Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 04, 1930, Image 1

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Oregon: Wind, southeast.
Monday’s temperatures:
Maximum . 48
Minimum . 36
| Stage of river .6.4
| Precipitation ..„ .07
Third Week
To Faee 'Air’
Alpha Upsilon, Alpha Tan
Omega Programs on
” Radio Tonight
KORE Honrs Necessitate
Thursday Time Change
To 7 to 8 o’Cloek
Alpha Upsilon and Alpha Tau
Omega will face the KORE micro
phone tonight in the opening pro
grams of the third week of com
petition in the Emerald-KORE
radio contest.
* Richard Averill, soloist and
program director for Alpha Upsi
lon, reports that he has assembled
a group of musicians v/ho will
^ make a strong bid for the beauti
ful Majestic radio which has been
offered by McMorran and Wash
burne as first prize for the con
Harper To Direct
Alpha Tau Omega, whose pre
sentation, organized and under the
direction of Ermin Harper, has
kept the nature of its program a
secret, which not to be divulged
until tonight.
Fred Norton, contest director,
yesterday announced that all
Thursday evening programs will
henceforth be held at 7 o’clock in
stead of 8 o’clock as in the last,
two weeks. This change was made
necessary by a nation wide hook
up of the Columbia Broadcasting
network which goes on the air
every Thursday night from 8 till
“It is important,” said Norton,
“that contestants appearing on
Thursday nights start on time and
have their programs well enough
rehearsed and regulated so that
they will not run over the time al
lotted, since the student programs
must absolutely be off the air by
8 o'clock.”
Smith To Lecture
On 6Jazzy Blues’
Class Open To Everyone
“Jazz”—a serious attempt to
deal with the business of this in
teresting type of music—will be
the subject of a lecture with illus
trations which S. Stephenson
Smith, assistant professor of Eng
lish, will give to his class in criti
cism, and to Mrs. Anne Beck’s
class in the “Field of Music”
Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock
in the music auditorium.
Smith will explain symphonic
jazz, and the “blues” music. Dem
onstrations of the characteristics
which he will criticize will be
given by some campus jazz-hound,
and Smith will also use the phono
k graph to play the symphony of
Gershwin, “An American inParis.”
The lecture is open to anyone
interested, and particularly to
those who feel energetic enough
to crawl out at 8 o’clock, accord
ing to Mr. Smith.
Queer Packet in Vault
* * * *
Forever Alivay’s ' Tale
Forever Alway's package still
lies in the vault at the main li
brary. It is a plain brown paper
parcel tied with grey twine. On
the cover of the package is writ
ten in pen: “Records of the route
of travel of Forever Alway from
July 20th to Febr. 25th, 1927. Four
seals of blue and white with a five
point star in the center sending
out white flashes, are pasted on
the paper covering. Around the
outer edge of each seal is printed:
“Alone to almighty God, servient
' Forever Alway.
A wandering botanist, few stu
dents on the campus will remem
ber him. He first appeared two
years ago with a pack on his back,
travel stained and dirty. Last
year he came through Eugene
again and impressed with the kind
treatment he had received here,
left his memoirs and specimens in
care of M. H. Douglass, librarian.
Some day he expects to begin
writing his adventures, then he
will send for his package. The
message may come from Asia or
South America. Perhaps the mes
sage may never come and the par
cel will go on collecting dust, un
til some one of the future will
j open the package to read some
^ thing of the life of Forever Alway.
Movimj Finger
Frosh paddling on the library
steps or no frosh paddling at all
could easily be determined by the
constitution revision committee.
Nor would there need to be any
special legislation on the matter.
If the new government is to be pa
ternalistic, its very nature will de
termine the agency for enforcing
Any executive agency of the
student government should be
provided for in the constitution.
At present the Order of the O
and the Oregon Knights have
taken upon themselves the ex
tra-legal executive authority of
enforcing past traditionss. It is
extra-legal because the consti
tution neither definitely gives
them the authority nor even
recognizes them as part of the
student government.
* * *
Since the Order of the O and
the Oregon Knights are thus non
existent, and since they undisputa
bly do hold themselves to be two
of the strongest arms of the stu
(Continued on Page Three)
Six Students To
Appear in Music
Program Tonight
Increasing Attendance
Shows Popularity of
Musical Programs
Vocal and Instrumental
Music on Tonight
Beethoven ‘‘rubs shoulders” with
the modern Russians in the pro
gram announced yesterday for to
night’s Tuesday Evening Music
hour, at the school of music audi
torium in which six students will
Increasingly large audiences at
the weekly music hours, which be
gin promptly at 7:15 o’clock, have
demonstrated their popularity this
Tonight's program, including vi
olin, voice and piano music, is re
garded as a pleasingly arranged
one. It follows:
In Questa Tomba Oscar .
. Beethoven
Ralph Coie
My Lovely Celia.Old English
To Stay at Home Is Best.
. Mednikoff
Elizabeth Gilstrap
Apassionata Sonata, First
Movement . Beethoven
Alice Holmback
Mazurka . Zarzycki
Martha Patterson
Melodie . Rachmaninoff
Waltz, op. 64, No. 3.Chopin
Carolyn Haberlach
Songs My Mother Taught Me. ..
. Dvorak
O’er the Steppe.Gretchaninoff
Lovely Spring .Coenen
Bernice Brown
Main Library Buys
l\eiv Art Periodical
“The Art Index,” a n^w H. W.
Wilson periodical, has just been
received by the main library. It
lists articles on art in over 55
magazines and in a supplementary
issue will list 71 more. This ser
vice is monthly and is particularly
valuable to students in art and
others who read articles on the
subject, according to M. H. Doug
lass, librarian.
Other tsuch magazine indexes
received by the library regularly
are: “The Reader’s Guide,” “In
dustrial Art Index,” “Educational
Index,” “The Agricultural Index,”
and “The International Index.”
Garten Feste Plans
W ill Be Made Tonight
A short discussion in German of
some current event will be the
main feature of the meeting of
the German club tonight in the
Y. W. C. A. bungalow.
Further plans for the Garden
Feste and a program for the Pag
eant of Nations to be given dur
ing International week will also
be discussed tonight.
All visitors are welcome, accord
ing to Diana Deininger, president.
Many Uphold
Proposal To
Change Plans
Bi" Game at Corvallis for
Webfoot Homecoming
Is Criticized
^ ic Oppose Separation
< Major Interest;
11 Opinions Differ
% * -
_ ^ lit and faculty opinion has
bi £ -red both for and against
th osed change in the Ore
goi % rf, iccoming system which
was ^ public last Friday by
stat from Tom Stoddard,
pres, e the student body, and
Jack ,v. Benefiel, graduate mana
The proposal to make the Ore
gon-Oregon State game the Home
coming attraction every year
whether played in Corvallis or Eu
gene, has found more friends than
opponents among the students,
but the members of the faculty
who were questioned on the prac
ticality of the change regarding
their stand seemed to be about
evenly divided.
Godfrey Upholds Plan
George H. Godfrey, director of
the Bureau of Public Relations:—
“If we want to have a real Home
coming every year, we must have
a big game for it. This plan ap
pears to me to be a real cure for
the spiritless Homecomings which
we witness here the years the
Oregon State game is played in
Jeannette Calkins, alumni sec
retary and editor of Old Oregon:
—I can’t see any possible good in
this plan. The great body of al
umni would drive from Portland
and other cities to Corvallis for
the game and return at once, with
out taking the trouble to visit the
Oregon campus. We always have
a capacity crowd for the Oregon
State game anyway, and merely
making it the Homecoming game
would not swell the gate receipts.
And it would not seem like Home
coming to the alumni. Homecom
ing would not be Homecoming to
them on the Oregon State cam
Suggestion Criticized
Harold Johnson, punior in busi
ness administration: “I am in fa
vor of the general idea, but it
seems to me as though it would be
rather hard on the alumni. And
wouldn’t it tend to lower the gate
receipts for the season? It cer
tainly couldn’t add much to the
Oregon State game receipts, and
would of course cut down the at
tendance of the game played in
Eugene which would ordinarily be
the Homecoming contest.”
Joe Freck, junior in business ad
ministration: “Why not? Stan
ford and California have been
working the same system for
years and they are further apart
than Eugene and Corvallis.”
Bobby Robinson, football star:
“I don’t think Homecoming would
be Homecoming unless the game
were here in Eugene.”
“Tony” Peterson, Emerald busi
ness staff: “I think that in this
day and age of speed, that it is
just the thing to do.’*
John Anderson, star swimmer:
“It’s a good idea; it would make
every Homecoming a financial
Brad Harrison, tenni3 star: “It
seems to rne that it is the only
thing to do.”
Bill Knox: “A great idea! I'm
all for it!”
Howe Will Have
Operation Soon
All Classes Have Been
Taken by Professors
Prof. H. C. Howe, of the Eng
lish department, has given up all
his classes for the rest of the term,
and perhaps for spring term, to
undergo a thyroid operation, it
was announced yesterday.
Professor Howe was bothered
with thyroid trouble five years
ago, and he recently has had a
recurrence of this illness. The date
of his operation has not been set,
as he is not well enough to stand
it at present.
Howe had classes in survey of
English literature, living writers,
English poetry, and Shelley. All
have been taken over by other
teachers in the English depart
ment except the poetry class,
which has not yet been arranged
And now comes the news that
serenades after midnight at Ne
braska university have been for
bidden by police.
For Producers of Finest Program
Here it is! Grand prize for the winning living organization in the
Emerald-KOKE contest which is now entering its third week. It is
the newest model 9-tube Majestic radio and is sponsored by McMorran
and YYashburne and radio station KOliK. To the winner of this will
also go a huge silver lov ing cup, donated l>y Paul I). Green’s store for
men. Buster Brown Shoe store is donating a silver cup of equal size
for the best program among women’s fraternities. Second and third
prizes are a bridge lamp and radio lamp, respectively.
Women Debaters *
Chosen To Stand
Against U. of W.
L. Hicks, B. Conoly Picked
To Represent U. of <).
Tomorrow Night
Lavina Hicks and Bernice Con
oly are the varsity women debat
ers chosen to meet the University
of Washington’s women team on
Wednesday night at 8 in 105 Com
merce. The question is Resolved:
That the modern diversion of
women from the home to business
and industrial occupations is a
detriment to society.
“There has been an attempt to
lighten up the debates on the Pa
cific coast and to make them more
humorous,” says Dr. Ralph C.
Hoeber, head of the public speak
ing department. Last Thursday
afternoon during a practice meet
ing S. Stephenson Smith, profes
sor of English, assisted the team
by giving a rebuttle. “Members
of the faculty have been very kind
in cooperating with me,” contin
ued Dr. Hoeber. Miss Smertenko,
professor of Greek and Latin, and
John H. Mueller, professor of soci
ology, also assisted the debaters.
Earl W. Wells, professor in pub
lic speaking at O. S. C., will be
the judge for the debate. He also
will judge the varsity men's de
bate as well as the Hawaii meet.
Women’s Teams
For Basketball
Now Organized
Seniors, Juniors, Sophs,
Pick Two Teams; Frosli
Choose Four
Organization of the women's
basketball teams was completed
Monday with the following selec
tions :
Senior 1st team: Marjorie Kel
ly, jumping center; Naomi Mosh
berger, side center; Eetty Sum
mers, forward; Dena Aim, for
ward; Betty Pennock, forward;
Leone Swengel, guard; Bettie
Fairchild, guard; Edna Dunbar,
Senior 2nd team: Myrtis Gorst,
jumping center; Margaret Fisher,
side center; Mally Kurtz, guard;
lone Garbe, guard; Betty Beam,
guard; Olga Sadislek, guard; Anne
Bricknell, forward; Helen Peters,
Juniors Organize
1 Junior 1st team: Lucille Hill,
jumping center; Dorothy Barthcl,
side center; Jessie Puckett, side
center; Fanny Vick Pierce, for
ward; Florence Woughter, for
ward; Edna Kerns, guard; Ruth
Johnson, guard.
Junior 2nd team. Ora Needham,
jiynping center; Orpha Ager, side
center; Alta Bennett, forward;
' Continued on 1‘tiQe Three)
Drought, Raids, Over-taxation
China’s Trouble, Says Blue
Between fifteen and twenty mil
lion people are dying of starva
tion in China, and the chief reason
is the military raids of the revo
lutionary forces, coupled with the
drought, over-taxation, and lack
of seed grain. This is the opinion
of Verne G. Blue, assistant pro
fessor of history, who traveled in
the Orient last summer on a Mur
ray Warner trailing fellowship.
The main famine regions are in
the north of China Shensu, Chi
hli, and Shansi, the sections which
are chiefly affected by the revo
lution which is now taking "place
in China. This is the agricultural
region of China which is naturally
subject to both floods and drought,
and the ravages of contending re
ligious factions, decrease in popu
lation from disease or war, and
the lack of seed grain, have
brought on the worst Chinese fam
ine in years.
“Undoubtedly there is some can
nibalism there, but no more than
there ever is in such a famine,”
says Mr. Blue.
“I believe that the Red Cross
isn’t even trying to do anything
to relieve the famine but it is a
problem too large for any organi
zation to handle adequately. It is
another complete, utter social dis
The other parts of China are
doing what they can to relieve the
trouble in northern China, accord
ing to Mr. Blue, but are hindered
by lack of adequate means of
transportation to so much of the
afflicted area.
“The stores of the famine re
gions are becoming so depleted
that even the armies are leaving,
so the worst ravages may be dis
continued and the problem may
solve itself. The danger of sup
plies being seized by rebels is one
of the things that has prevented
relief of the famine, but this fac
tor may be eliminated soon, if the
rebel armies leave,” states Mr.
Oregon Press
Meet is Slated
For Thursday
Plans Complete for Annual
News Conference on
Editor of Oregonian To Be
Among Convention
Newspapers in nearly 150 Ore
gon towns and cities are sending
representatives to the University
campus this week, as delegates to
the twelfth annual Oregon press
conference, which is to convene
here Thursday afternoon and hold
sessionss Thursday, Friday, and
The entire program for the
week-end is complete, it was an
nounced la3t night, and copies
will be off the press either today
or tomorrow.
Besides the Oregon journalists,
nine men from outside of the state
will make the trip to Eugene in
order to attend the conference.
Among these will be Dr. John
Henry Nash, widely known print
er of San Francisco, the chief
speaker on the 1930 program.
Other Speakers Named
Others are John D. Long and
Fred W. Kennedy, respective
field managers of the California
and Washington state editorial
associations; Marc N. Goodnow,
field manager for the University
of Southern California; Earl
Brownlee, editor of Western Pub
lisher; Ralph H. Heffe and Frank
H. Bartholomew, Pacific Division
managers respectively for the As
sociated Press and the United
Press; Walter P. ' Burn, Pacific
coast manager of the Bureau of
Advertising of the American News
paper Publishers association; and
M. C. Moore, a newspaper broker
of California.
Callvert To Talk
Leading the bill of speakers
along with Dr. Nash will be R. G.
Callvert, editor of the Portland
Oregonian, who is to read a paper
on “The Editorials in the Upstate
The other Portland papers will
be represented by Ralph J. Benja
min, editor of the News; Lester
Adams, managing editor of the
Telegram; and Simeon R. Winch,
business manager of the Oregon
At the annual welcoming ban
quet Friday evening in the Hotel
Osburn, Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall,
president of the University, and
Eric W. Allen, dean of the school
of journalism, are among those
scheduled to talk. Margaret
Clark, a senior student in the
school, will entertain the visitors
with a speech on “Girls in the
Spencer on Schedule
In the sessions of the confer
ence, Prof. Carlton E. Spencer, of
the University law school, will de
liver a lecture on “Law of the
Press.” Arne G. Rae, assistant
professor of journalism, is to give
a report before a meeting of the
Oregon State Editorial association,
for which he is field manager. The
association has scheduled a short
conclave for early Saturday morn
ing, in order to discuss problems
in management, auditing, and pub
licity which confront Oregon pub
lishers at the present time.
Tom Stoddard in Bed
By Doctor’s Orders
Acting upon the advice of Uni
versity physicians, Tom Stoddard,
president of the associated stu
dents, was confined to bed at his
fraternity house yesterday after
noon with a bad cold. His case is
not serious, and he is expected to
be out again within a couple of
During his absence from the ex
ecutive office he has turned the
control of student body affairs
over to Vice-president Dick Horn.
Ten Are Confined
In Infiramry Now
The infirmary had a full house
of thirteen patients over the
week-end, but several dismissals
and three additions now make a
total of ten.
Students now confined in the in
firmary are: Katherine Feldman,
Mable Ford, Clarence Hamilton,
Rice McHaley, Marian Musgrove, j
Lorenzo Matthews, Walter Adams,
Jack Hughes, Norwald Nelson,
and Frances Keen.
All the patients are afflicted
with colds.
Men Receive Badges
Official Installation
Faculty Club
To Give Dance
Frolic Tonight
'T'ONIGHT, between the hours of
* 7:30 and 10:30, faculty mera
bon will frolic at a dance given
by the University Faculty club at
the dub house at 14th and Emer
ald streets.
Dean David E. Favllle, who is
in charge of arrangements for the
affair, promises bridge for those
who do not care to dance, Paul
Jones’ for those who want to cir
culate around, and features for the
enjoyment of all. Unaffiliated
members are particularly urged to
A charge of 50 cents will be
made to defray the expenses of
the dance. Music will be by
George Weber.
--- i
Brad Harrison
To Be Neophyte
Of Order of O
President To Be Initiated
With Other Lettermen
Saturday Night
Skits Will Be Offered
Between Gome Halves
Bradshaw Harrison, acting in
the capacity of president of the
Order of the O, yesterday briefly
outlined the plans for the initia
tion of the lettermen for the com
ing Saturday, during which cere
mony he will act in the capacity
of a neophyte.
Harrison, the president, an
nounced that the initiation in
which Harrison, the neophyte, will
take part, will consist of attempts
at humor, portrayed through the
medium of skits.
It is the annual custom of the
order to hold its initiation during
the basketball games In the win
ter term and as Harrison won his
letter in tennis last spring, he has
yet to be initiated although he is
already installed in the highest of
fice of the order.
The list of those to be initiated
Football—Wally Shearer, Pat
Lucas, Charles Spear, Lloyd Sher
ril, George Christenson, Gilbert
French, Henry Heyden, Jack Erd
ley, Irvin Schultz, Ted Parks,
Walt Browne, A1 Browne, John
Londahl, William Anater, Harold
Hatton, Francis Hill, Ralph Bates,
Eric Forsta, and Marion Hall.
Swimming—Leonard Thompson,
Benny Lewis, and Donald Neer.
Golf—Don Moe,
Track — Harold Hildreth, and
Edmund Siegmund.
Tennis—Bradshaw Harrison.
Senior manager of sports—Rus
sell Baker.
Call for Track
Turnout Issued
Students Asked To Make
Arrangements Tomorrow
A call to varsity and freshman
track aspirants to turn out for
first training session came from
the office of Bill Hayward, veteran
Oregon track coach yesterday.
Hayward requests that all stu
dents planning to turn out for
track see him at McArthur court
sometime tomorrow and arrange
for equipment and training hours.
Those turning out for regular
practice will be excused from gym
and may arrange their track prac
tice periods for their former gym
K. D. Club Nominating
Committee Appointed
Affie Ragan was appointed chair
man of the activity committee at
a meeting of the K. B. club held
yesterday at the Anchorage. The
purpose of this committee is to
work out a project for the group,
whose only purpose at present is
friendship. Edna Dunbar was ap
pointed chairman of the nominat
ing committee.
The club is an organization of
University women who belong to
the Christian church, and is about
to be installed as a chapter of
Kappa Beta, a national group.
Daphne Hughes is president, and
Mrs. R. M. Day, advisor.
Hebrew Group
Delta Epsilon
Now Initiated
Chapter Known as Sigma
Tau; Ceremony Held
Last Saturday
Nathan Feldman, National
Officer, Here
Eleven men appeared on the
t:ampus Sunday with octagonal
shaped badges on their clothing
symbolic of the fact that they had
been initiated and installed as the
charter members of the University
of Oregon chapter of Sigma Alpha
Mu, national Hebrew fraternity.
The organization here is to be
known as the Sigma Tau chapter.
They were formally installed Sat
urday night, February 1.
Pledged November S
These men who were members
of Delta Epsilon, the local Hebrew
fraternity on the University cam
pus, were formally pledged as the
University of Oregon chapter of
the national organization on Sat
urday, November 3, 1929. The men
then went through a period of pro
bation, during which time their
petition for recognition was for
mally accepted at the national
convention held during the latter
part of December in Detroit.
Those who were formally initi
ated as active members of the na
tional organization are: Harry
Policar, Alex Tamkin, Jack Paige,
David H. Naimark, Sol Director,
Henry Levoff, Isaac Feves, Louis
Feves, Charles Silverman, David
Bloom, all of Portland, and Max
Rubinstein, of Eugene.
National Officer Here
Nathan Feldman, of Chicago, as
a member of the Octagon, the na
tional council of the fraternity,
acted as the chief installing offi
cer of the Oregon group Saturday
night. Others who aided in the
installation of the Sigma Tau
chapter are: Jack Friedman, pres
ident of the University of Wash
ington chapter; Ben Robinson,
University of Washington; Ed
Dobrin, who is the regional gov
ernor for the Pacific Coast prov
ince; Abe Glickman. and Milton
Zell, alumni members of the Uni
versity of Washington chapter.
An initiation banquet was held
at the local chapter house at 1860
Potter street on Saturday night.
Following the installation, the 11
charter members pledged the fol
lowing: Milton Gilbert, Sam Ro
tenberg, Calmon Margulies, Mor
ris Schnitzer, Cecil Cohn, all of
Portland; Harry and Albert Tuch,
of Hollywood, California.
Officers Elected
The charter members then elect
ed as their officers Alex Tamkin,
prior; Harry Policar, recorder, and
David H. Naimark, exchequer.
With the installation of the Ore
gon group, Sigma Alpha Mu added
the last link of its coast chain of
chapters. There are Sigma Alpha
Mu chapters at the University of
California, University of Washing
ton, University of California at
Los Angeles, and the University
of Utah.
Delta Epsilon, the organization
that was accepted by the national
group, was established on the Ore
gon campus in November, 1927,
with William Scheinbaum, who is
now studying at the George Wash
ington Law university, as the or
ganizer and first president. Before
initiation into the national organi
zation, the Oregon chapter was
awarded the Sigma Nu alumni
plaque for having the highest
scholastic average of any men’s
house on the University campus.
Webfoots To
Toss Ball With
Deneffe’s Quintet
rpHE University of Oregon var
*- sity basketball team will be
seen in action tonight at the Igloo
against DeNeffe’s Clothing five.
The DeNeffe aggregation, com
posed of former University stars,
has already lost two pre-season
contests to the Oregon hoopmen,
but the scores were close enough
to Indicate an Interesting game
The game will begin promptly
at 7 o’clock. Student body tick
ets will admit.