Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 24, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    Four Committees Are Completing Plans for International Week
Chairman of
Affair Makes
Groups To Be in Charge
Of Speakers, Banquet,
Ami Pageant
Three Organizations Join
For Cooperation
Arrangements for International
Week, scheduled for the week of
February 21 to March 1, will be
in the hands of four committees,
it was announced at a meeting yes
terday of the directorate. The an
nouncement came from Hal Pad
dock, who is general chairman for
the week.
The four committees will be as
follows: committee on speakers,
to be in charge of securing speak
ers who arc well-versed in inter
national affairs; banquet commit
tees, to arrange for the banquet,
at which every American student
attending will be asked to bring a
foreign student with him.
Pageant Closes Week
The pageant committee will ar
* range the international pageant
which always brings the week to
a close, and the arrangements
committee will have charge of
getting various organizations to
cooperate in the movement, and
will arrange for -bringing the
speakers to the campus.
Edna Spenker will be in charge
of the pageant, which is under
1 the auspices of the Cosmopolitan
club. Her entire committee, to
gether with the other committees
and committee chairmen will be
announced in Tuesday's Emerald.
Three Groups Join
Three more organizations have
joined the list of those cooperat
ing in carryling on of Internation
al Week, it was reported at the
meeting yesterday. These are the
International Relations club, Phil
ippensis, and Associated Women
One feature of International
Week, this year is that the whole
P world will be covered in the dis
cussions, instead of just the coun
tries of the Pacific region as was
the case last year.
Attention was called at the
meeting yesterday to the situation
of the students in Bulgaria. Mil
dred McGee was appointed to see
if something could be done to help
relieve the situation, in connec
tion with International Week here.
New Meeting Scheduled
Another meeting of the direc
torate will be held at the “Y” hut
next Thursday afternoon at 4
o’clock. Any organizations which
wish to take an active part in In
ternational Week are askqd to
send a representative to this meet
ing, or call either Hal Paddock or
Mildred Dobbins.
Intramural debate among the
fraternities and sororities of the
University of California at Los
Angeles has a recognized place
among the campus competitive af
I II*- 1 I
Radiant "sunsl
Radiant "sunshine” heat
quickly whenyou want it
... early in the morning,
or late at night. Glow
ing, penetrating gas
radiant heat that gives
efficiency at low cost.
Northwest Cities
( Gas Co.
1‘honc >S !)S1 Oak St.
W. A. A. Muss Meeting tonight
at 5 o’clock in room 121 Gerlinger
hall. Vcry important; everyone
1 must be thve.
Tickets are on -ale for the All
American hockey game by Intra
mural house representatives in all
women’s houses. Men will be able
I to obtain tickets this evening at
dinner; independents "may obtain
, tickets at the Co-op.
W. A. A. intramural house rep
resentatives must turn in all tick
ets for hockey game not sold this
afternoon, at 2 o'clock to Lucille I
Murphy at Alpha Phi.
Congress Debate Club will have
its Oregana picture taken today
at 12:45 on the east side of Ore
gon hall. Please be there.
Drama Group of Philomelete
will meet Sunday at 5 o’clock in
the women's lounge of the Ger
linger building.
Oregon Knights be at Igloo to
night at 7 o’clock sharp to usher
for game.
Congress Club will meet today
at 12:45 for Oregana picture in
front of Oregon building.
Prose and Poetry group- will
meet Sunday at 2:30 in women's
lounge. Short plays will be dis
Application blanks for super
vised teaching- may now be ob
tained from the general office of
the school of education.
Interviews for Y. W. cabinet
should be scheduled at once with
Dorothy Thomas at the Bungalow.
Everyone interested in Y. W. work
is urged to try out.
Make-up psych exam for enter
ing students <at 4 p. m. today in
301 Condon. Students must make
arrangements with registrar be
fore taking exam.
Phi Beta Kappa group picture
for the Oregana will be taken in
front of Friendly hall Tuesday,
January 28, at 12:30.
Sigma Xi group picture for the
Oregana will be taken Tuesday,
Men's Hose
In New and Fancy
Excellent quality hose of sill*
and rayon mixtures. Mercerized
toes and heels for extra wear.
Rayon plaited tops. Come in a
great selection of attractive
new patterns.
, New
Cotton or rayon shirts and
shorts of broaddoth or rayon
in plain and pattern effects
Yoke and elastic top styles.
January 28, at 12:45, at the south
entrance of Friendly hall.
Bachelordon announces the
pledging of Forrest Paxton, of
Lakeview, Oregon.
Gamma Phi chapter of Alpha
Tau Omega announces the pledg
ing of Kenneth Linklater of Hills
boro, Oregon.
Sigma Phi Epsilon announces
the pledging of Alfred Schmidt of
Two new officers were elected
Wednesday at a special meeting
of the sophomore members of Ore
gon Knights, service organization,
called by Karl Greve, president.
James Lartdreth was named sec
retary and Jo Stoll, treasurer, of
the local group to serve for the re
mainder of the year.
Plans for initiation of freshmen
will be discussed at a meeting next
Wednesday, Greve said yesterday.
Bad Colds Still Claim
Most Hospital Patients
- I
Margaret Litscher, Dessel Hel
frich, Jack Sammons, Walter Nor
blad, Lawrence Mitchelmore, and
Weston Hayden are still confined
to the infirmary because of colds.
Allan Scavell is about over his
case of mumps and will be re
leased soon.
Marian Musgrove, who broke i
her leg while riding a bobsled, has 1
been moved to the infirmary and I
is now under its care.
Christian Spreen and Kenneth
C. Owens, inmates since yester
day, are both afflicted with colds.
University of Omaha students
who are unlucky enough to be un
der 18 years of age are arrested
if found on the streets after 9
p. m.
Mrs. Fitch Slowly
Recovering After
Recent Accident
Pneumonia Keeping Bones
From ^Tending, Doctor
Of Secretary, Says
Mrs. Clara Fitch, secretary of
the graduate school, who was ser
iously injured a week ago yester
day in an automobile accident on
the campus, is gradually recover
ing, and her condition in general
is favorable, according to a report
from Dr. George I. Hurley last
night. Mrs. Fitch is at the Pacific
Christian hospital.
Incipient pneumonia, which has
rendered the setting of broken
bones impossible, is clearing up,
Dr. Hurley stated, and he expects
to be able to perate within the
next few days. Mrs. Fitch incurred
a fractured collar bone and shoul
der blade, and two broken ribs in
the accident. The bones, however,
are not in a bad position, the re
port said.
Mrs. Fitch took up her duties
in the graduate school on January
1, having formerly been connected
with the administrative offices.
Mrs. Robert H. Seashore and Mrs.
Ralph D. Casey, the wives of two
professors in the University, are
holding her job open for her dur
ing her illness.
Episcopal students on the cam
pus will sponsor a free all-campus
dance at the Craftsman club this
evening immediately after the
Washington - Oregon basketball
game, to which all students of the
University are invited.
Patrons and patronesses will be |
Dean Virginia Judy Esterly, Pro- i
fessor and Mrs. N. B. Zane, Rev.
and Mrs. Frederick Jennings, Pro
fessor F. S. Dunn, and Miss Ju- 1
liette Gibson.
Winter Formals
It's only once ;i year that your living
organization really throws a big party.
And when it does, of course, you want
it to be the very best possible. Twin
Oaks Lumber Company will be able to
furnish you with all the materials for
decorations . . . kalsomine, lumber, nails,
paints, wall boards . . . everything neces
sary to create the effect you wish.
Twin Oaks Lumber Co.
Lane County’s Leading- Builders’ Supply Store
669 High Phone 782
with every
Man's Suit,
i'ormerl y A A. billy Ucyi. Utore*
Evelyn Shaner, Editor
Colleen Moore is scoring' a de
cided hit at the Heilig this week
where she struts her captivating
personality in "Footlights and
Fools." In addition to her own
charm every mechanical device
has been employed to make the
picture a huge success. Techni
color brings to the screen person
alities a resemblance to real life
that is most startling. The gor
geous gowns, elaborate head dress
es and shapely legs of the chorus
is another noteworthy feature.
Today is the last showing of
“Big Time,” the backstage hoofer
story which has been running at
the State theatre.
"Wall Street," a novel and ro
mantic presentation of the activi
ties of the New York stock ex
change, opens at the Rex today.
It is a picture of gripping realism
with two very capable people in
the stellar roles,
Save S & H Green Discount Stamps
PHONE 2700
You Will Particularly
Enjoy These New
“Betty Baxley”
Illustrated Is
“Betty Baxley” \
Smock No. 123
A printed sateen smack cut on
tlie fashionable princess line—
long sleeve model with collar and
belt across back of self material
in contrasting color—two patch
pockets—buttons down the front.
Sizes 16, 18, 20
Others at
$1.95 and $3.95
Practical smocks to wear around
the house, of lovely sateens with
cretonne trim — all sateen —and
Pomico cloth—everfast plain col
ored suitings in long and short_
sleeve styles. A remarkable, as
sortment including sizes from 14
to 44.
I at the McDonald—
Joan Crawford has a chance for
some real acting in "Untamed.”
She gives up her accustomed soci
1 ety sophistication to play a strong
willed jungle beauty and does it
i in a way that shows thow versa
, tile she really can be. Her talk
ing voice is not to be sneezed at
“Not Quite Decent” is proving
very popular at the Colonial thea
tre. We are keeping the plot to
ourselves because, well, because
we all like a surprise now and
TO $7.50
All Reduced in Price
White Crepe Recent Pinup for formal
wear—can be dyed any color. Were
sjKl.OO*—now $+.85.
1032 Willamette
MoDonald Theatre Bldg.
You’ll Have
one less worry.
if you' .somi your laundry lion*. You
will liavo tin* assurance that there will
bo no missing buttons, no tears and
rips, or any of the other things that
so annoy you. Hero, you will got the
best possible service, combining speed
with thoroughness. Just phone 252
9 0
Varsity and! Town
News of the Shops
the Co-eds
1891 Styles for Ladies
A high linen-collar is again noticed with I lie cloth bodice.
For a, while womankind had her throat free, and untram
meled, but again she has become convinced that tlm high
white edge is needed as a finishing touch to the dark
costume. Do not let your collar button show, and under
no circumstance break the point of the stiff linen which
must be as upright as the curate for which it was named.
Walking dresses will continue to escape the floor, though
carriage costumes may lie there for three or four'inches.
(From the Ladies Home .Journal for January, 1891.)
Legs Go Wool
These days with a bang
but of course those same
wool hose must be of the
good-looking variety, and
that kind may be procured
at the U of O Ko-Ed Shop
next to the College Side.
They have some very smart
Bursam silk and wool hose
as well as some warm lisle
hose with or without hand
made yarn clocks.
Smart Moderns
Covering Knees
And McMorran and Wash
btirne’s dress department has
some of the cleverest $18
dresses in the new long
styles (3 to 4 inches below
the knee) with normal
waists and circular skirts;
the colors of which are very
new and good in flat silk
crepes and georgettes in all
sizes, including half sizes.
What! No Silver
For Hope-chest?
Then perhaps you had belter
be looking into the matter.
At Caraway's Jewelry Store
on Willamette there arc
some of the best-looking sil
verware patterns! Plain pat
terns seem to dominate, but
there are all kinds from the
Dolly Madison to the Mary
II. They are of solid silver
and arc very smart.
Old Man Blues
Is fended- off by the bright
cheerfulness of hothouse
flowers. At Raup’s Flower
Shop, 988 Willamette, you
will be able to order some
very pretty corsages and ta
ble decorations. Call tilO
and your orders will be filled
promptly and courteously.
Looking Through
Tinted Glasses
Will help many an headache
that is caused from the glare
on the snow. The many
varieties of dull aches that
your head may think up as
a performance are only too
many times caused by a
strain on your eyes. So for
a headache see Dr. Ella
Meade, optician, 14 8th W.,
for a thorough examination
of your eyes.
Let s Make
Said the bloomer manufac
turers as they sat around
thinking of some new styles
for underthings- and so they
did, and the result was
whoopie panties, clever ray
on apparel with a snappy
style all their own. At Ka
foury’s Department Store,
Blast Broadway, they have
these panties for only 98c.
Collegiate Feet
And these same feet as welt
as feet just going in for
brogues will be glad to hear
that the Buster Brown Shoe
Store on Willamette is hav
ing a sale on men and wom
en's imported Scotch Grain
Leather brogues — brogues
that are waterproof and dur
The Busy Co-Ed
Will find that she can save
a lot of her most valuable
time by visiting a reputable
beauty shop where she can
have her beauty work' done
promptly and well. The Eu
gene Hotel Beauty Parlor,
phone 647, has expert oper
ators that are most willing
to help her.
The Rejuvenation
Of Sally Formal
That good old frock that has
seen so many affairs and
yet still is in good condition
has a good chance to bloom
again if it is placed in good
hands. Margaret Coldron,
3rd Floor of the Miner Build
ing, does informal and for
mal dress alterations.
The Elements Lose
In the fight with galoshes!
No matter how hard they
try to ruin the comfort of
your feet they will fail. At
Williams Self Service Store,
77 E. Broadway, there is
still a good selection of rub
ber and cloth galoshes mod
erately priced.