Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 29, 1930, Image 1

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Read Wliat Hank
Found ‘Prowler' Meant §
See Page 4
B o
Oregon: Wind, less.
Maximum temperature . 59
Minimum temperature.42
| Stage of river .9
| Preeipitation .400
Kappa Leads
Grades For
Second Time
Sigma Alpha Mu First of
Men’s Organizations;
* Score 50 Points
Sigma Kappa, Alpha Phi,
Alpha, Gamma Halls
Follow Headers
With an average of 54.550
points, Kappa Kappa Gamma led
the winter term grade list. The
sorority was also at the top of the
list for the fall term.
Secohd on the list, which was
released by the statistician’s of
fice yesterday, is Sigma Kappa,
with 53.407, followed by Alpha
Phi, whose rating is 53.16S.
Sigma Alpha Mus Lead
y. Sig Alpha Mu leads the men,
scoring an average of 50.473, being
ninth on the list. Alpha hall, with
45.337, and Gamma hall, 45.027,
are second and third of the men's
organizations, respectively.
The all-university average is
44.233. All-sorority is 49.513, fol
lowed by all-women with 48.567.
Non-sorority women averaged
47.152. Non-fraternity men scored
41.374, while the all-men rating
was 40.509, and all-fraternity
Following is the complete list
as compiled by the statistician’s
Ratings Listed
Kappa Kappa Gamma, 54.550;
Sigma Kappa, 53.407; Alpha Phi,
53.166; Gamma Phi Beta, 53.087;
Delta Gamma, 52.255; Alpha Chi
Omega, 51.988; Alpha Xi Delta,
50.945; Kappa Alpha Theta, 50.
662; Sigma Alpha Mu, 50.473; Pi
Beta Phi, 50.451; Zeta Tau Alpha,
y 49.886; Alpha Delta Pi, 49.723;
all-sorority, 49.513; all-women,
48.567 Delta Delta Delta, 48.500;
Susan Campbell hall, 47.936; Theta
Omega, 47.545; Alpha Omicron Pi,
47.175; non-sorority, 47.152; Alpha
Gamma Delta, 46.829; Hendricks
hall, 46.765; Phi Mu, 46.155; Chi
Omega, 45.731; Alpha hall, 45.337;
Gamma hall, 45.027; Kappa Delta,
44.944; Delta Zeta, 44.818; Chi
Delta, 44.437; Alpha Upsilon, 44.
400; all university, 44.233; Chi Psi,
43.666; Phi Sigma Kappa, 43.421;
Alpha Beta Chi, 42.481; Sigma Pi
Tau, 42.046; Omega hall, 41.925;
Zeta hall, 41.548; Beta Theta Pi,
41.536; International house, 41.
461; non-fraternity, 41.374; Phi
Kappa Psi, 41.271; Sigma hall,
41.034; Phi Delta Theta, 40.775;
Theta Chi, 40.767; Phi Gamma Del
ta, 40.692; Alpha Tau Omega, 40.
630; all men, 40.509; all fraternity,
39.771; Friendly hall, 39.673; Sher
ry Ross hall, 39.656; Psi Kappa,
39.500; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 38.
404; Kappa Sigma, 38.000; Sigma
i Phi Epsilon, 37.816; Sigma Chi,
' 37.727; Delta Tau Delta, 37.097;
Bachelordon, 36.764; Sigma Nu,
Four Women Initiated
To Gamma Alpha Chi
_■ %
Four women were initiated to
Gamma Alpha Chi, women’s na
tional advertising honorary, at the
Osborne hotel Sunday morning
The new members are Barbara
Mann, sophomore in art; Joseph
ine Stofiel, junior in journalism;
Ruth Newman, junior in journal
ism; Reina Eggersdorf, junior in
business administration.
Plans were aiso made for the
part which Gamma Alpha Chi
will take in the Oregon Advertis
ing conference to be held here
May 3 and 4.
i Six Men Pledged by
Beta Gamma Sigma
Six business administration stu
dents were elected to member
ship yesterday in Beta Gamma
Sigma, national commerce honor
ary for men, it was announced
yesterday by Earl Lindstrom,
president of the organization. For
mal initiation will take place Sun
day, and will be featured by a
banquet at the Anchorage Sun
The six newly pledged men are
Harold Ayres and Orville Lind
strom, of Eugene; Paul Walgren,
Portland; Ronello Lewis, Salem;
^ Ralph Hill, Klamath Falls; and
Ernest Alne, Astoria.
Co-Op. Chooses
Year's Nominees
Past Year's Gain $19,000,
Report Shoics
Candidates for three positions
on next year's Co-op board were
nominated at the annual meeting
of members of the store yesterday
afternoon. The election will be
held tomorrow in conjunction with
body elections,
whose names will ap
i ballot are: Harold
Dorothy York, sopho
ion; and Faulkner
>lm McCarthy, Doro
urphy, and Wallace
the two junior posi
McClain, manager of
ve his annual report,
5s sales for 1929 to
i,208.32. with a gross
profit of $19,042.48. The net prof
it, after deducting operating ex
penses, was $4,097.51. The net
value of the store on January 1
was $28,851.96, all of which was
invested in merchandise.
Mr. McClain also gave a brief
history of the store since its
founding 10 years ago, showing
how it had grown through various
stages. Dr. John F. Bovard, fac
ulty member of the board of di
rectors, also gave a short talk.
Retiring members of the board
are: Day Foster, president; Esther
K'aser, secretary, and Bradshaw
the s*
thy J
the stc
have b
Plans Made for
Canoe Race of
Junior Week-end
Application for Entrance
Must Be Made Now;
Houses Paired
Two Cups Offered for
First Place
All canoe race entrants for the
Junior Week-end Water carnival
must be made as soon as possible,
according to Hal Fraundorf, chair
man of the carnival. These en
tries may be made by calling Ken
Moore, phone 2800, as early as
possible this week in order that
the names of the entrants may be
included in the printed programs.
Each house on the campus may
enter one person in the race, and
and women's houses will be paired
off by lottery. Each canoe will
carry the colors of the two houses
it represents.
The canOe races will be run in
heats over a course from the port
age to the Anchorage.
Cups Awarded
The winning canoe will be
awarded a cup for each of the
two organizations represented, and
additional prizes not yet selected
will be given the winners of the
next highest places.
Committee Chosen
The following committee was
appointed by Moore to assist with
the event: .Ray Bell, Ken Potts,
Ron Lewis, Stan Boggs, and Clar
ence Kester.
The canoe race is but one of
the events planned for the water
carnival, which is to be held Sat
urday morning, May 10, between
10:30 and noon. Other events on
the program will be: the women’s
swimming race from the anchor
age to the portage; the men's
swimming race over the same
course; and canoe tilting. In ad
dition there will be' a band, a div
ing exhibition, and a number of
features not yet definitely ar
ranged. Rules for the events, in
cluding the canoe race, will be
published at a later date.
New Group of Patients
Sheltered in Infirmary
The old order at the infirmary
has given place to an entirely new
group of patients. They are Fran
ces Rupert, Leah Harrington, Ed
na Peper, and George Varney.
McNary Obtains Netv
Books for Law Library
Fifteen bound volumes contain
ing the United States Statutes
which were passed at the 64th,
65th, 66th, 67th, 68th, 69th, and
70th sessions of congress have
been added to the Law library.
These books were obiained for the
library through the courtesy of
Senator Charles McNary.
Y’ Hut Set For
Polling Place;
Board Named
Student Voting Wednesday
To Begin at 9 a. m.;
To End at .3 p. m.
Election Clerks, Counters
Listed for Balloting;
Six Groups Given
Polling place for the A. S. U. O.
elections Wednesday has been ten
tatively set for the Y. M. C. A.
Dick Horn
hut by the elec
tion board, head
ed by Dick Horn,
vice - president.
| Hours will be
from 9 a. m. to
3 p. m,
The hut and
the men’s gym
nasium were con
|sidered for the
Ivoting place af
Iter the Friendly
hall association
denied permis
sion for use of
I their rooms. Last year elections
were held at Friendly, and the
year before at Villard hall.
Committees Named
The committee and boards:
General election c ommittee —
Chuck Reed, Paul Hunt, Keith
Hall, Eugene Laird, George Sta
delman, Rosser Atkinson.
Election board:
From 9 till 10: lone Garbe,
Kenneth Curry, Cecil Coss, Elmer
Pahl, Beryl Harrah, Sid Hoffman.
From 10 till 11: Brian Mim
naugh, Alberta Rives, Crosby
Owens, Eleanor Flanagan, Bruce
Titus, Bernice Woodard.
From 11 till 12: Dorothy Eber
hart, Wallace Giles, Elizabeth
Strain, John Yerkovitch, Edna
Dunbar, Karl Greve.
Leone Swengel Chosen
From 12 till 1: Leone Swengel,
James Hind, Wilbur Sohm, Orpha
Noftsker, Norma Stoddard, Bill
From 1 till 2: Joe Freck, Doro
thy Sue Mutzig, Henry Baldridge,
Esther Kaser, Bill Finley, Mar
garet Ansley.
From 2 till 3: Hal Paddock, Ina
Tremblay, Bob Allen, Helen Pe
ters, Bob Van Nice, Virginia
A meeting of all the people
named will be held in room 105
Journalism building at 5 Tuesday
afternoon. Horn said that it is
very important that all should at
Comedy Planned
For French Club
Election of Officers To
Take Place
A modern one-act French com
edy will be given before the mem
bers of the French club at their
meeting May 13. “Le Grapho
logue Avait Raison,” by Marguer
ite Lanteires, is a charming dia
logued fantasy, according to Pro- ,
fessor Felix LeGrand, instructor
of French, who is directing the
play. One act plays are rare in
French, he said.
The members of the club who
will take part in the play are:
Frances Bacon, Patricia Howell,
Felix LeGrand, and Richard
The meeting of the French club
at which this play will be given is
the last meeting of the year, and
• election of officers for next year
will take place at this time.
Phi Beta Kappa Will
Elect Thursday Night
Alpha of Oregon chapter of Phi
I Beta Kappa will hold its regular
, spring meeting for election of new
members Thursday evening, May
1, in Johnson hall.
Not more than 10 per cent of
the graduating class is eligible for
election. To be eligible, the stu
dent must have made a four-year
grade average of better than 2.25
at the University of Oregon, and
must have carried 50 per cent of
his work in language, philosophy,
history, political and social scienc
| es, mathematics, and science.
Huge Saber-Tooth Tiger Lured
To Death in Asphalt Is Story
Told by Local Mounted Specimen
A great elephant floundered to
its death in a reeking, sticky pool
of asphalt, and its dea dcarcass
lay gleaming white in the black
mass. A ranging saber-tooth ti
ger approached the body, then
leaped upon it, and commenced
feeding on its flesh. The elephant
slowly sank deeper into the as
phalt, the long-toothed cat not
noticing the death closing in about
it also. The tiger leaped toward
the firm edge of the pool, but
slid back into the black half
This is the story the skele
ton of a saber-toothed tiger which
has just been mounted in the geol
ogy department tells. The great
carnivore is' six feet in length, and
over three feet in height, and it
has two saber-teeth over six inch
es in length protruding downward
from the massive upper jaw.| The
bones are typical of the cat, tend
ing more toward those of the lion
rather than the tiger, for the ti
ger slinks along the ground in the
jungle, and the lion trots swiftly
about in the grass of the tropical
The bones of the tiger were
taken from the asphalt deposit at
Rancho La Brea, near Los Ange
les, has been preserved in almost
perfect condition in the asphal
turn. This pool which was but an
acre in size has been the most
prolific region in the world in the
yielding of specimens of ancient
mammals. Many thousands of
specimens of horses, wolves, cam
els, lions, saber-tooth tigers, ele
phants, and of carnivorous birds,
including owls, eagles, and even
a peacock.
The skeleton was presented the
University three years ago by Dr.
Chester Stock, then instructor in
vertebrate paleontology at. the |
University of California, and now
at the California Institute of Tech
nology. It belongs to the species
of smilodon californiaus, which re
ceived its name from Dean John
F. Bovard, of the physical educa
tion department. Dean Bovard
was a student in paleontology at
the University of California when
the deposit was first dug into in
1902. He made a study of the sa
ber-tooth tiger found in the as
phalt pool, and after comparing it
with species found in South Amer
ica, he placed in the same genus,
smilodon, but distinguished it
from the others with the species
title californicus. Although simi
lar tigers have been dug up in
Oregon none of them have reach
ed the great size of the californi
cus, which in some instances, de
veloped teeth 13 inches in length.
Sam Itzikowitz, senior in biol
ogy. mounted the local specimen.
Although his experience in mount
ing has been limited to members
of the feline world, he has done a
neat and accurate piece of work
with the tiger, Dr. Packard, of the
geology department, said yester
Oregon Rifle Team
Takes Fifth Plaee
In 9tli Corps Area
National Intercollegiate
Matches T9 Conclude
Year’s Activity
Only Five Highest Squads
I11 Area Shoot
Aggregate scores of the area
division of the National Intercol
legiate matches, compiled by corps
area headquarters in San Fran
cisco, give the University of
Washington first place, according
to Captain C. H. Bragg, coach of
the Oregon rifle team.
The scores are as follows: Uni
versity of Washington, 7,602
points: Oregon State college,
(first team) 7,588 points; Montana
State college, 7,364 points; Ore
gon State college, (second team)
7,274 points; University of Ore
gon, 7,062 points.
Only the five highest teams in
the preliminary matches are al
lowed to compete in the match,
and this was the first time the
Oregon team had entered, Captain 1
Bragg said.
There are no more matches
scheduled for this year.
Last Dime Crawl
Of Year Slated
Wednesday Night
Women’s Houses To Greet
Males and Dimes,
Says McNerney
Rat-Race Artists Perform
From 6:30 to 7:30
The third and last of the Dime
Crawls of the year will be held
from 6:30 to 7:30 Wednesday
night, it is announced by Flor
ence McNerney, in charge of this
“Spend an hour and some dimes
at the Dime Crawl,” says Miss
McNerney, “and forget politics for
at least one hour of the day.”
The following girls will speak
in the men’s houses at noon to
Alice Wingate, Phi Delt, S. A.
E.; Virginia Grone, Theta Chi,
Sigma Alpha Mu; Bernice Wood
ard, Beta, Chi Psi; Renee Nelson,
men’s dorm; Beatrice Tabke, Sig
Ep, Sigma Pi Tau; Gladys Clau
sen, Phi Psi, Sigma Nu; Mildred
McGee, Phi Sig, Bachelordon; Al
berta Rives, A. T. O., Delt; Carol
Hurlburt, Kappa Sig, Sigma Chi;
Jo Dammasch, Alpha Upsilon,
Fiji; and Mabel Ford, A. B. C.,
Psi Kappa.
Norblad Visits Over Week-End
Governor Makes Short Call on Campus
Editor’s Note: This is the second of a series of articles writ
ten about the leading candidates for the office of governor of
Oregon. The material printed attempts in no way to establish
an editorial policy for the Emerald.
“Hats off to the past. . . . Coats
off to the future!” That’s the
slogan Governor A. W. Norblad is
using in his campaign for Repub
lican nomination for governor in
the May primaries.
And well it fits him, too. Be
lieve me, when you have to give
up a good Sunday morning’s sleep
to interview a man, and even then,
when he is so rushed that a few
minutes is all he can spare, you
know he’s got his coat off for
something. And it’s not because
he didn’t need the sleep, either.
Saturday he attended almost a
dozen dedications, Anyway, he
reeled off a list as long as he is
tall, of things that he had done
the day before, and they were a
lot worse than just going to a
Saturday 8 o’clock, doing a few
house duties, and maybe taking in
a dance in the evening. Yes, sir,
he has his coat off.
He’s a nice-looking man; some
thing of the aristocratic about
him. Maybe it’s his rimless
glasses, maybe it's his hair, slight
(Continued on 1’aye Two)
Meeting To Be
Held of Canoe
Fete Officials
Positions of Floats To Be
Drawn This Afternoon
At Four o’Cloek
Vodvil Arts ami Choruses
Are Gradually Nearing
Drawings for places in the an
nual Canoe Fete will be made at
a meeting of representatives from
Bill East
an nouses partic
ipating, this af
ternoon in room
3, Johnson hall,
according to an
annou n c e m e n t
made Monday by
Bill East, chair
man of the fete
directorate. The
meet 1 n g will
start promptly at
4 o’clock and all
organizations are
requ e s t e d to
have a representative there.
Names selected for all floats
must be submitted at the meet
ing, according to East, and all
house representatives are urged to
turn in the form sent them.
New Plans Made
Several innovations have been
planned for this year’s affair, and
houses may now secure special
lighting and music for their
floats by simply requesting it of
the directorate, East declared. It
is the desire of the directorate to
have the floats of a higher calibre
than ever before as the fete will
be the biggest attraction of the
entire Junior Week-end this year.
The added attraction of three
choruses and several individual
specialties which will feature the
evening’s entertainment is expect
ed to draw a greater attendance
than ever before. A big stage is
to be erected to take care of the
large vodvil acts.
Tickets To Go on Sale
Trices announced for seats at
the fete were also announced by
East. Reserved seats, to go on
sale at the Co-op several days be
fore the event, will be 75 cents.
General admission seats will be
sold the evening of the fete at 50
University Press
Publishes Murray
Warner Booklet
Museum Cornerstone Will
Contain Copy as
A booklet about the life of Ma
jor Murray Warner was published
recently by the University Press.
The book will be placed in the cor
nerstone of the new Murray War
ner museum, that his memory
may always be preserved.
The booklet contains letters
about him written by close friends
of his, Leonard Metcalf and Cap
tain Phillips H. Mallory. It is
beautifully' printed on a very fine
grade of paper.
The introduction of the book
says in part: “For a man who,
himself, never visited the Univer
sity of Oregon, Major Warner has
had a most far-reaching effect on
this institution. The priceless
Murray Warner collection, brought
together by Mrs. Gertrde Bass
Warner, his widow, and donated
to the University, can be traced
in part to his inspiring influence."
Major Warner was born March 9,
1869, and died October 4, 1920.
Sigma Xi Meeting Is
Scheduled for Tonight
With an election of new mem
bers as the principal business to
come up before the group, Sigma
Xi, science honorary, will meet
tonight in Deady hall at 7:15, ac
cording to Dr. Earl L. Packard,
Dr. Ernest Gellhorn, professor
of animal biology, will give an ad
dress before the group at 8 o’clock
on the subject, “Quantitative Stud
ies in Ion Antagonism."
Sixteen Fair Co-Eds
Named By Houses
As Queen Aspirants
Prom Queen
Are Chosen
1. Janice Strickland .
.Alpha Chi Omega
2. Lois Joy ' Hanson .
.Alpha Delta Pi
3. Gladys Haberlach .
.Alpha Gamma Delta
4. Orpha Ager .
. Alpha Xi Delta
5. Naida Ehlers.Chi Delta
6. Glay Joy . Chi Omega
7. Hope Holland.
.Delta Delta Delta
8. Sally Addleman .
. Delta Gamma
9. Maxine Glover .
.Gamma Phi Beta
10. Mildred Dobbins .
. Zeta Tau Alpha
11. Marghareta Hay .
. Kappa Alpha Theta
12. Margarite Tourney .
. Kappa Delta
13. Gwen Panton .
. Kappa Kappa Gamma
14. Mary Caniparoli.Phi Mu
15. Virginia Sterling .
. Sigma Kappa
16. Larena Wilson .
. Susan Campbell
Lavina Honey to
Feature in Piano
Recital Tonight
Esther Saager To Assist
In Performance With
Vocal Numbers
Program Will Be Heard
In Auditorium
Lavina Honey, pianist, will be
heard in graduate recital tonight
at the music auditorium at 8
o’clock, with Esther Saager, so
prano, assisting.
Mrs. Honey, who is the student
of Jane Thacher, is completing her
second year of graduate work.
Since coming to Eugene from
Canada, six years ago, Mrs. Honey
has studied music Intensively.
Miss Saager, who is a senior
from Milton-Freewater, is the stu
dent of Mme. Rose McGrew. She
will sing two Italian songs and
two Schumann songs in German.
(ami tilings Returns
From AWS Meet
President-elect Is Greeted
By Snowstorm
“We arrived at 6:Z0 in the
morning in a snowstorm,’’' remi
nisced Margaret Cummings, pres
ident-elect of the Associated Wo
men Students, who returned Sat
urday from the meeting of the
Western Intercollegiate confer
ence of A. W. S. and Deans of
Women at Laramie, Wyoming.
“And what was worse, all the
Oregon and California delegates
brought their new spring clothes
with them.”
In Laramie, at least, everyone
has the cowboy friend, Idiss Cum
mings declared. Most of the 1.000
students at the University of Wyo
ming are sons and daughters of
A formal dinner in honor of the
delegates was one of the high
lights of the conference, and was
attended by the governor of the
state. This was followed by a
formal dance. “There were lots
of cowboys to dance with,” re
marked the new A. W. S. presi
dent-elect, “and, oh, boy, did they
Frosh Nine Will Meet
Eugene High School
The frosh baseball team will
tackle Eugene high school this
afternoon on the frosh field and
attempt to avenge the ll-to-8
beating the preppers handed them
last week.
Bill Baker, yearling coach, said
he would put his best bet, Jack
Hughes, in the box. The rest of
the lineup will be the same.
Beautiful Girl
Will Be Picked
By All Students
Voting To Take Place May
First, Says Chairman
Of Committee
Ballots To Be Distributed
To All Organizations
Sixteen houses nominated their
most beautiful girls as candidates
for Junior Prom queen, Cal Bryan,
Junior Prom director, announced
Cal Bryan
yesterday. me
nomi nations,
which were held
last week, were
open to all wo
men’s living or
ganizations o n
the campus.
From these
candidates will
be chosen by
vote of the stu
dent body a rep
resentation, and
I the four placing next highest will
| officiate as maids of honor at the
Voting on Thursday
The voting will take place on
Thursday, May 1, by ballots to be
distributed to all the living or
ganizations by assistants yet to
be appointed by Miriam Stafford,
prom queen chairman.
The names of the 18 candidates
will be listed on the ballots, and
each student will check one as
his choice for prom queen. The
vote will not be made by houses,
but by the individual doing the
The independents on the campus
will have a chance to vote for their
selections at the Y hut, where the
polls will be open to them between
9 o’clock in the morning till 5
o’clock in the evening.
Queen To Be Crowned
The victorious candidate will be
crowned queen at the commence
ment of the prom, which will be
held in McArthur court, May 10,
with an unusual ceremony in keep
ing with the pirate motif of the
event, Bryan promised.
Johnny Robinson’s Varsity Vag
abonds has been engaged to fur
nish music, and Nels Nelson and
Wilbur Soame, assistants on the
directorate, have arranged in de
tail the plans for the event, which
will include a number of novel
Art School Busy
With Exhibition
Teas, Speeches Feature
Display This Week
The art gallery of the school of
architecture and allied arts is a
busy place this week, according to
Nowland B. Zane, who is in charge
of the exhibition there. Unusual
interest is being shown by the
townspeople and those on the cam
pus in the paintings on display
from the American Federation of
The American Association of
University Women will hold a tea
in the gallery today, when one of
the professors of painting will ad
dress them. Andrew Vincent, pro
fessor of painting and drawing,
will probably be the speaker.
On Friday the women of the
city club of ETugene will hold a
tea there, and Dr. Kurt Reinhardt,
assistant professor of Germanic
languages, will speak.
rpHE baseball game the Ore
gon varsity was to play
with Kuansal university of
Osaka, Japan, Wednesday has
been cancelled. The Japanese
team arrived in Seattle last
week to tour the coast. They
are going to play at Wenatchee
and then desire to go straight
through to San Francisco.