Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
W. E. Hempstead Jr.Assoc. Editor Leonard Hagstrom._...Assoc. Editor
Joe Pigney.Assoc. Editor Wilfred Brown.Assoc. Editor
Barry Tonkon....Chicf Night Editor Arthur Schocni.Managing Editor
Carl Gregory ..Asst. Managing Editor Joe Pigney _____...Sports Editor'
Donald Johnston _...Feature Editor Lavina Hicks ___Society Editor
Serena Madsen..Literary Editor Leonard Delano ..P. I. jP. Editor
Jo Stoficl.-.Secretary
News and Editor Phone 666
DAY EDITORS: Vinton Hill, Laurence MitclWlmore, Sertn* Madden, Carl Gregory,
Mary Frances Dilday; Mary Klcrrnn and Harry Tonkon, assistants.
NIGHT EDITORS; Fred Bechill, Thornton Shaw, Charles Barr, Merlin Blais, Max
ASST. NIGHT EDITORS: Evelyn Hartman, Beatrice Bennett, Jo Barry, Graccmary
Rickman, Dulcic Lytscll, Jessie Foley, Gladys Mack, Murticl Duke, Dorothy Page,
Fern Baker, Ellen Salway, Alyro Cook.
GENERAL ASSIGNMENT REPORTERS: Wilfred Brown, Carol Hurlburt, Bess
Duke, Elise Schroeder.
SPORTS STAFF: Delbert Addison, Alex Tamkln, Joe Brown, Fred Schultz, Harry
Van Dine, Warren Tinker, Harold Fmundorf, Jim Yergfn.
REPORTERS: Mary Klemm, Myron Griffin, Maryhelen Koupal, Cleta McKennon,
Margaret Reid, Alice Gorman, T. Neil Taylor, Willis Durtiway, Dorothy Thomas, ’
Phyllis VanKimmel, David Wilson, Ailoen Barker, Elise Schroeder, Osborne i
Holland, Merlin Blais, Mack Hall, Helen Cherry, Barney Miller, Hob Guild, Mary |
Ellen Mason, Lenore Ely, Ruth Campbell, Alyce Cook, Bernice Hamilton, Dorotny I
Kirk, Elizabeth Puinton, Jean Carman, Katheryn Feldman.
William H. Hammond....Associate Manager Charles Reed-Advertising Manager
George Weber Jr.Foreign Adv, Manager Harold Hester....—.....Asst. Adv. Manager
Dorothy Ann Warhlck....Asst. Foreign Mirr. Ted Hewitt.—.Circulation Manager
Phil Hammond..—..Service Dept Larry Jackson.Asst. Circulation Mgr.
Louise Gurney.,...Secretary
Margaret Poorman—Mgr. Checking Dept.
Business Office PhOtia 1896
ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Addison Brockman, Lucilc Catlin, Margaret Harris,
Bernard Clappcrton, John Painton, Elaine Henderson, Bob Holmes, lua Tremblay,
Betty Hagen, Jack Gregg, Don Abner.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Constance McKenzie, Louise Gurney, Florence Jordan,
Estelle Mays, Helen Sullivan, Dorothy Bell, Kathryn Perigo, Jullannc Benton,
Harry Hanson, Fred Reid, Harold Allen, Lloyd Hcnagin.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, Issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the
college year. Member of the Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office
at Eugene, Oregon, ns second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.60 a year. Adver
tising rates upon application. Residence phone, manager, 2799. Jo Stofiel, secretary.
Day Editor This Issue—Mary Frances Dilday
bJipht Editor This tmue -Max Carman
Asnt. Night Editors This Issue—Marion Baldwin
Ferh Baker
Beth Sal way
For Northwest
Southeast Game
AT the University of Oregon
'*ri proposal is being consid
ered from the University of
Florida for a football game at
Miami. Well wishers of the
university and its football
team, as well as people gener
ally of Oregon, may well hope
that the university authorities
can find it practicable to ac
The value in publicity alone
of such an enterprise will be
very great both to (lie univer
sity and the state. Nothing
that, could be done here would
he more potent in this regard.
Oregon State college demon
strated last winter what can he
done along t his line when its
football team traveled all the
way to the Atlantic seaboard
and defeated New York univer
sity in a way that decisively
established western football in
the consciousness of the whole
United States as something to
he reckoned with hereafter.
Thousands of easterners who
liud never heard of the stall' of
Oregon until then began to
look it lift on the map after that
(lames between representa
tive eastern and representative
western football learns have
been great drawing cards for
years past. Here is a chance
for a game between represen
tative northwestern and south
eastern teams—a meeting of
giants from the extreme cor
ners of the country almost.
There is an allure in the idea.
And Oregon has a real foot
ball team which could lie de
pended upon to give a satisfae
lory account of itself. So here’s
hoping the banner of Mighty
Oregon may he carried into the
deep South next December.—•
The Register.
Assembly Features
Oregana Reading
WAS it ,1 IIJ4: rigid, a <l"g pile,
or .1 revolutionary molt/ Wluit
uric a 11 those lm nils waving for.’
Wliat was that coal less rial -fnroil
man frantically struggling for.
reaching buck Mini forth through tin;
window ill which ho was standing'?
And those signs nbout getting a
card inside at the graduate mana
ger’s office? Or the gibbering of
the mob, a surging, billowing sea of
eager college humanity.'? Had it
been out on .Hayward field, one
could easily have thought the push
ball contest or the cane rush be
tween freshman and sophomore war
riors was in progress. The New
York stock exchange with its hectic
bidding was tame by comparison.
Yesterday the 1!>2!) Oreganos were
partially distributed.
And then as the successful candi
dates to receive year books dispers
ed to some bypath of the campus
lo delve immediately into profound
contemplation of their respective
* pro files, the stormy session of dis
tribution calmed.
Hut not all of the students stop
ped in the bypaths lo scan (heir
pictures and gloat aver the achieve
ments of the year, their lionoraries,
their activities, their “work.” For
a scattered handful proceeded to the
assembly in the Woman’s building,
and there* snug in the cosy atmos
phere of towering wooden beams,
swinging rings, ceiling radiators, and
overhead amplifiers, they settled
comfortably back and began to read
tlie year books there.
“Oh, lie.tig it all. What’s that
guy roving about up there? Wish
he’d have a heart and not talk so
loud. Ujvo me a better chance to
vend this Oregano” Circumstantial
evidence would indicate that such
was the unexpressed line of reason
ing of those who so rudely read the
Oreganos instead of listening to the
speaker of the day.
The 1!>2!) Oregano limy be a whiz
uf a book. And Or. (Iraham Stuart,
professor of political science at
Stanford university might not have
been so unusual as to draw the lis
teners to the edge of their seats.
■Hut either of these statements, if
true, should not be sufficient to
excuse those students who, seeing
lil tu come to the assembly in the
first place, failed to give at least
considerate, courteous, if not eiilliu
siasl ic attention to the address on
“World Peace.” To speak In a
group el' indifferent college students
dreamily dozing in the classroom, is
a thankless task in itself. Hut the
problem becomes almost superliuiiian
"'lien Half of a large gathering per
sists in flagrant violation of the or
dinary rules ef eliipiette which the
university should contrive to incul
cate in ils sens and daughters if it
succeeds in nothing else.
Lidlu'i# to #o June 1 >i
Hit 14+1
To Stmly Art itt Paris
('laroneo lndherg, senior in tin'
m'IiooI of an liitoi tore nml allied
mis, will soil l'roin Now York Juno
1.'!, on llio M, IS. l-'i'Hiici' lor I’m is
whom lio will study painting mid
mural decoration at the Fontaine
Tor tlio lust tonu Mr. Lidberg
lias boon support ing liinisolt' on
tirely by doin^ sepia drawings of
students in tlio university. ilo has
done some 111 of those.
Ever since ho was a small ohlld
his olio dosiro has boon to bo an
artist. ’
Fatherless and mothorloss at tlio
age of noioii, ho was put in an
orphanage, I'pon ono occasion ho
had lo ho in isolated ipiarant ilie for
soi oral days. four walls around
him, and bark of tlio walls the
sounds of children playing, ho was
A (’athole sistoi brought him a
box of paints to while away the
time. Immediately, lie says, ho was
\Vheu ho was al^out 11 the family
lie was working for, thought that
artists wo tv immoral and effemi
oato. I hoy discouraged him anil so
disgust ml him with the artistic
profession that ho wautod to ho a
mocliauic or a ooatractor, anything
ia fact, but tin artist.
I lion lie started to study at the;
Oregon extension division. There
tie mot A \ a rd t a i rbit aks, the sculp
tor, learned how mistaken his cun
i opt ion was and, finally, came here
to njnjor in art.
Ho has put himself through
school by his oWu unaided efforts
eve,- since he was in the seventh
Prom Decorations To
Feature Greenwich Village
___ !
(Continued fmm One)
! I'Ofct all-around junior girt on the !
e tun pus.
'I'he banjo quintet, the only thing j
of its kind on the I’acific coast,
j will plav several numbers and llat
old Hatton, tap artist, will give
several dances for the entertain ,
meat of the crowd. He.iu (.Tenth,
v. l|u lots arranged the ten lures, be-t
lieves that the crowd will enjoy j
them greatly.
Patrons Attending
Patrons and patronesses for the
dance will include Governor and
Mrs. Isaac L. Patterson; Hon. and
Mrs. C. A. Howard; President and
Mrs. Arnold Hennett Hall; Mr. and
Mrs. Hurt Brown Barker: Mr. and
Mrs. George Gcrlinger; Bean Hazel
Prutsman; Dean Hugh Biggs; Bean
and Mrs. John Straub; Bean and
Mrs. Janies Gilbert; Br. and Mrs.
C. V. Boyer; Dean and Mrs. Eric
W. Allen: Dean and Mrs. Henry
Bbcldon; Dean and Mrs. David E.
Faville: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pallett;
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Spencer; Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. DeCou; Dr. Ray P.
Bowen: Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rog
ers; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jewett.
Prom Directorate
Members of the Junior Prom di
rectorate and their committees are:
(Crosby Owens, general chairman;
Decorations, Harriett Atchison,
chairman; Stewart Ralston, Rob
Eckman, and Ed Crebbes; Feature,
Dean Creatli, chairman, Harriett
Atchison and Eleanor Schroedef;
Music, Bruce Titus, chairman, Jack
Summons, Jack Dowsett, and Sis
Champlain; Programs, Martha Ste
vens, chairman, Kay Talbott; Pa
trons and patronesses , Eleanor
Hchroeder; Cleanup committee, Phil
Smith, chairman, who Will be as
sisted by all junior men; Refresh
ments/ Dorothy Davis; Floor com
mittee, Dick Horn; Publicity, Elise
* * *
Contributions arc coming in at a
good rate, but you still have as
good a chance as anybody. Rc
member this is no joke. This is
a real contest. We are honest and
truly oiTortng a tree ride in a
Hobi plane *for the best ORIGINAL
contribution to this column.
* * *
A youthful companion of mine
Thought lunch on the campus was
’Til his appetite went
And his patience was spent
From standing three hours in line.
—ft. M.
Athlete Submits Best Interpretation
Of Literary Work
Victor YVetzel, Oregon athlete,
won the High Brow l’oein contest
conducted in this column yesterday.
Here is the poem:
. Then ask not
This m a 11 ’ s
Six men died
The fern
Are yon i n
Vie Wetael
Wetzel will bo given the award
of a free ride in a MeMorran &
Wushburne olovator early next week.
II is interpretation is as follows.
“1 picture a railroad locomotive
crossing Thirtoolitli street. A baby
buggy rolls out into the trunk, but
just as the locomotive nears it, it
turns out on a switch.”
The nut hoi declares that this in
terpretation is almost perfect.
HOOT L KG (1 Kit.
A certain young Plii Kappa Psi
Bought a snappy new four in-liaud
But lie picked Campus Day
For its prideful display—
Now it hangs on the cliothes-line to
—R. M.
* *■ a
You’ve got to keep the students
in training for registration, and
that’s a good way.
Dear Aunt Ihieklio,
This wonderful weather is getting
me down. 1 just can't seem to
settle down in the library. Whirl
shall 1 do?
Dear Worried,
Do your outside rending now.
As we said before. '•Win Uie con
test .nut dtuw your mother you're
bright. SI rour
grades and
contribi WE
* * *
Oregon Beatf Huskies
21-15 In Wild Game
(Continued from Page Onc~)
Woodic, cutting off runners steal
ing second. Two men were thrown
out in succession in the sixth in*
Claude Brannon, the Washington
captain, was largely responsible for
his team spurt in the middle of the
game and the consequent benching
of MacDonald. He hit home runs
over the right field fence in both
the fourth and fifth innings. These
homers accounted for six runs, ln
cidently, he has caught 33 innings in
the last two days, receiving from
seven pitchers.
The second gallic with Washing
ton, which will finish one half of
Oregon’s schedule, will be played
at 2:30 this afternoon at Reinhart
field. It has not been announced
who will pitch for either team.
The box score:
Alt R
Barber is, ss . 0 1
Morrison, If . (i 1
Tollefson, e . I 2
Bolstad, lb . 4 1
Gaw, rf . 4 2
i White, ss . 4 1
Hutchinson, 3b .. 3 3
Brahnon, c . 4 3
Davis, p .. 1 0
Kirner, p . 1 I)
Miller, p . 0 0
Calhoun, p . (I 0
Sylvester, p . 0 0
McLean, p . o 0
Novins, p . 1 0
Brown * . 1 1
1 1 4
2 10
1 13 0
0 0 2
3 1 3
3 0 1
0 0 4
1 U 1
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
Total . 41 15 14 24 10 0
Robie, ss .
Barnes. If .
Edwards, m .
Obligor, 3b .
Epps, rf .
Nelson, lb .
Andrews, 2b
W’oodie, c .
Mac Donald, p ....
Seh'oon i, p .
Baker, p .
McCormick. 3b ..
Gould ** .
■Johnson, lb .
AB R 11 PO A E
5 3 3 0 2 1
4 3 2 1 0 1
3 5 3 3 0 0
'3 0 0 0 2 0
5 3 2 4 0 1
3 0 1 7 0 2
3 116 4 0
5 0 2 0 7 0
1 0 0 0 2 0
1110 0 0
2 10 10 0
2 3 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 2 0 0
Total . 3!> 21 1(5 24 17 .1
* Huttod for McLean in eighth.
** Batted for Nelson in sixth.
Washington.. (I 0 1 6 4 0 1 3 0—-15
Hits . 0 0 1 4 3 1 1 2 1—14
Oregon . 2 0 2 3 0 4 7 3 x—21
Hits . 2 1 1 4 0 3 1 4 x—10
Winning pitcher Bill Baker; los
ing pitcher Jerry Calhoun; hit by
pitcher by Kirner, Andrews; Struck
out by Davis 1, Kirner 2, Sylvester
I, MacDonald 1, Baker 3; bases on
balls off Davis 1, Kirner 3, Mil
ler 2, Calhoun 3; stolen base, Bol
stad; home fun, Brannon 2, Edwards
1; 2-base hit Morrison, Bolstad,
Barnes 2, Edwards, Woodie; Sacri
fice, Da vis, Barnes, Andrews, Baker;
double plays White to liarberis to
Bolstad; wild pitch Kirner, Baker;
passed ball Woodie 2; time 2:40;
umpire Tyler Christian.
Noted Speakers
For Assemblies
Dr. Foster and Mexican
Education Head on List
Tile first assembly nf tile Eugene
Summer Session will bo an intro
ilin-1ion to tho^University of Oregon.
I'lio sillying of Oregon soligs, talks
oil tlio Various organize! ions, ami
special music will make up the pro
gram, which will be held at the
Music building, says Dr. Dan E.
Clark, assistant director of the ex
tent ion division, who "ill be in
charge of the assemblies.
The special speakers for the other
assemblies Which will be held three
times a week on Mondays, Wednes
days. and Fridays, will lie William
I'mtalit Foster, former president of
lived College and now director of
Delink Institute for Economic Ke
search, at Newton, Mass.; Dr. Isaac
I con Kandcl, professor of education.
Teachers’ College, Columbia t'.ni
versify; Moises Saeu/, acting secre
tary of ediuation. Republic of Mex
ico, and Dr. Eoilis Wolsey, i- h a n -
cellor of the dewish Chautalnjuili
Society, Philadelphia.
There will also be addresses bv
v isit ing members of the summer ses
sion faculty and special music. After
the first assembly ;tke rest will
probably be held al Villaid assem
bly hall.
EXTENSION division
emerald PROGRAMS
Sunday. -I RIO Vesper services
for Mother’s Day. To be broad
cast by remote control from the
Music building auditorium.
Tuesday, S o'clock -Talk by
Dr. A. E. Caswell.
Wednesday. o'clock — Talk
bv Dean «). IE Hilbert.
The engagement of Mary Me- j
Lean of Portland and Itttlph Gcyer
of Burley, Idaho, was annoiinecd
last evening at a dinner at tlie
Zeta Tau Alpha house. Tawny eats
jumping out of black satchels an
nounced the engagement.
Individual corsages of sweet peas
and cecil brunor roses marked the
places for about thirty members and
guests. Lilacs strewn about the
table and room were used in dec
The honorec is a senior in jour
nalism, and has been active in Ore
gano and Emerald work.
Ralph Geyer, senior in business
administration, has been prominent
in the department and in varsity
debate work. The engagement was
also announced at the Sigma hall
dinner given at the men’s new dor
Guests at the Zeta Tau Alpha
house included Barbara McLean,
Thelma Jane Vernon, Vena G ask ill,
Dorothy Thomsen and a number of
mothers visiting for the week-end.
* * *
Ethel TIelliwell of Portland an
nounced her engagement to John
I Galey of Ashland last night at the
Delta Zeta house. A large doily
! in the center of tht’ table bore
| betrothal cards and a frosted cake
I decorated with the Greek affiliation
i letters, J’ink and green, Sorority
| colors, Were also used in decorat
j Miss IlelliWell, graduate of 1928
has been Working as assistant in the
library. Mr. Galey is a first year
law student.
A Satire : By Wilfred Brown
BOOK IV (Continued)
>So presently Student and Poli
tician parted One from, the other
and each went liis own way. Stu
dent had traveled not far when he
met with another pilgrim whose
name was Promisor. They jour
i Ueyed along the way together for a
j time, and Promisor spake unto Stu
dent, saying:
PROMISOR: 1 prithee, Student.
Whom art thou supporting for the
presidency of the council of the
Happy Land of Collegia.’
STUDENT: L have not as yet
given the matter my serious eonsid
j oration. Who, believest thou, is the
I most worthy of our fellowship for
! our choice ?
PROMISOR: ’Sblood, the answer
Jis simple. There can be but one
I choice for a pilgrim of normal in
j tolled, and that is Debater. Know
jest thou him?
) STUDENT: Yea, 1 have met with
1 him in my travels. But why, think
est thou, is Debater worthy of the
presidency of the council of the
Happy Land of Collegia ’
PROMISOR: Why.’ Egad, think
ye of all the things which he hath
done for the inhabitants of this
land. Did he not, by virtue of his
superior powers of speech, triumph
over t ho first orators of tho Laud
of Idaliola ? Hath lie not aidod in
tho oroction of our groat bonfire of
victory, Which is constructed once
each year? Hath he not at all times
verged dose upon the roll of honor
for high scholastic achievements
among the pilgrims of the land?!
Hath lie not engaged himself with I
the committee to cause youthful
and desirable pilgrims to pass
through our land enroute to the
Hidden City of Education, instead
of by the route of the Valley of
Agricula ? How eanst thou say,
"why is lie'deserving” in the face
of all this.’
STUDENT: I perceive that lie
hath correctly aided in the erection
of the bonfire of victory, which is
traditional and required of those
who would direct the destinies of
the council of the Happy Laud of |
Collegia. But what think you of .
Halfback for the presidency of the!
council? lie, too, hath aided in the,
erection of the bonfire of victory.
I'HOMlSOll: Why should we give j
the presidency of the council unto
an Athlete’ Because he walketh j
in the Pathway of Privilege and no |
loan requireth of him his credentials
or his scrip? An athlete is already!
sufficiently honored. Besides, is not
Debater a person with a superior
power of speech? That is traditional. ;
The presidency of the council of the
land must needs be an orator, so
that he may not feel himself em
barrassed, should he be obliged to
meet with the representative of the'
councils of other lands.
STUDENT: 1 shall give the mat
ter my consideration, and shall give
my vote unto Debater should 1
deem him the most suitable pilgrim;
for the office.
PHOMIsOli: 1 thank thee, fellow
pilgrim. 1 am'sure that thou const
do nought else in view of the
tiuug.- which Debater bath uccornp- i
lished to the benefit of tlie inhabi
tants of the Happy Land of Col
legia. And Student, at the great
ball which is to be held next year
in the council of the Land of Col
legia, there shall be need tof a
capable person to see that the floor
be properly covered with wax. 1
am fully convinced that thou art a
most capable person and one of the
most outstanding of our latest gen
eration to enter into the Happy
Land of Collegia, and that thou art
the man for the position. I shall
accordingly put in a good word with
Debater concerning thee.
STUDENT: I thank thee most
heartily, .Promisor.
(To be Continued)
Herbert Reports
Wide Interest in
St. Mary’s Game
Possibility of Football Tilt
With Eastern Sebool
Gels Attention
TliO fojtbnll game which, next
to the CalifOHiia-Stanford contest,
lias drawn the most attention in and
around the bay region, is the Ore
gon Ht. Mary’s tilt in Han Francisco
’thanksgiving Day, according to
Lieut. George F. Herbert of the local
lb O. T. 0., who returned this week
from the Letlermen's hospital of
Han Francisco, where lie was con
fined for eight weeks because of I
serious illness. After the C'glifor
nia-Ht. Mary’s gallic at Berkeley'
October 5, tile Irish have ho other
important battle between that con
test and the one with Oregon, and
for that reason they not only will
point for the Webfoot mill, but are
whooping it up in grand fashion,
Limit. Herbert said.
“If Oregon beats Stanford at
Palo Alto October 5, then the Ore
gon-St. Mary’s game will be a com
plete sell-out before Thanksgiving
Day,” Herbert remarked. “On the
other hand, should Oregon lose, it
still is estimated that tile gallic with
St. Mary’s will draw upwards of
1)0,000, some of the tabid fans pre
dicting it will be closer to 50,000
than to 30,000. And from what the
sportsmen say in the south, it should
be SOME game.
“Much dissatisfaction lias been
heard in the bay district over the
scheduling of the Oregoil-Stanford
game at Palo Alto on the same day
that California-St.Mary’s meet at
Berkeley. The Oregon-Stanford game
is looked upon as one of the thrillers
for the coming season, and inability
to take in both games, has caused
no little dissatisfaction among the
fans. Foi'j while the St.Mary’s
Cnliforuia game is always a thrilling
battle, it has no bearing on the
conference standings, while the Ore
gon-Stanford tilt should go a long
way in naming the next conference
0:00 :it Movie office—Bill Over
street, Vein Elliot, Dorothy Burke,
Jim Lyons.
Jim Raley, Carvel Nelson, direc
LOST—Square blue and tan silk
scarf Saturday at Ileilig. Fiudcr
please call: L. Jaegar, 2010.
That’s what they arc all
saying about —
Florence vidor
ty/Lai EAST
meets WEST.
the tkri///
ie,p’ ” <• '
aoc % s
Q Qarcamxnx
r and SEE
every minute
t- of it . . .
The Campus Barber Shop
will fix you up l'oi' mother. Her day means
more to you than any other during the
year and you want to look your best.
Greetings to the Mothers!
We, loo, lake an interest in the students
We give them the best food \ve ean
™E “0” LUNCH
You are committing
a criminal act by
sending your
laundry home
to Mother
Sprinjr is heir and what could be bettor
than to make Mother's Day a happy one with
a promise to semi your laundry to the New
Service Laundry.
Semi your clothes to us to be cleaned or
laundered and your spring apparel will take
on a new appearance.
Phone 825
New Service Laundry