Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1930, Image 1

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* o 0 O • ,i.
Oregon: Winds, west,
Tuesday’s temperatures:
Maximum .64
Minimum .37
Stage of river .9
Oregon Hoop
Team Loses
DeNeffe Tilt
Cordon Ridings Loads Mon
To 29 to 43 Win
4 In Dull Frav
Game, Benefit of Foreign
Students, Draws Many
Displaying- real basketball only
in the closing minutes of the
game, the Oregon basketball team
was defeated last night, 49 to 43,
by the DeNeffe five, composed
mostly of ex-Oregon hoop stars.
, The Webfoot team was trailing
23 to 19 at half time, and soon
started an offensive that tied the
score at 34-all. Gordon Ridings,
t. however, soon sank a couple of
beauties that put his team in the
lead, where' they remained until
the final gun.
Hidings Mainstay
The mainstay of the DeNeffe
attack was the high point man of
the game, Ridings. He scored a
total of 19 points with seven field
goals and five free throws. Scott
Milligan, also of the winning
team, took second honors ‘ with
four field goals and three free
throws, totaling 11 points. Her
mit Stevens was high point man
for the Lemon and Green with
nine tallies, <
In the closing minutes of play
Oregon, led by Jean Eberhart and
Harold Olinger, staged a rally
which for a brief time threatened ;
the DeNeffe lead. Ridings, how
ever, sank the needed baskets and
the rally was cut short.
Webfoots Listless
, Eleven men saw action for the
* Oregon team, with Bill Keenan,
Hank Levoff, Hermit Stevens,
Jean Eberhart, and Cliff Horner
taking the lead in the offensive.
The play of the Webfoots in the
first half seemed weakened, as if
they were tired of the game.
This game is the last game to
be played this season and today
the Oregon team will turn in its
suits and take a well-earned rest.
The program at the Igloo last
night was under the sponsorship
of the local service clubs and was
held for the benefit of the Inter
national bouse. In the neighbor
hood of 500 people attended the
Activians Win
In between the halves of the
main event of the evening, picked
teams from the Active and Rotary
(Continued on Pape Two)
Extension Lists
Members From
* San Study Club
Tuberculosis Sanitarium
Enrolls Thirteen in
“We have numbers of unusual
people on our registers, but per
haps our moot unusual students
are the 13 members of the San
Study club,” said Miss Mozelle
Hail, head of the correspondence
department of the University ex
tension division.
The Sim Study club, according
to Miss Hair, is composed of a
constantly varying group of pa
tients in the state tuberculosis
sanitarium at Salem, who are re
cuperating from tuberculosis un
der the supervision of Dr. George
It is Dr. Bellinger’s idea that it
i aids his patients to recover their
health to occupy their minds with
some worth-while study. Accord
ingly, interested patients founded
the San Study club, the members
of which are enrolled students in
the University of Oregon corre
spondence division. Only the oth
er day Miss Hair received a letter
from the secretary of the club en
closing the names of five more pa
tient-students, increasing the roll
of active members to 13. There
have been 98 members of this
study club since it was founded a
number of years ago. The state
library furnishes the patients with
all needed books, and a number
4 of them have graduated from the
correspondence school.
Women Grads
Defeat Men In
Grade Averages
WOMEN graduates of the
’ University of Oregon, with
the class of 1929, won over the
male members of the class by
a margin of only one-tenth of
a point in the grade averages
for their four years of college
Data compiled by Dr. How
ard R. Taylor, director of the
personnel bureau, show that
the eo-eds made an average
rating of 2.7, as against 2.8 for
the men. These figures apply
only to students who com
pleted their course in four
years, having entered the Uni
I.1UJ ill 1 I'lVUt
The grand average for
students enrolled is a grade
June 25 Set as
Sailing Date for
Hawaiian Cruis
Summer Session Studenl
Will Leave Port at
v Vancouver, Is. C.
Courses at U. of Hawaii
Open to Oregonians
June 25 has been definitely set
as the date of the summer session
Hawaiian cruise, according to Al
fred Powers, dean of the extension
division. The group will be taken
to Vancouver, B. C., by special
traiii and will sail from that port
on the S. S. Niagara of the Can
adian Pacific line.
Because of the long stay on the
Islands, made possible by this
booking, students will be permit
ted to enter almost all courses in
the summer session of the Univer
sity of Hawaii, Dean Powers says.
The extension division is still
being deluged with inquiries con
cerning the Hawaiian and Alaskan
cruises. It has been found, to the
surprise of the division faculty,
that nearly 20 per cent of the re
turns from an announcement in
the Normal Instructor-Primary
Plans were children.
one would think, judging from
the number of juvenile inquiries
that the summer sessions office is
headquarters for the distribution
of Alaskan and Hawaiian pictures
to the geography students of the
entire United States,” stated Dean
Powers. A few said they wanted
pictures to illustrate their geog
raphy, but most of them betrayed
their youthfulness only by hand
writing and language. Two or
three envelopes were addressed to
the “Alfred Powers University,”
and many contained requests for
“two informations,” “a free book
lets,” “pictures of the nat’l park”
— and all had the additional warn
ing, “and send it in a hurry.”
One little boy in Furport, Wash
ington, wrote in an unusually
clear childish hand, according to
Miss Mary E. Kent, extension di
vision secretary: “Will you send
me this book. We have not many
books and would be glad if you
would send it. I am in a rural
school. I am in the fourth grade.
We would like to read it in school.”
Heads of Houses
To Act on Grades
Recommendations Will Be
Voted Upon Today
Heads of houses will act today
upon the recommendations made
recently by a joint committee
from inter-fraternity council and
heads of houses as to needed
changes in the system of figuring
the grade list of the living organ
izations on th$ campus.
At a meeting of inter-fraternity
council held last Thursday, that
group passed the recommenda
tions. With only one dissenting
vote. However, the question of
who was to make out the list of
active and inactive members and
pledges in each living organiza
tion was referred back to the com
Heads of houses will pass upon
the recommendations as they were
originally drawn up, it is report
ed. It is probable that the ques
tion raised by inter-fraternity will
be discussed further in today’s
Debate With
7:45 Tonight
Sloan, Miller To Uphold
Affirmative for Oregon
At Guild Hall
Corvallis Meet Will Be
Broadeast Over Radio
Station KOAC
In the first debate between the
two schools to be held in Eugene
for several years, Errol Sloan and
.obert Miller will represent the
mversity against tne uregon
ate college negative team, com
ised of Le Roy Swanson and
;rbert Ewing, at Guild hall at
15 this evening.
Eugene Laird and Arthur Pot
1 will debate with the affirma
; team from Oregon State at
vallis. . The' debate will be
idcast over KOAC at 7:45 this
ling. The O. S. C. team is
le up of Gordon Winks and
<juuen rusn.
■ Debaters I^tve Experience
All four of the Oregon debaters
are experienced. Both Laird and
Winks are seniors and are both
debate managers of their respec
tive schools. After the culmina
tion of four years of rivalry they
will be pitted together for the last
time. Although they have never
actually debatejl with each other,
they have done a great deal of
work together.
Both teams in this dual debate
will use the same question, “Re
solved: That world peace demands
the demobilization of all armed
forces except those needed for po
lice protection.”
Jenkins to Preside
Frank Jenkins, editor of the
Eugene Register, will preside as
chairman of the debate to be held
here this evening. Three men
have been asked to judge the de
bate. They are: Dr. G. B. Noble,
of Reed college; John F. Dobbs,
president of Pacific university;
and E. E. Schwarztrauber, head
of the history department at Lin
coln high in Portland and former
director of the labor college at
Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner
will act as chairman at the Cor
vallis debate, and the judges will
be Oscar Hay ter, Dallas lawyer;
Dean Frank M. Erickson, and Dr.
F. G. Franklin, both of Willam
ette university.
Many Oregonians
Enroll in Courses
Extension Division Serves
1532 Adult Citizens
According to figures received by
Miss Mozelle Hair, head of the
University correspondence divi
sion, Oregon holds a remarkably
high place among states which
lead in adult education. At pres
ent, one in every 589 persons is
taking a correspondence course.
Bulletins from the extension di
visions of Massachusetts and Min
nesota, two very progressive
states in this field, says Miss Hair,
show that Massachusetts during
1929 enrolled 4,676 correspondence
students, and Minnesota enrolled
1,944. In 1929 the University of
Oregon enrolled 1,532 correspond
ence students.
By a comparison of enrollments
according to population, Oregon
was far in advance, for Minnesota
had one person in every 1,400 en
rolled, knd Massachusetts only one
in every 917, to Oregon’s 589.
Miss Hair considers this quite
an accomplishment for the Uni
Herr Wolf von Dewall
To Lecture on League
Herr Wolfe von Dewall, editorial
writer for the Frankfurter Zeit
ung, will be on the campus Wed
nesday, March 12. He will lecture
at 8 o’clock in Villard hall on the
League of Nations.
The League of Nations associa
tion, 6 East 39th St., New York
City, is sending Mr. Dewall, and
the University is cooperating with
them in arranging for his lecture.
Women9s Honorary Presents
Excellent Recital Program
Phi Beta Holds Tuesday
Evening Music Hour;
7 Soloists Take Part
In an interesting variation to
the regular Tuesday evening mu
sic hour, sponsored by the school
of music, members of Phi Beta,
women’s national professional fra
ternity of music and dramatic art,
presented a recital program last
night at the auditorium. A fairly
large audience was warmly re
sponsive to the nicely balanced
program. There was a good var
iety of music and it was present
ed smoothly and capably.
Those who took part were Mrs.
Alvira Honey, Katherine Starr,
Estelle Johnson, Nelda Cooper, Ce
cile Coss, Mabel Kullander, and
Marguerite Spath.
George Hopkins, head of the
piano department, who is chair
man of the recital committee an
nounced a regular Tuesday music
hour for March 11 and said that, ,
because of the large number of '
individual student recitals to be j
given during the spring term the
hours will not be held during those
Palmer Arranges
Movie Broadcast
Program Tonight
Half-hour of Music From
KOBE Will Herald
Show’s Return
To interest students and towns
people in the first popular-priced
run in Eugene of “Ed’s Co-ed,”
the campus movie, starting Thurs
day at the Colonial, a special half
hour program will be broadcast
from KORE tonight at 8:30
o’clock, it was announced yester
day by Owen Palmer, in charge
of arrangements.
The movie broadcast will feat
ure campus talent in songs and
violin and piano numbers, Palmer
said. Five seperate offerings had
been scheduled late last night and
several other numbers were being
The well-known trio composed
of Maxine Glover, Marjorie Clark,
and “Slug” Palmer will be heard
in several songs during the half
hour air presentation. Larry
Fischer and George Kotchik, who
have been teamed together lately
on the air, will play violin duets.
Jack Rhine will be on hand with
up-to-date piano numbers, and
Marjorie Douglass, blues singer,
will offer a group of songs. Henry
Kaahea will sing popular numbers.
Palmer will announce the broad
Free-Lance Tourney
Enters Final Round
Double matches In the free
lance handball tourney entered
the final round of play Monday af
ternoon when Les Johnson and
Ted Jensen eliminated one of the
A. T. O. teams, although Bill
Whitely and Harvey Benson ran
roughshod over Warren Cress and
Jack Edlefsen to win 21-10, 21
Sing Harper and Marshall Hop
kins got off to a flying start
against the Jensen-Johnson com
bination, winning the first set
21-19, but wilted in the next two
and were smothered 21-7, 21-4.
Mr. Boardman,
Dean Landsbury
Will Give Recital
Dr. John J. Landsbury, pianist,
and Arthur Boardman, tenor, will
be heard in joint recital Thursday
night at 8 o'clock at the music
auditorium. Dr. Landsbury is
dean of the school of music, and
Mr. Boardman is head of the voice
department. Their program will
be announced in Thursday morn
ing's Emerald.
Oregon Students
Selected To Take
Test for Aviation
Nine Selected for Flight
Physical Exam Given
During Vacation
Nine University of Oregon stu
dents have been selected to take
the flight physical examination
preparatory to enrolling in the
marine ^orps reserve aviation
school at Seattle for the one
month preliminary course in fly
ing, it was revealed by Capt. L. B.
Steadman Jr., commanding offi
cer of the unit, in a letter received
yesterday by Hugh L. Biggs, dean
of men.
These men will be examined
during spring vacation by the
flight surgeon at the United States
army barracks at Vancouver,
Washington. Five of those pass
ing the test will be chosen for the
training school. Those who suc
ceed in passing the summer
course, numbering usually about
i half of those appointed will be
j sent to Pensacola, Florida, for
I eight months of advanced flight
training, to qualify them as second
lieutenants in the marine corps re
The following men have receiv
ed notice of their eligibility from
Captain Steadman: Francis Coad,
Charles Marlatte, G. L. Thomp
son, Richard Averill, Stewart Ral
ston, Frank Hall, James Baker,
Phil Smith, and Albert Wright.
Frosh Commissions
End for Winter Term
Because of the nearness of final
examinations, there will be no
more frosh commissions for the
rest of the winter term, Miss Dor
othy Thomas, Y, W. C. A. secre
tary, announced yesterday.
The groups will again meet at
the beginning of the spring term
and definite organization is now
being made by the new frosh of
ficers, who are: Lucille Kraus,
president; Jean Lenriard, vice
president; Eileen McIntyre, secre
tary; Nora Jean Stewart, treas
urer; Aimie Sten, sergeant-at
arms; Elizabeth Scruggs, project
chairman; Betty Jones, social; and
Clare Maertens, program.
Benefiel Convalescent
From Influenza Attack
Jack Benefiel, graduate mana
ger, who has been ill for several
weeks with a severe attack of in
fluenza, is now reported to be
convalescing. He is expected to
be back at his desk in the office
of the associated students, the
first of next week.
Lowdown on French Play
Disclosed by Cast’s Director
“Leopold, le Bien-aime,” the
the play to be presented Friday
and Saturday nights by the French
department, is rapidly rounding
into shape, according to Louis
Myers, who is directing it.
“At lea3t,” said Mr. Myers, "I
imagine I should say it is round
ing rapidly into shape. Isn’t that
the stock formula?” He wasn't
very serious. It developed that
he had just eaten a good meal,
and that Art Grey had finally
learned a whole sentence in
“You know,” said the director,
“either of those things is enough
to make me happy, but both of
them together is in the nature of
a deluge of good things. The
funny part of it all is," he went
on, "that Art doesn’t know any
French, and he has had to learn
his whole part from sound. And
don't think that isn’t hard.
“The rest of them," he went on,
"haven’t had the same trouble
that Art has. It’s hard to learn
French that’s not only good
French but intelligible from the
audience, and that’s what we’re
trying to do; but at least it isn’t
as hard as learning phonetic
“I don’t know just what this
bunch is going to do to Leopold,”
he said. "It’s a play I’ve wanted to
do ever since it was presented in
Paris, but I've always hesitated a
(Continued on Page Two)
Election For
Y.W. Officers |
Polls To Be Open Between
Hours of 9-5 o’Cloel*
At Bungalow
Helen Chaney, Lois Nelson
Nominees for Office
of Vice-president
Y. W. C. A. elections will take
place today between the hours of
9 and 5 o’clock at the Y. W. bun
galow. All girls who have signed
membership cards or pledged
themselves to Y. W. are eligible
to vote.
Mildred McGee, Junior in sociol
ogy, and Daphne Hughes, junior
in English, are the two candidates
running for president. Both nom
inees have had a great deal of ex
perience in Y. W. work.
Two Up for Vice-president
Helen Chaney and Lois Nelson
are the candidates for vice-presi
dent and nominees for secretary
are Jessie Judd and Lorena Wil
son. Marjorie Swafford and Elea
nor Wood are running for treas
Mildred McGee has shown a
gfeat deal of executive ability dur
ing the tim^ she has worked for
Y. W. She was chairman of the
World Fellowship committee,
chairman of the Bulgarian relief
committee, and finance campaign
captain. She was on the Inter
national week directorate and on
numerous other committees such
as social service and staff'dinners.
Daphne Hughes Active
Daphne Hughes was undergrad
uate representative of the Y. W.
during her freshman year, and
chairman of the 5 o’clocks this
past year. She was on the Sea
beck division as industrial repre
sentative. She is a member of
Kwama, sophomore women’s hon
orary on the campus, and Phi The
ta Upsilon, campus social service
honorary, as well as big sister
Helen Chaney, candidate for
vice-president, is secretary of Y.
W. this year and also a member
of Kwama, campus honorary for
sophomore women. She has been
big sister captain and served on
many committees such as world
fellowship and finance committee
of Y. W.
Activities Arc Many
Lois Nelson, also candidate for
vice-president, was frosh commis
sion president during her fresh
man year and is now a member of
Kwama. She served on the fi
nance drive of Y. W. and is very
active in journalism. She has re
cently been appointed chairman of
a new music cooperation commit
tee, designed to increase the in
terest of the Oregon student body
in mifsical events.
Oregon Knights
To Feast Tonight
Annual Banquet Will Be
Held at Anchorage
Members of the Oregon Knights,
service organization for sopho
more men on the campus, will
hold their annual banquet tonight
at the Anchorage at 6 o'clock,
Karl Greve, duke of the Knights,
stated last night.
The banquet will be in the na
ture of a final meeting and get
together for the term, Greve said.
Plans for the club’s work next
term will be discussed at the af
Gilman Ryder, freshman in
journalism, is in charge of ar
rangements for the banquet.
Oregon Exports Are
Subject of Booklet
Alfred L. Lomax and Theodore
Van Guider of the business admin
istration faculty have prepared a
booklet on “Oregon’s Exportable
Surplus" which is just off the
In t*s booklet they have point
ed out some facts concerning the
state’s food supply which are gen
erally unsuspected; for instance,
that cold storage eggs can be sold
as fresh eggs and that Oregon
butter does not come up to the
high standards of other states, i
Men and Dimes
To Rate Tonight
A.W.S. Sponsors Event;
Dinners Set Ahead
Once again there will be much
dancing and a great clinking of
coins when, shortly after 6:15
o’clock tonight, the winter term
Dime Crawl, Foreign Scholar ben
efit sponsored by A. W. S.( will
Dinners will be served at 5:30
at most residences, and immedi
ately afterward rugs will be rolled
up, phonographs will be turned on,
boxes will be placed In a handy
site, and the trek of the term will
begin. Florence McNemey, for
eign scholar chairman, has had
announcements made on the cam
pus and is urging all University
men to take part in the event.
Moving Finger
500-1 RATIO DEFEATED . . j
Nomination of candidates for
student office, other than on the
floor of the nominating assembly,
almost vanished from the range
of possibilities when nomination
procedure was discussed by the
constitutional revision committee.
Nomination by petition was made
almost prohibitive with thfe sug
gested requirement that 500 sig
natures be required before a can
didate’s name be placed on the
* * *
Whatever the purpose was for
so penalizing the late nominee,
that penalty was in the ratio of
500 to 1. One person may nom
inate another in the student as
sembly at the end of the year,
while, immediately after the
nominations are closed, 500
would be required. Five hun
dred names of persons who
would be willing to sign suclv
a petition would insure election.
• * *
Whatever the political science
professors may say about the case
of gaining signatures for petitions,
University students dislike to put
their names on paper. It may be
that foreign scholars, question
naires, tag days, dime crawls,
Oreganas, and all, mean money,
and that most of them require
signatures. This is almost certain
—those 500 names would mean
• * *
Although the 500-name pro
ponents are dissatisfied, or so
they seem since the matter was
revived after once having been
decided, the general committee
set on a much lower figure, 50.
They felt that there could be
no more abuse of the privilege
of nomination by petition than
by the present method of nom
ination from the floor.
* * •
Class elections will follow the
same general plan as the student
elections. Here the number re
quired will be 25. Either require
ment means more required than
the members of one organization,
yet both correct the faults of a
too early closing of nominations
by presidents, or the failure of
nominating speakers to appear.
Infirmary Population
• Gradually Increases
The infirmary was practically
empty over the week-end, but it
is gradually filling up again. At
present, there are nine under its
care. All patients are suffering
with colds.
Those now on the sick list are:
George Thompson, Norma Lyons,
Dorothy MacMillan, Verle Ramm,
Robert McClurg, Ruth Griffin,
Sherman Lockwood, Kenneth Ro
bie, and Orville Kingman.
Bossing Addresses
Portland Teachers
Dr. Nelson L. Bossing, associate
professor in education, was in
Portland yesterday, where he ad
dressed a meeting of the high
school teachers in that city on the
subject, "Training Pupils To Use
Their Leisure Time.” This gath
ering was held under the auspices
of the Portland High School
Teachers’ association at the pub
lic library.
Fry outs For
Chorus Parts
On Schedule
Virginia Moore Requests
Dancers To Report
In Villard Hall
Feminine Aspirants Plan
Meeting Today From
3 to 5:30
A loud, long call has been Issued
for steppers to take part in men’s
and women's choruses for the Jun
ior Vodvil with
Virginia Moore
m announcement
made Tuesday by
Virginia Moore,
iirector of danc
ing, who states
that tryouts will
oe held, for wom
n this afternoon
t Villard hall
*om 3 to 5:30.
Tomorrow af
ternoon between
the hours of 3
and 4 o’clock, womens tryouts
will be continued after elimina
tions. From 4 until 5:30 o’clpck
the men will be given an oppor
tunity to make a try for their
New Dancing Planned
Miss Moore states that she will
introduce something new in the
way of both group and feature
dancing, and plans for regular re
hearsals are quickly taking shape.
She also says that everyone will
have equal opportunity to earn a
place in the chorus, and urges
that everyone try out.
‘‘The tryouts will not be diffi
cult,” she assures. “It is not es
sential that one have had previous
experience in dancing.”.
Will Rehearse In VUIard
Most of the rehearsals will be
held in Vlllard hall this year, state
officials. Its nearness to the cam
pus facilitates ease of attendance.
It has been the aim of directors
to dispense with all night sessions
in drilling for the show, and af
ternoon rehearsals are said to be
an advancement in this respect.
Women Athletes
Will Be Awarded
O’s at Banquet
Naomi Moshberger Stars
With 1500 Points
In Sports
Naomi Moshberger will be
awarded a stripe at the W. A. A
banquet Thursday in the men’s
dormitory, for having won 1,500
points in sports during her col
lege career.
Seven women will be awarded
sweaters with large “O” 's on
them and membership in the
Women’s Order of the O at the
banquet. They are: Pauline Kid
well, Winifred Kaiser, Mary Wil
burn, Lucille Hill, Leone Swengle,
Grace Caldwell, and Edna Dunbar.
Nineteen women will receive
small “O" ’s for the earning of
500 points in sports. They are:
Orpha Ager, Betty Beam, Cather
ine Duer, Dorothy Dundore, Ruth
Dundore, Mildred Erickson, Mar
garet Fisher, Mary Agnes Hunt,
Virginia Hunter, Edna Kerns,
Kathryn Kjosness, Juanita Dem
mer, Thelma Lehman, Alta Ben
nett, Dena Lieuallen, Olga Sadilek,
Johnny Young, Gladys Gregory,
and Billie Biller.
Besides winning the points in
sports, they were voted on by the
W. A. A. council. Basis of the
vote was sportsmanship, leader
ship, cooperation, participation,
and personality.
Three New English
Courses Prepared
Professor S. Stephenson Smith
has prepared three new courses
for correspondence study: Twen
tieth Century Literature, Ameri
can Imaginative Literature, and
Play Reviewing.
The lattqr is a writing course
and deals with the preparation of
critical reviews of such modern
pjjpductions as moving pictures,
vaudeville, and jazz.