Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 1930, Image 4

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University of Oregon, Eugene
Arthur L Schoenl .-. Editor
William H. Hammond . Business Manager
Vinton Hall . Managing Editor
Ron Hubbs, Ruth Newman, Rex Tussing, Wilfred Brown
Nancy Taylor ...-... Secretary
Mary Klemm .. Assistant Managing Editor
Harry Van Dine ... Sporta^Editor
GENERAL NEWS STAFF: Dave Wilson, Belly Anne Macduff,
Hennettu Steinke, Robert Allen, Henry Lumpee. Elisabeth
Painton. Thornton Gale, Lavina Hicks, Jane Archibald. Hath
ryn Feldman, Barbara Conly, Jack Bellinger, Rufus Kimball,
Thornton Shaw, Bob Guild. Betty Harcombe, Anne Brickuell,
Carol Werschkul, Thelma Nelson, Lois Nelson, Evelyn Shaner,
Sterling Green. _
SPORTS WRITERS: Jack Burke, assistant editor: Ralph Yer
nen, Edgar Goodnaugh. Beth Salway, Brad Harrisor., Phil
Cogswell, and Lucille Chapin.
Day Editor .Barnej Miller
Gen. Assignment . Eleanor Jane Bailantyne
Night Editor .Beatrice Bennett
Helen Jones Helen Rankin Alien Spalding
J'nyllis van Kimmeii .-.
Myron Griffin .~.
Victor Kaufman .-.•■•••• *
Ralph David . Chief Night Editor
Claience Craw . Makeup Editor
Qr.jTKt Weber, Jr. ... Aaaoclate Manager
Tony Peterson . Advertising Manager
Jock Grew . Assistant Advertising Manager
Addison Brockman . Foreign Advertising Manager
Jean Patrick .... Manager Copy Department
Larry Jackson . Circulation Manager
Betty Hagen . Women's Specialty Advertising
Ina Tremblay . Assistant Advertising Manager
Betty Carpenter . Assistant Copy Manager
Edwin Pubols .Statistical Department
Dot Anne Warnick . Executive Secretary
Katherine Laughrige .Professional Division
Shopping Column . Betty Hagen. Nan Crary
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS: Ned Mars, Bernadina Carrico,
Helen Sullivan, Fred Reid. _
ADVERTISING SOLICITORS: Lprry Bay, Harold Short, Auton
Bush, Ina Tremblay.
Production Assistant . Vincent Mutton
Office Assistants . Ruth Covington, Nancy Taylor
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Aaso
ciated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily
except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of
the Pacific intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at
Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates,
$2.50 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Pbona, Man
ager: Office. 1H05 : residence, 127. _
Professorial Publicity
COLLEGES today are to a considerable extent—
to use a homely phrase—hiding their lights
under a bushel. Extensive researches are carried
on wjthin laboratory walls. The results are pub
lished in scientific treatises, couched in scientific
terms. None but a scientist can understand what
they mean or derive any benefit from these exten
sive studies.
Newspapers represent a contact medium be
tween the research specialist and the farmer or
business man, to whom graphs and tabulations
mean little. The reporter acts as a translator.
Occasionally he errs. Then the wrath of the pro
fessors descends upon the Fourth Estate.
Many a professor feels delighted if a student
shows he has absorbed 95 per cent of what the
professor said in his lecture, but the same professor
is irritated when a reporter makes an error of 6
per cent.
Newspaper workers are human. They are will
ing to be told they are wrong if they are told
courteously, and they are likely to show the same
reactions as other people if told in words of anger.
Closer contact between educators and newspaper
workers would reduce this distrust and fear.
In an educational institution every member of
the faculty and the staff should be allowed com
plete free speech, with the understanding that no
person could speak for the college, but merely for
himself. Under a system of co-operation between
professor and reporter, significant facts of value
to the world outside could be conveyed to those
people who can benefit most from research find
ings, but who are unable to get these findings in
a digestible form.
Newspapers occasionally make errors, just as
do professors. The old joke that a doctor buries
his mistakes, while a newspaper publishes its might
well be borne in mind. Understanding of the good
purposes of both professions will go a long way
toward rendering the results of scientific and edu
cational research of value beyond the narrow Con
fines of collegiate circles.
Football Schedules
TT TITH Dr. Clarence Spears, Oregon’s new foot
* * ball mentor, hard at work with something
over eighty proteges in preparation for the 1930
season, with an imposing array of veterans from
the strong 1929 team, and with an almost equally
imposing array of prospects coming up from last
year’s frosh squad, the campus is looking forward
to one of the greatest teams in the history of the
A look at the schedule, however, will convince
the casual observer that the chances of Oregon
making much of an impression on the country at
large are slight. Oregon takes on four conference
teams, two of them usually of a mediocre calibre,
Willamette and Pacific in the usual pre-season con
tests, the strong St. Mary’s college aggregation in
a post-season conflict, and Drake university, a
third-rate institution of Des Moines, Iowa.
What is needed to bring Oregon into the lime
light next year is an intersectional contest with
some fairly strong or representative team of the
Midwest or Past. It is needless to recall the pres
tige which Oregon State gained in her game with
New York in 1928. Next year Oregon has the
coach, she has the makings of one of the strongest
teams in the country, and she has a light confer
ence schedule that would permit at least one more
Intersectional game. All that is needed now is the
Dutch Treats
VITHETHER co-eds should pay their own way
* ” when out on dates with college men has
proved an enlightening and cheerful topic for de
bates at several eastern colleges the past few days.
And after all has been said and done it resolves
down to a question of whether there is to be full
equality of sexes or only partial.
Say the proponents of the idea that women
should do their share of the paying:
“Women can afford to pay just as well as men."
“Under the man-pay system the women have to
wait till their boy friends can afford to take them
out. She cannot offer to stand the expense of an
entertainment which both would like to see, but
Is prevented from attending by the man’s lack
of funds.”
Arguments on the other side include:
“The Dutch treat idea would pull the fair sex
down to man’s level and in so doing man would
lose one of his highest ideals.”
"Equality of sexes should not be carried too far.
Americans are now on the verge of running amuck
on that subject.”
“Woman would lose her respect for man and
the entire social structure will suffer.”
Regardless of the outcome of the eastern de
bates on the subject, at least the question is prov
ing a popular one. We have heard of a few in
stances where college women have footed the bills
for a “large” evening, but so far, according to
reports, co-eds are spending considerable more talk
on the subject than money. Just what damage
would result from pulling the fair sex “down to
man’s level” is problematic—assuming, of course,
that the pull would be “down.”
Illiteracy is a help to longevity, a study of old
men made recently seemed to show. The less edu
cated the human being, the longer he is likely to
live, was the claim made. That’s because he doesn’t
come to college pnd learn ways of getting himself
killed off, such as jazz dancing, rooting for the
wrong team, or making breaks at the dinner table.
Whenever you are tired and feel the need of
complete relaxation, turn on your radio and take
a good jazz bath, is the advice of an eastern mu
sician. If the jazz is good you won’t be able to
hold still and then where would your relaxation
enter in?
Fifty students turned out for the ping-pong
tournament at the University of Chicago. It was
sponsored by the co-op there, which also put on
a yo-yo turney recently. The Carnegie foundation
should be on the alert for proselyting at Chicago.
The average lumberjack eats soup in such a
manner that the auditory range is nine feet, a re
cent research shows. If that’s true, some college
men we know should make world’s champion lum
A battle royal ensued when Calvin Coolidge
threw away a cigar stub down at Los Angeles re
cently and a woman finally got it. If that was
a cigarette we might understand her eagerness.
Put a little sex appeal in the kitchen stove if
you want to get women out in the kitchen again,
Samuel Insull said the other day. Sounds easy,
but how?
A man in the East got a divorce in three min
utes. Bet his courtship wasn’t much longer than
r‘ M " " ' T 1 "- - - ■»
Oreganized Dementia
- ..... .1?
Time: 1 A.* M.
Place: Sorority sleeping porch.
Freslimnn Co-ed—What’s that awful noise?
(There is no reply.)
Freshman Co-ed—(much louder)—Wake up,
somebody! Tell me what that terrible racket is.
Sleepy Sister—Hush up. You’ll have to get used
to them.
Freshman Co-ed—But what is it?
S. Sister—just a serenade. Now go to sleep.
* * *
Theodore Coma, Dementia’s talented poet and
I man of letters, has turned his attention to the
"stream of consciousness” writing.
‘‘If James Joyce can write a book so highly
esteemed and valuable that they keep it in a vault
at the University library then I think I am capa
ble of writing one which at least will have a special
library built for it,” he stated modestly yesterday
The following is a choice bit by Mr. Coma:
dont ask me what for
when i get to that sociology class the prof will
probably spring a question on race conflict now
let me see what do i know about i wonder where
i saw that girl before walks ktnda funny but not
bad maybe she's that one oh yes race conflict
now then free competition between races i ought
to write that term paper on foreign trade there
goes the bell late again pete smith will probably
hook my seat by that good looking woman
Ike—Did you go to the dime crawl last night?
Bill No, my roommate didn’t think I ought to.
1. How could he keep you from going if you
wanted to?
B.—He wouldn't loan me a dime.
A pun has been described as the
lowest form of wit; and if this
definition is true, or even approxi
mately correct, the brand of hu
mor at McGill must be of a par
ticularly bad quality, for our stu
dent body boasts a number of
punsters who have a remarkable
knack for turning the phrase.
The pun for some unknown rea
son has sunk in the general opin
ion as well as in the estimation
of critics. “You may spit on your
hostesses’s carpet,” said a well
known English instructor, “and
you may get away with it, but
give birth to a pun in the best
circles and you will be marked out
for social ostracism.” And this
holds true not only in the "be3t
circles” but also among students
gathered around the convivial
checker-board. A poor joke is
greeted with polite laughter but
the pun, what of it? It is re
ceived in a storm of groans and
if its originator is fool-hardy
enough to repeat the experiment
he will be summarily banished.
And to what are we to ascribe
the great modern movement away
from the pun? To jealousy—
nothing but sheer jealousy. Con
sider for a moment whom the
punsters are—the quick and nim
ble-wittcd. Consider the scoffers
the dull and the slow. There
you have the answer. Punning
has gone out of fashion along with
the versatile brain.
The originator of a joke has
time in which to prepare his ma
terial. We tan even imagine him
closeted in his study buried in the
research which is to end in the
bringing to light of a new joke.
But the pun is the work of an in
stant- a flash of fire from a
white-hot brain. May we long
continue to have punsters in our
midst and may the masses be
speedily brought to a realization
of their merits.
(Continued from Varje One)
the adventures of two negro mis
sionaries who set out to convert
cannibals in Africa. Marian Camp
and Eleanor Lewis take the lead
ing roles in this program, which
won the 20-inch silver trophy cup
offered by McMorran and Wash
burne for the best program given
by a women's organization.
A group of independent stu
dents, made up of Dalton Shinn,
John Conder, Herbert Doran,
Ralph Coie, Lewis Long, and
Harry Lamb, will go on the air at
8 o’clock with an original idea
called "The Seven Ages of Man,”
which was first given in the final
week of the initial contest series.
I’ll! Slgs to Repeat
Phi Sigma Kappa, one of the
first houses to be heard in the
series, will repeat its “Potpourri”
idea, directed by Lawrence Wag
ner. This program will feature
the well-known Phi Sig trio, com
posed of Vinton Hall, Lawrence
Wagner, and Jack Morrison, in a
number called “Three Borneo
The "Courtroom” idea, planned
and directed by Vernon Elliott,
will be the Sigma Chi offering.
In this humorous skit, William
Dashney will play the part of the
judge who passes sentence upon
sundry miscreants brought to the
bar of justice for disturbing the
peace. The program is liberally
sprinkled with vocal and instru
mental selections.
At 9:30 Kappa Sigma will take
the microphone with the “School
Days” idea, with Hal Hatton ana
"Slug” Palmer acting as the an
Braille Library Fund
Nearing Final Coal
With $107 already contributed,
the fund for the Braille library is
rapidly nearing the quota of $300,
it was announced yesterday by
Max Adams, executive secretary
of the University Y. M. C. A.,*
which is sponsoring the drive.
Letters have been written by
the Frosh Commission of the “Y”
to all service clubs of the state,
asking for small contributions to
the fund, and to editors of all
newspapers in the state asking for
editorial support.
A silver tea will be given March
21 by the Eugene Federation of
Women's organizations to aid the
fund. This tea will be held at
Westminster house. The federa
tion includes 18 women’s clubs of
the city, and Mrs. George P. Win
ched is president.
Faculty Members
To Judge Contesl
Finalists To Be Selected
From School Orators
Several members of Uie Univer
sity of Oregon faculty have beer
honored by being asked to judge
all manuscripts submitted from
Oregon high schools in the sev
enth annual Constitutional Orator
ical contest, according to Percj
M. Collier, extension division lec
turer and secretary of the Oregon
high school debating league.
The list of judges chosen from
the University faculty to pick the
Oregon district finalists from the
entering manuscripts which are
due to arrive at the Extension
division today has been an
nounced as follows:
Chairman, P. M. Collier, of the
Extension division; Dr. C. V.
Boyer, head of the English depart
ment; Prof. Hugh E. Rawson and
Charles G. Howard, of the school
of law; Prof. George S. Turnbull
and Dr. Ralph D. Casey, of the
school of journalism; and Dr,
Ralph C. Hoeber, head of the pub
lic speaking department.
These judges will choose the
eight best manuscripts out of each
of the eight districts ihto which
Oregon has been divided. District
winners will compete for the state
championship, and the state cham
pions for the zone championship.
The winners from each of the
seven zones into which the United
States has been divided will be
awarded a summer trip through
Europe, as well as competing for
the national championship. The
national champion will compete
with the champions of 26 nations
for the world championship.
A two-man debate team chosen
from the National Student Feder
ation of America recently made a
tour of Eastern Canada, meeting
several of the northern schools in
The Purdue university basket
ball team won the championship
of the Western conference when
they defeated Michigan 44 to 28
last Monday.
Student Affairs committee—meets
today. Among the things they
will talk about will be the frosh
green lids which are to be sold
by the Order of the O.
W. A. A. banquet—will be held
this evening in the men’s dormi
tory at 6:30 o’clock.
Amphibian and varsity — swim
ming practices will be held from
12 to 12:30 today, Friday, Satur
day, and Monday.
Y. W. C. A. Personality group—
will meet this evening at 8 o’clock
at the bungalow. Miss Troemel
will lead the discussion on per
sonality and plhy.
Crossroads — meeting tonight at
the usual place and time.
Freshman women debaters — are
required to attend the two varsity
women debates, Thursday and Fri
day nights of this week.
House representatives—for the In
ternational Pageant ticket sale
turn in their tickets and money
to Harriet Kibbee, at the Chi
Omega house right away!
Associated Women Students—Last
tea of the term will be held from
3 to 5 today in the sunroom of
the Gerlinger building.
Mother’s Week-end directorate—
picture for the Oregana will be
Take Advantage
of the
Oregon Electric
Low Week End
Details, Phone 140
Makes a lot of difference. When your
room begins to look drab and all “down
at the heel.” why not give it a going
over'’? A little paint and varnish will
change the appearance of any room and
make it a lot more livable. We have all
the materials you will need to fix it up
the way you would like to see it. And
then when something needs fixing in the
house, remember that we're here to serve
‘Those Yellow Trucks”
Lumber Company
Lumber—Shingles—Building Materials
669 HIGH PHONE 782
taken at 12 o’clock today in front
of the old library.
Frosh men’s squad---meeting at 7
tonight in room 2 of Friendly hall.
Albany teams will go through
their entire debate, giving rebut
tal speeches, for practice and
Oregon Alum Visiting
In Eugene This W eek
Mrs. Robert F. Boetticher, Ore
gon .graduate of the class of 1923,
is in Eugene this week, staying
with her sister, Dr. Ethel L. San
born, assistant professor of plant
She has been here since last Fri
day, having come down with her
husband, who stayed only for the
week-end. He is also an Oregon
alumnus, having graduated in
Mrs. Boetticher was formerly
Ruth Sanborn, and is a member of
Alpha Chi Omega. Her husband
belongs to Phi Delta Theta fra
Phi Kappa Psi announces the
pledging of Willard Boring, of
Boring, Oregon.
Get in
for the vacation and all
those good things that
mother makes by eating
some of our homemade
PIANO JAZZ—Popular songs Im
mediately; beginners or ad
vanced; twelve-lesson course.
Waterman System. Leonard J.
Edgerton, manager. Call Stu
dio 1C72-W over Laraway’s Mu
sic Store, 972 Willamette St. tf
LOST—Alpha Chi Omega pin Sun
day. Finder call 1307. Reward.
Six Braille Magazines
Received for Library
Six new Braille system maga
zines, the gift of the publishers pt
and others, were received at the
main library for the library's de
partment of books for the blind,
according to id. H. Douglass, libra
The magazines include: “Prog
ress,” “The Braille Packet,” “The
Literary Journal,” "The American
Review for the Blind,” “The
Braille Music Magazine,” and “The
Musical Review for the Blind."
Driving ?
Cars are a lot of en
joyment, but then they
require lots of time to
keep in proper run
ning shape. The Ore
gon Service Station is
a handy place to go
for all those little
things that a car is al
ways needing.
Service Station
! fa ----——.—i
Oriental Jelley
Made with Agar-Agar,# the vegetable
gelatin from the ocean. It’s deliciously
good . . . assorted flavors . . . choco
late-covered, too.
851 East 13th
1 A
Every Girl Wants
Something Unusual
You’ll he delighted with these clever lit
tle elephant bracelets and chokers . . .
in colors to*match any outfit. They’re
enticingly new, daintily made, and dif
ferent enough to pleas? the heart of any
Oriental Art Shop
Off Eugene Hotel Lobby
4« * >4»
Lee-Duke’s Campus Band
Friday and Saturday
Phone 549 for Reservations