Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    Oregon Summer Ses i to Start on June 24
Journalism Head
Gives 3 Courses
Summer Session
Dean Allen Will Direct
Seminar in Managing
Of Newspaper
Throe .journalism courses of three
hours each will be offered at sum
in or Session. All three will be taught
j by Eric W. Allen, dean of the school
of .journalism.
A small newspaper will be edited
by the students in journalism. It
will be the same size as the Emerald
would be Without the advertise
ments and will be called the “Sum
mer Session Sun.”
The most elementary course offer
ed will be that in the art and hand
ling of the news. Jt will consist of
training in the recognition of nows
and the treatment of it. The prin
ciples of journalism will be pre
sent al th it will be needed by the
adviser of a high school student
publication, a high school teacher
of journalism, or a person wishing
to work in (lie newspaper field.
Previous training will not bo neces
A more advanced course entitled
(tenoral Newspaper Technic will be
given for those who have already
~hnd some contact with newspaper
work. Jt will consist of editorial
writing and editorial policy, proof
reading, shop practices, character
sketches, make-up and other phases
of newspaper work witch confront
a more advanced student.
Besides these rather general
courses, a seminar ia newspaper
management will be held. This
group will be limited to throe stu
dents, preferably graduate students,
with a special interest it) newspaper
.From the students in these closes,
Dean Allen will select an editor for
the paper as well as rest of tlic
Who’s Who Lists
Slimmer Faculty
Twelve of Staff Included
In Group of Famous
Touching in the 1S>29 Summer
Session will be 12 professors who
•Aire listed in .“-Wh.u;*- Who in Amer
ica” for 1029. Of this number,
seven are members of the Univer
sity of Oregon faculty during the
regular school year. Erie W. Allen,
dean of the school of journalism;
Dr. ('. V. Boyer, head of the de
partment of English; Dr. B. W. Ile
Busk, professor of education; Ed
gar E. DeCou, professor of mathe
matics; Or. Friedrich O. (1. Schmidt,
professor of German language and
literature; Dr. Ilenry D. Sheldon,
dean of the school of education, and
Dr. Warren 1). Schmidt, head of the
department of geology.
The remainder of the Who’s Who
list in Summer Session are from off
the campus. They are: Dr. Ernest
S. Bates, former Oregon professor
of English and philosophy, now
literary editor Of the Dictionary Of
American Biography; Dr. .1. Duncan
Spaeth, professor of English at
Princeton; Dr. William T. Foster,
formerly president of Reed College,
now director of the Poliak Founda
tion of Economy- ^Research at
Newton, Mass.; Dr. Frank 0. Sharp,
professor of philosophy at the Uni
^ versify of Wisconsin, and Dr. Ulys
ses G. Weatherly, profosor of sociol
ogv at Indiana university. All of
these men are authors of recent
books which have achieved a wide
Spaeth to Teach
This Summer on
Floating Cam pm
No Summer Session faculty lis'
for the University of Oregon woul<
be complete without the name of
J. Duncan Spaeth, Ph.D., oh it. In
seven different years since 1915 Dr.
Spaeth, who is a professor of Eng
lish at Princeton University, lias
taught at summer sessions in Eu
gene. And now While he is not
listed to teach in Eugene for the
summer school period, his name at,
least appears in the University of
Oregon Summer Session catalogue. *
For this summer 'Dr. Spaeth will be
an instructor on the University of
Oregon post-session cruise to Alaska.
He will instruct a class in American
literature of the Pacific Northwest,
The cruise, which lias been plan
ned as a part of a special Post
Session program will last for two
weeks, from August 7 till August
Summer Director
Oregon Graduate
Alfred Powers on Staff of
University Since 1917
Dean Alfred Powers, who, us
head of the extension school, is
director of the summer session and
with President Arnold Dennett Hull
Dean Powers
is lining up till1
faculty, has not
only had n i n o
v c a r s’ associa
tion w i t li the
university* b u t
is a University
of Oregon grad
Dean Powers
w a s a member
of the class of
1910 and became
associated with
tlie extension
division in lyl*, leaving a year
Inter to enter the tinny in the
World war. In 1920 he became uni
versity editor and a faculty mem
ber in the school of journalism.
His association with the extension
division was resumed in 1922, when
he became assistant to Director Earl
Kilpatrick. He was made dean in
In intervening years Dean Pow
ers has been in public school and
high school work with principal
ships and lias written extensively
for magazines.
The dean is spending most of
this month in Austin, Texas, where
Dan E. Clark
the national
meeting of the
University E x -
tension associa
tion is being
held. He will
have a part on
t h e ]i r o ff r a m
with a paper on
“Graduate Work
by Extension.”
The e x t e n sion
head is expected
b a c k to Port
land the last of
the month. His summer duties in
clude supervision not ohlv of the
summer session here, hilt in Port
hind. Dr. Dun E. Clark, assistant
extension director, will have per
sonal direction of the session here.
Radio is Newest Fad
*** +++
In Arvhitevturv Annex
AVhat next is Joe College going
to bring to school? Already he
brings his flashy sports roadster,
his bicycle or his pvt dogs. But
the netvest thing on the campus is a
radio-. The reporter happened to
pass by the architecture annex in
the sociology building the other
night from Whence he heard music,
someone singing—and then a ter
rible squawk. Peering through the
window lie saw a radio on one of
the tables with a smocked figure
turning the dial, making a futile
attempt to down that sguaWkihg
and produce some soothing melody,
which might bring an inspiration
to the rest of the aHists who were
working on their drawing boards.
Graduate School
Offers Growing
List of Courses
Mofe Advanced Work in
Summer Thau During
Regular Session
“The offerings in the graduate
Sellout tire constantly widening be
cause the number of graduates is
increasing,” said Dr. George Rebec,
dean, regarding the work of the
advanced students in the summer
Session. “There are a larger number
here during tlie summer session than
in the regular school ye^r.”
Graduate instruction, according
to Dr. ltebee, is a matter of ‘‘stick
ing by the man, not in brilliant
lecturing to him.” Consequently,
the highly individual Work makes
more important a small group atul
consistent sWuly. So the grade
ate school does not feature, nor does
it ever feature, prominent figures
in its teaching staff.
Students are encouraged to study
on the Eugene campus rather than
in Portland, although^ in some in
stances candidates are forced to te
main in the north, and courses are
offered them in Portland, too.
Summer courses in most depart
ments are arranged in two or
three year sequences, enabling the
student to meet the requirements
for the master’s degree by attend
ing consecutive sessions. Confer
ences with the individual student,
superior instrUcton, and the re
seatch facilities combine to attract
the graduate student to the Eugene
Sonic courses Open to graduate
students include school finance,
research ill secondary education,
problems in the history of West
ern education, thesis writing, and
seminars in German and French.
Some of the advanced courses in the
Portland session may, by special ar
rangement, be used for graduate
Tickets oil Sale
For Amphibian
‘Thar She Blows,’ to be
Given May 14 and 15,
Is Annual Event
Tickets for “Thar She Blows,”
annual demonstration, which will
be given by Amphibian, women’s
swimming honorary, May 14 and 15
at 8 o’clock in the Woman’s build
ing, will gw on sale Monday, accord
ing to lone Garbe, president of the
club. The tickets, which cost twen
ty-five cents, may he obtained at
the various living organizations.
Natural daheiug, clogging, swim
ming, and diving will be seeh in the
demonstration, which will carry out
a Peter Pan idea.
Practice will be held this after
noon from 3 to 5 o’clock to avoid
conflict with the Mother’s Banquet.
The following members have been
appointed to take charge of ticket
sales in moil’s living organizations:
Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Lois Murfin and Olive
Biinks; Sigma Pi Tan, Sigma Phi
Epsilon, and Sigma Chi, lone Garbe
and Eunice Daniels; Friendly I-Iall
and new men’s dorm, Eleanor Cobb
and Naomi Moshberger; Alpha Beta
Chi, Theta Chi, and Phi Sigma
K;ippas Margaret Cummings and
Thelma Kern; Alpha Tan Omega,
Phi Gainma Delta, Alberta Beeves
and Barbara Mailn.
Chi Psi alul Phi Kappa Psi, Bet
Phone 1733 573 E. 13th Ave.
TlAlllil C'l'T UNDCltWOOD
Dressmaking - Designing
Style Right Price Right
leading Man_
I Now Playing Matinee and Evening
“Tess of The
Storm Country”
lntroduirinjr our m\v leading man,
All ladies will be admitted FREE this afternoon if accompanied by
one adult paid admission — It's a 2 for 1 bargain. Come Sec!
Come see!
Also Bargain Matinees Every
f ii i«nmT~mr~~~——^——
Heads Music
Music will be given in the campus
Summer Session b ya faculty head
ed by Dean Landsbury. dean of the
Oregon school of music. Assisting
him will be Mrs. Anne Landsbury
Beck, John Stark Evans, and Rex
Underwood. Work in public school
music, and composition and history
will be given, affording a splendid
opportunity to augment training re
ceived ill regular session or to sup
ply a foundation for further work.
In Portland courses will be offered j
ulty members, W. H. Boyer, super- j
by the regular extension center fac- i
visor of public school music and F. j
W. Goodrich, instructor in music in
Portland Center.
tv Shipley; Kappa Sigma and Sigma
\u, Julia Currie; Huehelordon,
Delta Epsilon and Beta Tliota Pi,
Anne Stange and Alary Steinliauscv;
Alpha UpsiUwi and 1'si Kappa, Gene
vieve HolUwell.
History Pageant
To l»e Staged on
Oregon Campus
THREE years ago. the eyes of the
western world were turned to
Eugene oil the occasion of the Khit
awa pageant, held on the campus
in connection With the Trail-to-Rail
celebration, celebrating the comple
tion of the Southern Pacific’s -Cas
cade cut-off Eugene to Klamath
Falls, opening an empire in southern
Oregon. The single drawback was,
that the University was not in ses
sion at the time. This year an Ore
gon Pioneer Pageant, written, us
was the Klatawa, by the Univer
sity’s own Goodwin Timelier, and
directed by Portland’s Doris Smith,
Who directed the 1926 success, will
be given on the campus during the
.Slimmer Session. Eugene people be
lieve that the Pioneer Pagenut "ill
really draw students here, who will
desire to combine their summer of
study with the opportunity to see a
spectacle of such magnificence and
so significant historically.
The pageant is set for July 25-27,
one week before the dose of the
Summer Session.
Library Training
Offered in Five
Slimmer Courses
University to Help Equip
Teaeliers to Direct
Student Reading
Five courses nro being given in
tlie Eugclie Hummer Session for stu
dents interested in library training,
M. J1. Douglass, university librar
ian stated. These courses do not
train people who have not had pre
vious experience for important li
brary positions, but are designed to
benefit school librarians, teachers
and school administrators. Who
wish to know something about the
care of school libraries, and stud
ent assistants in the work.
The university feels its responsi
bility in meeting the demand for
teachers with a .broad knowledge of
books and procedure to work in the
libraries Which are beroming such
an important part of the school sys
tems, Mr. Douglass declared.
The courses which are being giv
en are varied, he added. “Docks for
High School Libraries,” and ‘'School
Library Administration” are being
offered by Miss Gladys English, li
Matinee at 2 p. in.
Prices |
The 10—U super-special comedy
l-omatu-e of I lie campus ami its
lives ahd hives.
Comedy Pathe News
For an Entire Week
McDonald Theatre
Continuous Performance
12:00 2:20 - 4:40
7:00 - 9:20
Matinee 50c
Night 60c
Children 10c
Children 25c
Adults 60c
Children 25c
brarinn of t lie Piedmont high
school, California. Mrs. Mabel E.
McClain, circulation librarian of
the University of Oregon, will give
the course in “Hook (Selection and
Evaluation” again this year, “Use
of the Library,” giving special em
phasis* on reference tools will be
given by Miss E. Lahore Cusfovd,
periodical librarian of the univer
sity, who has been asked to read
a paper at the American Library
Association in 'Washington, It. 0., -
tliis month. ,
An elementary course in classifi
cation and cataloguing is being of
fered bv Miss Klla Carriek of the ..
university library.
New reference books for summe?
school workers in library as well as
I other courses are to be added td
tfie 198,000 volumes in tlie library
at the present time, Air. Douglass
said. *
Continuous Show
2 to 11 p. ra.
To a Good Show
Miss (’an oil plays the part of it, Hroaihvav butterfly who flutters
uniting the bright lights until she meets (.5ary Coper, u shy boy
from 1lu> country. 11 is a itriuliatu' love story with mi ilitelesting
a agio.
LuPUio Lane in
“Be My King”
nth at Alder
TOR 25o
Charlie Chaplin
— IN —
Arizona Nights! Arizona Fights!
Arizona Romance! Arizona Thrills!
i —
A Dancing
Is Lost...
Unless you are properly
gowned to feel your best.
We will give you mental
poise by supplying the
clothes, whether for sport
- dance, informal, or the
Junior Prom.