EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD ©tE0un Ms University of Oregon, Eugene Arthur L. Schoeivl ... Editor William H. Hammond . Business Manager Vinton Hall . Managing Editor EDITORIAL WRITERS Ron Hubbs, Ruth Newman, Rex Tussing, Wilfred Brown Nnncy Taylor ... Secretary UPPER NEWS STAFF ■Mnrv Klemrri . Assistant Managing Editor K&wTDine"Z. ^ «■*»*• V«*n Kimmell .^ZZIZZIZZ l-IterarJ Victor Kaufman . r. r- r.uitxir polriv, r)nv;(i . Chief Night Editor .Makeup Editor GENERAL NEWS STAI I Rob Allen, Henry Lumpee, fiillie Gardiner. Kathryn Thompson, Rufus Kimball. Harcombe, Anne Brieknell, Nelson, Sterling Green. : Dave Wilson. Betty Anne Macduff, Elizabeth Pain ton, Thornton Gale, Feldman, Barbara Coaly, George Thornton Shaw, Bob Guild. Betty Janet Pitch, Thelma Nelson, Lois SPORTS WRITERS: .lack yen, Edgar Goodnaugh Burke, assistant editor; Ralph Yer Beth Salway. n_„ . Willis Duniway Gen. Assignment. .Eleanor Jane Ballantyne *i; ■p-.i.Beatrice Bennett N.ght ei,t ' Assistant night editors Helen Rankin, Helen Jones, Allan Spalding George Weber, Jr. ... Tony Peterson . Addison Brockman ... Jean Patrick . Larry Jackson . Betty Hagen . Ina Tremblay . Betty Carpenter . Ned Mars . Louise Gurney . Bernadine Carrico .... Helen Sullivan . Fred Reid . Professional Division Shopping Column .... BUSINESS STAFF . Associate Manager . Advertising Manager . Foreign Advertising Manager . Manager Copy Department . Circulation Manager . VVomen’s Specialty Advertising . Assistant Advertising Manager . Assistant Copy Manager ”. Assistant Copy Manager . Executive Secretary . Service Department .. Checking Department ’ . Assistant Circulation Manager '*’ *. Laughridge .. Betty Hagen, Nan Crary ADVERTISING SOLICITORS: Larry Bay, Harold Short, Auton Bush, Ina Tremblay. Production Assistant .. Vincent Mutton Office Aamatautu.Ruth Covington, Nancy laylor Dot Anne Warnick . EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS: Ned Mars, Helen Sullivun, Fred Reid. Executive Secretary Bernadine Carrico, The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Asso ciated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member or the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rnten, $2.60 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone, Man ager: Office, 189G; residence, 127. This Cadet Teaching George wasn’t an incorrigible youngster. Few high school sophomores are that bad. But George wasn't on his best behavior today. When he saw his chance and the new lady cadet teacher from the school of education was not look ing he drew back a rubber band and planted a paper wad neatly on the ear of a girl in the front row. Almost instantly the student teacher knew something was wrong. A look at the aggrieved girl in the front row told her all and she soon picked out George, sitting in strained, pseudo-inno cence. What was she to do? She was just a new practice teacher. Ideas and theories she had learned, in her education courses were still fresh in her memory. She remembered what her profs had said. Her thoughts went in these channels: “Sympathy and kindness are the best ways to treat miscreants. I should treat George gently . . . "Bagley says turn the pupil’s attention to the unsocial attitude of his act . . . “Professional attitude must be maintained . . . “Teacher should interpret acts correctly . . . “Maybe the light comes from the wrong side and the irritation of George’s retina results in physico-mental disturbances . . . “George may not have enough work to keep him busy. Should I assign him to write ‘I like Tillie’ on the board MO times? . . . “Secondary education is supposed to develop in divfdual abilities. Should I let him keep on shoot ing paper wads in the hopes he will become a great marksman some day? . . . “Maybe his seat is too high . . . “What kinds of parents has George? Are they influential and powerful in the community? . . . “Should I appeal to his desire for self-develop ment and tell him to wait till he gets outside and then shoot paper wads at greater, better game, such as football players? . . . And so after spending ten minutes thinking over the various rules of procedure she had learned in her education classes, the cadet teacher suddenly remembered with dismay that Douglass says pun ishment must be immediate and sure. Well, it was too late now, so she wrote George’s name down in her deportment book and decided maybe she could congratulate him for being able to hit a small target like an ear from the rear of the room and under such poor lighting conditions. * * * BIBLIOGRAPHY: Douglass, Secondary Education. Bagley, School Discipline. Gates, Psychology of Education. Osburn, Are We Making Good at Teaching History? Jones, How To Be a Teacher, in 10 Easy Lessons. Regrets of a Senior There are many thoughts that filter through the mind of a senior during his last year at the University. For ten or eleven terms he has strug gled along partly under the guidance of his faculty advisor, who is usually also the advisor for some 150 other seekers after learning, partly under the guidance of friends or fraternity brothers, and partly just haphazardly. And then, with graduation three or four months off, he begins to wonder just what it is all about, just what he came here for, and just what he has accomplished since he has been here. Probably when the average senior matriculated at the Uni versity of Oregon, somewhere in the back of his mind there lay the vague and shapeless idea of at taining a liberal culture, of becoming, perhaps, edu cated. But this idea was subordinated by visions of social contacts and accomplishments, of athletic glory, and of sundry other collegiate incidentals. By the time he reaches seuiorhood the average student has obtained the social contacts that, of course, are a necessary part of a collegiate career. Most every senior has attained a certain measure of distinction in one line or another of outside ac tivity, but the vague idea of the liberal culture and the education has long since gone glimmering. Of course it is difficult to defiue such general terms as culture and education. Someone once said that an educated person is one who knows a little bit about everything and a lot about one thing. This definition is quite apt, but few are the students who have even nearly attained that after four years at the University. When the senior was a freshman he was al lowed little discretion and his subjects were shoved upon him in the wholesale manner by his advisor. When he was a sophomore he had a little choice, but was yet sternly reminded of certain things known as Group Requirements. When he wag a junior he was advised to specialize as much as pos sible in his major field and its allied subjects, and when he was a senior he had called to his attention certain courses which his department either re quires or very strongly recommends for all its seniors. So when a1 student comes to graduate he finds that he has a fair knowledge of his major subject, but in most other things he has “missed out.” If he majors in journalism, he is reminded by the political science or economics or sociology instruc tor that the course he takes is only of the most elementary sort, and that if he was to gain any knowledge of the subject he must go farther. Rome of the subjects which he has taken have bored him exceedingly, and he would not go farther for any thing, but in others he has found an interest, but cannot go farther because of lack of time. Just what would happen if the University of Oregon turned its students loose in the educational field, much as is done in English universities, allow ing each student to take what he pleased without thought of group requirement or major advisor? The average senior wonders, rather pensively. Si-—''———•—--———————— THE TALKIES iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii'iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii' ac complishments they boast of. And rumor has it practically no end to the accomplishments they do not boast of. But that’s neither here nor there. The fact remains that these girls are talented. Ask anyone about it. * * * And, another thing. Do you re call the lady called Lou? Wasn’t she an entertainer? That’s what the girls of - are. But there's one difference between them and the lady called Lou. Lou had no heart. These girls have. Sometime ago they painted it red, and it showed up so from the street that they tried desperately to take it off. Now it is only a nice pink. * * * And they’re collegiate. They, too, remind one of John Held junior caricatures, except for the fact that John had some no tion of what to put on his la dies. Maybe these girls know and just want to be different. We’ll admit that. They are dif ferent. They have a legend in their house. It goes like this . . . “Once there was a - who came to school, fell in love, stayed in school four years, graduated, and finally got mar ried, and is happy. Besides that she was a beautiful girl.” Now isn’t that sweet? * * * But that’s all over now. The old tradition is all they have. Now they're modern and don't believe in traditions. And if you should want to take a look at these peo ple, they have a - booth at the College-side. It is the fourth inside booth on the right hand side. Walk in any time from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., and there they are. Maybe you’ll like them. But what ever you do, if you like bridge, don’t let them entice you into a bridge game. Not if you like bridge. av -*ei Do You Know? | 01.---------ffl That the oldest book in the Uni versity of Oregon library is “Arithmetics, Geometria, et Mu sica," a book in Latin by Boeth ius? The book was printed in 1492, the year America was dis covered. • * * That “March, march on down the field” is not the chorus of our alma mater song? The part of “Mighty Oregon" commonly sung is the chorus and not the verse. * * • That as high a percentage of students in the University of Ore gon make very high test scores as do the students in any of the largest universities in the coun try? | FORUM ] To the Editor: After using high - pressure methods to sell Oregon men tick ets to the women's all-star hock ey game which never occurred, it now appears that the W. A. A. is doing everything possible to make it difficult for holders of the worthless pasteboards to get their money back. All one has to do, according to the story in Tuesday's Emerald is to call upon Miss Lucille Murphy at the Alpha Phi house. This young lady, after making sure j that your ticket bears all the of- I ficial seals and endorsements, will refund you the quarter you in vested in it. Twenty-five cents is a small .sum, but it is enough to buy a package of cigarettes and two cups of coffee or to attend a sec- ! ond-run movie, and the owners of the tickets would not be at all adverse to cashing them in. Could j not arrangements be made to have I the tickets redeemed at the grad uate-manager’s office or at the administration building? Surely the VV. A. A. does not wish to risk the success of future enterprises by appearing to be grasping in this matter ? —D. G. W. Jr. Wants Oregon Dads in Cal. To the Editor: Tonight I was looking through some less recent documents among certain business papers and a triple-sheeted one attracted my at tention; the title was, ‘‘Report of the First Annual Meeting of the Dads of Oregon.” The closing sentence of the sheet headed, “The Dinner and General Meeting,” raised this question: “Why not an Oregon Dad's Club of California, meeting at some central place such as Sacramento under similar circumstances as did the San Diego Dads?’r To be sure, we can not as citizens, do all that resident Dads can do for the University; but if we could get together as did our fellow dads at San Diego, with President Hall to lead our cogitations, ways and means would no doubt be suggest ed through which we could assist the parent organization of Dads in carrying out its program. The knowledge that we are in terested enough in the University to confer together with its lead ers on our mutual problems would, I believe, improve the mor ale of our children, for it would awaken in their minds at once a realization of a vital community of interests held by all three fac tors or parties, the University, the student and the parent, especially the parent. D. I. McDonald. Newcastle, California. January 25, 1930. SIX BRAILLE BOOKS CIVEIS TO LIBRARY Six Braille system books, the gift of Donald Smith, blind stu dent of the University, were re ceived by the main library yester day. “Cicero’s Orations,” and five books in German comprise the lot. These books will go into the new department of the library which is being organized for the blind stu dents of the University and town, which is being started through contributions and purchase. Books connected with classes, especially in the departments of English and foreign languages are particularly desired, according to M. H. Douglass, librarian. BLUE BELL PRODUCTS BUTTER—ICE CREAM PASTEURIZED MILK We Appreciate Your Patronage Eugene Fanners Creamery 568 Olive Phone 638 Crisp ! Warm, crisp kernels of pop-corn, nicely salted and moist with butter. When you’ve finished a long- evening's study, a bag of pop-corn will taste delicious. Or, if you prefer, we will de liver any order over 25c to you wherever you may live. The J POP-CORN STAND At the “O” Lunch a--"" - . This Awful Thawing ... is a positive men ace to perfect groom ing, but there is a way to keep your shoes always looking their best . . . and that is the Campus Shine way . . . Ted knows just how it should be done. CAMPUS SHOE SHINE Across From the Sigma Chi House ai. ... .id Christian Science Organization will hold their regular meeting to night at 7:30 in the Y. W. C. A. bungalow. -o Art and Religion class, conduct ed by Dr. K. F. Reinhardt, will meet tonight at 7:30 in room 107 of Oregon hall. -o Dr. James M. Reinhardt will conduct his discussion on "Reli gion and Art" at 7:30 this evening in 109 Oregon. -o Phllomelete presidents will meet at noon today at the ^nchorage. -o “Woman in Her Sphere” hobby group will meet Sunday, from 5 to 6 p. m., in the men’s lounge of Gerlinger hall. -o International Relations club will meet this evening in the men’s lounge of Gerlinger hall. -o Mythology group of Philomelete will meet at Westminster house, Sunday afternoon, February 2, at 5 o’clock. -o Sophomore class will meet to night at 7, in Villard hall. -o Tau Delta Delta will hold an important meeting for members and pledges tonight at 7:30 at the Music building. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT Alpha Beta Chi announces the pledging of Paul Ewing, of John Day, Oregon. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT Kappa Delta announces the pledging of Margaret Bilyeu of Eugene. FAVILLE CHOSEN AS LOCAL ADVISOR Dean David E. Faville of the school of business administration yesterday received word of his ap pointment as national counsellor of the Eugene Chamber of Com merce for the United States Cham ber of Commerce. The job con sists of reporting work of the na tional group to the local chamber. The appointment came from Leonard Read, manager of the northwest division with headquar ters at Seattle. Dean Faville ex plains that the office held by Mr. Read is one recently created by the U. S. chamber, and is recog ; nition of the northwest territory, formerly unrepresented by the na tional group. Dean Faville’s new job requires that he meet with the local cham ber at their monthly meetings, and also that he meet with ser vice organizations of the city. CLASSIFIED ADS PIANO JAZZ—Popular songs lm mediately; beginners or ad vanced; twelve - lesson course Waterman System. Leonard J Edgerton, manager. Call Stu dio 1672-W over Laraway’s Mu sic Store, 97^ Willamette St. t DR. J. R. WETHERBEE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office Phone 1601 Residence 1230-M 801-2-3 Jliner Bldg. Eugene, Oregon kiiULiLZJizJLrJLiJLZlLrJLLlL?LJlzJLzJl^JLiJLLllrJLrJLrJlrJLzJL=JUiJLrJlrJLzJL=J;_ wr 1L JLJLzJLrjUliLiJLzJLzJcLJLzjLrJLiJIJiiLzJlrJLrJLrJt,^ E RILLE TRANCE E I I Lee-Duke’s Campus Band Friday and Saturday Nights LEE-DUKE’S CAFE Phone 549 for Reservations S & II Green Stamps Bring Valuable Premiums Charming Spring Dresses j In the New Silhouette $10.95 Charming spring dresses in fash ion’s newest styles—as the new even hemline three to four inches below the knee—the skirt that drops slightly in the back—the higher waistline. The dress illus trated is fashioned of flat crepe. It has the new fitted hipline— the pinched-in waistline—flaring flounce skirt—tailored 'sleeves— plain neck—and is very effec tively trimmed with tailored bows of self material. There are also many other interesting new models. Fabrics: Colors: Georgettes Prints, Silk Crepes Flat Crepes Campbell Red Sprig Green Passion Flower Sizes 16 to 20 Intersizes 12y2 to 24* 2 LIBRARY STEPS The following are instructed to report at the library steps this morning at 12:40 sharp. No lid: Vincent Miesen, Ho mer Stalil, Jack Rushlow, How ard Kemper, Leroy Shaneman, Scott Wells, Bob ITdall, We?, Edwards, Don Gordon, “Doer” Day, Ed Publos, Ken Fike, Eatrl Crockett, Hughie Evans, Jake Stahl, and Albert Tueh. All lettermen are requested to be present. Signed: Karl Greve, president Oregon Knights. Bradshaw Harrison, president Order of the O. A Our 25c Plate Lunch Today Virginia Baked Ham Sweet Potatoes Cranberry Sauce Buttered Toast You will be pleased with our home-cooked foods. ELECTRIC TOASTWICH SHOPPE Colonial Theatre Bldg. DeNeffes SPRING ARRIVALS KNOX HATS In the smart new narrow brim shapes. Colors of Tan and Gray You are sure to like them HOLLY KNITS Sleeveless sweaters in a great variety of colors. All sizes. We Rent Tuxedos DeNeffes Young Men’s Wear