Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 01, 1930, Image 1

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Oregon: Wind, southeast.
Friday’s temperatures:
Maximum . 59
Minimum .-. 81
E Stage of river.5.0
j Precipitation .- .11
'Doc’ Spears
To Be Feted
Upon Arival
University, Students To
Hold Big Welcome on
^ February 22
Parade and Hally at Igloo -
On Parade W hen New
Coach Comes in
On February 22, student body
officers, administration officials,
Eugene civic organizations, stu
dents and the public at large will
participate in the official recep
tion program for Dr. Clarence
Wilce Spears who will that day ar
rive here to assume charge of the
spring football training program.
A committee headed by Tom
Stoddard was appointed yester
* day to take charge of the event.
The list includes: John F. Bovard,
dean of the school of physical edu
cation; John Anderson, executive
council member; Prof. Herbert C.
Howe, faculty member of the exec
utive council; Dr. Delbert C. Stan
nard, alumni representative to the
executive council; Virgil D. Earl,
director of athletics; James De
zendorf, junior representative on
the executive council; Jack Bene
fiel, graduate manager and Sam
Wilderman, publicity director of
the A. S. U. O.
Reception at Depot
Present plans include a recep
tion for the new coach at the de
pot where he will be met when he
arrives from Portland, and a street
parade to McArthur court where
a pep rally will be held.
At this rally the doctor will be
the principal speaker, with short
talks by President A. B. Hall and
Tom Stoddard also scheduled.
City To Cooperate
Eugene will cooperate in the
program, with the chamber of
commerce, service clubs and local
alumni taking a leading part in
the celebration. A committee in
charge of the city’s part of the
program will be appointed today.
In the evening of the day of the
arrival of the Minnesota man, a
banquet will be held under the
auspices of the downtown com
As soon as the new coach has
settled down he will tender an of
ficial reception to the football
team after which he will start on
the herculean task which con
fronts him, the building of an
eleven on an entirely new system.
O.S.C. Editor Visits
Campus on Thursday
Carl E. Totterf, editor of the
Oregon Daily Barometer, was a
visitor on the Oregon campus yes
terday. Totten, an alumnus of
four automobile accidents in the
last month, has purchased himself
a new car and denies all allega
tions that he is going out for the
all-time all-American car-wreck
ing team.
While here, he visited friends
in the journalism shack, but would
not put up any money on the Ore
gon State basketball team which
plays Oregon here tonight.
There is no good reason, an ar
gument runs, for having any class
officers at all. In the same sense,
there is no good reason for having
any organization other than the
student government. If the stu
dent administration with central
ized control cap better perform
the functions of classes, leagues,
and societies, it should surely be
given the power to do so.
Unless students study the
functions which the student ad
ministration might propose to
take over, they may easily fall
victim to error through not ap
plying the rule correctly. That
rule specifies that the student
administration must “better per
form the functions" of the or
ganizations. It would be well
to study the functions before
abolishing the classes.
* * *
Student centralized government
can better give dances, it is pro
posed, than can the individual
classes. Then a corollary follows,
class offices should be abolished
and control be placed in the hands
of either the president or of the
(Continued on Page Two)
Song Contest for
Campus Honors Is
Set for February
Consideration on Prizes
To Be Given Houses
Introducing Tune
Leader To Be Appointed
Soon, Says Hamaker
A campus-wide interfraternity
song contest in which additional
consideration will be given to the
K. Hamaker
singing of origi
nal Oregon songs
has been an
nounced by the
music committee
for the week of
February 24,
March 1, accord
in g to Kenton
Hamaker, chair
The contest is
sponsored nearly
every year and
two silver loving
cups are ■ offered to the leading
men’s and women’s organizations,
states Hamaker. Last year’s
prizes were won by Theta Chi and
Pi Beta Phi.
“Stimulating Interest in good
fraternal singing is the purpose
of such a contest and the judging
will be made from the selections
of numbers and the quality of
group singing,” declared the chair
man. “Announcement of the
schedule designating the time for
judging of each organization will
be made as soon as possible.”
Appointment of general chair
man for the contest will be an
nounced by the committee at the
beginning of next week.
Groundhog To Sleuth Shadow
Spring Foiled if Animal Shuns Light
“The shepherd would rather
see the wolf enter his stable on
February 2 than the sun,” says
the old legend, “and ditto,” echo
k Oregon students, for if the ground
hog comes out of his hole tomor
row, after his long sleep and sees
his shadow, tradition has it that it
is just too bad for an early spring.
If, however, the weather is cloudy
and he can not see his own reflec
tion then warm weather is not far
At this point there is a frantic
searching for the weather fore
cast, and we find that there is a
mighty good chance of it being
"cloudy with probable rains.”
The old superstitution of the
ground hog was brought over to
America by early German immi
j grants years ago. It is believed
they in turn adopted it from the
Romans who called it “Candlemas
Day” and celebrated by feasting
and whoopee-making. Historians
say that it is “not improbable that
it existed in pagan times in the
very infancy of the race.”
In Scotland there is an ancient
axiom that says "If Candlemas is
fair and clear, there’ll be two win
| ters in the year.” When the old
woodchuck came out and saw his
shadow he knew that it was only
a temporary meteorological change
and there would be six weeks
more winter severity.
But we Oregonians know that
we can stand only so much. We
wish that Jupe would stop playing
around down in California and
come back up here. If it is sunny
Sunday then we are going to stand
by every ground hog hole with an
umbrella so that the little animal
l will be sure not to see his shadow.
Will Debate Oregon Trio
iry 7, when the Oregon debate team meets Hawaii, these students will face three Webfoot
>y are, left to right: Dai Ho Chun, Shigeo Yoshlda, and Donald Layman.
Hawaii Heads Debates of Season;
University Has Forensic Interest
Contest Scheduled for
February 6; Guild Hall
Will Be the Scene of
Verbal E ngagement
The University of Oregon’s first
International debate of the season
will take place with the University
of Hawaii next Thursday, Febru
ary 6, at Guild Hall beginning at
7:30 o’clock.
The debate will be a decision
contest with one critic judge, Prof.
A. E. O’Konski, of Oregon State
college. Burt Brown Barker, vice
president of the University of Ore
gon, will act as chairman.
The visiting team will be hon
ored Thursday noon with a lunch
eon at the Anchorage which is
being given by Delta Sigma Rho,
national debate honorary. Plans
are also being made to entertain
the team in the afternoon with a
sight-seeing tour of Eugene and
its vicinity.
Team Is Cosmopolitan
The University of Hawaii debat
ing team is composed of three
men, Donald L. Layman, Dai Ho
Chun, and Shigeo Yoshida. Each
of these men is of a different race,
making the characteristic of the
highly cosmopolitan nature of the
university’s student body.
Donald L. Layman, the Anglo
Saxon member, is a Canadian by
birth. He is a transfer from the
University of British Columbia,
where he obtained the highest
scholastic record in his class. He
is also a member of the track team
and a pianist in the university
radio concerts.
Debators Are Active
Dai Ho Chun, an American citi
zen, is of Chinese ancestry. He
is a member of the senior class
and holds the rank of captain in
the R. O. T. C. He has partici
pated in extemporaneous contests
and has had three years of varsity
debating experience.
Shigeo Yoshida, an American
citizen, is of Japanese ancestry.
He is a member of the senior class
and has been prominent in public
speaking -and debate. During his
sophomore year, he won the an
n u a 1 extemporaneous speaking
contest of the university. He has
been a member of the varsity de
bate team for three years.
Three Compose Team
The University of Oregon de
bate team will be composed of
Arthur Potwin, Roger Pfaff, and
Calvin Bryan.
Arthur Potwin, a sophomore, is
from Albany. Last year he was
on the freshman debate team and
was in the Jewett Oratorical con
Roger Pfaff, a sophomore, i3
from Eugene. He participated in
the Pacific Coast, Oratorical con
test last year and debated two
years at the Indiana Teachers’
Calvin Bryan, from Grants Pass,
is a junior. This is his second
year on the varsity team. When
a freshman Mr. Bryan was on the
freshman team and also won the
Jewett extemporaneous contest.
Last year he participated in the
Jewett Oratorical contest.
Dean Suffers From ‘Flu’
Dr. James H. Gilbert, dean of
the college of literature, science,
and the arts, was forced to remain
| at home part of yesterday be
‘ cause of an attack of the grippe.
Interested Worm
Eats Way Through
Adventure Volume
A bookworm was found yes
terday at the main library. Not
the kind that goes around with
horn-rimmed spectacles and a
dreamy air, but the type that
digests books physically as well
as mentally. It was found in
a book from the duplicate de
partment. Starting in on page
one it had gone through the
book in a thorough manner. At
chapter one the hole was quite
large, but got smaller and
smaller as the worm progress
ed through the book. In the
final chapter where the hero
and the heroine went into a
last long clinch, the worm
unable to stand the excitement,
passed out. His skeleton was
found by library assistants and
given to A. R. Moore, head of
the department of animal biol
ogy, who will endeavor to find
out its social status and classi
‘’Brick’ Mitchell
Gets Promotion
Former Webfoot To Coaeli
Line ai California
Clarence (Erick) Mitchell, who
was first heard from as an end on
former Webfoot fallball teams, and
more recently has been freshman
coach at the University of Cali
fornia, has been appointed head
coach for the southern institution.
Brick has been highly successful
as the first year coach in Berke
ley, and was mentioned as a can
didate for the position left va
cant here by the resignation of
Cap McEwan.
His promotion came after Dr.
Albert Toles, who has been line
coach for the Golden Bears since
the days of Andy Smith, left to
devote more of his attention to
his medical practice.
K -
Collegiate Standing Is
High on Islands; Ore
gon Activities Is Given
Big Impetus by Visits
Because of the unique location
in the middle of the Pacific ocean
and because that university is the
only institution of full collegiate
standing in the islands, opportun
ities for debate contests with oth
er colleges and universities are
naturally limited for the Univer
sity of Hawaii. Within the last
few years, however, debating and
other forensic /activities at the
university have been given a great
impetus through the visits of a
number of college teams to Ha
Met Oregon Debators
In the fall of 1927 Hawaii met
the “round-the-world” debating
team from the University of Ore
gon in two contests at Honolulu.
The present tour of the Pacific
coast is the first visit by an Uni
versity of Hawaii debate team to
the mainland of the United States,
although the football and rifle
teams have made numerous trips
during this and in previous years.
The team will meet some 12 or 13
of the leading colleges and univer
sities in the Pacific coast states,
Nevada, and British Columbia.
Have Extemporaneous Contest
Besides intercollegiate debating,
the forensic activities of the uni
versity include an annual extem
poraneous speaking contest open
to all undergraduates, an annual
oratorical contest, and interclass
debates. Open forum discussions
are also frequently conducted by
the Hawaii Union, an honorary
forensic organization for men. This
organization sponsors all the for
ensic contests with the coopera
tion of the university administra
tion and also conducts a debating
series among the high schools of
the territory.
Mrs. Hall Visits Portland
Mrs. Arnold Bennett Hall made
a short trip to Portland this week.
She left Thursday afternoon and is
expected to return late today.
Three Aces in a Pack of Five
[ JOiEtMtr.
From tlie time the whistle blows tonight at the start of the Ore
gon-O. S. C. game, these three members of the University of Oregon
basketball team will take an active part in fighting for a Webfoot
Radio Contest
Series Liked
Says F.L.HM
Program Director Declares
That Programs Are
Best Feature
Norton Pleased With Fine
Cooperation Given
By Houses
As the second week of compe
tition in the Emerald-KORE radio
contest came to a close Thursday
Fred Norton
night with pro
grams by Chi Psi
ind Phi Sigma
Kappa, officials
j af radio stat ion
K O R E were
Unanimous in de
claring that the
spirited r tv airy
which has sprung
up between cam
pus living groups
For the splendid
Majestic cabinet
radio donated by
McMorran and Washburne has re
sulted in the most interesting and
popular broadcast feature that
they have ever presented.
Many Letters Received
Frank L. Hill, program director
for station KORE, last night de
clared that he had received many
communications in praise of the
programs, which have been
planned and presented by students
"Widespread comment, in the
form of congratulatory phone calls
and letters from Eugene towns
people and those living in the sur
rounding territory,” said Hill, "in
dicates that this contest sponsored
by the Oregon Daily Emerald Is
unequaled in the history of the
studio from a standpoint of gen
eral popularity.
Much Talent Revealed
"I have been astounded at the
talent revealed in many of the
broadcasts and at the almost pro
fessional ease With which the col
lege students face the microphone.
Of the eight programs so far pre
sented, every one has been im
pressive from some standpoint of
entertainment value, whether of
musical ability, variety, original
ity, comedy, spontaneity, or clev
erness of presentation.”
Fred Norton, contest director,
expressed complete satis faction
with the way in which the com
peting groups have cooperated
with him so far. "With the ex
ception of one or two instances,”
he said last night, "in which the
contesting houses were unable to
assemble their performers at the
studio at the appointed time, every
program has gone off without a
“If any house finds that for any
reason it will be impossible for
them to broadcast on the evening
assigned, it would aid us greatly
if the program chairman for tj^at
house would notify us far enough
in advance that a substitute pro
gram could be arranged,” he
The contest enters its third
week next Tuesday, February 4,
with programs by Alpha Upsilon,
at 8 o’clock, and Alpha Tau
Omega, at 8:30. The complete
schedule for the contest will be
found on page 3 of this issue.
Professors To Talk
On Moving Pictures
Three Oregon professors will
speak in a series of discussions on
moving pictures, starting next
Sunday at 10 o’clock, before the
adult Bible class of the Congre
gational church. The weekly dis
cussions will deal mostly with mo
tion pictures in relation to modern
The schedule of the speakers is
as follows:
^February 2—“Organization of
the Moving Picture Industry," by
W. B. McDonald.
February 9 and 16—“The Mo
tion Picture and Child Welfare,”
by Dr. W. B. DeBusk.
February 23—"The Motion Pic
ture and International Relations,”
by Dr. J. R. Mez.
March 2 -“A Sociological Eval
uation of Motion Pictures as a
Recreational Institution," by Dr.
!J. H. Mueller.
Oregon, BeaverHoop
Fives Clash Tonight
At McArthur Court
Fateful $3 Looms as
Forgetful Web foots
Shun Fee Payment
Despite continued warnings,
threats, and pleadings on the
part of the business office,
there are still 510 students who
have failed to pay their term
fees, and they have but the four
hours from 8 until 12 this
morning In which to do so.
A fine of $3 for the first day
of late payment, and 25 cents
per day thereafter will be Im
posed until the end of next
week on those who do not show
up this morning. After that
date a student who has not
made the necessary settlement
with the business office will be
automatically suspended, with
the result that he will have to
petition for reinstatement.
Therefore, pay your fees to
morrow, tomorrow morning, to
morrow morning early.
Frosli Come From
Behind To Defeat
Rooks Again 25-15
Oregon Yearlings Sew up
Game in Final Five
Bill Morgan and Clarence
James Show Well
In a loosely played basketball
game, Prink Callison's scrappy
Webfoot Frosh defeated the Ore
gon State Rooks, 25 to 15, at Cor
vallis Friday night. This victory
makes the annual Frosh-Rook se
ries stand three up for the Frosh.
The final game will be played as
a preliminary to the Oregon State
Oregon battle at McArthur court
Big Bill Morgan started the
night off with a bang for the
Frosh with a nice shot but the
Rooks soon tied it up and were
never headed again until late in
the final period when the Oregon
yearlings came to life and put the
game on ice.
The score at half time was 10
to 6 in favor of the Rooks. Calll
son’s men were off form in the
opening canto, making a total of
no free throws out of 11 attempts.
It was not until the last five min
utes of play that the Frosh hit
their stride.
Both teams were wild at the
start of the second half, but the
Rooks managed to run their lead
up to 13 to 6 before the Frosh got
started. Then Clarence James got
busy and rang up three points.
Bill Bowerman followed with two
more to make It 13 to 11 in the
Rooks’ favor.
Ward fouled James and the
speedy Oregon forward converted
both attempts to tie it up. Rob
(Continued on Page Two)
Injuries Hit
Both Teams
Before Game
Chastain Out for Rest of
The Season With Old
Corvallis Squad Is Rated
As Favorites
An annual event, the Oregon,
Oregon State basketball series
will be opened tonight at McAr
thur court, at 8 o’clock.
Any sporting event in which
these two line up on opposite sides
is a natural and tonight’s conflict
should not be the exception. Ore
gon State is a recent winner in a
tough two-game series with the
Washington Huskies and Oregon
is a little less recent loser of a
not less tough two-game series
with the same team. This by all
rights gives the Beavers the edge.
However reports from Corvallis
indicate the the series was not
won without a score of injuries,
to some of the important cogs of
the winning team.
Fagans Hurt
Ken Fagans, a sophomore guard
who has been the mainstay of the
Beaver five in their recent phe
nomenal rise to fame and second
place in the conference, is not in
his best shape for tonight's game
but will in all probability get in
for a while.
Another Injured player is Kelly
Callahan, whose loss if he Is lost
is a real blow to the Corvallis
hopes of winning. He suffered a
pulled muscle in the second Husky
The injured list for Oregon is
headed by Mervyn Chastain, a vet
eran of two years ago. This time
he is really out. He has been both
ered by sinus trouble, and a trou
blesome shoulder injury all sea
son which has now caused him to
definitely cease playing. He was
a strong player and a valuable
man and his loss will be keenly
Eberhart 111
Oregon’s chances are further
weakened by the probable loss of
Jean Eberhart, center. Jean has
been confined to bed with a slight
attack of influenza and even if
he does play is bound to feel the
effects of his layoff. Homer
Dickson, also a center is slightly
incapacitated by a severe "char
Henry Levoff, who was handi
capped throughout the Husky ser
ies by a severe cold, has been
turning out for practice lately but
has lost 15 pounds due to his ill
ness. Due to his weakened condi
tion it is unlikely that he will be
used very much tonight.
Other than these injuries the
team is in as good shape as ever.
(Continued on Page Two)
Graceful Goatees Given Gate
Baleful Beards Bombarded by Sophs
"No goatees,” "Ban on beards,”
and “Forbid the foliage,” were the
edicts of the sophomore men last
night, after mature deliberatibn,
when a motion relieving the razor
of its duties was unanimously
voted down.
The select group of 33 which
responded to the call of Jack
Stipe, president, for a “meeting of
all sophomore men” decided that
facial growths would be quite out
of place during the various spring
formals which are now being held,
and that co-eds who had sopho
more dates for their formals
would thereby conceive hatred for
the class. In short, the sopho
mores got big-hearted and aban
doned the objective for which
many of them had already set out
—that of the “perfect whiskers."
The class president did say,
however, that the beard contest
would be taken up again later on,
and that the projects would be
fully completed in time for the
class carnival.
A project which, although not a
beard, is now almost fully devel
oped, is the plan of the class for
a banquet, which will take place
in the men’s dormitory February
14. The directorate, as announced
by President "Razors” Stipe, con
sists of Bob Van Nice, chairman,
Jack Edlefsen, and Marian Camp.
Other plans for the banquet in
clude a price of 60 cents, a time
of from 5:45 to 7:30 for all courses
to be run, music by George Web
er’s orchestra, and features, for
which “Slug” Palmer will be re
sponsible. Sub-committees to work
under the directorate will be an
nounced later.