Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1930, CAMPUS EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    Hunting Mfl 3£merali>
University of Oregon, Eugene
Arthur L. Schocnl . Kditor
William H. Hammond . Business Manager
Vinton II. Hall . Managing Editor
Ron Hubba, Ruth Newman, Rex Tussing, Wilfred Brown
Nancy Taylor . Secretary
. Assistant Managing Editor
..._... Sports Editor
. Society Editor
. P. I. P. Editor
.. Chief Night Editor
. Makeup Editor
. Theater Editor
GENERAL NEWS STAFF: Dave Wilson. Betty Anne Macduff.
Rufus Kimball, Elisabeth I'ainton, Henrietta Steinke, Merlin
Blais. Eleanor Jane Bailantyne. I.enore Ely, Bobby Reid,
Sterling Green. Helen Chaney. Thornton Gale, Carol Werseh
kul, Jack Bellinger. Roy Sheedy, Thornton Shaw. Caro!
Hurlburt, Anne Brieknell, Thelma Nelson, Lois Nelson.
SPORTS STAFF: Jack Burke, assistant editor; Phil Cogswell,
Brad Harrison, Ed Goodnaugh, Spec Stevenson, and Beth
Day Editor .Willis Duniway
Night Editor .Warner Guiss
Assistant Night Editors
Mnry Klcmm .
Harry Van Dine
Dorothy Thornes .
Victor Kaufman ..
Ralph David .
Carl Monroe .
Evelyn Shaner ...
Truxton Dalton Katherine Patton
d:>rge Weber, Jr. Aaaodate Manager
Tony Peterson ..... Advertising Manager
Jack Gregg ... Assistant Advertising Manager
Addison Brockman . Foreign Advertiaing Manager
Jean Patrick .. Manager Copy Department
Larry Jackson . Circulation Manager
Betty Hagen . Women's Specialty Advertising
Ina Tremblay . Assistant Advertising Manager
Betty Carpenter .. Assiatant Copy Manager
Edwin Pubois .. ...Statistical Department
Dot Anne Warnick ... Executive Secretary
Katherine Lnughrige .,.Professional Division
Shopping Column . Betty Hagen, Nan Crary
ADVERTISING SOLICITORS: Larry Bay, Harold Short, Auton
Bush, Ina Tremblay.
Production Assistant .. Vincent Mutton
Office Assistants .. Ruth Covington, Nancy Taylor
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Asso
ciated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily
except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of
the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at
Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates,
92.SO a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone, Man
ager: Office, 1895: residence, 127.
Again the problem of students voting in Eugene
elections has raised its head. This time the census
roll disagrees with the voters' list, there being more
students registered voters than there are students
listed on the census. Possibility of the students
being challenged when they vote was voiced yes
terday by downtown authorities.
A year ago last fall the Emerald and the cam
pus were involved In an interesting word battle over
the legality of students voting In the national presi
dential election and incidentally having a say in the
Sunday movie question and other local issues voted
on at that time. It was decided then that students
could cast ballots if they swore that they were resi
dents of Eugene, which many of them did.
Now these same students were not counted by
census-takers this year and since their oath of resi
dence taken at the polls contradicts their state
ments on census blanks, trouble has arisen. Among
the points brought forth was that certain fraternity
houses would he likely to vote strongly one way
for governor and thus probability of challenge at
the polls foreseen.
That such a condition should arise on the cam
pus where the right of students to take an interest
in national, state, and local politics is challenged
is unfortunate. It is probably based on misunder
standing on the part of the students when they
filled out census blanks. The majority without
doubt did not recall that their being registered
voters in Eugene automatically made them resi
dents of the city. On the census blanks was a
provision that if the student had parents in some
other city who were likely to enumerate him, it
would not be necessary for him to fill the blank
Eugene has a right to expect that students who
are registered in city precincts should help swell
its population total and not. be counted by some
other city. A re-enumeration of certain fraterni
ties, as promised by Mr. Koke, district census super
visor, will help straighten out the difficulty. Stu
dents are the future citizens of the nation and if
they are interested in the way their city or state
is run, such a feeling should be encouraged. The
present crux is mostly caused by misunderstanding
on their part and need not be raised into the realm
of political skullduggery by rumor.
Wo would like to bring to the attention of the
campus, in the form of a grateful “Thank you"
the example of friendly interest in the activities of
the University as shown by the Morning Oregonian,
when asked by the eight pledges of Sigma Delta
Chi. who edited this paper as a form of initiation,
to assist in duplicating the Portland paper. We
hope that in copying the Oregonian, we have done
it accurately and carefully enough, so that it will,
in an amateur way, match up with their excellent
publication. To David Foulkes, of the technical
staff, we extend our special thanks.
A fraternity burglar got in trouble with the
police over at Idaho because he didn't know the
Greek on the fraternity pin he happened to be
wearing. Wonder how many co-eds know what
those letters are on the frat pins they’re sporting
spring term?
Somebody asked why the Emerald didn't have
a faculty golf tournament also, and a wag an
swered that it might not be a bad idea sometime
when the country club wanted to start excavation
for a new building or two.
If disarmament was a state of having arms but
not using them, then we know a lot of co-eds who
would make swell delegates tv* a peace conference.
The May College Humor had a cartoon of a col
legian with “Oregon Aggies" on his back, it is
estimated that three Oregon State publicity agents
will commit suicide and another become a nun be
cause of this error.
Today's the day we go up to the nominating
assembly and hear each candidate's gabby boy
friend tell what a great guy he'll turn out to be.
lThat is, a few of us will go.)
Why hasn’t one of the political parties made
use of the fire engine? Isn't a political meeting
as important as a waffle sale'.’
A Spanish dancer said she would chase a Min
nesota fro.sh to the earth’s end to marry him. Can
it be that she hasn’t heard of Columbus yet?
This wet weather makes it tough for those out
door political campaigns.
Seven Seers
A Column of Campus Wit.
Sad the suicide
Of Orator T. K. Tate;
He couldn’t find a soul
To nominate.
Yes, Nicholas, you may use your
coat cuff.
Today’)} Effort.
“I fear that yon frosh be one
I of small wit.”
‘‘How so, curmedgeon, how so?”
“He thinketh that yellow bloom
ers are dandelions.”
* ❖ 5J«
Composed in Haste,
i Taking up plumbing
Is Pcrcival McKnight;
His woman said she loved
A man with a pipe.
Well, anyway it has vigor and
* * *
Mary- had a little skirt
Tied tightly in a bow,
And everywhere that Mary went
She simply couldn't go.
No, Oscar, you mustn't. It’3
against the law.
* >l» *
Famous Fast Words.
Oh, Laird, give us this day our
daily . . , (yes. tlie flowers were
It! * *
NOTICE: All independent men
on the campus please inquire about
our new boarding rates. Splendid
situation, mill race, Gamma Phi’s,
and Sigma Nu cellar all close at
hand. Call or phone some time
before election time. Phi Kappa
Psi, care of George Cherry.
Announcement to Independent
Women: Have you been a wall
flower? Do you yearn to be seen
with some of the big- men of the
campus? If you are unable to
get a date elsewhere, you can de
pend on us. Present student body
card at door. Call Sigma Chi,
care of Chuck Laird.
will be given to student or stu
dents turning in best up-to-minute,
sure-fire, nomination speech. This
is to promote interest in forensics.
See Hill Whitely, Alpha Tau
WljLL TRADE: 35 good votes
for a member with Junior Prom
queen possibilities. Call Zeta Tau
WILL EXCHANGE: 50 selected
photographic slides of S. A. E. and
Phi Delt houses after It p. m. for
secrets of political success. Get
in touch with Harriett Kibbee, Chi
LOST: 10 boxes of choice cigars
Owner must have same by today
at noon. Liberal reward. Call
Slug Painter, phone 2S30.
WANTED: 100 lusty-voiced stu
dents who would like to earn some
pin money by exercising their vo
cal organs. See Jack Gregg at
Woman's building auditorium to
day at it.
The Weather.
O; ■ ‘nn Wind, northwest.
Maximum H’>
Minimum . ... 50
Prr'.i; station .-4
Do You Know?
Things You Should Know.
(Two Hcilig theatre tickets will
be given as a prize for the best
contribution to this column this
week. Place contributions in Sev
en Seers box of the main libe or
on bulletin board of Journalism
That Easterday was dated on
the Oregon campus in February ?
(There was a girl attending school
by that name.)
—R. T.
That the Emerald in 1910 had
Its offices on the third floor of
Friendly hall? Editor “Skipper”
Nicholas made assignments for
his reporters in room 26.
—L. H. M.
* * *
That the first men’s glee club
at Oregon was organized by a stu
dent, Irving M. Glen?
—L. H. M.
Work of Leading Artists Shown
In Collection From East.
A group of 20 oil paintings, in
cluding landscapes, portraits, and
marines, by leading artists will be
placed on exhibition in the gal
lery of the school of architecture
and allied arts today, and will re
main for two weeks.
This is the only exhibition from
the East that the school has
shown this year, and is regarded
by the art school faculty as an
outstanding collection of works.
The group of paintings is supple
mented by a group of 15 flower
and still life subjects by Margaret
Spencer, and is assembled by the
American Federation of Arts.
Such names as Berninghams, Lie,
Page, Stoddard, Tarbell, Waugh,
and Woodbury will insure the high
character of the exhibition, ac
cording to Nowland B. Zarie, who
is taking charge of the display.
Joe Brown mnl William Hanley
Get Athletic Awards.
Service letters were awarded to
Joe Brown and William Hanley at
yesterday’s meeting of the execu
tive council.
Hanley's letter was awarded on
the recommendation of William
Reinhart, basketball coach. The
new letterman has been a candi
date for the Webfoot hoop teams
for four years.
At the request of Johnny Ander
son, captain and- coach of the
swimming- team, Joe Brown was
awarded a letter. He also has
been a member of an Oregon team
for four years.
Wesley Club To Discuss Plans at
Newport Retreat.
The Wesley club, an organiza
I ion of young people of the Meth
odist church, will hold a retreat
at Newport this week-end, for the
purpose of discussing plans for
next year. The retreat will open
Saturday evening at dinner, and
will close Sunday afternoon. Wor
ship and recreational activities
have been planned by the chair
man, Mildred Wharton. The group
will return by Corvallis to attend
the weekly meeting of the organ
ization at the church there.
Committees working on the re
treat are: transportation, Hazel
Bruner; accommodations, Don
Saunders; program, Mildred Whar
Aleii I.earn Cooking.
Fifteen rpen are enrolled in a
culinary course at the University
of Iowa. The only drawback, it
seems, is that they have to eat
their own cooking.
Now Films.
Fox Mclionnld Janet Caynor ami
Charles Farrell in “Hindi Society
Fox Hex Mary Nolan in ''Undertow.'’
IF iliv Marion Davies in "Not So
Other Films.
Colonial Kichard Arlen and Mary
Brian in "The Virginian.”
Stall Janet (mynor and Charles Far
rell in "Lucky Star.”
ra — --—*——y—-fa
1,1 Bit A KV STEPS.
The following nun are instructed to
report at ihe Lib ary stops this noon
at l'J: 10 -harp;
No lid .Jake Stahl. Kd Wells, Wil
lard Jen-on. Dave Killian, Leighton
(ieo, Hav.t-on Spain, (ioorjse Heechler.
Iral C<- . liu Harlo Davis. Course
Bishop. 1» Hell, Call Bubhky, and
Jack Lna -.worthy.
Siivnod :
I i valent. Oregon Knights.
President, Order of the O.
i i vssiFiF.n ads
l*ri i reasonable For a short time
on’.', nil made on '."».•»««. Mrs. Hilbert.
1 : '> Fast \ ath Avc. #
PIANO J \/.Z Popular ■ •om*;; immedi
ately ; K inne’s or advanced: twelve
U-'-oa imu ;o W aterman System. Leon
ti I. Fd-mrlon. manager. Call Studio
Ur.J-W, vei Faraway'.' Music Store.
VPJ St tf
1 OS 1 At April * Frolic. lone, narrow
iti belt to eoj.t : dark blue with tiny
white fleeks. D found, please call Dor
othy Thomas. 1 • ID.
LOST-~Fla k i-aaer Ae> ve > key
Call :i:.v
Acceptance of Document Covers Student Officers to be Nominated Today at Assembly; Important
Changes up for Consideration of Voters; Class Eligibility One of Major Changes Made.
On the acceptance of the proposed A. S. U. O. constitution, which follows, depends the election of
1 student officers nominated today—on it depends a bond issue to extricate the student funds from bank
ruptcy-ori it depends the possibility of a workable constitution at all.
Yet the purpose of the revision has failed if students do not know its contents; if they again let
it fall into the condition in which0 the document now in force has fallen.
Attention of studlnts is called especially to Article III, in which new officers are provided for, and
in which it is required that elective officers must have been regular students at the University of Ore
gon. Recent transfers are here barred. Too, no officer may be twice elected.
Other important changes are: requirement of statements of candidacy, provision in Article IV for
student majority in the executive council, retention of central power for the council, provision for ap
pointment of yell king, judiciary with individual appeal permitted, provision of a model class constitu
tion, provision for announcement in the Emerald of all class meetings, and the debated class identity
provisions. These last determine eligibility for student office.
By-laws contain much of the important material. Some changes—the managerial, awards, and
salaries sections—will be permanent resolutions of the executive council.
We, the students of the University of Oregon, in order to
! promote and maintain those activities and interests which will
j contribute to the educational, physical and social well being of
' the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, do ordain
i and establish the following Constitution and By-Laws.
Article I
Name and Membership
Section 1. NAME. The name of the association of stu
! dents under this Constitution shall be the Associated Students
' of the University of Oregon.
Section 2. MEMBERSHIP. All registered undergraduate
; students in the University of Oregon shall be members, provid
1 ing such ^membership has not been forfeited or relinquished as
i hereinafter provided in this Constitution.
Article II
Section 1. REGULAR MEETINGS. There shall be two
! regular meetings of the Associated Students of the University of
Oregon each year. The first one shall be held on the last
I Thursday in April each year, at which meetings nominations
shall be made as herein provided. The second meeting shall be
i held three weeks lifter the first one. At this meeting the newly
j elected officers shall assume their respective offices after ap
I propriate installation. The Secretary of the Association shall
I cause a notice of each of the above meetings to be printed in
the Oregon Daily Emerald for three consecutive days immedi
ately preceding each meeting, stating the time and place thereof.
Section 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings shall
be held upon the call of the Executive Council on its own
initiative or upon the petition of 200 members; provided that
twenty-four hours notice shall be given of any special meeting
by publication of said notice in the Oregon Daily Emerald.
Section 3. QUORUM. Five hundred members shall con
stitute a quorum.
Article III
Section 1. GENERAL OFFICERS. The officers of this
association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary,
an Executive Man, an Executive Woman, a Junior Finance
Officer, and a Senior Finance Officer, all of whom shall be
chosfen from the membership of the A. S. U. O.
Clause 1. Candidates for the offices of President, Vice
i President, Secretary, Executive Man and Executive Woman must
h we completed at least seven terms at the University of Oregon
and must be of junior standing at the time of the nomination.
Clause 2. Candidates lor the office of Junior Finance Offi
cer must be of sophomore standing and must have completed at
; least four terms at the University of Oregon. The Junior
| Finance Officer shall be elected for a term of two years. He
I shall become the Senior Finance Officer upon the completion
j of his first year. For purposes of this Constitution, the Junior
I Mar. elected in 1029 shall become the Senior Finance Officer in
I 1930.
Clause 3. Election to any student body office forever dis
qualifies that person from becoming a candidate for any other
elective Associated Student office.
Clause l. Nominations shall be from the floor at a general
A. S. U. O. meeting the last Thursday in April. Elections
, shall be held on the seventh day following nominations.
Clause 2. Any person not nominated on the date set for
regular nominations may he nominated by petition of 50 mem
bers of the student body, provided the petition is filed with the
President of the A. S. U. O. not later than two days after the
regular nominations are made.
Clause 3. Each candidate shall submit to the President of
the A. S. U. O. on or before midnight of the second day before
the day of the nominations, a declaration of intention to run
for office. Upon’ receipt of this it shall be the duty of the
President to examine' into the eligibility of each candidate in
accordance with the requirements of this Constitution and report
his findings to the meeting at which the nominations are mnde.
In case of nomination by petition, as provided in Clause 2 of
this Section, the President shall examine into the eligibility of
each candidate, in accordance with the requirements of this
Constitution, before accepting the petition and his findings
thereon shall be final and binding upon the candidates. No
person .shall be elected to any office under this Constitution who
has fuflbd to file his declaration of intention to become a
candidate as provided for in this Section.
Clause 4. All officers of this Association shall be elected by
' a plurality of votes.
Clause 1. The Vice-President shall succeed to the office
of President when it is permanently vacated.
Clause 2. Permanent vacancies in the office of Vice-Presi
, dent. Secretary, Executive Man, Executive Woman and Junior
Finance Officer shall be filled by a special election. A special
election may be held to fill any such vacancy. The Executive
Council shall call a special nominating convention therefor,
| provided that at least forty-eight hours notice shall be given
thereof by publication of said notice in the Oregon Daily Emer
ald, giving time and place for holding said convention. The
procedure governing said convention, nomination and election
shall bo the same as provided for in this Constitution touching
regular annual nominations and elections except that the officer
or officers so elected shall he installed and assume office imme
diately following his*election.
Clause 3. The Junior Finance Officer shall succeed to the
office of the Senior Finance Officer In case of a vacancy
i therein.
Clause 1. The officers of this Association shall hold office
for one year or until such time as their successors shall be
I elected and qualified, unless otherwise stipulated in this Con
I stitution.
Clause 2. The officers of this Association shall assume the
I duties ol their office upon installation as provided in Article II,
Section 1. hereof.
Section 6. OATH OF OFFICE. The retiring President
shall give the following oath of office to all incoming officers:
T do hereby solemnly pledge and affirm that 1 will perform.
: to the l st of my ability, the duties of the office to which l
have been elected, and support the Constitution and By-Laws
I of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon.”
Section 7. RECALL. A special student body election, for
the recall of any officer of the Association, shall be called by
the President of the Student Body at the petition of twenty
live (25) per cent of the members of the Associated Students.
At this election it will require a two-third ( %) majority of the
votes cast to recall from office the officer in question.
Clause 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of
the Association and shall perform all the duties delegated to
him by this Constitution and such other duties as necessarily
pertain to his office.
Clause 2. The Vice*President shall assume the duties of
the President in his absence or inability to act. He shall also
take charge of all A. S. U. O. elections and appoint such offi
cials as is necessary to conduct such elections. Ho also shall
perform all duties delegated to him by this Constitution and
such other duties as necessarily pertain to his office.
Clause S. The Secretary shall keep a record of all the pro
ceedings of the A. S. U. O.. perform all other duties delegated
In this Constitution and such other duties as necessarily per
tain to the office.
Clause 4. The Executive Woman shall perform all duties
delegated to her by this Constitution and such other duties as
necessarily pertain to her office.
Clause 5. The Executive Man shall perform all duties
deviated t > him by this Constitution and such other duties as
ne. . ssavily pertain to his office.
Clause »;. The Senior Finance Officer shall be the chair
man of the Finance Committee and shall perform all other duties
delegated to him by this Constitution and such other duties as
necessarily pertain to his office.
Clause 7. The Junior Finance Officer shall assume the
duties of the Senior Finance Officer in case of the absence of
that oflicer. H > shall perform all duties delegated to him by
this Constitution and such other duties as necessarily pertain
to his of! ice.
Article IV
Executive Council
Section 1. NAME. The name of this body ^hall he the
Executive Council of the Associated Students of the University
Section MEMREUSHIP. The Executive Council shall
consist of the following members: (a) The President of the
University: 0>> The President of the Associated Students, who
shall be the chairman, without vote, except in case of a tie:
to) Three members of the faculty. « ne of whom shall bo a
j;ii\c.uatc of the University of Oregon, all of whom shall be
appointed by the President of the University; id) Two alumni
of the University of Oregon, both of whom shall be appointed
by a committee composed of the President ot the L niversity.
the Secretary of the Alumni Association, andpboth the incom
ing and outuoinr* Presidents «»t the Associated Students, (e)
the Vicy-Pvc.-ident and the Secretary of the Associated
Students . ! 1 The Executive Woman and the Executive Man :
i v ' T’v .lp.ii . ul the Senior Finance Officers; and (h>
T ie Graduate M .f ucev of the \ssociated Students and the
Sc .otio v of the Mutnni Associat ion. both of whom shall be
non-votmy tvmbers. All appointments to membership on the
Executive Council shall be made on or before June first of
each yc tr.
Section J. DUTIES.
Clause 1. h shall In* the duty of the Executive Council to
. , .■• > . >i the Association to comply with the pro
' i-. ins of the Constitution and By-Laws and to exercise all
other powers in connection with the Association affairs not
Uu.iieii h\ i -iis. Constitution and By-Laws to other sources
or ix solved t.> tie Association itself
Cause J. Tin- Executive Council shall elect the Graduate
Manager. the Treasurer, all coaches, trainers and other em
• avees. and shall x their salaries.. The duties of the Treasurer
•»:ui Graduate Mai -vr shall be as provided for in the By-Laws.
And in i ie* .ilvsoo.ee or inabhitv of the Graduate Manager. shall
.»;•!.nut at Act to.... Graduate Manager with full power Vo act
to. hi .:’.;d .tead during 'aid alti.i.. r inabilit:
c i.o. t '. fhe Executive Council shall have full control over
nil athletics, forensics and other Associated Student activities.
It shall approve all schedules of all divisions of student activi
Clause 4. The Executive Council shall appoint all student
managers after considering the report of the sub-coipmittee on
the activity for which the student manager i»s to be appointed.
All student managers shall be under the supervision of and
directly responsible to the Executive Council. It shall be the
duty of the Executive Council to provide by resolution a man
agerial system for each activity requiring such.
Clause o. All budgets made for respective divisions • of
Associated Student activities shall be authorized and approved
by the Executive Council before becoming effective.
Clause 6. All motions of other organizations, committees
and departments requiring appropriations of the Associated
Students’ fund;* must be approved by the Executive Council be
fore becoming effective.
Clause 7. The Executive Council shall appoint, upon the
recommendation of the Publications Committee, the editors and
managers of all publication of the Associated Students, in ac
cordance with the regulations set forth in the By-Laws.
Clause 8. The Executive Council shall, upon the recom
mendation of the Student Relations Committee .appoint the
yell king of the Associated Students. The Executive Committee
shall, by resolution, provide an adequate merit system for the
selection of the yell king and his assistants.
Clause 9. The Executive Council shall, by resolution, pro
vide a plan governing the granting of awards for Associated
Student activities.
* Clause 10. The Executive Council shall order an annual
audit of the books of the Association.
Clause 11. The Executive Council shall have full and com
plete supervision, management and control of all funds of the
Association with full power to pledge and or hypothecate the
same and the fees herein designated to create said funds as
security for any advances or loans made to the Associated Stu
dents and use said funds and or said fees in payfhent thereof.
Clause 12. The Executive Council shall perform all other
duties not herein otherwise delegated and all its acts shall be
subject to the approval of the President of the University.
Section 4. MEETINGS.
Clause 1. Regular meetings of. the Executive Council shall
he held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month in
the school year at a time and place determined by the said
Clause 2. Special meetings of the Executive Council shall
be held on the call of the chairman of the Council or on the
written request of two members: provided, however, that all
members shall be given notice of the time, place and purpose
thereof twenty-four hours before the time set for the meeting.
Section 5. QUORUM. Six members of the Executive
Council shall constitute a quorum, provided there be at least
one representative of faculty, alumni and students. The Presi
dent of the University may be represented at any meeting by
his personal appointee.
Section 6. VACANCIES. Any faculty or alumni vacancy
occurring on the Executive Council shall be filled by an ap
pointment made by the President of the Associated Students
and the President of the University.
Clause 1. All business of the Executive Council shall
originate either in standing or special committees, except as
otherwise provided in this Constitution and By-Laws. All busi
ness of standing and special committees shall be ratified by the
Executive Council before becoming effective.
Clause 2. The standing committees shall be: Finance, Pub
lications. Athletics, Forensics, Music, Student Building, and
Student Relations. The composition and duties of these com
mittees shall be as set forth in the By-Laws.
Clause 3. Special Committees necessary to conduct the busi
ness of the Executive Council shall be appointed on the order
of that body.
Section S. RESOLUTIONS. The Executive Council shall
have authority to establish administrative policy by means of
resolutions. Such resolutions shall require a three-fourths (%)
vote of the Council for adoption or amendment.
Article V
The Judiciary
Section 1. The Dean of the Law School, the Dean of Men,
and the Executive Secretary of the University, or representa
tives appointed by themselves, shall constitute a judiciary to
which any member or administrative body of the Associated
Students may refer any question on which it desires an opin
ion as to the correct ju licial construction or interpretation of
any part of this Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 2. The decision of the Judiciary Committee shall
he made a matter of public record: conc\usive on the particular
point involved, binding upon the officers, classes, organization;
committees, and members of the Associated Students; enforce
able by .appropriate administrative acts.
Article VI
Funds and Duos
Section 1. FUNDS. There shall be* two funds, a Geneva!
Fund and a Btfilding Fund. All money derived from the Build
ing Fund fee shall go into the Building Fund, and all other
moneys shall go to the General Fund.
Section 2. DUES.
Clause 1. The dues of the individual members of this Asso
ciation shall be fifteen dollars and seventy-five cents per year,
payable five dollars and twenty-five cents at the beginning of
each term. This money shall be paid into the General Fund.
Clause 2. Upon the payment of the above dues known as
the Associated Students dues, each individual shall be entitled
to an A. S. U. O. membership card. This card shall admit the
legal holder to all games and entertainments of the Association
as the Executive Council may order, excepting those exempt by
the Pacific Coast Athletic Conference rules.
Clause 1. The payment of the Associated Student dues and
or fees hall entitle a student to vote, to receive a subscription
to the Oregon Daily Emerald : and to participate in Associated
Student activities subject to the provisions of this Constitution
and By-Laws.
Clause 2. Students refusing or failing to pay dues and or
fees shall not be eligible to enjoy any of the benefits of member
ship in this Association.
Clause 3. The membership card shall be non-transferable
and shall be presented' at ill duly authorized Associated Student
activities for entrance.
Section 4. AUDIT. All records and accounts of the Grad
uate Manager and the Treasurer of the Associated Students
shall be audited annually by an accountant appointed by the
Executive Council, to whom he shall make his report.
Clause 1. Each undr .'graduate student shall pay a fee of
five dollars a term to a fund to be known as the Associated
Students Building Fund.
Clause 2. This fee shall be paid at registration time and
held by the Comptroller of the University.
Clause 8. The aforesaid Building Fund shall be under the
control of the Executive Council to be used for the purchase of
real and or personal property, the construction of bleachers,
buildings, a stadium, or other improvements when, in the
opinion of said Executive Council, the same becomes necessary :
provided, however, that said Executive Council may, in its
discretion, loan said fund or any part thereof to the general
fund of the Associated Students or may pledge said Building
Fund and or the fee hereinbefore designated to create said fund
as security for any advances « r loans made or to be made to
the Associated Students and may use said Building Fund or said
fee in payment thereof; provided also that should any Advances
be made out of the general fund of the Associated Students for
purpose for which the said building fund is applicable,‘then
and in that ease the Executive Council may repay to the gen
eral fund, out of the aid Building Fund, the advances so
made or may pledge the fee hereinbefore designated to create
said building fund as security for said payment and may use
the said building fund and or the said fee in payment thereof.
Article VII
Class Constitution
Section 1. OFFICERS. The officers of each class shall be
a resident, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2. DUTIES.
Clause l. The President shall be the presiding officer of
his class ; shall perform such duties as are required of him by
this Constitution : and shall appoint such committees as are
deemed necessary to the best interests of the class. t
Clause 2. The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the
President in his absence or inability to act.
Clause 3. The Secretary of each class shall keep a record
if the proceedings of each class neeting and shall file the same
in the office of the President of the Associated Students at the
'close of the school year.
Clause 4. The Treasurer of each class shall have charge of
i class finances, as provided in Section 10 of this Article.
Clause 1. A nominating convention shall be held, by the
outgoing Freshman. Sophomore and Junior classes, on the
second Thursday after Associated Student elections have been
held, at which time a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary,
and a Treasurer shall «be nominated.
Clause 2. Notice of aforementioned nominating convention
-ball bo given in two issues of the Oregon Daily Emerald. The
first notice shall appear one week prior to the date of the
convention, and the second in the issue which appears on the
morning of the day of the convention.
Clause 3. Nominations shall be from the floor, or by a
petition signed by twenty-five bona fide members of that class,
which ch» candidate seeks to represent. Said petition must be
filed with the President of that class on or before midnight of
the second day following the convendbn.
Clause 4. The various elass presidents shal! designate the
exact time and place for the nominating conventions of their
Se.tion 4. ELECTIONS. -
Clause 1. There -hall be one regular annual election which
shall be held on the Tuesday following the date of the nominat
ing convention : at which time the outgoing Freshman. Sopho
more ami Junii r cla.-sts shall elect a President, a Vice-President,
a Secretary and a Treasurer. Notice of the time and place of
said election shall lx* printed in two issues of the Oregon Daily
Emerald. The first notice shall appear on the day following
the convention - and the second in the issue which appears on
the morning of the day cf the election.
Clause - The President of each class a
ball appoint a
chairman of elections for his class, raid chairman to select
his assistants to conduct the elections and to count the votes.
Clause 3. The polls shall be conducted in the same manner
as provided for in Article II of the By-Laws governing A. S. ^
U. O. elections. . . ”
Clause 4. The officers of the various classes shall be elected
by plurality vote.
ber of a class who is in good standing in the University, as
determined by the Scholarship Committee, shall be eligible to
become a candidate and to hold a class office if he can identify
himself with that class which he seeks to represent.
Section 6. ASSUME OFFICE. Officers of the various
classes shall assume office at the beginning of the school year
following their election.
Section 7. VACANCIES. All vacancies, except in the case
of the office of President, shall be filled by a special nomination
and election, conducted in the same manner as the regular
nominations and elections.
Section 8. MEETINGS. Meetings of the various classes
shall l>e held at the discretion of ^he several class presidents,
provided that said meetings be announced in the Oregon Daily
Emerald at least one day previous to the day set for the meeting.
Section 9. PRIVILEGES. So long as any regularly en
rolled student is in good standing in the University and a
member of the A. S. U. O. he shall be entitled to anv and all
privileges of the class with which he may be identified, as pro
vided for in Section 13 of this Article.
Section 10. FINANCES.
Clauae 1. Each class shall maintain an advisory committee.
Said committee to be composed of the class advisor, the Presi
dent and the treasurer of that class.
Clause 2. It shall be the duty of the above mentioned com
mittee at the beginning of the school year, to prepare and
! submit to the Graduate Manager, for his approval, a budget of
contemplated class receipts and expenditures for the ensuing
school year. Further, it shall be the duty of the advisory
committee to authorize all class expenditures and to audit all
class accounts. J
Clause 3. CLASS TAX. A class tax of $1.00 shall be »
collected, at the first registration of the school year from each
undergraduate student of the University, by the Treasurer of
the Associated Students. However, no provision in this article
shall be construed to impair the right of any class to levy such
special assessments as they see fit, providing that such special
assessment be approved unanimously by the advisory committee.
Clause 1. The incoming Freshman class shall hold a nom
inating convention- within two weeks after the beginning of
fnll term ana on a day designated by the President of the
Associated Students, at which time a President, a Vice-President,
a Secretary, and a Treasurer shall be nominated.
Clause 2. This nominating convention shall be conducted in
the same manner and subject to the same regulations as are
the nominating convention of the other classes, except that the
President of the Associated Students shall preside and have
charge of said nominating convention.
Clause 3. The elections of the Freshman class officers
shall be held one full week after the nominating convention has
met. They shall be conducted in the same manner and subject to
the same regulations as are the elections of other classes, ex
cept that the Vice-President of the Associated Students shall
have charge of said elections.
Section 12. fhe chairman of each special committee shall,
at the completion of his task, prepare and submit to the office
of the President of the Associated Students, a detailed type
written report, setting forth the methods and procedure fol
lowed by his committee, and criticism and suggestions for
future application.
Section 13. CLASS IDENTITY. In order to determine
the class identity of members of the Associated Students for the
purpose of class officers, voting, and activities, each student a
will be deemed to be a member of that class in which his ^
completed terms in the University classify him, such a classi
fication to be determined as set forth below. Class identity
will be determined at the student’s first registration in the
school year, and will be retained for the remainder of the
school year.
Freshman: Any student who lackn the minimum require
ments for Sophomore standing shall for the purposes of this
Constitution be declared to be a freshman.
Sophomore: Any student in the University who has com
pleted at least two terms in the preceding school year or years
in which he was in attendance, and who lacks the minimum
qualifications for junior standing, shall for the purposes of this
Constitution be declared to be a sophomore.
Junior: Any student who has completed at least two terms
out of each two preceding years in attendance, or has completed
four terms in more than two years attendance, and lacks the
minimum qualifications for senior standing, shall for the pur
I poses of this Constitution be declared to be a junior.
Senior: Any student who has completed at least two terms
out of each of the three preceding years in attendance, or who
has completed six terms in more than three years in atten
dance, and who has not attained graduate standing, shall, for
the purposes of this Constitution, be declared to be a senior.
However, students who have completed twelve terms, and be
cause of certain academic requirements cannot secure graduate
standing, the Student Relations Committee is authorized to
release from the obligations of Associated Student membership.
Transfers: Any student transferring from another school
having the term system used at the University of Oregon shall
have his class identity computed in the same manner as if those
terms were completed at the University of Oregon. It the
transfer is from a school in which the semester system is used,
a completed semester out of any one year in such a schfol
shall be equivalent to two completed terms out of any one
year at the University of Oregon.’ In case a transfer’s stand
ing cannot be computed under this section his class identity
shall be established by the Student Relations Committee.
Article VIII
Associated Women Students
Section 1. NAME. The name of this organization shall <
be the “Associated Women Students of the University of Ore
Section 2. MEMBERSHIP. Every woman member of the
Associated Students of the University of Oregon shall be a
member of this.organization.
Section 3. The Associated Women students shall adopt
their own constitution, subject to the approval of the Executive
Section 4. An annual budget shall be provided for the
Associated Women Students by the Executive Council, estimates
for which shall be submitted to the Finance Committee at the
beginning of each school year.
Section 5. The Associated Women Students shall be sub
ject to the legislation of the A. S. U. O.
Article IX
Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be pro
posed in writing at any regular or special meeting of the
Associated Students, when they shall be read. The proposed
amendments shall be printed in the Oregon Daily Emerald on
the two following days and be voted on by ballot one week
from the date of proposal. A two-thirds majority of the ballots
cast shall be necessary for the adoption of any amendment:
provided, however, that there be at least five hundred ballots
Article I
Conduct of BusineKK
Section 1. RULES OS ORDER. Robert's Rules of Order
shall govern this Association anti all councils anti committees
of this Association.
Article II
Rules of Elections
Section l. BALLOT. The “Australian Ballot” shall be
uticd in all student body elections.
Sc?tinn 2. POLLS OPEN. The polls shall be open from
9 a. m. to 8 p. m. on election days.
Section BALLOT DISTRIBUTION. The ballot dis
tributor shall jrive but one ballot to each voter, and ballots
received from any other source shall neither be cast nor counted.
Section 4. THE CLERK. The clerk shall be provided with
the official poll book by the treasurer, which must be certified
by the Registrar of the University. No one shall be allowed
to vote unless his or her name appears upon the official poll
Section •"*. ELEC PIONEERING. No electioneering or
soliciting of votes shall be permitted within the limits estab
lished around the polls by the inspectors. Aliy infringement
of this section shall he reported to the Executive Council by the
officer in charge of elections for appropriate action, and he
shall himself take such action as the emergency demands.
Section «. BALLOT COUNTING. The ballots shall be
counted under the direction of the president of the student
I body immediately after the closing of the polls. The results of
I the election may he posted in hourly bulletins. The final result
must b«' posted upon the completion of the counting and pub
lished in tho iiext issue of the Oregon Daily Emerald.
Section .. RECOUNT. Any candidate may demand a re
count by written petition to the Student Relations Committee.
Article III
Standing Committees
Section 1. MEETINGS. A time for regular meetings- of
all standing committees shall be established by each committee.
Special meetings shall he at the call of the chairman.
Clause 1. MEMBERSHIP. Th# members of the Finance
Committee shall consist of one faculty member and one alumni
member from the Executive Council, both of whom shall be
designated by the President of the University and the President
ol the Associated Students : the Treasurer of the Associated
Students; the President anti Vice-President of the Associated
Students: the Junior and Senior Finance Officers: the Secre
tary of the Executive Council, who shall act as its Secretary
but shall be non-voting; the Graduate Manager who shall lie
non-voting. The chairman of this committee shall be the
Senior Finance Officer.
( |;luse 2. DU1IES. All warrants for the disbursement
<d Associated Student funds shall be approved by the
h.ina.nce C nmmittec and signed by three of its members pro
i video, however, that such expenditures have been authorized by
the Executive Council. The Finance Committee shall prepare
the annual budget, with the assistance of the Graduate Man
ager. which same shall be submitted to the Executive Council,
for approval or revision, on or before October 15th of each
year. It shall be the duty of this committee to recommend to
the Executive Council the -salaries of all the employees of the
Associated Students.
Clause 3. EMERGENCIES. During recognized University
vacations, uimn the written approval of the faculty member of
the Finance Committee, or of the President of the University
lor one whom he may designate) the graduate manager may
make expenditures without the signature of three members of
the Finance Committee, provided, however, that such expendi
tures have been authorized in the budget or bv the Executive
Council. Any disbursement of funds under this clause shall
lie ie ported to the binance Committee at its next regular mect
Clause 1. MEMBERSHIP. This committee shall consist
of five members three of whom shall be members of the
Executive Council, and th.-ee of whom shall be students There
shall also be at least one representative each of the faculty and
alumni. In addition, the Graduate Manager and the Director of
Athletics shall he non-voting members of this committee The
Graduate Manager shall act as Secretary. This committee shall
be appointed by the President and President-elect of the
Associated Students not later than May 15th of each year, and
the chairman shall be named at the ttme of the appointment.
Cause UL ric-S. This committee shall be a sub
, ommittce ot the Executive Council. It shall beep itself in
tormed ell at tactic problems and policies of the A-scciaticr, ,
Continued on Page 3, Column 1.