New Coach Starts Teaching Football Players Fundamentals y Spears Gives Football Men First Workout Largest Spring Turnout In History of School Begins Drill Backfield Men Receive Coach’s Attention With the largest boGy of men that has ever turned out for spring football practice, to work with, Dr. Clarence Spears, last night put the candidates through a stiff workout. A departure from the ordinary routine of setting-up exercises was indulged in with some of the fundamentals of backfield and line work being illustrated. Though the procedure at yes terday’s workout may not have been indicative of the type of elev en Spears will eventually turn out it looks as if a fast powerful elev en will result. The backfield men spent the afternoon going through pivoting maneuvers that would be the basis for innumerable plays should the coach so desire. The linemen under the particu lar supervision of Gene Shields and Prink Callison, worked on blocking tricks which Spears him self illustrated using Shields as his opposition, but for the majority of the workout the head coach was working with the backfield can didates. Many men who signed up at Monday's meeting were not out, Marsh Shields, Woodie A rcher, Brie Forsta, Jerry Gillie and Ed Moel ler being conspicuous by their ab sence which is, however, justified by injuries in most cases. Johnny Kitzmiller was out on the field watching what was going on but did not indulge in any of the actual work. He is slightly bothered by his ankle injury and it is considered best that he take care of it for a while. Practice will be continued with workouts scheduled for 4 o'clock. Even though the turnout is the largest on record here, a lot more men coidd be used. =^,'lllllllll!l!lllllll!|||||||||li!l!lll!l!!tl!llllillll'lll!,lllllllllli!lllllllllllinHll|||l!l||in!l!llllll!lli:" ' !ll"|i|!