VOLUME XXX UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1929 NUMEER 134 Cougar Wins Fourth Game By 6-5 Score Oregon Fails to Gain Lead After Edwards Ties Score W. S. C. Pitcher Brings Victory Fielder Strong Man of the Webfoot Crew at Pullman CULLMAN, Wash., May 2L— (Special)—Oregon is liable to win a ball game any (lay now but to Ray Edwards day wasn’t the •lav. 'Washington State College in jected a pitcher named .Trues into the lineup long enough to score the winning run l i» the last half | of the ninth inn S ing to hang up his third victory this year over Oregon, Ore gon had tied the score in the ninth inning when Edwards walked, wont, to second on Epps’ sacrifice bunt, took third while Olinger was being thrown out, and stole home while Jones was winding up. But Edwards couldn’t win the game by himself. In the Cougar half of the inning Jones dribbled an infield hit and reached second on a fielder’s choice. Kelson caught* a high foul over first and threw to nab .Tones at third. Oling er let the ball go through him and MacDonald also fumbled it, allow ing Herr Jones to score. Fuller started for Oregon in the box and pitched nice ball until Dijulio and F. . Mitchell lit on him for homers in the sixth. # Bloom Pitches Bloom took the job over for an inning and gave way to Pinch Hit ter Gould, who was struck out. MacDonald jgot into the game long enough to be charged with the loss. The only bright light for Ore gon supporters, if any, were Ed wards’ steni of home, Hidings’ two singles and a double, and some nifty catching by that gent of foul*balls and wild throws. Aside from this nothing happened here in Pullman today except the sun came up and went down. Ore gon moves to Moscow to play a couple of games against Idaho Wed nesday and Thursday. The score: T!. IT. E. Oregon .5 7 4 W. S. G.6 10 4 Batteries: Fuller, Bloom, Mac Donald, and Hidings; Nelson, Jones and F. Mitchell. Dolts and S. A. E.’s Win Baseball Matches Delta Tau Delta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon emerged victorious in their intramural baseball games yester day afternoon, the Delts defeating Omega hall, 2 to 0, mainly through the remarkable hurling of Jason, who pitched a no-hit, no-run game; while the S. A. E. ’s trounced the Alpha Epsilon nine, 7 to 1, in a loosely played contest. Taday Sigma Xu meets Theta Chi and Phi Gamma Delta will play Alpha Beta Chi. Both games will be called at 3:20. Junior Week-end Nets Pro fit of $650 Yoflvil Nets $200; Fete Returns $425; $270 Lost on Prom In marked contrast to tIto Junior Week-end rf last year, 1he 19:2!) fes tival not only paid expenses, but Walt Norblad also netted a profit, of approx imately $(150 to the treasury of the junior class, it was announc ed yesterday by Wait Norblaii, assistant chair man and busi ness manager of t li e week-end. Norblad lias not vet closed the books rf tlio \\ eek-enrt, but ho has everything uour on<>ujili done so that lie can be comparatively accurate. The biggest item in the Junior Week-end budget, both from the standpoint of expenses and of re ceipts, was the Junior Vodvil. The Vodvil did not bring in quite as large returns as was expected, but was yet a profitable venture. The three showings of “Oh Dear” brought in approximately $2050, while the expenses totaled $1800, leaving a profit of $250. The prin cipal expenses were rent on the theater, $525; music, $300; scenery (Continued on Taoe Two} New Professors For Department Named by Bowen Number of Changes Made 1 In Romanee Language Faeulty Personnel Appointments for professors who ■ will teach in the romance language department next year were announc ed yesterday by Dr. Ray P. Bowen, head of the department. The list includes Chandler B. Beal, who comes from George Washington uni versity at Washington, D. C., to be assistant professor of romance lan-j guages here, and Carl J. Furr and Jack M. J. La forge, who have been appointed graduate assistants in the department. Charles G. Howell, a teaching fellow this year, has been appointed! instructor to succeed Miss Christina Crane, who will spend next yeari studying in France. Martin Elmer Erickson and. Miss Jean I. Tomp kins have been appointed part-time graduate assistants. Juan B. Rael, who has been on leave of absence for the past year on account of sickness, is to return j as instructor in Spanish. Pierre Thomas will also return to the de partment after teaching in the sum mer session at Middlebury college, Middlebury, Connecticut. - Supervised Teaching Applications Requested Present juniors who expect to I qualify for a teaching certificate are required to take supervised! teaching in their senior year. Ap plications for this work next year ! should be in the hands of Dr. Boss | ing of the school of education by 1 the end of this week, without fail, | as it is bxpeeted that definite plans i for next year’s student teaching i will be formulated before the close I of this term. Collegiate Chaff : : By Ron Huhbs Editorial Comment on This and That Now that tho political tom-toms have outworn their usefulness for at least another year, it is safe to ven ture a criticism on the class elec tions. The composition of the elec torate of each class was determined by credit hours in place of the old system of retaining class year 'throughout the student’s university career. It ps a rather unfortunate change. Juniors, for example, cast their ballets for sophomore and even freshman class offices; for in dividuals they scarcely knew and class offices they can’t be more than passively interested in. * * * Using hours to determine class identity produces other confusing situations. Each class has certain functions and affairs which are pe culiar to that class alone. If a student served on the Junior Week end committee, thou failed to secure sufficient hours to elevate himself to a senior, he would find himself practically ineligible for class ac tivitv. Then again if a (“lass as sessed a tax on its members, many of those who assisted in imposing the tax would escape payment on a lower class rating. We associate certain individuals with each class, and if for no more than sentimental reasons, students desire to consis tently belong to their entering class. * * * We notice with interest a move ment started by the house mana ger’s asociation to have a class j taught in the university on house i management. The investment and expenditure in maintaining living organizations amounts to several hundred thousand dollars. Such a ■ move is to be complimented not only I for its economic desirability, but as an additional illustration of the j application of business principles to student undertakings. The school of business administration can perform a real service to living organizations if they can find it possible to co operate with the house managers. Juan Centeno Finds Oregon Very Different From Spanish Universities Freedom in Home School Has Its Flaws; Campus Much Lacking To receive l>y an upperclassman upbraiding and tlion while en route to a mid-afternoon elnss, to drop in Sen or .Tuan Centeno’s offiee in Oregon and hear him tell of Spanish universities would make any under classman ready to raise whoopee. “You students here can hardly imagine the complete freedom in a Spanish university; it is so very, j very different from yours. There j are no living organizations such as your dormitories or fraternities and , so no rules as to getting in at 10:H0 j or 12:15; no deans of men and . women to make regulations; no af ternoon classes; no mid-term exam-, illations; no -distinctions between classes; no traditional dress such aSj the little caps the freshmen wear j lioro. The students live in boarding houses or, it' they are ricdi enough, in the hotel. They attend classes all morning, starting at 8:00, and then at 2:00 a group of 10 or la friends meet at the cafe where they sit at their regular table to drink coffee, smoke, talk, and play cards for an hour or so. Some play bil liards, soccer, or tennis in the after noon while others spend a few hours studying. Then all go to the prom enade to walk up and down there for Another hour until dinner at 7:00.” This leisurely program indepen dent of any university jurisdiction lias its flaws, however, which the reader should know before packing his bags for sunny Spain. Imagine a university without a campus. Pathetically lonely, but they come that way in Spain. The single, big buildings which constitute the uni fContinued on Pape Two) Sorority Girls Rato 4*4"! fr4,rH City Fire Department The Alpha Delta Pi house rated the Eugene fire department yester day afternoon when the water heat er in the basement fell down, caus ing the house to be filled with its smoke. One brave girl t’i light her way through the clouds of smoke in the basement to discover the cause of the trouble and then took sev eral others down to look it over. They decided that it locked sus piciously like a fire so the fire de partment was called. The following conversation en sued:' Fireman—Eugene Fire Depart ment. A. D. P.—Please send someone out to the A. D. I’, house, 849 East 11, right away. Fireman—Have you a flue fire or something? A. D. P.—No. The stove has fall en down and it’s snicking. Fireman—We don’t fix stoves. A. D. P.—I know you don’t. Fireman1—If you have a fire we’ll come and put it out. A. D. P.—rlt isn’t on fire yet, but there’s danger of fire. Fireman—All right, we’ll come. And so they came, saw, and con quered. Eugene People Show Interest In Swim Week Many Take Opportunity to Cain Instruction in Campus Pool Two hundred and twenty-five persons availed themselves of the opportunity to take the instruction offered for the first day of “Every body Swim Week,” which began Monday at the tank in the Gerlin ger building. The swim week, which is sponsor ed by the Tied Cross, is open to all who wish to learn to swim. Volun teer student instructors will have charge of the classes. Three stu dents who have been added to the list of instructors include Ella Red key end Naomi Moshberger at 5 o’clock and Editha Barthell at 7:110 o ’clock. The attendance at the various classes for the first day follows: 10 o’clock, adults, 19; 3 o’clock, fifth and sixth grades, 32; 3:30 o’clock, third and fourth grades, 23; 1 o’clock, fifth and sixth grades, 38; 4:30, seventh and eighth grades, 39; 5 o’clock, high ’.school, 30; 7:30 o’clock, adults, 30; and 8:15 o’clock, adults, 10. Orchesis to Initiate And Pick JSew Officers Twelve women will be initiated in Orchesis, honorary dancing group for women, at a meeting to be held this 'evening at 8:15 o’clock in the Gerlinger building. Offi cers for next term will also be elect ed, according to Eujuice Daniels, president. Those whose tried out for mem bership were obliged to give an original individual dance, an orig inal group dance, and several dances to various types of music. Women who will be initiated in clude Dorothy Turney, Alice Holm back, Edith Pearson, Ethel Robert son, Naomi Mosbberger, Betty Beam, Marjorie Kelly, Ruth Dun ; dore, Dorothy Dundore, Muzetta ; Blair, and Mildred Lowden. Class Visits Store O. K. Burrel, assistant professor in business administration tork his beginning class in accounting to store yesterday afternoon at two j o’clock to inspect the system of ac I counts there. Cosmopolitans Announce Change In Constitution Membership is Divided Into Associate and Active Classes . »l Croup Plans Joint Picnic Willi O. S. C. Group Changes in the membership policy were effected, amendments to Hie constitutions were proposed, plans for affiliation with the national Cosmopolitan organization were made, and arrangements for the an nual picnie with tlie Cosmopolitan club of Oregon State college were completed at a meeting of the exe cutive council of the local Cosmo politan club last niglit. The new policy includes the wearing of pins bv numbers and two grades of as sociation with the club: associate and active. Under the now plan students wishing to join the organization will serve two terms as associate mem bers before being allowed to ap ply for active membership, the lat ter status entailing the privileges of affiliation with the national or ganization, wearing of the pin, vot ing, and holding office in the group. Selection of members will be on the basis of personality only, accord ing to Frank Shimizu, president. iSTo effort will be made to propor tion the students of any one na tionality. The club, Mr. Shimizu emphasized, is not sponsored by the Y. M. or the Y. \V., but is indepen dent of bo'th associations. Two new advisors to act with Mrs. Charlotte Domydly as counsellors to the group were elected at the meet ing, but as they have not as yet been approached, the names will not be given out until later. Members of the executive council include Frank Shimizu, president; Betty Hughes, vice-president; Fran cisco Tub'ban, secretary; Alice Clink treasurer. The amendments to the constitution will have to be passed upon by the membership force be fore coming effective. A joint picnie with the Cosmo politan club of Oregon State col lege will be held May 30, Decoration day, at Bell Fountain park near Monroe. Margaret Edmunson is chairman of the affair, which is expected to be attended by about L’O members of the local group. Forensic Organization To Banquet Tuesday The general public speaking ban quet and initiation of four neo phytes into Delta Sigma Hho, na tional honorary forensic fraternity, has been postponed until next Tues day at 0 o’clock at the Osburn hotel. It was formerly scheduled for tonight. The postponement was due to the absence of Burt Brown Barker, vice-president of the univer sity, and J. K. Horner, head of the department of speech, both of whom were scheduled to talk at the affair. The four new members who will be initiated at 5 o’clock next Tues day at the Osburn preceding the banquet are Marion Leach, Ashland; Harvey Wright, Eugene; Hugh Biggs, Ontario; Errol Sloan, Co quilte. Datson Honor Guest At Fraternity Banquet Beta Gamma Sigma, national scholastic honorary, gave a banquet last evening at 6:00 at the Anchor age as the last meeting of the year. The members of the honorary had as their guest, Bradford Datson, the | freshman business administration I major chosen to have his name ; placed on the Beta Gamma Sigma ; scholarship plaque “to honor out standing scholastic achievement.” Hunt Selects Keith Hall for Publicity Post Man Will be Assistant Cairman of Greater Oregon Group Entipe Committee To be Named Soon Directorate Meeting to be Held Tonight, 7 P. M., In 110 Johnson Keith ITiill, Marshfield; a junior in business ailniinistration, was yes terday appointed assistant general Keith Hall chairman of the Greater Oregon committee 1> y Paul I). Hunt, di reetor. Hall lias served on s u li - committees for three years, and is well qualified for the position. “I feel in Keith Hall that he is the most qualified man to handle tin* work, lie has had ex penenee on the Creator Oregon di rectorate over sinee he has been in school, and last year lie was in charge of district Xn. .r>, perform ing the job very efficiently ” de clared Hunt. Hall will Work in close contact with the general chairman and the directorate throughout tin1 state. He will send out letters of instructions to the workers, and notify the gen eral chairman of the progress made in soliciting student prospects for the University of Oregon. In accepting the position Hall said he realized the need of the committee and its important work for the university. “The commit tee is one which can aid the school to a great extent in its future growth,” he stated. A meeting of the directorate wns held yesterday at lid Johnson hall to discuss the campaign plans for the summer. The directors who at tended were Vinton Hall, Richard Lewis, Jim Raley, Mjargaret Cum mings, Kelley Slocum, Orpha Ager, Herbert King, Donald Campbell, Bob Bishop, Jack Stipe, and Stan Brooks. Two more meetings will bp held before the term closes. One will be held tonight in Johnson hall at 7 o’clock and the second on May 27 at which Dr. Hall, Mr. Pallett, and Mr. Onthank will speak. A complete list of the whole com mittee will be announced within the next few days, according to Hunt. Strawberry Fete Dance to be Heltl On Tennis Courts Women’s Athletic Group Will Sponsor Annual Affair May 29 The last all-campus (lance of the year, the Strawberry Festival will be held Wednesday, May 29, on the eve of Memorial day, on the tennis courts near the library. As in former years the Women’s Ath letic association is sponsoring it. Margaret Cummings is general chairman of the festival. She an nounces that it begins at and ends at, 7:90. It is a no-date affair, “but you can meet him there if you want to,” one of the chairmen sug gested. Dessert will not be served in any of the houses that evening so that everyone will be ready to eat sev eral sundaes, when they arrive. Kun daes sell for fifteen cents. George Weber’s orchestra will play tor the jitney dance, at five cents a dance; the courts will be ‘boraxed’ ttie same as they were for Junior Week-end. Virginia Mynard is chairman of the committee to supply the straw berries; those serving on her com mittee are Edna Kerns, Jessie Puckett, Olivia Kjelland, Dorothy Goff, and Ella Redkey. Alberta Rives is chairman of the serving committee. Those on her committee will be announced later. Josephine Barry, chairman of the properties, announces that Leone Barlow, Geraldine Johnson, and Har riet Kibbee are on her committee, Several others will he added. Nellie McDonald, publicity and posters chairman, lias Kathleen Red key, Dulcie Lytsell, Ella Redkey and Alyce Cook to assist her. Edna Dunbar lias charge of those who will speak at the houses, llei committee lias not been announcec yet. ELECTION RETURNS CLASS OF 1930 President ,Oene Laird . Curl Nelson . Vice-president Hoiyl ITnrrnh . Eleanor Boorman . Treasurer Margaret Barrett . Secretary Edxvina (Irebel . Sergeant-at-arms On ilie Bredtliauer . K.unsey McDonald . Class Barber Wilfred Brown . Ax is Seines .. CLASS OF 1931 President Ken Curry . Bill Whit'efy . Vice-president Reba Tlrogdon .. (I roe in Haggerty . Secretary I Elizabeth Crisell . Harriet Kibbee . Treasurer Hal Baddoek .. Meivin Simpson . Sergeant-at-arms Jem- Lillie . CLASS OF 1932 President Jack Stipe . John Erdley .... Vice-president Elizabeth Strain . Irma Logan . Secretary Sally Banes . Dolly Horner .. Treasurer Kermit Stevens . Kelsey Slocum .. Sergeant-at-arms Ken Seales . Art Adams . i • i 1 .134 193 201 120 So 102 tut 131 211 1 IS 137 14(1 356 279 296 242 284 300 274 203 Francis McKenna Named as Winner O f Albert Cup Silver Trophy Presented Annually to Senior Best Qualified Luola Benge is Elected as Class Secretary Francis McKenna was named win ner of the Albert prize, n silver lov ing cup, ns the result of the elec tion held last night in Guild hall by members rf the senior class. Each year the senior who has been recognized ns outstanding in char actor, service and wholesome influ ence during his college career .is presented with the cup given by Joseph If- Albert, cashier of the First National bank of Salem. East year Ronald Robnett received the prize. McKenna has been a leader on the campus and was recently elected to Phi Beta Kappa. During the past year he has served as presi dent of the senior class, lie is ma joring in economics and is a mem ber of the Phi Kappa I'si, social fraternity. At the same meeting Luola Benge was named as permanent secretary of the class of 15)20. Miss Benge will serve her class, as it becomes a member of the Oregon alumni as sociation. Twenty-two Students Manage Portland Store Bean David E. Faville, of the school of business administration, and 22 business administration stu dents leave for Portland today to take charge of the Lipman-Wolfe department store on University Bay tomorrow. Eight students have been added to the staff. They are Fred Hollen beck, getter il superintendent, who is taking the place of Hugh Stout, of the Portland extension division; William Ilcdlund, department man agor of piece goods; Charles Hoff man, basement merchandise mana ger; Gordon Gardner, receiving and marketing room manager; Laurence Keppinger, accounts payable; Ray Martin, delivery department, and supply manager; William Scliein baum, timn’s shoe department, and Fred Johnson, sales audit. Bird Studies in Stone Given to University Mrs. Alfred Scltroff has made a donation to the geology department of four stone compositions of bird studies constructed entirely of stone. They were made in Florence, Italy, by the firm of G. Ugolini. They are very unique, composed of pieces of onyx, jasper, malachite, azurite, etc., inlaid in a stone tablet resemb ling black marble. Those who havt seen the stones say that tin* colot and the workmanship at e really wonderful. Many Ballots Cast on Class Election Day __ * Curl Nelson, Wliitcly, And Stipe Are New Presidents Wilfred Brown Chosen Barber ! Sophomores Take Most Interest Voting for Officers With 527 votes oast, next yonrs sophomore class polled the hugest number of votes of the throe classes at yesterday’s election. The el,mss of Ml polled HU", and the class of MO, only 210. Of the sophomore vot dark Stipe took 279, and John Erdlev 257. Bill Whitoly will lie president of next year’s junior class, having polled 241 to Ken ( nrry’s 121. Oar! Nelson, of the I class of MO, beat Gene Laird with a 125 to 75 vote. Barber Race Closest The closest face was for senior /lass barber where an additional three votes over Avis Seines gave Wilfred Brown the. honorary office. A deciding count of It votes gave the office of sergeant-at-arms to Ken Scales, who polled 274 votes, rather than Art Adams, who receiv ed 20.1. Eleanor Poorman with 124 votes wrested the vice-presidency of next year’s senior class from Beryl llar rah who polled 77. Margaret Bar rett and Edvvinn Grebel were auto matically elected treasurer and sec retary, respectively with 195, and 201 votes, inasmuch as there were no opponents for the two offices. Orville Bredthauer with 120 votes won over Ramsey McDonald, with 85, for the office of sergeant-at arms. Brogdon Wins A 221 to 118 vote elected Bella Brogdon for the vice-presidenev of the class of Ml rather than Gracia Haggerty. The office of secretary was won by a 100 vote margin by Harriet Kibbee, who poled 227 votes, over Elizabeth Crisell. Hal Pad dock polled 225 votes and bent Mer vin Simpson, with 14(1, for the of fice of treasurer. Vice-presidency of the class of M2 had attracted both Elizabeth Strain and Irma Logan. Strain won by a 29(5 to 242 vote. Sally Runes will be secretary of the class, hav ing taken 284 to 252. Kelsey Slo coin, with only 225 votes, lost the office of treasurer to Kermit Ste vens received 200. Senior Breakfast Theme, Program Given Yesterday 241 Women To Allend; Decorations to be Airplane Motif Program Includes Musical Numbers and Speakers The theme mid program for the annua! breakfast given the senior women by the juniors were an nounced yesterday by Gracia Hag gerty, general chairman of the af fair. The breakfast is set for (Sat urday morning at 8:1,"> o’clock in the dancing room of the Gerlingcr building. Two hundred forty-one senior women will attend. Airplanes will be the motif for tiie affair, the decorations being in the form of miniature planes sus pended from the ceiling, and hel mets, goggles, and other airplane equipment arranged about the room and tables. The programs will bo in the form of airplanes. The program rf speakers includes Helen I’eters on “Hon Voyage;’’ Helen Webster, “The Take-off;” Miss Hazel l’rutsman, “A Bird’s live View.” Musical numbers and the singing of Oregon songs by the guests will supplement the' pro gram. Although not all the women have as yet signed up, more than ever be fore have said they will go. Doro thy Ann Warnick is in charge rf the ticket sale, and Florence Jones of decorations. Daphne Hughes is head of the program committee. Members of the freshman commis sion will servo. Red Cross Quiz Ready Members of t lie women’s Red Cross swimming class, who did not attend the meeting held yesterday afterneon at two o'clock have been requested by Ernestine Troemel sometime this week to arrange fox taking their examinations.