Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1930, Image 4

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University of Oregon, Eugene
Arthur 1.. Sohopni . Kditor
William H. Hammond . Business Manager
Vinton H. Hall . Managing Editor
Ron Hubtw, Ruth Newman, Rex Tussimt, Wilfred Brown
Nancy Taylor ..... Secretary
. Assistant Managing Editor
. Sports Kditor
. Society Editor
. P. I. P. Editor
. Chief Night Editor
. Makeup Editor
. Theater Editor
■Mary Klemm
Harry Van Dine
Dorothy Thomas .
Victor Kaufman .
Ralph David
Carl Monroe .
Evelyn Shaner
GENERAL NEWS STAFF: Dave Wilson, Petty Anne Macduff,
Rufus Kimball, Elizabeth Painton, Henrietta Steinke, Merlin
Plais, Eleanor .lane Pallantyne, Lenore Ely, Bobby Reid,
Sterling Green, Helen Chaney, Thornton Gale, Carol Wersch
kul, Jack Bellinger, Roy Sheedy, Thornton Shaw, Carol
Hurlburt, Anne Brieknell, Thelma Nelson, Lois*Nelson.
SPORTS WRITF'RS: Jack Burke, assistant editor; Ralph Yer
gen. Edgar Goodnaugh, Beth Salway, Brad Harrison, Phil
Cogswell, and Lucille Chapin.
Day Editor . Willis Duniway
Night Editor . Mahr Reymers
Esther Hayden Jessie Steele
Gorge Weber, Jr.-.. Associate Manager
Tony Peterson ... Advertising Manager ,
Jack Gregg . Assistant Advertising Manager
Addison Brockman . Foreign Advertising Manager
Jean Patrick . Manager Copy Department
Larry Jackson .... Circulation Manager
Betty Hagen ... Women’s Specialty Advertising
Ina Tremblay . Assistant Advertising Manager
Betty Carpenter . Assistant Copy Manager
Edwin Pubols .Statistical Department 1
Dot Anne Warnick . Executive Secretary
Katherine Laughrige .. Professional Division
Shopping Column . Betty Hagen, Nan Crary
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS: Ned Mars, Bernadine Carrico,
Helen Sullivan, Fred Reid.
ADVERTISING SOLICITORS: Katherine Laughrage, Jack
Gregg, George Branstator, John Painton.
Production Assistant .Gladys Mack
Office Assistants .Ruth Milligan, Nora Stewart
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Asso
ciated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily
except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of
the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at
Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates,
|2.r,0 a year. Advertising rates jpon application. Phone, Man
ager: Office, 1895; residence, 127.
Pre-election Speeches
T)RE-ELECTION smokers where all political can
didates make personal appearances and outline
their platforms to the assembled student body are
a creditable tradition in practice at McGill univer
sity at Montreal.
"In a major election there are bound to be many
rumors going the rounds of the campus concerning
the merits and demerits of the men involved. At
the smoker the students will be given an oppor
tunity to judge for themselves after they have seen
these men and heard them speak,” says the McGill
Daily in an editorial commenting on the smoker.
Oregon, with no way or means of sizing up the
candidates running for important A. S. U. O. offices
(even the nomination speeches are made by some
one else and the candidate keeps well hidden),
might do well to institute such a smoker. At the
time nominations are made it might be practical
to have the candidates get up and outline their plat
forms. The worth of such a system is unquestioned.
Justifications, as quoted by the McGill Daily,
include such arguments as:
"It is not sufficient for a student to go out and
vote and think his duty is done. The student must
first know for what and whom he is voting.
“Students will see the men for whom they are
to vote and will thus be able to form their opinions
more readily as the appearance and actions of the
candidate may decide their vote.”
Here is an institution which would undoubtedly
be profitable if adopted at the University of Ore
gon. The students have a right to know for whom
they are voting. Casting a ballot for a name never
went far in perfecting an effective and democratic
Puisant Polls
^T'AKING polls of campus opinion on subjects
ranging from prohibition to smoking rooms,
short skirts anti beauty contests is becoming a pop
ular thing in the collegiate press.
Led by Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, a number
of colleges took a poll on alcohol and found that
70 per cent of their number drank. All, from the
drink-a-term man to the drink-a-week-end man,
were counted in that 70 per cent as “drinkers.”
Northwestern university co-eds east ballots on
the subject of smoking rooms in dormitories and
sorority houses, the result being 282 for and 51
against the idea. Later they voted on their favorite
professions and home-making came in last.
University of Washington came out strong in
a campus poll for open library on Sundays. Thus
far they have not succeeded in their fight for a
better education.
Beauty was selected by popular approval at the
Oklahoma A. A- M. college. Carnegie Tech used
the ballot to sound out a spring carnival. Montana
wants to know how much a college education costs
its students.
“Should beer be sold on the campus?” The Var
sity, University of Toronto paper, asked its readers
via the ballot.
How many students think this and how many
students think that, on various topics is a popular
thought on many campuses. Some of the polls
conducted can do good to the college. Others suc
ceed only in convincing "blue noses” about the na
tion that college is a place every bit as bad as they
picture it, basing these pictures on what they read
in the big black headlines which often as not read,
“Professor Shoots Co-ed Lover," or "College Women
Smoke Heavily.”
Battle of the R. O. T. C.
* I 'HE battle is on. With "patriotic” organizations
arguing for military training in college and
"patriotic" pacifists waging vehement war against
H. O. T. C. units in college and high school there
will be no peace on the soap box or printing press.
And all because congress is considering an ap
propriation bill which would provide $4,000,000 for
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps and additional j
funds for 55 Class C schools for 1831. The 1930
figure was $2,607,917.
Military training is compulsory in 159 colleges
and elective in 69 institutions, with 129,958 college
men taking basic military, 73,352 in advanced
courses, and 13,372 in high schools in junior R. O.
T. C. work.
Because of this boost of nearly a million and a
half dollars for military training in schools and
colleges, peace forces over the nation are launching
a counter-attack to stop the appropriation bill.
Passage of the bill would seem to indicate that
the United States regarded the Kellogg peace pact
lightly. Undoubtedly those men who make war
their business are behind the move to expand mili
tary training. They ridicule the peace-makers and
point to history as proof that war cannot be pre
vented by pieces of paper or unpreparedness.
Pacifists arc at a disadvantage. Their goal is a
difficult one because they would educate humanity
against fighting and fighting in some form or other
has been with us since the first family.
Young girls are being employed as “recruiters”
to bring back the romance to military service which
was damaged by the experience of that generation
which saw the mud of the trenches in the World
war. They add a little color and appeal to a grim
On the college and the university campus the
average R. O. T. C. private or corporal is spending
his time worrying about the $20 uniforms he will
get if the bill passes and the officer of the new $40
ones. He does not think much beyond his college
campus. World consequences of militarism mean
little to him. He is the unwitting tool of greater
forces behind military training. Little he knows
where all this is leading. Does anyone?
NOTE of cynicism has crept into the cautious
*- praise of the proposed revisions for the Uni
versity grade list, that note finding utterance in a
group supposed to be especially benefited by the
The dormitories are looking a little askance at
the whole method of determining whether a pledge’s
points shall count for his fraternity or for the hall
in which he lives. Winter term brought the prob
lem home when 70- and 80-point men were pledged
with scant days or even hours to get their names
on the fraternity grade sheets.
No More Absurd
The dormitories are making a rapid climb on
the University ladder, so they feel the hurt still
more when someone takes their rounds away. When
they see that fraternities and sororities can declare
members active or inactive at will, can appropriate
a whole term’s points by a last-minute pledging,
perhaps they are justified in feeling hurt and cyni
To balance the whole thing up, dormitories
might be allowed to determine whether or not they
would retain the last-minute pledge's points or
give them to the house. That’s no more absurd.
Co-eds get good marks by personal attraction
and bluffing rather than by studying, said Dr.
Laird, Colgate professor, recently. And if they
aren’t good-looking they try to impress their intel
lectuality upon the professors. If they don’t use
S. A. they use I. Q. What, chance has a poor
M. A. N.?
"Editor Derides Feminine Food" — headline.
Wonder what he'd say about a meal prepared by
the four men on the Emerald editorial staff? They
cook up all sorts of things and occasionally make
hash of them.
A Holiness league has been organized at Ohio
State and has declared war on smoking, evolution,
and dancing. Thirty years ago such a league might
have done some good.
The trouble with co-eds is that they try to play
too many men at once, say Nebraska men. That's
what all football coaches would like to be able to
do, too.
Editorial Shavings
Pi.—.——..— -------„_dj
Two debaters scaled tlie walls of Troy last week.
Talk is cheap, however. Our kingdom for a wooden
horse full of football players. U. C. L. A. Bruin.
» * *
We have ptarmigan around here. Also pturtles
and pturkeys. McGill Daily.
» * *
One of the girls in the journalism department
says she gets all her inspirations when she is in
hot water. University Daily Kansan.
* * *
FACES HURDLES” headline. Soon they'll be
taking a broad jump to the poll vault. Indiana
Daily Student.
“The excuse for maintaining spring terms at col
lege is at hand,” remarks an eastern columnist.
“It's time for spring football practice.” Indiana
Daily Student.
,5a 11 '* “ " " ■“—"—**—u—■*—*•——■*——■’—■*—
Pi.—■■ .—. ..—«...... - 1 „_iH
(Ohio State Lantern)
Plans for the election of a queen for the Junior
Prom at the University of Kansas have been
dropped by the committee following the unanimous
request of women students on that campus. I11
voting against the proposed move to elect a queen
for the annual event, the women declared that the
contest would "cheapen the women of the campus
and lower the tone of the campus.”
Campus queens at the University of Kansas are
practically unheard of. The election of a queen for
the prom was to have been an innovation and was
instigated to follow out plans used by other large
universities in the country.
The practice followed by Ohio State is decidedly
different. Sharply in contrast with Kansas, this
university has too many queens. A campus event
cannot be promoted here without a queen. Some
are elected by campus vote and others named by
chairmen and class presidents. One campus hon
orary names as many queens as it has members
at its social functions. A co-ed here can hardly
hope to realize popularity unless she has been a
queen at some time in her college career.
WANTED—Several brilliant,
handsome, clever, forceful,
1 graphic, daring, interesting,
smart, sophisticated young ge
niuses who are willing to work
and slave to make this column
good enough to he fed to the
most illustrious of Emerald
readers. Look for the announce
ment elsewhere in this paper as
| to how to become one of the
Seven Seers.
* * *
The first qualification for hu
morists, is unlimited brains; that
Is, I. Q. Realizing their potency
in this respect, the members of
the Oreganized Dementia staff de
cided that they need no longer
confine themselves to writing
deep, serious, philosophical stuff,
but could begin to look about for
the greener and more profitable
fields in which to stick their blunt
pens, and accordingly hit upon the
idea that a column like Seven
Seers would be just their dish.
* * #
Of primary consideration in
tile change from Oreganized De
mentia to Seven Seers was the
fact that University officials
have been complaining loudly
that campus dictionaries .have
been badly worn by Dementia
Theodoor Coma is pretty sore
over the change. He says he's got
a notion to quit writing for the
Emerald. He has been thinking
for some time of writing a ten
part serial for the Oregana.
* * *
No matter what The odoor
thinks, it doesn't go anyway. He’s
dumb. If he wants to keep on be
ing serious about his University
education he can, but he'll have
to step aside and let those who
are so inclined make believe they j
can say something funny if they i
want to.
So long, Dementia darling, it i
won’t lie long before we can see
you sc down at do bottom of do
slough wit a sack of rocks tied
arouu our own necks.
—I. C. B.
Vesper Program
To Feature Men
Phi Mu Alpha Will Offer
Numbers Sunday
The novelty of a vespers pro
gram given entirely by men mu !
sicians is in store for the April G
Sunday afternoon audience when i
members of Phi Mu Alpha, nation
al honorary musical fraternity,
will take charge.
Roy Ford is general chairman, j
according to George Barron,
president, who has announced the
following participants in the pro
gram: Malcolm Medler, organist;
Kenneth Roduner, tenor; Robert
Gould, pianist; George Kotchik
and Laurence Fischer, violinists;
Harold Ayres, pianist; John Mc
Mullen, vocal soloist, and George
Barron, organist.
The program will be given at
the music auditorium at 4 o’clock.
Spencer Talks to Five
Portland High Schools
Professor Carlton E. Spencer of
the law school, is returning today
from Portland, where he has spent
the past week in giving talks to
Portland high schools. He spoke at
the Catlin school, Roosevelt,
Washington, and Lincoln high
schools and Hill Military academy
this week.
Professor Spencer will continue
his talks in Portland next week.
During his absence his class in
law of the press has been conduct
ed by Dean Charles E. Carpenter
of the law school, and Wayne L.
Morse, professor in the law school.
His class in law of business organ
ization and property in the school
of business administration is being
conducted by Professor Charles G.
PIANO JAZZ—Popular songs Im
mediately; beginners or ad
vanced; twelve-lesson course
Waterman System. Leonard J
Edgerton. manager. Call Stu
dio 1672-W over Laraway’s Mu
sic Store, 972 Willamette St. tf
Announces a a
on @
by fe
Judge Samuel W. Greene, C.S.B.
of Chicago, Illinois j|
Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother a
Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, £
in Boston, Mass.
Friday, April 4, 1930, at 8 p. m.
The Public is Cordially Invited to Attend
Lee-Duke’s Campus Band
Friday and Saturday
Phone 549 for Reservations
I’hi Theta L'psilon—meets Sunday
at 7.
Prose and Poetry group—will meet
at 3 o'clock today at the Zeta Tau
Alpha house.
Meeting of all \V. A. A. house rep
resentatives—at 5 o’clock in room
121, Gerlinger hall. Those unable
to attend will please send substi
Committee chairmen for April
Frolic—meet with Joan Patterson
today at 4:30 at 1370 Emerald
Ralph C. Hoeher—assistant profes
sor of English, has been called to
Portland by the death of a near
relative, and will not meet any of
his classes today.
! Mythology group of Philomelete—
I will meet Sunday at 5 o'clock at
the Westminster house.
Sigma Pi Tau announces the
pledging of Dean Wentworth of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon announces
I the pledging of George Bauman of
La Grande.
Bachelordon announces the
pledging of Koy Whiteside of Port
land, Oregon.
Gamma Phi of Alpha Tau
Omega announces the pledging of
Paul Maull and Charles Brasewell,
both of Long Beach, California.
Kappa Delta announces the
t pledging of Helen Elliot of Asto
ria, Edna Preifcott of Salem, Verle
Ramm of La Grande, and Lucile
Germond of Roseburg.
Bachelordon announces the
pledging of Chester Anderson of
---.- ■ - ■ ■■
Next Sunday
11:00 A. M.
First Congregational Church
Clay E. Palmer, Minister
of the
Eugene Music Shop
1038 Willamette Street
Of Every Music Instrument— Piano — Office Equipment —
Showcases—Fixtures—And Other Merchandise.
EVERYTHING MUST GO. No single item through this store
will be spared in this Forced Creditor’s Sale. As time is all
important . . . this merchandise has been marked so low that
IT WILL BE CLEARED AT ONCE. Here is your one great
opportunity to Save.
Here Are a Few Value
$1 and $1.50 Player Piano Rolls ....
$16 Piano Benches, some slightly used
10 for $1.00
75c and $1 Phonograph Records.10 for $1.00
$25 to $70 Banjo Outfits, Complete.$4.75 to $19.25
Boy’s and Girl’s Violin Outfits . .$4.75 to $12.50
25c to 60c Popular Sheet Music.6 for 25c
Meister Mahogany Case Used Piano.$110.00
SI69 Sentinel Screen Grid Radio, Complete.$92.50
$165 Gilfiilan All-Electric Console, Sample.$87.50
Used Phonographs, $150 to $250 When New. . ,$7.50 to $15
$700 Guibranscn Player Piano, now only.$395.00
1 Only New Edison All-Electric Combination Talking Ma
chine and Radio Discount.$100.00
LIOS—Special Inducement to Teachers.70^ off
Eugene Music Shop
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