Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 09, 1929, Image 1

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Webfoots Win
Contest With
Eugene, 6 to 4
Varsity Plays Practice
Tilt; Washington
Games Next
Conference in
Tie Yesterday
Wins Friday and Saturday
Will Put Oregonians
Above .500 Mark
The Oregon baseball nine hostel
tbo Eugene town tenm yesterday
afternoon, 0 to 4, in a practice game
at. the varsity diamond. The Uni
versity of Washington team will be
met tomorrow afternoon at 2:110.
^ This makes Oregon’s first win
since the. Idaho games last week.
The team started the season with
a loss from O. S. C. and then climb-'
ed to the top of the league by beat
ing the Aggies in the second game
and beating Idaho twice.
All at .500 Mark
Wednesday all teams were in a
tic for first and last, places with
.500 ]ier cent each. Washington
State met Oregon State and Wash
ington met Idaho in the only con
ference games played yesterday.
Billy Reinhart, Webfoot. roach,
changed the lineup for the practice
last night. Ray Edwards was moved
from the outfield to first base.
That position lias been the scene .of
ma.'ny changes this season. Carl
Nelson, Les Johnson and Coke Smith
have all had. their turns, and now
Edwards has been called in from
the outfield for the first sack.
Franuie Andrews played second.
For the first games ho was used at
short with “Rabbit” Robie at sec
ond, then Les Johnson took second
and Robie was sent to short. Bobie
was at short again against Eugene.
Olinger Chases Flies
^ TTnrold Olinger and Don McCor
mick have been alternating at third
base, but yesterday Reinhart put
both men on the field. McCormick
was at third and Olinger played left
field. Kramer Barnes and Dave
Epps had the other outfield assign
Art Rchoeni pitched the first of
the contest and Dave Bloom finish
ed. This is the third day in suc
cession that Schoeni has worked. He
did relief work in both the Wash
ington State games. Gord Ridings
and Ira Woodie caught for Oregon.
Grads Oppose Varsity
Two former Oregon athletes are
on the Eugene team. Harry Dut
ton, former Oregon outfielder, and
Ick Reynolds, present coach of Uni
versity high, play outfield for the
club men. Reynolds is a letterman
(Continued on Page Two)
Recent Additions
Now Obtainable
At Main Library
New Books on Psychology
And Art Contain Many
Interesting Plates
Any reading taste that one may
have can-be stimulated by several
recent additions to the new books
in the main library. There is most
anything there from novels to a
book on how to write a play.
“Oriental Art’’ is one of the fas
cinating new volumes. It contains
100 color plates in color, illustrating
ceramics, fabrics, and carpets. The
compilers of the book, who are con
nected with the French National
Museum, are R. Koeehlin, president
of the board of the museum, and O.
Migea, honorable director.
“Art in England” by W. T.
Whitelv is another new art book.
“The Making of Literature” by R.
A. Scott-James deals with some
principles of criticism examined in
the light of ancient and modern the
ory and is “a genuinely critical dis
cussion of the great works of world
literature. ”
Then there are two new books in
the field of psychology: “Contem
porary Economic Thought,*’ by Paul
T. Homan'and “Hows and Whvs of
Human Behavior,” by George A.
. Dorsey, Ph. I). Contemporary Eco
nomic Thought” is a series of per
sonal studies of important econo
mists who represent widely diver
gent theories of economic thought.
“Theodore Hook and His Novels”
by Brightfield is an interesting
biography of this writer. At the
back of this volume is a bibliogra
phy of Theodore Hook’s writings
anl synopses of all his novels.
“On the Bottom” bv Commander
Edward Ellsberg and “How to
Write a Play,” by St. John Ervine,
complete the list.
Carnival Entries
May Still Be Made
Swimming and Canoeing
Prizes Offered
Timm is still a little time for en
tries in flip frep-for-all swimming
races from flic Portage to tlio An
. chorage (Turing
tlio water carni
v a 1 Sat 11 r d ay
morning, it was
announced last
night by John An
derson, who is in
charge of the af
fair. Those who
wish to enter and
have not already
signed up should
see Anderson at
nival will begin
John Anderson !,f Saturday
morning. T li o
girls are to dress at the Woman’s
building and be ready to go at
10:110. They will be transported to
the starting point.
Forty dollars in prizes will be
awarded to the winners of thq var
ious events of the carnival. A Jnnt
zen swimming suit will be awarded
to the winner of the men’s and wo-<
men’s races, and free canoeing priv
ileges will go to tile next two places
(Continued on Tage Two)
Oregon Trackmen
Will Leave Today
To Meet Huskies
Competition to be First
of Year; Slated to
Be Close
Oregon Said to Stand Cood
Chance in Field Events
Today the Oregon track men will
leave for Seattle, where they will
•ompete with the formidable Husk
ies in the first
regular track
meet of the year, j
Oregon is very 1
strong in the field |
events, and stands M
!i fair chance for W
li few firsts in the S
running events.
The Webfoots will'
be weak, however,
in the ability to i?
r a p t u re seeoirtl ^
and third posi- f;
Four of the B • Robinson
Huskies, particularly Kizer, are
able to run the mile under 4 min
utes and 30 seconds. This practi
cally concedes four of five places
to them.
Huskies Fast on Half Mile
In the half-mile, Washington is
also well fixed. Their two-mile re
lay team averaged 1:58 last Satur
day. So far this year the only Ore
gon man to show such class in the
middle distance is Ralph Hill.
The points will be pretty rvell dii
vided, though, in most of the other
events. Ed Siegmund and Harold
Kelley, tile Oregon hurdlers will be
up against Brodey and Steve Ander
son. Siegmund beat Brodey to place
second in the high hurdles against
•Anderson last Saturday, and Kelley,
who has been showing up as well as
Siegmund in practice, fell over a
hurdle in that race and did not
place. >
Opposition Tough for Lowry
Tyrell Lowry, Oregon’s best
sprinter, is in for some tough work
in the 220-vard or the 100-yard dash
es. The Husky flyers, Shelley and
Pendleton, are both equal to 10 sec
onds in the 100 and around 22 sec
onds in the 220.
The javelin, the pole vault, and
the discuss are Oregon’s strong
holds on the field. Homer Dickson
sends the spear about 175 feet, and
few track teams have many wen
capable of more than that.
Ed Moeller won the discuss from
Jessup of Washington last Satur
day with a throw of 150 feet 5
inches. Jessup made 147 feet.
Robinson Enters First Competition
The Washington pole vaultcrs go
12 feet or better, as <fo Don Mault
by and Bobby Robinson, Oregon’s
entrants. It will be Robinson’s first
varsity competition, having been
kept out last week because of a
sprained shoulder. He was ineligi
ble last year. Maultbv tied for
third place in the relay meet against
Washington’s best jump.
Orville Bredthauer, who will
broad jump for Oregon will have
to hop against the same man,
Humes, to whom he lost last year.
Bob Everts is practically sure of
>-arning a few points for Oregon in
the high jump, but he’ll have to
do over six feet, in all probability,
o beat Steve Anderson out of first
Junior Prom
Motif Done in
F uturist ic Way
Greenwich Village Color
Brought to Igloo for
Big Dance
Creatli* Arranges
Snappy Features
Awarding of Gerlinger and
Koyle Cups Important
Event of Evening
01 ccinviili village — in all its
glory—will ho the decorative motif
of the dunioi Prom at McArthur
e ourt Saturday
p The effect will
pbe decidedly fu
gmristie with its
ifleaiiiug t o w ers
• mil Gasoline Al
f.ley trees, hut the
fi'aharets, Chinese
iil a u n d r i e s, and
Sstreet signs con
iivince you it is
very matter ot
H. Atchinson fact nn.l worldly.
Election signs especially fit it for
the ('."Inpus.
“ Yes, it will be the Greenwich
village idea,” Harriett Atchison,
who is in charge of the decorations
for the prom, said last night.
“It.'s the impoverished dream of
a. striving artist,Clarence Lidbcrg,
who is assisting her, interrupted.
Amusement Assured
“There will be amusement for
everybody from the .submerged
tenth to the upper 400,” Harriett
declared. “We are even guaran
teeing rubbish cans for the students
to park their gum in. There will
be a dago fruit stand to serve punch
from too.
“There will be sufficient light
to see by,” Bob Eclcman, who is in
charge of the lighting, declared.
“The futuristic motif will be car
ried out by light and dark lights.
It will come entirely from overhead
and will bring out the blue in th<|
bunting and decorations. A blue
column of indirect lighting will
shine directly on the orchestra and
furnish its light.”
A number of snappy features have
been ararnged by Dean Oreatli, who
is in charge. The most important
from the campus point of view will
be the presentation of the Geriinger
and Koyl cups which will be given
to the junior woman and man judg
ed the’most outstanding. The banjo
quintet has promised to play some
“hot” numbers and Harold Hatton,
the broomstick tap artist, will
Tlie programs, designed by Mar
tha Stevens, carry out the Green
wich village idea and the skyline
of New York may be seen, in the
cutout tops. They will be given
to the couples at the door Satur
day night.
Capacity Crowd Expected
A capacity crowd is expected by
Crosby Owens, general chairman of
the Junior Prom. The ticket sale,
under the management of Bud
Belshe, has been progressing un
usually well.
Committees in charge of tl*e
dance include: decorations, Harriett
Atchison, chairman; Stew Ralston,
Bob Eekman and Ed. Crebs. Music,
Bruce Titus, -chairman; Jack Sam
mons, Jack Dowsett and Sis Cham
plain. Programs, Martha Stevens,
chairman, and Katherine Talbott.
Refreshments, Dorothy Davis, and
Margaret Long. Patrons and pat
ronesses: Eleanor Schroeder. Floor
committee, Dick Horn. Publicity,
Elise Schroeder. Clean-up, Phil
African Kindergarten
•H4 M”h
Oration Prize Result
A kindergarten in Africa has
grown from an oratorical prize won
twenty-seven years ago in the uni
versity commencement exercises «f
1902. Mrs. Elizabeth Logan Eijnis
won the prize; the Failing oration
was the »contest; and Sachikela,
West "Central Africa, is the site of
the kindergarten.
In a report from the American
board of commissioners for foreign
missions, there is an explanatory
Miss Elizabeth Logan graduated
from the University of Oregon in
1902, winner of the Failing prize.
She later married Dr. Merlin W.
Ennis, and went with him to Sach
ikela. A son, Merlin, Jr., was born,
and on his death, the prize which
had been saved for the boy was
made the foundation fund for a me
morial kindergarten. The school
dedicated January 22, is open to
underprivileged, children of the
Ovimbundu people.
Crashes In Plane
Ivan D. Houston, graduate of the
University of Oregon, who crashed
in his plane Tuesday evening, while
carrying mail between Denver and
Registration of
Oregon Mothers
Will Start Today
Students in Charge of
Work Are Named *by
Milt George
Programs for Week-end
Will be Distributed
Special registration of Oregon
mothers wil start at 4 o’clock this
afternoon at Johnson, hall, continu
ing until 0, accord
ins to Milton
George, business
manager of the
M other ’ s Day
directorate, who
is in eh a rgo of
Friday, students
may register
>beii- mothers from
l(l in the morn
ing until 7 at
night; and Satur
day from 9 until
p. m., at
whicn time rne
hi}’’ banquet will Milton George
start. Miothers who fail to register
will not be counted in making the
decision for the prize offered the
living organization having the
greatest number of mothers on the
campus this week-end.
Last minute advice offered by
George is: “Official registration of
Oregon mothers starts today. A few
mothers will be dropping into Eu
gene. Take your mother to the reg
istration booth in the ' Administra
tion building as soon as she arrives.
At the booth she will be given an
“Oregon Mother” badge, a Mother’s
Day program, and Junior Week-end
program, and otherwise provided
with everything to help make her
week-end on the campus a happy
and successful one.”
Students who will register the
mothers and the hours in which they
will work are:
4:00 to 5:00—Helen Martindale,
Kendall Newport; 5:00 to 6:00—
Jean Rogers, Jack Blanchard.
10:00 to 11:00—Marian Andrews.
Don CarVer; 11:00 to 12:00—Carol
HUrlburt, Bob Boats; 12:00 to 1:00
—Jane Carson, Neal Hanson; 1:00
to 2:00—VTrginia Tompkins, Ed llol
linshead; 2:00 to .'!;00—Mary Mor
ris, Ed King; .1:00 to 4:00—JSlaine
Borthwoe.k, Bill Campbell; 4:00 to
5:00—Eleanor Ely, Jack Ellefson;
5:00 to 6:00-—Elizabeth Painton.
Harry Hanson; 6:00 to 7:00—Jul
ianne Benton, Heinz Sonnekes.
’9:00 to 10:00—Kay Perigo, Mor
gan Hartford; 10:00 to 11:00—
Elaine JLunkin, Robert Johnson;
11:00 to 12:00—Dorothy-Ann War
nick, Fred Felter; 12:00 to 1:00—
Jean Young, Kenneth Owens; 1:00
to 2:00 — Helen Lee Miller, Ray
Foss; 2:00 to 3:0Q_— Eleanor Lewis,
Wendell MeOool; 3:00 to 4:00 —
Dorothy Brigham, Paul Woodward;
4:00 to 5:00—Louise Hollenbeck,
Louis Stevens; 5:00 to 6:00—Freda
Paid, Art Hanson.
Tickets for Canoe
Fete Selling Fast
The remaining 100 tickets of the
original 1013 reserved seats for the
Canoe Fete will be gone by todjtv
noon, according to Ronald “Doc”
Robnett, assistant graduate mana
ger. General admission tickets, of
which there are 1400, will go on
sale today at both the A. S. U. O.
offices and the Co-op.
Ivan Houston,
Oregon Alum,
Dies In Crash
Pilot Loses Control of
Plane While Seeking
Landing in Fog
Courage of Flier
Praised by Many
Had Flown But One Month
In Air Mail Service
Before Fatal End
Our1 month nftor his boyhood nm
bition to ho a flier had come trim,
Ivan 1>. Houston, '_’7, of Eugene, an
Oregon graduate of H>25, and former
senior man on the executive coun
cil, clashed to instant, death Tues
day as he tv as winging through
dense fog from Denver to Cheyenne
on the last bfp of his daily air mail
If was ilusk when he fell and he
was just ten miles from the end of
his daily air journey when the end
of his own great journey came.
Houston was apparently looking
for a lighted emergency field and
dropped too low, going into a tail
spin without altitude enouglit to
recover control. llis body was
tin-own 120 feet from the plane
which was wrecked, though not
burned. J’ho young flier's plane
was still headed straight for its
destination and its mail was un
damaged, |iihd friends in Wyoming
said yesterday. Though young and
new to the service he was considered
among the most courageous of the
pilots (in the. Rocky Mountain divi
sion according to the aviators. One
fellow pilot, passing Houston in the
fog, had attempted to warn him to
land early in the afternoon but he
had “Ju'pt going.”
Had Army Training
It was in early March that Hous
ton completed a year of army avia
tion training at Kelly field, in
Califqrnia. Following graduation
he had worked here first as a car
salesman and later as manager of
the Connecticut Life Insurance com
pany. His wife, Mary Hardy Hous
ton, who was in San Diego, Cali
fornia, when she received news of
the tragedy, and a brother John, are
his only survivors. He was born in
Medford, living always in Oregon
and attending high school here.
Just a month ago lie was in the
city, greeting friends, and had been
acclaimed Eugene’s first air mail
pilot, and mourning in this city
was wide felt yesterday.
Was University Man
He was a member of Phi Gamma
Delta and a track lettcrnmn during
collage. Mrs. Houston, daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Hardy, of
Sand Diego, and the niece, of Char
les Hardy, of Eugene, is a member
of Kappa Alpha Theta here and was
a classmate of her husband.
The writer ;of this story inter
viewed Ivan D. Houston for a city
paper the day before he left Eu
gene for the last time. At that
time he told of the compelling ap
peal aviation had held for him all
his life.
He spoke of the future of avia
tion as a practical tiling, looked
at it not as a foolhardy adventure
but a great commercial service and
one that required level-headed in
telligent men. He advocated long
periods of training and careful,
thorough preparation.
Was Feartess
it was not hard,- then, to feel the!
courage that the pilot’s friends J
spoke' of yesterday. There was a >
look in liis eyes and a set to his
strong chin that spoke it. Asked
by the reporter then about the dan
gers of flying he had said with a
smile, ‘‘That’s all in the game,” and
then gone on gravely to say that
fog ivas aviation’s only danger.
The body wilj be taken to Kan
Diogo for burial, it is thought now.
‘Requiem’ Meets With
Heartiest Approval
The auditorium of the music build
ing was packed to capacity again
last night to hear a tremendously0
powerful and thrilling production
of Verdi’s Requiem under the fine
direction of John Stark Evans. It
is; perhaps, the most evenly balanc
ed of all masses for solos and parts,
sustaining no particular lead, but
co-Kijdinating all parts and solos
with an excellent balance. The quar
tet of soloists was unusually well
balanced also. It gave Oregon a
thrill to welcome back one of its oldJ
students and see her distinguish her
self so splendidly. Miss Bernice
Alstock, the messo - soprano so
loist, is a graduate of the Univer
sity of Oregon's school of music.
(Continued on rage Two)
Dime Crawl Pro fits
Fall Below Normal
Slu ing Weather Blamed
For Low Sum
It may have been that the lure
of the mill race and the spring
livened warm dusk was too strong.
Or it may have been that bank
books are skinny, and parses gaping
chasms, in this, the last month of
the year.
Anyway, something “done dirt”
to the •Woman’s league foreign
scholarship fund at the spring term
dime crawl last night and the pro
ceeds came only to .till!.(id, taking
an easy third place to results of
the two previous crawls, $1SH fall
term and t-’()4 winter term.
Pi Beta Phi with $1”.0(> lead the
list. Gamma Phi Beta with $10,115
came second, Alpha ('hi Omega with
$10.Id third and Chi Omega with
$0.-Id came fourth. Alpha Phi, with
t0.10 was fifth.
Martha Swafford* ns chairman of
the foreign scholarship committee,
directed the crawl which she said
yesterday was the first spring term
“crawl” to be held in several years.
With Louise Hills’ year draw
ing to a close, choice of next year’s
foreign scholar is pending, Miss
Swafford said last night. While
no decision has been made yet, wo
men students from Ireland, Hun
gary and Russia are so far being
Oregana Copies
Come Out Today
At Eleven A. M.
Publication Out Before
Date Promised by
Editor of Book
Cover is Black ami Red;
Art Work Modenustic
The Oreganns will be distributed
today! Those who come first will
get theirs and the others will have
or tins work, for
1200 copies will be
ready by Friday,
according to John
Nelson, • business
manager. The re
mainder will be
given out at the
irate of 100 a day
from tlien on.
Distribution will
.begin at 11 o’clock
[and last until all
the copies a re
Miriam Shepard gone.
•Students will go to the living
room in Friendly hall where they
will be given cards indicating pay
ment, in cases where part or the
whole sum was .paid upon registra
tion er at time of ordering. These
cards will then be taken to the
graduate manager’s office in Friend
ly where the books will be given
out and any money due on them
paid there. Those to take charge
will be Miriam Shepard, John Nel
son, Betty Beam, Bob Miller, Vir
ginia Sterling, and Henrietta
The theme of the book this year
is the Greater Oregon of the Fu
ture, and the art motif is modern
istic. It contains 304 pages, and
the cover is of red and black lea
ther with an Oregon seal on it. Free
copies and the mounted pictures of
the groups will bo given to the
houses which went over 100 per
cent in tho recent subscription
" During the year the staff mem
bers have worked very hard on the
Oregana and the manager and 1
certainly appreciate their coopera
tion,” stated Miss Shepard, editor
of the book. “We hopo that the
students will like to read it anti
will find it a boojl to be kept and
Today’s Water Polo
Tilts Open to Public
Today’s intramural water polo
games will ho open to the public.
Alpha Tau Omega meets Beta The
ta Pi at 4:.'10, J’hi Higma Kappa
faces the Independents at 7, and
Kappa Sigma plays Phi Kappa Psi
at 7:.‘50. Those are all hardball
league games. Coach Abercrombie
has issued an order for all players
to bring their own swimming, suits.
Preparation for the varsity tus
sle with Oregon State tomorrow eve
ning at 7 is continuing smoothly.
The exact strength of the Aggie
team is unknown, but with Oregon’s
array of swimming stars to form
the nucleus of a squad- the Web
foots have a good chance to polish
off the Beavers.
The Oregon frosh will line up in
the water against the Rooks tomor
row afternoon.
Stuart To Talk
On Subject Of
World Peace
Speaker is Professor of
Political Science t
At Stanford
Lecturer to Talk
At Assembly Today
Jack Dennis To Sing Solo;
Reverend Biestel W’ill
Give Invocation
“World Poore” will lie tlio sub
ject of the address to be given by
(ir,'ilium Stuart at the assembly this
morning. Dr. Stuart is professor
of political science at Stnnforl. He
received his Ph. I). from tho Uni
versity of Wisconsin and has spent
five years abroad, one year being
spent in South America and four
in Europe. In his travels Ur. Stu
art studied the problems of the dif
ferent. countries. He specializes in
French diplomatic history, and has
written several books on the sub
ject. In 1925 Stuart was a dele
gate to the third Pan-American Sci
entific. Congress in Limn, Peru.
Friend of Hall
President Arnold Bennett Hall
and Dr. Stuart were both faculty '
members at the University of Wis
consin for several years. Dr. Hall
said in part that Stuart is consid
ered as an authority on internation
al affairs and problems. According
to Dr. Hall the speaker Is very
forceful and was one of the most
popular professors on the Wisconsin
The president in a recent inter
view expressed the hope that the
students will take advantage of
the opportunity of bearing a mnn
who is well informed on the prob
lems that confront the world today.
People who know him say that ho
immediately gains favor in every
community that he comes in con
tact with.
Morris to Introduce Speaker
Victor P. Morris, assistant profes
sor of economics, will introduce the
speaker. Jack Dennis will sing a
solo and Tteverend Frank S. Beistel
of the United Lutheran church will
give the invocation.
Dr. Stuart speaks to members of
the International Relations club to
night at 7:J0 in the men’s lounge
in the Woman’s building. He will
speak on “Foreign Problems Con
fronting the Hoover Administra
tion.” Faculty and students are
invited to attend.
Pauline R. Guthrie
Presents Senior
Recital Tonight
Program to Have Variety;
Edmunds and McMullen
To Accompany
Miss Pauline Guthrie, senior in
the sehoi of music, will present her
senior vftcal recital at the music
auditorium tonight at 8:15.
Miss Guthrie, who is a mezzo
soprano, is a pupil of Mrs. Prudence
Clark, voice instructor in the music
department, and has made several
public appearances, the latest be
ing her appearance in the title role
of Miignon,” recently presented by
Madame Rose McGrew’s opera class.
Miss Guthrie has been active in
musical circles for the past, four
years and is a member of Mu Phi
Epsilon, women’s national music
The program during the presen
tation of which she will be accom
panied bv Barbara Edmunds at the
piano and Edith McMullen at the
organ, will be as follows:
The Violet . Mozart
My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair
'. Haydn
G. Sleep, Why Dost Thou Leave
1 Me . Handel
Yoi ehe sapete (from " Le Noz.ze di
Figaro) . Mozart
• 2 .. •
Musette 0 • • ^
Alleluia . M. Eurico Boddi
The Spring . Gounod
The Lost Chord . Sullivan
(W'ith Organ Accompaniment)
Ronde Franca iso . Boellmann
Prelude to “The Blessed Damozel”
. Debussy
Hymn of Glory . Pietro Yon
Melisande . Goetz.
Saji, White Dreams . Risher
The Bird wPh a Broken Wing .
. Golsutn
Morning .