flight.
American Education too Objective,
Says Swami Raimohan Indra Dutla
- ♦,-1
Calcutta Lecturer Visits
Eugene on U. S. Tour;
Makes Investigations
Eugene can boast of a distin
guished visitor for the next fort
night in the person of Swami Rai
mohan Indra Dutta of Calcutta,
India, who is delivering a series
of lectures in this city.
A diminutive, modest-appearing
man is Swami Indra, yet he pos
sesses a most remarkable mind.
In order to investigate the educa
tional situation in this country, he
is touring the United States by
automobile, visiting every state in
the Union.
“Education, as a whole,’’ says
Swami, "is too objective, and so
subject to requirements that it al
most defeats its own purpose. It
should deal rather with the devel
opment of the soul.”
Swami Indra received his A. B.
degree from the National College
of Calcutta in 1905, and in 1920,
he took post graduate work at
the University of California.
Literature was his major sub
ject throughout the years of his
academic training, and he is ex
j tremely well-read in modern as
well as in classical literature. His
favorite American author is Em
erson, because the latter adheres
to practically the same philosophy
and conceptions as prevail in In
Cover to Cover Is Way
Dean Straub Reads
New Alumni Directory
CONJURING up memories of
fifty years of ties and
friendships . . . vague recollec
tions, Intimate associations,
casual acquaintanceships . . .
generation after generation of
students, stretching ’way back
into the ’70’s ... a veritable
treasure chest of reminiscences
. . . such is the recently pub
lished alumni directory, to John
Straul), “the grand old man of
“I am reading the alumni
list through from cover to
cover,” Dean Straub said. Seven
thousand names are included in
the work.
Dean Straub is now emeritus
dean of men, after more than
fifty years of service for the
Marjorie Shane Named
Pot and Quill President
At a meeting of the Pot and
Quill Tuesday evening Marorie
Shane was elected president for
the coming year, and Beatrice
Bennett was chosen secretary. The
meeting was held at the home of
Mrs. Rudolf Ernst.
Retiring officers are: Mrs. Se
rena Madsen Sheffer, president,
and Elaine Henderson, secretary.
The group will meet next Wednes
day at the home of Mrs. J. L.
SeniorClass Will
Meet Today, Says
' Eleanor Poorman
Winner of Albert Prize
Will Be Voted on and
Seeretary Chosen
Three Are Up tor Award;
Gift To Be Discussed
A meeting of the senior class
will be held in the Villard assem
bly hall at 5 o'clock this afternoon,
Eleanor Poorman, class president,
announced last night.
The main items of business to
be taken up will be voting for the
winner of the Albert award, the
selection of a permanent secretary
for the class, and consideration of
the disposition of the surplus in
the class treasury, which now
stands at approximately $200.
The Albert cup, presented by J.
H. Albert of Salem, is awarded at
commencement each year to the
senior student who, during his or
her college course, shall have made
the greatest progress toward the
ideal in character, scholarship and
wholesome influence.
The class will vote on three
names nominated for the award
by a committee consisting of Hugh
Li. Biggs, chairman, Dean John J.
Landsbury, Major Frederick A.
Barker, Virgil D. Earl, Eleanor
Poorman, and Bill Whitely. Those
up for the honor are Marjorie
Chester, Johnny Anderson, and
Tom Stoddard.
Walter Norblad, chairman of a
committee to recommend a gift for
the class to give to the University,
will make a report, and a discus
sion of the gift will follow.
Peterson’s Crew of Business Workers for 1930-31 Emerald
Stoddard, Chester,
Anderson Eligible
For Senior Award
| r|''HE outstanding; member of
the senior class, from the
standpoint of progress during
his or her four years at the
University, will be selected
from a group of three nominees
today by populur vote of the
class. The winner will receive
a prize of $25, awarded each
year by Joseph H. Albert, u
banker of Salem.
Nominees, chosen by a spe
cial faculty-student committee,
are Marjorie Chester, Johnny
Anderson, and Tom Stoddard.
The class will vote at a special
meeting this afternoon.
Duniway Is Named
To Editorial Board
Of Daily Emerald
Has Been Active on Staff
During Two Years of
University Work
Associate Will Be Chosen
Sometime Next Year
Willis Duniway, day editor on
the staff of the Emerald, was ap
pointed to a position of editorial
writer yesterday by Vinton Hall,
next year's Emerald head.
Throughout Duniway’s two years
of University work he has been
very active on the campus pub
lication. He is a correspondent to
the Portland News and will hold
a position on that paper this sum
Together with the other editor
ial writers, Tussing Van Dine, and
Wilson, Duniway will act on the
editorial board. Sometime during
the coming year one of these men
will be selected, by merit, to act
as associate editor who will work
in more direct capacity with the
editor, states Hall.
This addition to the staff was
not published yesterday with the
other members as the appoint
ment was not ready to announce
until yesterday evening.
Big Sister Duties
Will Be Outlined
To Group Tuesday
More Girls Urged To Sign
For Committee Work
This Summer
A meeting of all girls who have
signed up to be Big Sisters will be
held next Tuesday at 4:30 in Ger
linger hall, it was announced last
night by Dorothy Eads, chairman
of the Big Sister committee. At
this time the duties of the Big
Sisters will be explained and plans
for the coming year outlined.
All high school girls who send
in their credentials to the Univer
sity before August 1 will have Big
Sisters who will correspond with
them during the summer as in
previous years. Freshman women
will be questioned to see if they
have Big Sisters, and girls will be
assigned to those who do not have.
Eugene girls and independent
women may still sign up at the
dean of women’s office to be Big
Sisters, Miss Eads said last night.
Bob Hall Awarded
Gold Track Medal
Frosh Miler Shows Most
Ability During Year
Robert M. Hall, star miler or
the freshman track team, was
awarded the Dr. Warren D. Smith
gold medal yesterday for being the
frosh runner showing the most
improvement during the season.
Although Bob Hall never wenl
out for track in high school, he
made the yearling cross-countrj
team last fall and won his nu
meral. This spring he has no'
been defeated in any frosh meet
Bob Hall is a son of Robert C
Hall, superintendent of the Uni
versity press and associate jour
nalism professor.
Two years ago Ralph Hill re
ceived the trophy.
New Ad Staff
Is Appointed
By Peterson
Emerald Business Head
Lists Promotions
For Next Year
•a m""
Gregg Gets Manager’s Job;
Newly Made Post Is
Given to Short
Closely following the announce
ment of the Emerald editorial
staff yet.erday, came the naming
Bill Hammond,
staff of the pa
per for next year
by Tony Peter
son, newly ap
pointed business
Addison Brock
man is the new
assistant busi
ness manager,
said Peter son.
Brockman was
formerly adver
neiiring nvgr. using man a g e r
of the Emerald and has been on
the sales organization of the Em
erald for three years. He will be
a senior in journalism next year.
Jack Gregg, junior in journal
ism, will be advertising manager.
Gregg has been assistant adver
tising manager for the past year.
New Position Filled
Harold Short, sophomore in
journalism, will hold a newly made
position on the staff, that of pro
motional advertising manager. His
task will be to promote new ac
counts among the Eugene business
houses. Larry Jackson, junior in
business administration and for
mer circulation manager, will hold
the post of foreign advertising
Ken Siegrist will be circulation
manager. Siegrist, a senior in
economics, was formerly assistant
circulation manager. The job of
office manager will be held by
John Painton, a junior in business
administration. Painton has been
on the sales staff for two years.
Ned Mars, junior in business ad
ministration and formerly on the
copy staff, will be copy manager.
Hofmann Is “Sue”
Betty Carpenter, manager of the
copy department for the past year
and a sophomore in journalism
next year, is to be women’s spe
cialty manager. Harriet Hofmann
will handle “Sez Sue” for the corn
ing year. She will be a sopho
more in journalism, and has
worked in specialty advertising for
the past year.
Financial administrator will be
Ruth Covington, a sophomore in
English. Miss Covington has been
on the general office staff for the
past year. Carol Werschkul, a
sophomore in journalism and for
merly office girl for the business
department, will be executive sec
Statistician Retained
Ed Pubols, who for the past
year has been carrying on a sta
tistical investigation rega r d 1 n g
Emerald advertising, has been re
tained to continue his work next
The new business manager, Tony
Peterson, will begin his fourth ac
tive year on the Emerald business
staff. Peterson has been advertis
ing manager for this year. He Is
receiving the managerial reins
from William H. Hammond, who
is graduating this term. Ham
mond has been prominent on the
staff for several years, holding the
positions of solicitor in his fresh
man year, assistant advertising
manager while a sophomore, and
associate manager last season.
H. Biggs Will Continue
Work at Washington
Hugh L. Biggs, a senior in the
law school, and assistant dean of
men, will continue his graduate
work at the University of Wash
ington this summer.
He plans to study there for
about eleven weeks during the
summer session, completing
eno'.gh hours of credit to enable
him to receive his degree here at
the end of next fall term.