Fund Bankruptcy, Tie-Up Checks Constitution Move Old Agreement Limits Changes Possible in New Document; $150,000 Debt Underlaid by . Sound Basic Financial Condition By BEX TUSSING T'vEBT of approximately $150,000, tie-up of the building fund, bank ruptey of the general fund, and yet a fundamentally sound under lying condition of student finances; all was proved linked with the pro posed new constitution when yesterday Burt Brown Barker, University vice-president, brought back the report of corporation lawyers on the new document. In a four-hour meeting of the whole revision committee it was learned that agreements made at the time of the McArthur court bonding specified that no changes in the student constitution or by laws of financial nature could be made without the consent of the WU11J\0 VU1U.C1 11CU. ^ 60-Cent Debts Unpaid The present condition of the general fund, in which there is no money for the payment of coaches’ salaries, expenses of the baseball teams, nor even of 60-cent debts in down-town stores, makes im perative a new financial arrange ment. That arrangement Vice president Barker yesterday be lieved he had secured with the possibility of a new bond issue to be paid from building fund sources. In a period of too hasty expan sion, the students voted the future income from the $5 fee which each student pays each term in addi tion to his dues, now set at $5.25. When the building fund proved 1 inadequate, money was borrowed j from the general fund, to which go the $5.25 dues. Credit Weakened In course of time the general I fund was depleted, the building' fund was still reserved for the | payment of outstanding bonds, and the student credit was not backed by any money in the treas ury. To untangle the situation Vice president Barker has planned the new bond issue, with which the present McArthur court bonds will be retired. Then the unincum bered building fund will provide security for the new issue. The remainder of the $150,000 will be used to pay the debts out standing in the general fund and to provide capital until fall, when the term's registration will bring more money into the treasury. Several thousand more will need to be borrowed until that time. j Central Control Needed To secure underwriting of the bonds it will be necessary, Barker stated, that the control of expend itures and incomes be centered in one responsible group. The pres ent wording of the new constitu tion, after examination, has proved satisfactory, and he urged its adoption in order to extricate the students from the bankruptcy which they face. 1-Ie attributed the present con dition to the borrowing for the building fund large sums from the general fund. Unable to carry the burden of costs for which it was not intended, the sum for regular expenses was gradually exhausted. The increased amount in the build ing fund led the student body at that time to spend it all—none was left, and the building money was tied up for several years. POLITICAL FIRE OUT FOR NEEDED REST (Continued f rom Page One) neutrals when election day dawns. It was not thus last year. That was a "tight” campaign, with nearly every group forced into one party or the other. What is the significance of the change ? Leaving considerations of Cal Bryan’s chances to be elected aside, it is apparent that his doc trine of "individual politics” is winning a large body of converts. "I'm out to break the party ma chines,” Bryan said Friday night. It will be hard to break them, but Bryan may succeed in bending them more than a few degrees out of alignment. The eternal wrangling over houses won or lost is becoming less interesting to the student body, and the personal clement—the clash of the individ ualities of the candidates promises to play a leading role during the closing two weeks of the cam paign. “Faithful” May Vote Straight The “Old Faithfuls,” those houses who form the backbone of each party, will in all probability vote straight. But it is becoming increasingly obvious that a large body of students will vote as they please on election day, regardless of tickets. Last year Tom Stoddard's tick et was elected 'straight with the exception of the comparatively mi nor office of yell-leader. But ht would be rash indeed who w out lay any bets at this stage of this i year's campaign that either on< ' ticket or the other will be elect c National Head of ‘Phi Bete’ Billed To Visit Campus Shepardson Also Leader Of Bela Theta Pi; Here Tuesday Dr. Francis W. Shepardson, na tional president of Phi Beta Kap pa, will visit the University of Oregon early next week on a na tional tour of inspection, accord ing to announcement by Hugh L. Biggs, assistant dean of men. Dr. Shepardson is also national president of Beta Theta Pi, and a member of the National Interfra ternity conference. He is scheduled to arrive on the campus Tuesday morning, for a stay of about 24 hours. Tuesday noon he is to address present and past presidents of all men’s houses on the campus, at a special luncheon meeting of the Interfra ternity council. His topic will be “Fraternity Ideals and Problems.” Doctor Shepardson will be the overnight guest of Beta Theta Pi. and a formal banquet will be held at the chapter house Tuesday eve ning in his honor. Wednesday he will leave for Corvallis, in order to carry on his work at Oregon State college. A resident of Chicago, Doctor Shepardson was formerly a mem ber of the faculty at Chicago uni versity. At present he is engaged in literary work. He took his Ph. D. .degree at Yale university in 1892. Monies Evelyn Shaner, Editor TODAY’S ATTRACTIONS McDonald—“Montana Moon.” Rex—“Hell's Heroes.” State—“The Wagon Master.” Colonial—“The Great Divide.” Heilig—“The Hottentot.” Movies a la Carte Even the Easter rabbit would chuckle at Edward Everett Hor ton’s antics in “The Hottentot.” And then the poor bunny would become so interested seeing “Mon tana Moon,” he’d wish he were a man instead of a rabbit so he could wear chaps and a cowboy hat as well as Johnny Mack Brown. And by the time he got through seeing “Hell’s Heroes,” “The Wagon Master,” and the “Great Divide,” he’d be so dreamy and romantic we bet he’d forget all about those Easter eggs he'd promise to color. Drama Director Names Cast for ‘Yellow Jacket" Chinese Plav To Be Given May 17; Property Staff Selected Burst of Music Precedes Each Player's Entry Results of tryouts for the fan tastic play, “The Yellow Jacket,” which will be presented Saturday night. May 17, at the Heilig thea tre, have just been announced by Mrs. Ottilie Turnbull Seybolt, di rector of the play, as follows: Ling Won, the spirit of the hero’s ancestors—Vinton Hall. Chorus—William Cutts. Git Hok Gar—Eugene Laird. Kom Loi, the spider, who is one of the worst of the many villains —Charles Jones. Property Men Important First assistant property man— Jack Stipe. Second assistant property man —Harvey Welsh. Third assistant property man— Ethan Newman. First attendant— Neil Sheeley. Second attendant Edwin Cruik shank. These assistant property men and attendants form an integral part in the color and artistic ar rangement of the play, because as each of the main characters en ters, he is followed by a proces sion of them. They are all clad in striking, colorful costumes. Play Based on Opera The play itself, as all Chinese plays are, is based on an idea of rudimentary opera, for as each one of the main characters enters, he is preceded by a burst of mu sic peculiarly his own and adapt ed to his part. This music is play ed by an orchestra which is seated on the stage. The entire cast for "The Yellow Jacket,” which has already gone into rehearsal, will be announced Annual Costume Party For Women to Be Held Tonight April Frolic, the one event of Oregon social life, sponsored by and for women only, will be held tonight at Gerlinger hall. The par ty, which is a costume affair, will be featured by stunts put on by each of the four classes. Joan Pat terson is chairman of April Frolic. Patronesses for the occasion are: Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly, Mrs. Arnold Bennett Hall, Mrs. Rudloph Ernst, Mrs. Eric W. Al len, Dr. Wilmoth Osborne, Miss Fannie McCaramant, Mrs. Ottilu) Seybolt, and Miss Maude Kerns. Phi Beta Entertains at Afternoon Tea Phi Beta, national professional music and dramatic honorary, en tertained Thursday afternoon with a tea held at the Delta Delta Delta house. Miss Irma Logan and Miss Teresa Kelly acted as hostesses. Miss Roma Gross had charge of of the musical program for the af ternoon. Miss Blanche Hoyt and Mrs. John J. Rogers poured. Book Translated I Definite proof of the value of Dr. Philip A. Parsons' book, “An Introduction to Modern Social Problems,” was given when word was received of its translation and publication in the Japanese lan guage. Dr. Parsons is dean of the school of applied social science on the campus. Install Officers Of Panhellenic Smartt President New Rushing Rules To Be Consitlereti for Use On Loeal Campus Officers for the coming year were installed yesterday at a meeting of local Panhellenic. Those who will serve in the execu lutive positions of the organization are: Louise Smartt, president; La vina Hicks, secretary; and Dorene Larimer, treasurer. The report of the committee for revision of present local rushing rules was postponed until a later meeting, as the committee feels that it wishes to make further in vestigations before advocating any definite changes in the rules. The main problem under eon I sideration at present is breaking of dates by rushees during rush week in the fall. Many Panhellenic rules in col leges and universities throughout I the country forbid any breaking of dates. If Oregon Panhellenic should adopt this policy, it would be necessary to limit the number of dates allowed with each rushee to two or three for the week. The report of the revision com mittee will probably be passed on at the next meeting of Panhel lenic. Those working on the com mittee are Mary Frances Dilday, chairman; Chloethel Woodard, Louise Smartt, Margaret Clark, and Lavina Hicks. Miss Margaret Daigh is the faculty adviser. BLUE BELL PRODUCTS BUTTER—ICE CREAM PASTEURIZED MILK We Appreciate Your Patronage Eugene Farmers Creamery 568 Olive Phone 638 w —1 — | SENIORS! Order Caps and Gowns and I Commencement Announcements AT THE CO-OP by April 26th COLONIAL Today—2 to 11— NIGHTS Matinee—20c Sunday Monday 25c TAi-KIKG-/ presents SeautY MARY NOLA StfANWAT ±A»>y Ay40HH COi.TOK,fl«Mor -JAMES MURRAY WHEELER OAKMAN LOUISE DRESSLER and POLLY MORAN in—“DANGEROUS FEMALES ’—It’s the Roars " “On the Iligh C’s”—Yacht Club Boys—Latest Pathe News TO DAY Glorious Romance of the West “THE GREAT DIVIDE” Deferred Pledging Helps Freshman Orient Self to School, Many Aver Fraternities Assist Man In Conquering of His Troubles, Say Others Editor's note: This is the third of a series of articles giving the principal arguments for and against the deferred pledging system to mirror the degree of success it has reached at uni versities where it is now in use. By RAL.rH DAVID While it has been generally agreed that deferred pledging pre vents mistakes on both the part of the pledge and the fraternity, j there is not nearly such a consen sus of opinion that it also enables freshmen better to orient them selves in university life, or im prove their scholastic standing. Questionnaires received by the interfraternity council in its sur vey last year, from 13 universities i where the deferred pledging sys- ' tern is in use, showed that the opin ion is decidedly that the system DOES enable freshmen to adapt themselves better to university life than when they spend their first year in a fratarnity. BUT, ques tionnaires received from 47 schools where deferred pledging is not in use showed that a majority were of the opinion that the fraternity is a necessary part in the orienta tion of the freshmen. FrKts Argue Aid It is certainly true that fraterni ties holding out for promiscuous pledging advance the argument that the best work of the frater nity consists in helping the fresh iTI fnl fnl fnl fill Ini fii] fiH fill fnl In] Fnl 173 fnl fnl In] fnl fnl fnl fnl IrD fnl 173 FrD lii man with his problems, and thus giving him a better start in his college work. But it is significant that where the deferred pledging system has actually been tried the opinion is almost unanimous that the freshman finds orientation comes more easily. As to scholarship, the propo nents of the promiscuous type of pledging are even more emphatic in their opinion that living in a fraternity encourages the fresh men to attain a high grade aver age. And, at the same time, the advocates of deferred pledging are not so sure that their system is conducive to high scholastic stand ing. In tlie interfraternity coun cil survey only one opinion favor able to deferred pledging as help ing scholarship was returned. This was from George B. Culver, dean of men*, Stanford university, who said that “the plan makes pos sible more personal friendships, lias materially helped scholarship, and has also certain beneficial re sults as to physical well being.” Since Stanford has used the de ferred pledging system for some time, this opinion merits careful consideration. Frats Aiil lo Grades Donald R. Sharretts, president of the interfraternity board at Johns Hopkins university, ex pressed the belief that although in every other respect deferred pledging is desirable “membership in a social fraternity helps the scholastic standing of the fresh men. Most of the houses keep well-organized examination files and they also have the benefit of fn] fTD fii) 170 fnJ fr\) frn fill fnl fHl lr\J HQ fill frfl fRJ frO frO fit] fn] HD fnllnlfn^J 1 1 I This I [D d | Constant, Hectic j j Rushing | that eollcge life denuiuds, makes you neglect the R i’’; little things of routine. -lusl phone 1211 and you k may bo sure that at‘least one responsibility, your | a laundry, will be taken eare ol' in tile most efficient js H way possible. [■ I Eugene Steam Laundry J l’houe 123, and wo will send one of our representatives | to collect your specials. rKJSMSEEIStSJSMSISfSEldlSEiSIBfBlISlISJSISiSISJSEISISlSlSEIHEISJSISISISEISlSJSSlSlSISl11 1:00 I*. M. to 11:00 P. M. HEILIG 100 Per Cent of Everything “THE BETTER SHOWS ARE HERE NOW” lie's the Biggest Package of Pep Since “VITA PHONE” Was Invented! Perfect Vitaphone Recording * * LAST TIMES TODAY —For— THE CHARGE OF THE LAUGH BRIGADE!!! ,lie Hottentot” Hay! Hay! Haw! Haw! Hottentot—Ho! Ho! the upperclassmen's experience in preparing for their class work and examinations. When not in a fra ternity freshmen, more or less left to themselves, must pick their own way.” There appears to be one way in which the freshman under the de ferred pledging system may be in duced to reach a good grade aver age. If all freshmen are required to make a 3 or 2.7 average before they are eligible to be pledged, there will be an added incentive for the man who wishes to make a fraternity to attain a high scho lastic standing. If there is no such requirement it is possible that the grades of the freshmen! will suffer without the stimulus I furnished in fraternity life. Because Northwestern fraterni- i ties entertained women without the presence of chaperone, the men's houses at Wisconsin peti tioned the Dean of Men for simi lar privileges. He refused saying, "Ladies don't do such things.” Phi Tlieta Upsilon Pledges Fifteen Girls’ Service Honorary Honors Leaders Phi Theta Upsilon, upperclass women's service honorary, last night formally pledged 15 women at a meeting held at Westminster house, according to Diana Deinin ger, honorary president of the so ciety, and Evelyn Kjosness, active president. Those honored are Helen Chan ey, Helen Evans, Caryl Hollings worth, Helen Parish, Elizabeth Parker, Dorothy Kirk, Mildred Dobbins, Lillie Strom, Alice Win gate, Alice Recletzke, Ann Baum, Dorothy Eads, Janet Osborne, Frances Richard, and Ella Red key. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT Chi Delta announces the pledg ing of Opal Barklow of Eugene. The Easter Parade will start on Sunday morning. And, of course, every detail of your Master ensemble will be carefully surveyed. The most reliable way In be sure that your costume jewelry is in perfect taste, is to come to Tlic Shop for People Who Know ■EHHMMMHBBHMMi Fox Rex Powerfully Dramatic! Roaringly Funny! Intensely Human! They langhed at love and they laughed at life and they laughed at deuth when It found them! STARTS TODAY rnw nunui% A, DRAMA OF 3 BAD MEN and / a NEW-BORN BABE/ And based on \ IV ter IS. Kync’s •-V “THE THItEE : GODFATHERS” 1* ' —Anti for Fun— “CROSBY’S CORNERS” A Rural Krai liiot —ami— WORLD NEWS fox McDonald FOX WEST COAST THEATRES AND— EASTER j BRINGS ‘America’s boy friend!’ i More handsome, more compelling than you have ever seen him. • • i lie zooms into your \ heart with his daring, \ h i s gay, throbbing . love-making. See him ' as the intrepid-air ace on the far-flung battle fronts of the sky! * * f i'Uc Star and Director of “WINDS” Triumphs Again— CHARLES (Buddy) Rogers Y young Eases' with .ft'AN ARTHUR PAUL LUKAS Watch the Skies Saturday Noon