Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 28, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    Emerald-KORE Contest Keenly Supported by Radio Authorities
The Social Sphere
Phyllis Van Kimmtll, Editor
Military Ball Held at
Osburn; Annual
One of the main social events
of last week-end was the annual
Military Ball, held at the Osburn
hotel. The room was decorated
with flags, guns, and military in
signia. Guests of honor were Gov
ernor A. W. Norblad, Major Gen
eral C. H. Martin, Major General
U. G. McAlexander, Major General
G. A. White, Major General J. L.
Hines, Brigadier General P. A.
Wolf, President Arnold Bennett
Hall, Colonel O. A. Richmond,
Colonel W. W. McCammon, Colonel
iE. V. Hauser, Lieutenant Colonel
C. R. Hotchkiss, Lieutenant Colo
nel A. O. Waller, Major F. A. Bar
ker, Major J. .H. Tierney, Major C.
W. Robbins, Major D. C. Stanard,
Captain C. H. Bragg, Captain J.
C. Koepke, Captain G. F. Herbert,
Lieutenant J. E. McCammon, Dean
Virginia Judy Esterly, Dean Hugh
Biggs, and C. R. Clark.
:J: * sjs
Informal of Phi Delt
Portrays Alaska
The Phi Delta Theta chapter
house was the scene of an Alaskan
saloon during the informal dance
held Saturday night. Animal
hides, skiis, and an old-fashioned
bar made the scene typical of the
days of the Alaskan gold rush.
Patrons and patronesses were Mr.
! Roy Bryfcon, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. Nowland
B. Zane, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
* * *
Alpha Omicron Pi Has
Formal Dance
Alpha Omicron Pi entertained
Saturday evening with a formal
dance at the Eugene hotel. Those
invited as patrons and patronesses
were Dean Virginia Judy Esterly,
Mrs. Lucy Abrams, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Miner. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Moll, and Mrs. Evans.
* * *
Formal Dance Is Given
By Sigma Nu
Sigma Nu entertained with a
formal dance also at the Eugene
hotel Saturday night. Mr. and
Mrs. William Barker, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne L. Morse, and Mr. and
Mrs. David Bauman, acted as pa
trons and patronesses.
Interviews for
Places on Y. W.
Cabinet to Begin
Members of Next Year’s
Governing Board
To Be Chosen
Interviews with Dorothy Thom
as, head of the Y. W. C. A. work
on the campus, to determine who
will be chosen
for the Y. W.
| cabinet of the
1 coming year, will
■ begin at once, it
vas announced
yesterday by El
| dress Judd, pres
| ident of Y. W.
f' Any girl who
| is interested in
Eldress Judd
this work, wheth
er she has had
any experience or spent any time
at the bungalow or' not, is urged
to try out, according to Miss
Judd. Appointments for these in- j
terviews of about half an hour
must be made immediately, as
each person will be scheduled for
three such talks.
During the time spent with Miss
Thomas, such questions as “What
would you like to do in Y. W. ?”
and “How would you do it?” ^will
be discussed so that the leader
can get some idea of the candi
date’s abilities.
Both Miss Thomas and Miss
Judd stressed the point that the
Y. W. cabinet will be made up
only of those persons who partici
pate in these interviews. All of
fices are thus appointed, except
the executive positions of presi
dent, vice-president, secretary, and
treasurer, although they, too, are
suggested in the same way and
merely left to the vote of the stu
"This method of selecting the
Y. W. cabinet gives the girl the
opportunity of asking anything
she wants to know about Y. W.,”
Miss Judd explained, “and gives
us the opportunity to know her j
particular interests and what she
is best fitted to do.”
The name of Dick Horn, vice
president of the Associated stu
dents, was added to the list of
cold-weather victims late Satur
day night. As Horn was crossing
Alder street at Kincaid, a passing
auto skidded and threw him
against the curbstone, cracking
two ribs.
The vice-president has not been
confined to bed, and with the aid
of several yards of adhesive plas
ter is able to attend classes and
student-body committee meetings.
Mrs. Watts Returns
Home From Indiana
Mrs. Pearl Watts, reference li
brarian of the University, return
ed yesterday from Indiana, where
she was called Christmas vacation
by the death of her mother. On
her way back she stopped at Lara
mie, Wyoming, to visit Reta Rid
ings. formerly of the library staff,
who is now reference librarian at
the University of Wyoming,
Burg’s Articles
To Be Printed
In Geographic
EX>Ovegoii Man To Give
Series of Lectures in
Eastern 'Cities
Amos Burg, ex-’29, well known
Arctic explorer, visited on the cam
pus Sunday and Monday, confer
ring with Dr. George Rebec, dean
of the graduate school, on plans
for the publication of articles on
a trip through Alaska which the
two men made together last sum
mer. He was the guest overnight
of Phi Gamma Delta, of which he
is a member.
Mr. Burg is preparing a lecture
to be given before the National
Geographic society in Washington,
D. C., March 7. This is one of a
series which he will give in east
ern cities.
Mr. Burg will illustrate his talk
with both still photographs and
motion pictures taken last sum
mer, mostly on the Yukon river,
which he and Dr. Rebec covered
in a canoe. Stretches of the river
heretofore uncharted and unex
plored were photographed on the
Two articles by Mr. Burg have
been accepted by the National
Geographic magazine. The first
will appear in the April number.
While in the University Mr.
Burg majored in the school of
journalism, and was prominent on
both the Emerald and the Oregana.
He has traveled continually for
the past 11 years, having been in
all parts of the world.
Evelyn Shaner, Editor
iHEILIG-Tuesday to Saturday,
“The Great Divide.”
MCDONALD — Tuesday, “The
Glad Rag Doll; Wednesday to
Saturday, “Devil May Care."
REX -Tuesday, “His First Com
mand"; Wednesday and Thursday,
“Woman Trap.”
STATE—Tuesday, “Four Dev
ils";. Wednesday and Thursday,
"Battle of the Sexes”; Friday and
Saturday, "Hurricane.”
COLONIAL—Tuesday and Wed
nesday, “Charming Sinners”;
Thursday to Saturday, “Q Ships.”
Talks on -the Talkies
Peppy Dorothy Mackail and ex
otic Myrna Loy form a startling
contrast in “The Great Divide,”
which will have a week's run at
the Heilig. Now it would be bad
to be loved by either of these la
dies, but both of them . . . well,
what man could stand it?
Some women are pretty, some
are chic, but Dolores Costello is
really beautiful. In “The Glad
Rag Doll” she will win you by her
I gr&ce and charm in spite of being
i a doll and having a fondness for
| glad rags.
Petite Janet Gaynor is as young
1 and naive as ever in the State at
i traction, “Four Devils." High in
the Lop of a circus tent she frol
I ics, as one of four youthful dare
I devils in a French circus.
The Colonial titles always speak
Program World Innovation,
Says Majestic Representative
L. E. Uarson Declares 'Competition Is Means of
Uncovering: Hidden Talent; Mew Feature
May Be Discovered by Student
CHARACTERIZING the Emerald'KORE radio contest as a com
plete innovation in radio entertainment, L. E. Larsen, field rep
resentative for the Majestic distributing company, who was in Eugene
Saturday, expressed keen interest and approval in the idea. The
contest enters its second week tonight with programs presented by
Gamma Phi Beta, and Tri-Delt.
“You members of the Emerald staff,” said Mr. Larsen, “are cer
tainly entitled to congratulations on your novel and original idea in
sponsoring the radio program contest. To my knowledge nothing
exactly like it has ever been attempted before.”
Plans Distribution
Mr. Larsen was in Eugene for
the purpose of arranging for the
local distribution of the new
“Model 93” Majestic cabinet ra
dios, one of which has been do
nated by the radio department of
McMorran and Washburne as the
grand prize for the contest.
Larsen was enthusiastic over
the contest as a means of reveal
ing unsuspected talent on the
Ideus Untried
There are still hundreds of un
tried and unthought-of ideas that
must yet have their debut on the
air. Who knows but that some
clever Oregon young man or wom
an may take a place in radio his
tory as the originator of an inter
nationally popular program idea ?
School Contest Sponsored
“Grigsby Grunow company,
manufacturers of Majestic radio,
will release next month over the
Columbia Broadcasting system the
first of their programs sponsored
for schools only. These shall be
called the American School of the
Air. Historical drama, educa
tional subjects, etc., will be inter
estingly offered, bringing to the
schools a type of class work or
lecture such as we have never
before even dreamed of.
“Referring again to your pro
grams, I regret that it has not
been possible for me to hear them.
However, I shall look forward to
listening in on them in the fu
for themselves. “Charming Sin
ners” is one of them.
"His First Command,” at the
Rex is very enlightening to any
one needing a few hints on mas
culine eccentricities. We coughed
over that one.
Honoraries Meet
Today for Pictures
Members of Phi Beta Kappa,
scholastic honorary, and Sigma Xi,
scientific honorary, will meet at
12:30 today in front of Friendly
hall for their Oregana group pic
Wells Smith, who is directing
the taking of pictures for the hon
oraries section of the Oregana, has
requested that every member of
these organizations be on hand at
the appointed time.
cjirst J
—The picture of a thousand
thrills enacted against a circus
Columbia Grand
Opera Company
To Visit Eugene
Gounod’s ‘Faust’ at Heilig
Theater February 11; To
Appear in Portland
Grand opera will come to Eu
gene on February 11, when the
Columbia Grand Opera company,
of Southern California, will pre
sent Gounod's opera “Faust” at
the Heilig theater, according to
recent announcement:
The company is one which was |
organized under the sponsorship j
of citizens of Pasadena, Los An- |
geles, and Hollywood, interested in J
meeting the needs of the Pacific !
coast for an opera company of'
high rank.
A four-day engagement in Port
land will follow the appearance of
the company here.
Stars of the company include;
former singers of the Chicago
Civic Opera company and of Ital
ian opera.
The importance of following the
modern trend in stagecraft has
been emphasized by the Columbia j
company, judging from pictures of
settings received here. The effects
are achieved by utilizing solidly
built set pieces.
Weekly classes for yell leader
aspirants arc being held at Oregon j
State College.
Cold weather has hit W. S. C.
pretty hard. Frost-bite and chil
blains are among the ailments
treated at the college hospital.
Aids Contest
That nothing exactly like the
Einerald-KOUE contest lias ever
been attempted before was de
clared by L. E. Larson, field rep
resentative for the Majestic dis
tributing company. Mr. Larsen is
giving wholehearted support to
the advancement of new radio
program ideas.
(Continual from Fagc One)
terns, etc., will be considered by
Stan Brooks, Edna Dunbar and
Walter Norblad.
Two new fields for constilution
This Business of
. . . just how to make
the host of your ap
pearance depends on
two things — g 0,0 d
taste, ami grooming.
Shoes are an impor
tant factor 1o both.
1 lave y o u r shoes
shined today Here,
when1 you will have
the assurance 1 hat it
will he satisfactory
in every detail.
Alder & 13th
“Just around the corner
from the "Lemon ‘O'.’’
It’s Starting to Thaw . . .
and When It Really Does
you will want to bo up whore it is high and
dry, so buy a campus “ark” now, and make
your bead save your heels. Sold at olieaper
and-ebeapest prices. And they will really run.
Phone 1920
or «27
Louis Dammasck
The New Campus Tailor
Suits cleaned and pressed (cash and carry) ‘ $1.00
Suits cleaned and pressed (call and deliver) $1.25
—Tuxedos Same—;
Suits or overcoats pressed .50
All kinds of alterations on both holies’ and men’s gar
ments done at reasonable prices.
Suits made to order from $20.00 and up.
s/d East lath Ave.
iPhone J
• Notebooks and Such Litter
Will Be Taken AIuoli .Mure Seriously lintli by Voui >elf
and tlie I’rot'
Kent or lJuy a Typewriter at Student Term;
Office Machinery & Supply Co.
Williiuictlc fit.—Opposite “Y” Phone 148
al regulation will be investigated
by other committees and recom
mendations drafted. The draft
ing of suitable constitutions for
the government of the different
classes, freshman, sophomore, jun
ior and senior, to be incorporated
into the general student govern
ment constitution will be entrust
ed to Hal Johnson, Edna Dunbar
and Cal Bryan.
Interpretation Sought
Walt Norblad. Hal Johnson and
Hex Tusaing will report on the
feasibility of establishing some
sort of judiciary body to interpret
the constitution and render au
thoritative det'isionss upon dis
puted points. To such a body
questions such as those of class
eligibility which have been troub
ling the campus of late could be
referred. i
The constitutions of other uni
versities are being studied by com
mittee members for guidance. The
work is to begin at once, Chairman
Horn states.
Judges for the annual Edison
Marshall short story contest,
which is now under way, will be E.
Palmer Hoyt, Stewart Holbrook,
and Mrs. George Rebec, It was an
nounced last night by Prof. W. F.
bewitching htia
! That’s,
businc s s!
Mary Nolan,
blonde, is?
ovely enough to
lo it well! Ia
ilie smart enough
,o outwit the
:lever wife of
pHMMim w. Homcrsci
Maugham's brilliant comedy-,
drama? Ruth Chatterton has'
this sparkling role! With Clive!
Brook! William Powell! See
“Charming Sinners" to love!1
To laugh!
Tuesday, Wednesday Only
G. Thacher, manager of the com
Mr. Hoyt is dramatic editor of
the Portland Oregonian, and a !
prominent short story writer, |
whose work appears in the popu- |
lar magazines.
Aside from his work as editor 1
of the 4-L Lumber News, in Port- !
land, Mr. Holbrook is a writer for j
the literary publications, having i
contributed articles to the Gen- i
tury, Scribners, and the American ;
Mrs. Kebec, the wife of Dean !
George Kebec of the graduate!
school, is a non-professional writ- j
er of short stories.
The Edison Marshall contest is |
open to all students in the Univer- i
sity of Oregon, and a prize of $50 j
will be awarded for the best con- t
tribution. The closing date is set j
for February 15.
April Frolics, annual stunt
splurge of the Associated Women
students, has been set for April
19, Helen Peters, president of A.
W. S., announced yesterday. No
other arrangements for the affair
have yet been made public.
Class stunts staged competitive
ly, arc on the regular frolic pro
gram, in which a wide variety of
talent is annually presented.
‘April Frolic" is an all co-cd event,
no men being admitted.
Tel. 1733
573 E. 13th Ave.
Shop Petite
Dressmaking :—: Designing
fox McDonald
“The Finest Sound and the Warmest hi Town”
Last Times Today
WM, 1H> YD
* ***»>*
Tuck., Wetl., Tliur.
Fri. & Sat.
Those who remember the
play will find the dramatic
stage vehicle heightened in
suspense and action in this
Vitaphone production.
•The West has rarely
been the background
for a more colorful and
stirring romance.
A Picture as Big as All Outdoors and an All-Outdoor
Picture with the Perfect
of the
John Barrymore