Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    Officers Of
League Take
Their Posts
Edith Dodge Retires as
Helen Peters Takes
Next Year’s Committees
Get Appointments
The 3;>JJ) Women’h league coun
cil, headed liy Kditli Jlodge, became i
liist.n v, nn<l tin) 10.no council, lead1
I iv Helen 1’eters,
begun to make
history yesterday
afternnoji when,
at 5 o'clock, at
Alumni hall in
the W o in a a ’ B
building, dignified
ceremonies c o n -
ducted by the re
t i r i n g president
took |ibic.e.
Taking over the
gavel from Miss
Editli Dodge Dodge, Miss Pet
ers expressed her
appreciation of the trust reposed in
her, complimented the retiring pres
ident as a tine executive and then
proceeded immediately to announce
tlie standing committees for the
corning year.
Committees Named
They were: Harriet Kibbec, leas;
Margaret (Wmings, big sister;
Florence McNerney, foreign scholar;
(iracia Haggerty, infirmary build
ing-; Betty Hrhuiecr, activities and
woman’s building.
... installed yesterday were
.lean Patterson, •vice-president;
Dorothy Kirk, secretary, Hess Tem
pleton, treasurer; Jiernice Wood
ward, sergeant-at-a rms, and Bois
Nelson, reporter.
Officers, chairmen of standing
committees, and I'lldress Judd, rep
resenting heads of houses and ot
Y. W. (', A., and Mahalah Kurtz,
president of W. A. A., comprise the
executive council.
The University of Oregon Wom
en's league is among the outstand
ing in the United States, Miss Dodge
told the group in discussing her
recent trip to Norman, Okla., where
she and Miss Peters attended the
national convention of Women's
league. In its handling of big sis
ter work, its financial condition and
its many activities, the Oregon body
is superior to many groups, she de
clared. Miss Peters also reported
on the trip, describing interesting
occurrences of the trip.
Entertains at Dinner
Fallowing the meeting M iss Dodge
entertained members of the incom
ing and outgoing councils at dinner
at the Alpha Delta Pi house. lie
tiling council members arc: Kdith
Dodge, Jane Cochran, \ ici'ipresi
dout; Netty Scliuieer, secretary;
Helen Peters, treasurer; (iracia
.Haggerty, sergennt at-arms; Doro
thy Kirk, reporter; Helen Peters,
big sister; Teddy .Swafford, foreign
scholar; .lean Patterson, infirmary
building; Mon Milligan, activities
and Woman’s building; Florence
McNcrnoy, teas; Louise Clark, heads
of houses; Dorothea .Louscli, presi
dent of W. A. A.; Maybelle l.vobiu
son, Hill’s Oregon club leprosenta
I ive.
En<>lisli Assistant
[Mans Summer
Trip in Europe
Waller Kvans Kidd Works
Areepled by Several
Known [Magazines
A tri 1 > through thi' principal ill
it's of Kuri>i>i' is being taken tliis
summer liy Walter Fvnns Kiilil,
graduate assistant in Fitglish. lie
will In' accompanied on I ho lour bv
Mis. Kidd, anil they will visit the
eon tors of Fngluud and Scotland as
well as those on the ountinent. On
the return journey they will laud
at Now York and return home via
tlm Sunset route, down through the
southern states and California.
Mr, Kidd has had a number of
poems and stories accepted recent
ly by well known publications. The
Oreetiwieh \ illugo (.juill has al
lotted two lyries, “liriof of the
Young Hum h Wife,’’ and “The
Widow1 Who Outlived Hot Chil
dren.” Poetry -Magazine hits a
group of five poems under the gen
eral title, ‘‘Cold Harvest.” In
eluded in the group are ‘‘The Old
Woman at the l.’dyo of Town,”
“Mark Frost,” "Snowy Orchard,”
•‘Alter the Freeze,” and “The
l!laek“ jfcispberry Fateh.’’ The lat
ter poem u..s inspired by tile si"lit
of the i asp he i r\ eitlies viewed of roiu
aeross the mill rare. The Forge has
two poems, “Late Snow,” and
“Subtle Orief.”
Mr. Kidd has also had poems at
eoptod lii \ oh , ,, Mush and Mirror,
Palin.' and The New student.
Among the prosi works he has
had published are “Windy Fire,”
a storv of Oregon much realism
that was ■given first place in the
Frontier Magazine, and “Life (lues
On,” also a realistic story in the
Heads U. League
r r
r~wi a
These girls will head the Univer
sity of Oregon Woman’s League for
the coming year. They are (1)
Helen Peters, Portland, president;
(2) Bess Templeton, Portland, treas
urer; (3) Bernice Woodard, Port
land, sergeant-at-arms; (4) Joan
Patterson, Baker, vice-president;
(u) Lois Nelson, La Grande, re
porter, and (6) Dorothy Kirk, Ore
gon City, secretary.
Stage Fright ? None
Movie Actors Lauded
The acting in some of the first
shots of the campus movie shown
lost night ;ii tIn* McDonald theater
before members of the east was, as
a whole, refreshingly sincere nn(l
It was naive acting such as child
ren might do. Phyllis Van Jvim
mell As the unsophisticated fresh
man was a pleading and petulant
young thing.
Playing opposite her Norman
(Buddy) Kastman, as the fat boy,
was doggedly sincere, lie was tak
en in and he was taken out, but.
all the time he was jilst “Buddie.”
Verne Klliott was excellent. In
these first scenes he had to act hot
and uncomfortable. lien lining the
kind of weather under which they
were taken, he probably was hot
and unconifoitable. Klliot is typic
ally collegiate.
Dorothy Burke films well. She
has a good figure and big eyes,
which she uses to advantage. She
didn’t have an opportunity, how
ever, jn thisc reels to shew just
what kind of acting she can do.
The scenes shown were taken at
the Delta (lamina house when our
hero tries, evidently under the im
pulse of some joke, to crash the
gates of a sorority house as his
tiring organization. lie is shooed
out at the i ml of a broom weihled
by a whirlwind of a housekeeper.
Connie Unlh has this character
part and does it with the eclat of
;t true actress.
Interfraternity Council
Opposed to 'Hell Week91
rxivivKisrrv of noi'thk.un
(’ A M KOIvW I A, I,os Angelos. (]•. 1.
I'.) A resolution has been passed bv
I ho I ntoi fraternity ooimoil opposing
Ill'll Week" in ils |>o|>uUii' concep
lion. Letters From many parents,
•'uadi Howard Junes ami (loach
!b;an Cromwell wore received hy Iho
lonm-il expressing; their opposition
to this customary form of informal
initiation. It has been reported that
several promising athletes have
been injured so that they cannot
object iv.ely pursue their training
In Review
Hoover Goes Fishin’
Mayor Hits Cigarettes
May Day Hectic Affair
Fishing is a groat si,ort for
young and old alike. Children
undergo great physical punishment
at the hands of their parents to go
fishin liven the grown-ups will
often neglect their business to get
out on the banks for a little ‘ catch, ’j
Even President Hoover is an euer-|
getir, fisherman, lie does not dote
in the sport because ‘Silent Cal’
was a true fisherman and ‘Silent
Cal’ did not wade the streams in
high boots to be doing something
unioue for a president. They do j
it because it is truly satisfying to
their sportive desires.
Lust week-end President Hoover
Stole down to his special preserve
at Catoc.tin Furnace, Maryland, and.,
according to the more optimistic
dispatches, put in a rather success
ful day. Perhaps he didn’t catch
’nary a fish and wanted to have
his admirers believe he did; per
haps he caught more than the law
allowed him and wanted to conceal
the fact. Such action is only human
nature—even for an executive of the
nation. However, front page stories
should include an exact statement
of the ‘catch’ so the Izaak Walton
league of Pennsylvania could balance
the books on the President to pre
vent him catching all the 1,000
speckled trout they put in the pools
for him. Then, too, people in gen
eral will wonder whether their
president is a true fisherman or just
a type who always has a ‘fisher
man’s luck’ story that is thorough
ly convincing.
11FE, for a president of a na
J tion such as the United States,
is truly glorious. During the hectic
and more successful moments of his
administration the president lives
through all the infernos and Polly
anas that literary artists have been
able to create. It all requires a
great mental and physical strain j
and tin- man who thinks enough j
of the steady progression of national ;
affairs, which can only be assured
by a physically fit president, is to
be congratulated on his little xveek
end fishing jaunts which are so j
soothing to a heavily burdened
mind. Recreation from mental!
strain is necessary, for “Thinking,”
says Henry Ford, “is the hardest
work there is, which is the. probable
reason why so few engage in it.”
Turirfng to the more serious side
of national affairs one will see that 1
important matters are being pushed
through the legislative hopper with
unusual rapidity. The main topic of
discussion is the farm bill. Run
ning counter to the farm program
are other more temperamental
things such as Senator Hefliir’s
uproar in the Senate asking con
demnation of the recent attack up-j
on him of Brockton, Massachusetts,,
after he had delivered a Ku Klux j
Kin ii speech, President Hoover's
attempt to discover the ‘ wishbone’ i
of the prohibition situation, and
certain little squabbles about the
justice of allowing Secretary Mel
lon to remain at the head of the
treasury department because of his j
monetary interests in large com- !
panics. |
MAYOR Ralph S. Hauer of Rynn,
Massacnusetts, has ordered all
‘blatant advertising of cigarette
smoking girls' in his city abolished.
IK' said, “Get a ladder and either
paste paper over the posters, or
paint out the objectionable features
.They are an affront to
public deeoucx and have a tendency
to lower the moral standards and
destroy the charm of young girl
hood for modestx and good breed
ing, and ire a public insult to the
general conception of the sweetness
and high morality of our girls."
There seems to be widespread op
position against oxerstepping the
mark of decency by trying to cre
ate a youth demand for narcotics.
A Miusliini; Western drama
with a thousand laiiy'lts and a
t lit ill tan evert , lali^li.
The threc-act comedy
■miargTiiTf atbsts -
In The Golden Book for May, Mrs.
Carrie Chapman Catt, suffragette,
tells 1500 women at a meeting that
lipsticks still enslave their sex:
“You are still the great exploiter!
sex, as you will realize if you study
the advertisements which are wholly
based on appeals to your vanity.”
The question of such advertising
continues to be irritating and pre
dictions are life that some action,
such.as that* of Mayor Bauer’s, will
eventually go to the JSupieme Court
for an interpretation as to legality.
BILK one news story tells us
» » that Mrs. Minnie Kennedy is
facing a $50,000 breach of promise
suit in Seattle a nuttier one reminds
us that Miss Helen \Vills, whose
skill has won her the world’s best
recognition on the tennis courts, will
be presented at court at Bucking
ham I’alace May 9. Miss Wills will
appear before Queen Mary along
with 15 other American debutantes
and should feel highly honored for
the recognition.
The world seems to admire a sin
cere sportsman . or sportswoman or
a fighter of any kind and people
of this nature are being received
in the courts of the world with the
same gusto of a knight-errant of
old. Ability, however obtained,
goes a long way and the old ideas
of inherited and inborn traits do
not play such a role in recognition
of the modern hero. Miss Wills cer
tainly deserves the highest praise
for she is playing a commendable
part as a good will ambassador
during her European tour. May
there he more such Americans spend
the summer in Europe.
AY day lias passed again, and
•h’A how! The merry song of the
‘Internationale’ vibrated in prac
tically every sizable city in Europe
on May 1 as socialists, communists
and working men’s organizations
generally observed what they would
like to have made a gala event. In
the United (States May day is a
true festival without the usual cas
ualties that characterize European
celebrations of the event. Eight
people were killed, 7s seriously in
jured, and 600 arrested in Berlin,
several dead and many hurt in
Ko.yno, a mo,li was dispersed from
American embassy in Mexico City,
more than 020(1 arrested in Paris,
and general uprisings in Moscow
characterized the seriousness with
which Europe celebrated the 1920
May day.
MEXICO will now be a quiet and
peaceful place until another
Escobar or Aguirre are stirred to
lead rebellious hosts against the
military depardations of the stand
ing army. On May 2 the last of the
Aguirre brothers was captured. The
Call 73-1
Next to Kenneil-Ellis
news dispatch says, ‘‘Scions ot a
family famous in the turbulent his
tory of Mexico, the three brothers
played leading parts in the insur
gent military operations of the lat
est revolution.” The first two,
"captured in early days of the revo
lution. were immediately executed.
Such is the hectic manner of set
tling controversies in the cycle of
political life in Mexico. Late years,
however, have shown'some tendency j
toward more civilized and peaceful ;
methods. Peaceful arbitration of i
such things as the introduction of I
a new president will be a big fftet.or j
in world peace because when Mexico I
goes on her little rampages leading [
powers of the world are constantly!
alert. The United States is a large |
holder of capital in Mexico. She !
lias citizens down there many of]
whom cannot escape the dangers of j
spontaneous revolutions and all of;
whom the United States feel o 1 > 1 i j
gated to protect.
Economic penetration of conn- ,
tries by surplus capital of rich na- i
Uuns and the seeking of foreign j
marke ts is going to result in large j
international problems in the future
that will demand the most earnest
efforts to Solve. Some predict that
this penetration will result in a
common understanding of peoples j
of the world and tend to promote j
world peace; they say that lack of
understanding and isolation tends to
create fear, suspicion, and under- :
estimation of one another. How
ever, international problems are cer
Pipe Smoker
Has a “Kick”
All His Own
St. Paul, Minn.
Larus & Bro. Cc. June 1927
Richmond, Va.
About five years ago, after trying
out many different styles of pipes
j from the Missouri meerschaum to the
genuine meerschaum, including the
upside-down style made popular by
Vice-President Dawes, and experi
menting with just about all the to
baccos then on the market except
Edgeworth, I finally decided that pipe
smoking was ncft for me.
For the last year or so I noticed the
boys around the office here using i
Edgeworth to the exclusion of all j
other tobaccos and evidently getting
real pleasure from their pipes.
In April of this year I was in Canada
on a business trip and decided to take
another whirl at pipe-smoking. So I j
invested a good share of my savings j
in a pipe and a few cents additional '
for a can of Edgeworth.
From then on I have been figura
tively kicking myself around the block
| about once each day when I think of
i the five lean years I put in trying to
j get along without a pipe. However, I
! am trying to make up for lost time
j and' am succeeding quite well. Why
I failed to try Edgeworth long ago will
have to go down in history as an
unsolved question. But now that I
| have found it, the years ahead look
rosy to me.
Very truly yours,
Ben Bayer j
Extra High Grade
Smokinc Tobacco:
Fine Candies for Mother’s Day, May 12
* Whitman’s Sampler in special wrap, §1.50
Page & Shaw’s special assortment in beautiful
Carnation box, full pound, $1.50
’Southern Sweets, $1.50 per beix
Candies packed for mail
Orders taken now for later delivery
Kuykendall Drug Co.
*870 Willamette Phone 23
A Graduation Gift
that will surely please
A uil't that will hr remembered ami treasured
down through the years
'•'ho’ll like a goo 1 watoll
.ami will bo piouj of it for
I its Inanity, and as timo goo
oir for its aoourtito do^ond
a Mo sorvioo.
o •
Or she miylit i>riiVr a liny:
. . . n fi|'!irktiny iHumoii i
or anv ot' tlio otliii lovolv
Kitty Coiner from U. S. Nat 'J Bank
lainly assuming a position that cau
IV}t be overlooked by statesmen
who have the welfare of their
rountrv at heart.
Symphonic Band Presents
Program to Audience Here
(Continued from Page One)
of Englifeh, Freni-h and American
marches. The march numbers were:
the “Grenadier Guards” (English),
j “The Queen’s Begiment” (Eng
lish), “Marche Lorraine” (French),
by Cannes, “The High School Ca
det,” by Sousa. “The Naval Bri
gade,” ivy Sousa, and “Dixie.”
Certainly the Belgian Guard is
making a triumphant march across
our United States.
Alpha Beta Chi announces the
pledging ot* Mnlvin McCarthy oil
■ Grants Pass, Oregon.
tikam .. -*11*.Mi u>
* .1 \vm x la
And Cut to Ord^tj
Suits *40t *45* *50 Overcoats
^ Z
t [Hj D£| Oil Oil C-iCiJ Ci 2filHJirJLfJLsli=ICiiL±ilzJI
I [a vc your repairs, upholstering and refinishing
work done here. Special cabinet work and
Eugene Furniture Hospital
491 West Eighth Avenue
Call 402
Have you Jiaci a ride
' in the
New Chevrolet Six?
If not
let us give you a demonstration
Morris Chevrolet Co.
942 Olive St, ‘ Eugene, Ore.
The I hroat is Hoarse
J11 fact, a dish of College Ice Cream would
do you all good
Week Beginning May 5
Butterscotch lee Cream
Lemon Sherbet
Cherry lee ('ream
Butterscotch lee Cream
Eugene Fruit
Growers Association