Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 24, 1930, Image 1

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    Program for Sigma Pi Tau Brings to End First Week of Emerald KOBE Contest to Determine Winner of First Prize
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| Maximum .21
| Minimum .21
River . 1-0
Precipitation . 52
Wind, northwest.
Students Selected
To Remodel Present
, Oregon Constitution
Horn Named
To Head Ten
On Committee
A.S.U.O. Writ Held Out
Of Date; Attention
Called by Emerald
Completed Work Expected
To Remedy Evils
Dick Horn, vice-president of the
student body, was yesterday an
nounced by Tom Stoddard, presi
Dick Horn
aent, as ine
chairman of a
constitutional re
writing- commit
tee to revise the
constitu t i o n of
the a s s o c i ated
students dhd pre
sent it to the
student body for
approval s o m e
time during the
spring term. This
move is being
taken following
action of the Oregon Daily mn
erald last term in calling atten- (
tion to deficiencies in the present
Other members of the commit
tee, as announced by Stoddard and
f Horn, are Walter Norblad, Edna J
Dunbar, James Raley, Cal Bryan,
Harriet Kibbee, Stanford Brooks,
Charlie Laird, Har Johnson, Rex
Tussing, and Ronald Hubbs. ,
The work of the constitutional ,
committee will be to rearrange
and rewrite the present constitu- ]
tion rather than to introduce any ,
radical changes into student gov- ,
ernment, Stoddard said.
Remodelling Necessary 1
“With the growth of the stu
dent body in membership, with
added responsibilities being placed .
upon the student body administra
tion each year, and with the con
stantly increasing size and impor- 1
tance of student problems in gen
eral, I find the constitution as it
now stands hopelessly unfit,” the
student body president stated. 1
“Due to constant amending from
year to year and more or less ;
carelessness shown in such amend
ing, many inconsistencies and am
biguities have developed in the
t text of the constitution which
make it very hard to apply.
“For these reasons I think it
wise at this time to go completely
over the constitution and make it
worthy of the student government
it supports.”
Dick Horn stated that a prelim
inary meeting of the committee
would be held next week, at which
time a plan of work would be
drawn up which would permit the
finishing of the task by the close
of the winter term.
To Solve Class Trouble
The revised document will con
tain a general class constitution
under which the government of all
four classes will be regulated,
Horn said. This sub-constitution
will set up definite requirements
of some sort for membership in
each class and will eliminate in
the future arguments over class
affiliations such as have arisen in
connection with Senior Ball ap
pointments recently.
The members of the committee
are all active in student affairs
and represent a cross-section of i
the student body suitable for the
writing of a constitution destined
to affect every student in some
way or other.
A committee of the law school
faculty has consented to act as
advisers for the constitutional
committee, Chairman Horn states.
They will determine fine points of
phrasing and constitutional law
referred to them by the commit
tee, and will go over the com
pleted document before it is sub
*■ mitted to the students for ap
Why Not Skate Your
Way to Class ? One
Brave Student Does
XTAVING heard his father
■* *■ spin yarns abont skating in
the old days at Oregon State,
Paul Woodward brought his ice
skates with him to the Univer
sity this term, just on the
chance that he’d be able to use
And yesterday, when morn
ing dawned on a “silver freeze”
in Eugene, he got his chance.
Deciding that just plain walk
ing was too slow a means of
getting to his classes, he dug
up his skates and flitted swiftly
over the sidewalks on a com
prehensive tour of the campus
and surrounding glacial terri
Woodward, a senior in Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, hasn’t used his
skates since 1926, when he was
a student at the University of
Pennsylvania. He now hails
from San Diego, California.
Music Honorary To
Give Two Plays
At Guild Theatre
One-act Dramas Written
By Local Prominent
Margaret Turner Coach of
Bath Productions
Two one-act plays by Alice Hen
son Ernst, assistant professor in
the English department and Sally
Allen, wife of Dean Eric W. Al
len, both prominent in literary
circles, will be presented Febru
ary 5, by Phi Beta, musical and
dramatic national professional
honorary, at Guild Hall theatre.
“Getaway,” by Sally Allen, and
“From the Book of Wonder,” by
Mrs. Ernst, are plays that are be
ing given under the direction of
Margaret Turner, a student in the
drama department.
Players Oregon People
Miss Turner announces that ev
eryone acting in these plays are
either now attending the Univer
sity of Oregon or have attended,
and that it is purely an Oregon
production, of interest to Oregon
1 lie casta Uttvc oucaujr uccu oc
lected by the committee in charge
and are as follows. For “From
the Book of Wonder”:
Phyllis—Lova Buchanan.
Pegeen—Florence Shumaker.
Prunella—Katherine Starr.
Paul—Arthur Taylor.
Jupe Pluve—-Jack Waldron.
Dr. Pinna Fact—Miles Shaw.
Spring Madness—Mildred Le
Compte Moore.
Summer Gladness—Irma Logan.
Winter Sadness—Norma Jacobs.
The chorus of frogs and crick
ets which are to appear from time
to time, have not yet been chosen,
but will be in the near future, says
Margaret Turner.
Those appearing in "Getaway”
Mrs. Keck—Diana Deininger.
Gladys—Norma Jacobs.
Hattie—Helen Althouse.
Nellie—Jean Williams.
Jim—Dr. Edgar Buchanan.
Fred Harris, of the art depart
ment is working on the settings.
Elaborate fantastic costumes are
being prepared also under his di
Cadet Teachers File
Applications at Once
All University students who are
intending to do cadet teaching
next year are requested to file
their applications at once, accord
ing to Nelson L. Bcssing, directoi
, of supervision for the school ol
' education.
| The application blanks for su
pervised teaching may be obtainec
from the general office of th<
j school of education, Dr. Bossinj
Houses Hope
To Reduce Big
Tax Burden
Organization Managers
Outline Plans at
General Meet
Investigation of Buying
Supplies To Be Made
*v Committee
Beca all the fraternity and
sorority ejses on the campus
feel thei ~“es overtaxed, Lloyd
Sherrill, c dent of the house
managers' ^nation, which met
last evenln % the Chi Omega
house, and c'he managers of
the houses v %he campus are
working on a , to mitigate the
burden of expe. offered by ex
cessive taxation.
Sherrill offered the following
figures as testimony to the state
ment that the houses are over
taxed. In the Alpha Tau Omega
fraternity, each man pays approx
imately $3.64 per month for taxes,
totaling somewhere around $1,100
a year for that one fraternity.
Not only is it the fraternity houses
in this district that suffer from
overtaxation, says Sherrill, but the
householders also pay approxi
mately one half more taxes than
in the other portions of town.
To Circulate Petition
According to the plan, a peti
tion will be circulated, not only
among the houses, but among the
townspeople of this community,
asking for a reassessment of this
district. Harold Johnson was ap
pointed to meet with Tax Asessor
Ben F. Keeney in an effort to get
a consideration.
Last year, in a movement to get
rid of taxes, money was collected
from the houses and sent to one
of the locals at Willamette uni
versity for them to pay for ex
penses and to file a petition with
the courts protesting, and asking
for exemption, as it was thought
better for the action to come from
outside, rather than from the Uni
versity. It failed miserably, said
Sherrill, but as the houses can
scarcely afford to pay such enor
mous sums in taxes steps will have
to be taken to remedy this situa
L. L. Hurst, manager of Mays
Stores, Inc., a department store
in Eugene, spoke at the meeting
on house economy in buying, and
based most of his talk on his own
experience as house manager of
his fraternity at the University of
Don Wheat, Frances Munro and
Bill Clarke were appointed to in
vestigate economical methods of
purchasing supplies that are used
in houses, with the end in view of
cutting down expenses to the min
imum. Surveys of the creamery
and meat markets will be made
before the next meeting; Sherrill
will look after the creameries and
Ed Bissell, and Donald Carver will
investigate meat markets.
Paul Hunt, who has been mak
(Continued on Page Two)
Only 494 Students
Pay for Lab Fees
February 1 Is Deadline,
Says Registrar
With but 494 students having
paid their lab fees during the first
two days of the period in which
they must be paid, there comes
the reminder from the office of
the cashier that February 1 is
the deadline for the payment of all
lab and special fees.
There are some 2500 students
who have not as yet appeared to
make the necessary payments. Of
the 494 who have done so, 255
were prompt in appearing on Wed
nesday, the first day when the of
fice was open for this purpose,
and 239 handed over the cash yes
Students are again urged by
the cashier's office to pay these
fees early, for, like Christmas
shopping, there is always a big
rush at the end.
Old A.S.U.O. Rule
Prohibits ‘Socks
From Socrates’
Pamphlet Appears Without
Sanction of Official
Relations Between Groups
May Be Patched up
Fog and rough weather He in
the path of the good ship, “Socks
from Socrates,” which was launch
ed this week from unknown liter
ary shipyards as a cargo ship to
open up a market for poesy and
The four-page pamphlet, which
created a small furore on the
campus by its appearance Wed
nesday, was issued disregarding a
permanent motion of the student
and executive councils passed in
1922, the Emerald learned yester
Quoting the A. S. U. O. consti
tution motions, “The executive
council prohibited the publication
of any other than authorized pub
lications and prohibited the solici
tation of advertising for them.”
Although the literary sheet
contains no advertisements, it
made its appearance on the cam
pus without the sanction of the
official organizations, it was re
Opinion of officials of the stu
dent body was not hostile to the
new publication yesterday and it
is expected that re’ations between
the groups—the ten “editors” on
one hand and the student body on
the other—can be patched up.
Cold Keeps Thacher
Absent From Classes
W. F. G. Thacher, professor of
advertising and short story writ
ing, was confined to his bed yes
terday with a bad cold. It was
not known last night whether or
not ne would be able to meet his
classes this morning.
Campus to be
Scene of Big
Science Meet
At Least 600 Members of
Pacific Association
Expected Here
Annual Conclave Will Give *
Public Insight Into
New Discoveries
Eugene, Oregon, will become the
scientific capital of the entire
United States June 18 to 21, when 4
the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, Pacific
division, holds its annual meeting
on the campus here, it is announc
ed by O. P. Stafford, head of the ■
chemistry department and in
charge of arrangements for the
session. The meeting will be sec
ond in importance only to that
held recently in Des Moines, Iowa. 1
The conference will bring at
least 600 of the active members
of the Pacific division, while many !
hundreds of others are expected 1
to come from the other parts of
the country. A great number of 1
non-members who are interested 1
in the various branches of science
to be covered are also expected 1
to be present. !
l/urnn a u nuunr tvu
Active members will come to
Eugene from institutions in Ore
gon, California, Washington, Ida
ho, Nevada, Colorado, and other
Pacific coast states.. About 400
of these will be given quarters in
the dormitories here, while others
will be cared for in hotels and in
private homes. Since Eugene is
centrally located a record attend
ance is expected for this meet.
Annual meetings of the associa
tion, which attract national atten
tion, are held not only for the pur
pose of exchanging information,
but to give the public, through
presentation of papers and in pub
lis addresses, an insight into the
achievements that are being ac
complished by the country’s lead
ing scientists. This year the pro
gram will include many topics of
popular interest, which are ex
pected to draw an unusually large
number of outside people.
Talkies on Program
Scientific topics are presented
with motion pictures, slides and
other illustrations, as well as in
papers and talks. This year, for
the first time, sound and talking
pictures will be an important part
of the program, it is announced.
Many recent discoveries of great
importance will be described for
the first time at this session, just
as at the recent Des Moines meet
Details of topics to be taken up
and announcements of prominent
scientists who will be on the pro
gram will be given out in the near
future, it is stated. A large com
1 mittee of University men and wo
men are already at work on ar
rangements for the meeting here.
i Numerous field trips to places of
■ scientific interest, as well as trips
i for recreation are being planned
by University and city leaders.
'That’s That’ Say Coach and President
The above photo was taken immediately after Dr. Clarence W. Spears, ex-Universlty of Minnesota
coach, had signed a contract to become head grid coach at Oregon. Dr. Hall, left, went to Missoula,
Montana, to meet “Doc” Spears and complete final arrangements for the job.
Weakened Duck Team
To Take Floor Tonight
Against Northerners
Sigma Pi Tau
Gives Novel
Air Program
‘Reminiscences’ Idea Is
Ably Carried Out in
Local Broadcast
Variety of Entertainment
Presented Last Night
Place: Any University club,
anywhere in the United States.
Time: The year 1933.
Characters: Joe Brown and Bill
Smith, two Oregon alumni, who
have met to talk over old times.
With this setting as a back
ground, Ted Charles last night
presented a group of Sigma Pi
Tau entertainers in the “Remi
niscences” idea, a program dis
tinctive not only from a musical
standpoint, but from a standpoint
of variety and originality as well.
Pianist Is Director
Charles, who is himself a pian
ist of no mean ability, organized
his Sigma Tau presentation in a
manner quite different from the
familiar piano-solo-vocal duet type
of broadcast. A genuine frater
nity bull-fest, a delightfully ren
dered Milt Gross characterization,
and a recitation of “The Shooting
of Sam de Jew” were all fitted in
to the dialogue smoothly and with
unbroken continuity.
The musical numbers were
brought into the act in such a
manner as to suggest the various
college scenea that the two alumni
bring to mind.
Band Plays Two Numbers
A six-piece band made up of
Delbert Michelson and Ho Wilson,
trumpeters, Ted Charles, pianist,
Carl Sanding, drummer, Henry
Culp and Elmer Card, saxaphones,
carried most of the musical por
tion of the program, playing "I’m
a Dreamer” and "Dream of Love”
as the opening and closing num
Trio Sings
The program follows:
Tenor solo, “Roses of Picardy,”
Ho Wilson.
Piano aolo, medley of popular
songs—Ted Charles.
Vocal trio, “Mistakes”—Ken
Potts, Ilo Wilson, and Henry Culp.
Trumpet duet, "I Love You
Truly”—Delmar Mitchelson and
Ilo Wilson.
Bed-time story—Harry Schenk.
"Shooting of Sam de Jew"—
Harry Schenk and Delmar Mitch
Johnny Butler and Bill Donald
son, taking the parts of the two
alumni, furnished the connecting
dialogue between the musical and
humorous numbers.
Fred Norton, contest director,
announced last night that two
more organizations had notified
him of their intention to enter the
contest. They are Kappa Delta,
whose program will be arranged
by Betty Fairchild, and Phi Kappa
Psi, under the direction of Wendell
Two separate groups of inde
pendents have requested that they
be given places on the program.
Herbert Doran is in charge of one
of these, but no name has been
given the Emerald for the other
program director. Norton re
quests that both contestants get
in touch with him at once, so that
the two programs can be com
Clinic for Children
Will Be Opened Soon
A clinic for children who are
having difficulty in mastering
their school courses is being
opened by Dr. B. W. DeBusk, pro
fessor in education.
The personal problems of each
child will be studied and sugges
tions will be made for correcting
and adjusting the difficulty.
Dr. DeBusk is to be assisted by
Kathryn Fry, senior in education.
Plug of Tobacco Has
Baleful Influence on
Phi Delt ‘Brothers'
body president to the low
liest frosh In the Phi Delt
house is “splttln* black” today.
Vie Wetzel, burly athlete of
yore, a confirmed tobacco
chewer through his long years
In college, got married the
other day, and following the
time honored custom, he sent
a big package to the “broth
ers.” An expectant crowd
gathered close, sensing big
black Manilas near.
Out came a cigar box; In
side was excelsior and on top
was a big man-size plug of
chewing tobacco. Along with
it was a note reading:
“One chew for one;
Two chews for two;
And a damn big chew
For all of you!
“Vic Wetzel and Wife."
Hall Makes Official
Announcement of
Coach Acceptance
‘Doc’ Spears Interested in
Oregon; Confident of
Country Progress
Reputation Shows Mentor
Also Good Educator
In a statement released this
week, Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall,
president of the University, an
nounces the election and accept
ance of Dr. Clarence W. Spears to
be the new football coach for the
University. The statement, In
part, follows:
I am delighted to announce
the acceptance by Dr. Clarence
W. Spears of his election as
football coach at the University
of Oregon. He will also assume
the duties and title of professor
of physical education and Uni
versity physician assigned to
half-time duty in the student
health service.
one from the student
Spears lias Confidence
This occasion gives me un-..
usual pleasure because of Dr.
Spears’ magnificent coaching
record, because of his splendid
leadership, because of his out*
standing character and person
ality, and finally because he is
attracted to Oregon not only by
the football future of the Uni
versity but by his confidence in
the country and above all else
by his interest In those educa
tional policies which the Univer
sity of Oregon is evolving.
He is deeply interested in our
efforts to eliminate the evils of
mass education and has great
confidence in our educational
future. Dr. Spears’ theory is
that highly successful football,
sound scholarship and generous
high-minded manhood go hand
in hand.
Fits Professorial Theory
This makes him fit perfectly
into the professorial theory of
coaching that we are working
out in connection with our school
of physical education. Accord
ing to that policy as we are try
ing to formulate it, it was
thought better not to have a
contract for the football coach,
but to place him oh indefinite
tenure. The student body at
the University, however, was so
fearful that they might lose the
services of Dr. Spears that they
pleaded for the privilege of a
five-year contract. While Dr.
Spears has not had a contract
at Minnesota, he agreed to this,
and in a spirit of deference to
student opinion I felt it wise to
yield this point.
In conclusion, I want to point
out that the most important
and significant aspect of the
(Continued on Page Two)
Injuries Hit
As Tilt Looms
Coach Reinhart Confined
To Bed With Attack
Of Influenza
Veteran Quintet To Hold
Forth for Huskies
With Billy Reinhart and three
first string players on the injured
list, the Oregon varsity basketball
team will take the floor at Mc
Arthur court tonight at 8 o’clock
in the opening game of the cru
cial series with the Washington
Huskies in a greatly weakened
Coming at this time, the injur
ies to the Lemon and Green may
prove disastrous as this series of
fers the opportunity to go above
or below the .500 mark in confer
ence standings, to the team which
wins both games.
Reinhart has been confined to
his bed the major part of the time
during the latter part of the past
week with a case of influenza, and
has only been able to get up to
perform his duties as basketball
Many Injured
On the injured list at the pres
ent time are Winsor Calkins, who
has picked up a severe Charley
horse, Henry Levoff, who is be
ing handicapped by a bad cold,
and Mervin Chastain who is suf
fering from an old shoulder in
jury in addition to sinus trouble
which has only lately allowed him
to resume practice.
Before the squad was hit by in
juries it was planned to have
Calkins at center, Olinger and
Levoff, forwards, and Fletcher
and Chastain, guards. With
three of this tentative list ham
pered by injuries the whole team
will have to be revamped on short
notice. Just how the team will
take the floor is as yet undecided
but it is probable that the lineup
of previous games will be used
Washington Strong
Adding to Oregon’s woes comes
the report that Washington will
exhibit a strong team in this, the
second, series they have played.
In their initial two games they
came out even, winning one and
losing one to Oregon State.
Coach Hec Edmundson has a
well balanced team this year an
has managed to show a powerful
team thus far. He started th"
season with an imposing list o
veterans of his last year’s North
west champion team and the worV,
these veterans are doing this ye -
comes up to the standard they set
for themselves.
Hank Swanson and Hal Me Clary
are the two leading scorers of the
Purple and Gold team. Swanson
having scored 20 points at forward
and the lanky McClary 14, from
center position. A new addition
to the Seattle team is Ralph
Cairney, a sophomore who has
taken a guard position in brilliant
style. He has secured third scor
ing honors with ten points.
No Lineup Set
Another veteran who can be
counted upon to furnish more than
his share of opposition is Jiggs
Jaloff. He is the so-called ‘‘half
pint" who last year and the year
before earned mention as the
speediest forward in the North
Coach Edmundson has not an
nounced a definite lineup as yet
but it is certain to be picked from
the following list: Hank Swanson
Hal McClary, Ralph Cairney, Jiggs
Jaloff, Art Peterson, Virg Perry
and Ned Nelson.