IlUilUliilitlllllii Remember! The Emerald-KORE Contest Starts Second Week With Programs Each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday linUni!!ll!!!!II!!!I!J!iiIII!]!llli!llI!!I!lin!!ll!nni!!!!l!!!l!!!!!!!!!I!l!!n:!n!l!i1!!!!!ll!!!!II!ninil,'inil!I'irn!l!nn CLASS ELIGIBILITY SEE PAGE 4 RUSHING TROUBLES nunMuuunuuiuuiiiu:imiuui!iiuiiiiiimtiiiiiniui!miiiimiuiiuiiiiiiuunmuiHBiinmiii THE WEATHER Wanner and probably snow. Monday’s temperature: Maximum ..83 1 Minimum ..23 | River .0.8 | Precipitation .0 .^iiiiiminiuimiuuiiuuuiuiiauuinnmirimiminmiiniimiiiiiinnmmiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiminmiimiRoiimi.i VOLUME XXXJ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1930 NUMBER 64 Constitution Revisers Hold First Meeting Subcommittees Formed To Insure Completion of Original Plans WILL SUBMIT DRAFTS Approval or Rejection of Students Slated as Following Step By DAVE WILSON Preliminary plans for the her culean task of rewriting the con stitution of the Associated Stu dents were laid yesterday at the first meeting of the newly-ap pointed constitutional rewriting committee. It was decided that in order to insure the completion of the re vision within a Reasonable lenthg of time, the work would have to be split up among the ten members of the committee, and Dick Horn, chairman, announced subcommit tees whose task it will be to make a special study of particular phases of student government and rewrite the articles in the consti tution pertaining to them. Drafts To Be Submitted The sub- committee, upon completion of their work, will sub mit drafts to a central supervis ing committee for approval. Tom Stoddard, president of the A. S. U. O., Dick Horn and Ron Hubbs will form the central committee. Drafts submitted by the subcom mittees will then be submitted to members of the law scchool facul ty f5r approval of phraseology and wording. The next step wni oe tne suo mission of the new document to the students at large for approv al or rejection by ballot, the vot ing to be held sometime during the spring term. Recommendations from any member of the student body re garding changes to be made in the constitution will be welcomed by the rewriting committee, Horn stated yesterday. Suggestions May Be Sent “Any student who has a serious suggestion to make,” he explained, "should put it in writing and ad dress it to me at the Associated Students’ office in Friendly hall. We assure the student body that all suggestions made seriously will receive serious consideration. The work of the revision has been divided among the members of the committee as follows: Regulations concerning student body officers—their qualifications, duties, nominations and elections will be rewritten by a committee composed of Chuck Laird, chair man, Cal Bryan and Stan Brooks. Other Groups Organized The articles governing campus publications, the selection of edi tors and managers, their duties and salaries, etc., will be the prov ince of a committee including Rex Tussing, chairman, Harriet Kibbee, and Chuck Laird. The problem of the regulation of athletics, requirements for the giving of letters, managerial sys