Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 07, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
W. E. Hempstead Jr.Assoc.
Joe Pigncy.Assoc.
Harry Tonkon....Chief Night
.Leonard ilagstrom.assoc. Editor
Wilfred Brown.Assoc. Editor
Arthur Schocni.Managing Editor
Oar] Oroernry .Awt. Managing
Donald Johnston ..Feature
Serena AjadaeB..Literary
Joe rigney _sport*
Lavina Hicks __^.—Society
Leonard Delano ...P. 1. P.
Jo Stolid..
News and Editor Phono 666
DAY EDITORS: Vinton Hail. Lawrence Mitchelmore, Serena Madsen, Carl Gregory,
Mary Frances Dilday; Mary Klemm and Harry Tonkon, assistants.
NIGHT EDITORS: Fred Bechill, Thornton Siiaw, Charles Barr, Merlin Blais, Max
ASST. NIGHT EDITORS: Evelyn Hartman, Beatrice Bennett, Jo Barry, Graccmary
Rickman, Duicie Lytsell, Jessie Foley, Gladys Mack, Marticl Duke, Dorothy Page,
Fern Baker, Ellen Saiway, Alyce Cook.
GENERAL ASSIGNMENT REPORTERS: Wilfred Brown, Carol Hurlburt, Bess
Duke, Elise Schroeder. -
SPORTS STAFF: Delbert Addison, Alex Tamkin, Joe Brown, Fred Schultl, Harry
Van Dine, Warren Tinker, Harold Fraundorf, Jim Yergin.
REPORTERS: Mary Klemm, Myron Griffin, Maryhelen Koupal, Cleta McKennon,
Margaret Reid, Alice Gorman, T. Neil Taylor, Willis Dumway, Dorothy Thomas.
Phyllis VanKimmel, David Wilson, Aileen Barker, Fllisc Schroeder, Osborne
Holland. Merlin Blais, Mack Hall, Helen Cherry, Barney Miller, Bob Guild, Mary
Ellen Mason, Lenore Ely, Ruth Campbell, Alyce Cook, Bernice Hamilton, Dorotny
Kirk, Elizabeth Painton, Jean Garman, Katheryn Feldman.
Will’am H. Hnminond ...AsBOciute Manager
George Weber Jr.Foreign Adv, Manager
Dorothy Ann Warnick...-As8t. Foreign Mgr.
Phil Hammond.Service Dept
Charles Reed_Advertising Manager
Harold Kester-Asst. Adv. Manager
Ted He'vitt.....Circulation Manager
Larry Jackson.Asst. Circulation Mgr.
Louise Gurney
Margaret Poor man.Mgr. Checkins Dept.
Business Office Phone 1895
ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Addison Brockman. Lucilc Gatlin, Margaret Harris,
Bernard Clnpperton, John Painton, Elaine Henderson, Bob Holmes, ina Tremblay,
Betty Hagen, Jack Greet*?, Don Abner.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Constance McKenzie, I.ouise Gurney, Florence Jordan,
Estelle Mays, Helen Sullivan, Dorothy Bell, Kathryn Perigo, Julianne Benton,
Harry Hanson, Fred Reid, Harold Alien, Lloyd Hena*?in.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the
college year. Member of the Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office
at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $9.50 a year. Adver
tising rates upon application. Residence phone, manager, 2799. Jo Stofiel, secretary.
Dan Editor Thin issue— Vinton Hall
Ninlit Editor Thin issue—Fred Bcchill
Asst. tJioht Editorn Thin issue- Beatrice Bennett
Helen Rankin
Basis Wanting
For Pessimism
WITH -I pessimism that is
really quite touching the
editor of the 0. S. Daily
Barometer meditates al length
on the uselessness- of news
miner editorials. Editorials. h“
savs in cITcet. are not read. I1'
they were read, they would not
he appreciated. If they were
appreciated, they would accom
plish nothing, so why, after ail,
puhlisli editorials.
The Emerald can sympathize
with the esteemed Barometer.
When critical editorials, com
mendatory editorials, informa
tive editorials, and all of the
Other classes of editorials, ap
pear day after day and pro
voke no appreeiahle comment
or response, it doejs seem that
the space used is wcl.l nigh
This was the opinion of the
Emerald toward the close of
last term, so for a time the edi
torial column was abandoned.
Immediately thereupon came
protests from all departments
of the campus to the effect
that editorials were read and
appreciated and productive of
public opinion to a certain ex
tent. A straw ballot revealed
that the overwhelming major
:t v of the students favorei
and professed to read the edi
torial columns of tlie Emerald
so the department was re-eon
tinned again this term.
No. in our opinion, t he editor
of the Barometer lias let his
pessimism get the best of him
The experience of the Emerald
l l '
1-i Ij^il uw\n J
To tlio Editor:
Hr. MilliT of tho lioalth sorv ioo
has onllod ii111*111ion to tlio frosh
Mill 11 I'll |l IIS II III I' IIII Cl' til stUlll'llt
lioiiltli. l.i'av ing tlio i-inni 11 ni of tho
first your 111:111 largely unrnyerod it
exposes Iii 111 to tlio dangei of 11 i':i 11
raids mill sinus infeotion without
seeking to stir ii[i ilissontiou in uni
vorsit y oirolos.
I must |irotost tlint 1 mn nnnlilo
to :i orojit tlio ilootor’s von .soiling.
An infinitosiniiil jiiooo of houdgour
is I.101tor tlian 110110 at all. In lioail
protoi I ion there nro degrees and’!
g in 1 In t inns. Tlio froslniuin rap is!
at loast a suggest ion, a vestigial i
loiniiinit of a fast ilisn|i|ionring
|>iooo of tinman apparel.
Tlio first yom 111.in. witli his tiny
oirolo of green, uitli !>...■ warin' spot ,
on tlio ImoU of his In ail and a warm
spot in his lioart for tlio Order of;
<> and lor university traditions, i.
that inmli liottor fortifiod against
tho ravages of enltl than tho nppor
ilassuion, whoso hat loss poregrina 1
lions about tho 1 it,' of Eugene oan
i'o observed bx anyone.
Tho offonso for wliirli tho pail
dio is most frequently u iolilod is
failuro to woar tho “lid.” Aftor j
all tin <)rdor of () max bo as nuuli 1
eoneei nod about studoat lioalth as i
about I'nivorsity traditions. I’lioy .
ma,' bo battling manfully, ovon •
against tho fiorrost intnlorant i riti- i
lism of tlio Kiut'rahl, to piosor\o]
this last remnant of pi otootioli ,
against hoad oobls among fie-dimaii
Tho ond may justify tho moat s. ’
-By professing to puiidlo traditions
lias tended to show that editor
ials are read and appmdated,
to a certain extent, at least.
“Hell Week”
Gets It
/^OMES reports from the
University of Southern Cal
ifornia that the interfraternity
council has passed a resolution
opposing “hell week." Let
ters were received from many
parents in opposition to the
preliminary initiation termed
‘ ‘ rough week." Athletic
coaches lent their support to
the ouster move in declaring
that several athletes had been
injured to the extent of being
unable to effectively pursue
their training schedules.
The Daily lauds the southern
institution for its educational
progress a n d humanitarian
principles. May such spirit ex
tend lo this campus during the
next few months.
The modern idea of a fra
ternity that “knows the score"
of life is the one to say: “To
hell with hell week.’’ There
are too few of this tvpe at the
University of Washington.—
Washington Daily.
I’rcxy Hall remarked in the
course of the cabaret scene of
t he Junior Vodvil h’riday night
that the dance was the first
lie's seen on the campus at
which there was sufficient
light for one to discern the
beauty of the women's gowns.
Which impresses us as being in
striking- conformity with the
long accepted fact that many
a true word is spoken in jest.
into people iii public, it is possible
that they are milking some contribu
tion to the control of sinus on the
university campus.
I shall continue to publish this
communication as a protest against
I lie stand of the Knierald until re
peated applications of the paddle
result in putting the entire fresh
man etas'- in unabbreviated tam o
JAMKs ||. lilJdiKKT.
Philomelote groups spoils ireil I>\
i*lii Theta Cpsilon which met Sun
liny n It i' moon ivi'i'i': Thr Oharn
Sr lll(l»l <r|-oup wllil'll llll't ill till’ M il
lin n's lounpv of tlic Woman's luiilil
inp ami ilisriissial tin' charm of con
versa! ion; tlio Drama proup whicl
mot in tlio sun room of tlio Wo
man's luulilino, anil luul as tlioi
pin's* Miss f 'oust a lire Until, grmlu
at'' assistant in tlio iliama itep;
ini'nt. wlio spolic on tlio oioani
lion of musical comcilios antinomy;
ai t plays ami the technique of act
inp; the l.iterature ami Poetry
pi "up which luul a m'poit hi Mar- ,
puerile Mauzey on the life ami work
ot Ljifcatlio Ilearn.
« * #
Mrs. Kenneth Wilshiro was com
pi i men t dl at a luncheon party oil
Metlitcsilay afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Iloury W. Davis. Mrs. Wil
sliiiv left this week eml t'oi the east
preieilinp a trip to Kuiope with
Mr. \\ ilsliin this summer. Covers
were lai<l for fifteen.
* # *
Mr. A. II. Hutchinson, national
pm siileut of Chi Phi fraternity, ami
Mr. il. Patton, Chi Phi aluwutr. of
Amherst college now residing at :
Medford, were guests at the Baclie- |
Jordon house, Friday afternoon. The j
party ha<l luncheon at the Eugene
hotel as guests of Thomas B. Si
mons, Chi Phi of Minnesota and
now a student at Oregon.
Mr. Hutchinson is making a tour
of the Pacific coast in the interests
of Chi Phi, the oldest living na
tional social fraternity, having
been established at Princeton in
Dutton - Johnson
Betrothal Told
At an informal fireside party at
the Delta Gamma house, Wednesday
evening, Miss Alyce Dell Johnson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Me.
Johnson of Marshfield, told of her
engagement to Robert R. Dutton,
son of Mrs. ('. L. Dutton of Eugene.
The announcement was concealed in
miniature houses from which the
envelopes were brought bearing the
Miss Johnson attended the uni
versity for three years and Mr. Dut
ton who is affiliated with Sigma
Xu fraternity, is finishing this year
in the school of business administra
The wedding will probably take
place in early fall.
Phi Sigma Kappa
In a setting which represented an
elaborate garden scene with many
flowers, floodlights, a fountain,
lattice work screens and a stuffed
peacock to carry out the decorative
scheme, members of Phi Sigma Kap
pa gave an informal dance at the
chapter house, Friday evening.
Acting as patrons and patroness
es were Mr. William Fowler, Mur
ray Fowler, Louis Artau and .Ron
ald Robnett.
Gregg Millett had charge of the
At (lie Alpha Gamma Delta house,
Friday evening, the engagement of
Miss Pauline Stewart of Payville,
to Homer Dixon of Newport, was
was announced. The dinner table
was decorated with scotch broom,
yellow tulips and green tapers. The
news was told on tiny gold en
graved cards concealed in small yel
low baskets.
Doth Mr. Dixon and Miss Stewart
graduated from the university in
’LlN. Miss Stewart, who is affiliat
ed with Alpha Gamma Delta, was
also, while on the campus, a mem
ber of Kwama, sophomore women’s
service honorary, Mortar Board, na
tional senior women’s honorary,
Theta Sigma Phi, national journal
ism honorary for women, and last
year was president of Y. W. ('. A.
Mr. Dixon, who is affiliated with
Sigma Alpha, lipsilon, was a mem
ber of the football team for three
The wedding will take place in
dune at the home of Miss Stew
wart’s parents in Dayville. After
summer school the couple will reside
in Independence, Oregon.
At the Woman’s building, Satur
day afternoon, members of the
American Association of I’niversity
Women, gave a luncheon in honor of
senior girls on the campus.
The table was very effccticvly
decorated with tulips of various col
ors. Miss Hazel Prutsman, dean of
women, was in charge of the general
arrangements of the luncheon, as
sisted by Miss Bertha Cummings,
Mrs. D. 11. Davis, and Mrs. Wallace
Aii informal group of frii'iids
writ' entertained al lea on Tluns
■!av afternoon in tin* little art gal
lery at the art building by Pro
fessor and Mrs. N. 14. Kane. The
affair was in ronneetion with the
showing of the Maynard Dixon’s
paintings. Hours were from four
to six oYlork.
Mrs. lialpli Crow, Mrs. Arthur Mi
ner, Mrs. lioger Williams, and Miss
.loan Patterson assisted at the tea
table. At four-thirty o'clock Pro
fessor Zane gave an informal talk
on tin pietures.
Senior members of Alpha Oiuieron
I'i were entertained at dinner at
the Anehorage, Sunday evening.
Mrs. ('. A. Pearson and Mrs. Wyatt
gave a short musical program af
On Wednesday evening members
ot Theta Chi fraternity gave an
informal dinner dance at the chap
ter house. Dr. and Mrs. II. Cros
laud were guests.
Mrs. li. C. Hansom, housemother
of Chi Omega sorority, and senior
members of the chapter were spec
ial guests at the meeting of the
< 'h i Omega .llumuae on Monday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Her
bert lioome.
; *9.* p i -- > ¥■ *
Miss *Kdith;dJiwl'gie%f,i'*ntV.ffSitied
of the Woman’s leagu'd"-ot the ‘Al
pha Delta Pi house. Thursday eve
ning. The dinner table "was decor
ated with spring flowers .of blue,
yellow and orange colors.
-s mill inii;I loii'ge ( nt.ert a i noil
t’h'uVv* iff*.>t’lilP*fitl!l i-ttiTdJf’uew
>ers of t he,,V\c'ciit i\*e‘l nJiuiTci]
KOK SAI.1'1 Police puppy,
months old. Female, <1i7,.'i(>. :MS>4
Abler st. (i, 7, s
LOST Small gold fountain pen
without , a p. Katharine Talbot.'
iu t.
Jewett contest speakers, men’s di
vision, meet today at - o’clock in
J. K. Horner’s office to draw
Jewett contest speakers, women’s
division, see J. K. Horner before
week-end 1o enter names and re
ceive instructions.
Junior Prom directorate meeting in
110 Jolinson at 4:.'!0. Very impor
Christian Science meeting tonight
in the Woman’s building at 8
o 'clock.
Thespians meeting tonight at regu
lar time and place.
United Christian Work board meets
tonight at 6 o’clock at the An
Junior women sign up at bungalow
this week for senior breakfast
Y. W, Cabinet meeting tonight at
7:.'!0 in bungalow.
Delta Zcta will hold dime crawl
at their house at 081 E. 12th.
Banquet committee for Mother’s
Day meet at Delta Gamma house
this afternoon at 4:00.
Church council meet at Y. M. hut
4:00 p. m. All be there.
Pot and Quill meeting postponed
until next week.
Phi Chi Theta will meet today at
5 o’clock at 10(5 Commerce.
MCDONALD — Tuesday, Warner
Baxter, Dorothy Burgess and Ed
mund Lorve in “In Old Arizona;”
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, “Chinatown Nights,”
with Wallace Beery and Florence
COLONIAL—Tuesday and Wed
nesday, “Interference,” starring
William. Powell, Evelyn Brent and
Clive Brooke; Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, William Haines in “The
Duke Steps Out.”
HEILIG—Tuesday ' tfnfl Wednes
day, The Taylor Players present
“Married, But How;” Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, “Tess of the
Storm Country.”
HEX—Tuesday, Jack Holt and
Betty Coin'ipson in “Court Mar
shal;” Wednesday and Thursday,
Barry Norton and Ben Bard in
“Fleet Wing;” Friday and Satur
day, The Manhattan Players in a
new playette. »
Student Officers Leave
Today for Meeting in South
(Continued from, Page One)
tivities, and to give the new presi
dents an opportunity to profit by
the experience of the out-going ex
ecutives and L, gain a better idea
of the job which lies ahead of them.
One of the principal things which
•Me Known and Stoddard intend to
bring hack with them is definite
information concerning the Honor
System—how it works, its practi
bilitv, and its general results.
Tlryv are also planning on secur
ing other schools’ opinions on the
value of traditions and how far
they should be maintained and lim
ited. They also state that an at
tempt will be marie to bring next
year’s student body president con
vention to the University of Ore
Cop gars Beat Oregon
Team by 8-4 Score
(Continued from Page One)
two lilts until the ninth inning,
\vli"ii lie was relieved liv Join's,
Tlio bo\ score:
\v. s. c.
Lundberg, rf .
Binkley, ,'ili
ivoster, If.
Kolivvi r, lb - . .
Colo, ss
K. Mitchell, in
l>i .1 u'io, 2 b
Blizzard, e
Mo Do well, p
Jones, p
Totals .
ah i; ii do a i-:
till 0 0
;t i i i i o
toil o n
,1 2 III 0 II
:: 2 2 2 1 1
5 1110 0
.1 112 4 0
i o l o o
4 0 10-11
0 (I 0 0 0 (I
27 S 10 27 12 2
Ruble, ss
Barnes, If
Edwards, m
Epps, i f
Ol'ngi r. lb
Kelson, ll>
'Johnson0, 21)
Moodie, e
MacDonald, p
tiouhl, If .
Fuller, p „.
Darks. ** .
McCormick, 2b
llilgers, 2b
An Iron s,
Schoeui, |>
Smith, '
AH R 11 DO A E
2 0 0 2 .1 1
2 0 0 0 0 V
2 114 0 1
2 110 0 0
1 0.0 2 2 0
0 2 0 0 12’ 0 0
2 I* 0 2 2 0
2 1 0 4 0 1
2 11 0 4 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 2 1
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 (I 0
l 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 1 0
I 0 0 0 0 0
II 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 20 1 1 27 15 0
Hattoil for Nelson.
Hatted for Johnson.
Hatted for Fuller,
Batted for Bohoeui.
Summary: Winning pitcher, Mr
Don ell; losing pitcher. Jtias.l)oiwJd.
hit by pitcher by McDowell, Epps;
by Fuller, Cole; struck out by Mc
Dowell 1. by Jones 2, by MacDonald
2, by Fuller 2; stolen bases, Mit
chell 2; two-base hits, Cole, Lund
berg, Rohwer, Epps; sacrifices,
Buckley, Kostcr, Hilgcrs; passed
palls, Woddi'e 2; time, 2:20; umpire,
Tyler Christian.
Seoie of the Saturday Oregou
Idaho game:
Creeling, m . 4 0 0 2
1 nee, cj .
Cheyne, ss .
McMillan, lb ....
Lawrence, rf ....
Holliday, 2b .
Duffy, If .
Burton, Mb .
Judy, p .
Kiselka * ....'..
Lindsey, p .
1 1
0 0
3 0
1 0
0 1
0 0
1 0
0 1
0 0
0 0 13 2
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10 0
0 113 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
Totals . 29 1 2 4 11 5
Robie, ss . 2
Bariies, If . 3
Edwards, m . 2
Gould, rf . 1
2 2 2 1 0 0
2 2 10 0
0 1 1
0 0 2
Olinger, Mb . 4 0 12
0 0
0 0
1 0
Nelson, lb . 4 0 0 (i 0 0
Johnson, 2b . 4
Ridings, e . 3
0 0 0 1 1
0 1 7
Baker, p . 4 112
0 0
3 0
Epps, rf
O 0 1 0 0
Woddie. e .. 1 0 0 4 0 0
30 5 8 27 5 1
•Batted for Judy in . eighth.
Idaho . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0—1
Hits . 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0—2
Oregon . 0 0 2 O 2 0 1 0 *—5
Hits . 0 0 3 0 2 1 2 0 *—8
Winning pitcher, Baker; losing
pitcher, Judy; struck out by Judy 2,
Baker 9; basses on balls off, Judy 4;
Baker 3; Stolen base Cheyne 2.
Two-base hit, McMillan, Barnes,
Ridings; sacrifice Barnes, Robie;
double plays, Baker to Olinger;
Cheyne to McMillan.
Time, 1:50. Umpire, Tyler Cliris
tia n.
Water Events Arrangements
Are Practically Complete
(Continued from Page One)
men’s and women’s living organiza
tions, each paddled by one man and
one woman will race for first
honors. Each canoe will bear the
colors or insignia of the organiza
tion that it represents. A silver
cup will be given to each bouse
represented in the winning canoe,
and tree-canoeing privileges to the
runners-up. Anchorage canoes must
be used in thf contest, Sharp said.
The pairing of the houses entered
was announced last week. In that
time a number of houses had not
yet selected their entrants in the
race. Those who were not included
last week are as follows: Sigma Pi
Tau and Chi Omega, Chalmers Nooe
and Violet Ackerman; Sigma Phi
Epsilon and Chi Delta, Prince Tlel
fricli and Marian Van Scovoe;
Gamma hall and Mary Spiller hall,
Monte Jacobs and Pauline Kidwell; j
Kappa Sigma and Zcta Tau Alpha,
Pat Lurks and Isabelle Weinrick;
Phi Gamma Delta and Kappa Alpha
Theta, Bill Dielsohneider and Donna
Gill; Psi Kappa and Pi Beta Phi,
Bill Ice and Ruby George; Chi Psi
and Susan Campbell hall, Bill Preble
and Harriet Osborne.
Sharp urges each pear of partners
to practice during the week so as to
be prepared for the race Saturday.
Mr. Bailey of the Anchorage has
agreed to reduce rental rates on
canoes to 25 cents an hour for those
who are participating for the race.
Reinhardt and Mueller
To Speak in Portland
Dr. K. Reinhardt, assistant pro- ■
fessor of German, and Dr. Gustav
Mueller, of the philosophy depart
ment, will drive to Portland Thurs
day to lecture at St. Mary’s Acad
emy. Dr. Reinhardt’s subject will
be “Modern Art in the Valley of
the Danube,” which he will illus
trate with lantern slides; Dr. Muel
ler will speak on some phase of
philosophy. They will also speak
on the same subjects at Mt. Angel,
where they will go following their
visit in Portland.
Dr. Reinhardt gave two such lec
tures at Mt. Angel during spring
vacation on “Education in Ger
many,” and “The German Repub
lic.” They will return in time for
Tickets for Canoe Fete
At BenefieVs and Co-op
Tickets for the Canoe Fete Fri
day night aie going fast, and stu
dents wishing reserved seats for
their mothers and themselves should
get them immediately, Kenton Ham
aker, chairman of tin- fete, announc
ed last night. Both reserved and
general admission tickets may be
secured at the Co-op and at Jack
Benefiel’s office.
A capacity crowd is expected this
year and additional bleachers will
be erected by the Anchorage. Last
year more persons than could be
cared for me and had to be
turned a wav.
This summer a group of men
will be selected from the Univer
sity of Oregon to represent the
largest publishing house in the
A weekly salary of $24, plus
liberal bonuses and cash scholar
ship for those who qualify. A
post-graduate course in selling
and opportunity for travel with
transportation expenses paid.
For particulars
get in touch with
Afternoons, 4 to 5, College
Y. M. C. A.
Evenings, 7-9, Hotel Osburn
Sophomore Scene
Meet at College Side Inn at 1 p. m.
Bill Me Nab
Dorothy Burke
Fred Stanley
Helen Allen
Sylvania Edmonds
Verne Elliott
Sleeping Porch Scene
Meet at Gamma Phi Beta House at
, 3 J. m.
Helen Allen
Dorothv Burke
< *_
JSo Tickets Sold; Rain
Affords Good Excuse
MINN E A BOLTS, Minn.—(I. P.) —
The freshman engineer's dunce at
the University of Minnesota was
called off “on account of rain.’'
It was approaching the dcudlino
in the office of the Minnesota
Daily when a crest-fallen freshman
walked in looking for the managing
•I want you to put a story in
the Daily tomorrow saying the
freshman engineer’s dance was
called off,” he said.
“Any reason?” snapped the star
reporter, grabbing a pencil.
‘Well, it was because we didn’t
sell enough tickets. Wc were sup
posed to sell 60 and we only got
rid of 14. The boys didn't give us
any support at all. But you’d better
not put that in.”
The reporter scratched his head
as the disappointed class president
walked out the door. “Hey, what
shall 1 tell them?”
“Aw, tell ’em it was called off
on account of rain!”
Would Vote
To Re-elect
This Smoke
So. Richmond, Va.
July 25, 1928
Larus & Brother Co.,
Richmond, Va.
As a constant user of EDGE
WORTH Tobacco for the past four
years, I can say I have enjoyed the
comforts and pleasure of the World’s
Finest Tobacco. If EDGEWORTH
were running for re-election, here is
one sure vote for it. Its uniform
quality is the outstanding feature and
I recommend it highly. The EDGE
WORTH Club hour over WRVA
is highly pleasing and helps to form
a good combination.
Fraternally yours,
(Signed) Franklin Montgomery
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco
the modern prospector
A STOUT heart; a burro laden with pick, shovel,
and the bare necessities of life; and the pros
pector was ready for the gold rush—Sutter’s Mill,
the Pike’s Peak country, Cripple Creek, Klondyke.
A scattered trail of half-worked claims marked
his sacrifices.
To-day mining is a business, with electricity
replacing wasteful brawn in mine and mill.
The deep mine, with electric lights, hoists and
locomotives; the surface mine with huge electric
shovels scooping up tons of ore in a single bite;
the concentrating mill with batteries of electri
cally driven machines; the steel mill with its con
stant electric heat—here are but a few of elec
tricity s contributions t'o the mineral industries, j
So in every industry, electricity increases produc
tion and cuts costs. It is the modern prospector,
leading the way into wider fields and tapping
undeveloped resources—that we may enjoy a finer
civilization and a richer, fuller life.
You will find this mono
gram on powerful motors
that drive heavy mining
machinery and on tiny
motors that drive sewing
machines. Both in industry
and in the home, it is the
mark of an organization
that is dedicated to elec
trical progress.