Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1930, Image 1

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Read What Hank
Found ‘Prowler’ Meant
See Page 4
Oregon—Wind, west.
Maximum temperature . 64
Minimum temperature . 43
Stage of river .6
Precipitation .20
Shower Halts
Duck - Beaver
Baseball Game
Contest Called at End of
Fourth, Willi Webfoots
Leading 1 to 0
Staters May Play Here at
10:30 This Morning
It was a good game while it
lasted. Oregon was ahead 1 to 0,
the Staters had been foiled four
times, and everything was rosy
until the sky turned black.
Corvallis has terrible weather.
It was during the last half of the
fourth with the Beavers up that
a few big drops of rain came down
and the assembled multitude ran
for shelter. The Webfoots, how
ever, went right along and retired
a little O. S. C. rally. Just one
^ more inning was necessary to
make the game count officially in
the won and lost columns. Then
Mr. Coleman said it was raining.
Mr. Coleman is the Beaver base
ball coach and what he says is
important. Mr. Reinhart is the
Oregon coach, but is really a good
friend of Mr. Coleman, and always
likes to chat with him.
The players were all standing
around. The few spectators that
hadn't crawled under the seats or
disappeared behind umbrellas stood
around too (it was getting too wet
to sit down). “Come, Coley, let’s
just play one more inning and
then if you fellows want to quit,
it’s all right with us," teased Billy
Coleman looked sharp to see if
Bill was trying to catch him. The
rain was slackening, and Tyler
Christian, the umpire, was casting
a weather eye abaft, but saying
nary a word. Coley was getting
nervous. “Look over toward that
building,” he exclaimed. “See how
the rain’s coming down.”
“Ah, yes,” responded Mr. Rein
hart, “but that’s over there.”
This was a poser and Mr. Cole
man didn’t have any*answer to it.
However, he had no need of one.
The gentle mist suddenly turned
into a cloudburst and all hands
dashed to the dressing room with
out further discussion.
This, friends, is the story of
yesterday’s ball game—all except
that Reynold MacDonald was
pitching good ball for the Ducks,
that Kramer Barnes came through
with a single in the third to score
Stevens with the run that should
have won the game, and that
Nightingale, the Beavers’ left
handed pitcher, dished up some
curves that puzzled the Webfoots
quite a little and almost tied the
score himself when he traveled
from second base to home but for
got to touch third.
^ Oregon will play the Staters
here at 10:30 this morning if that
O. S. C. rainstorm doesn’t blow
over here and spoil our good
Bullets May Fly
On Alder Street
South End Endangered
By Guardsmen
Due to the danger of high
powered bullets flying near the
south end of Alder street from
the guns of company C of the na
tional guard during their rifle
j practice every Sunday morning
from now until the end of the term
a request has been issued that
people in that vicinity be cautious.
According to reports, students
and other people have had narrow
escapes from the .30-calibre cart
i Parsons To Go
Two Meetings
At Washington
Doan Loaves Wednesday
For Important
Will Stop Coming Back
In Minneapolis
Dr. Philip A. Parsons, dean of
the school of applied social sci
ence, leaves Wednesday, April 30,
for Washington, D. C., where he
goes to attend the national con
vention of the American Red Cross
and the International Conference
of Mental Hygiene, May 5 to 10.
On his way to Washington, Dr.
Parsons will stop over in Minne
apolis, and after the meetings at
the national capital, he will go on
to New York, stopping there be
fore starting his return trip,
which will include a stop in Cleve
Dr. Parsons plans to be back on
the campus May 21.
Partial Eclipse
Of Sun Due Soon
April 28 Is Date; Professor
Advises Care of Eyes
The eclipse of the sun which
occurs about 11 o’clock on Mon
day, April 28, will be only a par
tial eclipse as seen from Eugene,
according to E. H. McAlister, head
of the department of mechanics
and astronomy.
“Eugene is several hundred miles
from the best location for seeing
the eclipse, but in case of clear
weather, the eclipse will be worth
obesrving, although it will not
have the beauty and grandeur of
a total eclipse,’’ said Mr. McAlis
ter yesterday.
The sun will be too bright to
look at without a screen of some
kind to shield the eyes, advised
Mr. McAlister. If goggles are used
extra dark glass will be necessary,
he says.
Impassable Roads Hindrance
To Survey of School System
Conditions that reflect the time of our fathers and grandfathers
have been unearthed in remote parts of this county by four members
of a survey party who have been investigating educational systems
in this part of the state.
A survey of all schools in this county was begun last fall under
the direction of Carl L. Huffaker, professor in education, but intensive
work was not done until tnis term.-*
Such facts as the ages and num
ber of children attending the va
rious schools are gathered and will
be compared with conditions in
Klamath county.
I Impassable roads compelled Ir
ving Mather, Burford Wilkerson,
Paul Menegat, and Leslie Godard,
to seek such varied methods of !
transportation as horseback, a
launch, and foot, when they spent
Monday and Tuesday visiting
schools in the western part of
Lane county.
Of the 27 schools examined 24
were reached. The three had to
be left off their schedule because
of the condition of the roads. To
arrive at one of the schools it was
necessary for the graduate stu
dents to walk six miles. Another
was situated at Westlake across'
Siltcoos lake, so that a launch was I
needed. One detour was made by !
(Continued on Faye Two) |
Prom Queen Choices
Must Be in by Noon
Who is the prettiest girl in
the junior class? Is she blonde
or brunette? Has she blue
eyes, grey eyes, or brown eyes?
Is she tail or short, plump or
slender? Well, nobody knows
yet; but everybody’s got ideas
about it. If you want that big
blonde, or maybe that little
brunette, to be Junior Prom
queen, you’d better see that
your living organization sends
in its nomination for queen.
And the nominations must be
submitted to Miriam Swafford,
Alpha Delta PI, by today noon,
if they are to be included on
the ballots to be voted on next
week by the student body, ac
cording to Cal Bryan, prom di
More Money
Now Available
In Loan Fund
Students Borrow $44,000
To Finish Courses,
Says Biggs
Men Borrow Three Times
As Much as Women,
Records Show
More money is available to stu
dents in loan funds this year than
ever before, according to Hugh L.
Biggs, assistant dean of men.
More than $44,000, of which about
$30,000 is now outstanding, is ad
ministered by the University for
the purpose of giving temporary
financial aid to those who need it
in order to finish their college
course, he revealed.
On January 1, 1930, $29,674.02
was outstanding in loans, and $14,
660 was left on hand, making a
total of $44,334.02.
Between January 1, 1929, and
January 1, 1930, 247 loans were
made, as against 141 for 1928-29,
150 for 1927-28, and 142 for 1926
Men Borrow More
The records for 1929 show that
during that year nearly three times
as much money was loaned to men
as to women. However, the 46
loans to co-eds averaged $95.59
apiece, while the 201 taken by
men showed a mean value of only
$62.81. The amounts were $12,
626 for men and $4,397.50 for wo
men, making a total of $17,023.50.
This, according to Dean Biggs, is
the largest sum ever handled by
the University loan committee in
one year. Two recent gifts to the
loan fund are chiefly responsible
for the increase, he said.
Crawford Donates Fund
A special fund established by
Edward G. Crawford, of Portland,
and Ida M. Crawford, his wife,
makes available loans up to
$1,000, restricted to students ma
joring in other lines than medi
cine, law, theology, pedagogy, and
music. Another recent bequest is
that of Joseph N. Teal, Portland
attorney, who donated $5,000 to
the general fund.
Interest on loans distributed
from the general fund is charged
at the rate of 6 per cent annually,
and the term varies from three
months to two years. Loans from
the Crawford fund draw 5 per
cent, and are payable six months
after graduation.
A third division is the Ben Sell
ing emergency loan fund, amount
ing to $500, is to be let out in
amounts not over $25, for periods
not exceoding one month. The
$500 is, at present, all outstand
Deadlines Enforced
The demand for money is great
est, according to Dean Biggs, at
the beginning of each term, and
loans reach their peak at that time.
Although no security is taken, the
maturity dates are strictly en
forced by the loan committee, he
"Aside from the financial aid
rendered,’’ Dean Biggs stated, “I
believe that loans to students have
a decided educational value.
The loan committee consists of
Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, presi
dent of the University; L. H. John
son, comptroller; and Hugh L.
Biggs, assistant dean of men and
director of loans.
Art Students Sketch
University Buildings
Those people who could be seen
yesterday afternoon stationed at
intervals all over the campus look
ing intently at the buildings in
front of them were not studying
bird life, nor were they accosting
people and demanding definitions
of "prowler” for the Emerald.
They were art students in Miss
Maude Kern's class in representa
tion who were supposed to be
sketching the buildings on the
Looking as if they felt like
something someone had ordered
and forgotten to call for, these
diligent students sat all afternoon
on the green grass and did funny
things with their rulers and
crayons. The sketches will event
ually be used to advertise the
summer school session here.
Officiate During Leap-Week
- -
After all festivities for Senior Leap Week have quieted and the
men express their appreciation of the good times they had, these three
co-eds will he responsible for the smoothness with which each activity
was handled. They are, left to right, Betty Schmcer, Florence MeNer
ney, and Naomi Hohman.
Vagabonds Will
Play Tonight in
Emerald of Air
Campus Features Conies
Over KORE at Nine
Robinson’s Orchestra Is
Ten Piece
An innovation in broadcasting
for the Emerald of the Air will be
brought about tonight when mu
sic by John Robinson’s Varsity
Vagabonds will be broadcast from
the Campa Shoppe. The evening's
entertainment is sponsored by the
Oregon Daily Emerald and radio
station KORE and intermissions
will be filled with campus feat
ures. The program will start at
9 o’clock.
Johnny Robinson’s new ten piece
combination will feature the latest
songs and many new arrange
ments by Lawrence Wagner, Ron
ald Salt, and Tubby Thompson.
The organization will be leaving
soon to fill a summer’s engage
ment at Jantzen beach. Members
of the band who will play in Port
(Continued on Page Two)
Plans for Canoe
Fete Include Best
Acts From Vodvil
All Former Choruses Will
Appear Intact, Vinton
Hall Reports
Four Specialty Dancing
Acts To Be Featured
The best features from the de
funct Junior Vodvil have been re
vamped and will be used at the
annual Canoe Fete Friday, May 9,
according to an announcement
made last night by Vinton Hall,
who will direct the acts.
Two big acts, which will con
tain several dancing and singing
parts, have been planned for the
fete. Due to ,the difficulty in
hearing at the annual review on
the mill race, most of the enter
tainment will be confined to danc
ing, Hall stated.
The vodvil choruses will be
used intact for the fete entertain
ment and Julia Creech has been
appointed to direct the chorus
work. There will be two women’s
choruses and one of men. The
(Continued on rape Two)
To Enter Fray With Beavers
When Oregon taekles the Beavers in baseball
this afternoon at Reinhart field, tiiese men will be
prominent in the line-up: Curley Fuller, upper left:
Hermit Stevens, upper right; and Ceee Gabriel,
Golf Handicap
Starts Today;
46 Are Eligible
Tournament Sponsored by
Emerald; Regular Rules
Are in Force
Women's Match Play ^ ill
Regin Next Week; To
Call Manager
The Emerald's spring handicap
golf tournament gets under way;
today with 46 players eligible for ■■
F. Short
l o u r ii e y pmy,
Faulkner Short,
manager, an
nounced yester
day. George
Beechler, with a
74 on the par 72
course, turned in
the lowest quali
fying score. Play
ers are to get in
touch with one
another and
time their match is to be played.
Regular tournament rules are to
be in force and the matches are
to be 18 holes. Handicaps are
determined by the low man giving
his opponent the difference in the
two handicaps. Winners of the
pairings are to turn in their scores
to Faulkner Short. Results of the
matches will be posted daily on
the bulletin board at the Emerald
Women's Play Scheduled
Women’s match play will not
begin until next week. Qualifying
scores of all the women golfers
have not been turned in. They
are asked to telephone their qual
ifying scores to Faulkner Short,
Sigma Pi* Tau.
Pairings and handicaps of the
men's championship flight are:
George Beechler 2 vs. Dick
I-Iarper 7.
Charles Gruenig 9 vs. Fletcher
Pyle 7.
A1 Schmidt 9 vs. Chuck Wil
liams 9.
Ralph Brown 9 vs. Keith Hall
Harold Ollinger 11 vs. Bill Hor
ner 10.
wuston jonnsion i vs. nieuu
man Shaw 11.
Nelson McCook 7 vs. Jerome
Lillie 15.
Paul Walgren 16 vs. Thomas
Chave 17.
First Flight Listed
First flight:
Maurice Kinney 20 vs. Ellis K.
Short 19.
Bob Holmes 21 vs. Dean Creath
Don McCormick 24 vs. Joe
Freck 21.
Robert Bishop 21 vs. Winsor
Calkins 20.
Forrest Howerton 24 vs. Andy
Brown 17.
Clarence Veal 24 vs. Jack Koe
gel 28.
Harry Schenk 27 vs. Frank W.
Young 27.
Bob Robinson 25 vs. Milo Mar
latt 26.
Second flight:
William Graeper 30 vs. Bob
Keeney 29.
Phil Cogswell 42 vs. Arthur
Rolander 28.
Art Schoeni 40 vs. Karl Land
strom 30.
Lee M. Brown 35 vs. Howard
Hughes 48.
Vernon Arnett 35 vs. Leonard
Hagstrom 35.
Howard Dirks 32 vs. Wally Giles
Wally Boyle 31 vs. Brad Harri
son 37.
The winner of the championship
flight will receive the cup donated
by the Co-op, first flight winner
will be given a cup by Paul D.
Green, winner of the second flight
receives a golf bag from Hender
shott’s, and the runner-up to the
champion will be given a golf
sweater by DeNeffes. Buster
Brown Shoe store is donating a
cup to the winner of the women’s
Harrell Models Fountain
O. L. Barrett, instructor in the
school of architecture and allied
arts, is at work on a composition
for a fountain to be done in bronze
for the court of the new fine arts
building. It will consist of two
small Pans piping.
Prep Stars Gather for
Annual Oregon Relay
Today Hayward Field
Prep Schools Aim
At These Records
Q ii a r 11* r-mlle relay—New
Service Laundry tropliy; record
set by Vancouver high, 1929.
Time :44.6.
Two-mile relay—L a r a w a y
trophy; record set by Grant
high, 1929. Time 8:33.8.
Half-mile relay — Portland
Hotel trophy; record set by Jef
ferson high, 1927. Time 1:34.6.
One-mile relay—Imperial Ho
tel trophy: record set by Ben
son Tech, 1928. Time 3:33.7.
Sprint medley relay—Eugene
Hotel trophy; record set by
Vancouver high, 1928 and 1929.
Time 1:40.8.
Distance medley relay—
Babb’s trophy; record set by
Commerce high, 1929. Time
Shuttle low hurdles relay—
Graham trophy; record set by
Benson Tech, 1928. Time 1:02.5.
100-yard dash — Paul D.
Greene trophy; record set by
Fyock, Franklin, 1929. Time
Pole-vault—Power’s Furni
ture trophy; record set by Lit
tle, Grant, 1928. Height, 11
feet 9 5-8 inches.
Broad jump—Imperial Lunch
trophy; record set by Kosen
qulst, Vancouver, 1929. Dis
tance, 22 feet 3 inches.
Shot-put—College Side tro
phy; record set by Billings, Hill
Military, 1929. Distance, 45
feet 9 3-4 inches.
High jump—-Meier & Frank
trophy; record set by Craw
ford, Jefferson, 1928. Height,
6 feet.
Recitals Slated
For Next Week
Mrs. Honey, Mffis Wick To
Appear in Programs
Student recitals in which La
vina Honey, pianist, and Esther
Wicks, violinist, will appear make
next week one of much interest
Mrs. Honey, who is taking her
second year of graduate work,
will give her program Tuesday
night at 8 o’clock. Esther Saager,
soprano, will be her assistant.
Miss Wicks’ program has been
set for Thursday night. One of
J.he six Juilliard music scholars
on the campus, Miss Wicks has al
ready been widely heralded as a
promising young musician. Noted
artists, among them Paul Kochan
ski, Polish violinist, have praised
her work highly.
In - her program Tuesday Mrs.
Honey will play from Beethoven,
Chopin, Liszt, Rubenstein, and
Brahms, Schumann and some of
the moderns. Mrs. Honey is an
active member of Phi Beta, na
tional music and drama honorary
for women. She is a student of
Jane Thacher.
Cinder Men
From Many
Schools Here
263 Traekslers Represent
21 High Schools of
State of Oregon
Meet To Start at 2 o’Cloek
Sharp, Says Dezemlorf
By auto, train, and stage, star
prep school runners are arriving
on the campus for the Fourth An
nual Oregon Relays, scheduled for
Hayward field this afternoon. Of
ficial figures given out by Jim De
zendorf, chairman of the student
committee in charge of entertain
ment, list the actual number of
schools entered at 21 and individ
uals at 263. The ineligibility for
competition of Jefferson high of
Portland brought the number
down some 24 names.
The meet will start promptly at
2 o’clock and the events will be
run off in rapid order. Each team
will be handled by a student man
ager and several other commit
tees have been hard at work to
make the event a success.
Portland Schools Many
Portland schools hold a domin
ating margin on the list of rec
ords. Vancouver high leads the
list with the greatest number of
records held by any one school.
The Washington preppers have
the best time in three of the 12
events on the program. The Port
land schools hold the rest of the
Benson, Grant, and Jefferson
rank high among the Rose City
teams, holding two records each,
while Franklin, Commerce, and
Hill Military have one each.
The meet last year saw six rec
ords go by the boards and another
tied and this year’s prep stars are
expected to again better the
marks. Only one mark has with
stood the challenge of the teams
since the inception of the relays
in 1927. Jefferson holds this rec
ord, in the half-mile relay, with a
time of 1:34.6.
Marks Still Stand
Five other marks have stood
since 1928, although one has been
equalled since then. Charlie Fy
ock, of Franklin, is the only in
dividual who has set a record and
then bettered his own mark. He
now holds the century champion
ship with a mark of 10.2.
The associated students will be
hosts at a huge banquet for the
visiting prep runners and their
coaches tonight at 6:30 o’clock in
the New Men’s dormitory. Tro
phies will be awarded at this time
by Tom Stoddard, president of the
associated students.
Clarence W. “Doc” Spears, Ore
(Continued on Faga Two)
Emerald Officers Will Move
To Neighboring Quarters
Sometime in the near future, desks, typewriters, and files will be
moved from the Emerald business office; and then the little shack at
the back of Friendly hall will have to look for a new tenant. Gone
will be the days when the advertising staff had to communicate with
the editorial staff by means of telephone, or else run across the park
ing lot in the rain.
Bill Hammond, business man-*
ager, Art Schoeni, editor, and Vint
Hall, managing editor, have al
ready planned the arrangement.
What is now the copy room will
be the new business office; and
the big circular copy desk will be
taken into the typing room. Ham
mond and Schoeni will have a
joint office.
The purpose of the change is to
bring about easier cooperation be
tween the two staffs.
Colds Confine Three
Colds have again become the
common ailment of infirmary pa
tients, having taken Thelma Kem,
Lionel Lane, and Bill East. Anna
Kabielski and Juanita Demmer
are also in the hospital.
Paid Your Fees Yet?
Last Chance Today
Today Is the last day for pay
ment of fees! The window
closes Saturday noon, and be
ginning next week, the fine for
late payment will be added to
the amount of unpaid fees.
“Friday was a record day for
the cashiers, as 853 students
visited the windows. However,
tills still leaves around 650 who
have not yet paid and who can
not possibly be taken care of
during the hours from 8 to 12.
However, come as early as pos
sible and we shall try to ac
commodate as many as we
can,’’ said E. 1*. Lyon, cashier.