Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 10, 1929, Summer Session Section, Page 4, Image 4

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    Alaska Cruise
'Assured With
180 Signed IJp
Seven Staten Supply Full
Load for Excursion on
Steamship Queen
(Continued from Pntje One)
Plain, director of recreation. Two
other members of the staff have not
yet tieen chosen.
Each student is allowed to carry
three subjects, and this post-session
to Alaska wi\l follow in convenient
sequence the regular summer ses
sions, making it possible for the stu
dent to earn If* term hours of uni
versity credit.
Following is the list of students
signed up: Mrs. Flora H. Allen, I’ort
land; La, Von Allen, (Irants I’ass;
Mrs. Amelia. (!. Ahvnrd and dnngh-/
ter, Bridgeville, Cal.; Gladys I*.
Angier, Caldwrdl, Idaho; Janet C.
Arnold, Hheniko; Aileen Barker, Eu
gene; Barbara Barker, .Portland;
Mr. and MYs. Burt Brown Barker,
Portland; Barnard Barker, Eugene;
Airs. Laura S. Barry, Lakeview;
Bbeo Benson, Portland; Aleen Ber
lin, Balt Lake City, Utah; Jennie
M. Blakely, Tieton, Wn.; Eunice
Blodgett, (Irants Pass; Doris J.
Brant, Corvallis.
Mabel Brotherton, Bakersfield,
Cal.; Mary E. Burnham, Pasadena,
Cal.; Myrtle C. Burnham, Rochester,
Wash.; Ruth Burrows, Long Beach,
Cal.; Lulu At. Burt, Maplcton; Mrs.
Liable Cantrell, Maupin; Pauline
Cljuse, Coquille; Margerio Cleve,
Rescue, Cal.; Agnes B. Clippinger,
Skykomish, Wash.; Ruth Cochran,
Pendleton; Tennie Coffie, Aberdeen,
Wash.; Mabel E. Colvin, Tal't, Cal.;
Lea fie Craig, The Dalles; Elizabeth
It. Cram, Portland; Lenin M. (Toco
Woodland, Cal.; Dorothy Cushman,
Pendleton; Vesta Cushman, Browns
ville; Lulu B. Dale, Vancouver,
Wash.; Regina, Davault, Fowler,
Cal.; Sara E. Davis, Corcoran, Cal.;
Dewey Dee, Eugene; Cert rude
Doutsch, Monmouth; Izelle Dibbloe,
Portland; Ranita Dippo, Pasadena,
Cal.; Mary Donaldson, Rickreall;
Elizabeth Ducheim, Los Angeles;
Evelyn Elder, Salt Lake City.
Oma Belle Emmons, Rickreall;
Ruby Evans, Vancouver, Wash.;
AT r=. Edith Falbe, Roseburg; Be
atrice If. Garnham, Oroville, Cal.;
Edna Eery, Salem; Maude Frady,
Eugene; Laura Frantz, Portland;
Mrs. Frances T. Freeman, Coronado,
Cal.; Very Freyburger, Burbank,
Cab; Tno7. Friend, Taft, Cab; Made
leine Gilbert, Eugene; Mae Gittens,
Idaho Kails; Ann Green, Portland;
0|>nl Hadley, Brewster, Wash.; Pearl
Hall, l.nkeviow; Inez Vivian Har
per, Bend; Iona Ruth Harriman, La
Grande; Wilma G. Harrison, Boise,
Tdnlio; Mrs. .1. K. TLnvely, Portland;
Sadie llavely, Portland; Martha
Hefner, Portland; Charlotte Hilts,
Vernonia; Lily Hoard, Silver Lake;
Mrs. John R. Find gin, La Grande;
Etlud .1. Holland, McKittriek, Cab;
llarriette Holland, Eugene; Leila C.
Howe, Independence; Lowry
Hughes, Los Angeles.
Ethel JIuseth, Bend; Juanita .Ten
kins, Lnkeview; Blanche Jones, Sil
verton ;Mrs. Goldie J. Johns, Port
land; Myra Jordan, Eugene; Jenny
S. Jvlha, Toppenish, Wash.; Fannie
King, Burley, Idaho; Howard A.
King, Westfir; Anna Kirchgater,
Florin, Cab; Elizabeth Knight, Tu
lare, Cab; Louise Knight, Tulare,
Cab; Pearl Krause, Vernonia; Golda
B. Krull, Milwaukee, Wis.; Melba
Laramnre, Vernonia; Gladys Lee,
Davenport, Wash.; Wanda Lesley,
Eugene; Leoeeda Ley, Milwaukee,
Wis.; Haima Lindros, Coquille;
Georgo K. Lowe Ashland; Elizabeth
Lynn, Bend; Grace McHargue,
Brownsville; W. Madge McKellips,
Winters, Cab; Snide E. McKenzie,
The Dalles; Richard Clive Meares.
Portland; Harvilla H. Merrill, Bur
bank, Cab; Jean E. Milliean, Clover
dale; Stella Millikin, Pendleton.
Gladys Morden, Tlwaeo, Wash.;
James A. Mullins, Arago; Isabelle
Nahs, Spokane, Wash.; Florence Nel
ligan, Coronado, Cab; Ethel New
man, Billings, Montana; Agnes E.
Noll, Pasadena, Cab; Helene E.
Oates, Portland; Margaret E.
O’Leary, Bend; Catherine S. Olson,
Itosehurg; Hilda A. Olston, Warden,
Wash.; Mrs. Lora Omeg, Portland;
Beth Partridge, Forest Grove; Mrs.
Bernice Patterson, San Diego, Cab;
Margaret Pepoon, Bend; Flossie
Perce. Vernonia; Lotta D. Perry,
San Diego, Cab; Edythe M. Peters,
Sherwood; Otto H. Petersen, War
ren; Gladys Print/, Buckley, Wash.;
Mildred Print/, Buckley, Wash.;
Trine Quiniby, Halsey; Lloyd E.
Reed, Clatslfnnie; Mary S. Richard
son, Pasadena, Cab; Nelda S. Riggs,
Telephone 1
r.Trj East 13th Avenue
Eu"one, Oregon
Shop Petite
Dressmaking - Designing
Style Right
Price Right
Have your repairs, upholstering and refinishing
work’done here. Special cabinet work and
Eugene Furniture Hospital
491 West Eighth Avomie
Call 402
For that Junior Prom
A Fellow Can Find the Proper Dress Shoe
in Any Pattern
“Stylish to the Last Stitch’’
Hamilton Shoe Co., Inc.
We Handle Weyco’s Exclusively
1032 Willamette McDonald Bldg.
We’re certainly glad you’re here, and we’ll
do all possible to make your visit here en
832 Willamette
Women to Learn
How to Instruct
Basketball Boys
AT TT1E 1928 Siimmrr Session
when 11on<1 Conch William
.1. Reinhart mot his class in .
basketball coaching for the first,
time ho noted, to his surprise,
several young women among
those present. The class had
been arranged for men, and it
was jiot possible to provide sep
arate instruction for the women,
greatly to their disappointment.
The women, who wished to conch
boys’ teams in the smaller high
schools, where men coaches were
not available, made such a strong
call for the course, however, that
it wtis decided to give them an
opportunity this year. The class
will meet daily from 3 to .9 under
the direction of W. T). Fletcher,
university trainer, who has an
except ionally good grasp of tho
principles of the hoop sport.
Orovillo, Cal.; Trene Rogers, C,rants
Pass; Helen Shields, Cle Elum,
Wash.; Mrs. .T. II. Short, Crystal.
Mary Sigman, Pufur; Florence
Sisk, Halsey; Elsa Smith, Omaha,
Neb.; Charlotte MT. Spalding, Cor
vallis; Sylvia Springsteen, Pendle
ton; Mrs. Rose J. Stacks, Eugene;
Selma Stalsberg, Eugene; Mrs. Eft'ie
V. Stanford, Roseburg; Ruth Stivers,
Roise, Idaho; Ruth Strum, Pendle
ton; Ida Maria Strode, Lakeview;
Sylvia Stuart, Santa Barbara, Cal.;
Sweet, Sacramento; Ruth Taylor
Vernonia, Lola Tredeman, Molalla:
Wylfa Sullivan, Bellflower, Cab;
(7race Sweeney, Portland; Julia
Phyllis Tiedeman, Oregon City; Mrs.
Alicia Wall, Lakeview; Elsie Weed,
Crawfordsville; Helen E* Whitcomb,
The Dalles; Fern White, Scappoose;
Mella White, Portland; Jessie
Whyte, Corcoran, Cab; Gertrude
Wildung, Hollywood; Eleanor Wood,
Ontario; Florence Wren, Aberdeen,
Wash.; Bess Young, Portland;
Maude To Young, Lowell. |
Mountain and
Sea Will Call .
This Summer
Outdoor Trips to Feature
Session for Oregon
Student Group
(Continued from Tqge One)
be a trip to the Newport beaches.
The moat strenuous outing of tlie
season is planned for July -It and -1,
wJien a group will be taken to
climb either the Mouth Sister or the
Mid .Re Sinter. Mr McClain lies
lieves that by the time of this ex
cursion, the students will be able to
tell whether or not they can stand
the climb.
“The Crescent lake excursion,”
says Mr. McClain, “is going to be a
real trip. I’ll find out who can
climb on the Misters before we get
Faculty Picnic Set
July 17 is the date set for the
faculty picnic, which will be held
on the banks of the McKenzie or
An excursion to Odell lake, with
a. five-mile walk to Salt Creek falls
is to be Sunday, July 28. The
round-trip fare rate offered by the
railroad company is about $1.75.
Salt Creek falls is one of the
most marvelous sights in the Cas
cades. The water tumbles over a
500-foot precipice in great volume.
Last year 1500 people made the
Odell lake trip, and 88 of them saw
the falls.
On the closing week of the sum
mer session, August 2, .‘1 and 4, there
will be a trip to Crater lake.
For all of the longer trips, in
which it will be necessary to ride
in the busses, arrangements arc
being made with transportation
companies for special rates.
Conduct Vision Tost
Eleanor Foorman, junior in psy
chology, and Herbert Jasper, grad
The Bartle Court $
Fully Equipped Modern Apartments
1 1 th Ave. at Pearl V
Sunday is Mother’s Day. Why not engage a homey J
X little apartment in BARTLE COURT and have £
i mol her here for the week-end? t
Summer Dresses
$10 00 and up
Complete alterations department
Dresses made to order
Margaret M. Coldren
3rd Floor Miner Building
Makers of—
uate assistant in psychology are
conducting an experiment concern
ing vision. They are testing cer
tain current assumptions of the art
department of the relative attract
ive qualities of different values in
shades of color. They are concern
ed with the bodily reaction of peo
ple to colors, especially dealing with
modern art.
Mrs. Spy bolt to Give
Tivo Drama Courses
The drama department, under flip
dirpftinn of Mrs. Ottilie T. Soy bolt,
will offer two courses for tlio ld-t»
summer session; one in drama, pro
duction, tlie other in voice training.
The first is designed for the pro
ducers of amateur [days in schools,
churches, and civic organisations.
It, will deal with lighting, stage
design, costuming, rehearsal, and all
that concerns amateur productions.
The voice training course will con
sist of training in phonetics, Tend
ing, and interpretation. It is de
signed for beginning drama stu
This is Mrs. Scybolt’s first sum
mer session at Oregon, coming at
the close of a highly successful
first year in charge of campus
Dan Clark Old-Timer
In Summer Directing
Pr. Pan 10. Clark, who will be
assistant director, in charge of Ku
gene Summer Sessions, has had sev
eral years of managing this sort of
thing—some years in Portland,
other years in IOugene. When Pr
Clark is left to himself he acts like
a, professor of history, and wjiat
time he is not directing the session
he will tie giving an interesting
course in the history of the West.
Black and White
Why Pay More?
.. 158
Slimmer Social Activities Outlined
Dean Prutsman Describes Program
Eugene girls will art as hostesses
to the summer session visitors when
sehool opens here on Monday, June
24, according to Miss Hazel Prut.s
man, acting dean of women. They
will meet trains and help students
register and arrange for rooms.
The summer round of social ac
tivities will begin the following
evening with an informal reception
in alumni hall where the students,
faculty, and townspeople will have
an excellent opportunity to become
acquainted before school proper will
begin. The campus dinner - which
has become traditional for the uni
versity summer session, will be held
in front of Friendly hall on the next
Thursday, June 27, will be offici
ally announced Eugene day. Tn the
afternoon Pi Lambda Theta, wom
en’s education honorary, will give
a tea. Still another tradition, the
weekly Friday night dances, will bp
carried through. Miss Prutsman
s.-iiil Hint it lins not. I>pph definitely
decided wlicthrr Hip dances shall ho
liclil in Hendrick’s hall or the
Woman’s building.
Probably flip Karnpus Frolick,
1,p1 1 flip fourth wpok of summpr
school, Friday, duly 10, will be one
of the most anticipatpd pvpnts of
tli o coming social son son. The frolic,
will begin with a dinner, after
which there "ill he a community
sing, and stunts will be arranged for
entertainment. The remainder of
the evening will be given over to
dancing on the tennis courts. Miss
Prut stun n expects all summer ses
sion students to make this their own
entertainment, and to help with the
According to present plans, the
week-ends will be left open as far
as possible to picnics, tournaments,
and discussion, or week-end trips.
“The Eugene” ....
Junior Week-end Headquarters
While yonr mothers are in Eugene for Junior
Week-end and Mother’s Day you'll find it to
your advantage 1o make the Eugene Hotel your
You'll have a lot to do and you'll want to spend
some of your time with your mother.
“The Eugene’’ affords a convenient, place to meet
your friends.
Dr. Harry W. Titus
Dentistry - Oral Surgery
Special attention to ex
traction of teeth.
Flione 949 C28 Miner Bldg.
General Dentistry
1209 Pearl Street
Eugene Oregon
Phone 2929
Phone 224 Miner Bldg.
Eugene, Oregon
0. R. Gullion, M. D.
D. C. Stanard, M. D.
Gaven C. Dyott, M. D.
I. O. O. F. Bldg.
Phono 133
Dr. J. E. Richmond
Practice limited to
822 Miner Bldg.
Phone 1313
Dr. Ella C. Meade
14 W. 8th Ave. Phone 2315J
218-19 I. O. O. F. Bldg.
Phone 237 Bee. 1335J
Osteopathic Physician
and Surgeon
Special attention to foot troubles
820 Miner Bldg. Tel. 456
Be sure to take your mother and other visiting friends
canoeing up the old mill race. (It’s Oregon’s distinctive
Also get your swimming suits ready, the water’s fine.
Anchorage Raceway !
■ I B I B I ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ * a I Cl I I ■' I B I ■' BlrBB!B,S 'B!Bi"B:BUa