Classes Will Elect Officers For Next Yeai Polls to he in Villart; Hall; Open From 9 to 3 Two in Race for Senior President Student Body System W^ill Be Used in Handling Election Class elections will bo held frorr 0 to It in Villnrd hall today, no cording to class presidents' wliicl will decide wlictlier Eugene Laird oi Carl Nelson will win the presidencj for ngxt year’s senior class, Ken Curry or Hill Wliitely for junioi class, and John Erdley or Jack Stipe for the sophomore class. Practically the same system wil be carried out as was used at the regular student body election, ex cept that there will be separate sections for the three classes. Candidates Listed Next year’s senior class candi dates consist of : presidency, Eu gene Laird, Carl Nelson; vice-presi dency, Eleanor Poorman, Beryl Hur rah; treasurer, Margaret Barratt; secretary, Edwina Grcbel; class ser geant-at-arms, Orville Bredthauer, Ramsey McDonald; class barber, Wilfred Brown, Avis Seines. Net year’s junior class: presi dency, Ken Curry, Bill Wliitely; vice-presidency, Gracia Haggerty, Reba Brodgan; secretary, Elizabeth Oriscll, Harriet Kibbee; treasurer, Mervin Simpson, Ilal Paddock; ser geant-at-arms, Jerry Lillie. Erdley and Stipe in Race Next year’s sophomore class: pres idency, John Erdley, Jack Stipe; vice-presidency, Elizabeth Strain, Tima Logan; secretary, Sally Runes, Dolly Horner; treasurer, Kermit Ste vins, Kelsey Slocum; sergcantt-at arms, Art Adams, Ken Scales. Election boards for next year’s senior class has been published. Those persons who will serve on the counting committee for next year’s junior class, are: Dorothy Eberhard, Gladys Clausen, Windsor Calkins, Delbert Addison, Fred Felter, Mar garet Doorman, Mary Gauntlett, Ted Park, George Christensen, Vernon Arnett, and Francis Monroe. Election Board Scheduled The election board will consist of: 9 to 10, James Dezendorf, Vernon Arnett; 10 to 11, Mary Gauntlett, Margaret Doorman; 11 to 12, Doro thy Eberhard, George Christensen; 12 to 1, Harold Johnson, Dorothy Shaw; 1 to 2, Lavina Thicks, Fred Felter; 2 to .">, Windsor Calkins, Del bert Addison. Those who will serve on the elec tion board for next year’s sopho more class are: 9 to 10, Paul Bale and Muriel McLean; 10 to 11, Marie Nelson and Bob O’Melveny; 11 to 12, Hunt Clark and Jean Knapp; 12 to 1, Charles Teague and Virginia Paris; 1 to 2, Jean Leonard and Jack Blanchard; 2 until 3, Jean Rogers and Chet Knowlton. Moser Gives Address E. L. Moser, associate professor of business administration, gave commencement addresses to the graduating classes of Lexington and lone, Oregon during the past week. Women 9s Honorary To Hold Book Sale , Library Stops to bo Stago of Ballyhoo | A book snle that will include a take-off on the campus movie and will have as its ballyhoo artists Don Johnson, editor of Hack Soup, and Scott Milligan, prominent for a number of things, will be held this morning at 11 o’clock on the steps of the old library. The auction, which is being con ducted under the auspices of Theta Sigma I’lii, national honorary jour nalism fraternity for women, will offer for sale to the highest bidder >mch books as “The Green Murder Case,” by S. S. Van Dine, which has twice eluded theft by a stu dent desirous of its possession. Other books to be sold include “Trader Horn,” by Horn and Lewis; “The Golden Dancer,” Cyril Hume; “Cherry Square,” Grace S. Itich monl; “Tar,” Sherwood Anderson; “Ked Sky at Morning,” Margaret Kennedy; “Romantic Comedians,” Ellon Glasgow; “Your Money’s Worth,” Stuart Chase; “Early Aut umn,” F. .T. Sclilink; “Gal'aiad,” John Erskine; . “Mother India,” Katherine Mayo; “Labels,” Hamil ton Gibbs; ‘‘Gentlemen Prefer Blonds,” Anita Loos; “The Thun derer,” E. Barrington; “Julna,” Mazo de la Roche; “My Two Coun tries,” Lady Astor; “Early Aut umn,” Louis Bromfield; ‘‘Tides,” Ada and Julian Street. Oregon Tennis Team Captures Coast Honors Intercollegiate Title Is Taken from Stanford Squad Harrison, Lockwood Take Doubles Laurels When the Oregon tennis team re turns to Eugene tonight from a week’s stay in California, they will Lockwood bring back with them tlie Pacific coast intercolleg iate team cham pionship and the doubles champion pionship. Yesterday after noon at Palo Alto *• the Oregon quar tet of Bradshaw Harrison, Sherman .... Lockwood, Stan ley Almquist, and Henry Neer won four matches out of the six in a final meet with tlio highly-touted Stanford team, thus giving Oregon the team champion eliminated the other California ship of the Pacific coast, since Ore gon had previously defeated O. S. C. and Washington, and Stanford had schools. Win Coast Championship At Los Angelos last Saturday, the Oregon doubles combination of Har rison and Lockwood won the coast doubles championship by defeating in the finals of the conference tour nament the crack Stanford pair, Johnny Doeg and John Wheatley, 6-3, 6-2. Yesterday’s victory over Stanford was accomplished by winning two (Continued on Page Two) -- Collegiate Chaff : : By Ron Huhbs Editorial Comment on This and That Chicago’s boasting beer baton, responsible for the Quite famous phrase, “be nonchalant . . . light a bomb!” is dazedly enjoying an enforced vacation out Prison ay. Searfaee A1 Capone, of whom we write, has long led the gay social swirl in which machine guns and innocent bystanders participated. Mr. Capone was somewhat chagrined at the personal affront accorded hint bv the Philadelphia police who were brazen enough to place the king cf the beer racket in very uncomfort ’'able confinement. “Bugs” Moran, his arch enemy and of the same elect aristocracy, will no doubt ha%e a cpiiet jubilee in South Cicero, and the morning papers will conspicu ously list the removal of a few more undesirables as well as casual on lookers who were not infallible to machine gun bullets. Gang war may yet furnish a justification for teach ing military in colleges. Be your own gang! * * * Picture a department store fire sale or a Fourth of July celebration on any Main street and you have a complete characterization of Thir teenth street between classes. The sidewalk is crowded with a cosmo politan moh, all attempting to oc cupy a coveted place on the side walk. The street represents an even more hazardous spectacle. Dodging students and careening cars remind one of a game in which the pedes trian is deliberately sought out without actual manslaughter. We can widen the sidewalks, and prob ably eliminate the bothersome jos tle. After some sad accident we may also turn our attention to traf fic regulation, and wonder why we hadn’t provided beforehand. The present is an excelent time to avert a tragedy. * * * Oregon is the home of surprising innovations. The Crimson Tide of Harvard will attempt to roll a golf ball in a more successful fashion than the Oregon mashie swingers in the first telegraphic golf meet ever held in the United States, world in fact. Who knows but that the lead ing ping pong artists of the Orient will join with us next International week in an exciting cable match! In all seriousness, the idea is a good one . . . more power to it. Students Get Teachingjobs ForNextYear Eighty - four Education Majors t o Take Positions Education Bureau Selects Majority More Appointments to lie Made During Summer And Fall Eighty-four student of education hove received appointments to teaching positions since the first of January, according to a list issued yesterday by Miss Tda Pope, secre tary of the school of education ap pointing bureau. A few of the 28 men and the of! women whose names appear on the list have already be gun teaching, but the majority will assume their new duties at the be ginning of the school year next September. The majority rf the placements listed below were made directly by the appointment, renreau, and coop eration from the staff of the bureau figured in the securing of a large part of the appointments not made directly. “These names represent only the appointments made to date,” said Miss Pope in giving out the list for publication. “More appointments will be made and announced all through the summer and fall. From January first, 1928, to January first, of this year we made 2C5 ap pointments, and expect to equal that mark before this year is over. Prof. F. L. Stetson of the educa tion school is director of the ap pointment bureau. The list ef placements follow in full: Harold W. Allison, Eugene, Ore gon; Marion Elizabeth Anderson, Roseburg, Oregon; Olive Banks, Wallowa, Oregon; K. Deni try Bean, Cliiloquin, Oregon; Frederick Beck, Waldport, Oregon; Luola Benge, Medford, Oregon; Mrs. Edna Con verse Berst, Miss Ontlin’s Schoe.1, Portland; LaRoy Bove, Fossil, Ore gon; Lawenee Boyle, Florence, Ore gon; Hope Y. Brnnstator, Silverton, Oregon; Julia Y. Brnuninger, Moro, Oregon; Ruth E. Burcham, Silver ton, Oregon; Esther F. Chase, Ona laska, Washington; Lillie A. Chris topherson, Redmond,< Oregon; Grot chon Clemens, Cottage Grove, Ore gon; La Sello E. Coles, Princville, Oregon; Clarence E. Diebel, Eugene, Oregon; Dorothea Drake, Portland, Oregon; Howard Eberhart, Onalas ka, Washington; Graee Fleming, Wheeler, Oregon; Cecil II. From, Drain, Oregon; Katherine E. Gal braith, Wallowa, Oregon; Yena Gas kill, Saginaw, Oregon; Wallace C. Giiffith, Blackburn College, Carlin ville, Illinois; Merrill C. Hagan, Medford, Oregon; Ovidia Josephine (Continued on Page Two) Co-eds Asked to Finish .Records of Activities The following are asked to re port at the dean of women’s office immediately in order to complete and close the year’s records of stu dent activities. Frankie Adams, Olive Adams, Laura Anderson, Edna Assenheimer, Jeheanne Bai'her, Frances Bacon, Dertha Bailey, Josephine Barry, Maeeel Barton, Afeatha Beals, Mrs. Elizabeth Z. Bickcl, Anna Blom, Lo la. Brace, Louisa Bradway, Mary Bugar, Grace Caldwell, Iowa M. Carlton, Naomi Carlton, Ella Car rick, Helen Cherry, Mildred Clark, Eleanor Cleaver, Florence Clutter, Vera Codings, Gladys Collins, Es telle Cooke, Gladys H. Cooper, Mar garet Cooper, Lucille Cernutt, Es ther Crandall, Margaret Cuddeback, Vida Davis, Beryl Deford, Anne Dolph, Marthiel Duke, Catherine Dunlop, Henrietta Dunning, Arlene Earhart, Lavern Echerson, Victoria Edwards, Florence E. Elliott, Flor ence O. Elliott, Evelyn Erickson Gower, ^elen Evler, 'Marian Field, Ruth Fink and Floral Flanigan. Pi Sigma o Initiate Pledges Tuesday Night Pi Sigma, Latin honorary vrifj hold formal initiation at 5 o’clock Tuesday, in Alumni hall. The cere mony will be followed by a banquet at fi o’clock in the Osburn hotel, to which all Latbi students arc invited. Dr. Clara yT Smertenko, associate professor of Greek and Latin, will address the group, and Catherine Calouri, president of the honorary, will be toastmistress. The initiates are: .Tune Goodale, Ethel Mackey, Fred Calef, Margaret Turner, and Catherine Westra. Movie Workers W ill Broadcast EXTENSION DIVISION EMERALD BROADCASTS THIS WEEK Tonight—Special Campus Mov ie Night brradenst from 8 to !> o'clock. Featuring talks by tho stars, music, and comedy. Wednesday—Talk by Ilill Hay ward on the Pacific coast con ference track and field meet to be held here May .">1 and dune 1. A Campus Movie Night broadcast will be sent over the air from KORH between 8 and 0 o’clock tonight as a special feature of the regular Ex tension Division-Emerald time. dim Sharp will act as master ef ceremonies of the “whoopee” pro ' George Weber is in charge of music for the broadcast. Two of the directors of- the mov ie, dim Italey anil Carvel Nelson, and Ron Ilubbs, business manager of the photoplay, will each give short talks. Raley will give the history of the movie, telling how the original idea of the film was worked out and how the first plans were made. He will trace the en tire baekgiound of the movie. Nel son will talk on the production end of the picture and tell of the tech nical work that has been done so far. Hubbs will outline his plans for the release of the picture and of the bookings it will have over the state. Leads to be Introduced The leads in the film, Dorothy Burke, Verne Elliett, Norman East man, Phyllis Van Kimmell, Helen Allen, James Lyons and Bill Over street, will be introduced to the ra dio audience and will give brief outlines of the parts they are play ing in the production. Johnny Robinson and his Varsity Vagabonds will lend their “whoo pee” by playing several numbers during the course of the hour, and Jack Dennis will be en hand with a new supply of popular stings. Graham Covington and Howard Wall will introduce a suggested theme song of their ewn composition -for the movie. Another call for theme srngs was sent out yesterday by the directorate of the movie. IT heme songs must be turned in to Jim Raley or Carvel Nelson before June 1. The song that is accepted will be used with the film wherever it is presented. Bill Gille.tte and Omar Palmer will present a takeoff on one of one of the scenes from tho campus movie. Novel sound effects will be used by the pair in their comedy Sketch. Movie Tone Predominates The movie idea will predominate throughout the entire broadcast hour, Sharp said yesterday. Each number on the program will be in troduced as if it were a scene from the movie. The familiar studio call for lights, action, and camera will be heard. “The Campus Movie Night broad cast will offer a well-arranged, di versified program that will be well •worth listening to,” a member of the directorate said yesterday. “Don’t fail to tune in on ICO RE to night at 8 o’clock.” Farmer Honored at Pan Xenia Banquet A banquet in honor of Arthur .T. 'Farmer, manager