Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1929, Image 1

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    The Emerald Is the
Offieial Publication of
The Associated Students
Generally fair today. Moderate
east winds on coast.
Temperature Wednesday:
Maximum . 49
Minimum . 34
Stage of river .—1.8
State Church Heads
To Arrive Today For
Religious Discussion
Three Faiths
In Meetings
Jew, Roman Catholic,
Protestant Men
To Lecture
Banquet at Anchorage Is
Planned for Visitors
For the first time in the history
of the university, and probably for
the first time in the United States,
college students will have an op
portunity to hear views of three
religions, Protestant, Jewish and
Roman Catholic, expressed by
state leaders, when the religious
round table opens at 8:15 tonight
in the music auditorium
Dr. Bowman, of the First Pres
byterian church in Portland, will
represent the Protestants. Dr.
Bowman is very well known on
the Oregon campus and many stu
dents are looking forward to his
lectures with interest.
Father Sander of McMinnville
has been selected to represent the
Roman Catholic church. He is
well known in Oregon for his ra
dio talks on the Catholic Truth
society broadcasts.
Rabbi Berkowitz, of Temple
Beth Israel, Portland, a very
prominent speaker, will present
the Jewish point of view. Dr.
Berkowitz will be unable to be
present at the Friday and Satur
day discussions because of his
physician's orders, but will be on
hand tonight for the opening pro
gram. The discussions will be
carried on as scheduled at 7:30
Friday and Saturday evenings ex
cept for the absence of the Jewish
Topics Planned
The subject topics for discussion
tonight will be “What religion
means to me.” Friday’s topic is
“The Significance of Jesus in the
modern world.” “The message of
my church to the modern world’
is the subject scheduled for Satur
day evening. Each man will
speak twenty minutes on the sub
ject of the evening. Round table
discussions will follow the lectures.
Any questions not clear to stu
dents will be gladly answered by
the men.
Because of the large crowd ex
pected it is necessary to limit at
tendance to students1 and faculty;
There will be no admission charge:
Dean Sheldon, chairman of the
board of directors of the- school of
religion of the University of Ore
gon, will preside at the meetings.
Banquet Tonight
The men will be met at the
train late this afternoon by the
student committee. Dean Sheldon
and the visiting speakers will be
guests of the committee at a ban
quet at the Anchorage at 6 o'clock
this evening. Dr. Bowman will be
the guest of Rev. Max Adams
while Father Leipsig will enter
tain Father Sander. Dr. Berko
witz will stay at the Eugene ho
tel Thursday night, leaving for
Portland early Friday morning.
A program somewhat similar to
this is being carried out this year
at Harvard, the three religions be
ing presented by only one man,
President Lowell. A conference
presenting three religious leaders
of such prominence as have been
obtained, speaking on the same
subject the same evening is a
thing never before done for stu
dents, of a college, according to
Rev. Adams.
The student committee in charge
is composed of Wayne Robinson
chairman, Richard Burke, Ale^
Tomkin, Ward Wintermeier, El
dress Judd, Ann Baum, Elizabeth
Scruggs, and Dorothy Shaw.
Former Sports Editor
Has Article Published
Richard Syring, ’27, who wa:
formerly sports editor of the Em
erald, has just had an article ac
cepted for publication by th<
American magazine. The artieli
concerns a member of the Oregoi
legislature who has traveled in ev
ery county of every state in th<
United States, . . .
Co-Eds Must
Get Permission
For Portland Trip
gTUDENT exchange tickets
for the Hawaii game are
on sale at the Co-op at a dol
lar each, it is announced from
the office of the graduate man
ager. Reserved seats at two
dollars are on sale at the Co-op
and at the graduate manager’s
Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly,
dean of women, has announced
that all girls going to the game
must bring to the dean’s office
written permissions from their
No Saturday classes will be
I excused, it was also announced.
University Band
To Go North for
Hawaii Battle
Four Days To Be Spent in
Portland; To Appear
At Schools
Radio Concert To Re Given
This Evening
A four day trip to Portland this
week end will be the reward re
ceived by some 50 members of the
Oregon band, it was announced
yesterday by “Doc” Robnett, as
sistant graduate manager.
Tentative plans include a con
cert to be given from 10 to 11 p.
m. this evening over KGW, visits
to high schools Friday, and of
course selections at the Oregon
Hawaii game Saturday. Friday
night they will play over KEX
from 7 to 8 o’clock,
j Music for several of the Univer
sity of Hawaii’s songs have been
received by John H. Stehn, band
leader, and these-1 will be played
at the game.
Members of the pand will leave
Thursday afternoon ar^( return to
j Eugene Sunday evening.
| The band is coming to the frqfat,
for it is being considered for mem
bership by Kappa Kappa Psi, band
honorary, which takes in only
! bands from large schools. The or
ganization originated in Stillwa
ter, Oklahoma, and has, in its ten
years of existence, organized chap
ters in large schools such as Stan
ford. t Mr. Stehn said, while com
menting x>n the possibility of a
Chapter, being organized in Eu
gene: “Our band men are good
enough td make the organization,
but the band needs more bitfiss in
struments which sound welf? in the
open air.” - “
Emerald Copies
To Be Sent Home
By Subscription
House Representatives To
Be Appointed for
Send the folks a subscription
to the Emerald! This is the war
cry of the campaign now being
carried on by the Oregon Daily
Emerald to create greater circu
lation of our daily publication.
Representatives have been ap
pointed in each living organiza
tion to take subscriptions, and
1 various students are either writing
home to find out if the folks
I don't want to subscribe or are
sending subscriptions to their par
ents C. O. D.
Subscriptions are $2.50 a year
or 75c for the remainder of the
year, and students are urged to
see that the folks at home receive
■ their daily copy of the Emerald,
i ; Faculty members who do not al
. ready receive the Emerald and
. wish to do so should send their
> subscriptions to the graduate man
; ager’s office or to the Emerald
i business office.
A list of the various represen
■ tatives is being compiled and will
be published later,
Dates Fixed for
Annual Conclave
* * * *
Prrpprrs To Meet Here
January 10 and 11
i ‘- 1
Dates for the annual High
' School Leaders and Journalists'
i j
Conference have been definitely ;
set for January 10 and 11, 1930, j
according to an announcement
made by Ralph D. Casey, of the
journalism faculty, and Rarl M. j
Jalle'* " jistrar and acting dean
of m
The ,’ence is held each year j
under auspices of the A. S. j
U. O. e school of journalism
during g >r winter term. Stu
dent b ■£ esidents, girls league
preside O nd journalists from
high sc % all over the state at
tend tin sf lferences where they
discuss O problems and work
out solu 3 to them, under the
guidance ~ ;ollege leaders and
journalis ,-d members of the
university faculty.
Novelty Pictures
Are Offered for
Fellowship Fund
American Association of
University Women
Prepare Maps
Details of Historic Events
Shown in Work
Novelty picture maps of Oregon,
showing characteristic scenes in
all parts of the state, pioneer
trails into the Oregon territory,
and interesting details of histori
cal events, are now being sold at
the office of Mrs. Virginia Judy
Esterly, dean of women.
The maps, which were received
late yesterday, were prepared and
distributed by the Oregon state
branch of the American Associa
tion of University women at Port
land. The proceeds from their
sale will be donated to the Inter
national Fellowship fund.
Cowboys herding cattle in east
ern Oregon under a rain of ar
rows from marauding Indians,
salmon seiners operating at the
mouth of the Columbia, and lum
berjacks felling giant trees in the
forests of the Cascades, are
among the typical Oregon scenes
depicted on the maps. Other
drawings show pictures of the
ships of early explorers, includ
ing ^the “Golden Hind” of Sir
Francis Drake, the “Santiago” of
Bruno Heceta, and the “Columbia”
of Captain Robert Gray.
Work on the Lake Grove ele
mentary schools survey which was
begun last week will probably con
tinue until the latter part of Feb
ruary, according to Dr. C. L. Huf
faker of the school of education.
t.a^e Grove is a suburb of Port
land. :
Dr. Huffaker has charge of
these surveys which are conducted I
throughout the state for the pur- \
pose of improving the methods of
Owing to the departure for La
Grande of Miss Mary Druly, grad
uate assistant in biology, Mrs.
Jeannette Edge will be assistant
at biology laboratories on Thurs
day and Friday, as well as the
ones on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. Miss Druly, w'ho was
graduated from Oregon in 1924,
has accepted a position in a high
school at La Grande, as teacher
of general science and biology.
Guild Hall Play Given
For Last Time Tonight
Tonight is the last performance
of “The Importance of Being Ear
nest,” a comedy by Oscar Wilde
being played at the Guild Hall
theatre. This is the first Guild
Hall play of the season.
“S. Stephenson Smith, of the
English department, is doing great
work as the butler,” Cecil Matson,
drama assistant said. He added
that perhaps some, if not all, of
Mr. Smith's students should be
. interested in seeing “Steve" in
l this sparkling comedy,
Hall Declares
Research is
Big Necessity
President Expresses Hope
That U. of O. Lead
Stale in Work
Portland Advertising Club
Hears Head of School
At Luncheon
pORTLAND, Nov. 20.—(Special)
—"Research is not merely an
academic eccentricity,” declared
Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, presi
dent of the university, in address
ing' the Portland Advertising Club
today noon. He spoke on the re
search program of the university.
“It is the pathfinder of progress,
and the handmaiden of achieve
ment. The world has gone ahead
only as it has been led by those
who have devoted long hours of
study and toil in research, in
hunting out new methods and new
Research Industries to Benefit
“Today Oregon stands on the
threshold of a great era of devel
opment. Research in industry, in
dustrial surveys, marketing sur
veys in the state, will aid and will
make for general progress. Re
search in the fields of foreign
trade will open the way to pro
lific markets for our products, so
that we can reap the benefit of
wealth that will come this way.
“It is my hope that Oregon may
forge ahead in the years to come.
Research men make this possible,
and it is my plan that the Uni
versity of Oregon will lead in this
field. The university should de
velop leadership that will make
for a richer and fuller spiritual
as well as material life, a leader
ship that will provide the com
monwealth with enthusiasm, with
courage, and with a spirit that
will bring this state with its mar
velous resources, to the fore in
the world at large as well as on
the Pacific Coast.”
Tells of Researches at University
Dr. Hall mentioned specifically
several researches and projects
now in progress at the university
and outlined the workings of the
bureau of business research which
is operating under the direction of
the school of business administra
tion. He also described tlje Doern
beeker hospital, which is known
a3 one of the outstanding institu
tions for treating diseases of chil
dren, of which Dr. Richard B.
Dillehunt, dean of the medical
school in Portland, is the head.
Dr. Hall is recognized through
out the United States as a leader
in research and was one of the
founders of the Social Science Re
search Council of America, the
National Crime commission, and
otl^r noted societies for the ad
vancement in this field.
Home Economics Head
Will Attend Council
Miss Lillian Tingle, head of the
home economics department, will
leave the campus Saturday to at
tend, as representative of the Uni
versity of Oregon, the Portland
meeting of the State Nutrition
Council Says no Extra Game;
Workers on Annual Get Pay;
O. K. Placed on Expenditures
Change Made
In Basis For
Oregana Pay
Heads of Yearbook Staff
To Get Bigger Sliee
Out of Profits
Provision Made for $200
Advance To Be Paid
A new system of financial re
muneration to the editor and man
ager of the Oregana was put into
effect yesterday by the executive
council when it accepted a plan
recommended by the student body
finance committee.
The new regulations specify
that both the editor and the man
ager shall receive 25 per cent of
the profits up to $1,000 and 10
per cent of all profit over $1,000.
Under the terms of a motion
passed by the executive council
last spring, the editor and man
ager of the 1930 Oregana will re
ceive no money unless 250 copies
of the book are delivered to the
University by April 15, and the
rest of the edition ready for""dis
tribution by May 1.
New System Adopted
The new percentage system was
devised to give the year book ex
ecutives a more certain and stable
recompense. No definite provision
was made for return to the editor
and manager of last year’s Ore
gana, but the executive council
voted to give both approximately
$200 after a profit of about $600
had been realized by their man
Another provision passed by the
council authorizes the graduate
manager to loan money to the
editor or manager in monthly in
stallments, up to the sum of $200
as a loan against the prospective
division of profits at the end of
j the year.
Football Equipment Needed
The sum of $600 was added to
the football budget when the coun
cil accepted another motion of the
finance committee. This sum will
be used to Duy necessary equip
The council recommended to the
‘ graduate manager that any sale
* that comes within the course of
campus functions, be sanctioned
by the student government
1 through the office of the student
body president.
The recommendation of the as
sistant graduate manager that the
| price of townspeople's tickets to
| the season’s concert series be set
j at $4 was accepted.
Acting of All Star Cast Lauded
Students-Facultv Plav Said Excellent
» j
began their season last night
at the Guild Hall theater with
their presentation of “The Impor
tance of Being Earnest,” a high
comedy by Oscar Wilde.
The players were unusually well
cast and their personal identity
was remarkably merged in the
characters they portrayed. Each
member of the cast is well known
in dramatic circles here on the
campus and some have distin
guished themselves in perform
ances presented elsewhere.
The subtle sardonic wit of Oscar
Wilde which runs all through the
play was pleasantly handled by
every member of the cast. It was
made neither too obvious nor too
incomprehensible, but it was there
and everyone got it as was
evinced by the responsiveness of
the audience.
James Lyons and Cecil Matson
were superbly natural in their act
ing, as usual. They played the
roles of Algernon Moncrief and
John Worthing respectively. Qtti
iie Turnbull Seybolt, as the
haughty Lady Bracknell, displayed
genuine acting and a refined dra
matic technique. Helen Allen, who
played the part of the vivacious
| and witty Gwendolen Fairfax, dis
i played probably the best stage
j presence in the cast. S. Stephen
son Smith as Merriman, the butler,
achieved the task of raising the
I mechanical, listless and back
! ground-forming butler into an ac
j tor with human qualities. Eleanor
Rennie was convincing in her part
as Cecily Cardew, the naive coun
try ward. There could hardly
have been a better portrayal oi
the bookish spinster and the or
thodox minister than given by Le
nore Casford and Louis Artau,
No More Sweaters for Freshmen
Athletes Suggest Finance Group
Cost More Than Class Members Can Afford Is
Committee’s Belief; ‘War Banner’ To Be
Bought; Budgets Granted
Freshman athletes may no
longer expect their class to pur
chase numeral sweaters for them
if a recommendation recently
made by the finance committee
and yesterday approved by the ex
ecutive council is accepted by the
freshman class officers.
“Records of the financial his
tory of last year’s freshman class
show that the freshmen levied
special taxes on themselves to the
extent of $1.75 for each member
for the year,” said John Ander
son, chairman of the finance com
mittee, last night in giving the
reason for the recommendation.
“The same records also show that
each numeral sweater purchased
by the class cost over $7. The
sum expended for them through
out the year constituted a serious
drain on the freshman treasury
and imposed an excessive drain on
the freshman class members.”
The finance committee has re
quired the treasurer of each class
to file a budget with the graduate
manager showing estimated ex
penses for the whole year. The
freshman budget contains no ap
propriation to purchase sweaters,
according to Anderson, and it is
probable that the athletes will be
presented with numerals to put on
sweaters bought by themselves.
Other actions of the finance
committee which received formal
approval from the executive coun
cil yesterday were the proposal to
buy a school "war banner" as soon
as a definite nickname for Ore
gon teams should be decided upon;
the approval of the Women’s
Athletic association budget with
an item for the purchase of
twenty sweaters for awards, and
expenses for one delegate to the
national convention; the approval
of the budget of the Women’s
League; and the offering of $15
to be used as prize money in the
Oregon song contest.
New Schedule To
Give Bus Patrons
Better Service
Springfield Route To Be
Covered Faster
In Future
New Program Instituted
Yesterday Morning
Beginning yesterday morning at
6 o’clock, the Southern Pacific
Motor Transport company inau
gurated a 10-minute bus service
from the university district to the
downtown area on the Fairmount
loop line.
Hereafter, busses will pass the
university district on Thirteenth
street from Alder to Moss street
at seven minutes past the hour
and every ten minutes thereafter.
On the return trip the Fair
mount loop swings out Alder
street, but the Springfield loop
will furnish twenty-minute service
direct to the campus, passing the
Administration building going east
at eight, 28, and 48 minutes after
the hour.
The improved service from the
university district is accompanied
I by the beginning of twenty-min
ute service to Springfield, and is
made possible by rerouting the
Springfield busses over the re
cently completed bridge over the
Willamette river.
Of the 125 graduate students on
the Oregon campus, 54 are women
and 71 are men, according to Dean
George Rebec of the graduate
school. Of these the department
of education and English tie for
first place in numbers, with 10
each. The departments of history
and chemistry tie for second place
with 10 each.
In addition to the 125 graduate
students here, 83 graduates are
taking advanced work in Portland
in various departments, while 11
others are working for advanced
degrees in medicine.
Girls’ Oregon Club
Makes Correction
The Girl's Oregon Club wishes
; it known that it has no connec
tion with the now defunct organi
zation that lived in the house onee
called Thacher Cottage. They an
nounce their phone number is 2791
and not 832-W, as given in the
;student directory.
Frosh Y.W.C.A.
To Sponsor Eight
Meetings Today
College Activities To Be
Subject of Discussion
In All Groups
Commission Subdivision
Is Innovation
Activities, and what students
expect to get out of activities in
relation to their college life, will
be the subject taken up by the
frosh commission discussion groups
which will meet today at 4 o’clock.
The frosh commission this year
; is organized into eight groups,
each under the leadership of an
older girl, which discuss infor-'
mally different questions of col
lege life. In this way there is
closer contact between a few girls
than is possible in the larger
Groups under the leadership of
the following girls will meet to
day: Marguerite Looney and Alice
Spurgin, at Westminster house;
j Lorena Wilson, men’s Lounge, at
i Gerllnger hall; Peggy Turney,
Women’s Lounge, Gerlinger hall;
Marguerite Mauzey and Ana Sei
nes, Y. W. bungalow.
The groups led by Dorothy Kirk
and Diana Deininger will meet on
Wednesdays at Westminster house
for the girls who cannot come on
Miss Lillian Tingle, head of the
department of home economics,
and Mrs. J. Bishop Tingle are giv
ing a luncheon today for the Lane
County Christmas Seal commit
tee of the Anti-Tuberculosis asso
ciation. There will be eighteen or
twenty county chairmen present.
The girls of Miss Tingle’s food
! preparation class are preparing
and serving the luncheon in the
Household Arts dining room. Dec
orations will be Christmas greens
and berries.
i _
Wrong ‘Holiday’
Requested by Student
The members of the library cir
culation department, after dig
ging deep down into the cata
logues the other day to please a
' student who seemed quite anxious
to obtain a particular book were
relieved to discover later that
i “Shoemaker’s Holiday" was want
ed and not “Sailor’s Holiday,” as
. this student had gotten the title.
Oregon Team
To Play Game
As Scheduled
■ i
Executive Council Rules
Against Extra
Tih tr
Kitzmiller, Stadelman, To
Make Florida Trip
Persistent rumors that the Ore
gon football team would play an
other intersect ional game in the
east before returning home from
their scheduled duel with the Uni
versity of Florida were spiked yes
terday when the executive council
passed a recommendation made by
the linance committee that no
game except the one at Miami
should be played in the east.
This suggestion was one of
twelve recommended to the coun
cil by the finance committee,
which met at noon yesterday.
Most of the recommendations con
cerned the game with Florida,
which is to be played on Decem
ber 7. '
The council recommended to
President Hall that the team be
allowed to remain in Miami until
the evening after the game.
Other motions provided for an
appropriation of $105 to be sent
to Florida for advertising pur
poses; and the sending of Gene
Shields ahead of the team to scout
the Florida team in their game
with Washington and Lee on
Thanksgiving day.
Johnny Kitzmiller and George
Stadelman, both of whom are out
of the Oregon lineup with broken
ankles, will be offered the oppor
tunity of going to Florida with the
Thirty-five to Go
The council recommended to
Coach McEwan that he obtain a
scholarship list of the Oregon
players before leaving tor Florida,
and that he limit the size of the
squad making the trip to 35 men.
Coach McEwan was delegated
by the council to represent Oregon
at the National Intercollegiate
Atnletic association convention at
New York City on December 27
and 28.
It wa.s recommended to the
graduate manager that the best
grandstand seats for the next
Oregon-Oregon State game played
in Eugene be sold at $4 and the
remaining seats scaled off rela
It was decided to send the
freshman cross-country team to
Portland to compete with the
track teams of the Portland high
schools next Saturday.
It was also decided to send Har
old Kelly, yell-king, to Portland
for the Hawaii game Saturday.
Jack Frost
Quite Healthful
To College Studes
pVIDENTLY this cold weath
J cr that coats all the tops
of campus Fords and what-not
with hoary frost has no dire
i effects iipou college studes
other than to produce a larger
percentage of red noses and
frosty breaths, for statistics
show that the influx of sick
students into the infirmary is
decreasing rattier than increas
ing. Apparently neither weath
er nor Homecoming can down
This week there are sLx cases
of bad colds and one of mumps
being treated in the infirmary.
Those students confined are:
Margaret Beard, Bill Grigsby,
Freddie Clift, Clifford Moore,
Robert Hall, Lee YVinetrout,
i and Nicholas Costosa.