Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 28, 1930, Image 1

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Remember! The Emerald-KORE Contest Starts Second Week With Programs Each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Wanner and probably snow.
Monday’s temperature:
Maximum ..83
1 Minimum ..23
| River .0.8
| Precipitation .0
Revisers Hold
First Meeting
Subcommittees Formed To
Insure Completion of
Original Plans
Approval or Rejection of
Students Slated as
Following Step
Preliminary plans for the her
culean task of rewriting the con
stitution of the Associated Stu
dents were laid yesterday at the
first meeting of the newly-ap
pointed constitutional rewriting
It was decided that in order to
insure the completion of the re
vision within a Reasonable lenthg of
time, the work would have to be
split up among the ten members
of the committee, and Dick Horn,
chairman, announced subcommit
tees whose task it will be to make
a special study of particular
phases of student government and
rewrite the articles in the consti
tution pertaining to them.
Drafts To Be Submitted
The sub- committee, upon
completion of their work, will sub
mit drafts to a central supervis
ing committee for approval. Tom
Stoddard, president of the A. S. U.
O., Dick Horn and Ron Hubbs will
form the central committee.
Drafts submitted by the subcom
mittees will then be submitted to
members of the law scchool facul
ty f5r approval of phraseology
and wording.
The next step wni oe tne suo
mission of the new document to
the students at large for approv
al or rejection by ballot, the vot
ing to be held sometime during
the spring term.
Recommendations from any
member of the student body re
garding changes to be made in the
constitution will be welcomed by
the rewriting committee, Horn
stated yesterday.
Suggestions May Be Sent
“Any student who has a serious
suggestion to make,” he explained,
"should put it in writing and ad
dress it to me at the Associated
Students’ office in Friendly hall.
We assure the student body that
all suggestions made seriously will
receive serious consideration.
The work of the revision has
been divided among the members
of the committee as follows:
Regulations concerning student
body officers—their qualifications,
duties, nominations and elections
will be rewritten by a committee
composed of Chuck Laird, chair
man, Cal Bryan and Stan Brooks.
Other Groups Organized
The articles governing campus
publications, the selection of edi
tors and managers, their duties
and salaries, etc., will be the prov
ince of a committee including Rex
Tussing, chairman, Harriet Kibbee,
and Chuck Laird.
The problem of the regulation
of athletics, requirements for the
giving of letters, managerial sys
<Continued on Page Three)
Offers Cup
Here’s Carl Gregory, preside*
of Sigma Delta Chi, national joui
nalism honorary, with the hug
loving cup which the organizatioi
is offering to the editor of the bes
country newspaper In Oregon
Judging will be made during thi
Press conference, February 6 an*
* * * *
* * *
Editor’s Note: Starting today,
a new column, “The Moving
Finger,” will appear in the Em
erald in response to the need
for publicity for the A. S. U. O.
constitutional revision now un
der way. The committee meet
ings will be closed to all but
interested students, and the Em
erald is offering a critical col
umn and forum by Omar Khay
Division of the constitutional
revision committee into six parts,
necessary as it is to completion of
the task in time for student ap
proval or disapproval spring term,
leaves possibilities for lack of co
ordination of writing, or lack of
coordination intent.
* * *
The first lack will be easily
cleared by approval required by
a higher committee of three,
Stoddard, Horn, and Hubbs, but
lack of co-ordination of intent
will no doubt, bring to light
many conflicting opinidns of the
duty of the associated student
government. If there is con
flict, and it is unlikely that
there will not be, even so the
general opinion is that the cam
pus pass anything presented to
* * *
Committee meetings will be
closed, under present plans, to
those not directly interested. Any
students who have interests at
stake will, of course, be welcomed,
but an interfering public is not
desired. Student opinion, in cen
tralization alone, runs from the
suggestion of one junior (not on
the committee) that all power be
placed in the hands of the Univer
(Continued on Page Two)
Jungle Explorations Told
While Hodge Has Breakfast
TT WAS indeed Dr. Edwin T.
Hodge who walked across the
dining room with energetic stride.
The geology professor has just re
turned to the campus after a trip
of exploration in Africa, but what
a different man from the one I
had interviewed last year. That
tired-looking man had slumped in
a chair behind his desk and
barked, “Come in. What do you
want?” displaying the hospitality
of a caged lion.
The lines that had seamed his
face on that occasion are gone
now, and the harassed look that
his eyes had held, replaced by a
look of calm. Dr. Hodge’s short
heavy-set person is more ener
getic than ever; his dark blue eyes
have a steady far-away look, his
face is Smooth and slightly tanned,
and the corners of his mouth turn
upward with a tendency to smile.
“I'm glad to be back,” were his
first words. “Interviewed? Well,
I’ve been interviewed so many
times in the last few hours that
I think I am talked out. You
see, it was such a big trip that
I don’t know where to begin. It
is much too big to talk about just
yet, wait a few weeks.”
The Oregon geologist returned
from the cafeteria line with a
modest breakfast: a piece of
toast, a fried egg, canned pear,
and a glass of milk.
"How’s the Emerald?” he asked.
“What big things have happened
since I left ? Ah, yes, the new
coach. Say, just what was the
trouble, anyway ? How did the i
public take it and—just a minute
—I’m hungry.”
He returned with two pieces of
toast, two eggs, and another glass
of milk.
“Well, as I was saying, how did
(Continued on Page Two)
Pacific Coast
Region Group
Is Established
Social Science Research
Council Division Said
Progressive Step
President Will Leave For
San Francisco Soon To
Attend Meetings
Establishment of a Pacific Coast
regional committee of the Social
Science Research council of Amer
ica, regarded as one of the most
important and progressive steps
recent years for this phase of
k in this section of the coun
is announced here by Dr. Arn
Bennett Hall, president of the
§ versity of Oregon.
£ le Social Science Research
® tcil is the leading organization
g. the promotion of research in
£ social sciences in America, and
® nthusiastically supported by
2 Rockefeller and other wealthy
dations. Establishment of
sommittee for the special at
tention of Pacific coast problems
and policies followed a recent visit
here by W. R. Sharp, field execu
tive of the organization, who saw
in this part of the country a great
opportunity for research, especial
ly in connection with problems
arising from relations with the
Hall To Be Chairman
President Hall will be chairman
of the newly created group, and
will go to San Francisco in a few
days to attend an organization
meeting of his committee. On the
committee are Professor Roderick
D. McKenzie, University of Wash
ington; Professor Lewis M. Ter
man, Stanford university; Profes
sor T. H. Boggs, University of
British Columbia; Professor Carl
S. Alsberg, Stanford university;
Dr. Max Ferrand, of the Henry
E. Huntington library, and Profes
sor Robert H. Lowie, University of
California. All are nationally
known for their work in the social
Southern Group Formed
The council has also established
a Southern Region committee with
Professor Howard W. Odum, of the
University of North Carolina, as
chairman. Through these two
committees work of the organiza
tion is expected to be greatly ex
panded and its research projects
Dr. Hall was one of the organi
zers of the national group, and for
several years as chairman of the
committee on problems and poli
cies was in charge of the yearly
meeting held at Hanover, N. H.
U. of O. Orchestra
Expects To Play
In Portland Soon
‘Doc’ Robnett Completing
Plans for Appearance
In City Theatre
Ronald Robnett, assistant grad
uate manager, spent yesterday in
Portland, negotiating with theat
rical managers for a Portland en
gagement of the University or
chestra during the spring vaca
Last year the orchestra filled a
week’s engagement at the Port
land theatre, and it is expected
that if another trip to the me
tropolis is taken this year, the ap
pearance will either be at the
Portland or Broadway theatres.
As Robnett had not returned
last evening, the outcome of his
trip could not be learned.
Dr. Gustav Muller, assistant
professor of philosophy, has just
had two articles published.
One, written in German, is the
first of three different studies on
the American philosopher, Josiah
Royce, and was printed in Bern,
Switzerland. The second was on
Descartes, ‘‘Cogito Ergo Sum,”
and was published by The Person
alist in Los Angeles.
A Man for All Campus Eyes
Upper row, left to right: Clarence W. Spears, head football eoach
at the University; Prof. C. W. Spears, of the University physical
education department; Dr. C. W. Spears, of the University health
Lower row, left to right: Coach Spears, formerly head football
mentor at the University of Minnesota; “Doc” Spears, who recently
signed five-year contract to coach football at the University of Ore
gon; and C. VVilce Spears, himself in person, happy as can be!—
Register-McDonald Newsreel Photo.
Famous Organist
To Give Concert
Before Students
Lynwood Farnam Program
Tonight Unusual, Says
John Stark Evans
Musician Is Well Received
In Portland Recently
Fresh from an auspicious ap
pearance in Portland Sunday when
he was hailed as “the outstand
ing organist in America,” Lyn
wood Farnam, of New York, will
arrive here at noon to appear in
concert this evening at the school
of music auditorium at 8 o’clock.
With the assurance from John
Stark Evans, associate dean of the
school of music, who was instru
mental in bringing the New York
organist to Eugene, that Mr. Far
nam is a fine musician, and an
organist with true art in select
ing interesting and truly enter
taining programs, student interest
in the concert has been wide.
Made Many Appearances
Nearly 700 concert appearances
have been made by Mr. Farnam
in tours through France, Eng
land, Canada and the United
States. He has frequently been
ranked as one of the leading or
ganists of the day.
“University students will have
an unusual opportunity tonight to
hear a particularly fine artist. We
hope a large number of them will
take advantage of it,” commented
Dean John J. Landsbury, yester
day afternoon.
Program Announced
Two Sketches—(a) In C major,
(b) In D flat, Robert Schumann.
Dorian Prelude on “Dies Irae”
(MS), Bruce Simorids.
Reverie on the hymn-tune "Uni
versity,” Harvey Grace.
Allegro from Fifth Trio sonata,
J. S. Bach.
Prelude and Fugue in G minor,
J. S. Bach.
Carillon, Eric de Lamarter.
Finale from “Symphonie Goth
ique,” C. M. Widor.
“The Mirrored Moon” from Sev
en Pastels, from Lake Constance,
Sigfrid Karg-Elert.
“Vintage” from Les Heures
bourguignonnes,” Georges Jacob.
Carillon-Sortie in D, Henry Mu
For the next few weeks the
class In editing will hear a series
of lectures by Dean Eric W. Allen
on the journalism of various coun
tries throughout the world, the
differences existing among the
newspapers of the respective na
tions, and the historical, economic,
and social causes for these differ
This week the newspapers of
France and the United States are
being compared; and before the
end of the term the publications
of England, Germany, Italy, Swit
zerland, Holland, and Belgium
will come in for discussion.
Dean Allen first delivered this
lecture series in Europe two years
ago, when he was giving instruc
tion in a traveling university.
Weather Forces
Women’s Hockey
To Indoor Floor
Game of All-Americans
With Oregon Co-eds Is
'Hampered by Snow
Demonstration Will Be
Held in McArthur Court
There will be no real hockey
game between the United States
! field hockey team and the Uni
versity of Oregon team, according
to reports from Miss Janet Wood
ruff. who is in charge of the ar
rangements for the game. Instead
there will be a demonstration in
McArthur court at 3 o’clock to
day. Admission will be free, and
money for tickets will be refunded
by Lucille Murphy, at the Alpha
Phi house.
This announcement of change
of plans was made necessary be
cause of the condition of Hayward
field, and that McArthur court is
not large enough to play the reg
ulation hockey game on it.
The 13 players arrived yester
day at noon and were taken to
the Anchorage for a luncheon
given by the physical education
faculty members. At 3 o’clock
the players were honored with a
tea by the members of Hermian,
physical education honorary for
The banquet given by W. A. A.
in honor of the visiting team will
be given at 6:30 this evening in
the new men's dormitory. Tick
ets for W. A. A. members will be
$1. Mary Wilburn and ClaTe
Maertens have charge of the ban
With the object of picking out
prospective personnel material for
the Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph company, three representa
tives of that company will visit
the campus Thursday, January 30.
The representatives will meet
with all business administration,
economics, and physics students at
a general meeting to be held in
107 Commerce at 10 a. m. Fol
lowing this meeting they will hold
individual interviews with stu- j
L. V. Ross of the American Tel
ephone and Telegraph company
heads the group. A laboratory ex- j
pert of the Eell Telephone com- i
pany will confer with interested j
physics students during the day. j
“The Pageant of America,’’ a
pictorial history of the United
States, of especial interest to stu
dents of history and research, has
just been, received by the main li
Fifteen volumes in length, the
work deals with the history of
American art, the state, idealism,
letters, architecture, adventures,
the wilderness, the frontier, the j
march of commerce, and sport. The
book is illustrated with old wood
cuts, etchings and old and new
Day Foster
Declared To
Be Ineligible
Senior Ball Chairman Is
Junior in Scholastic
Lack of Junior Certificate
Is Cause of Further
Sensational facts which pointed
to the ineligibility of Day Foster,
general chairman of the Senior
Ball, to hold that office were
brought out yesterday following
investigation by the Emerald of
declarations made in a letter to
the editor.
Official records at the regis
trar’s office indicate that Foster |
has to his credit 122 University
hours and lacks four hours of
having enough to be rated as a
senior in hours. Three more hours
are still hanging fire, but the ad
dition of those would still leave
him below the lowest number of
hours a student may have to be
classed as a senior, according to
information received from the reg
Further complications into the
situation were developed when it
was also revealed that Foster had
not yet received his junior certifi
cate and as a result was officially
a sophomore in the University's
Bringing the Senior Ball chair
man into the limelight was a new
development of the Udall eligibil
ity case, in which considerable in
terest was shown over the fact
that Fletcher Udall, appointed by
Foster as ticket sales chairman,
was ostensibly a junior. This ac
tion was broughout last week in
the Emerald and resulted in the
statement from Tom Stoddard,
student body president, and Dr.
James H. Gilbert, that the num
ber of years a person attended the
University, regardless of the terms
of each year, governed the stu
dent’s class rating.
University rulfngs used by the
registrar’s office are based on the
number of hours earned in the
University and on the completion
of certain under-division require
ments before a junior certificate
is awarded.
Last Discussions
For Fraternities
To Be Held Tonite
Adams Announces Men
Who Will Speak
At Groups
The final of the series of fra
ternity discussions will be held
tonight in 22 men’s organizations
on the campus, it was announced
yesterday by Max Adams, execu
tive secretary of the campus Y.
M. C. A., which is sponsoring the
Following is a list of the organ
izations and those who will lead
their discussions: Alpha Beta Chi,
Dean Eric W. Allen; Alpha hall,
Rev. Clay E. Palmer; Alpha Tau
Omega, Prof. E. R. Knollin; Alpha
Upsilon, Prof. Verne G. Blue; Del
ta Epsilon, Prof. G. W. Robbins;
Delta Tau Delta, Wm. J. Rein
Friendly hall, Prof. Victor P.
Morris; Gamma hall, Father Leip
zig; International house, Prof.
Chas. G. Howard; Kappa Sigma,
Dr. Ralph R. Huestis; Omega hall,
Dean Hugh L. Biggs; Phi Gamma
Delta, Prof. S. Stephenson Smith;
Phi Kappa Psi, Dr. Nelson L. Boss
ing; Phi Sigma Kappa, Dr. War
ren D. Smith.
Psi Kappa, Roy Smith; Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Dean John J.
Landsbury; Sigma Chi, Prof. L.
Kenneth Shumaker; Sigma hall,
Capt. George F. Herbert; Sigma
Nu, Prof. Harold S. Tuttle; Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Dean David E. Fa
ville; Theta Chi, Rev. John Max
well Adams; Zeta hall, Prof. Wal
ter Barnes.
The science department of the
University of Washington will
float to Hawaii this summer for
a session of study in the islands.
Student Broadcasts
Enter Second Week;
Two Slated Tonight
Plans Concert
Hailed as “the outstanding or
ganist In America,” Lynwood Far
nam, of New York, will appear In
a program this evening at the
school of music auditorium at 8
Francis McKenna,
Former Student,
Passes Suddenly
Funeral Services Will Be
Held This Afternoon
In Portland
News of Death Comes as
Shock to Friends
Francis W. McKenna, 22 years
old, a graduate of the University
of Oregon in June, 1929, died sud
denly at hi3 home in Portland
Sunday. News of his death came
as a shock to the whole campus.
McKenna had been suffering from
a breakdown for the past few
weeks, but his condition was not
known to be serious.
Funeral services will be held
this afternoon in Portland at the
east side funeral home of Holman
and Lutz. More than half of the
active membership of Phi Kappa
Psi, with which McKenna was af
filiated, went to Portland yester
day for the services.
Besides his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. McKenna, two broth
ers, Laird, an Oregon alumnus,
and Everett, and two sisters, Mrs.
Margaret Thomas of Portland,
and Mrs. Pearl Jones of Pendleton,
survive him. Harriett Kibbee, a
junior on the campus now, is a
Active on Campus
Throughout his four years at
Oregon, McKenna was active in
campus affairs and was accorded
many scholastic and student hon
ors. He was elected to Phi Beta
Kappa, national scholastic honor
ary fraternity, last May and at
the end of his college career he
was the winner of the Albert
prize, awarded each year by the
senior class to the member who
has shown the greatest develop
ment through his four years of
college life.
McKenna was president of the
senior class of 1929, and was a
member of the executive council
of the A. S. U. O. In military he
was the honor graduate last year,
having the rank of lieutenant
colonel of cadets, R. O. T. C., the
highest commission that can be
given a student officer. He was
also president of the local chapter
of Scabbard and Blade.
un itmeruiu aum
On the business staff of the Ore
gon Daily Emerald, McKenna
served as assistant circulation
manager in 1925 and 1926
and later became head circulation
manager. He was a member of
the W. F. G. Thacher chapter of
Alpha Delta Sigma, national hon
orary advertising fraternity, and
on the basis of his journalism
work he won an Emerald "O."
In fraternity affairs, McKenna
was equally active. He served as
president of the Oregon Alpha
chapter of Phi Kappa Psl last
year, and held minor offices be
fore that time.
Gamma Phis,
Tri-Delts at
Sororities Give Programs
In Emerald-KORE
First Group To Go on Air
At 8 o’Clock
The second week of broadcast
ing in the Emerald-KORE radio
contest starts tonight at 8 o’clock,
with "Harmonies of 1929-30,” pre
sented by Gamma Phi Beta. At
8:30 the Tri Delta will take the
KORE microphone with their
"Hay-Hay” idea, featuring a rural
Maxine Glover has planned and
directed the Gamma Phi program,
while Alberta Rives is directing
the Tri Delt presentation.
Programs for the remainder of
the week follow:
Wednesday, January 29, 8 pm.
Alpha Xi Delta.
8:30 p. m.—Alpha Delta Pi.
Thursday, January 30, 8 p. m.—
Chi Psi.
8:30 p. m.—Phi Sigma Kappa.
Fred Norton, contest director,
requests living groups not to
bring with them any persons who
are not to take part in the pro
gram, because of the crowded
condition of the broadcasting stu
dio which is likely to result.
Girls Learning
Waffle - Making
For Big Dance
A. W. S. Affair Set for
Thursday Afternoon
From 2 to 5:30
"Al” Wingate is flipping waffles
in her sleep these days. So are
Anne Baum, Barbara Mann, Mar
garet Luse, Betty Jones, and Har
riette Hoffman.
With “Al” as the "big chef,”
these six co-eds are lining up ar
rangements for the Associated
Women Students’ waffle-dance,
set tot Thursday, January 30, at
the Craftsmen’s club from 2 to
5:30 o’clock.
Waffles will be turned out on
wholesale scale—and what’s more
they will be good ones, declared
the general chairman and her
A large staff, including mem
bers of Kwama, has been recruit
ed for the "kitchen gang” and
are mastering the culinary art, un
der instruction of experts, this
George Weber’s music has been
engaged for the dancing. Money
from the waffle-dance will go to
the Foreign Scholarship fund.
Women Trade
Mortar Boards
For Gym Bloomers
From a new corner of the sports
world comes a challenge! The
austere group of college women
known as Mortar Board challenges
the equally austere group of wo
men designated as Heads of Hous
es to a basketball game In the
Women’s gym at 2 o’clock Satur
With the acceptance of this
challenge the formal black gowns
of Mortar Board will be exchang
ed for black gym bloomers, and
the presidential gavel will be
traded in for a referee’s whistle.
• Through a preliminary investi
gation is has been discovered that
only one or two of the prospective
players have a notion of basket
ball theory or practice. Lack of
experience will have nothing to
do with eligibility, however.
The challenging team will await
the formal acceptance of Heads
of Houses before making arrange
ments for basketball coaching,
line-ups, and referees.