Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 07, 1929, Image 1

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Leads Arrive
To Take Part
In 'Requienj*
Pease ami Boarriman on
Nation-wide Tour
To Sing
Portland Artists
Take Other Leads
200 Voices Under Evans
To Support Singers in
Big Musical Affair ,
"Rollin Pease, baritone of flic
Washington, D. C., Or;: art OpUra
company, and Arthur Boardman,
tenor of the ja Scnln 0,-nnd Opera
company, of Milan, It By, arrived
in Eugene last night on nation-wide
* tours to sing the leading male Toles
in Verdi’s “Requiem” which is be
ing presented tonight and tomorrow
night ill tlie music auditorium by
the Eugene Oratorio society.
Miss Jane Burns, soprano, and
Miss Bernice Alstoek, contralto,
both of Portland, will sing the oth
er two lends. Both are well known
in the northwest through their work
over K. O. W. Both have also ap
peared in Eugene, Miss Burns hav
ing sung in two other oratorios,
“Elijah,” of last year in which Mr.
Pease sang the title role, and in
Hyden’s “Creation.” Miss Al
stoek is a graduate of the Univer
sity school of music, and has ap
peared many times in concert in Eu
200 Voices to Sing
Over 200 voices will sing in the
production, which is under the di
rection of John Stark Evans of
the school of music, and is one of
flic biggest musical events of the
year. The Oratorio society is com
posed of both Eugene and Univer
sity of Oregon singers, all of whom
have given liberally of their time
and effort in order to perfect the
difficult choral parts.
“The Requiem” is one of the
most difficult oratorios to produce,
according to Mr, Evans, but it is
one of the most beautiful. It was
written as a memmial to the soul
of Manzoni, a famous musical con
ductor of Italy.
One Part Composed by Verdi
One part of it was composed or
iginally by Verdi as a part to an
oratorio which was to be made up
of compositions from a number of
musicians. The experiment, how
ever, never worked, and Verdi used
this as a nucleus for the
“Requiem.” \
Mr. Evans is in charge of the
ticket sale, and all seats are reserv
ed for both nights. The perform
ance starts promptly at eight
o’clock. Practically all the seats
are sold for Tuesday night already.
Women Break Two
Records in Track
And Field Events
Anne Berg Beats Broad
Jump Record by One
and One-half Inches
Two Oregon records in women’s
track and field events liave been
broken by members of the physical
education majors track and field
class, according to Ernestine Troe
mel, instructor.
Anne Berg set a new mark of
seven feet, nine and one-lialf inches
in the standing broad jump. The
old record of seven feet, eight inch
es, was held by Nellie Johns.
Two women broke the old record
for the discus throw, formerly held
by Virginia Lounsberrv, with a
mark of <57 feet 7 inches. Editha
Kartell threw the discus 72 feet 1
inch; and Hilda'Top broke the new
record with a mark of 79 feet 4
Carnegie Scholarships
Available to Students
A limited number of scholarships
offered by the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace are avail
able to students at the University
of Oregon, it was learned yesterday.
These scholarships provide $400 for
study in the Institute of Art and
Archaeology at the University of
Paris during the 1929 summer ses
sion. i
The scholarships are of particular
interest to students expecting to
specialize in art with a view to be
coming teachers of art, curators of
museums, architects, art workers
and writers. Those wishing to try
for the scholarships should get in
touch with the Institute of Interna
tional Education, 2 West 45th street,
.New York, . _ - — -
KORE To Feature
Talk By Smith
Hempstead Will Give
Summary of Neivs
Throe diversified programs over
radio station KORE will feature the
regular Extension Division-Emerald
broadcasts cm Tuesday, Wednesday,
alid Friday of this week. A talk
bv a professor tonight, and a play
to be put on by the drama depart
ment tomorrow night have already
been scheduled for the entertain
ment of the radio audiences. Fri
day night’s broadcast plans have
not yet fnilv completed.
Tonight from 8 to 8:.'!0, Dr. War
i-oii D. SmitJi, head of tlio geology
ilopartmont, will talk on “Will the
Pacific Always bo Pacific?” A
nows review summarizing the lat
est cainpbs nows will bo given by
Jack Hempstead, associate editor of
the Emerald, who is in charge of
the broadcasts.
Wednesday the drama depart
ment, under the direction of Mrs.
OrtiTio Roybolt, will present “The
Wedding,” a play by John Kirk
patrick. Seven students have parts
in this radio play over KORE.
Cooperation of the extension di
vision with the Oregon Daily Em
erald in broadcasting over the local
station has brought programs really
representative of university talent
before the microphone. The tri
weekly broadcasts will continue the
rest of the term and will include
lectures by professors, more plays,
music comedy sketches and news
Student Officers
Leave Today for
Meeting in South
Stoddard and McKeown
Make Trip to Study
Student Problems
Traditions to be Discussed
At Prexies Conclave
.Toe McKeown, president of the
Associated Students of the Univer
sity of Oregon, and Tom Stoddard,
president-elect for the coming year,
will leave on tlio Shasta at 11:15
tliis morning to attend the meeting
of the Pacific Student President’s
association which will open Wed
nesday at tlie University of Cali
fornia and which will last four days.
They will be accompanied by Eddie
MacDowell, Washington State stu
dent body president, who, by the
way, pitched the Cougars to a win
over the Webfoots yesterday. Mc
Keown and Stoddard expect to re
turn to Eugene Monday noon on the
McKeown and Stoddard will take
copies of the new University of Ore
gon constitution with them to the
conclave. According to McKeown
the University of Oregon is recog
nized as having one of the best
forms of student government in the
west, and, as other schools arc ea
ger to study this system, copies of
the constitution will be distributed
among the delegates present. To
connection with this, McKeown will
present the new plan, adapted this
year by the University of Oregon,
which provides for but one central
body which will control all work
through various committees. Mc
Keown states that this idea is a
new one in the" west and is bound
to create much interest and discus
The purpose of this convention is
to bring the old presidents and the
incoming presidents together to dis
cuss all problems relating to Stu
dent government, athletics, and a^
(Continued on Tage Two)
‘Oh Dear’ OK Say All
4*4*4* 4*4*4'
Best Ever Is Opinion
“The Best Ever” was the almost
universal opinion of those who at
tended the performance of “Oh
Dear,” the 1929 Junior Vodvil, at
the Heilig theater last Friday and
The satire on college life, not too
gentle and not to subtle, proved
immensely popular, and the com
edy played to capacity houses on
each of the three presentations. An
accurate check on the financial suc
cess of the show has not yet been
made, but it is assured that a good
profit was realized, according to
Paul Hunt, general chairman.
The work of the producing staff
and of the cast of the show was
lauded by Hunt and by Rid Dobbin,
general chairmen of Junior Week
end. “Boone Hendricks especially*
is to be praised for his work in di
recting the show,” Hunt said. Dob
bin praised the work of Virginia
Moore and Bob Warner, dancing di
rectors, and also the cast for its in
terest in the work and cooperation
with the directors.
Water Events
Are Complete
Tomorrow Is Last Day
To Register for
Big Carnival
Bailey Offers Cut
Rate to Entrants
Wore Than Thirty Women
Expected to Enter
Swim Race
Plans are practically complete for
lie first' annual water carnival
vliicli will lie held on the mill race
Saturday morn
; ing at 10:45
j a’clock, it. was
s announced yos
| onlay by .T i m
s; Sharp, chnirmnn
| of Campus Day
| on tlio .1 u n i o r
is Wook-end (liroc
i torato. Swim
I ming and eanoo
t'-' ing races, fancy
lone Garbe
diving, c a u i) e
■tilting, and aqua
tic vaudeville skits "’ill form the
principal features of the entertain
ment. The university band will fur
nish lyusie.
Tomorrow is the last day on which
lnyone may possibly register for
iny of the events, Sharp announced
vcsterdav, as the programs will be
printed within a day or two.
Mors than thirty are expected to
uiter the women's swimming race
from the portage to the Anchor
ige, according to lone Garlic, who
is in charge of the contest. Contes
tants may enter either singly or as
representatives of houses.
The first prize for the women’s
race will be a Jantzen sunback
swimming suit. Free‘canoeing pri
vileges will be awarded the second
ind third entrants in the race. Girls
who have not. yet signed up may do
io by calling either lone Garbe at
he Khppa Delta house or Beryl Hur
rah at the Alpha Gamma Delta
house by tomorrow. The names of
sill contestants will be printed on
the carnival programs.
All entries for the men’s free
for-all swimming race must also be
registered by tomorrow it was un
uounced by Charles Silverman, who
is to be in charge of the event. All
men on the campus who arc not
members of the varsity or frosh
swimming squads are eligible to en
ter. As there are a great many en
tries already in, and more being
received, it will be necessary to run
the race off in two heats, so that
the men will be swimming against
time instead of other swimmers. A
Jantzen swimming suit will be
(warded the winner of the race,
with free canoeing privileges given
as second and third prizes.
Another unusual feature of the
water carnival is the mixed doubles
came race from the portage to the
Anchorage. Twenty-two canoes,
representing an equal number of
(Continued on Page Two)
Oregon Y.M. C. A.
To Send Members
To Convention
Annual Northwest Session
To Be Held at Seabeek
June 8 to 17
Tlip annual Y. M. C. A. confer
ence at Seabeek, on Hood’s canal,
Washington, will again count in its
membership this year a delegation
of 12 or 15 ,11011) Oregon, accord
ing to Henry W. Davis, director of
United Christian work on the cam
pus. The conclave for 1929 will be
June 8 to 17.
Those going from Eugene will
leave Friday of final examination
week in cars for Seattle, where they
will take a ferry to Bremerton and
then drive the rest of the way t<
Seabeek. Don Campbell, president
of the local Y. >1., and Alson Bris
tol, the University of Oregon topic
sentative on the Northwest field
council, will attend. Last year the
Oregon delegation of 20 was the
largest at the conference, at which
150 men from institutions of liighei
learing in Oregon, Washington, and
Idaho met.
Catalogue to be Printed
There will be seven thousand cop
ies of the 1929-30 general catalogue
printed this year, according to Rob
ert C. Hall, professor of printing
and superintendent of the Univer
sity Press. The catalogues will be
out by commencement time, if noth
ing occurs to delay their printing
Junior Week-end
Features Listed
Friday (Campus Holiday)
0 a. ill. -Pros!! football men as
soluble at tlio Sigma Chi corner
and proceed to Skinner's butte to
repaint the “O.”
10did a. m.—Tug-’o-ivar over
the mill taee at the font of Kin
caid street. Freshmen vs, sopho
11 a. in.—Burning of green
lids. Kincaid field.
11:4d a. in.- Campus luncheon.
Ill: Id p. m. — Orchestra and
other entertainment, including
dancing, on tennis courts by li
bra rv.
1 :.'!0 p. m.— Roller skate hockey
game on library tennis courts.
l"pperc!assmen v*. underclass
L:.'!0 p. m.—Baseball, Reinhart
.field. Oregon vs. Washington.
7 p in. - Water polo, men's
gymnasium. Oregon vs. Oregon
S p. m.—Canoe Fete, mill race,
near Anchorage.
0 a. m. Breakfast for mothers
with-President Hull. Invitation
10 a. m.—Tennis, Oregon vs
Washington. Northwest title at
10:-15 a. in.—Water carnival,
mill rave, near Anchorage.
12 m.—Lnnclieon for mothers
with President hall. Invitational.
1?:.'!() p. m.—Baseball, Reinhart
field. Oregon vs. Washington.
;):00 p. m.—Tea for all mothers.
Home economies department.
(!:()() p. in. — Banquet for all
mothers and sons and daughters.
Men's dorm.
9:00 p. in.—Junior Prom.
10:.°.0 a. m.—Mother’s Bay ser
vices at all churches.
1:00 p. m.—Special dinners for
mothers at all living organiza
0:00 p. m.—Open house at all
fraternities and sororities. A.11
campus buildings and Murray
Warner art museum open for in
4:00 p. m.—Special vesper ser
vice for mothers, music auditor
Mo tliers Asked
To Register for
Stay on Campus
Prize of $10 Offered to
Organization Having
Most Visitors
Milton George Picks Staff
To Handle Affair
All university students must
bring their mothers to the registra
tion tables in the Administration
building Friday or Saturday, to ob
tain tickets for the banquet' which
will be held Saturday night, Milton
George, chairman of the registra
tion committee for Mother’s Day,
May 11, announced last night. This
will increase, the totals of mothers
for the different living organiza
$10 Prize Offered
The prize of $1°, offered the liv
ing organization which has the
largest number of mothers on the
campus for Mother’s Day, will he
awarded Sunday morning. The
counting will start when registra
tion closes Saturday evening at
y :.'!0.
The registration staff lias boon
selected bv George. Each student
will work an hour apiece in pairs, a
boy and a girl each hour. They
will work all day Friday and Satur
day .until time for the big Mother’s
Day banquet in the Woman’s build
ing. The staff will meet at 5:00
Wednesday afternoon at the jour
nalism building to work out the
schedules for the workers.
Staff Picked
The registration committee con
sists of: Morgan Hartford, Art Han
son, Louis Stevens, Harry Hansen,
Ray Foss, Paul Woodward,. Neil
Hansen, Addison Brockman, Wen
dell Me Coo I, Robert Johnson, Fred
Felter, Bill Compbell, Don Carver,
Ed King, Jack Edlefsen, Heinz
Sonnekes, Ed Hollinslieadt, Harold
Nelson, and Fred Norton.
Juliana • Bentom, Kay Perigo,
Janice Hedges, Dorothv-Anne War
wick, Dorothy Williams, Margaret
Curtis, Carol Hurlburt, Helen Lee
Miller, Eleanor Lewis, Anna Wig
gin, Mary Morris, Margaret Poor
man, Eleaine Ilankin, Jane Carson,
Elaine Borthwick, Virginia Tomp
kins, Louise Hollenbeck, Cleta Paid.
Word has been received that
in the Idaho-O. S. C. game play
ed yesterday at Corvallis, the
Vandals defeated the Beavers by
a score of 7 to 1.
Winter Term
Grade Rating
Is Announced
Alpha Chi Omega Tops
List for Girl’s With
52.83 Average
Alpha Hall Leads
All Meirs Groups
Bnt Four of Men's Houses
Place Above Standard
Set for All Campus
Winter term grades were issued
yesterday with Alpha Chi Omega
heading the list for the whole school
while Alpha hall took the honors
for the men’s section.
Delta Gamma was a close runner
up for the lead with only .40 points
difference, while the Phi 1 ’sis sec
onded Alpha hall in the men's list
with even a closer score.
The all university standard was
set at 43.38 but only four of the
men's organizations came above this
and none of the women’s reached
that low. Alpha hall, although
heading the list of men, came the
twenty-first in the complete list.
The entire grade report was di
vided into six groups with the stand
ard as the dividing line for the
plus and minus groups. Those above
the standard were rated in a plus
group according to their respective
points and those below in a minus
group the same way.
The following is the list:
Plus 3 group—Alpha Chi Omega.
52.8b; Delta Gamma, 52.43; Chi
Omega, 52.01; Kappa Kappa Gam
ma, 51.702S; Alpha Gamma Delta,
51.7023; Sigma Kappa, 51.07; Al
pha Delta Pi, 51.38; Kappa Alpha
Theta, 51.19; Gamma Phi Beta,
50.92; Alpha Phi, 50.79.
Plus 2 group—All sorority, 50.11;
Alpha Omicron Pi, 49.88; Pi Beta
Pi, 49.79; Alpha Xi Delta, 49.07:
Zeta Tan Alpha, 48.99: Susan Camp
bell hall, 48.39; Girl’s Oregon club,
48.28; Delta Delta Delta, 48.21;
Three Arts Club, 48.17; Phi Mu.
47.79; all women, 47.77; Hendricks
hall, 47.08; Alpha hall, 47.08.
Plus 1 group—Chi Delta, 40.71;
Phi Kappa Psi, 45.86; Delta Epsilon,
45.80; Delta Zeta, 45.40; Sigma Pi
Tail, 44.32; Kappa Delta, 44.29; non
sorority, 44.11; all university, 43.38.
Minus 1 group—Phi Sigma Khppa,
43.27; Alpha Beta Chi, 43.11; Zeta
hull, 41.35; Phi Delta Theta, 41.29;
Chi Psi, 40.93; Bachelordon, 40.08;
Friendly hall, 40.04; non-fraternity,
40.43; Beta Theta Pi, 40.38; all men,
39.93; Sherry Ross hall, 39.88.
Minus 2 group — Omega hall,
39.60; all fraternity, 39.52; Phi
Gamma Delta, 39.27; Theta Chi,
39.00; Sigma Phi Epsilon, -38.89;
Delta Tan Delta, 38.78; Alpha Tan
Omega, 37.9787; Sigma Xu, 37.9782;
Alpha Upsilon, 37.65; Sigma hall,
37.18; Psi Kappa, 36.30.
Minus 3 group — Gamma hall,
35.39; Kappa Sigma, 35.20; Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, 35.05; Sigma Chi,
Council to Argue
Pledging Changes
Systems of Seventy-five
Colleges Considered
In Research
l*ros and cons of deferred plcdg
in<r will be considered at a meeting
of 1 lie interfraternity council to be
held Thursday afternoon of this
week, Hugh Biggs, assistant dean
of men announced yesterday.
The subject was brought up at
the previous meeting and a report
compiled by William V. Powell sub
mitted giving the results of an in
vestigation carried <01 bv the uni
versity with 75 other colleges.
Forty-seven of these schools have
promiscuous pledging such as is
practiced at Oregon and of this
number FI are contemplating cluing
ing their system. Twenty stated
their belief that deferred pledging
rectifies mistakes in pledging, 11
thought it strengthened freshman
class spirit, 11 believed it enabled
frosli to orient themselves to univer
sity life.
Eight voter theor way on the
question of deferred pledging tend
ing to erase social distinctions be
tween fraternity men. The ques
tion of whether it decreased the
expense of living during the fresh
man year and whether it improved
the scholastic standing of frosli
showed preponderance of opinion
cither way.
Of the 75 schools answering the
Oregon questionnaire 47 have pro
miscuous pledging, 13 have defer
red and 15 have deferred for a short
1 period.
Offers Received
To Present Me vie
University Film Otbains
ISational Publicity
Several tentative offers to secure
rights for tlio screening of “Green,**
tlu> campus movie, lmvo been re
ceived :it the local office of tin*
univ* rsity production, it was an
noiiin-i >1 yesterday by Ronald 11 n 1 >1 >s,
bnsimss manager of the movie, ami
by James Kalev, Hen Milligan, and
Carvel Nelson, the production di
rect oi s.
Because it is known as the lar
fjftst amateur undertaking of '.its
kind in the country, the various of
fers have been received, according
to leaders of the campus movie. The
picture "’ill first be shown in a
Kugeno theater in June or July.
Nation-wide publicity for the uni
versity film has been secured on
various occasions through the ef
forts of George II. Godfrey, director
of the bureau of public relations of
the university, and faculty advisor
of the movie.
\Voik on the filming of the pic
ture has been going on rapidly the
last few days under the leadership
of James McBride, technical direc
tor of the film.
Preliminaries For
Jewett Extempore
Meet Are Today
Men Orators To Speak
In Tryouts at
Villard Hall
“Politics ami Business” is
Subject for Talks
Prelimin,Trios of men’s extempore
Jewett public speaking contest
will begin their rapid-fire rattle in
a rapidly conceived barrage of
words today in Villard assembly at
three o’clock, Prof. .T. K. Horner,
debate coach, announced yester
Each of the men will draw a sub
ject under the general topic of
“Politics and Business,’’ take one
hour to review the subject, and
then deliver his speech. The num
ber of entrants will probably pro
long the contest until after five
o ’clock.
The Jewett, contest is an annual
event on the campus, given by Mrs.
W. F. Jewett from the estate of the
late W. F. Jewett, in order to fos
ter and stimulate interest in public
speaking. There are separate divis
ions for men and women. Prizes
given are four in number, $30, $1
$10 and $o.
All who intend to compete includ
ing those in the public speaking
courses, are asked to meet today at
two o’clock in Mr. Horner’s office
to draw for their subjects. All
contestants must be present, he de
Women who will enter the wo
men’s division will report to Mr.
Horner before May 11..
Dime Hop Tomorrow
Crawl’s Last of Year
Dimes will clink with an altru
istic tinkle into gaping cups, hats
and boxes tomorrow night at wo
men’s residences when the third and
final Dime Crawl of this year will
be held from 6:30 to 7:30 o’clock.
Women’s League foreign scholar
fund will be swelled by the pro
ceeds. Martha Swafford, chairman
of the foreign scholar committee,
is heading arrangements.
“It’s the last one of the year,
ami it’s spring term—so we hope
for larger proceeds tomorrow night
than at either of the two previous
ones,” commented Miss Swafford
At the winter term dime crawl
approximately $100 was realized.
Delta Zeta, which has previous
ly had men come to College Side
for the crawl, will be at their home
instead, tomorrow night.
Professor Thacher
Makes Business Trip
W. F. (!. Thacher, professor of
advertising and Knglish, consulted
in Portland, Saturday, May 4, with
Harry Smith, the advertising man
ager of Lipmnn, Wolfe & Co., a
graduate of ’the University of Ore
gon, and former editor <Tf the Km
erald, concerning the “University
Day” to be held in Lipman, Wolfe
& Company's store on May 2.'i.
While in Portland, Professor
Thacher also consulted with Mhs.
Doris Smith, the director of his
png-ant, “Sunset Trail,” to be .pro
duced in connection with the Trail
to Hail triennial, July 25, 2l>, 27.
lie discussed the feasibility of his
plans for the scenery for the pag
eant with Mate Hammer, who is
designing the scenery.
Cougars Beat
Oregon T earn
By 8-4 Seorc
Webfoot Players Make
Four Bingles and
Get Six Errors
Ninth Inning Rally
Fails to Win Game
“Big Train” Soeks Home
Run to Tie Seore, But
Goes to Showers
... ' I
Tre Washington St :i t o haseliaH
tonm hit three Oregon pitchers for
ten safe Uingles ami took tin- opener
I n't ween Oregon an»l the Cougars hv
an S to | .seore, vesterdav afternoon
at Reinhart field.
The Oregon squad
played like a
prep school nine,
making six errors
and getting only
four hits for the
whole game. The
teams will meet
! again today at
Oregon made n
rally in the final
inning, lmt obtain
('il only two mins
MacDonald when seven were
nee led to win the game. The game
ended when Ken Robie, shortstop,
was retired with three strikes and
the bases loaded. On Jiis second
strike Robie lifted a Texas leaguer
over first base, lint it landed foul
by a few feet.
MacDonald Hits Long One
In the third inning the contest
game some promise of becoming a
repetition of the first Oregon-ldnho
game last Friday. The score was
two to nothing against Oregon, one
man was on base, “Big Train” Mnc
Donnlil, who pitched and won the
Idaho game, came to bat for the
first time, and on the first ball pit
ched to him lifted a high drive over
the left field fence for a home run.
This was exactly what happened last
Friday, lint from this point on the
similarity ceased.
Washington State Scores
Washington State made three hits
and three runs in the sixth inning
and two hits and three runs in the
seventh. In the mean time the Ore
gon outfit was busy making errors
and getting times at bat. The Cou
gar sluggers sent MacDonald and
“Curly” Fuller to the showers, and
Art Schoeni finally finished the
game. Fuller and Schoeni are both
southpaws and specialize in curve
balls. Kddie McDowell, the Wash
ington State hinder, held Oregon to
(Continued on Page Two)
Undefeated Fives
To Meet Tonight
For Polo Match
Games to be Open to All;
Will Help Determine
Soft Ball Champs
Two undefeated teams, Delta Ep
silon and Phi Delta Theta, will meet
in the men’s gymnasium pool at
seven o’eloek this evening in an
intramural water polo game that
will help deride the ultimate soft
hall league champion. This game,
as well as the two immediately fol
lowing it, will he open to the public.
Henry Levoff, Delta Epsilon
star, will he on hand to show the
spectators some fast swimming and
hard tackling.
At 7:.'!0 the Alpha Tau Omega
paddlers, also undefeated, will face
the Phi Sigma Kappa squad.
The Phi Sigs have lost several
games hut have fought hard con
tinually and can he counted on to
make it. a battle all the way
through. Sigma Alpha Epsilon and
Kappa Sigma will lie the rivals in
the third tussle, beginning at eight.
Bleacher seats have been placed
around the pool for the game to
night, and will stand until after
the Oregon-Oregon State contest
Friday evening. Coach Abercrom
bie expects the seats to accommo
date at least 200.
W omen Must Piny All
Matches Wednesday
Matches for the intramural lad
der ti unis tournament for women
which has been going on for the
past two weeks must be played bv
Wednesday, according to Ernestine
Troemel, instructor in physical edu
cation who is acting as coach.
Teams will be chosen Thursday,
and class matches will start next