Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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    Webfoot Splashers Plan Big Clash With O. S. C. Next Saturday
Oregon Swim
Team Trains
For Staters
Added Strength Brigliteiys
Prospects for Win
Next Saturday
Star Breast Swimmers
Return To Squad
Oregon’s swimming team will
be at its full strength when it in
vades Corvallis Saturday night to
meet the Staters. Two weeks ago
the Webfoots and Beavers tied at
42 all in a match here. The Ore
gon men are looking forward to
breaking the tie and winning
again as in the previous three
In the last meet Oregon did not
have a regular breast stroke man
able to compete. However, Ron
Lewis, letterman from last year,
is in training again and so is Paul
Lafferty, one of the stars from
last year’s frosh team. Steve
Fletcher is also out for this event.
Lafferty seems to have an edge
over the others and is expected to
take first in Saturday’s meet.
Prospects Good
An addition to the back stroke
ranks in the person of Fred Sears
has helped the outlook in that
event. Sears is a new man, not
in very good condition yet, but
is proving to be a fine understudy
to Bill McNabb. McNabb had to
swim the breast stroke race
against O. S. C. last time and this
disrupted the medley relay team
on which he is supposed to swim
back stroke.
Chuck Silverman who lowered
his own northwest record in the
440 last year has been bothered
very much this season with rheu
matism in his arm and shoulder.
He is in better condition now than
two weeks ago when he lost to
Fred Wadley, Oregon State’s star.
He may win Saturday.
Swimmers Practice
The swimmers, both varsity and
frosh, have been working very
hard for the O. S. C. meet. Prac
tice starts every afternoon about
4:30 and lasts till 6. Water polo
w4iich is great for developing en
durance, usually follows regular
practice. The varsity men beat
the Orangemen in this game last
time and1 are looking forward to
Art Building Locution '
Of ‘I At tlest Muscuni
The “Littlest Museum,” which
is located at the entrance to the
sculpture department of the archi
tecture’and allied arts building, is
nearing completion.
This museum has been con
structed at the instigation of
Richard W. Bock, professor of
sculpture. Students’ work and
prints and photographs of master
pieces are to be exhibited.
Only a few finishing touches re
main. Eugene Ports, freshman in !
art, is making a copper etching j
to be placed at the entrance of j
the museum. On it will be the i
words “The eternal impulse since
the world began is to fashion j
things, and this we call art.”
(Continued from r\i;/o One)
clubs battled, with the Activians
proving the more powerful. They
won the free-for-all by a score of
IS to
Two, of the mainstays of the
Rotary team were Warren lb
Smith, of the University faculty,
and ‘'Sheets" Manorial, former
athletic slur of the University of
The summary of the DeNeffe
Oregon game follows:
DeNeffc 140> FG FT PF
Milligan, f . 4 3 o,
Ridings, f . .7 5 3 i
Clark,’ c . .2 1 2
Wirth, g .2 t) o
Rotenbiug, g .3 0 2,
Bally, g ... 2 0 1 <
Oregon (43) FG
Keenan, f .... 3
Olinger, f .1
Kberhart, c . 3
Levoff, g. 1
Steven*, g . 4
Calkins, a . 1
Hughes, h . 2
Humor, s . 0
Ruben|tein, s . l
Fletcher, s . 2
Bell, a. . 0
pf ;
0 I
0 I
1 i
1 ’
Totals 18 7 .41
Refer-- iicCorniii i„.
Eighty Men Now Turning Or* for Grid Work
BELIEVE it or not Coach Doc Spears has eighty names listed on
his roster for spring football practice, bi . that seemingly large
number of football aspirants—large indeed for Oregon means little
to Doc, Last year, when he issued the ca!! for spring practice at
Minnesota, 120 men answered and they ^11 turned out regularly. The
eighty Webfoots would constitute a sizeable squad, too, but there are j
several of the men who are apparently affected with the tempera
mental attitude in other words, they do not turn out regularly.
Spring practice means little to a team unless the men prac
tice every clay—especially is this true this year with Coach Spears
striving to introduce an entirely new system. Of course, there
is not all the glory connected with the spring work that there is
with the big games in the regular season, but Spears’ doctrine
is that a man should play because he; likes the game more than
the personal glory attached. What we are dri\ing at is simply
this: the members of the Oregon football squad should be willing
to work hard, and regularly, this spring to enable Coach Spears
to turn out a powerful team next fall.
Over at Oregon State, Paul Schissler has over ninety men turning
out every night and they, too, are working hard. Of course they are
out to hand Doc a setback in his first year at Oregon, and inciden
tally to break the winning streak of the Webfoots over the Beavers.
Bill Simmons, sports editor of the Barometer, declares that we will
not recognize the Beaver line this year, as Schissler is concentrating
his attention to building a strong forward wall.
Intramural Events To Be Continued in Sitring
Intramural athletics at Oregon
are enjoying their most successful
year, and an even more intensive
program is being planned for
spring term. The first big event
on the list is the donut relay car
nival, but the big intramural base
ball league will also come in for
its share of attention. Handball
is the lone sport going on at pres
ent, but some great matches have
been played of late. This sport
seems to be increasing in popular
ity every year, and there is always
a large group of spectators on
hand for the matches.
* * *
Hill Hayward is hard at work
with the track men and he is
doing his best to get them in
shape, so that they will he able
to afford some interesting com
petition on Hayward field when
the doout runners get together.
Students wandering about the
Phi Delta Kappa
Elects Eight Men
Education Honorary Plans
Initiation for April 5
Eight new members were elect
ed to Phi Delta Kappa, national
education honorary for men, at a
meeting held last week.
Those tuken into the organiza
tion are: John DcWitt Davis, Ger
ald LeKoy Jensen. W. Mitchell
Jones, Paul Menegat, George
Sehlesser, Gilbert A. Sprague. S.
Leslie Godard, and James Man
Formal initiation of these pledg
es will take place April 5 at the
Craftsmen’s club.
J. A. Churchill, president of the
Southern Oregon Normal school
and an honorary member of Phi
Della Kappa, has been invited to
speak at the banquet that will fol
low. In connection with the in
itiation a musical is being planned
by Irving Mather.
Officers of the group are: presi
dent, Charles Easton Rothwell;
vice-president, Ralph W. Leighton:
recording secretary, Henry Mag
nuson; corresponding secretary,
flail M. Palletl; and historian,
Lulph U. Moore.
(Continued from Voye One)
bit. It's a darn good play,
though, so good that I might say
that whatever we do to it, it will
still be a darn good play.
•'Anil we have a good cast. The
French is going to be good, but I
really don't think the audience
should confine itself to French
students. These people will make
themselves understood. There's
Art. and Jewel Ellis, and Charles
Howell ... If that isn't enough
good actors, there’s Pat Howell,
and Madame Beall, and Dick Giv
ens. and Cornelia Pipes, and my
"Cut 1 don't think I’d meution
my name, if I were you," he said.
"I’m directing the play, too. and
1 think maybe you'd just better
say that ..."
Just then the bell rang, and as
Mr. Myers had a class, he turned
to go. But he turned around as
he left long enough to shout to
me. "Whatever you tell them,
though." he shouted back, "tell
them this is going to be a darn
good play ... I know my French
campus sec groups of ball
player* out working ihe kink* I
out of their amis around almost |
every living organization, and
the race for baseball honors i
promises to be hotly eontested j
this year. When these donut |
games start there are sure to be j
plenty of exciting plays take I
* * *
While nothing definite has yet j
been done about tennis, intramur- !
al matches will probably be held
during next term. Then, too,
there are plenty of golf enthusi
asts around the campus, and it.
would not be surprising to see
another tourney Held this year.
The one staged last year was not
bad for a starter. The dream of
the members of the physical edu
cation department, that every Ore
gon man would lie actively inter
ested in some sport, seems about
to be realized.
Change Majors Now
Is Registrar’s Advice
Only three students, who are in
tending to change their majors,
have followed the advice of the
registrar, Earl M. Pallett, and
visited his office to go through
the necessary procedure, it was
announced yesterday.
Last Saturday notice was given
that this must be done before noon i
of March 15. If the request is J
not followed there will be much
delay and confusion in registra- j
tion next term, the registrar!
warns. Only the rest of this week |
remains, so step on it, all you j
would-be major-changers!
I'reshman Suhs Heat
Senior Seconds 19-3
The freshman women second
team defeated tiie senior second
team in the only basketball game j
played last evening by the score
of 19-5. This week will complete
the schedule, the all-star team be
ing chosen at the end of the week,
and the game will be played early
next week. 1
r Brother JonathanSensational
Blanket Sheet, Rests In Library
A huge newspaper, three feet!
long and two feet in width, rests
in the vault at the main library.
Its contents, however, have all the
sensationalism of the modern tab
loid. The paper, “Brother Jona
than,” printed in New York in
1851 by the Wilson publishing com
pany, is of a size to fit laps be
fore reducing became popular.
The feature story is entitled
“The Career of a Country Girl in
New York, or the Temptations of
Town.” Two full pages of engrav
ings illustrate the text of this sad
| story. Some of the scenes in the
' heroine's downfall are: “The Ice
, Cream Saloon,” "The Flash Ball,”
| "Shame and Remorse,” “Betray
al,” “The Soup House,” and “Bur
A runner-up in popular interest
and also copiously illustrated with
appropriate pictures is: “The Serv-i
ing Girl's Dream of Love and
Track Team Will H
! Have Dual Meet in
April With O, S. C,
; Northwest Championship
Will Be Decided at
Washington Relay Races
; Attract Colleges
The track men of the varsity
team will get their first chance to
show what kind of records they
are able to hang up in competi
tion with rival major institutions,
when they line up against Oregon
j State in a dual relay meet at Hay
' ward field late in April.
The exact date is tentative. Ron
ald Robnett, assistant graduate
manager, is negotiating to have
I the meet shoved ahead to April 25,
j as the high school interscholastic
I track meet will be run off here on
the original date, April 26.
Carnival Important
The V/ashington relay carnival
will be the big thing in relay
[ meets, as most of the northwest
I colleges will send teams to com
pete for the title. Oregon's
j chances to cop it are not too
bright as Washington is doped to
take first place in running events
this year.
The two dual meets, with Wash
ington at Eugene and Oregon State
at Corvallis, should stir up the
fans. The maiii feature of the
Washington meet will probably be
the mile race between Rufus Rei
ser, of Washington, and Ralph
Hill, Webfoot streak. Last year
these two men put on a thrilling
race with Reiser nosing out Hill
at the finish. However, Hill is a
very careful athlete and is stead
ily improving. Already a top
notcher in the mile, he stands a
good chance of skimming close to
the records of the leading Ameri
can runners this season.
Moeller To Compete
The big shot of the schedule will
be the Northwest conference
championship meet at Pullman.
The Webfoots played host to the
visiting northwest teams in the
cinder battles last year, from
which the Huskies emerged with
the crown. Oregon’s array of
field men, including Ed Moeller,
Homer Dixon, Orville Bredthauer,
and Bob Robinson, may bring
Avoid That
future shadow (a slim
one) by strolling over for
some of our just wonder
ful food at
Spring Activities
Ki'jilly i •‘«iui»‘i- lots of lime, ami they're
lols of Inn. too. All those hikes, pienies.
drives and the like, are far too exoitintr
to be missed. Hut then, there is always
the question of keeping one's elothes in
• order . . . and it’s a plentx disturbing
thought, too. .Inst eail the New Servian
Latmdt'.X ; we'll see to it that your elothes
are always ready . no on and have your
•rood times.
New Service Laundry
Dry Cleanin;.
Steam Cleaning
Phone 825
a a..a..a a i
I B ■ I 8 a I B ■ :■ ■
home the bacon this year provid- |
ing Coach Bill Hayward can scrape
together some flashy sprint ma
terial. Good short distance run
ners are as scarce as whales in
the bathtub but Bill Hayward is
universally recognized as one of
the best track coaches in the
world, and if there is any rough
sprint material in school Bill will
discover it.
The Varsity Track Schedule
Oregon-O. S. C. relays—April
25 (tentative).
Washington relay carnival at
Seattle, May 3.
Oregon-U. of W. at Eugene,
May 17.
Oregon-O. S. C. at Corvallis,
May 24.
Northwest conference meet at
Pullman, May 30-31.
Remarque"s War Book
Most Popular at Libe 1
“All Quiet Along the Western.
Front-’ by Erich Maria Remarque '
is the most popular book that has |
been on the library shelves for ]
some time, according to Bernice!
Rise, circulation assistant.
Ever since its publication last
summer, there has been a steady i
demand for the book. The library
owns two copies, one on the rent
shelf and one for general circu
lation. "From ten to twelve peo
ple are always signed ahead for
both copies," said Miss Rise.
U. of O.
are invited to phone THE
RAILWAY for any in
formation about railroad
Lacrosse Teams
Picked by Coach
First aiul Second Squads
Only Ones Chosen
The lacrosse teams were chosen
last night by Janet Woodruff,
coach, and Mary Wilburn, head of
lacrosse. Only two teams, a first
and a second, were chosen from
all turning out for the sport.
Owing to hockey practice, lacrosse
was postponed and not so many
came out.
The first team is as follows:
Dorothy MacLean, center forward;
Frances Haberlach, right attack;
Ella Redkey, left attack; Thelma
Lund, second home; Jessie Puck
ett, first home; Orpha Ager, third '
home; Gladys Haberlach, right
defense; Kathryn Kjosness, left
defense; Mary Wilburn, third
man; Edna Dunbar, cover point;
Doris Payne, point; and Ruth
Jaynes, goal keeper.
The second team is: Eleanor
Forrest, center forward; Clare
Maertens, right attack; Mary Ag
nes Hunt, left attack; Virginia
Grone, second home; Vivian Coss,
first home; Lucille Murphy, third
home; Rose Smith, right defense;
Olga Sadilek, left defeflse; Flor
ence Woughter, third man; Vir
ginia Stanton, cover point; Mar
garet Fisher, point; and Billie
Biller, goal keeper.
Penn State college is having a
heck of a time with “Hell Week,”
so to speak. The daily paper runs
an honor roll of houses which have
abolished the practice, and so far
16 have added their names to the
Strengthen your
Defense Mechanism
a day
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The best defense is the attack. The best time
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For millions of people,every day,Coca-Cola
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