University of Oregon, Eugene ABDEN X. PANGBOBN, Editor LAUBENCE B. THIELEN, Manager EDITOBIAL BOABD W. IS. Hempstead Jr.assoc. Joe Pigney.Assoc. Harry Tonkon....Chief Night •traitor Editor Editor .Lieonaru iiagstrom_abboc. iiiihue Wilfred Brown.Assoc. Editor Arthur Schoeni.Managing Editor UPPER NEWS STAFF Carl Gregory -AflBt. Managing junior Donald Johnston _Feitur* Editor flarent Madsen - --Literary Editor J oe I'lgney ...— Lavina Hicks_Swiety Editor Leonard Delano ..P. I. P. Editor Jo Stoficl— Mew* and Editor Phona 866 secretary EDITORIAL STAFF DAV EDITORS: Vinton Hall, Lawrence Mitchelmore, Serena Madsen, Carl Gregory, Mary Frances Dilday: Mary Klcmm and Harry Tonkon, assistants. NIGHT EDITORS: Fred Bechill, Thornton Shaw, Charles liarr. Merlin Blais, Max Carman. ASST. NIGHT EDITORS: Evelyn Hartman, Bentricc Bennett, Jo Barry, Graccmary Riekman, Dulcic Lytsell, Jessie Foley, Gladys Mack, Martiel Duke, Dorothy Paire, Fern Baker, Ellen Salway, Alycc Cook. GENERAL ASSIGNMENT REPORTERS: Wilfred Brown, Carol Ilurlburt, Be38 Duke, Elise Schroeder. SPORTS STAFF: Delbert Addison, Ale* Tamkln, Joe Brown, Fred Schults, Harry Van Dine, Warren Tinker, Harold Fraundorf, Jim YerKin. REPORTERS: Mary Klemm, Myron Griffin, Maryhelen Koupal, Cleta McKennon, Maraaret Reid, Alice Gorman, T. Neil Taylor, Willis Duniway, Dorothy Thomas, Phyllis VanKimmel, David Wilson, Aileen Barker, Elise Schroeder, Osborne Holland, Merlin Blais, Mack Hall, Helen Cherry, Barney Miller, Bob Guild, Mary Ellen Mason, Lenore Ely, Ruth Campbell, Alyce Cook, Bernice Hamilton, Dorothy Kirk, Elizabeth Painton, Jean Carman, Kathcryn Feldman. BUSINESS STAFF William H. Hammond... Associate Manager George Weber Jr.Foreign Adv, Manager Dorothy Ann Warnick.-.Asst. Foreign Mgr. Phil Hammond.....Service Dept Louise Gurney.Secretary Charles weed.——Advertising Manager Harold Kester.————Asst. Adv. Manager Ted Hewitt.—.Circulation Manager Larry Jackson.Asst. Circulation Mgr. Margaret roorman-mgr. uaecamg uivt Business Office Phons 1896 ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Addison Brockman, Lucile Gatlin, Margaret Harris, Bernard Clapperton, John Painton, Elaine Henderson, Bob Holmes, Ini Tremblay, Betty Hagen, Jack Gregg, Don Abner. OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Constance McKenzie, Louise Gurney, Florence Jordan, Estelle Mays, Helen Sullivan, Dorothy Bell, Kathryn I’erigo, Julianne Benton, Harry Hanson, Fred Reid, Harold Allen, Lloyd Henagin. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eijgene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of the Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Adver tising rates upon application. Residence phone, manager, 2799. Jo Stofiel, secretary. Day Editor This /mm*—'Ruth Newman Ninht Editor This Issue - Merlin Blais Asst. Night Editors This Issue— Marthiel Duko Fern Baker Musical Envoys Of Good Will 'T'lIE Royal Belgian Guards, on their good-will tour of America, stopped in Eugene yesterday and presented to the University of Oregon students and to the townspeople two of the most outstanding converts that have been heard in recent years. It is altogether appropriate that musicians, such as those who appeared here yesterday, should be the envoys of peace and good-will from one nation, one people, to another. There is some indescribable quality in music that warms the heart of the listener and gives him a feeling of friendliness toward 11n* musician. It, would be dif ficult for anyone who heard the concerts yesterday to har bor any ill will toward the Guards, or toward the nation of Belgium. Tlit* Belgians are not the only musicians who have toured the world, spreading every | where a feeling of friendship. Last fall, and also two years ago, the Russian ehoir appear ed before large audiences here. Last year a group of English singers were here, and the il lustrious Teuton lady, Madame Schumann - 1 leink. Each of these contributed to the audi ence a bit of the life, the tradi tions and the ideals of the na tions fro mwhicli they came. It is such mingling of people of one country with those of another, such unity of tastes in the love of music and other things beautiful, that is con tributing more to world peace and international good-will than are all the peace pacts and disarmament conferences. For what can mere agree ment^ between nations be in comparison to the understand ing of one another's Drippings From The Keg Spigot Edited by : : Mike Griffin THE WELL OF LONELINESS By Radcliffo Hall Hooks, In souk* respect, arc a good (Jelll like women. The woman with a [last lias a good deal more lure than has her less fortunate and more virtuous sister, and the sup pressed book will immediately at tract more renders than will the plain, ordinary, garden variety novel. , “The Well of Loneliness” is, or rather has been, suppressed. Of course, the ban was in England, and that isn't tpiite as good as if it were suppressed in the United Stales and had to be bootlegged, but il is still sweet, forbidden fruit. A furtherance of the analogy id' this book with women might be that it is very disappointing. Al though it is a beautifully written tiling, it is both tiresome and pun dermis and il is detailed to a fault.! It may be a perfect psychological sketch of homosexuality, and it tnai be a good argument for a place in society for unfortunate inverts. It| probably is both of these things. Hut the ending of the book spoils it for a thesis, and the method of handling the book spoils it for a novel. ' Even ns the inverts Miss Hall writes about, this work has no def inite notch in any category. * Apologies, li. V. H. I HIM I k> I By OSBORNE HOLLAND A liit of tlio colorful southwest has bin'll 1 rji uspoiti'il In tin* Mr Jn;ilit theater this week in Richard Dix's latest film, “Reilskiu,” ami the charms of nature are faithfully reproduced oa the serein in all the hills of the rainbow. I'ix has once ayaiu turned his attentions to the more serious side of the drama and has made this film an even greater sueeess than "The \ amshinj' Aim r ieun." “Redskin” is a beautiful Indian love drama of the Romeo and Juliet variety and is unusually well handled for a production of this sort. (Iludys Belmont, a newcomer to the screen, has the feminine lead and certainly takes a timidly share Of the lienors away from Dix with !ht charming personality mid Cliar uc tor portrayal. Although the theme anil action of the film are unquestionably good, the real charm of the picture is in the teehnieolorcil landscape scenes and weird Indian ceremonies. Really good pictures of the red lfien are so scarce that. Redskin” prob ably owes its appeal more to its unique plot and locale rather than to its dramatic technique. McDONALD—ItiHiard Dix in "Uedskin,” with technicolored scenes. Also “The Lion’s Roar,’’ an all-talking comedy, and “Oswald” with his band. COLONIAL Ramon Navarro and Anita I'age in “The Plying Fleet.” Also Charlie Chase in "Is Every body llappv,” a first run comedy. REX Hoot Hibson in "iSmilin’ Huns.” Also the Manhattan Flay ers in “Why Husbands Ho Wrong.’’ IIEILIG Jl'NlOR VODViL with an all star cast. Eugene Branch of Oregon Teachers Hold Music Fest (Continued from Page One) Stationery, and Eugene music teachers; vocal groups, including girls’ sextettes and boys’ quartets, to be a three day vacation at Oregon Caves. Tomorrow afternoon's session will be presided over by Anne Lands- . burs Heck, the events being as fol- ' lows: girls’ glee club, copeting for I the silver cup given by Mu l’hi Ep silon to be held one year only by the ! winner; mixed chorus, prize to be silver cup donated by Eugene mu sic teachers’ association, aud to be i held one year only by the winner; j accompanists, first prize to be a leather bound, gilt edge diary given by tin* Cressey book store. ■Saturday evening at 7:110 p. m., a program will be given the dele gales which will include a high school chorus under the direction of John Stark Evans. Also, all win neis in entries of the contest vvill play or sing. The committee for the music fest is as follows; Mrs. t’rudence t’lark, chairman, Miss Evelyn Hew, Mr. Rex I’uderwood, Mrs. Madge Hamil ton. Miss Harriet fluid will, and Mis. John 1!. l’atlerson. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT The Asklcpiads auuouucu tiic pledging of: Kenneth C. Brown Donald O. McGowan Tilman J. Peterson Roger Do Busk. Melvin Johnson DUCK SCUD IT I1 AS BERN DEFINITELY DECIDED THAT BROADCAST ING OF PROFESSORS’ lect ures FROM THE CLASSROOM WILL NOT BE ATTEMPTED AT 01! EGON. Mr. Hill, of the local station KORE, after visiting a class yes terday, declared that the snoring would make broadcasting next to impossible. * * n “OH DEAR” SURVIVES ORDEAL OF CENSORING Longer Coats for Men’s Chorus Only Serious Change “Oh Dear” last night passed un der the scrutiny of a hundred mag nifying glasses and as many micro scopes, but tonight the curtain will go up on the show practically in tact. The only part objected to was the line, “Curse you, Charlie Ox!” The censors recommended that the line be changed to, “Dam you, Mis ter Ox, I wish you were in hell!” The change 'was made and the show moved on. Here are Edith Pearson and Jack (“Bud”) Reynolds and their specialty number in “Oh Dear.” The dance, a decidedly new one, was discovered by Edith & Bud accident one night last term while danc ing over the old hump in the Campa Shoppe floor. * * * Kutc, kid dish kut of Kid Kelly Slocum, who plays the part of an in nocent young Sigma, N u pledge in “Oh Dear. ’ ’ I K. Slocum * * D. B. Hendricks ‘‘Da n iol ’ ’ Boone H e n - dricks, but no relative of the guy you ’re thinking o f. Not related to Paul Kevere, either, even if he does make midnight rides. He writes mu sic, is a mem ber of Phi Be ta Kappa, and directs ‘‘Oh Dear. ’ ’ Don John ston, who docs n’t sing or play the piano, is just as crazy as Hendricks. The two of them got to g e t h e r and ‘‘Oh Dear” what a result! T h e y leave right after the show tonite for D. M. Johnston South America _ or anywhere. iJi ■ *.e ft * !S The following picture shows Boh Warner, dancing and specialty specialist, at dress (?) rehearsal. It seems tho Kappa Sig house is short one pair of pants and Bob was tho last man to dress. « * » »»*«*** * Prospective candidates for * Associate Editor of the Ore gon 1'aiU Emerald, according * to a recent poll taken by * ■ Puck Soup: Johnny Anderson Walter Norhlad Harold Kelley l.aWanda I’enlason Hex Tossing Naomi Moshberger James SwiuUells Oharlie t>\ * A. S. E. O. * v w >v ® w » * * * Those men, who by the way have sung a great deal over the radio, hold the record for having received the greatest number of requests. (Requests to stop singing.) rut: poN v ('Hours wipe NOW SEMI "THE SAIMM.E SOME" i, Ihav -addle be when \ ou are gone.) » * * IN TK AM URAL DOG FIGHTS Phi Kappa Esi wishes to announce that i - imported sniff-hound is ready t.> challenge all vomers in the intramural dog fight league now be ing conducted by this column. No new watches have been reported since yesterday. * * * OH WELL, COOLIDOE WAS ELECTED AND HE WAS A EIJI. THE COOK. STUDE’S PROGRESS... A Satire : By Wilfred Brown BOOK V (Continued) And in my dream I saw Student that night present himself at the House of the Kappa sisterhood. Co edia cameth presently unto him, and when she seeth that he weareth not the black and white costume, she sayeth unto him: COEDIA: But student, thou wear est not the black and white costume. Knowest thou not that it is required at the grand ball which is to be held this night at the Col legia Ian Tavern? STUDENT: Aye, C'oedia, I know it well. But behold, I am not pos ossed of a black and white cos tume. Neither hath I the ability to borrow such a garment, nor the script with which to pay the rental on tiie same. But thou saidest un to me yesterday within the burial ground that thou wouldst go any place with me, do anything which I wisheth, so behold, here are two pasteboards which shall admit us to the grand ball which is this night to be held at the Collegia Inn Tav ern. COEDIA: Well, I shall go. But I fear me that thou slialt feel thy self embarrassed and out of place. STUDENT: Nay, not with thee. So student and Coedia came unto the hall room of the Collegia Inn i Tavern, where there were gathered I together a great multitude of pil grims, male and female, who ca vorted about to the strains of or chestral music. Student perceived that all of the other pilgrims were clad in the black and the costumes, and as he entered looked at him askance, casting contemptuous glances in his direction, hut he heeded them not but went out upon the floor with Coedia upon his arm. Student and Coedia set themselves to dance, as did the remainder of | the pilgrims assembled there. But they had barely begun when Student felt cut tap him upon the shoulder, lie turned and beheld Halfback, a pilgrim whom lie had once- before met with on His journey, one of the Athletes of the land. STUDENT: What now, good sir? HALFBACK: Check, thou art out. I shall cavort with the damsel for a time. And so saying Halfback took pos ession of Coedia and- led her blithe ly down the floor leaving Student standing alone in the.Juidst of the other couples. At length Halfback released Coedia, but no sooner bad he done so than Flutter, another of Student’s acquaintances, crowded in ahead of him and claimed the maid cn. What Frater released Ceedia, Halfback claimed her once again, and so it went throughout the even ing. When Student entreated cer tain other of the females to cavort upon the dancing floor with him, each looked curiously at his attire and then pleaded other engage ments. At length, when the dancing was at an end, Halfback led Coedia un to the refreshment stand, and there did he eat heartily making much merriment the while. Afetr that they betook themselves to the house of the Kappa sisterhood, paying not one whit of attention te Student. The next day as Student journey ed along the pathways of the Happy Land of Collegia, he met with Co edia and Halfback in the vicinity of the burial ground. Student bowed himself low as he passed them, but Coedia turned neither her eyes to the right nor to the left. After they had passed Student heard them speak one unto the other: COEDIA: I prithee, Halfback, what is the name of yon fresh per son ? HALFBACK: Gracemary, Coedia. Damn if I know. Student, hearing these words, cast a glance backwards in the direction of the two who were entering into the burial ground, and then betook himself all the more hastily down the roadway in the direction of the Golden City of Education. (Here Endetli Book V) (To be continued) Women Choose Captains Captains for the women’s intra mural baseball teams have just been selected, according to the announce ment of May Moore, head of that sport. Women chosen were: Ella Rcdkey, freshman; Mary Agnos Hunt, sophomores; Marjorie Goff, juniors; Hilda Top, seniors; and lone Garbe, mixed team. The junior team won Wednesday afternoon from the mixed team with a score of 11-2. CAM DU S EULLEIIIV, Music group of Philomelete will moot Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock in the men's room of the Woman 's building. Monsike of Philomelete will meet Sunday afternoon at 4:00 in the women’s lounge of the Woman's building. Visitors welcome. Beta Alpha Psi members, import ant business meeting and initia tion, (1:00 at men’s lounge, Wom an ’s building. Banquet at An chorage. Philomelete members please sign up for pins at dean of women’s of fice by Saturday noon. Charm school metting Sunday after noon at 5:15, women’s lounge, Woman Vbuilding. When spring-time days come around and you want an extra treat, just sit down to a bowl of crisp Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and sliced bananas! Breakfast, lunch or supper—on the campus or off!. i{t6ifvgtfs CORN FLAKES The most popular ready-to-eat cereals served in the dining rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fraternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include ALL-BRAN, Rice Krispies, Pep Bran Flakes, Krumbles and Kellogg’s Shredded Whole Wheat Bis cuit. Also Kaf fee Hag Coffee —real coffee that lets you sleep. Whither away, Sir Knight ? Jhere's a knightly warrior, immortalized by Mr. Stephen Leacock, who under the stress of i ntense excitement “mounted his horse and rode away in all directions.’* Whether he ever ar rived is not recorded. To us, this giddy hero is a perfect example of how not to make cigarettes. We hold that a cigarette is a smoke, and a good smoke is a bless ing, so to that end alone have Chesterfields been ripened, blended and manufactured. Mild as they are, not a jot of the true, rich tobacco flavor has been lost. When the best tobaccos on the market are bought you can be tertain they’ll deliver the taste. Chesterfields are as natural as a field of sweet clover; and they satisfy the taste superlatively well, always ! Once a man has checked up on the above pleasant news, there’ll be no "riding away ia all directions” for him! Chesterfield MILD enough for anybody,. an d yet.. THE Y SATISFY i * 11GGETT &MYERS TOBACCO CO.