Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1930, Image 4

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GDtegun aaila
University of Oregon, Eugene
Arthur L. Schoenl . Editor
William H. Hammond . Business Manager
Vinton H. Hall . Managing Editor
Ron Hubhn, Ruth Newman, Rex Tussine, Wilfred Brown
Nancy Taylor . Secretary
Mary Klcmm . Assistant Marsylmz Editor
Harry Van Dine . Sporta Editor
Dorothy Thomea . Society Editor
Victor Kaufman . P- L P- Editor
Ralph David . Chief Niyht Editor
Carl Monroe . Makeup Editor
Evelyn Shaner . Theater Editor
GENERAL NEWS STAFF: Dave Wilson. Betty Anne Macduff.
Rufus Kimball. Elizabeth Palnton, Henrietta Stelnke. Merlin
Plais. Eleanor Jane Ballantyne. I.enore Ely, Bobbv Reid,
Sterling Green. Helen Chanev. Thornton Gale. Carol Wersch
knl. Jack Hellineor. Roy Sheedy. Thornton Shaw. Carol
Hurlburt, Anne Bricknell. Thelma Nelson, I.ois Nelson.
SPORTS STAFF: Jack Burke, assistant editor: Phil Co"»we)l.
Rrad Harrison, Ed Goodnaukh, Spec Stevenson, and Beth
Salway. ____________
Dav Editor .Willis Duniway
Night Editor .Clifford Gregor
Assistant Night Editors
Esther Havden, Jessie Steele
fV'vnre Weber. Jr. ... Associate Manager
Tonv Person . Advertising Manager
Jack Grew . Assistant Advertising Manager
Addison Brockman .- Foreiim Adverttaing Manager
.lean Patrick . Manager Copy Department
T.arry Jackson . Circulation Manager
petty Hagen .... Women’s Specialty Advertising
Tna Tremblay . Assistant Advertising Manager
Bettv Ceroenter .-..Assistant Cony Manager
Edwin Pubols .Statistical Department
Dot Anne Warnick . Executive Secretary
Katherine T,nughrige .Professional DlvUion
Shot)nine Column . Pfttv Hagen. Nan Crerv
ADVERTISING SOT-TCITORS: Katherine Laughrage, Gordon
Snmuelson, Nan Crary. Ina Tremblay.
Production Assiatant . ^d Kirbv
Office Assistants . Elaine Wheeler. C#ro! Werschkul
The Oregon Doily Emerald, official publication of the Amo
eluted Students of the University of Oregon. Eugene, issued daHv
except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of
the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the nostoffioe at
Eugene, Oregon. as second class matter. Subscription rates
$2.5ft a year. Advertising rate* lpon application. Phone. Man
ager: Office. residence. 127. •
Seniors’ Bewilderment
SPRING term is almost half over. Graduation la
just around the corner for several hundred sen
iors in the University and the question writ on
the wall by a moving' finger reads "What next?”
The senior feels a multiplicity of emotions as he
finds his at the end of the jetty and about to
buff the open seas. He is worked up to a high
pitch of mental indecision by the four years of
pointing ahead and the columns upon columns of
advice and philosophy which the nation’s presses
shower out each spring.
A look over college newspaper editorial columns
Is interesting in the many-sided angles editors write
upon. Some see graduation as a time of bewilder
ment and indecision; others caution the graduate
that he must step carefully and expect pitfalls.
Let us read a few:
Says the Washington State Evergreen: “Clutch
ing the coveted sheepskin, the student realizes that
his college career has been a whirl M social activi
ties and a mere splurge of book culture. . . . With
graduation comes the signal for seniors to join in
the big parade, getting ahead and chasing the
mighty dollar. . . . Perhaps a closet contact of
the colleges with the outside ‘bread and butter’ In
terests would clarify the average student’s concep
tion of what to study.”
* * *
Jj^ROM these measured tomes we pass to the prac
tical advice of a graduate printed in the McGill
(Montreal) Daily: "I have decided why the future
always looks so dark to the young student turned
loose upon the world. It looks dark because the
vastness of the whole thing has the effect of con
fusing the reflective faculty before it has a fair
chance to begin operating. ... Go out and get
yourself a job. Let your ambition take care of
itself. It may seem to lie dormant for a while, but
it is sure to grow strongly and surely under the
greatest inspiration of all work.”
The Oregon State Barometer attacks "criticism
current to the effect that American colleges are
handing out too many degrees, that the college
graduate is becoming a drug on the market.” Tf.
it says, there is "something to be gained in life
that is more important than the ability to command
a large salary there can never be so many gradu
ates that a college degree will be worthless.”
More collegiate and smacking of the alma mater
feeling is the Michigan Daily which says, “With
the approach of commencement, there comes the
sad thought of a large class of students being ab
ruptly divorced from the scenes of what have been
the happiest and most enjoyable years of their lives,
perhaps never again to bask in even its superficial
"l/OICINO. the dissatisfaction felt by some students
- after a college has graduated them, comes the
Linfield Review which says "many seniors wish
they might start over again. That seems to be the
universal and oft-repeated plaint of students: that
they might have done differently . . . that they have
wasted much time and misused more of it because
of wrong ideas, laziness, and inability to think and
Prom the Great Lakes district, the Michigan
State News says, "Education is n tool in the hands
of the college graduate. ... It will not work by
itself, it demands a careful, patient, and determined
operator. . . . College offers us nothing more than
opportunity and it is up to us to apply ourselves.”
The Daily Nebraskan foresees a jolt for the big
frog in the little puddle. "Being a senior in college
— a power on the campus is really one grand spree
of glory before starting in as a freshman again in
the world outside. . . . Graduation is simply a com
mencement into the millrush of activity that will
make college life, with its misfortunes, seem like
a quiet sun pool.”
Let us close with some practical words from
the McGill Daily: "For those who have already be
gun to plan a career ... do not approach the grad
uate of some two or three years and ask him what
he thinks of the future in the particular work he
is doing. . . . The graduate will probably have
opinions which he can express at some length, but
undoubtedly inaccurate in his judgments to the ex
tent of about ninety per cent. . . . The best way
to get reliable information is to go to the men who
have gone further through the mill.”
Editor’s Note: The following editorials were 1
written by candidates for the position of editor
of the Emerald. They are not printed as a
measure of writing ability, but merely to give
each a chance to try his hand at writing edi
* * *
Welcoming the Rushees
A PRIL FROLIC time is here again and many
young women are here on the campus for the
first time. It is true that they are guests of the
various sororities but in a large way they are the
guests of the University ,and the Emerald takes
this opportunity to welcome them to the campus.
This is one time of the year when the guests see
the Oregon campus life in its lighter phases. The
delegate to the ordinary convention or gathering
receives a royal welcome from the students of the
University, but he rarely has a chance to make the
intimate acquaintances of the members of the va
rious living organizations.
Many of the young women who are guests here
this week-end will enroll in the University next
fall—to become loyal Oregon women. The insight
they receive now will greatly help them to orient
themselves to the life of the campus when they
come to school.
To those of the visitors who will not matriculate
at Oregon the stay on the campus will be of much
help. They will see the life of the University when
the women have turned their thoughts momentarily
from the regular curricular activities in order to
entertain the many guests in true Oregon spirit.—
H. V. D.
We’ll Carry Candy
TRADITION—A custom so long continued
that it has almost the force of a law; immemo
rial custom. Standard Dictionary.
* * *
Tj'VERY man and woman on the campus wants a
little Tradition "of his or her own.
A little Tradition who will, when years have
passed, listen in rapt filial adoration to the words
which will fall so easily yet modestly from the par
ents’ lips: “We gave you birth—we helped you grow
—we are the Beginning.”
Perhaps that is the reason the Oregon campus
hears each year of so many embryo traditions. And
some are born! Suddenly from hiding come the
proud parents. “Look,” they say, “we have a Tra
dition. True, it has not been with us long, nor can
it dream of the lusty manhood it shall attain.”
Perhaps it is only through a proud parent’s eyes
that one can see in the red-faced infant sports
meets, the squalling dances, the messy luncheons,
promise of a full-grown man. Or clearer—only the
originators of campus functions can truly see them
as hoary old traditions; immemorial customs.
But then, we like children, we'll carry candy
wherever there hangs a hinting children’s clothes
line.— R. T.
Golf Course
'T'UAT Oregon needs a golf course is sufficiently
! evidenced, we think, by the number of entrants
in the Emerald spring handicap tournament.
Large sums have been spent on football equip
ment, improving the baseball lot, erecting an ele
phant-sized basketball pavilion, and even a little
has been expended to improve the rifle range. And
yet, how few really benefit materially by any of
these. How many men turn out for football, base
ball, basketball, track or the rifle team ? In com
parison with the number who could get enjoyment
from a golf course, the expenditures on the above
named sports are out of proportion.
If it is entirely impossible for the University to
have a complete golf course at the present time,
would it not be feasible to have practice greens on
the stretch of lawn between Hendricks and Susan
Campbell ? A nine-hole putting green could be built
there at little expense and would provide amuse
ment for many golf fans who are unable to play
at a country club. This practice putting course
ould be controlled somewhat as the tennis courts,
and a small fee charged which would help pay for
the cost of upkeep. T. N. T.
Proof that colleges are not all books and learned
topics can be found in a recent issue of the Harvard
Crimson. Out of the total 99 column inches of news
in the paper 94 inches was sports news. On page
one 90 out of the 80 column inches was sports. This
is an unusual case probably even for Harvard.
Wabash college's chapel is being demolished to
make room for two tennis courts. Yes, but they’ll
still be holding services there.
TbJCollegiatePu Ise
ft'——.— ..
(Washington Daily)
The dean of men and the dean of women at the
University of Oregon have put their collective foot
down. They don’t like the junior vaudeville the
way the students have prepared it.
There is nothing in the show that is decidedly
off-color, but they just don’t like the idea of having
a show with continuity running through it. Each
act must be decidedly separate from every other
act. That is vaudeville.
Mr. Webster, the well-known lexicographer, who
defined things for people, said that vaudeville is a
stage entertainment of successive separate perform
ances. Thus, the deans are right.
It seems, however, that the particular perform
ance at the Oregon institution wasn't planned along
these lines. As a matter of fact, the Washington
J. G. V. committee informs The Daily that their
coming show isn't exactly patterned after Mr. Web
ster's definition either. It is planned to be more
the “revue” type, with a theme and continuity run
ning through it, the committee declares.
Further, we learn from the University of Oregon
that the juniors’ show was progressing nicely. They
had been in re' earsal for quite a little while.
Now, because the deans are slightly particular,
the show must be changed.
The Daily can imagine the chagrin of the J. G.
V. committee if the Washington faculty became
The Daily is glad that the Washington faculty
is not too finicky about definitions.
- —"—— ———■——■■——-Cp)
| Emerald Corner for Notables |
k.—.-. — —.— -...&
Editor’s Note: This Is the fifth of a series of interviews with
prominent Oregon students being printed weekly in the Emerald.
\ LL we know is what we read in the papers, as Will Rogers would
say. And if you happen to have read the Emerald the last few
years there’s no use telling all about Florence McNemey, who rates as
Miss Activity-plus, because the sun that sets on a copy of the paper
without her name is scarcer than faculty sanction for Junior Vodvils
right now. j
Having read other corners in the paper, she came all primed for,
bear and determined not to give her interviewers a loophole for per
sonaniy uescripuon. very con-i
servative,” was her own descrip
tion of herself, but the good book
says a conservative is one who
more-or-less draws into a shell and
does little. A person who has been
on about every big committee and
activity in college should beware
trying to masquerade as a con
We could tell you Florence has
snappy dark brown eyes and bru
nette hair, but we won't. She did
not want anything said about her
appearance. But if we had told
you about her hair and eyes, you
could recognize hep. Just watch
for an industrious-looking co-ed
hurrying down one of the campus
paths with a preoccupied air. If
she has blue eyes, it isn't Florence.
Being right up in the money in
politics, she is rather interested
in them and gets a great kick out
of them. When she isn't doing
her bit for the student body on
the executive council, she's man
aging women’s debate or acting in
something exotic in dramatic
plays. If you can’t find her at
the Mortar Board meetings, you
might try the Pi Lambda Theta
dinner or the Delta Sigma Rho
caucus. Education or debating
comes easy to one after being on
the honor roll a couple of times.
(We don’t know, but we should
think it would.)
Five years from now we’ll pre
dict that you’ll find this brown
eyed miss directing a high school
drama production or maybe run
ning a little theater group. That’s
where her interests lie and there
she gets her greatest enjoyment—
from acting. The last time we
saw her on the stage she played
a role as a blue-stocking aunt to
somebody or other and it was
In closing, let us say that it is
girls like Florence McNerney who
give the people who make Ore
gana activity indexes overtime
work to do. We'd like to have
told you about her brown eyes,
but we didn’t dare mention them.
The Emerald withholds the
right to publish all communica
tions to the editor which it feels
to the best interests of a student
body paper to leave imprinted.
To the Editor—
There was a “pullitical” meeting
held at the Omicron Omicron
house on the 17th evening of April
in the year of our Lord 1930.
(Surely such an important gather
ing deserves to be recorded in the
above manner.) People who
“count” were present I counted
268. “Mug” was there, “Ezra”
was there, and so were the cam
pus “yes girls.” Hank de Rat al
though not there in person was
obviously present in manifesta
tions and procedure.
And, folks, things were at a
standstill something had to be
done nothing had happened since '
5 o'clock Ezra said so. The ticket
must win otherwise Oregon would
sink into oblivion and we would
have to dig deep into our moth
eaten pockets for another eleven
thousand-dollar ‘man to rescue us.
Silence “rained.” The levity of the
situation was stressed in the quiv
ering voice of the next speaker -
"an independent young lady”—
but, out strutted (crawled) the
patriotic hundred percenter's pledg
ing to their lies (I mean lives) for
this "vital” cause. The herd (darn
it! I mean horde) accepted and
claimed the speakers as their own
with rapturous applause — Let
Ezra "Do It!”
A few of us came to the meet
ing out of curiosity and a desire
for amusement. Needless to say
our curiosity was satisfied and
our amusement was profound,
seeing is believing, but one's be
lief is fortified on hearing. If edu
cation is to develop reason, we
would suggest that the taxpayers’
money is being spent in vain.
—R. A.
Leave that sober expression
home and eome to the April Frolic
party tonight at the Gerlinger
Arts ana i rutts group—oi rmuo
melete will meet at the Y. W. bun
galow, Sunday at 4 p. m. Very
important. Plans for picnic to be
Wesley club members—don’t for
get the Easter breakfast at 8
o’clock Sunday in the club room
of the Methodist church.
Japanese Tongue
Claims New Book
Parson’s Work oil Social
Problems Completed
Dr. Philip A. Parsons, dean of
the school of applied social science,
has just been notified that the
translation into Japanese of his
book, ‘'An Introduction to Modern
Social Problems,” has just been
completed, and has been sent to
the publishers for publication.
The translation was completed
by Taiji Takahashi, graduate of
Wasseda university, in Tokyo, who
comes to the University of Oregon
next fall to enroll in the sahool
of applied social science. It was
originally undertaken by Yoshi
Otsuka, who abandoned his work
in order that he might come to
America and study under the au
thor of the book. Otsuka is now
studying in the Portland school of
social work.
Dr. Parsons’ book, which was
first published in America in 1924,
is used on the campus as a text
book in applied sociology.
PIANO JAZZ—Popular songs im
mediately; beginners or ad
vanced; twelve-lesson course
Waterman System. Leonard J
Edgerton, manager. Call Stu
dio 1672-W over Laraway’s Mu
sic Store. 972 Willamette St. tf
Now That You've Read the Emerald, Answer These
1. What caused an Oregon
track star to lose his eyesight?
2. What is the title of this
year's commencement play?
8. Who will l>e the only men
at April Frolic tonight?
4. How many students paid
their fees yesterday?
5. Who is national president
of t’hi Beta Kappa aud Beta
Theta l‘i?
6. What Oregon dean’s book
has been translated Into Japa
nese ?
7. Who won yesterday’s foot
ball game and by what score?
8. Describe the new R. O. T.
C. uniforms for next year?
9. Who is the sole nominee
for the office of business man
ager of the Kmeruld?
10. What is the innovation
in a leap-week feature?
Now that campus politics has
re-awakened, the Seers contri
bution hox has apparently taken
a new significance to the glor
ious 3,000 fellow students—but
that may be only an ironical co
incidence. Anyway, here’s what
a few of the correspondents
have to say:
* * *
Could the city ordinance against
loud speakers and noise makers
have been directed against the
campus politicians?
* * *
“What’ll I Do’’ would make a
splendid theme song for the jun
iors, now that the vodvil has been
called off.
A prof, says that the A. S. U.
O. should make a good consti
tution first and then they should
make it last.
* * * I
" w
A solution to the frosh pad
dling problem would be an
amendment providing for fresh
man “Order of the F” to disci
pline unruly upperclassmen.
There should be another amend
ment providing that awnings "be
erected and maintained on either
or both sides of 13th street to pro
tect the snipe hunting business
and its followers from the rain.
Little Blue Eyes flunked the
current events quiz, but she says
she knows ail about the Open
Anns Conference, anyway.
* * *
“Will Haze please return
John Brown’s Body!” bellered
the libe assistant.
“Why the Seven Seers?”
squawks a correspondent. “I have
n't noticed any seering at all. As
yet not one single prophecy has
appeared. Is it possible, seven
ears attuned together can only
seer but not hear—or what have
you ?
“If you are so smart, maybe
you can tell us how much the fam
ous night-rates of Chile are quot
ed at.”—A. H. H.
* » *
We'll admit, A. H. H. that it
doesn’t pay to make a pun on
“nitrate” in an econ equiz; but
in our case, since we are incur
able punsters, we’ll come back
at you by asking you how you
know we don’t make a profit.
* * *
Guess we’d better knock off l
now and go out and look at the
Enumerator Seeks Complete
Record of All Campus Folks
\ LTHOUGH a greater portion of the students on the campus have
tV been enumerated, it is necessary that a complete record be made
jf all those living within the corporate limits of the city of Eugene,
according to Joseph H. Koke, census supervisor of the sixth district,
Oregon. This coupon is to be used by only those who are living within
the city.
Have You Been Enumerated?
If not, or if you have any doubt, fill out this coupon and mall
020 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon
On April 1, 1930, I was living at address given below, hut to
the best of my knowledge I have not been enumerated, either there
or anywhere else.
Name .
Street and No.—
City ....
NO PARKING signs along the
Jrag some more. Gee, aren’t they
just the prettiest things ?
Announcements, Caps and
Gowns .
Should be ordered by
April 26th
Lecture By
8 P. M.
Central Presbyterian Church
Admission 25c
A complete stock from
which to choose. These
warm spring days are Ko
dak days. So start your
memory books now.
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A car is a
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