■Eiiui!iini'iiiiM.iiiiniiiri!niiiii:iii![iiii!iii!!ii!'iii)iiiiriir What Are ‘Birds’ Send Your Definition To Hank de Rat iiimiiimii!iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiiniimiinaiiiii!iuimniiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiiiimiiniRDiiiminmnniiiiii HBBiBiniriiii'iniiiirriiwuiiiiiiTiTiiTnniiimiiiiiiiiimnniiiiiiinmtniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiii— THE WEATHER Oregon today: Winds, west. Temperatures for Thursday: Maximum .67 Minimum .4B Precipitation .18 Stage or river . 7 miismiTininmnnnininiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiuuiiiiiHHiimiiiniiiiinnimnniinmiiiiiiniRniniuiiaiiiiimnm, VOLUME XXXT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930 NUMBER 112 Reader Survey Shows Emerald Is Excellent Advertising Medium * Report Shows 91 Per Cent of Students Are Daily Readers; Sales Appeal to the Women Purchasing Power Is High Among the Students, Is Opinion of Statistician Thai the Oregon Daily Emerald is an excellent medium for adver tisers, was the conclusion drawn by Edwin Pubols of Portland, freshman in business administra tion, as the result of his recently completed survey of the readers’ interests in the Emerald. “When it is seen that 91 per y cent of all students read the Em erald every day,” Pubols said, “the tremendous amount of reader in terest generated by the student daily is vividly shown. Herein is a point by which the Emerald’s advertisers might be readily con vinced of the drawing power of space in the Emerald.” Advertising Is Read Over 60 per cent of the readers claim that they are thorough, as well as regular readers of the paper. This, Pubols declared, “is certainly the best assurance an advertiser can have that his space is getting across.” All but 4 per cent of the read ers stated that they read the ad vertisements, frequently or occa sionally, if not regularly. Pubols believes that the negligent 4 per cent are those who do their buying outside of Eugene. More than three-fourths ex pressed a preference for the Port y land paper which holds greater in terest in the liigher-incomed class in that city. This, according to: Pubols, indicates that Oregon stu- i dents have a purchasing power higher than the average, and. therefore represent a lucrative field for advertisers to operate in. Bargains Influence Women Three-fifths of the readers also declared that they make purchases on the basis of advertisements in the Emerald; about half of the women said that bargain sales in fluence their buying. That Eugene advertisers have already achieved results through the Emerald, Pubols said, is shown in the fact that more than half the student buyers consider prices and selections as reasonable and good in Eugene as in their home towns. Finally, Pubols avers, the stu dents have expressed a confidence and approval of their paper which should assure the advertisers that the Emerald will make their pat \ ronage successful. This approval was shown by the opinions of 75 per cent of the readers that the editorial policy of the paper was independent and interesting, that the form and typography was good, and that it had shown im provement lather than deteriora tion during the time that they had been reading it. Results Valuable The survey was carried out by means of questionnaires, which were distributed in approximately equal proportions among mSn and women of all classes, and of both dormitories and fraternities and sororities. An actual test taken from the first hundred of the 439 (Continued on Page Two) Says Smv Guv Who Yelled for Every Nominee To listen to all the clieerii that went on in the awsemb ^ yesterday morning one woui '• I il I ii n i ii u i' every one in the building ^ w a s landing^ their share b u t II a n U4 found it was not true. W h e n one person was n o in i n a t ed, half of the /rf ' De Guy student hod y would cheer. When another’s name would be placed on the minutes, the other half would try to out do them. Hank says that he can’t prove it, but he thought he saw one guy applauding for each nominee. Sigma Delta Chi To Publish Next Scandal Sheet Publications Committee Stipulate Conditions To Be Observed Prof. George Turnbull To Censor Edition At a meeting of the publications committee yesterday, it was de cided that Sigma Delta Chi should be permitted to publish the Green Goose under the following condi tions : 1. All stories turned in and any stories printed must carry the au thor’s signature. Ail stories must receive the approval of Professor Turnbull. The committee authorized the authority of Mr. Turnbull to cut out any part he may see fit and should anything be printed in the paper without his knowledge and approval, he has the right to stop the run and circulation of the pa per. 2. That there be no scandalous, libelous or obscene matter con tained in the paper. 3. The committee suggests that Sigma Delta Chi publish the paper with the highest possible journal istic endeavor to cover the cam pus and suggests the possibility of using considerable lemon punch humor. 4. The mast head is to carry the names of the contributors. The paper shall be the Sigma Delta Chi Green Goose edition and shall have no reference to the Oregon Daily Emerald. The soliciting of advertising must be very carefully done so as not to convey the idea that this is a part of the regular edition of the Emerald. It was decided, after a general discussion of candidates, to meet again on Thursday, April 24, and devote the meeting to interview ing .candidates for the Oregana manager and editor. There was a general discussion of policies tc be followed in selection of candi dates. Club For Getting Studes Out For 8 o’Clocks Big Success In springtime a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of love . . . and sleep. » Winter term it’s pretty tough to get up in the cold mornings because fraternity men hate the cold. Comes spring and they still hate to get up, but this time be cause of lethargy and spring fever rather than the cold. But still there are 8 o'clock classes. Realizing the necessity of at least occasional attendance, some of the organization-minded mem bers of Sigma Pi Tau have formed an “Aurora Borealis’’ club. Un like a burying club which puts ’em away, the group pledged it self to get ’em up by 7:20 sl. m \ each morning. Should laziness seize any of th< ' members, the constitution of thi I club duly authorizes other mem i bers to extricate the somnolen ! one either by forceful methods uncovering, or by the old standb; | method, water. Already severa have incurred the latter treat ment, fellow Borealites being ex tremely co-operative in seeing tha the 7:20 deadline is observed, i John Butler and Bill Donaldsor both hailing from the tidelands o Marshfield, are the charter mem bers and are experts on the wate 1 method of making 8 o'clocks. Von Annex. Prep Track Teams Bring 280 Athletes Student Managers Direct Each Team During Relay Events HOSPITALITY IS URGED nquet Is Planned for quads Saturday; Living Places Listed ? a sl •J — &> e £ 5 1 3 By HARRY VAN DINE e last-minute entry of Benson of Portland, brought the to umber of high schools listed mpete in the fourth annual n relays up to 22, according announcement made last night by Virgil D. Earle, athletic director. The Techmcn will bring nine runners to swell the individ ual entries up to the 280 mark. Final preparations for the en tertainment of the visiting prep stars have been completed by the committee headed by Jim Dezen dorf. The men will be guests at the various men’s living organiza tions, and drawings for the dis tribution of teams were made Thursday afternoon. Banquet Planned Each team will be assigned a student manager under the direc tion of Russ Baker, according to Dezendorf, and they will take care of all details for the visitors on the day of the meet. The runners will be given access to the Uni versity rubbing rooms at McAr thur court, and Oregon athletic officials will cooperate to make the event a success. Two leading campus musical or ganizations have been booked to appear at the huge banquet, planned in honor of the visitors Saturday evening. The S. A. E. trio, composed of Bob Rogers, Bill Seivers, and Don Eva, and the A. T. O. trio, composed of Spec Stevenson, Torry Shell, and Sing Harper, will feature during the dinner. Leading University ath letic officials will speak and Tom Stoddard, president of the Associ ated Students, will award the tro phies to the winning teams. Attendance Urged Oregon women are especially urged to attend the relays and no admission charge will be made, Dezendorf stated. The track on Hayward field is in good shape and several records are expected to fall during the afternoon. Fraternities are asked to enter tain the visitors in the best man ner possible and the student com mittee has requested that there be no unusual happenings such as have characterized the visits of the prep runners to the various houses in the past. . “We should strive to make the visit of the various teams here an enjoyable one,” Gene Shields, faculty advisor to the student com mittee, stated. “This is one time of the year when high school ath letes get a real view of college life and they should be royally treated.” Teams Quartered The various teams entered and the houses at which they will be quartered follow: Baker, Gamma hall; Beaverton Sigma hall; Bend, Delta Tan Delta; Commerce, Psi Kappa; Franklin, Alpha Beta Chi and Sig ma Nu; Lincoln, Bachelordon and Sigma Chi; Hill Military, Zeta hall and Theta Chi; Jefferson, Ch: Psi and Sigma Phi Epsilon; Mc Minnville, Beta Theta Pi; Medford Sigma Alpha Mu; Milwaukie, Ph: Gamma Delta; Roosevelt, Friendlj hall and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Scappoose, Kappa Sigma; Grant Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Sigma Kappa, and Alpha Upsilon; Van , couver, Sherry Ross hall; Wash . ington, Alpha hall and Sigma P . | Tau; Benson, Omega hall. Alaska Cruise To Be 7 i Subject of Address Professor N. B. Zane, of th< t school of architecture and alliet arts, will address a meeting of tht ■ Four Oaks Grange this evening f He will talk on the University -1 summer cruise to Alaska, and wil r | illustrate his talk with lanterr I slides. To Compete In Relay Carnival I s: v- Vsy Top left, Forbes King, Lincoln, sprinter; right, Betts, Eugene high sprinter; bottom left, Burr, Eugene high hurdler; right, Irv Heusner, Grant high pole vaulter. Men To Be Guests At Mortar Board Formal Tonight Women Take Initiative and Will Escort Men to New Dorm, Scene of Dance New Kwania Members Will Be Chosen in Feature Directs Prep Delays The stage is all set, and the cur tains will rise at 9 o’clock tonight on the first formal dance ever held on the University of Oregon campus for which the women have taken all the initiative, even down • to asking and escorting the men. Big things are going to happen at this tradition forming dance. Seventeen freshman women will be chosen in a beautiful ceremony as members of Kwama, sophomore service honorary for women. Their names will not be revealed until the dance. A procession of pres ent Kwamas will file around and choose the lucky girls. The Mortar Board ball is spon sored by the women who are mem bers of Mortar Board, national honorary for women, and will be held each spring in the future as the only dance where women are hostesses. Those arranging for the dance are Florence McNerney, | Eldress Judd, Beatrice Milligan, ; Betty Schmeer, Helen Peters, Mar | jorie Chester, and Margaret Ed ; munson. | The men’s dormitory will be the scene of the dance and has been ! beautifully decorated. Preceding the dance, many sor ; orities are entertaining with for mal dinners in honor of the men whom the girls are inviting to the dance. Patrons and patronesses are: President and Mrs. Arnold Ben nett Hall, Mrs. Virginia Judy Es terly, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Schwer | ing, Dr. and Mrs. E. E. DeCou, Mr. and Mrs. David Graham, Mrs. Anne Landsbury Beck, Miss Mar garet Daigh, Mr. and Mrs. Marion MacKenna, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Everett, Miss Margaret Boyer, Miss Katherine Kneeland, and Miss Edith Dodge. I Week-end Queen Nominations Open Names of Candidates Must Be Given Swafford Who is your choice for Junior Prom queen? If you have a choice, see that your house sends I in its nomination by Saturdaj noon, Cal Bryan, prom director . advised the students yesterday. Miriam Swafford, Alpha Delta I Pi, is in charge of the norhina tions, and names of candidate: must be submitted to her. ! Rain Causes the Postponement of Golf Tournament Weather Has Prevented Players Qualifying, Says Short Prizes Now on Display At the Co-op - Continued rain has caused the postponement of the Emerald's spring handicap golf tournament until next week, Faulkner Short, manager of the contest, announced yesterday. It has been impossible for all the golfers to play their qualifying rounds and there are still 10 hold-outs. The worst duffer in the tourna ment will have an opportunity tc have a look-in on the prizes for they are now on display at the Co-op. Men who have not qualified are requested to see Faulkner Short Sigma Pi Tau, so that the lists may be completed and pairings and handicaps made. If the weather permits entrants to qual ify, handicaps and pairings will be published in the Emerald Satur day. Sheldon To Speak At Monmouth Educational Conference To Be This Week-end — | Dean H. D. Sheldon and H. S Tuttle of the school of education and Miss E. Denore Casford, peri odical librarian, will be speakers j at the Educational conference t< 1 be held at Monmouth this week I end. The general subject of the I conference will be “The Child’! : Place in the New Education." Professor Tuttle will speak or “The New Character Education,’ while Dr. Sheldon will explair what America has contributed t< the education of the child. Mis: Casford will speak on the topic o i reading. Pledges Commended On Copying of Style j Numerous commendations havi ' been given the Sigma Delta Ch ' pledges for their duplication of th< Portland Oregonian in yesterday' Emerald. It was such a clos imitation that it fooled many stu dents who took it to be the Ore gonian. “It was one of the best Eraer aids ever put out by other thai the regular staff," said Eric W Allen, dean of the school of jour nalism. “It showed more fore i sight and effort than has eve 1 been shown before.” Two Student Parties Nominate Candidates Yearlings Lay Plans lor Big Annual Picnic Tormoelilen Made General Chairman for Event at Swimmers’ Delight Dale Is Tentatively Set at Friday, May 16 The freshman class picnic will be held at Swimmers’ Delight, a place four miles east of Goshen, at a date tentatively set as Fri day, May 10, it was announced yes terday by Kenneth Tormoehlen, who has been appointed general chairman for the event by Larry Bay, frosh president. According to Tormoehlen, the spot chosen provides an ideal spot for the annual event, since it in cludes excellent facilities for swimming, dancing, and picknick ing. The date will be definitely announced soon. Committee Lays Plans A committee named yesterday by Tormoehlen has already begun to lay plans for the picnic. Novel entertainment features are being arranged, and preparations for a picnic luncheon are under wav. The following sub-chairmen have been named: assistant chair man, Edward Wells; transporta tion, Ken Lawson; food, Vincent Miesen; amusement, Philip Bell and Mary Lou Muncy; dance, Andy Brown; grounds, Hugh Chapman; advertising, Sterling Green; pa trons and patronesses, Florence White. Bay Issues Cull Bay is anxious to have every freshman turn out for this event, which will be the last big get-lo gether of the year for the class “We want to have all the frosh come,” he said. “I am sure that enough enthusiasm and pep can be raised to make the picnic a big success.” Women Invited To Senior Lunch To Be Given on May 3, at Hendricks Hall Local members of the American Association of University Women will act as hostesses to women of the class of 1930 at a luncheon to be held at 1 o’clock, May 3, in Hendricks hall. Mrs. Virginia | Judy Esterly, dean of women, will j be the principal speaker. Senior women are requested to ! visit the office of the dean of wo men on Tuesday, April 29, or Wed nesday, April 30, to obtain invita tions to the affair. A. G. Rae To Leave For Conventions Will Attend Two Meetings In Washington, D. G. Arne G. Rae, field manager of 1 the Oregon State Editorial asso ciation, will leave within two 1 weeks for Washington, II. C., 1 where he will represent the Ore i gon editors at the Annual Confer ence of Newspaper Association Managers, May 13 to 16. After the editorial convention, Rae will attend the annual con vention of the Advertising Feder ation of America, May 18 to 21. He will probably represent the Ad ! vertising Club of Portland at the ‘ latter meeting. ! The national editorial associa * tlon and newspaper managers are : conducting a department for the • country newspaper. Mr. Rae will ' take with him thirty Oregon news papers to show at the department ■ al exhibition of country newspa i pers. Mr. Rae will make the trip by - way of the Canadian route, vislt - ing Vancouver, B. C., Montreal, r and New York on his way to Washington. Expected Names Presented; Election Set For Wednesday r 1 ■' ■ Dean John Straub Receives Life Membership In A. S. U. O. as Token of Esteem for Fifty-two Years Service By DAVID WILSON Eight men and four women were nominated as candidates for the six student body offices to be filled for next year at the nominating assembly held at Gerlinger hall yesterday morning. There will be no three-cornered races in this year’s election. The two opposing tickets are the only organizations to place Candidates in the field, and no candidate can be elected unless he gets a majority vote. Perhaps the less said about the nominating speeches the better. NOMINEES FOR 1930-31 STUDENT BODY OFFICERS. PRESIDENT: George Cherry Chuck Laird VICE-PRESIDENT: Ted Park Bill Whitely SECRETARY: Harriet Kibbee Phyllis van Kimmell EXECUTIVE MAN: George Christensen Tony Peterson EXECUTIVE WOMAN: Reba Brogdon Wilma Enke ■JUNIOR FINANCE OFFICER: Jack Gregg Omar Palmer Delegates Return From Deans’ and A.W.S. Meetings Schwering, M. Cummings Attend Conferences Mrs. Hazel Schwering, assistant dean of women, and Margaret Cummings, president of the Asso ciated Women Students, returned to the campus this week from Laramie, Wyoming, where they attended the western section of the Deans of Women's conference and the Associated Women Stu dents’ conference, which held joint sessions April 16, 17, and 18. Mrs. Schwering addressed the conference Friday on “Forming Friendships Thr ough Hobby Groups,” explaining the work of Philomelete on the Oregon cam pus. Miss Cummings spoke to the A. W. S. delegates on "The Prob lems of the Town Girl.” About 85 representatives from 11 west ern states were in attendance, ac cording to Mrs. Schwering. On her way back to Eugene, Mrs. Schwering stopped over Tuesday at Klamath Falls high school, in order to speak before the Girls’ League and to hold in dividual conferences with the stu dents. Saturday the two Oregon delegates visited the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. In 1854, records show, a stu dent at the University of Wiscon sin could receive a complete year's education for a sum less than we pay every term. His year at col lege cost him around $21. UUU QVIUU » OUilIC VY Cl C guuu not so good. A few had a refresh ing novelty of approach to an old George Cherry i eral of the 12 were spoiled by rather ..heavy footed attempts to be humorous. Whether by I prearrangem e n t or by tacit agree ment, the nomi nation speech for each of the candidates save one on the Cher ry ucKet was maae ueiure me one for the Laird ticket candi date. Those who made the nomi nating speeches were: President, Keith Hall for George Cherry,] Avery Thompson: for Charlie Laird; vice-presi-j dent, Georgej S t a d e lman for* Bill Whitely, Cal| Bryan for Ted Park; secretary, Florence McNer ney for Harriett] Kibbee, Bernice Woodard for Chuck Laird Phyllis Van Kimmell; executive man, Paul Hunt for Tony Peter son, Gene Laird for George Chris tensen; executive woman, Joe Freck for Wilma Enke, Rosser Atkinson for Reba Brogdon; jun ior finance officer, Bob Miller for Omar Palmer, Harvey Wright for Jack Gregg. Nominations for the office of yell-leader, still existent under the old constitution, were called for, but no candidates appeared, since the office would automatically be come appointive rather than elec tive if the new constitution is passed at the election. John Anderson, chairman of the resolutions committee, presented a resolution conferring upon Dean John Straub a life membership in the Associated Students, as a token of esteem of the students and appreciation for his 52 years of service with the University. His resolution was accepted by a unanimous vote. Dick Horn, chairman of the con stitutional revisions committee, moved that the reading of the new constitution be dispensed with, pointing out that it is being pub lished twice in the Emerald. Election day has been changed (Continued on Page Three) Violinist Carries Audience Through World of Melodics With bow poised above strings vibrating with melodies of Nachez and Kreisler, Miss Juanita Oskins, violinist, held her large audience in a spell last night at a recital held in the music auditorium. She was assisted by Miss Alice Holm bach, pianist. As a student of Rex Underwood, noted violinist and professor of music, Miss Oskins is one of the winners of the Juliard scholarship. Her recital last night disclosed outstanding abilities and remark able talent. Her brisk stroke, her pleasing personality, and ability to carry herself with her own music compelled the audience to realize that a true violinist was before them. Perhaps the most highly appre ciated numbers of the evening were Nachez’s “Gypsy Dance” and Wieniawski’s “Polonaise Brilliante No. 2.” As a final number, “Gypsy Dance” seemed to call for more and left the listeners with the feeling that one could listen to the entire program repeated. As her first number was Nar dini’s “Sonata—D Major,” display ing first the adagio or slow move ment, only to be followed with (Continued on Page Two)