< Orchestra To Be Feature Of Station KOBE University Symphony Group Will Play Tonight — Second Broadcast Given By Extension Division EXTENSION DIVISION Emerald Program Tonight 8 to 8:30—Concert by the Uni versify Little Symphony orches tra under the direction of Ed- ’ ward Best. To be broadcast by remote control from the school 1 of music auditorium. By WILLIS DUNIWAY The University of Oregon Little Symphony orchestra, under the di rection of Edward Best, will be heard in concert over radio KOBE tonight from 8 to 8:30 on the sec ond program to bo sponsored by the extension division of the university in cooperation with the Oregon Daily Emerald. The orchestra is composed of 16 musicians from the regular univer sity symphony orchestra and in cludes strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion instruments. The concert will be given in the school j. of music auditorium and broadcast over the local station by remote control. Three numbers by the orchestra, “Kauglity Marietta,” (Herbert); “Intermezzo from Cavalieria Bus ticann,” (Mascagni); and selections from “Tho Chocolate Soldier,” (Strauss) will be played. A vocal solo, “Where My Cara van Has Bested,” sung by Jack ‘ Dennis, and a violin solo, “Canzon etta,” (D’Ambrosio) played by Esther Wicks will complete the broadcast. With the advent of the extension division into the management and arrangement of the broadcasts over KOBE, the programs ■will become really authentic of the university. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fri day nights from 8 to 8:30 programs featuring talks by' professors, mu sic, and drama, will go out over the air. Summer Students Will Have Formal Commencement Two State Conferences to Be Held; Outings Sports Planned A catalogue for 1929 summer ses sions just issued by tlie extension division includes information about a number of new features of the sessions. Graduation exercises will be held In the music auditorium August 30, at the final assembly of the post session. This will be the first time that students completing their work at the end of a summer session have been able to receive their degrees without waiting until the following January. Recreation opportunities during the summer will include several hikes and picnics on week-ends, car ried out under the leadership of Marion McClain, member of the Ma zamas and the Eugene Outdoor club. There will also be a trip to the Three Sisters region and a climb of the Middle Sister. There will also be opportunity for tennis and golf. Two state conferences—one an economic conference, the other on atypical children — will be held on June 28, as part of the campus ses sion. Dr. William Trufant Foster, formerly president of Reed college, and director of the Polaek Founda I w You Fellows Who wear brogues the year ’round can find many styles in heavy, im ported leather oxford^ priced from— $5.50 to $8.50 —at— Hamilton Shoe Co., Inc. Weyco Exclusively 1032 Willamette St. Class Officers the Past Year The four men pictured above arc just rounding out their year at the heads of the various classes of the A. §. U. O. All four are from Port land. With the class elections but two weeks away, eyes of campus , politicians are turning toward selecting successors for them. They are, left to right, Francis McKenna, senior; Geoirge Mborad, junior; Francis Hill, sophomore; and Brian Mimnaugh, freshman. Moorad has not been in school the past term, but served the first two terms of the year at the head of the junior class. tion for Economic Research, New ton, Massachusetts, will be the lead ing speaker on the economic confer ence. The conference on atypical chil dren will be held under the direc tion of Dr. B. W. DeBusk, professor of education in the University of Oregon, and director of the bureau of research of the Portland public schools; Dr. Grace Fernald, associate professor of psychology, University of California at Los Angeles; and Miss Ruth Kneeland, research di rector, Modesto public schools, Cali fornia. Dr. Isaac Leon Kandel, not ed authority on comparative educa tion, and professor of education, Co lumbia university, will bo a speaker at the joint conferences. Dean Lawrence Gets Vice-president Post Ellis F. Lawrence, dean of the school of architecture and allied arts, was elected vice-president of the National Association of Schools of Architecture, at its annual meet ing now being held in New York City, according to word received at the school of architecture yes terday. \V. R. B. Wilcox, professor of architecture, who is also attending the meeting, has also been accorded important committee appointments, an honor which has also been given Dean Lawrence. The two men ex pect to leave New York within the next few days and return to Eu gene. Degree Team to Take Trip The Degree team of tho Crafts man club will make a trip this week end to Cottage Grove and Marsh field to attend the district meeting of Masonic lodges. This meeting is being held in order that the de gree team may exemplify the order of the third degree, before the mem bers of the lodge in this district. Gassified FOR neat, accurate typewriting, call Miss Elinor Henry, 1387 Onvx street; phone 1586-J. 1, 2, 3, 4 Oh Dear! What will the vaudeville mean if your hat doesn’t go with your dress? Remember the chorus is going to give you competition and you know you want to keep your date interested. Letitia Abrams Millinery Next to First National Bank % POPULAR SHOES AT POPULAR PRICES I Jaunty numbers .... keeping time with the spirit of spring term. Smart—good looking—comfoi'table. The shoes in our store carry with them absolute satisfac tion for the selective co-ed. In fact, we take a great pleasure in buying your type of shoe for you. Blonds — high and Cuban heels, all colors, shades, and sizes. Kenny & McCargar On the Balcony at JOHNSON’S POPULAR PRICE STORE Color Melodies Distinguish Fete Essay Writers Praise Campus Functions (The following essays received honorable mention in the Emernld Hobi essay contest, which ended Wednesday.) Phantom ships glide by, an ebb and flow of color on faintly-glisten ing moonlit, water. It is a May night and there is a May moon. Graceful willows with pal<*, new leaves, bend and nod at the par ade. Eager trailing vines dip for a drink of the lazy dark waters. From somewhere there is a swing of soft music, its plaintive melody calling. Cleopatra in a sumptuous barge— fascinating, dark-eyed women, lotus blossoms, palms. It is a May night on the Nile and Antony is coming. A Spanish galleon laden with grim pirates intent on dark, mysterious pirate work slips by through the night. A gigantic, long, green dragon thrashes by in pursuit, its lurid eyes glowing red in defiance of the moon. It is a fairyland of enchantment an oddity; a dream of forgotten, far-away things. One feels very young and very thrilled, ns perhaps Atiee.in-Wonderlond felt. A May night, a moon and soft music on water \vill always bring a memory of a night at Oregon—phantom ships on a moonlit mill race, an interlude of fantasy. Philomelete is the baby among campus organizations. It was born last fall, and has been' carefully nurtured by Phi Theta Upsilon, with Diana Deininger ns foster mother. Now, having been reared according to the latest theories of child-rais ing, and having successfully sur vived the diseases of early child hood, it is taking its first, heroic steps on its own somewhat inade quate legs. Philomelete is unique. Tts pur pose is to bind friends together, which in itself is not an unusual aim. But the means Uy which the bonds of friendship are , to be forged is different. Love of hobbies is the means, as the name, Philom elete, indicates. The different chap ters are organized according to hobbies. There are groups whose Canoe Feters Only 7 days to finish your float We have on hand for immediate delivery all the supplies that yon need to complete yonr work — plaster paris, wall board, paints, colors, moulding and lumber. We can help you plan on the amound needed and the best size. We deliver x with fast service in those yellow trucks. Twin Oaks Lumber Co. Phone 782 669 High St. major interest is in music, drama, literature, nature study, or art.; and there are others whose attention is focused on mythology, charm, wom en, play or international affairs. There are ten groups all together, each one majoring in one of the interests listed above. In this way, friendship among women of the campus is stimulated and interest in specific, hobbies is eeneournged. Is this not a delight ful way to do two tilings at once! With so goodly a heritage as Oregon traditional culture and with the wise mothering of Phi Theta Upsilon, this lusty infant seems de stined to a happy life and a ripe old age. Haycox, 923. Visitor On Campus Wednesday Ernie TTayrox, well-known writer and a, graduate t'rom the University af Oregon in the class of ’2.'!, was a visitor in Eugene Wednesday. He contributes western stories regu larly to Short Stories and The West magazines. While a student here he served as editor of the Sunday Emerald, was a member of Sigma Delta Chi, national journalistic fraternity, and president of Tabard Inn, national literary honorary. He wrote and sold articles while in attendance at school. OLYMPIC LIPSTICK SHADES LIGHT MEDIUM DARK' CERISE INVISIBLE *1-50 Refill Obtainable Evetywhen 50c New— double size — and specially shaped to give ex quisite, clear-cut outlines to the lips. The five radiant Coty shades are a subtle glorification o'f nature’s colouring, imparting soft, fresh, satiny beauty in a final dashing exclamation point of charm. SOLD AT THE BETTER SHOPS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Just for the real joy of the smoke CIGARETTES WHY CAMELS ARE THE BETTER CIGARETTE Camels are cool and refreshing. The taste of Camels is smooth and satisfying. The fragrance of Camels is always pleasant, indoors or out. Camels are mild and mellow. They do not tire the taste nor leave any cigaretty after-taste. Camels are made of the choicest tobaccos grown—cured and blended with expert care. © 1929, R. J. Reynold* Tobacco Company, Wintion SeWm, N. C.