| Subscribe to tbe Emerald for Your Folks at Home VOLUME XXXI r>Mhscribe to tbe Emerald for Your Folks at H w» NUMBER, 17 McEWAN’S MEN AFTER HUSKY HIDE First Day Oregana Sales Pass Half-Way Mark 1,323 Books Is Solicitors Big Record Eight Houses Report Quota Of 100 Per Cent Within First Seven Hours AIRPLANE RIDES WON Alpha Beta Chi Is First to t Turn in Complete List; Workers Spurred on More than thirteen hundred Oregana subscriptions sold in the first seven hours of solicitation was the record made by canvass ers yesterday between 1 p. m. and 7 p. m. in the first day of the yearbook’s campaign towards a goal of 2,500. This is over fifty per cent, and two days yet to go. As the house and section chair men gathered at the Sigma Chi house last night to make their daily report, they were continually announcing, “Our house over 100 per cent.” Eight houses, five of them men’s, turned in complete lists at the meeting last night. Alpha Beta Chi was first, having completed their roll by about 5 o’clock. Cal Bryan did the cam paigning for them. Psi Kappa Follows ' Psi Kappa’s representative, Ken neth Jette, came next, turning in his complete list. Next of the full quota houses was Pi Phi, Mary Agnes Hunt. The others were: Kappa Alpha Theta, Marian Camp; Alpha Gamma Delta, Beryle Harrah; Theta Chi, Jack Baker; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Larry Wiggins; and Bachelordon, Don Carver. All these represent atives were awarded tickets for a free ride with Hobi Airways; two rides going to Cal Bryan for be ing the first in chalking up a complete house. Exact Figure 1,323 Thirteen hundred and twenty three books was the exact figure for the day, this being divided, 696 to the men’s houses, and 627 for the women. This only added to the incentive of the women workers, who were also two houses behind in signing up complete houses. The drive will continue tomor row and Friday, and with such a ( fine start, there is little doubt that the goal will be reached by then. All workers will meet tonight at 7:20 at the Bachelordon house, one of the houses which met its quota during the first day. Another group of prizes in the form of airplane rides is being offered today to the workers. These consist of free airplane rides to all house committeemen who reach their goal by tonight’s meet ing. Rides are also in store for the man and woman section chair men who turn in the largest per centage of their full quota at the end of the campaign. Two rides will go to anyone who signs up (Continued on Page Three) f Students Directory To be Issued Soon Samp Price as Last Year; On Sale at Co-op The long-awaited “pigger’s guide” is to be issued early next week, probably about Tuesday or Wednesday, it was announced last night from the office of the grad uate manager. The price is again to be only 25c. The directory will be sold only at the Co-op and at the student body office at the north end of Friendly hall. The student directory, for the benefit of freshmen, is a little booklet issued yearly at a nominal price, giving the names and ad dresses of all university students, of the faculty members, and of all administrative officers. House and dormitory phone numbers are also listed. Thus the name “pigger’s guide.” Freshmen, as well as oth er students, should avail them selves of the opportunities offered by this valuable adjunct to the perfect telephone booth. Murray Warner Prize Divisions Named by Dr. Mez $150, $100 $75 Awarded First Two Classes; $75 to $25 Third Students Given Latitude in Topic Selection Students who wish to enter pa pers in the Murray Warner con test for which $800 in prizes will be awarded will be classified into three different groups, it has been announced by Dr. John R. Mez, chairman of the committee in charge. Division one is open to all stu dents in the university except those classed in divisions two and three. The winner of the first prize in this group will receive $150; second, $100, and third, $75. Prizes of the same amounts will be offered in division two, which comprises students from the Phil ippines, India, Japan, China and other countries. These students are urged to write on the inter national problems affecting their native countries. Division three is open to all freshmen and awards in this class will be $75 first; $50, second, and $25 for third prize. The essays may deal with any aspect of American relations with the Orient, whether artistic, eco nomic, educational, geographic, po litical, religious, or cultural. The papers must not exceed 5,000 words in length, and must be sub mitted to the committee by April 1, 1930. Other committee mem bers are Verne G. Blue and George H. Godfrey. Men's Employment Director Is Gratified by Success of Work “The greatest joy of my work is when a student comes in and tells me that he has but a few dollars on which to go to school, and I am able to place him in a position to get his education,” said Mrs. Charlotte Donnelly, sec retary of housing and employment for men, with headquarters at the University Y. M. C. A. “Some times, but not often, a little en couragement from the office is necessary. I have in mind no fail ures of our men who have worked their way through the university. When they are out of college they are ready to meet the world, and are always successful.” Mrs. Donnelly has been at the Campus Y. M. C. A. for nine years, coming from Worcester col lege, Ohio, after the war, that she might be near her son Harold, who was then employed at the Y. M. C. A. as secretary and as student secretary for Oregon and Idaho. This necessitated his be ing out of the office much of the time, and Mrs. Donnelly begged him to let her come and answer the telephone. The idle life of staying at home was irksome to her, and she was glad to do some thing. The advisory board asked her to stay, that the Y. M. C. A. might have the influence of a woman in the Hut. “There was little pay, then, and I had no helper. At the end of the year (Continued on rage Three} U. of O. Faculty" Series Start This Evening Rex Underwood, John Mez And Aurora Underwood To Give Program MORE TREATS PLANNED Players Feature Classical and Semi-Classical Music As part of the University of Oregon faculty series, an inter esting program of chamber music is to be presented tonight at 8:15 in the school of music auditorium, featuring Hex Underwood, violin ist, Dr. John Mez, cellist, and Aurora Potter Underwood, pianist. The event, listed as “An Evening of Chamber Music,” is of interest not only to students of music, but also to the person who enjoys lis tening to good music. Program Is Varied The program includes both clas sical and semi-classical music. The opening presentations are two Spanish dances, and the remainder of the program is made up of two trios by Mozart and Saint-Saens, respectively. The program, al though short, is decidedly well balanced, and should be produc tive of much enjoyment to the audience. Professor and Mrs. Underwood are both members of the music faculty. Dr. Mez is a member of both the music and political fac ulties. All three are very promi nent m musical circles. Other Recitals Scheduled The concert is the first of a ser ies to be given by the music school faculty. The next of the series is to be presented on the evening of Tuesday next, also in the school of music auditorium. A student recital series has also been sched uled, starting on the evening of October 31 with a violin recital. The program of tonight’s con cert: I— Two Spanish Dances: Bolero, Habanera, by Fernandez-Arbos. II— Trio No. 5 in G major: Al legro Moderato, Theme with Var iations, Allegretto, by Mozart. III— Trio Opus 18— Allegro Vi vace, Andante, Scherzo, Allegro by Saint-Saens. Y.M.C.A. MAKING SURVEY OF LABOR The Y. M. C. A. employment survey of Eugene business houses is well under way, according to Maxwell Adams, executive secre tary. Bruce Titus is chairman of the committee in charge of the survey, and is assisted by twelve other men, each of whom will cover a certain assigned portion of the town. The purpose of the survey is to determine the num ber of positions in Eugene that might be competently filled by university men. Cards bearing the telephone number of the “Y” hut, and the slogan, “Competent men fur nished for regular or part-time work," are being distributed as re minders of the student employ ment obtainable. Those assisting Titus are Harri son Kincaid, Milo Marlatt, Allan Palmer, Kay Neil, Joe Gerot, Eddie Wells, Bill Barrie, Phil Bell, Jack Sammons, Kenneth Jette, Jack Dunbar, and Paul Wonacott. Oregon Alumnus Has Position in Milwaukee Chalmer N. Patterson, an alum nus of the university, has recently accepted a position as professor of physics in the school of engineer ing at the University of Milwau kee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mr. Patterson has been teaching at Hasting’s college in Nebraska for the last few years, I -J Colorful Rally Will Give Team Greatest Send-off j^EW features to be used in the send-off rally for the team at Villard hall this evening will make it one of the most novel pep-ses sions in Oregon football history, according to James Raley, chair man Of the rally committee. A “firing squad,” headed by Vawter Parker, and composed of Wilson Jewett, Tom Cliabe and Jack Sammons, will give the team a real military salute as they board the Shasta by firing 100 rounds from the 38 millimeter can non lent by the military depart ment. Three dozen red flares, given by the Southern Pacific company, will spell out a burning “O” on the bank north of Villard, and two large searchlights will make the scene of the rally as bright as day. These features are in charge of Kenton Hamaker. The rally committee requests all houses to have dinner at 5:45 this evening in order to be at the 6:45 rally on time. The dean of women recommends that all social functions planned for the dinner hour be cancelled. Paul Hunt and Marjorie Clark are arranging for a corps of speakers to visit every living or ganization during the dinner hour to talk up the rally. Those as signed to this work will me6t at the Chi Omega house at 5:00. Chuck Laird has arranged a special surprise stunt for the ral ly, the nature of which is being kept a secret until train time. Cooperating with Chuck, the band will be there in full force for the departure of the Webfoot grid iron squad to the Husky battle. Adele Wedemeyer Is Seeded First Place in Tennis Grace Valli Takes Second; Schedule for Meets Arranged Adele Wedemeyer was seeded number one in the women’s sec ond annual fall tennis tournament. Grace Vath was seeded second, with Alice Wingate, third, and Carolyn Haberlach, fourth. Among those signed up for the tourna ment, there are several faculty members, Assistant Dean Hazel Schwering, Miss Janet Woodruff, and Miss Phyllis Gove. The drawings have been made and first round matches must be played by next Thursday. Girls will arrange to play their match es at their own convenience. If referees are desired please call Eeth Salway, 1317, and she will see that one is obtained. Phone Numbers The drawings are as follows: Adele Wedemeyer, 851, vs. Flor ence Holloway, 828W; Irene Green baum, 1910, vs. Geraldine Mc Grath, 947; Naomi Moshberger, 1317, vs. Daphne Hughes, 1317; Loi3 Smith, 1770, vs. Gwen Caver hill, 1821W; Carolyn Haberlach, 851, vs. Maud Moore, 518J; Lucille Murphy, 851, vs. Mahalah Kurtz, 49; Dean Schwering, 2130, vs. Pauline Kidwell, 1136W; Ruth Jaynes, 1829, vs. Aileen Monahan, 1780; Grace Vath, 1307, vs. Lois Nelson, 947; Marjorie Landru, 1856, vs. Billie Biller, 1317; Mar garet Whiting, 1780, vs. Mary Wilburn, 1317; Dorothy MacLean, 688, vs. Alta Bennet, 1317; Alice Wingate, 1307, vs. Margaret Hunt, 1317; Eleanor Cobb, 1317 vs. lone Garbe, 225; Phyllis Gove, 679, vs. Marjorie Kelly, 1317 Janet Wood ruff vs. Althea Clark, 1307. Classes Started Bv Extension in Four More Towns School of Education Loans Prof. T. H. Gentle for Outside Work Four new extension classes have been established this week. They will be held one evening a week rotating in The Dalles, Astoria, Silverton, and Junction City. The course offered is one in edu cation and will be given by Profes sor Thomas H. Gentle, who is new in the extension department this year. He was hired by the uni j versity to instruct elementary teaching training in the school of education. His courses were elim inated by the new board until af , ter a survey, so he has been loaned I to the extension division for this 1 year. Huskies Doomed To Take Cellar at Saturday’s Game Cougars Down Washington Oregon Favored To Win Fray University of Washington, Seat tle.— (P.I.P.)—With their last bQpe of establishing themselves as dfll6 of the ranking elevens of the coast smashed in a 20 to 13 de feat by the Washington State Cou gars at Pullman last week, the University of Washington Huskies returned to their home field today sadly the under-dogs for the com ing game with Oregon here next Saturday. For the second successive week the Huskies have taken a confer ence beating and their stock has sunk in proportion. On the other hand Oregon pounded Idaho’s famed squad for a 34-7 victory last Saturday and they assumed there by a commanding position among northwest schools. Due to the fact that they took another hard drubbing before they had fully recovered from the one administered by U. S. C., the Hus kies will face the Webfooters prob ably lower in physical condition than at any time this season. Two of the men, Walt Sahli, and Bill Mittlestedt, quarter, sustained in juries that will likely keep them out of the tilt altogether. Yet though the situation may be mighty black for either team tra dition boosts this game into the limelight—the tense rivalry be tween the two schools has caused so many upsets in the past that no game between the two is won until the final whistle blows. Yearian and Foster Given Good Positions Hubert J. Yearian, who was granted his M. S. degree in phys ics by the university last year, is now a graduate assistant in the physics department of Purdue uni versity at LaFayette, Indiana. Bruce E. Foster, who received an M. A. in physics here last sum mer, is a graduate assistant at Stanford university, where he is studying for his Ph. D. degree in physics. Foster is specializing in X-Rays. TICKETS ON SALE FOR SEATTLE GAME Students going to Seattle must secure student exchange , tickets, on sale now at the Co-op, unless they wish to pay about $2.50 for a seat. The price is one dollar, as before, and student cards must be pre sented. Chuck Reed, yell leader, is | going, so organized rooting can be expected. No official rally train is scheduled, but both the S. P. and O. E. are offering special rates. Two Awards To be Given For Dad's Dav •> A. W. Norblad, Paul T. Sliaw Announce Prizes For Attendance PERCENTAGE TO COUNT Registration at Johnson Hall to Close at 2 Saturday Senator A. W. Norblad, of As toria, who has been interested in university affairs, has just an nounced that he will donate a cup to be awarded to the living organ ization having the largest propor tionate number of fathers attend ing Dad’s day. A second prize will be donated by another prominent and influen tial member of the Oregon Dads’ association, Paul T. Shaw, of Port land. This prize is not as yet known, but is probably something of a very useful nature. Prizes to be on Display In speaking of the prizes, Ros ser Atkinson, chairman of the Dads’ day directorate, said, "These prizes are very attractive and would grace any living organiza tion’s house, very nicely. They are designed primarily as a stim ulus to encourage the students to do all they can in the way of per suading their fathers to attend Dads’ day. These prizes will be on display at an early date in the Co-op.” in order to protect tne nouses with a small membership, the awards will be worked out on a proportionate basis. The registration, of which Betty Fairchild is in charge, will close exactly at 2 o’clock Saturday af ternoon, in time for the football game and the awards will be made on the basis of the registration committee’s records. Register Dads Early All Dads should register at once upon arrival at the registration desk in the lobby of the Adminis tration building (Johnson hall.) There they will receive their badges, their tickets for the foot ball game reservations for the banquet rooms and also any in formation. It is urged that all students take their Dads to be registered immediately upon their arriving on the campus. This is necessary to make final banquet arrange ments. Betty Fairchild, who has charge of registration, and her committee consisting of Marshall Shields, Murdina Medler, Kenneth Jette, and Margaret Hurley, will an nounce at a later date the sched ule of those who will assist at the Administration building, Friday afternoon a;id Saturday morning, in registering Dads. WILLIAMS’ BOOK TO BE REPUBLISHED “A Laboratory Manual of Or ganic Chemistry" by Dr. Roger J. Williams, professor of chemistry at the University of Oregon, anti Dr. Ray Q. Brewster, professor of chemistry at the University of Kansas, is now going into its sec ond printing, according to Dr. Williams, who recently received a request from D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., publishers of the manual, for copy. The manual is used in connection with a text book, "Introduction to Organic Chemistry,” which was also writ ten by Dr. Williams. The manual was first printed in October, 1928. Dr. Williams’ text book, "Introduction to Organic Chemistry,” is now in its fourth printing. It has been adopted by the chemistry departments of Yale, Princeton, University of Chi cago, Northwestern, Minnesota, and most recently, by Stanford [ university. Varsity Entrains for Further Campaign in Northwest Grid War Loss of Colbert and Stadelman to be Reflected in Saturday Game Washington’s Potential Strength May Break Loose When Web foots Show up at Seattle Stronghold This evening at 6:45 three teams of Oregon football men will board the train outside of Villard hall to start their trip to Seattle and another chance for stepping into the Northwest, football championship. The great line of 1928 will not be in the game Saturday. Only two of the veteran forwards are likely to start the con test, George Christensen and Marshall Shields. Of the other three, George Stadelman and Austin Colbert are out with in juries, and Merrill llagan was lost through graduation. Although Colbert has a cracked rib, he can be relied on to Marcia Seeber, Y. W. Secretary Honored Today Freshman Women Gather At Bungalow This Afternoon at 4 Staff Dinner Tonight First Slated This Year A meeting of all freshman women, at the bungalow this aft ernoon at 4 o'clock, and a staff dinner at 6 o’clock this evening will make today the outstanding one of the visit of Marcia Seeber, Y, W. C. A. division secretary, on the campus this week. The meeting will be t^ie first frosh commission general meeting^ of the year. All frosh women are" urged to attend. Miss Seeber, who is from Tacoma, will talk to them. Ticket sales indicate much in terest in the dinner tonight, the first of its kind this year. The dinner will be entirely informal, and will be over by 7:30 o’clock. Miss Seeber met with the Y. W. C. A. cabinet last night, discuss ing with them the purposes of their group and taking up various angles of their work. Eldress Judd, Y. W. president, presided at the cabinet meeting. She is meet ing in daily conferences with a number of university students. RESERVE OFFICERS GET INVITATION Major Barker has received a let ter from Captain Martin W. Jones of the Portland Reserve Officers association, inviting all officers of the university U. O. T. C. to be their guests at the grand military ball to be held November 27, in the Shrine auditorium of the Ma sonic Temple. As the ball is on the evening before Thanksgiving, it is expect ed that many of the cadet officers who are in Portland for the week- | end will attend the affair. play Saturday If lus services are urgently needed, but it is not probable that Captain McEwan Kitzmiller will force him to too much exer 11 o n. Ervin Schulz seems to be getting: the call at Colbert's tackle position. He may start the game, but it is probable that Ralph Bates or Marion Hall will see about as much action as 1 he will. Jerrie Lillie, of course, has proved nimseir very capable of plugging Hagan's old position at guard in the two con ference games he has started this season. -vs The third man to work his way into the front line is Eric Forsta. Staking over Stadelman’s center fjitlon he is in for a lot of re sponsibility. Several other men are being groomed for the job, Bill Anater, w*ho was just shifted over from guards and Shirley Carter and Carl K|ippfi. Game* to Be Hard Oregon is not looking for a pic nic Saturday. Not by a_ny means. Washington has had a couple of real setbacks this season,, it is true, but right now the Upsides, are tightening down. That’s just why football is so popular—the dope is so often spilled. Coach Enoch Bagshaw of Wash ington is getting the razz pretty much lately, and if he and his team should happen finally to boil over with the rage just the day they play Oregon it might be too bad. The Washington stage is all set for something like that, and it's going to happen sooner or later. While only a tentative list of men who will board the train to morrow has been made out, 25 of the men most sure to go are Chris tensen, Colbert. Schulz, Lucas, Bates, Archer, Erdley, Fletcher, Wood, Shields, Lillie, West, Ana ter, Forsta, Carter, Mason, Spear, Donahue, Williams, Browne, Kitz miller, Robinson, Londahl, Moel ler, and Hatton. Oregon’s Grid Captain Youthful Star Injury Ends Geo. Stadelman’s Football Career Captain Dave Mason, right half back on Oregon’s football team, has toted a football a good deal of his life. He is finishing a col orful career this year that started back on the vacant lots of Albany when he was still going to gram mar school. Few kids on the vacant lots grow up to captain a college var sity, but about every one of them has dreams of doing it. Dave was born in 1908, and Al bany is his home town. For three years he played football for Al bany high as both quarter and halfback. In the fall of ’26 he came to Oregon and made the frosh team. In the two following years, despite unlucky accidents, he played enough on the varsity to make his letters. It is because Dave has natural football ability coupled with a very likeable personality that he is cap taining this year, what some say is the greatest football team Ore gon has ever had. The name George Stadelman will go down in Oregon’s hall of fame as one of the greatest cen ters ever to wear the lemon and green. George has had about the tough est luck a football man can have. After playing for two years so well as to attract all-American mention and getting all set for hi3 biggest year of all, a broken leg just as the season was getting (Continued on Fage Three)