Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 19, 1929, Image 1

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One Thousand Grads
Registered for ’29
JFair toilsy; no change in tem
perature; 0wind from nortli. (Sen
tie north to r;v>£ winds on the
Minimum ■ .?. ». . so
Stage of'river .—1.8 fset
Kitzmiller’s Ankle To
Heal Completely,Says
Medical School Dean
Doctors Put
Foot in Cast
In Fast Time
Dr. Hall Pays Compliment
To ‘Flying Dutchman,’
Now in Hospital
Banks of Flowers Flood
Grid Star’s Room
Johnny Kitzmiller, Oregon's
“Flying Dutchman” and star quar
terback, who was injured in Sat
J. Kit/,miller
urday’s encoun
ter with O. S. C.,
probably will be
able to do active
work on his an
kle in nine or
ten weeks, ac
cording to Dr.
Richard B. Dille
hunt, dean of the
medical s c h o ol,
who was in Eu
g e n e yesterday
morning consult
ing with attend
ing physicians.
It was at first reported that
Kitzmiller had suffered a perma
nent injury, making it impossible
for him ever to play again, but
this has been discredited by mem
bers of the university medical
staff. It was also stated in a local
paper that Kitzmiller would be
taken to New York when the team
goes to Florida early in December,
to have the attention of special
ists, but this will not be neces
sary, it was declared today by Dr.
F. M. Miller, university physician.
Fractures Leg
Kitzmiller received a fracture of
the smaller bone of the leg, and a
dislocation of the ankle. He was
injured in the last play of the first
half of the game. He was imme
diately taken to the Eugene hos
pital, where the bone was set by
Dr. R. C. Romig, of the university
medical service, and Dr. G. A.
Ross. So speedy were the two
physicians that the bone was set
and the cast on by the time the
game was over.
After consultation with Dr. Ro
mig, Dr. Miller, and Dr. Ross at
7 o'clock yesterday morning, Dean
Dillehunt wrote the following to
President Hall:
Examines Foot
“After examining the foot, now
in a plaster cast, and the X-ray
pictures made after the applica
tion of the plaster, I am glad to
report to you that there is com
plete and adequate reduction and
re-position of the dislocation and
fracture. It would appear to me
that with sufficient time he should
recover without any disability, but
I suspect that it will be nine or
ten weeks before he will be able
to do any very active work on the
“Kitzmilltr is the kind of foot
ball player I like to see,” Dr. Hall
said Monday. “He plays because
he loves the game, loves sports
manship, and loves to fight. He
doesn’t have one ear cocked to
see if the multitude is applauding.
He gives his whole attention, en
ergy, and heart to fighting for his
team. It is because of his single
(Continued on Page Two)
Verse Magazine
To Devote Issue
To U. of O. Poets
San Diego Publication
Picks Campus Staff for
Spring Edition
Margaret Ormandy To Be
Guest Editor
“Troubador,” a magazine of
verse, published at San Diego,
California, will have an issue con
taining only poetry written by
University of Oregon students and
faculty. This magazine is permit
ting the university in each state
to publish the "Troubador,” and
the University of Oregon has been
asked first. Miss Margaret Or
mandy has been chosen guest edi
tor of the University of Oregon
edition by the editor of “Trouba
Miss Ormandy requests that
every student who wishes to have
poetry published in this issue turn
in his material to her before Feb
ruary 1. Also she urges that in
stead of handing in only one
poem, that each submit as many
as possible to her so she can make
the choice of the best.
Miss Ormandy has chosen as
her assistants, Rebecca Morgan
and Ralph Millsap, associate edi
tors, the advisory board, Mrs.
Alice Henson Ernst, professor in
the English department, and in
structor of the class in versifica
tion; John Scheffer, graduate as
sistant in English and well-known
poet; and Maude Kerns, assistant
professor in the art department.
Harold Kelly is business man
ager, and Bobby Reid and Walt
Coover have been chosen as pub
licity directors.
In addition to poetry, Miss Or
mandy requests that art work be
submitted, as an illustrated cover
is needed, and other bits. Those
interested are asked to see her for
further information.
This University of Oregon issue
will be published March 15.
Last year, the different states
were represented with special edi
tions of “Troubador,” and Oregon
had an issue then. Many campus
folks contributed, along with
poets the state over. This uni
versity issue is for students and
faculty of the University of Ore
gon only.
The Mu3ic building has been
chosen as the place for the Round
Table religious discussions which
will start at 8:15 on Thursday and
7:30 on Friday and Saturday. The
school of music has made special
arrangements to have the audito
rium clear for the event.
President Hall and many other
university and student officials
have expressed deep interest in
the representations of the three
religions. Dr. Hall’s statement
follows: “I am very much inter
ested in seeing the development
of anything on the campus that
will promote a clear understand
ing of the different denomina
tions. I think this discussion plan
is a fine thing for accomplishing
that purpose."
Big Scoop ! $142.50 Goes Begging
In Bank; Liberty Bond Unclaimed
Unclaimed! $142.50.
This should certainly be classi
fied among the seven wonders of
the university, for who ever heard
of college students letting any
thing get by them like that ?
Unfortunately, as with all get
rich-easy, learn in ten lessons
schemes, there is a catch in this
apparently lovely affair.
’Way back in April, 1918, forty
members of a student club in
Friendly hall raised $100, with
which they purchased a Liberty
bond. This was deposited with L.
H. Johnson, comptroller of the
university, to be held in trust by
At the time the bond was pur
chased, the members of the club
agreed that the proceeds of the
bond should be used to give a
banquet to the subscribers of the
bond on New Year’s eve of 1930—
this coming New Year’s eve.
When the bond was called in
March, 1928, Johnson sold it, net
ting $142.50. This amount was
then deposited in a Eugene bank,
where it has been accruing inter
est ever since.
The point is, who’s to get the
money? No one seems to know.
The alumni office is now attempt
ing to locate the members of the
club and find out what they wish
to do about it, but so far nothing
definite has been settled. In the
meantime, we’re thinking of what
a wonderful party we could throw
with *142.50, ,
Fancies of
arlingg Express Their
)pinion Over Events
S If Celebration Days
3 —
a prl masquerading as a boy
fo many co-ed hearts at the
S ilism Jam. Cheer up, girls,
_ ’ doesn’t come for that date,
i 3 you're lucky.
♦ ♦ ♦
Benefiel’s heart was hap
py as he glanced over Hayward
field Saturday afternoon.
* * *
And then there was the bright
reporter who tried to count the
cars parked near the field.
* * *
Dates over the week-end were
numerous and many apologies
followed the next day.
* * *
Picture, if you can, the trials
and difficulties of the hilarious
spectator at the Homecoming
game, who had somewhere ob
tained a frosh lid and was trying
to keep it on his bald head in or
der to give the home folks a treat.
* * *
‘‘Looks like the welcome is
wearing out,” remarked an ob
servant alumnus, as he noticed
the flimsily constructed Welcome
arch being torn to pieces by the
November wind.
* * *
Dr. W. D. Smith found a new
way at the game to keep people
in -front from standing up and
cutting off his view. Whenever
this threatened he would shout
“Hey, you fellow there in the
three dollar suit, sit down!” His
was the only section of the grand
stand where people were afraid
to stand up.
* * *
“I drove 400 miles and paid two
fifty for this seat,” an alumnus
was heard to proudly remark to
an usher at the game.
We noticed several ’06ers wait
ing sheepishly outside a sorority
house for their wives to finish
talking over old times with their
colleagues inside.
* * *
The frosh viewing the bonfire
must have felt somewhat like a
miser seeing a lifetime effort con
verted to smoke in half an hour.
* * *
Janet Young, of the Moroni
Olsen Players and a grad of the
class of ’14, drove a total dis
tance of 400 miles Saturday to at
tend the Homecoming game.
* * *
In order to promote class spirit
and put Medford still further on
the map, a group of Medford
boys attended Oregon’s Homecom
ing expressly to get ideas on how
to conduct a real noise parade
* * *
“The biggest and best Home
coming ever held” was again the
battle cry this year after all the
celebration was over. We believe
* * *
“My sister Susan’s here from
home” . . . half the undergrads
frantically prospecting for dates,
and the other half too tired to
step out with the house cat.
* * *
Quite a few toreadors among
the alums. The good old annual
"bullfests” held sway far into the
Thanksgiving, Theme
Of Dr. Dunn's Talk
The origins and customs of
Thanksgiving and harvest festi
vals in general was the subject of
a talk yesterday by Dr. F. S.
Dunn of the Latin department.
Dr. Dunn spoke before the Mystic
Art club at the home of Mrs. H.
R. Crosland.
Pi Delta Phi, French honorary,
will meet at 8 o’clock Thursday
evening at the Alpha Phi house,
at 1050 Hilyard, instead of at the
Faculty club, as was previously
The meeting will be a “soiree
! de bridge” for the purpose of get
ting acquainted, but the following
meetings will be conducted as a
forum, with papers read by ad
vanced students and faculty mem
bers, and discussed by the mem
bers, , ..
Constitution Found
Defective, Confusing
Poorly Edited
Big Blunders
Publication Heads Elected,
Not Appointed, Says
Faulty Document
Last Year’s Amendments
Editor’s Note: The Emerald Is
herewith presenting a survey
pointing out the myriads of
errors existing in the A. S. U. O.
constitution and by-laws. This
article is written as a primary
step which, it is hoped, will lead
to constructive revision.
“These dues shall also entitle
students to dissipate in Associat
ed Student body activities,’’ says
the A. S. U. O.
constitution a s
published in the
1929-1930 “Hello”
booklet, among
the score or more
of errors found
in that document
among students
;on the campus,
.in telling of the
'payment of dues.
Others, more
Rex Tussing
serious, are not attributable to
proof-readers’ errors, but are the
fault of the drafters. According
to the constitution, the editors of
the Emerald and the Oregana are
elected by the student body, and
are not appointed by the executive
council. In practice, and agreeing
with the intent of an amendment
passed last spring, they are ap
pointed by that body.
Conditions Confusing
Further, the treasurer will col
lect dues according to the time of
regular meetings as provided in
the constitution. That is, he is
ordered to receive money because
the students will meet twice a
year. Again, the music and for
ensic committees are defined and
limited according to a non-existent
section and clause.
Listing the errors in order of
occurrence, and omitting the
proof-readers’ slips, Article II,
section 5, is found to be the first
offender. ‘‘The duties of the
treasurer shall be laid down in
Article V of this constitution.”
Article V deals entirely with elec
tions—giving the who, when, and
how, of procedure.
Further, in Article III, sections
10 and 11, the music and forensic
committees are given by a title
and are explained by the words:
‘‘Same as clause 1. section 6.” But
section 6 deals only with vacan
cies, and has no clauses listed sub
ordinate to it.
Omission Detected
The student affairs committee,
dealt with in section 13 of Article
III under “duties,” is to assume
charge of all other items of im
portance in which students may be
directly interested and which are
specifically delegated to it by the
executive council.” "This consti
tution, April 11, 1929, was pre
scribed to the Student Coun
cil.” The amendment last year
said, “This committee shall take
over all other duties which in the
present constitution, April 11,(
1929, are prescribed to the stu
dent council.” .
The treasurer, if he follows the
program provided in Article VII,
will find himself in a quandary as
to procedure, for Article IV, sec
tion 3, clause 5 and 8, definitely
provide that he must conform
with Article VII. It is more like
ly that He will abide by Article
VI, which contains the permission
to students to dissipate, and is en
titled “Dues.”
Article VII is entitled “Regular
Meetings” and ignores the treas
Student Edict Ignored
One of the amendments passed
last year provided for a change
in Article VI, section 4, clause 2,
so that it would read in an entire
ly new manner. Article VII, same
section and clause, was changed
and numbered VI. The old provis
ions were left intact and the.
amendment ignored. No changes
were made other than in the sys
(Continued on Page Three)
Stmients Guide
Placed on S(d(>
At Co-op, Today
HPHE long-awaited student di
rectory, that indispensable
aid to the perfect pigger, is
finally oui. Its much delayed
debut was announced last night
by Doc Robnett, assistant
graduate manager.
I The price is the usual two
bits. Copies are on sale begin
ning today at the Co-op and
at the office of the graduate
manager at the north end of
Friendly hall.
Mez To Speak at
Relations Meet
Oregon Professor Listed
To Address Institute on
Freedom of Seas
Authorities To Gather for
Week’s Session
Dr. John K. Mez, associate pro
fessor of economics and political
science, has been invited by Chan
cellor Rufus von Klein SmiJ, chief
of ceremonies of the Fifth Insti
tute of International Relations, to
represent the University of Ore
gon at the conference which takes
place at the famous Mission of
Riverside, California, during the
week of December 9-13.
One of the leading addresses of
the meeting will be presented by
Dr. Mez, on the subject, “Freedom
of the Seas and the Limitation of
Naval Armament.’’
The institute is an annual af
fair and is held under the aus
pices of the University of Inter
national Relations, which is a part
of the University of Southern Cal
Leading economic, sociological,
and political authorities of the Pa
cific coast and parts of the East
will attend the conference.
The program will consist of a
number of lectures and round
table discussions upon some of the'
outstanding modern problems of
world-wide importance; such as
the world’s food anil population
puzzle, the League of Nations,
problems of the Pacific ocean, and
the “United States of Europe.”
By Today’s
we see.
JAMES W. GOOD, secretary of
war, is in a serious condition
following a recent operation for
gangrenous infection in a Wash
ington, D. C., hospital. Little hope
is held for his recovery.
TVTNETEEN killings were re
^ ported in Mexico during presi
dential voting Sunday. By prob
ably the largest vote ever cast in
the southern country, Paschal
Oriyz Rubio was chosen to head
the Mexican government.
* * *
A SEATTLE aviator landed on
the roof of a large department
store when his engine froze while
flying over the business district.
He and his two passengers escaped
with only minor injuries.
AS THE initial step in preparing
a survey of business condi
tions, President Hoover will con
fer this week with financial lead
ers and business men of the na
tion, as a preparatory move to
wards later meetings and discus
Two ('allege (Hubs
Hold Joint Meeting
Readings, games, and musical
selections furnished entertainment
for the annual get-acquainted
meeting of the O. S. C. and U. of
O. Cosmopolitan Clubs Saturday
evening in the Y hut.
Impromptu solos by individual
members and vocal apd instru
mental numbers by the Reye
brothers constituted the musical
part of the program. About fifty
members were present.
Port I(iml To Dross
For Hawaiian Tilt j
•Y* 't- *Y* •?*
Student Managers Lav tied
fty Head of Chain
> --
Portland will be well decorated
in lemon and green for the Ha
waiian game, according to M. F.
McClain, Co-op manager, who has
loaned $350 worth of Oregon col
ors to the retail bureau of the
Portland chamber of commerce.
The bureau plans to distribute
them to merchants for use in win
dow and street decorations.
The loan consists of 100 pen
nants, 15 pillows, 12 banners, 40
rooters hats, ami 3 “O" blankets.
This is the largest consignment of
Oregon colors ever to be sent to
the state metropolis for a univer
sity game, says Mr. McLain.
Franris Taylor,
IInils, Here for
Ahoul a Thousand Grads
Spend Week-end Here;
Officers Nominated
Class of "Oft Represented;
Is Oldest To Return
From Port au Prince, Haiti,
where he is a member of the legal
staff of the financial adviser to
the Republic of Haiti, came Fran
cis Taylor, ex-’25, to Eugene to
attend the Homecoming game be
tween the University of Oregon
and the Oregon Aggies. Mr. Tay
lor traveled a greater distance
than any other of the returning
Second from the point of dis
tance traveled were Mr. and Mrs.
Curtis Gardner of Juneau, Alaska.
Mr. Gardner is a member of the
class of 1903 and is a general con
tractor in the Alaska capital.
Mrs. Gardner, formerly Hattie
Hyde, graduated from Oregon in
Jeannette Calkins, alumni sec
retary, has not yet compiled the
complete number of those who
registered during the week-end,
but she estimates it at not less
than 1,000. This is probably the
greatest Homecoming crowd in
the history of the university. The
returning graduates registered
from almost every town in Ore
gon, and from California, Wash
ington and Idaho. The class of
1929 won the pennant for having
the greatest number of members
present, anti the class of 1896 for
being the oldest class having
members here.
Homer Angell of Portland, and
Edward Bailey of Junction City
were nominated for president of
the Alumni association at the con
vention in Guild hall Saturday
morning. Jeanette Calkins was
re-elected secretary-treasurer. One
of the two nominees will be elected
to the presidencyHatcr in the year
The alumni expressed themselves
as being very much pleased with
the 1929 Homecoming, according
to Miss Calkins, and a resolution
of thanks was passed for the ben
efit of the Homecoming directo
One innovation which proved
very popular this year and w ill
nrobably become an annual event
was the alumni and senior recep
tion held in Alumni iiail preceding
the Homecoming dances Saturday
night. The reception was at
tended by large numbers of alumni
who did not have dates for the
dances, or who did not care to
No charges other than those
made by proper requisition from
the graduate manager's office
will be accepted in any activities
connected with the associated stu-i
dent body, it was announced yes
I J Y v y . * 4* f '*« I,*
i terday by the" finance ^committee
through Jack tJenef.icl, gfa’duate
manager. " 0 °
This ruling includes all class ac
| t ivities and necessarily covers all
special dance committees, Junior
week-end committees and a full
list of the special committees for
the various events.
The associated student body has
I legally advised all business houses
in Eugene and Portland not to al
low any charges except whew cov
ered by requisition, which must
be secured before the purchase is
| made, or the individual will be
held responsible.
Student Mobs Demand
Holiday After Victory
Over Traditional Foe
Belief iel Denies
Plans To Change
Place for Games
Rumors of Oregon-O.S.C.
Radio Field Transfer
Declared False
Rally Cry Said Source of
Mistaken Stories
Persistent rumors to the effect,
that the annual “big game” be
tween Oregon and O. S. C. might
.1. Ui'nefiol
be transferred to
Portia n d are
without founda
tion, it was es
tablished Mon
day, after local
newspapers pub
lished s t o r i es
concerning: the
alleged possibil
ity of change.
Jack Benefiel,
graduate m a ri
nger of the uni
vcrsity, asserts that neither the
university administration nor the
students have ever taken an offi
cial action concerning the pro
posed change.
Vigorous protests from Eugene
business men at the possibility
that this city might lose its bi
ennial gold mine were indicative
if intense interest in the affair.
Investigation disclosed that ru
mors had started from informa
tion a student, who was bally
hooing in the noise-parade, had
given. Th 3 student is quoted as
saying that Friday's parade
“might be the last to be held in
Agitation for removal of the
game at least once in three years
to Portland seems to come only
from the latter city, according to
Doc Robnett, assistant graduate
manager. Robnett also supported
the published contention of Eu
gene business men that a larger
seating capacity could be provided
in order to quash Portland claims
that the game in Portland would
make more money for the schools
“A bank is trustee for its funds
and must take certain precautions
in granting credit,” said C. C.
Colt, vice-president of the First
National Bank of Portland, in his
speech on “Extension of Bank
Credit" delivered to the classes in
finance management and elements
of finance and bank management
yesterday in the Commerce build
ing at 4 p. m.
Mr. Colt is a member of the
state board of regents, and has
been in the banking business for
many years.
Dr. Ilall To Speak in
Cortland Wednesday
To speak to the members of the
Portland Advertising club, Dr.
Arnold Bennett Hall, president of
the university will drive to Port
land Wednesday, returning that
evening. Dr. Hall’s subject will
be “The University and Research.”
Pep Rally on
Campus rails
To Get Okay
Last Slaml on Slops of Ad
liuilriiii" Fulilo; IJall
Horde, Mostly Freshmen*
Gels Short Layoff
An unsuccessful attempt to ob
tain a holiday in celebration
of Oregon':: Homecoming victory
over O. S. C. Saturday was staged
yesterday morning by a howling
mob of students, most of whom
were freshmen. The insurgents
were granted leave from S and 0
o’clock classes by the authorities,
At. about 8 o'clock a group of
students formed a serpentine and
started going through the various
buildings of the university, break
ing into classrooms and gathering
adherents to the ranks as they
went, whole classes leaving their
studies to join them. After clean
ing out the buildings pretty thor
oughly, the students marched over
to iho Ad building, where they
howled for a holiday. Hugh Biggs,
assistant dean of men, came out
and told them that they would ba
excused from their 8 o’clock
Full Holiday Demanded
Not satisfied with but one hour’3
vacation, the would-be rioters then
went over to the president's resi
dence, and continued to yell for a
holiday. From the steps of the
Administration building Dr. Ar
nold B. Hall excused the students
from their 9 o'clock classes, it be
ing then about 8 minutes to 9.
The mob spirit seemed to prevail,
hov/ever, for the students still
voiced their desire to have the
whole day off. This the university
officials would not consider.
Besides Dr. Hall and Dean
Biggs, John Straub, dean emeri
tus of men, and Tom Stoddard,
president of the associated stu
dents, spoke to the crowd, at
tempting ' to dissuade them and
pointing out that as well as being
excused from the first two morn
ing classes, a rally dance was to
be held at McArthur court at 5
o'clock yesterday evening, which
was .being arranged by the rally
committee with the sanction and
financial responsibility of the stu
dent body.
Storm Armory
Yelling “We want a holiday.”
and “We won’t go to class,” the
students continued to mill around
the front of the Ad building until
about 9:30, when they formed a
serpentine and marched down
.town to the Armory. They at
tempted to force the door to the
building, and failing to do this,
someone entered a window and
opened the door from the inside.
Having picked up an impromptu
orchestra, they spenl the time un
til almost noon in dancing.
Double cuts were given ail ab
sentees from 10 anti It o’clock
classes, university officials stated.
Absent Minded Housemaid Creates
Possibility of New Play by Wilde
JP it hadn’t been for an absent ^
minded nursemaid, Oscar Wilde !
could never have written “The Ira- ;
,p‘ortance of Being Ernest.” You
see this nursemaid, Miss Prism,
was out walking’ with the baby
one day and absent mindedly put
the book she was reading in the
baby buggy and put the baby in
tier handbag and checked him in
a baggage room. The baby, John
Worthing grown up, is played by
Cecil Matson and the nursemaid
who is the cause of all the mis
chief is played by Lenore Casford.
To go on with the story, a re
spectable and charitable gentle
man by the name of Thomas Car
dew was given the bag containing ,
the baby instead of liis own. Hal
adopted it and gave it the name
of Worthing.
About twenty-nine years from
this memorable handbag episode,
John Worthing asks a certain
Lady Bracknell played by Ottilie
T. Seybolt, for the hand of her
daughter. Gwendolyn (Helen Al
len). Poor John is told that “to
be born or at any rate bred in
a handbag seems to display a con
tempt for the ordinary decencies
of family life that remind one of
the worst excesses of the French
revolution. I cannot permit any
daughter of mine to marry into a
baggage room and form an al
liance with a parcel.”
To be brief, poor John is forced
to supply at least one parent be-*
(Continued on Page Two