Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 07, 1929, Image 1

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Folks at Home
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Plans Being
Made for Big
Sign Contest
Rules for Competition Are
Aunouneed l>y Earl
Kenneth Curry To Have
Charge of Displays
By Organizations
Preparations for the annual
sign contest, one of the big fea
tures of every Homecoming, are
Earl Miller
wen under way
on the campus
under the direc
tion of Earl Mil
ler of Portland,
chairman of fea
tures on the
Homecoming di
rectorate. Each
of the campus
living organiza
tions will erect a
sign welcoming
alumni in compe
tition for the
Bristow cup, of
fered annually by Bristow's jew
elry store.
Kenneth Curry of Portland will
be in charge of the sign contest
this year, Miller said last night
in announcing his plans for the
Homecoming features. Curry will
have as his assistants Bud Powell,
Mary Lou Bodine, Eugene Tarbell,
and Ettabell Kitchen.
Competition Keen
Competition for the Bristow
trophy is very keen every year,
and many beautiful and unique
signs are constructed by the var
ious houses. Last year the cup
was won by Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
whose sign featured a terror
stricken Montana Grizzly hotly
pursued by a small but highly ir
ritated Oregon Duck. The cup
will be placed on display in the
windows of the Co-op Saturday,
and will remain there until its
1929 winner is announced the
night before Homecoming.
Letters were sent out to the
houses and halls this week, ac
cording to Miller, and most of the
organizations have committees at
work on the construction of the
signs. The rules for the compe
tion, he said, will be the same as
for last year. The rules are:
1. The cost of construction of
signs shall be limited to $15.
2. A record of all expenses in
curred must be submitted to the
A. S. U. O. office by 5 o’clock Fri
day evening, November 15. Hous
es failing to submit such a record
will be ineligible for the award.
3. All signs must be finished
and in place by 6 o’clock Friday
4. Signs will be judged on or
iginality, effectiveness, and
5. The Homecoming slogan,
“Home to Honor Oregon,” should
be included in the sign, together
with features expressing the spirit
of friendship which is to be the
keynote of this year’s Homecor
- ing.
Field Features Planned
James Dezendorf of Portland
will be in charge of the field fea
tures at the Homecoming game,
Miller announced. Dezendorf
will have aiding him Dorothy Dun
(Continued on Page Three)
First of Yearly Mass Meetings for
Campus Women on Today’s Schedule;
Dr. Mez Stated as Main Speaker
Event Not for Froslt Only; President of League
Urges Presence of Every Co-ed; Assures ,
Interesting Program
/"\NE of three yearly mass meetings for .Oregon women,
scheduled for this afternoon at 5 o'clock at Alumni
hall, will make today one of “red letter" caliber to the
3929 Women’s League.
Dr. John Mez, of the economic irtment, is to be Ihe
speaker. New to the campus this g )r. Mez has already
established a name for himself i 5 olorful, interesting
speaker. * ^
It is imperative to the vitality 3 .2 1 campus organiza
tion that mass meetings be attend* s £ a large representa
tion of women students, according . * den Peters, league
president, who was emphatic yest £ .S in her plea for a
large turn-out. 2 |
“We want to impress upon lea*; g *’■ rubers that this is
not a frosh event-—it's an event fo*5 ms women and it
is the one chance of the quarter f< uni as a whole to
demonstrate their interest in the league," declared Miss
“We are assured an extremely interesting half hour
with Dr. Mez as our speaker,” she added.
Seats for Aggie
Game Going Fast,
Asserts Robnett
General Admission Tickets
Will Go on Sale Day •
Of Big Battle
Sufficient Space Reserved
For Rooting Sections
Few seats remain for the O. S.
C. game, it was disclosed last
night by “Doc" Robnett, assistant
graduate manager.
All $2.50 reserved seats are
gone, the last having been sold
Monday. The best seats remain
ing are the uncovered field seats
in the east stands. There are
still about 500 of these and they
are all reserved at $2.00, accord
ing to Robnett.
There remain 100 covered seats
at the north end, also reserved
and selling at $2.00. About 2,000
uncovered seats selling at $1.50
are still to go. These last arc
also at the north end.
Four thousand general admis
sion tickets will be available at
the game, according to Robnett,
all selling at $1.50.
A total of about 6,000 seats
have been reserved on the east
and west sides of Hayward field
for students of the university and
for the Staters. Opposing root
ing sections will face each other,
as usual.
Those desiring tickets for the
game may secure them at the of
fice of the graduate manager at
the north end of Friendly hall, at
the Co-op, Luckey's or
cigar siores, tHRTaT
sporting goods store.
Oregon’s R. O. T. C. band of 55
pieces will play in the parade Fri
day night before the Homecoming
ijame as well as at the game, ac
cording to J. C. Stehn, band lead
At present formations are being
worked out for the spelling of U.
O. and O. S. C. on the field be
tween halves of the Homecoming
game similar to the manner in
which the word “Dads” was form
ed at the U. C. L. A. game here
Dad’s day.
Blind Graduate of University Now
On Campus for Masters Degree
¥N the fall of 1922 a blind boy,
Ed Robbins, of Portland, en
rolled in the University of Oregon
school of journalism. At that
time the education offered at the
state blind school at Salem was
considered adequate. No pro
vision was made by the state to
pay readers and a higher educa
tion for them was considered
quite impossible. However, Rob
bins joined the ranks of students
and as a journalist did everything
that a first rate reporter does. At
the end of three years he had all
but two credits required for grad
uation. He made those two cred
its up by correspondence and was
granted his degree. Thursday he
was on the campus to take his
preliminary examination for his
master’s degree.
Graduating in 1925, Mr. Rob
bins, for the past four j;ears has
taken extension division work at
Portland. He has been employed
as correspondent for the Portland
Telegram, the' Morning Oregonian
and several other papers. “I am
particularly interested in social
welfare,” Mr. Robbins said. “My
thesis subject will be the history
of the welfare of the blind in Ore
gon.” After getting my master's
degree I'm thinking of buying a
country weekly, or perhaps I
might have an opportunity of be
coming principal of the Oregon
Institute for the Employment of
the Blind.”
With the help of the Lions
clubs of the state, Mr. Robbins is
preparing a questionnaire that
will be of great importance in the
survey of the blind people of Ore
gon. As it is the chief aim of
both the Lions clubs and the Uni
(Contiuwed eg Page Thre»l
By Today’s
we see . . .
That the Democrats got Jimmy
Walker re-elected to the mayor
ality of New York City by a big
majority. They also carried in
Virginia by electing Dr. William
Mosely, former law prof at Wil
liam and Mary college, to the gov
ernorship, and in Kentucky they
managed to remain in control of
the legislature.
* * *
That Senator Brookhart of Iowa
told the boys in the senate what
he knew about senatorial booze
parties, etc. The senate was very
attentive, expecting all the time
to have names revealed, but none
were. He said they could best
“answer for themselves.”
* * *
That Ambassador Dawes is vis
iting with President Hoover, talk
ing over plans for the disarma
ment conference soon. The am
bassador leaves today for New
York, where he will sail for Lon
don. Considerable comment was
caused when it was discovered that
the president had not invited Hi
ram Johnson of California to. a
dinner given in honor of Dawes.
The Californian was the only
■member of the senate foreign re
lations committee who was not
* * *
That a farmer near Walla Walla
grew an apple that was 15 inches
around and weighed a pound and
a half. It was one of three apples
on the tree.
* * *
That the volcano Santa Maria,
lofty Guatamalan mountain has
caused the death of approximately
300 in its recent eruptions. The
heat was so intense that to de
termine the damage was impossi
ble, and the clouds of ashes were
destroying large quantities of cof
fee and other crops. Only a very
small proportion of the bodies
have been recovered, many of
them being swallowed up by the
flowing lava.
* * *
That Thanksgiving turkey will
be cheaper this year if the prices
set by two of the larger western
pools have anything to do with it.
The price yesterday was 32 1-2
Several new books which include
. “The Love of the Foolish Angel'
: by Helen Beauclerk, “Fugitives
' Return” by Susan Glaspell, “Ulti
i ma Thule” by Henry Handel Rich
ardson, “A Room of One’s Own,’
by Virginia Woolf, “Borgia," bj
Zono Gale, “Farewell to Para
dise” by Frank Thiess, “Little
Novels” by Arthur Schnitzler
“Lysistrat^," by Maurice Donnay
■ “Violence” by Marcet and E
Haldeman-Julius, and “The Sacrec
Hill” by Maurice Barres have
been added to the rent shelf it
the old library.
The reference department 1:
adding to its shelves a new ency
clopoedia which includes six vol
umea of “L« Costume Historeque.'
Singers Given
Precedence al
Chamber Music To Feature
Violins and Cellos in
Second of Series
Students Winning Juilliard
Scholarship Will Be
Another of the student recital
series is to be presented tonight
in the school of music auditorium,
two violin and ’cello quartets be
ing featured in the evening of
chamber music. Outstanding
among the students participating
are Juanita Oskins and Esthei
Wicks, Juilliard Scholarship stu
The first of the quartets consists
of Juanita Oskins, Esther Wicks
Clarence Veal, violins; ajid Ro
berta Spicer, ’cello. The second is
composed of Josephine Howard
Mabel Hollander, Martha Patter
son, violins; and Miriam Stafford
These recitals are proving verj
interesting to faculty and students
alike. Good crowds have attested
the interest evinced in them; anc
each concert has been in no waj
disappointing to hearers. Both
student and faculty series wit
continue throughout the year, ac
cording to members of the music
The program of tonight’s recit
(a) Allegro .Haydi
(b) Drink to Me Only With Thine
Eyes .arr. by Pochor
(c) Tango .Albenis
Quartet No. 1
Menuetto . J. S. Bact
Allegro Grazioso .Gretrj
Molto Lento.Rubensteir
Quartet No. 2
Norwegian Melodies .Grieg
(a) Popular Song
(b) Cow Keeper’s Tune
(c) Country Dance
November Issue
Of Old Oregon
Out This Week
Homiecoming Feature of
Alumni Magazine;
Cover Unique
Snappy, interesting, peppy —
these are the three adjectives that
Jeannette Calkins, editor of “Ole
Oregon,” wishes one to use wher
speaking of the Homecoming issue
of that magazine.
“Old Oregon” is to be distrib
uted this week in order that alum
ni may get a lineup on all the
Homecoming events, from the first
to the last, listed in the specia
Homecoming article by Wilfrec
The cover, which is to be printec
in four colors, will feature a car
toonist’s conception of an Oregoi
rooting section.
“Hey, Do You Want Old Ore
gon?”—a discourse on the joys
horrors, and tribulations of a cir
culation manager, by Margare'
Boyer, reminiscences on past foot
ball heroes by Ralph Millsap, cut:
of Oregon heroes of today, goo<
cartoons, and many illustration:
will help make one of the mos
interesting issues of the magazine
Ray Bethers, a staff artist 01
the Oregana in 1922, who is nov
in Europe making a name fo:
himself there, sends from Englam
an illustrated story, “Here’s t<
Merrie England.”
One of the special features o
the November issue is the mes
sage to ex-service men, issued b;
j the Alumni Association, urgini
Oregon men who fought in th
World war to hand in their in
sights, which will help the com
I pilation of the reminiscences o
alumni World war veterans.
E. O. Immel Will Speal
At Phi Delta Phi Dinne\
Phi Delta Phi, law honorary
1 will meet for dinner at the Colleg
1 Side Inn at six o’clock Friday, in
j stead of Thursday as previous!
i planned. E. O. Immel, presiden
- of 'the Oregon State Bar associa
■ tion, will speak on a subject o
’ interest to the members,
Lead Journalistic Activities
— — ■;
Here's six co-eds of the University of Oregon who have recently
been pledged to Theta Sigma Phi, national journalistic honorary for
women. They are. from left to right: Phyllis Van Kimmell, Ruth
Newman, Lavina Hicks, Bobby Reid, Dorothy Thomas, and Dorothy
Kirk seated at the typewriter.
Captains Report
Fine Progress in
Y. W. C. A. Drive
Big Final Canvass Planned
For End of Annual
Campaign Event
‘Must Put It Over Now,’
Says Director
With $475 yet to go, leaders of
the Y. W. C. A. campus drive will
rally forces today in the final ef
fort to reach their goal of $1,300.
Satisfied that for the first two
, days their progress has been
splendid, the captains nevertheless
were agreed, when they met at
the bungalow to check results last
night, that a “big push" was
needed for the climax today.
“We've come along splendidly so
1 far—and we just must put it over
now,” declared the director, Bess
Templeton, to captains yesterday.
Captains and their large corps of
representatives have been making
a thorough canvass of the cam
pus and of girls living In town
as well for the last two days.
They report a general good feel
ing of co-operation for the drive.
McAlister has
“Spectrum of the Neutral Hg
Atom in the Wave-length Range
from 1 to 2 Microns” is the title
of an article by Dr. E. D. McAlis
ter, professor of physics, publish
ed in the October 15 number of the
Physical Review, a journal con
ducted by the American Physical
The work dealt with in the arti
cle concerns the measurements of
wave-length and intensity of the
invisible infra-red rays emitted by
a mercury arc lamp. These rays
cannot be photographed, so meas
urements have to be made by ob
serving their heating effect. The
work completed by Dr. McAlister
consisted of isolating and meas
uring a large number of rays that
were previously unknown and
1 whose existence helped to clear up
some of the questions as to the
structure of the mercury atom.
The measurements were made
' with the aid of a thermocouple of
1 high sensitivity which was perfect
’ ed by Dr. McAlister.
I Six new appointments on the
> Emerald business staff were an
nounced yesterday by Bill Ham
' mond, business manager. Those
appointed as advertising salesmen
' were: Katherine Franzel and Clar
; ence Payne. Ned Mars, Elaine
: Henderson and Day Foster were
- appointed copy writers. The ap
- pointment as office assistant went
f to Ruth Covington.
Collins To Spend Leave
With Firm in Portland
Richard L. Collins, statistician
, ii\ the registrar's department, left
; last week on a two months' leave
- of absence which he will spend in
r Portland with the I. D. Wood cer
t tified public accountant firm. His
- work is being taken care of dur
f ing his absence by assistants in
the department.
Tlieta Sigs Plan
Alumni Breakfast
For Homecoming
Saturday Afternoon Tea
For O. S. C. Chapter
To Follow Game .
Pledges Receive Ribbons
At Formal Ceremony
Plans for the Homecoming
breakfast to be given by Theta
Sigma Phi, national journalism
honorary for women, are nearing
completion, according to Elise
Schroeder, president of the local
: chapter of the honorary.
The breakfast will be at the
Anchorage Sunday, November 17,
at 9 o'clock. All active and alumni
members of the chapter have been
invited to the breakfast, and many
alumni throughout the state have
already accepted the Invitation to
be present.
Wilma Lester, '27, is in charge
of the affair, with Marian Lowry,
'28, and Elise Schroeder assisting.
Another social affair to be giv
en during Homecoming by the lo
cal chapter is the tea planned for
Saturday afternoon after the foot
ball game, at which members of
the O. S. C. chapter will be the
guests of honor.
Mary Frances Dilday is in
charge of arrangements for the
tea, which will be held in Alumni
hall, according to present plans.
The six new pledges of the chap
ter will serve at the tea.
The six pledges received their
ribbons at a formal ceremony held
last night at the home of Sally
Allen, wife of the dean of the
school of journalism. An informal
meeting was held after the cere
Freshmen Meet
To Discuss Plans
At Villard Hall
Informal Dances, Minor
Class Matters Will Be
A special frosh meeting to dis
cuss plans for the Homecoming
bonfire and to vote on proposed
Saturday afternoon freshman
dances has been called by Law
rence Bay, president, to be held
in Villard hall this afternoon at
4:30. Every freshman is being
urged to attend and take part in
the discussions.
Jim 'Travis, general chairman of
the bonfire committee, will make
his report at this afternoon’s
meeting. According to Travis, the
plans are being whipped nicely
into shape and the bonfire prom
ises to be the largest and most
brilliant in the history of the Skin
ners Butte blazes. The plans will
be checked over at the meeting
this afternoon and arrangements
made to give every man in the
class a chance to work.
The informal Saturday after
noon dance discussion is the re
sult of agitation on the part of
a considerable group of students
in favor of holding regular get
together dances, according to
President Bay. The idea, he says,
has met with favor in unofficial
discussions and everyone will be
given an opportunity to state his
ideas on the subject at the meet
1 ing today.
[ Other less important questions
will be taken up.
Col. William S. Gilbert
Scheduled to Speak
At Armistice Program
Alpha Chis Get
Money Honors
For Dime Shuffle
With the Alpha Chi Omegas
contributing $17 to cop first
honors, fall term Dime Crawl
last night swelled the Women's
League Foreign Scholar fund to
the merry tune of $185.37.
Alpha Phi ran the Alpha
Chi’s a second, with $15.50, and
Delta Gamma brought the third
highest number of dimes with
This was the first of the
three crawls that will be held
during the year. Florence Mc
Nerney, chairman of the for
eign scholar committee, is in
‘Congress’ Club
Conducts Confab
On R.O.T.C. Aim
Discussion on Militarism
and World Attitude
Led by Blais
Calendar of Questions To
Be Made
“Is the R. O. T. C. antagonistic
to modern world diplomacy?” was
the question discussed last night
by the Congress club. The club
members brought out in the dis
cussion that the military* training
courses in a university do not con
form to the general end of higher
education, and that it is not con
ducive to world peace.
Blais Sneaks
Merlin Blais, sophomore in jour
nalism, who introduced the sub
ject, said in the opening talk:
“The R. O. T. C. is antagonistic to
modern world diplomacy if that
diplomacy is the kind which Hoo
vqr and MacDonald are trying to
bring about; but if the present
international race for military su
premacy may be termed modern
world diplomacy, then the R. O.
T. C. is in accord with it. It is
not only in accord with it, but it
ts an integral part of it, peaking
possible as it does the training of
millions of fighting men in Amer
ica on surprisingly short notice.”
Committee Appointed
A committee was appointed by
Wayne Robinson, vice-president,
Who presided over the meeting, to
make up a calendar of questions
and introducing speakers to be
followed the rest of the term.
Those appointed were Alson Bris
tol, chairman, Wallace Campbell,
and Merlin Blais.
Dr. Wright Addresses
Boy Scout Troop
“The Mexican Boys of Today,”
was the subject on which Dr. L.
O. Wright of the romance lan
guage department spoke to a
group of Boy Scouts last night.
The Boy Scout troup which he
addressed is organized at the uni
versity high school under the lea
dership of Donald R. Husband, an
attorney of this city.
Affair Will Be
Held in Igloo
Monday at II
Speaker Ex-army Chaplain
Who Saw Many Years
Aetive Service
Orchestra and Glee Club
Will Take Part on
November II
With Colonel William S. Gilbert,
of Portland, scheduled to speak
and with a fitting program ar
ranged, plans for the Armistice
Day assembly to be held Monday
morning at 11 o'clock in McAr
| thur court, have been announced
by Karl W. Onthank, executive
secretary. All 11 o'clock classes
will be dismissed and the entire
student body and faculty expected
to attend.
Dean John Straub will preside
at the ceremony, while Rev. Clay
E. Palmer of the Congregational
church will read the invocation.
Both the orchestra and glee club
will take part in the program.
Gilbert Well Known
Colonel Gilbert, the principal
speaker, is well known in this
state, having been retired not long
ago after years of service as an
army chaplain with the rank of
colonel, the highest ranking pos
sible for a chaplain to receive. He
worked as a minister in Oregon in
the early days, later entering tho
army as a chaplain,) where he
served with the old First Oregon
regiment in the Philippines during
the Spanish-American war. He
later served with the Second Ore
gon regiment where his duties
took him into Mexico.
During the World war, he went
overseas with his men and saw
service in the first line trenches.
Because of the affection borne for
him by his men, he has been asked
to read the marriage ceremony for
more soldiers and ex-soldiers than
perhaps any other chaplain in the
Engaged at Portland
Following his retirement from
active service, he preached for a
time at Astoria, Oregon, and is
now engaged in administrative
work for the Presbyterian church,
] with offices in Portland.
His son, Dewitt Gilbert, is a
graduate of the university and is
now an active newspaperman.
“Because of the unusual reputa
tion of Colonel Gilbert as a
speaker, we are sure every stu
dent and every faculty member
will be glad of the opportunity to
I hear him,” said Mr. Onthank yes
! terday.
I "There seems to have been a
I disposition on the part of students
to regard Armistice Day as noth
ing more than another holiday,”
he added. “We plan to make it
a real occasion this year and to
arrange a ceremony which will do
justice to the forces which brought
it about.”
--- I
Household Arts Girls Preparing
For Celebration of 4Stir Up Day’
In the good old days, when all
the good folk of Merrie England
were Episcopalians and went to
church every Sabbath Day, on the
Sunday next before Advent the
vicar of every little chapel
throughout the land would read
the collect that goes like this:
"Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord,
the wills of thy faithful people;
that they plenteously bringing
forth the fruit of good works, may
by thee be plenteously rewarded.”
And then all the goodwives
would smile and nod among them
selves, and, walking home from
church would say, “Well, Stir Up
Day’s here again it’s time to be
bringing forth the fruit and stir
ring up our Christmas puddings."
"So,” said Miss Lillian Tingle,
head of the home economics de
partment of the university, “we’re
having Stir Up Day over here and
making plum puddings so they’ll
be good and tasty by Christmas!”
A look at the long table in the
home economics kitchen, loaded
down with any number of varigat
ed ingredients all of which were
intended to go into plum puddings,
might well inspire anyone to lapse
into poetry.
Even Miss Tingle, who lives in
daily contact with delicious good
ies, said it reminded her of
Keat’s “Eve of St. Agnes.” And,
indeed, the hero of that famous
poem, who “forth from the closet
brought a heap of candied apple,
quince, and plum and gourd . . .
and lucent syrups, tinct with cin
namon; manna and dates, in ar
gosy transferr’d from Fez; and
spiced dainties, every one, from
silken Samarkand to cedar’d Leb
anon," scarcely equalled Miss Tin
gle’s display of delicacies.