Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1930, Image 4

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QDtegim laila littieralit
University of Oregon, Eugene
Arthur L. Schoenl . Editor
William H. Hammond . Business Manager
Vinton H. Hall . Managing Editor
Ron Hubbs, Ruth Newman, Rex Tussing, Wilfred Brown
Nancy Taylor . Secretary
Mary Klemm . Assistant Managing Editor
Harry Van Dine . Sports Editor
Dorothy Thomaa . Society Editor
Victor Kaufman . P. L P. Editor
Ralph David . Chief Night Editor
Carl Monroe . Makeup Editor
Evelyn Shanor . Theater Editor
GENERAL NEWS STAFF: Dave Wilson. Betty Anne Macduff.
Rufus Kimball, Elizabeth Painton, Henrietta Steinke, Merlin
Blais, Eleanor Jane Ballantyne, Lenore Ely, Bobby Reid,
Sterling Green, Helen Chaney, Thornton Gale, Carol Wersch
kul, Jack Bellinger. Roy Sheedy, Thornton Shaw, Carol
Hurlburt, Anne Bricknell, Thelma Nelson, Lois Nelson.
SPORTS STAFF: Jack Burke, assistant editor; Phil Cogswell,
Brad Harrison, Ed Goodnaugh, Spec Stevenson, and Beth
Elise Sc'nroeder .Day Editor
.William White .Night Editor
Assistant Night Editors
Helen Jones and Stanley Wickham
Oei/rge Weber, Jr. ..—..Associate Manager
Tony Peterson . Advertising Manager
Jack Gregg . Assistant Advertising Manager
Addison Brockman . Foreign Advertising Manager
Jean Patrick ... Manager Copy Department
Larry Jackson . Circulation Manager
Betty Hagen .... Women’* Specialty Advertising
Ira Tremblay .. Assistant Advertising Manager
Betty Carpenter .. Aaaiatant Copy Manager
Edwin Pubols .Statistical Department
Dot Anne Warnick .-... Executive Secretary
Katherine Laughrige .Professional Division
Shopping Column . Betty Hagen, Nan Crary
ADVERTISING SOLICITORS: Harold Short, Auton Bush, Gor
don Samueison.
Production Assistant . Fred Hellberg
Office Assistants . Ellen Mills, Jane Lyon
The Oregon Dally Emerald, official publication of the Asso
ciated Students of the University of (Tregon. Eugene, Issued dally
except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of
the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at
Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rat**,
I2.G0 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone, Man
ager: Office, 1895; residence, 127.
That People May Know . . .
BLAME for some of the over-emphasis of sports
in college was placed on the press and the
publicity agent at the national convention of the
American College Publicity association in New
York. '
While 128 out of 150 college presidents state
emphatically that intercollegiate athletics was
over-emphasized, a number took the view that when
academic and scientific achievement get their
proper place in the press, the emphasis on college
athletics will disappear.
Especially did these scions of the press agree
that suppression of news, even when it is undesir
able from the standpoint of the college, was a
ticklish matter. The newspaper man can have no
quarrel with the school publicity man if he does
not strive to dig up, to originate the undesirable,
but the latter should submit when it “breaks” or
arises. It would be wiser for all concerned for the
publicity man in this case to lay all tfie facts before
the school authorities and urge straightforward
dealing with the press.
At times occasions arise which would best be
kept out of the papers. In such cases most respon
sible newspapers may be counted upon for fullest
co-operation with the faculty of the school in what
ever decision may be reached after deliberation.
Situations where “censorship” is claimed by ohe
side or the other are undesirable and should not
The American public does not understand the
colleges of today. Their ideas are gained from the
caricatures in the movies and papers. The adjec
tive "collegiate” parries a meaning formed from
concepts built up from these sources and is a mis
understanding of the rank and file of American
college students.
When the American public is educated to a
point where it is as interested in academic progress
as athletic prowess, then the papers may be ex
pected to carry as many column inches of one as
the other. Until then the condition of “over
emphasis" charged by college presidents is likely
to prevail.
College Castes
WITH the world’s eye once more turned to
turbulent India, the civilized world becomes
once more conscious of the unfairness of the wide
spread caste system in vogue in the Asiatic country.
No less organized on a caste system Is the aver
age American college campus a system which
might also be compared to the feudal fief of old
days of chivalry.
First we have the royalty the athletes. They
are untouchable in their regality; the faculty, some
consciously, some unwillingly, bow down. Highest
in their feudal estate their Greek-letter domicile —
they are above criticism and are to be looked up to.
Their sweaters are open sesame at dinners where
common wights must don coats.
Next we have the nobility the activity men.
They form a select circle whose machinations run
the student body machine. They are few and their
“handshaking” tactics effective and most used
within their own coterie. Probably they embrace
a small slice of the student body which takes an
interest in what the students are doing. They rep
resent the “upper crust” and their war cry is "get
that appointment.”
And we have the fashion plates —the social lions,
the "yes" man of the courts, who bask in the col
legiate warmth of social approval because of pa
rental gold. His sport roadster helps him be
haughty and arrogant, but beneath it all he knows
his place is one social scale below the activity man.
Here we have the royalty, the nobility, and the
fashionable gentry. Below them lie the fifty per
cent or more who fatten out the normal curve, the
men who work their way through school, the plod
ders, the flunkers, and the good-hearted, yet inef
fective fellows who do nothing. They may be
likened somewhat to the serfs of our college feudal
ism—their individual existence of little note or con
cern, but their existence as a body vital to the
feudal stale.
And ever are these feudal lines of demarcation
drawn. The man stays within his own caste circle
throughout his four years of college. Occasionally
a spurt of ambition may raise one from one non
competing group to another, but as many fall back
again, as the trout into the stream after leaping
for a fly, without gaining the next higher rung.
Little avails it for the fraternity to push its men
of the serf class. Sooner or later*their true color
comes to the top and they shed any reflected glory
their house’s name may lend.
They pass out into life on the self-same social
planes. Yet this is called in books a democracy.
•This is the fifth and last of a series of edi
torials composed by candidates for the position
of editor for next year. They are written
merely as a chance for the candidates to try
their hand at interpretive writing and do not
represent the opinion of the paper.
* * *
Vodvil Effervescence
Tp OR the student paper on the campus of one
university to criticize the action of the admin
istration of another university is a practise that
may often bring about possible remedies; but for
such a paper to make its criticism without any
proper justification is a practise that calls for cor
rection at its inception.
The University of Washington Daily recently
carried an editorial in which it attempted to place
in ridicule the dean of men and the dean of women
at the University of Oregon for clamping down on
the 1930 Junior Vodvil. It claimed that the Oregon
deans were particular in abiding by definitions in
the dictionary, pointing out that the officials here
opposed the show because it failed to comply with
the definition of “vaudeville.”
We would have the Washingtonians understand
that the Junior Vodvil here was dropped not be
cause it failed to meet the minute elements in the
definition of the word “vaudeville,” but because the
students in charge of the vodvil, in following out
the continuity idea, violated an agreement made
with the Oregon deans. (We are not attempting
here to point the relative merits o^ the ruve idea
as against the true vaudeville plan.)
Hence, we are tempted to take issue with the
Washington Daily on this matter because they crit
icized the Oregon officials without the proper jus
tification. The editorial of the Seattle paper stressed
a point that was not considered in any large de
gree, and it failed to criticize on the main question
involved. It hit upon the definition idea,'when it
should have discussed the proposition of using the
continuity idea.
While the Washington Daily may be “glad that
the Washington faculty is not too finicky about
definitions,” we at Oregon can be glad that we do
not have to offer criticisms unjustifiably.—H. T.
Rhodes Scholars
TNVOLVING a new system of selecting Rhodes
scholars from the United States to attend Ox
ford for three years, administrators of the Rhodes
will recently took a step which they expect to im
prove the excellence of the American students sent
over to England. t
Instead of two from every state being taken
each two out of three years, the nation will be
divided up into districts of six states and four
picked from each district for the high honor. In
addition to affording an opportunity to select bet
ter students, the plan also maintains the number
of Rhodes scholars at the same numerical level.
Criticism of such a redistribution of students
over a larger area has come in from many quar
ters, especially arguing that the new move puts
smaller and more sparsely populated states at a
At the same time it raises the general level of
the students sent over each year because under the
old method a state, whether its educational level
was high or low, sent out its emissaries every two
years out of three. Now the poor schools will stand
little chance of sending their students to Rhodes
and only the best institutions in the districts of six
states will rate.
With a much greater area to select from, Ox
ford should be able to pick the cream of American
colleges each year to cross the Atlantic and study
in England. For the United States to complain
of the new status of selecting candidates seems
niggardly. If England were trying to sow the seeds
of continentalism by giving Americans an English
education, it would seem that their original plan
would have been the better.
The gents who held the Germans at Verdun have
sons who are now occupying the aisle seats in our
econ class.
Maryland Institute is teaching whistling now.
At least our house I. Q. slaAer thinks so since he
read in the paper that their art department was
putting on a "show of Whistlers.”
The statement that nobody loves a fat man is
probubly just as true about women.
Emerald golf hint: Don’t pick up lost golf balls
until they've stopped rolling.
p ——————————---—
Editorial Shavings
Now that the first television phone booth has
been put into service, we soon will enter a new era
of economy the nickle date. Indiana Daily Stu
The house of representatives urged an official
study of the needs of the aged poor. In a few
years we can give them plenty of data. Daily Cali
America has no great cathedrals, but you should
see some of the modern bathrooms.—Washington
State Evergreen.
The Thoughtful Freshman inquires the differ
ence between an esculator and an osculator.—Daily
There was once a time when there were a lot
more frills to girls' clothes. Anyhow, there are j
still a few pretty good thrills left.—The Pennsyl
vanian. »
Girls are like final exams they keep a fellow
up all night worrying about them, and then ask
the most foolish questions.—Daily Nebraskan.
These are great days for the
Seers contribution box. During
the past few days, exactly twenty
three ten-thousandths of one per
cent of the glorious 3,000 Web
foots have kicked through with
specimens of wit and humor that
so abound in this campus.
If we didn’t believe in Art for
Art’s sake (that is, humor for
humor’s sake) and for that rea
son didn’t refrain from degrad
ing the humor standards of this
intellectual community by of
fering a prize for best contribu
tions, we would probably be;
tempted to give the cement can
taloupe to the following because
as anyone can see, it is a high
ly standardized piece of work:
* * *
—With whom did you go to that
dance last night?
2nd Blank Dono.
—Donnaw who?
—Dono Her.
A close second, of course,
would he this satirical wallop at
Southern Oregon journalism:
Seen in Lakeview paper:
He should have been more
* * *
Then some bird named Red asks,
“Will you please tell me is the
Barnyard Bust’ was a benefit
dance for O. S. C. ?”
Gosh, Red, didn’t you know that
a paint-remover company promot
ed that dance to show up a city
ordinance forbidding people from
painting advertisements on the
sidewalks ?
* * *
And here’s another long dis
connected sock at the eastern
land of rolling hills of gleaming
fields of golden, waving, beck
oning wheat:
Think this over, girls! One of
our very efficient profs recently
said that Paleolithic mi.n dwells
in America today. He mentioned
their playground as being in
ICastern Oregon, and their dom
icile the cave—. In selecting
your boy friends, girls, be care
ful that you don’t choose one of
those Paleolithic cave men from
around the vicinity of Pendleton.
Yours for careful selection,
• * *
, “I'll do my studying in the morn
Wanted—That certain party
who said he had turned down four
teen leap week dates and was ex
pecting more.
* * *
Sincerely yours,
—The Contribution Box.
[ g——————————————igi
j Do You Know?
Two Heilig theatre tickets
will be given as prizes for best
contribution to this column this
week. Place contributions in
Seven Seers box in main libe or
on bulletin hoard of Journalism
| building.)
* * *
That the senate last week passed
a bill authorizing reimbursement
of $764,143.75 spent by New York
city on troops sent to defend
Washington during the Civil war?
—C. W. R.
* * *
That in the school years of
1936-28 the University hired
men to move 63,480 chairs?
—R. T.
That the Washington hand press
that is still in use at the Universi
ty press is 85 /ears old? It was
the first printing press ever used
in Oregon.
The Cornell Daily Sun is con
ducting an editorial competition
for all freshrftan students.
Mortar Board ball tickets—on sale
at the Co-op.
Alpha Gamma Delta announces
the pledging of Arlene Crane.
Senior Leap week committee—
meets today on the library steps
at 12:45 for picture.
Try-outs for Master Dance group
this evening at 8 o’clock in the
dancing room, Gerlinger hall.
Beginning Speech students—must
attend frosh men’s debate against
Linfield and the Burt Brown Bar
ker prize contest tonight.
Vice-president Extempore contest
entries—will draw subjects this
afternoon four hours before sched
uled speaking time.
All honor students—must call at
Dr. Boyer’s office in Villard some
Special Sale
- on -
Ruud Gas Water Heaters
Tanks and
Phone 28 and ask about
our Special Offer
A liberal allowance for your
tank heater if you purchase
a Rund Autohot Storage
Water Heater.
Northwest Cities Gas Co.
Phone 28
931 Oak St.
Held Jr
cried Ihe willowy Winona eX©
“And why not, my gal?” demanded Wellington Threeves, thrusting
his chissic chin against her heaving'bosom.
“Recause,” replied Winona, “you will not be annoyed at bridge by
his huskiness any longer. lie has promised that, if spared, he will
change to OLD GOLDS, made from queen-leaf tobacco. Not a throat
scratch in a trillion.”
C P. Lorillard Co.
On your Radio . . • OLD COLD—PAUL WHITEMAN HOUR. Paul Whiteman and complete orchestra . . . every Tuesday, 9 to 10 P. M., Eastern Standard Time
afternoon before Friday. This is
absolutely necessary.
Theta Omega announces the
pledging of Elinor Morton of Port
Seniors, Notice—Order commence
ment announcements, caps and
gowns, and souvenirs at the Co-op
before Saturday, April 26.
Theta Chi announces the pledg
ing of Bill Schumate of Bandon,
30 East Broadway
$22.50 to $25.00
Tell us you read this ad in
the Emerald
Fine All-Wool
= PANTS i75P =
Choose From
300 Samples
All One Price
Yes, sir! It’s the one big
surprise of the year. No
body ever expected such a
thing to happen—but here it
is, just the same.
1128 Alder