Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 15, 1929, Image 1

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Oregon: Fair in east and cloudy
with showers in west portion
Tuesday. Generally unsettled on
Wednesday with rain in west por
Maximum temperature . 77
Minimum temperature . 45
Meeting For
Coast Debate
Heads Called
Forensic Contest Planned
Ry Eleven Schools
At Tucson
University Enters Ollier
Competition in
- * Oratory
The largest forensic contests of
the year at which the University
of Oregon will be represented are
E. Laird
lue CUiASL
oratorical con
test and the Pa
cific coast ex
tempore speaking
contest, both to
be held during
March 26, 27,
and 28, in Tus
con, Arizona, it
was announcea
yesterday by Eu
rensic manager.
Eleven state
universities auu colleges will par
ticipate in this annual Pacific fo
rensic meeting during March. The
states included will be Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Arizona, and
At this time all problems per
taining to coaching and manag
ing of debates will be discussed.
The meeting will be divided be
tween the student’s convention, at
which problems confronting stu
dent managers will be discussed,
and the faculty and debate
coaches’ session, limited only to
faculty problems.
Contest in Eugene
The University of Oregon will
be represented at the State Old
Line oratorical contest to be held
this year in Eugene on the second
Friday in March. This contest is
between 10 universities and col
leges of the state of Oregon upon
any topic the contestants wish to
select. Those who will compete
are: University of Oregon, Oregon
State college, Willamette univer
sity, Ashland Normal, Monmouth
Normal, Eugene Bible university,
Linfield, Albany college, Pacific
college and Pacific university.
Although the university was not
represented last year, George Bel
loni participated two years ago in
behalf of the school. This State
Old Line oratorical contest began
with the history of the university
around 1900.
O. S. C. Host
Another meet at which the
University of Oregon will be rep
resented is the Constitutional con
test which will be held at Oregon
State college at Corvallis this
year. The date, however, will be
set by the national committee.
The University of Oregon will
probably be entered in the Peace
contest to be held at the Eugene
Bible university, the second Fri
day in April, and the State Ex
temporaneous Speaking contest to
be held at Linfield college at Mc
Minnville on the second Friday in
Many experienced men have re
turned to school, including Harold
Sloan and Roger Pfoff, and last
year’s participants on the oratory
squad, Claude Hall and Harvey
Wright, are also back. According
to the debate coach, Dr. Ralph C.
Iioeber, many more experienced
men are expected to turn out.
jStudents Will Pledge Obligation
To Oregon at Assembly Tomorrow;
Governor Patterson Will lecture
Rabbi Henry J. Berkowitz Also Slated to Speak;
. Wednesday 11 o’Clocks to be Dismissed
Honoring Annual Pledge Day
Governor Isaac L. Patterson, of the State of Oregon, and
Rabbi Henry J. Berkowitz, of the Temple Beth Israel, Port
land, will be among the prominent speakers taking part in the
eighteenth Annual Pledge Day ceremonies to be held in Me
Arthur court Wednesday morning, according to Earl M. Pallctt.
registrar. Governor Patterson will read the Oregon Pledge to
the assembly, while Rabbi Berkowitz will deliver an address
on the subject, “Whither America?” They will be introduced
by Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the university.
The invocation will be read by Rev. Frederick G. Jennings,
Former Emerald
Workers Holding
Varied Positions
Word of Journalism Grads
Comes in Letters to
W. F. G. Timelier
Edison Marshall, Novelist,
Expeets to Visit
Alumni who took courses in the
school of journalism are now
working in various fields in many
parts of the country, as shown by
word recently received from sev
eral of them by W. F. G. Thacher,
professor of journalism.
Clarence Hartman, ’29, is now
working as an artist for the Bea
ver Engraving company, in Port
land. Florence Grebe, also ’29, is
working at radio station KGW, in
Vernon McGee, another ’29, has
left the advertising department of
the Oregon Journal, and is now
with the publicity department of
the American Telegraph and Tele
phone Co.
Another graduate of last year’s
class, Milton George, is working
in the classified advertising de
partment of the Oregonian, at
Of the class of '28 we find Rolf
Klep, formerly a commercial art
ist for the Hicks-Chatten Engrav
ing company, of Portland, gone to
Chicago for advanced study, and
Wilfred Bates, formerly with the
Portland branch of the Bottsford
Constantine Advertising Agency,
transferred to the Seattle branch.
Several alumni who did not re
ceive their degrees at the univer
sity are also among those heard
from. Ed Ross has left the Botts
f o r d - Constantine Advertising
Agency in Portland, and is now in
Medford as advertising manager
for the California-Oregon Power
Edison Marshall, novelist now
living in Augusta, Ga., recently re
turned from a trip to Africa,
where he brought down some big
game. He is expected to make a
trip to the northwest this fall.
A second freshman assembly
will be held in the Music Audito
rium this evening at 7:30 o’clock,
according to an announcement
made by Lawrence Gulling Bay,
president of the class. Dr. Ar
nold Bennett Hall will speak on
the subject, ".Spiritual Prepared
ness for Life,’’ and Roy Bryson
will lead the singing of the Ore
gon Pledge Song. Professor John
Stark Evans will preside at the
A great, shaggy, bluish-grey
dog, clownishly like a long-haired
goat, to the beard, now graces the
lawn of Dr. C. V. Boyer’s home,
and dreams of'the glens and rills
and fleeing stags of far-away
Scotland. The noble animal, who
bears the name of Smoke, is a
true specimen of the historic
Scotch deer hound, the unwaver
ing friend of Sir Walter Scott,
that literary “Wizard of the
North,” who rode and hunted be
hind his dogs on his estate at Ab
botsford beside the Tweed. Al
most a yard high at the shoul
ders, and built heavier than the
greyhound, he is the kind of dog
that lolled about the venison-laden
spread of feudal Saxon lords.
The dog, upon hearing Dugald
Campbell, local Scotch celebrity,
speak in the Scotch dialect the
other day, immediately demon
strated his evident delight by
placing his great forepaws on the
speaker’s shoulders, and shower
ing enthusiastic kisses all over the
Scotch face before him. There
after, Mr. Campbell has proclaim
ed him a perfect and loyal speci
men of the Scotch deer hound.
A yard high and only six months
old, he still has wonderful possi
bilities, thinks his owner. It’s
against the law to hunt deer with
a dog, and there aren't any wolves
to speak of in Oregon, so Dr.
Boyer plans to have his prize ani
mal run down the fleet eastern
Oregon jackrabbits.
As soon as he is trained to as
sume duty as a watchdog—and
(Continued on Page Three)
rector or st. Mary s episcopal
church, Eugene. It will be fol
lowed by a selection by the Uni
versity Glee club. At the conclu
sion of the program, the students
will sing the “Oregon Pledge
Song,’’ and "Mighty Oregon.”
Dismiss Classes
All 11 o'clock classes will be
dismissed on Wednesday in order
that every student, as well as
every member of the faculty, will
be able to attend.
Rabbi Berkowitz, the principal
speaker, is the leader of the Con
gregation Beth Israel, in Port
land, and is well known about the
state for his activity in civic af
fairs. Before coming to Portland, j
he was the rabbi of the synagogue
in Kansas City.
The Pledge day is an annual
affair and the occasion on which
the university students join in
pledging their obligation to the
state. The pledge, which will be
read by Governor Patterson, fol
Pledge to Be Read
"As a student at the university
which is maintained by {he people
of Oregon, I heartily acknowledge
the obligation I owe. The oppor
tunities open to me here for se
curing training, ideals and vision
for life, I deeply appreciate and
regard as a sacred trust, and do
hereby pledge my honor that it
shall be my most cherished pur
pose to render as bountiful a re
turn to the Oregon people and
their posterity, in faithful and
ardent devotion to the common
good, as will be in my power. It
shall be the aim of my life to
labor for the highest good and
glory of an ever greater com
Soph President
Schedules Two
Meetings Today
Informal Workers Meet at
5 o’Oclock in Villard;
Soph Class, 7:30
Two sophomore meetings have
been called for today by Jack
Stipe, president of the class. A
general business meeting to Jpe
held in the Villard assembly hall
at 7:30 will be preceded at 5:00
by a session for any members of
the class interested in the techni
cal work of the Sophomore infor
mal. This group will meet in room
107, Villard hall.
“I am about to pick the com
mittees for the informal,” said
Stipe in announcing the meetings,
“and at the 5 o'clock meeting I
would like to see all sophomores
who think they could be of help
on the decorations, construction
or lighting committees for the
dance. Anyone who has any ideas
for decorating or lighting effects
will be welcomed.”
Plans for the informal and con
sideration of the class budget for
the coming year will be brought
before the general meeting at
7:30, according to Stipe. The re
port of the treasurer for the past
year will be read, and methods of
financing this year's expenses are
to be discussed.
All classes will be dismissed
Saturday for the Oregon-Idaho
game, it has been announced by
Earl M. Pallett, registrar. The
rally committee was given its
choice of Saturday class dismissal
for either the Idaho game at Port
land or the Washington game at
Seattle and chose the game this
week. No classes will be dis
missed on the day of the Wash
ington game.
4 Nominated
For Rhodes
Three Graduate Students,
One Undergraduate,
Make Group
Examinations Commence
Saturday Evening;
End Sunday
Three graduate students and
one undergraduate made up the
four chosen this week by the
Rhodes Scholarship committee to
represent the University of Ore
gon at the final tryouts in Port
land in December, it has been an
nounced by George M. Rebec, dean
of the graduate school, and chair
man of the committee. The four
are Walter Hempstead, a gradu
ate student and an instructor in
the English department last year;
Ralph Martig, a history graduate
and research assistant last year
in the department' of history;
Robert F. Jackson, a graduate in
physics who is already well started
towards his second degree; and
John H. Cox, a senior and major
in history.
The examinations and cross
examinations of the committee
were started Saturday evening at
7 o’clock and lasted until 1 a. m.,
being resumed for three hours
Sunday. The committee was made
up of Professor Warren D. Smith,
Professor Walter Barnes, Profes
sor Stevenson Smith, and the
chairman, Dean Rebec. They were
assisted in the examination of one
contestant, a music major, by
Professor Artau of the school of
Fifteen candidates entered the
preliminary competition, the same
number that tried out two years
ago, according to Dean Rebec.
In discussing the examination
results, Dean Rebec said, “As to
the qualities of the candidates, it
was the judgment of the commit
tee that they came up to the high
level of previous years. If there
was any difference, it was in the
relatively large number of gradu
ate students who presented them
selves for questioning. Being no
older than most of the undergrad
uates, they were eligible even
though the maturity of their aca
demic scholarship gave them an
advantage over the men less far,
along in training.”
“It is not without significance
that of the four men chosen three
were of graduate standing,’’ he
continued. “In the case of Mr.
Cox, however, his place was won
by virtue of his most unusual
range of personal reading and the
quality of the intensive self-edu
cation that this reading indicated.
“As already stated, the average
qualifications among the fifteen
candidates was very high. In ad
dition to the four chosen, at least
four others made very high grades
and demonstrated remarkable
ability and equipment. Each of
these four was younger than those
chosen, and the committee is
pleased to note the reserve of
promising material for future con
“It is the devout hope of the
committee, that the zeal of the
competitors will continue as ar
dent as it has been in recent
years,” he added, “and that the
university will continue to carry
away a heavy percentage of the
Six new graduate assistants
have been added to the staff of
the chemistry department this
year, according to Dr. O. F. Staf
ford, head of the department. Ruth
Winchell, a graduate of Oregon,
who taught chemistry last year
in the high school at Milwaukie,
Oregon, has returned to be a part
time graduate assistant in the
university chemistry department.
William M. Sweet, who graduat
ed from Pacific university last
spring, is a part-time assistant, as
is Burford Wilkerson, also a grad
uate of Pacific. Miss Elizabeth
Bradway, an Oregon alumnus, is
another part-time assistant. John
II. Truesdail, University of Red
lands '28, and Francis T. Jones,
Pacific university ’28, are both
j full time instructors.
Board of Higher Education Here
For First Official Campus Visit;
ExecutiveSessions onProgram
Regents View
Scenic Spots
Near Eugene
Board Examines Buildings
And Equipment During
Morning Round
Dinner at New Dormitory
Completes Day
The extensive inspection tour of
the University of Oregon campus
which the board of higher educa
tion started on their official visit
to the school yesterday will be
oontinued through most of the
day, after which the board will
go to Corvallis to visit the Oregon
State Agricultural college.
View Campus
Yesterday, after the first exec
utive session, members of the
board, accompanied by several of
the university staff, spent the
forenoon in viewing the old cam
pus, visiting the library, Deady
hall, Villard hall, the school of
architecture and allied arts, the
Journalism building, McClure hall,
the dispensary, Friendly hall, and
the president's residence.
Scenic Points Viewed
An auto trip was taken after
luncheon to scenic points around
Eugene, including a view of East
Eugene from Victoria Heights,
and a visit to property near the
campus. During the course of the
trip, Hayward field, the university
barracks, McArthur court, and
the Music building were viewed.
Later in the afternoon, after
another executive session, the
board went to Johnson hall, John
son annex, Commerce hall, Ore
gon hall, Y. M. C. A. bungalow,
Y. W. C. A. bungalow, University
Co-operative store, and the new
dormitory for men.
Dinner at the new men’s dorm
completed the round of inspection
for the day.
Law Professor
Writes on Crime
Wayne L. Morse Publishes
His Article in Social
Science Magazine
“Crime Commissions as Aids in
the Legal Social Field" is the title
of an article by Wayne L. Morse,
of the law school faculty, which
was published in the September
issue of the “Annals of Political
and Social Science." This issue
was made up of contributions
from the outstanding sociologists,
lawyers, and criminologists of the
country, all writing on the gen
eral subject “The Relation of Law
to Social Welfare.”
In his article, Mr. Morse ex
plained the activities of crime
commissions and the crime survey
of the last ten years.
“The problem of administration
,of criminal justice is not a task
for the police, lawyer, and judge
alone, but requires the assistance
of the psychiatrist, criminologist,
psychologist, physician, sociolo
gist, and social worker, as well
as an active interest of the gen
eral public," Morse declared. “I
pointed out that the results of
these surveys strengthen the view
that there is need for individu
alization in treatment ofc the
Infirmary Boasts
But Three Patients
New patients at the infirmary
today are: Alexander Filker and
George W. Black, both confined
with colds.
Six of the seven students there
Friday afternoon have been re
leased leaving only three there to
Pep Affairs Scheduled for
Thursday and Friday
In Portland
Two special trains are to take [
university students to the Oregon
Idaho game in Portland Saturday,
the first leaving at 2:30 p. m.
Friday, and the second at 8:00
a. m. Saturday. The Friday spe
cial is scheduled to arrive at
Portland at G o’clock that evening,
and the Saturday train at 11:30
the next morning. The band is to
go to the game on the Friday
train; students may make a;
choice of trains.
Three rallies have been sched-1
uled for Thursday and Friday in
Portland. From 10 until 11,
Thursday night, Jimmy Richard
son, manager of the Multnomah
Civic stadium, is to conduct a
radio rally for the benefit of Port
land, on a platform in front of
the Fox Broadway theater. There
will be two other broadcasted ral
lies, on Friday night, one from
6:45 until 7:00, over KEX, and the
other from 10:00 until 10:30 over
KGW. Tom Stoddard, A. S. U. O.
president, Jack Benefiel, graduate
manager, and Doc Robnett, assist
ant graduate manager, are to
speak at both rallies; the univer
sity quartet and possibly the band
will also take part in the pro
Three Bulletins
On Psych Exam
Study Compiled
H. Taylor and C. Constance
Record Findings in
Three bulletins have been writ
ten on results obtained from the
psychological test, an entrance re
quirement to the university, ac
cording to Dr. Howard R. Taylor,
of the psychology department,
who with Clifford L. Constance,
graduate assistant, is conducting
research work in that field.
The first bulletin deals with the
intellectual abilities of University
of Oregon freshmen as compared
with those of freshmen at other
institutions of similar rank.
The second presents an analy
sis of withdrawals from classes
during the fall term 1928-29. It
was included in the report of the
faculty committees to whom the
problem of withdrawals was re
The third makes a study of the
intellectual ability as measured
by test, of 252 students transfer
ring from other institutions of
collegiate rank to the University
of Oregon during the school year
1928-29. It was found that a
number of smaller schools repre
sented placed higher in rank for
grades than they had placed for
the psychological test, due per
haps to an inferiority complex
characteristic of the smaller col
legiate schools, which made their
transfer study harder to make
Work is also progressing in re
search on the scholastic achieve
ments of last year’s graduating
class, the first for which the psy
chology department has data cov
ering the entire four years of uni
versity work.
A meeting of Sigma Delta Chi,
national men’s journalism frater
nity, is to be held at 7:30 this
evening in room 104 of the jour
nalism building.
Part of the meeting will be de
voted to business. A journalist of
national prominence is passing
through Eugene today, but it is
not yet known whether or not he
I will be available for the meeting.
Tickets For
Portland Game
Ready For Sale
Tickets for the Oregon-Idaho
game will go on sale at noon
today at the University Co-op
store, Doc Robnett, assistant
graduate manager, desires to
announce. Student exchange
tickets are to be sold at one
dollar each, to students pre
senting A. S. U. O. tickets;
only one exchange ticket will
be issued on a student body
card, and each of the latter
will be punched. Students are
urged to buy early. No stu
dent exchange tickets will
be sold in Portland. Oregon
students will sit in a special
section reserved for them on
the east side of Multnomah
Novelists Will
Give Talks for
Portland Seliool
Way to Write Stories Will
Be Told to Extension
School Students •
Lectures Will be Helpful;
No Credit Allowed
Writing students in the Port
land Center will have an oppor
tunity to learn how novels are
made from those who make them,
according to Alfred Powers, dean
of the extension division, who has
announced a course on the tech
nique of the novel. This will in
clude a series of ten lectures. Two
will be given by S. Stephenson
Smith and one by Dr. George Re
bec. The other eight, each two
hours long, and held in Lincoln
high school on Wedensday eve
nings in the fall term, will be given
by eight of the 13 outstanding
novelists of the state.
Following is a detailed list of
the topics that will be discussed:
The Psychological Novel, The
Theme and the Novel, Modern
Treatment of the Historical Back
ground, Methods of Developing
Character, Novels Male and Fe
male, Realism vs. Romanticism,
The Children’s Novel, Research
and the Use of Field Material, The
Function of Action, and Plotting
the Western Novel.
The novelists who will lecture
are: Sabra Conner, Anne Shannon
Monroe, David Grew, Charles Al
exander, Theodore Harper, Sheba
Hargreaves, Ernest Haycox and
Robert Ormand Case.
The course will carry no credit,
but is one of the several practical
ly helpful courses offered by the
Portland Center in various fields.
E.C. Sammons
Made Delegate
Group Will Go to Corvallis
After Sessions with
Loeal Officials
Ralph C. Hoeber Selected
As Debate Coaeli
Members of the board of higher
education which was formed last
spring by action of the state legis
lature conferred at several ses
sions yesterday while making
their first official visit to the Ore
gon campus.
At the first executive session
held yesterday morning the board
elected E. C. Sammons, Portland,
as delegate to attend the associa
tion of governing boards of state
universities and colleges which is
to meet in Indiana in November.
Discussion of the survey of the
state institutions and appoint
ment of an executive secretary
were postponed until a later meet
ing. Members present were: C. L.
Starr, Portland, president; A. R.
Watzer, Portland, secretary; B. F.
Irvine, Portland; Herman Oliver,
John Day, E. C. Pease, The Dalles,
and F. E. Collister, Albany, and
Albert Burch, Medford.
The executive sessions were re
sumed at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.
At this time appointments to the
faculty were acted upon.
Hoeber Appointed
Ralph C. Hoebcr, a graduate of
the university, who received his
J. D. at Stanford, was appointed
assistant professor of English and
debate coach, and Percy M. Col
lier was made extension lecturer
to serve during the absence of
Dr. Dan E. Clark, assistant direc
tor, who is now on a leave of ab
Appointment as assistant pro
fessor of pathology was made to
Dr. Warren C. Hunter, who will
assume his duties in the medical
school in Portland at once. Other
appointments are as follows:
Kollo Patterson, graduate as
sistant in animal biology; Buford
Wilkerson, William M. Sweet,
Ruth Winchell, Elizabeth Brad
way, and Richard R. Roehm,
graduate assistants in chemistry;
Edward G. Daniel, graduate as
sistant in economics; W. E. Hemp
stead, Jr., instructor in public
speaking; Myrtle Hubbard, grad
uate assistant in English.
Appointments Listed
Wayne Woodmansee, teaching
fellow in history; Herschel Landru,
graduate assistant in history;
Lieutenant J. E. McCannon, assist
ant professor of military science;
Eric L. Peterson, graduate assist
ant in physics; Louis M. Myers,
instructor in Romance languages;
Hubert J. McCormick, instructor
in physical education; Marjorie
Landru, graduate assistant in
physical education.
Ronald H. Beattie, Mrs. Homer
(Continued on Fugc Three)
Willamette is just a little grease
spot now. We wiped the floor
up with them.
Ron Hubbs said that the rea
son we didn’t beat Stanford was
because we were saving up to
beat Willamette. That sounds ab
surd, but if Ron said so, it must
be true, and the score certainly
looked that way.
The game really was exciting
because every time we made a
touchdown, the band played just
as if it were a theme song in a
There was only one time when
I was afraid that we might not
win; that was when the score was
13. It might have been unlucky.
A couple of things about the
game didn't seem quite fair. For
one thing, Oregon had a great
many more men on the benches
than Willamette did. No wonder
we won. Then, too, they would
let a whole lot of men pile on one
player. I thought that that was
poor sportsmanship.
The game was a decidedly
dressy affair. The yell leaders
wore swanky white costumes;
maybe the reason they did is be
cause white is such a becoming
color to Chuck Reed, and he prob
ably gets to choose the color.
Then the drum major wears a
tall, fuzzy white hat. You’d think
he was a Russian general.
One of the best players on Wil
lamette’s side was a man named
French. Once he picked his op
(Continued on Page Three)