Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 23, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
W. E. Hempstead Jr.assoc. Haitor
Joe Pigncy.Assoc. Editor
Eon Hobbs.Assoc. Editor
Harry Tonkon.—Chief Night Editor
.Leonard hlagstrom_amoc. AdMor
Wilfred Brown.A§boc. Editor
Carl Gregory .Mgr. Kdifor-ln-eliarge
Carl Gregory ..A«»t. Managing Editor
Donald .lohnaton -Feature Editor
Senna Madsen..Literary Editor
Jo Btofiel_
Joe Pinner
Levina Hick* _
Leonard Delano
_Sport* Bailor
_Society Editor
_P. L P. Editor
..Secret an*
Mew* and Editor i'none eo»
DAY EDITORS: Vinton Hall, Lawrence Mitchclmore, Serena Madsen, Carl Gregory,
i,'w.w.«a Hiiriuv • Yfnrv Klpnim nml Harrv Tonkon. assistant*.
Uliuns; Vinton nail, urwichcc wiuA,irciuiviw, ""T** * -—
Mary France Dilday; Mary Klemm and Harry Tonkon. aasifftanW.
NIGHT EDITORS: Fred Bcchitl, Thornton Shaw, Charles Barf, Merlin Blais, Max
ASST. NIGHT EDITORS: Evelyn Hartman, Beatrice Bennett. Jo Barry, Gracemary
Rickman, Dulcie Lytsell, Jessie Foley, Gladys Mack, Martiel Duke, Dorothy Page,
Fern Baker, Ellen Salway. Alyce Cook.
_-. . . . . n ■ . , r,r, v.i li i« *is trrn r» r.'l i M n 'PV t) Ct ■ UI. I f,1 R ......f « C' u r,,l H 11 rlnlirt nPII
Fern Baker, Ellen Salway. Alyce GooK. , . „
GENERAL, ASSIGNMENT REPORTERS: Wilfred Brown, Carol Hurlbnrt, Bess
Duke, Elise Schroeder. _ , . . „ _ _
SPORTS STAFF: Delbert Addison, Ale* Tamkln, Joe Brown, Fred Sehulta, Harry
Van Dine, Warren Tinker, Harold Fraundorf, Jirrt Yergtn.
^ .... . «. « . tr l_. O.ifflm Vlneubolan If cl 1 r
Van Dine, Warren Tinker. Harold rraunaorr, Jim icrgin.
REPORTERS: Mary Klemin, Myron Griffin, Maryhelen Koupal, Cleta MeHennon,
Margaret Reid. Alice Gorman, T. Nell Taylor, Willis Duniway, Dorothy Thomas,
t»i_11:u..nif;»,mni nauiri wiicnn AiWti Rnrkr»r. Flifii* Schroeder. Osborne
Margaret Reid. Alice tiorman, i. inch layior, nun# uumnnj,
Phyliis VanKImmel, David Wilson, Aileen Barker, Elise Schroeder, Osborne
Holland, Merlin Blais, Mack Hall, Helen Cherry, Barney Miller, Bob Guild, Maty
Ellen Mason, I.enore Ely, Ruth Campbell, Alyce Cook, Bernice Hamilton, Dorothy
Kirk, Elizabeth Painton, Jean Carman, Kathoryn Feldman.
Wlllfam H. Hammdnd... Associate Manager
George Weber Jr.Foreign Adv, Manager
Dorothy Ann Warnick....AMt. Foreign Mgr.
Phil Hammond...Service Dept
Charles Reed-AdWtishi* MUMtt
ftarold Hester.——»—-.Asst. Ad*. Manager
ed Hecitt...Circulation Manager
Larry Jackson.Asst. Circulation Hat.
Liouise uurnoy.
Margaret Poorman—Mar. Checkin* Dspt.
Business Offic# Phone 1891
ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Addison Brockman, Lucile Catlin, Margaret Harris,
Bernard Clnpperton, John Palnton, Elaine Henderson, Bob Holmes, Jna Tremblay,
Betty Hagen, Jack Gregg, Don Abner. , ,
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Constance McKenr-ie, Louise Gurney, Horence Jordan,
Estelle Mays, Helen Sullivan, Dorothy Bell, Kathryn Perigo, Julianna Benton,
Harry Hanson, Fred Reid, Harold Allen, Lloyd Honagin.
The Oregon Dally Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during ths
college year. Member of the Pacifie Intet-eollcgiate Press. Entered in the post office
at Eugene. Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rated, |2.»0 a fear. Adver
tising rates upon application. Rcsidencs phone, manager, 2799. Je Stofie), secretary.
/Mu Editor ThU luut— Serena Madsen
Night E'/itor Thin /wad— Charles H. Burr
Atit. Night Editort ThU Issue-Jo Barry
J esse r olev
Dulcic Lytsell
A Bit of
Advice to Tom
“It'm cnstcr to plow a straight
furrow I»y sighting ahead than
liy looking back.”—Hayings of
K/.vu Peek.
npODAV ill II o’clock Tom
SIoddat‘d, newly - elected
president of I lie associated slu
deiits of tile University of Ore
gon. will officially assume Ids
duties. After being installed
by doe McKeown, retiring pres
ident, Stoddard will make a
short speech outlining bis poli
cies for next year.
With due respect to the
virtue of modesty that should
be inherent in all newspapers,
the Emerald ventures to sug
gest to Stoddard a few Uiings
which he might appropriately
incorporate in his proposed
policies for next year — a bit
of friendly advice to be taken
for what it is worth.
In the first place, Torn, why
not come out in favor of a dras
tic revision of the traditions of
the campus: Oregon as an in
stitution is assuming a place
among the leaders id' American
universities, is looking forward
to bigger things scholastically
and intellectually and eVen
athletically, and yet the stu
dents cling tenaciously to such
antiquated and childish insti
tutions as the fresh parade and
the enforcement of traditions
by sessions on the library steps.
Isn't it time for the students
as well as the admist rat ion to
look forward instead of back
into t he past'!
Another tiling, Tom. which
the Emerald suggests Unit you
advocate, is the abolition of the
compulsory features of the
R, 0. T. ('. unit. Of course you
can’t do it all by yourself, but
in the position which you will
bold next year your influence
w ill be considerable. The I'nit
ed States professes to ln> a
peace loving nat ion. and vet
through such institutions as the
R. (>. T ('. a military force is
being built up t hat would have
been unheard of in the days be
fore the war. Surely the ad
ministration of military train
ing to only those students who
desire it would be sufficient
for the needs of the country.
The last thing the Emerald
asks, Tom. is that you try to
keep the Oregon students and
their representatives mi the
executive council from becom
ing too athletically - minded.
Oregon is looking forward to a
might \ fool ball team nex; year,
to championship tennis and
golf and swimming teams, as
j well as strong trams in other
sports. All this is glo«ioit|S,
hut we must remember that
sports do not make up the
whole of college life. There
are other things, such as debate,
concerts, and lectures which
should he supported. In too
many universities it has been
the tendency, when the athletes
rose to heights of glory, for the
student body to support inter
collegiate sport to the exclu
sion of everything else. Try
your best to keep Oregon away
from that tendency next year,
As we said before, Tom, this
is just a l>it of friendly advice
to he taken for what it is worth
to yon. The whole of if could
be summed tip in the quotation
from the rustic sage which
heads this article. Look ahead
while plowing your furrow, no!
At the Age
Of Thirty-five
marks of a college edu
cation have been obliter
ated by the time a graduate
becomes Ilf) years old, is the
recent data given out by W.
A. Neilson, president of Smith
College. His observations were
made in smoking compartments
of pullmaus. Mr. Neilson is
at the head of a girls’ college,
but does not give proof that
his investigation included wom
en, one of the important fac
tors in the business life of the
If such is the ease, why go
to college tit till? Why should
not the students that graduate
from high school go right into
the business world, and climb
tip as so many of our capital
ists have, or maybe start tit
the top, if there is chough in
fluence on our side? Of course,
it is sometimes doubtful whe
ther sttclt education pays, but
the many failures in life, and
the wages paid to college grad
uates surely shows that one
who has higher learning gets
the best out of life.
It can be granted that most
students forget some of the
minor subjects they carried
"bile in college, but as ;t rule
they do not target the one aim
in their lives. If such is the
ease, why should there he so
many students with the ear
marks of a higher education!
There are .some that cannot be
distinguished front those raised
in Hie gutter, but there arc
many more that can he, so win
try to prove sttclt a quest ion?
— Ihtily Kansan.
A 8atiro : By Wilfred Brown
BOOK \ 1 (<'ont iioK'it i
So Student -onowf nil\ look Ins"
leave of the loo ami when tie was
out of sight ae mill the bend in the
loud way, he -at himself doun uimu
a stone au<l uejd, saying; O woe
*s mo, tli.it I shotthl I'vi'r ln> tipfr.-ivotl
"t *•'«' I'oltiiiil [>ai ties, fnp both art'
utterly poi fitlhnrs In nature. I
ha \ i* boon t.ilsrlv |»Pnmisi'it honov
alili' | m ist •* t.v both tialfliurk ami
IVl*:itor. 1 liavo boon siM'cI\' mis
tiTateil In tin- mlliOionts of tlu> In
ilojnmlent tirkot while in the sor
' *>•<• of LH'lmtor anil I'Nimisnt, ami
nun those pyrsnnanys i|oij»n to i or
ostnuo mo not. Itut norst of all I
It a V 0 tnnieil here so loHy. liavo
wasted ay uiucli lime that 1 now
into affiliating myself with either
have entirely Ibst sight of the Spired
of the Golden fjity of EdnCation. 1
fear me 1 shall never reach the
pearly gates of that metfopoHil* but
nevertheless, I shall be once again
upon my way.
Student had progressed bnt »
short distance along his wav when
he met with Erater and the other
members of the house of the Gamma
I brotherhood, each one bearing a
stave and a wrathful cornitenarteet
Upon catching sight of Student,
Erater shonteth: “Behold, there ho
is. Thou Wilt vote against our or
ganizations, wilt thou?”
Whereupon the members of the
Gamma guild seized upon Student,
and each one struck him across tho
buttocks with his stave, repeatedly
and with full force, each blow
causing Student to writhe in agony.
When they had done with this sport,
they bofe him unto the brink of
the river and east him in, and would
not suffer him to emerge for many
When at length Student was al
lowed to come forth from the wa
ter, Erater comcth unto him and
removeth the emblem of the Gamma
guild from his raiment, saying:
“Student, thou hast violated the
most sacred tradition of our code in
voting aceotding to thy own mind
instead of according to the instruc
tions of thy guild. Such a thing is
a sacrrlige, is without precedent in
the annals of our history. For this
wo are unable to conceive a punish
ment sufficiently severe, but we
hereby eject thee from membership
in the house of the Gamma brother
hood of the Happy Land of Collegia.
Consider thyself no more as one of
our brothers.”
Whereupon the members of the
Gamma guild quitted Student, leav
ing him lying prostrate oil the brink
of the river. When they were out
of sight, Student heaved a great
sigh, as of relief, arose to his feet,
and continued slowly on his way in
the direction of tlie Golden City
of Education.
(Here Endeth Book VI)
McDONALD—Colleen Moore and
Antonio Moreno in “Synthetic Sin.”
An hilarious comedy. Also selected
short subjects.
COLONIAL -Greta Garbo, John
Gilbert and Lewis Stone in ““A
Woman of Affairs.” A first run
features. Also Stan Laurel anil Oli
ver llardv in “Should Married Men
go Home’”
BEX—“Wild Wood,” starring
Jack i’erriu and Hex, the wonder
horse. Also chapter eleven of “Tar
zaw the Mighty.”
HELIO—The Taylor Wavers pre
sent “Ten Nights in a Bar Boom.”
Oregon's Movie Star
Has Her Hobbies Too
Here’s ii t on ” li break fur Ore
gon’s big blonde men: Oorothy
Hilrke prefers ’em dark.
She admitted it yesterday after
noon, and there wasn’t even a flink
er of hesitation in the wide blank
eyes that are one of the reasons
why she’s the heroine in Oregon’s
Campus movie.
Hut here’s a glimmer of hope for
the Xordin boys. l)of insists that,
more than anything else, the man
she marries has got to have "a sense
of humor.”
Hot was in a room on “third” at
the Chi Omega house, all curled up
iii a chair, laughing, hugging her
knees and looking much mere like
a college sophomore than a movie
star. For one thing, there was a
"sister,” a pile of books, a stray
shoe and a hot water bottle on the
bed. The “sister" had wafer wave
combs in her hair, and Hot was
wearing a bathing suit with pink
slippers and a figured neat with
great splotches of red and bright
colors in it. All that’s college.
And before we forget it, there’s
something peculiar about Hot
Iturke \s eyes. On the screen they
5f> West Broadway
for Fainting and
Decorating M a ter ia I a
flash back at yon with “Clara Bow”
blackness. But in (lay time they ’re
dusky bine.
There arc a lot of things about
movie actresses Dot hasn’t acquired
yet. She hasn’t a poodle, an ac
cent, or a line of bunk about diet
Usually when satellites get the
feportorial third degree they in
clude their hobbies, former hus
bands, first loves, favorite actors,
superstitions, favorite ice cream and
Well, Oregon movies have to be
done right, so here they arc.
The little leading lady of “Green”
says her hobbies are dancing, first,
and then, for an insignificant sec
ond, tennis, for husbands, none. For
first loves, well, that is nobody’s
business but Dorothy’s. For super
stitions, none, but she does hate to
think about having to fall in the
mill race for the movie.
And Dolores Del Rio's her favor
ite movie actress. Portland’s her
home town, she likes to cook and
can make marvelous toasted cheese
sandwiches. When she was little she
wanted to bo in the movies “just
like all little kids;” slic’d like aw
fully much to travel; she’s always
wanted to be a dancer.
Yesterday, Dot was going in the
race for the first time this year.
And it wasn’t just for the fun of
it either. She lias to fall in, all
dressed up, according to the scenar
io, and she isn’t a bit excited about
Nine Selected For
Emerald Business Staff
(Continued from tags One)
Chuck Reed who lm.s acted as ad
vertising manager of the Emerald
for the past year, recently resigned
from further work on the business
staff because of a lack of time to
spend ou the work during the som
ing year. Having been just recent
ly elected yell king for the coming
year and having several other ac
tivities which take time, he feels
that he will not be able to continue.
IIis absence from the staff leaves
a position hard to fill.
Alpha Kappa L’si, national profes
sional commerce honorary, announces
the pcldging of Tfarold Ayers, Joe
Frock, Harold Hildreth, Ralph Hill.
Fred Hollenbeck, Sidney Huffman,
Omar Hoskins, Harold Johnson,
Roiiolto Lewis, Raymond Michels,
Kenneth Moore, Foard Smith, and
Fred Johnson.
Phone 1733 573 E. 13th Ave.
Dressmaking - Designing
Style Right Price Right
Last physical ability tests vfrill be
given Saturday, May 25, at 9:00
at the men’s gym.
Allied arts meeting. AH students
will meet in flic lecture room of
the art building at 1:00 this after
noon. Elections for next year
will be held.
The Congress, public speaking club,
will meet at 7:00 tonight at the
College Side to elect next year’s
Pi Delta Phi will hold its initiation
Friday at 4 o'clock at the Kappa
Kappa Gamma house.
Dial meeting Monday evening, 8
o’clock at Mrs. McClain’s home.
Spanish club meeting tonight, 7:15,
101 Condon. All Spanish students
invited to attend. '
Crossroads will meet tonight at the
usual time and place. Dr. Sea
shore will give a paper on “The
Behaviorist Movement.”
All Philomelete members are espec
ially invited to come with their
respective groups to the last Wo
men’s league tea of the year, on
the lawn bv the Gerlinger build
ing, 3 to 5.
Amphibian will meet this evening at
t*i Lambda Theta social meeting
’Tuesday afternoon, 4 to 0, May 28
What’s the Dope!
fall or is it going to depend upon
fall or it is going to depend upon
this tiling—finances?
If you are earning your way
through school, you'll be anxious to
find the right job for the vacation
months. Earnings of our summer
salesmen range from $400 to $2,500.
A half hundred men on the campus
flow, who have represented the Con
sumers Merchandise Association dur
ing previous seasons, will tell you
“you can’t go wrong” with Us. Ex
perience is an asset but not required.
No investment. Write or call.
Consumers Merchandise Association
110 Cedar Avenue
nt the Zeta Tan Alpha sorority.
Installation of officers.
Kappa Beta meeting today at Y.
W. C. A. bungalow at 4:00 p. m.
Y. M. C. A. cabinet meeting today
at 4:45, at the Y hut. Very im
Oregon Daly club will meet today
at the College Side Inn for lun
cheon. Ail members please be
present. . „
Alpha Delta Sigma meeting post
poned until Friday, May 24. Port
land speaker. Very important.
Erb Gets Year’s Leave
To Teach at Harvard
Doilald 51. Erb, assistant profes
sor in economics, has been granted
a year’s leave of absence from Ore
gon. He will teach in the depart
ment of economics at Harvard uni
versity next year. While at Har
vard he will complete his thesis for
the degree of doctor of philosophy.
■ Professor Erb is going to travel in
the east this summer before taking
up his work at Harvard.
is hardly the word
when you see the
results of our work.
We will take particular
care of your w li i t e
sweaters, knickers, and
dresses for this weather
asks that they be worn
day after day . . . You
will £et them back on
the hurry quick.
Phone 504
NU Way
Have your repairs, upholstering and refinishing
work done lierc. Special cabinet work and
Eugene Furniture Hospital
491 West Eighth Avenue
Call 402
Meet at movie office at 1 o’clock:
Vera Elliot, Norman Eastman,
Dorothy Burke, Phyllis Van Kim
rnofl; Bill Overstreet.
Jim Raley - C'arvdl Nelson,
Don Campbell io Speak
Don J. Oantpbifil, president) of
Hie campus Y. M. C. A., is scheduled
to give a talk before the Episcopal
convention Sunday, May 26. Mr.
Campbell will explain the purposo
and organization of the Y. M. C.
A. district conference at Seabeck,
Washington, June 8 to 17, to which
a large delegation from Oregon will
be sent.
and return
Oregon Electric
Tickets on sale Fridays,
Saturdays or Sunday*—
Return Limit Tuesdays—or,
- 15-Day Return Limit
Reduced round trip fares
between all Oregon Elec
tric Railway stations.
r ✓ /
Safe, Dependable Service,
0. E. Trains leave for Portland,
Salem, Albany, Corvallis, Junc
tion City and Harrisburg at 7:00
a.m., 10:25 a.m., 2:15 p.m. (ob
servation car carried) and 5:40
p,m, daily, ,
Ask about the Low Summer
Round Trip Excursion
Fares East
For any information about
railroad trips phone 140
Oregon Electric
Why one-way Street P
Well, I’m only goin’ one way!” replied the
legendary motorist to the amazed John Law.
A laudable principle—if applied in the right
direction... exactly as our long experience in
cigarette making assures us that the only avenue
to enduring popularity is a one-way street.
All the arrows along Chesterfield’s route**
from plantation to pocket, point directly to
taste. No left turns into insipidity — no do
tours around the plain duty of good tobaccos
An overdose of analogy, perhaps, but you get
our drift: Chesterfields are mild—but mildness is
not overdone; they’re wererflat. Naturally smooth,
aromatic tobaccos are so blended that every last
atom of their flavor is delivered to the smoker.
Here is that very rare bird, a cigarette that
does satisfy.
MILD enough for any body .. and , .THEY SATISFY